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作者 赵诗婷 王习文 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期93-100,共8页
本研究介绍了一种泡沫成形技术制备多孔缓冲材料的方法,同时利用聚酯纤维(PET纤维)和苯丙乳液增强天丝纤维缓冲材料,实现力学性能的改善。结果表明,当浆浓为3%,pH值=7,以十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)为发泡剂,纯天丝缓冲材料采用质量分数3%... 本研究介绍了一种泡沫成形技术制备多孔缓冲材料的方法,同时利用聚酯纤维(PET纤维)和苯丙乳液增强天丝纤维缓冲材料,实现力学性能的改善。结果表明,当浆浓为3%,pH值=7,以十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)为发泡剂,纯天丝缓冲材料采用质量分数3%苯丙乳液增强,缓冲材料弹性模量可从37.30 kPa提升至116.12 kPa。当使用质量分数9%苯丙乳液增强时,控制天丝纤维与PET纤维(细度17 dtex)质量比为1∶1,缓冲材料弹性模量为46.99 kPa,密度为0.030 g/cm^(3),可保证缓冲材料轻质化的同时,提高回弹性。对缓冲材料进行崩解测试发现,纯天丝纤维缓冲材料和天丝纤维/苯丙乳液增强缓冲材料具有一定的可降解性。 展开更多
关键词 泡沫成 天丝纤维 PET纤维 缓冲材料
作者 杨会康 侯夫庆 +1 位作者 丁能鑫 张春辉 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第3期78-86,共9页
本研究采用泡沫成形技术制备了密度低且匀度优异的氧化铝纤维纸,重点研究了氧化铝纤维泡沫浆料体系的构建及氧化铝纤维长度及含量对泡沫特性、成纸匀度的影响。结果表明,聚氧化乙烯(PEO)与双子季铵盐(GS)组合下的泡沫浆料体系可对氧化... 本研究采用泡沫成形技术制备了密度低且匀度优异的氧化铝纤维纸,重点研究了氧化铝纤维泡沫浆料体系的构建及氧化铝纤维长度及含量对泡沫特性、成纸匀度的影响。结果表明,聚氧化乙烯(PEO)与双子季铵盐(GS)组合下的泡沫浆料体系可对氧化铝纤维进行有效分散,成形后纸张匀度最佳;与湿法成形相比,采用泡沫成形技术有利于氧化铝纤维的分散,同时提高纤维含量。当纤维含量0.2%时,长度为36 mm的氧化铝纤维泡沫成形纸张的匀度指数为109,较6 mm氧化铝纤维湿法成形纸张的匀度指数(187)降低了42%。当氧化铝纤维含量为1.2%时,其泡沫成形纸张的匀度指数为105,较含量0.2%下的湿法成形纸张的匀度指数(187)降低了44%。 展开更多
关键词 氧化铝纤维 纤维长度 纤维含量 泡沫成 纸张匀度
表面活性剂与泡沫性质对泡沫成形间位芳纶纸性能的影响 被引量:5
作者 聂景怡 张美云 +4 位作者 甄晓丽 黄连青 宋顺喜 杨斌 谭蕉君 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第1期15-21,共7页
本研究采用泡沫成形技术制备间位芳纶纸,重点研究了表面活性剂种类对泡沫性质及芳纶纸性能的关系。相同空气含量下,非离子型表面活性剂泡沫最稳定。在成形浓度0.4%时,Tween的泡沫成形体系所得芳纶纸的匀度指数达103。与传统湿法成形相比... 本研究采用泡沫成形技术制备间位芳纶纸,重点研究了表面活性剂种类对泡沫性质及芳纶纸性能的关系。相同空气含量下,非离子型表面活性剂泡沫最稳定。在成形浓度0.4%时,Tween的泡沫成形体系所得芳纶纸的匀度指数达103。与传统湿法成形相比,实现了在节约9倍用水量的同时,大幅度提升了匀度指数。热压后,泡沫成形体系制备的芳纶纸击穿强度可达到甚至高于传统湿法成形所得芳纶纸。 展开更多
关键词 间位芳纶纤维 芳纶纸 表面活性剂 击穿强度 泡沫成
间位芳纶纤维配比对泡沫成形体系中泡沫性质及纸张性能的影响 被引量:3
作者 甄晓丽 张美云 +1 位作者 宋顺喜 王珮瑶 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第12期22-26,共5页
采用泡沫成形方法抄造间位芳纶纸,研究了泡沫成形体系下芳纶沉析纤维与短切纤维配比对泡沫性质及纸张性能的影响。结果表明,与水相成形方法相比,采用泡沫成形方法可使压榨后纸幅干度提高3个百分点。提高短切纤维含量,有利于提高湿纸幅... 采用泡沫成形方法抄造间位芳纶纸,研究了泡沫成形体系下芳纶沉析纤维与短切纤维配比对泡沫性质及纸张性能的影响。结果表明,与水相成形方法相比,采用泡沫成形方法可使压榨后纸幅干度提高3个百分点。提高短切纤维含量,有利于提高湿纸幅干度、体系的起泡性能和泡沫稳定性。与水相成形相比,采用泡沫成形方法有利于分散长纤维,同时提高成形浓度。当达到相同的匀度指数时,采用泡沫成形方法可使抄纸成形浓度提高8倍;当成形浓度为0.4%时,泡沫成形制备的芳纶纸抗张指数与水相成形相比可提高35.4%,且击穿强度基本不受影响;因此,泡沫成形方法对于提高芳纶纸成形浓度、节约干燥能耗、改善纸张性能方面具有突出优势。 展开更多
关键词 间位芳纶纤维 配比 形浓度 泡沫成 纸张性质
纸页泡沫成形新技术的研究现状及应用前景 被引量:1
作者 王伟 吴立群 《中华纸业》 CAS 2014年第20期12-15,共4页
纸页泡沫成形是将纤维分散在水基泡沫中,泡沫作为悬浮纤维的载体,在纸机的网部成形,泡沫破裂后脱水形成纸页;采用泡沫成形工艺抄造的纸页具有松厚度高、孔隙率大等特性。纸页泡沫成形是一种环境友好、网部脱水速度快、上网浓度高、生产... 纸页泡沫成形是将纤维分散在水基泡沫中,泡沫作为悬浮纤维的载体,在纸机的网部成形,泡沫破裂后脱水形成纸页;采用泡沫成形工艺抄造的纸页具有松厚度高、孔隙率大等特性。纸页泡沫成形是一种环境友好、网部脱水速度快、上网浓度高、生产成本低及生产特种性能纸张的技术。本文综述了纸页泡沫成形的研究进展及应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 水基泡沫 泡沫成 松厚度
双分子层液膜法制备纤维素水基泡沫及其稳定性的研究 被引量:1
作者 张凯 阴文博 +3 位作者 秦晨妮 杨毓洁 刘杨 赵辉 《包装工程》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第7期54-62,共9页
