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词义借用的不对称与泛时性 被引量:4
作者 方欣欣 《汉语学报》 2005年第1期87-92,共6页
关键词 词义借用 不对称 赋格 泛时性
语法化的泛时性研究 被引量:7
作者 郝书阁 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第3期47-51,共5页
语法化是语用法约定俗成为语法规则的过程。本文着重说明语法化既是历时虚化的结果 ,同时又受语言各要素共时竞争的影响 ,这就是语法化的泛时性。只有从泛时角度分析语言的发展变化 。
关键词 语法化 泛时性 语法规则
从“篆隶之变”看汉字构形系统发展的方向性调整和泛时性特征 被引量:8
作者 王立军 《语文研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期16-20,共5页
"篆隶之变"使得汉字发展史划分为古文字和今文字两大阶段,古今两大阶段汉字的根本差别体现在深层的发展机制上。在主要矛盾发生转变的驱动下,汉字发展的主旋律作出了方向性调整:古文字阶段的汉字构形以系统化作为其主要追求目... "篆隶之变"使得汉字发展史划分为古文字和今文字两大阶段,古今两大阶段汉字的根本差别体现在深层的发展机制上。在主要矛盾发生转变的驱动下,汉字发展的主旋律作出了方向性调整:古文字阶段的汉字构形以系统化作为其主要追求目标,而今文字阶段的汉字构形则采用多种方式满足书写便捷化的需要。"篆隶之变"的过程正是对这一方向性调整的集中体现。同时,"篆隶之变"演化路径的复杂性,凸显了汉字构形系统的泛时性特征,也印证了在汉字构形系统研究中引进泛时方法的必要性。 展开更多
关键词 汉字 构形系统 篆隶之变 泛时性
作者 彭宣维 《当代外语研究》 2014年第6期114-123,126-127,共10页
将系统功能语言学的评价范畴运用于文学文本分析,以尝试建构评价文体学的批判与审美模型;基本思想是动态平衡观,涉及共时层面上褒贬评价特征的"对立波动"和泛时层面上不同评价范畴之间的"穿梭波动",从而构拟一种一... 将系统功能语言学的评价范畴运用于文学文本分析,以尝试建构评价文体学的批判与审美模型;基本思想是动态平衡观,涉及共时层面上褒贬评价特征的"对立波动"和泛时层面上不同评价范畴之间的"穿梭波动",从而构拟一种一体化的评价意义动态平衡模式。本文集中阐述穿梭波动模式:在个案分析(共时)的前提下,以基于但又超越于评价范畴及其既有范式为进路,确立评价文体学的批评审美观,进而确立八对典型的波动平衡对应关系。这一尝试将有助于从一个更具体的角度审视文学文本的文学性。 展开更多
关键词 泛时性 波动平衡 现在主义 评价文体学 批评与审美
论“社会时间”——依托于丰子恺笔下的村妇考察 被引量:2
作者 小田 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期104-111,共8页
“社会时间”是社会史学者依据某种人物或现象的特质对其进行的特殊度量。以丰子恺笔下的村妇及其生活为案例进行历时性考察,我们发现,生活于“半封建半殖民地”之下的村妇为时代所驱使,孜孜求索属于自己的那份生活,而其生活的印迹则成... “社会时间”是社会史学者依据某种人物或现象的特质对其进行的特殊度量。以丰子恺笔下的村妇及其生活为案例进行历时性考察,我们发现,生活于“半封建半殖民地”之下的村妇为时代所驱使,孜孜求索属于自己的那份生活,而其生活的印迹则成为近代的征象。在共时性的意义上专注于村妇生活与社会环境(区域或社群)的关系,可以发现,一方面,社会环境是索解村妇生活的地图;另一方面,村妇生活为其社会环境创造了人文气息、地域特色和社群结构。在泛时性的意义上揭示村妇的性别角色特征,让我们注意到作为她们共性的自然身份,而这些共性的提炼则有助于彰显特定时空中村妇生活的特殊性所在。“社会时间”概念的引入,缘于社会史研究对象的扩展而来的思想方法的更新。 展开更多
关键词 社会 泛时性
对举句的结构类型及其特点 被引量:1
作者 周艳芳 《现代语文(下旬.语言研究)》 2008年第4期26-28,共3页
学术界对于对举现象的研究已经有很多,考察的重点主要是在词和短语层面的对举上,实际上,笔者发现,在句子层面的对举现象也很突出,而且更能体现出汉语句式的特点。本文以现代汉语对举句为研究对象,首先给这种特殊句式做出一个较为... 学术界对于对举现象的研究已经有很多,考察的重点主要是在词和短语层面的对举上,实际上,笔者发现,在句子层面的对举现象也很突出,而且更能体现出汉语句式的特点。本文以现代汉语对举句为研究对象,首先给这种特殊句式做出一个较为严格而完善的定义,而后从对举句的结构类型入手,勾勒出其结构分类系统,最后对这种句式的特点做出总结。 展开更多
关键词 对举句 格式化 开放 黏着 泛时性
作者 程光超 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 1996年第2期64-67,21,共5页
印地语状态助动词研究程光超本文从分类的角度着重对状态助动词的意义、特征、用法作一概括性的研究。1.状态助动词在复合动词中的作用是表现主要动词动作的各种状态,如:将发生、发生、持续、反复发生、结束,以及动作后状态的保持... 印地语状态助动词研究程光超本文从分类的角度着重对状态助动词的意义、特征、用法作一概括性的研究。1.状态助动词在复合动词中的作用是表现主要动词动作的各种状态,如:将发生、发生、持续、反复发生、结束,以及动作后状态的保持等。2.印地语中状态助动词有:等。... 展开更多
关键词 助动词 持续动词 主要动词 印地语 完成体 状态动词 复合动词 状态特征 不变形式 泛时性
Global stabilization for a class of nonlinear time-delay systems using linear output feedback
作者 柴琳 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第3期264-269,共6页
The stabilization problem via the linear output feedback controller is addressed for a class of nonlinear systems subject to time-delay.The uncertainty of the system satisfies the lower-triangular growth condition and... The stabilization problem via the linear output feedback controller is addressed for a class of nonlinear systems subject to time-delay.The uncertainty of the system satisfies the lower-triangular growth condition and it is affected by time-delay. A linear output feedback controller with a tunable scaling gain is constructed.By selecting an appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional the scaling gain can be adjusted to render the closed-loop system globally asymptotically stable.The results can also be extended to the non-triangular nonlinear time-delay systems. The proposed control law together with the observer is linear and memoryless in nature and therefore it is easy to implement in practice. Two computer simulations are conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical results. 展开更多