目的解决纤维素基泡沫制备过程烦琐、湿泡沫的稳定性差的问题。方法通过单因素试验,考察了十四醇(TDA)、阿拉伯胶(GAC)质量浓度对双膜气泡的稳定性的影响,在此基础上,采用泡沫成形法制备纤维素水基湿泡沫,通过探究合适的十二烷基硫酸钠(... 目的解决纤维素基泡沫制备过程烦琐、湿泡沫的稳定性差的问题。方法通过单因素试验,考察了十四醇(TDA)、阿拉伯胶(GAC)质量浓度对双膜气泡的稳定性的影响,在此基础上,采用泡沫成形法制备纤维素水基湿泡沫,通过探究合适的十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)质量浓度、蔗渣原纤浆质量浓度和搅拌速率进一步提高纤维素水基湿泡沫的稳定性。结果TDA和GAC质量浓度分别为0.015 g/mL和0.010 g/mL时是制备双膜气泡的最佳条件。当SDS质量浓度为0.015 g/mL、蔗渣原纤浆(BF)质量分数为1.8%、搅拌速率为2000 r/min时,纤维素水基湿泡沫稳定性达到最佳。结论构建了稳定的纤维素水基泡沫,为纤维素基泡沫提供了一种简单、可行的方法。 展开更多
关键词 纤维素水基湿泡沫 蔗渣原纤浆 双分子层液膜 泡沫成形法
泡沫成形法制备纸页泡沫尺寸分布 被引量:1
作者 王伟 杨玉洁 +2 位作者 郁国强 吴立群 韦珍 《纸和造纸》 2015年第6期33-36,共4页
探讨制备泡沫时,搅拌转速、气含率、表面活性剂用量及浆料添加与泡沫尺寸分布、成形纸页特性间的关系。结果表明:搅拌转速增大,泡沫平均尺寸变小;气含率、表面活性剂用量对泡沫平均尺寸影响较小且无明确线性关联;浆料加入能够使泡沫平... 探讨制备泡沫时,搅拌转速、气含率、表面活性剂用量及浆料添加与泡沫尺寸分布、成形纸页特性间的关系。结果表明:搅拌转速增大,泡沫平均尺寸变小;气含率、表面活性剂用量对泡沫平均尺寸影响较小且无明确线性关联;浆料加入能够使泡沫平均尺寸减小;泡沫成形纸页松厚度高、孔径大、透气性好。通过制备出尺寸分布较好的泡沫能够使泡沫成形法制备的纸页具有松厚度高、孔径分布均匀、匀度好等特性。 展开更多
关键词 泡沫成 泡沫平均尺寸 表面活性剂 气含率
泡沫成形法制备绿色包装材料工艺研究及应用前景 被引量:3
作者 王伟 郁国强 +1 位作者 杨玉洁 吴立群 《纸和造纸》 2015年第8期42-44,共3页
研究泡沫成形法以植物纤维为原料制备绿色包装材料。将植物纤维发泡制成泡沫浆料,经脱水除泡、成形、干燥,研究植物纤维制备、泡沫制备、泡沫成浆、脱水成形、干燥等工艺。泡沫成形法可以制备具有立体网状蓬松多孔结构的纤维板材型产品... 研究泡沫成形法以植物纤维为原料制备绿色包装材料。将植物纤维发泡制成泡沫浆料,经脱水除泡、成形、干燥,研究植物纤维制备、泡沫制备、泡沫成浆、脱水成形、干燥等工艺。泡沫成形法可以制备具有立体网状蓬松多孔结构的纤维板材型产品,定量低、松厚度好、回收工艺简单,填埋也极易降解,绿色特征显著。通过泡沫成形法可以将植物纤维制备具有立体网状蓬松多孔结构的纤维板材型产品,可用于电子产品、家用电器、电动工具等产品包装。 展开更多
关键词 泡沫成 植物纤维 缓冲包装材料
提高烟草基片松厚度的研究进展 被引量:8
作者 吴泽仕 宋顺喜 +5 位作者 时宇杰 张美云 李金宝 鲁鹏 王杰 矣勇波 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第3期97-105,共9页
松厚度作为烟草基片质量控制的重要指标,对烟草薄片的透气度、吸收性和最终卷烟产品质量有重要影响。提高基片的松厚度,不仅可改善基片对涂布液的吸收性,卷烟的抽吸性能与填充值,而且也有助于实现烟草薄片轻量化,降低烟丝用量,节约生产... 松厚度作为烟草基片质量控制的重要指标,对烟草薄片的透气度、吸收性和最终卷烟产品质量有重要影响。提高基片的松厚度,不仅可改善基片对涂布液的吸收性,卷烟的抽吸性能与填充值,而且也有助于实现烟草薄片轻量化,降低烟丝用量,节约生产成本。本文结合近年来造纸法烟草薄片发展的新技术,从原料组分调控、工艺技术优化等方面总结了提高烟草基片松厚度的技术进展。 展开更多
关键词 基片 松厚度 植物纤维 填料 打浆 泡沫成
聚酰亚胺/芳纶纤维多孔材料的制备及其性能 被引量:3
作者 宋顺喜 时宇杰 +1 位作者 张美云 许晶晶 《陕西科技大学学报》 CAS 2020年第2期1-5,共5页
以聚酰亚胺纤维与对位芳纶纤维为原料,利用泡沫成形技术,制备出表观密度不同的纤维基复合多孔材料.研究了泡沫成形体系下浆料泡沫特性及其对多孔材料结构和性能的影响.结果表明,随着对位芳纶纤维含量的增加,多孔复合材料的表观密度、压... 以聚酰亚胺纤维与对位芳纶纤维为原料,利用泡沫成形技术,制备出表观密度不同的纤维基复合多孔材料.研究了泡沫成形体系下浆料泡沫特性及其对多孔材料结构和性能的影响.结果表明,随着对位芳纶纤维含量的增加,多孔复合材料的表观密度、压缩强度和导热系数均随之增大,当对位芳纶纤维含量为25%时,多孔复合材料的导热系数最低(0.039 W/m·K),并表现出良好的压缩回弹性能. 展开更多
关键词 高性能纤维 多孔材料 泡沫成 导热系数
作者 时宇杰 宋顺喜 +3 位作者 张美云 黎凌浩 强盛 刘海棠 《陕西科技大学学报》 北大核心 2022年第2期1-5,12,共6页
以聚酰亚胺短切纤维和间位芳纶沉析纤维为原料,采用泡沫成形技术制备了聚酰亚胺/芳纶纤维复合海绵,研究了纤维浓度对泡沫浆料特性及复合海绵结构与性能的影响.结果表明,提高纤维成形浓度会降低起泡速率和空气含量,但可有效提高纤维复合... 以聚酰亚胺短切纤维和间位芳纶沉析纤维为原料,采用泡沫成形技术制备了聚酰亚胺/芳纶纤维复合海绵,研究了纤维浓度对泡沫浆料特性及复合海绵结构与性能的影响.结果表明,提高纤维成形浓度会降低起泡速率和空气含量,但可有效提高纤维复合海绵的力学强度与吸音系数;当纤维浓度为2 wt%时,复合海绵拥有最佳的导热系数,为39.5 mW/m·K,当纤维浓度增大至5 wt%时,复合海绵的降噪系数由0.38提升至0.63. 展开更多
关键词 纤维浓度 复合海绵 泡沫成 隔热 吸音
《共产党员(下半月)》 2007年第6期27-29,共3页
关键词 社会广角 王先生 新建商品住房 百家 大型家电 房产开发商 《经济参考报》 钱好 房地产市场 泡沫成
Amino Acid Composition and Functional Properties of Giant Red Sea Cucumber (Parastichopus californicus) Collagen Hydrolysates 被引量:5
作者 LIU Zunying SU Yicheng ZENG Mingyong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2011年第1期80-84,共5页
Giant red sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus) is an under-utilized species due to its high tendency to autolysis.The aim of this study was to evaluate the functional properties of collagen hydrolysates from this... Giant red sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus) is an under-utilized species due to its high tendency to autolysis.The aim of this study was to evaluate the functional properties of collagen hydrolysates from this species.The degree of hydrolysis (DH),amino acid composition,SDS-PAGE,emulsion activity index (EAI),emulsion stability index (ESI),foam expansion (FE),and foam stability (FS) of hydrolysates were investigated.The effects of pH on the EAI,ESI FE and FS of hydrolysates were also inves-tigated.The results indicated that the β and α1 chains of the collagen were effectively hydrolyzed by trypsin at 50℃ with an En-zyme/Substrate (E/S) ration of 1:20 (w:w).The DH of collagen was up to 17.3% after 3 h hydrolysis with trypsin.The hydrolysates had a molecular weight distribution of 1.1 17 kDa,and were abundant in glycine (Gly),proline (Pro),glutamic acid (Glu),alanine (Ala) and hydroxyproline (Hyp) residues.The hydrolysates were fractionated into three fractions (< 3 kDa,3 10 kDa,and > 10 kDa),and the fraction of 3 10 kDa exhibited a higher EAI value than the fraction of > 10 kDa (P<0.05).The fraction of > 10 kDa had higher FE and FS values than other fractions (P<0.05).The pH had an important effect on the EAI,ESI,FE and FS.All the fractions showed undesirable emulsion and forming properties at pH 4.0.Under pH 7.0 and pH 10.0,the 3 10 kDa fraction showed higher EAI value and the fraction of > 10 kDa showed higher FE value,respectively.They are hoped to be utilized as functional ingredients in food and nutraceutical industries. 展开更多
关键词 giant red sea cucumber COLLAGEN HYDROLYSATES functional properties
Parameters affect foaming and foam stability during foam drilling 被引量:4
作者 Hazaea Mohammed Ould El Houssein Yarbana 《Global Geology》 2007年第2期203-207,共5页
The authors presented indoor practice experiments of parameters affect on foaming and foam stability. Experiments were carried out and special equipments were used to determine foaming and foam stability; tests were t... The authors presented indoor practice experiments of parameters affect on foaming and foam stability. Experiments were carried out and special equipments were used to determine foaming and foam stability; tests were tabulated and charted. The effects of chemical and physical parameters on foaming and foam stability have been conducted. 展开更多