关键词 global stabilization nonlinear system time-delaysystem Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional linear observer memoryless controller
Effects of Wetland Vegetation on Soil Microbial Composition:A Case Study in Tumen River Basin,Northeast China 被引量:1
作者 QIN Lei JIANG Ming +2 位作者 TIAN Wei ZHANG Jian ZHU Weihong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第2期239-247,共9页
Hydrology plays a dominant role in wetland plant distribution and microbial composition, but few studies explicitly attempted to relate the linkage between wetland vegetation and microbial community. The present study... Hydrology plays a dominant role in wetland plant distribution and microbial composition, but few studies explicitly attempted to relate the linkage between wetland vegetation and microbial community. The present study consisted of five wetland plant communities along three adjacent flood gradients zones(zone 1 dominated by Carex appendiculat, zone 2 dominated by Eleocharis ovate, and zone 3 dominated by Phragmites australis/Bidens pilosa/Calamagrostis angustifolia, which formed separate, monoculture patches). Gram negative and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal phospholipid fatty acid(PLFA) are more abundant in the site with short flooding period(zone 3) than in the site with long flooding period(zone 1), and they are also different in the P. australis, B. spilosa and C. angustifolia of zone 3. Principle Component Analysis(PCA) showed that the flooding period could explain 92.4% of variance in microbial composition. Redundancy Analysis(RDA) showed that available nitrogen(AN), total nitrogen(TN) and soil organic matter(SOM) could explain the 79.5% of variance in microbial composition among E. ovata, P. australis, B. pilosa and C. angustifolia. Results demonstrated that flooding period was the main factor in driving the microbial composition and plant-derived resources could influence soil microbial composition in the seasonally flooded zones. 展开更多
关键词 plant soil feedback redundancy analysis phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) soil property flooding period
Stability of a Certain Retard Functional Differential Equation
作者 谷淑会 高国柱 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第2期42-44,共3页
The authors obtain some sufficient conditions for the stability of zero solutions to some types of the functional equation. (x)(t)+ p(t)-x(t)+q(t)x(t)+f (t, xt)=0 by transformations and the Liapunov's Second metho... The authors obtain some sufficient conditions for the stability of zero solutions to some types of the functional equation. (x)(t)+ p(t)-x(t)+q(t)x(t)+f (t, xt)=0 by transformations and the Liapunov's Second method. The obtained conclusions generalize some results of Stability of Equation (x)(t)+p(t)(x)(t)+q(t)x(t)=0 and Jack Hale in his paper of Theory of Functional Differential Equations. 展开更多
关键词 functional differential equation uniform stability equiasymptotically stability uniformly asymptotical stability.
隐喻的维度、机制及归并 被引量:8
作者 赵彦春 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期1-5,共5页
本文针对人类的一切符号系统都是隐喻这一泛化的观点探讨隐喻的维度和机制,为解释的统一性起见将所有隐喻性的辞格归并到隐喻这一上位概念。研究表明:隐喻不等于语言但与语言相切。在语言中,隐喻贯穿彼此不可分离的历时系统与共时系统,... 本文针对人类的一切符号系统都是隐喻这一泛化的观点探讨隐喻的维度和机制,为解释的统一性起见将所有隐喻性的辞格归并到隐喻这一上位概念。研究表明:隐喻不等于语言但与语言相切。在语言中,隐喻贯穿彼此不可分离的历时系统与共时系统,构成语言泛时性的全息图。在历时平面,隐喻贯穿于概念—词汇化过程,催生和派生了彼此相联、纵横交错的词汇网络;在共时平面,隐喻构成主述关系,是意义建构或创生的手段,它使语言处于偏离与常规的张力之中。 展开更多