关键词 foam fluid FOAMING foam stability TEMPERATURE PRESSURE
Research and development on foam breaking and recycling technology in air-foam drilling 被引量:2
作者 CAO Pinlu ZHANG Jincheng WU Xia HUANG Jinyun 《Global Geology》 2009年第4期204-209,214,共7页
In recent years,air-foam combining the advantages of both liquid and air drilling has been utilized as a drilling medium. Air-foam drilling has proved its efficiency in numerous situations where serious problems were ... In recent years,air-foam combining the advantages of both liquid and air drilling has been utilized as a drilling medium. Air-foam drilling has proved its efficiency in numerous situations where serious problems were encountered,such as in fractured formations and depleted or high permeable zones. However,the major disadvantage of air-foam drilling system is that the foam can only be used once,so that an extremely large pit is required to contain the foam to allow sufficient room for cuttings and for the foam to dissipate. Moreover,it needs enormous volume prepared,consuming abundance of water and ingredient additives,which results in the high cost of foam drilling. The recycling foam fluid by using foam breaking technology is the only effective method to solve these problems associated with the known foam drilling. Various types of equipment and technique have been employed to suppress foam formation in biological and process equipment in foam drilling. The study described various methods of foam breaking technology,and the trend of the foam breaking technology for foam drilling is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 air-foam drilling foam breaking RECYCLING
Al-modified mesocellular silica foam as a superior catalyst support for dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization 被引量:2
作者 Shaotong Song Xu Yang +7 位作者 Bo Wang Xiaofeng Zhou Aijun Duan Kebin Chi Zhen Zhao Chunming Xu Zhentao Chen Jianmei Li 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期1347-1359,共13页
A series of Al‐containing mesostructured cellular silica foams(Al‐MCFs)with different Si/Al molar ratios(x;x=10,20,30,40,or50)were prepared by a post synthetic method using aluminum isopropoxide as an alumina source... A series of Al‐containing mesostructured cellular silica foams(Al‐MCFs)with different Si/Al molar ratios(x;x=10,20,30,40,or50)were prepared by a post synthetic method using aluminum isopropoxide as an alumina source.The corresponding NiMo catalysts supported on Al‐MCFs were prepared and evaluated using dibenzothiophene(DBT)as the probe reactant.All the synthesized samples were characterized by small‐angle X‐ray scattering,scanning electron microscopy,nitrogen adsorption‐desorption,UV‐Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy,H2temperature‐programmed reduction,27Al MAS NMR,temperature‐programmed desorption of ammonia,pyridine‐FTIR,Raman spectroscopy,HRTEM,and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy to analyze their physicochemical properties and to gain a deeper insight of the interrelationship between the structures and the catalytic performance.The synthesis mechanism was proposed to involve the formation of Br?nsted acid and Lewis acid sites through the replacement of Si4+with Al3+.Aluminum introduced into MCFs by the post synthetic method has a negligible influence on the mesostructure of the parent MCFs but can form silicoaluminate materials with moderate Br?nsted acidity.For Al‐MCFs(x)materials,the detection of tetrahedrally coordinated Al3+cations demonstrated that the Al species had been successfully incorporated into the silicon frameworks.Furthermore,the DBT hydrodesulfurization(HDS)catalytic activity of the NiMo/Al‐MCFs(x)catalysts increased with increasing Si/Al molar ratio,and reached a maximum at a Si/Al molar ratio of20.The interaction of Ni and Mo species with the support became stronger when Al was incorporated into the MCFs supports.The high activities of the NiMo/Al‐MCFs catalysts for the DBT HDS were attributed to the suitable acidity properties and good dispersions of the Ni and Mo active phases. 展开更多
关键词 Al‐MCFs Si/Al ratio Post‐synthesis Hydrodesulfurization catalyst DIBENZOTHIOPHENE
Synthesis of Biodiesel Using ZrO_2 Polycrystalline Ceramic Foam Catalyst in a Tubular Reactor 被引量:3
作者 Wang Yunpu Fan Liangliang +5 位作者 Dai Leilei Liu Yuhuan Ruan Roger Liu Shitao Zhang Xueqin Wan Yiqin 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第3期67-75,共9页
With the help of the ceramic foam research efforts and preparation techniques, the ZrO2 polycrystalline ceramic foam catalyst was synthesized, and its characteristics, including the crystal structure, the phase compos... With the help of the ceramic foam research efforts and preparation techniques, the ZrO2 polycrystalline ceramic foam catalyst was synthesized, and its characteristics, including the crystal structure, the phase composition, the acid–base properties, and the microstructure, were analyzed by XRD, SEM, Py-IR, and BET techniques. The performance of the ZrO2 polycrystalline ceramic foam catalyst in a tubular reactor was investigated via biodiesel synthesis using S. wilsoniana oil and methanol. The effects of reaction conditions(i.e., reaction temperature, reaction pressure, and volume ratio of methanol to S. wilsoniana oil) on transesterification efficiency were investigated, and the reaction conditions were optimized using RSM. The