关键词 隐喻 泛时性 概念一词汇化 意义建构
Nonlinear time-harmonic Maxwell equations in a bounded domain: Lack of compactness 被引量:1
作者 Jaroslaw Mederski 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第11期1963-1970,共8页
We survey recent results on ground and bound state solutions E:?→R^3 of the problem {▽(▽×E)+}λE=|E|^(P-2)E in Ω,v×E=0 on Ω on a bounded Lipschitz domain ??R^3,where?×denotes the curl operator in R... We survey recent results on ground and bound state solutions E:?→R^3 of the problem {▽(▽×E)+}λE=|E|^(P-2)E in Ω,v×E=0 on Ω on a bounded Lipschitz domain ??R^3,where?×denotes the curl operator in R^3.The equation describes the propagation of the time-harmonic electric field R{E(χ)e^(iwt)}in a nonlinear isotropic material ? withλ=-μεω~2≤0,where μ andεstand for the permeability and the linear part of the permittivity of the material.The nonlinear term|E|^(P-2)E with 2<p≤2*=6 comes from the nonlinear polarization and the boundary conditions are those for?surrounded by a perfect conductor.The problem has a variational structure;however the energy functional associated with the problem is strongly indefinite and does not satisfy the Palais-Smale condition.We show the underlying difficulties of the problem and enlist some open questions. 展开更多
关键词 time-harmonic Maxwell equations perfect conductor ground state variational methods strongly indefinite functional Nehari-Pankov manifold Brezis-Nirenberg problem critical exponent
Exp-Function Method and Fractional Complex Transform for Space-Time Fractional KP-BBM Equation 被引量:10
作者 Ozkan Guner 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第8期149-154,共6页
In the present article, He's fractional derivative, the ansatz method, the ( C / G)-expansion method, and the exp-function method are used to construct the exact solutions of nonlinear space-time fractional Kadomts... In the present article, He's fractional derivative, the ansatz method, the ( C / G)-expansion method, and the exp-function method are used to construct the exact solutions of nonlinear space-time fractional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili- Benjamin-Bona Mahony (KP-BBM). As a result, different types of exact solutions are obtained. Also we have examined the relation between the solutions obtained from the different methods. These methods are an efficient mathematical tool for solving fractional differential equations (FDEs) and it can be applied to other nonlinear FDEs. 展开更多
关键词 ansatz method exp-function method He's fractional derivative (G'/G)-expansion method spacetime fractional KP-BBM equation
The first principle study on the spectra of FPt monomer and its excimer
作者 ZHOU Xin ZHANG HongXing PAN QingJiang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期968-974,共7页
The structural, electronic and spectroscopic properties of monomer FPt (2-(4′,6′-difluorophenyl)pyridinato-N,C2′)(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O) (1) and dimer [FPt]2 (2) were explored within the density functional theory ... The structural, electronic and spectroscopic properties of monomer FPt (2-(4′,6′-difluorophenyl)pyridinato-N,C2′)(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O) (1) and dimer [FPt]2 (2) were explored within the density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT). The calculated geometry parameters and spectroscopic results agree well with the experimental observation. In the ground state, FPt exists in the form of monomer, while in the excited state, dimer [FPt]2 forms with a Pt-Pt contraction of 0.05 nm due to the promotion of σ[dz2(Pt2)] to π*(phenylryridyl) and σ[pz(Pt2)]. Transition properties of monomer and excimer are different in nature: the former originates from mixed transitions of 3MLCT and 3ILCT, while the latter is dominated by 3MMLCT transition. 展开更多
关键词 WOLDE luminescent properties excited state
Theoretical studies of structures and spectroscopic properties of [(tpy)(bpy)RuC≡CC_6H_4R]^+(tpy = 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine, bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine; R = F, Cl, H, Me and OMe) 被引量:1
作者 XIA XiQuan ZHANG Hui ZHANG GuiLing 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期725-733,共9页
A series of polypyridine ruthenium (II) acetylide complexes, [(tpy)(bpy)RuC≡CC6H4R]^+ (tpy = 2,2':6',2"-terpyridine, bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine; R = F (1), C1 (2), H (3), Me (4) and OMe (5)) are in... A series of polypyridine ruthenium (II) acetylide complexes, [(tpy)(bpy)RuC≡CC6H4R]^+ (tpy = 2,2':6',2"-terpyridine, bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine; R = F (1), C1 (2), H (3), Me (4) and OMe (5)) are investigated theoretically to explore their electronic structures and spectroscopic properties. Their ground/excited state geometries, electronic structures and spectroscopic properties are first calculated using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT). The absorption and emission spectra of the complexes in acetonitrile solution are also obtained by using TDDFT (B3LYP) method associated with the CPCM model. The calculations show that the energy levels of HOMOs for 1-5 are sensitive to the substituent on phenylacetylide ligand and increase with the same order of the electron-donating ability of the substituents; however, those of polypyridine-based LUMOs vary slightly. The lowest-energy absorptions and emissions for 1-5 are progressively red-shifted in the order of 1 ~ 2 〈 3 〈 4 〈 5 when the electron-donating groups are introduced into the phenylacetylide [igand. The phosphorescence of 1 are attributed to {[dxz(Ru) +π(C≡C)]→[π^*(tpy)]} (3MLCT/3LLCT) transition, whereas those of 2-5 are originated from { [dxz/dxy(Ru)+ π(C ≡C)+g(C6H4R)] → [*(tpy/bpy)] } (3MLCT/3LLCT) transitions. 展开更多
关键词 polypyridine ruthenium (II) acetylide complexes absorption spectra emission spectra DFT TDDFT
An unconditionally energy stable finite difference scheme for a stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation 被引量:7
作者 LI Xiao QIAO ZhongHua ZHANG Hui 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第9期1815-1834,共20页
In this work, the MMC-TDGL equation, a stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation, is solved numerically by using the finite difference method in combination with a convex splitting technique of the energy functional.For the n... In this work, the MMC-TDGL equation, a stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation, is solved numerically by using the finite difference method in combination with a convex splitting technique of the energy functional.For the non-stochastic case, we develop an unconditionally energy stable difference scheme which is proved to be uniquely solvable. For the stochastic case, by adopting the same splitting of the energy functional, we construct a similar and uniquely solvable difference scheme with the discretized stochastic term. The resulted schemes are nonlinear and solved by Newton iteration. For the long time simulation, an adaptive time stepping strategy is developed based on both first- and second-order derivatives of the energy. Numerical experiments are carried out to verify the energy stability, the efficiency of the adaptive time stepping and the effect of the stochastic term. 展开更多
关键词 Cahn-Hilliard equation stochastic term energy stability convex splitting adaptive time stepping
Approximate Controllability of Neutral Functional Differential Systems with State-Dependent Delay 被引量:1
作者 Xianlong FU Jialin ZHANG 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期291-308,共18页
This paper deals with the approximate controllability of semilinear neutral functional differential systems with state-dependent delay. The fractional power theory and α-norm are used to discuss the problem so that t... This paper deals with the approximate controllability of semilinear neutral functional differential systems with state-dependent delay. The fractional power theory and α-norm are used to discuss the problem so that the obtained results can apply to the systems involving derivatives of spatial variables. By methods of functional analysis and semigroup theory, sufficient conditions of approximate controllability are formulated and proved. Finally, an example is provided to illustrate the applications of the obtained results. 展开更多
关键词 Approximate controllability Neutral functional differential system State-dependent delay Analytic semigroup Fractional power operator
作者 ZHENG Min XIAO Wei CHEN Qinghai 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2013年第2期175-186,共12页
This paper deals with the robust stability analysis of dynamic systems with interval time- varying delay and uncertainties. The innovation of the method includes employment of a tighter integral inequality and constru... This paper deals with the robust stability analysis of dynamic systems with interval time- varying delay and uncertainties. The innovation of the method includes employment of a tighter integral inequality and construction of an appropriate type of Lyapunov functional. The stability criteria derived from this method have less conservatism than some existing ones. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the orooosed method. 展开更多
关键词 Integral inequality robust stability time-delayed systems varying delay-decomposingLKF.
DFT/TDDFT investigation on bis-cyclometalated alkynylgold(Ⅲ)complex: Comparison of absorption and emission properties
作者 LI LeiJiao BAI FuQuan +1 位作者 ZHANG HongXing LI HuiYing 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期641-647,共7页
absorption and phosphorescent mechanism of three Au(III) complexes, Au(2,5-F2C6H3-C^CAC)(C = C-C6H4N(C6Hs)2 [Au25FPh], Au(3,5-F2C6Ha-CACAC)(C=C-C6H4N(C6Hs)2 [Au35FPh], and Au(3,5-F2C6H3-CAC^C)(C=C-C6H4N... absorption and phosphorescent mechanism of three Au(III) complexes, Au(2,5-F2C6H3-C^CAC)(C = C-C6H4N(C6Hs)2 [Au25FPh], Au(3,5-F2C6Ha-CACAC)(C=C-C6H4N(C6Hs)2 [Au35FPh], and Au(3,5-F2C6H3-CAC^C)(C=C-C6H4N(1H- indole)2 [Au35FID], are calculated and compared using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT). The calculated results reveal that enlarging the center CACAC ligand will result in the enhanced LMCT participation. This theoretical contribution allows design of new Au(III) complexes with higher phosphorescence efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Gold(Ⅲ) ABSORPTION PHOSPHORESCENCE density functional calculations
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