optimum reaction temperature, reaction pressure, and volume ratio of methanol to S. wilsoniana oil were determined to be 290 ℃, 10 MPa, and 4:1, respectively. Under this condition, the FAME content in the product oil reached 98.38%. The performance of the ZrO2 polycrystalline ceramic foam catalyst synthesized in this work for biodiesel synthesis from S. wilsoniana oil with a moisture content of 7.1% and an acid value of 130.697 mg KOH/g was examined, and the FAME content in the product oil was found to be 93% and 97.67%, respectively. The FAME content in the product oil exceeded 97% after five consecutive cycles(12 h per cycle of use) of the catalyst. The proposed catalyst represents a new type of solid catalyst with excellent acid resistance, water resistance, esterification efficiency, and catalytic stability. 展开更多
关键词 ZrO2 polycrystalline ceramic foam catalyst tubular reactor S. wilsoniana oil BIODIESEL
Bi-/multi-modal pore formation of PLGA/hydroxyapatite composite scaffolds by heterogeneous nucleation in supercritical CO_2 foaming
作者 Xin Xin Yixin Guan Shanjing Yao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期207-212,共6页
Scaffolds with multimodal pore structure are essential to cells differentiation and proliferation in bone tissue engineering. Bi-/multi-modal porous PLGA/hydroxyapatite composite scaffolds were prepared by supercritic... Scaffolds with multimodal pore structure are essential to cells differentiation and proliferation in bone tissue engineering. Bi-/multi-modal porous PLGA/hydroxyapatite composite scaffolds were prepared by supercritical C02 foaming in which hydroxyapatite acted as heterogeneous nucleation agent. Bimodal porous scaffolds were prepared under certain conditions, i.e. hydroxyapatite addition of 5%, depressurization rate of 0.3 MPa. min-1, soaking temperature of 55 ℃, and pressure of 9 MPa. And scaffolds presented specific structure of small pores (122 μM ± 66 μm) in the cellular walls of large pores (552 μm ±127 μm). Furthermore, multimodal porous PLGA scaffolds with micro-pores (37 μM ± 11μM) were obtained at low soaking pressure of 7.5 MPa. The interconnected porosity of scaffolds ranged from (52.53 ± 2.69)% to (83.08±2.42)% by adjusting depressurization rate, while compression modulus satisfied the requirement of bone tissue engineering. Solvent-free CO2 foaming method is promising to fabricate bi-/multi-modal porous scaffolds in one step, and bioactive particles for osteogenesis could serve as nucleation agents. 展开更多
关键词 Supercritical carbon dioxide Foam Tissue engineering PLGA scaffolds Hydroxyapatite Bi-/multi-modal pore
作者 戴园晨 《经济研究参考》 1997年第85期26-26,共1页
在经济运行中,尤其是在新兴的金融工具及其衍生品的市场中,完全没有投机是活跃不起来的。尤其是在市场发育初期,人们对市场不了解,只有少数敢于“吃螃蟹”的人士的投入与获利,才能吸引更多的人进入市场。以股票市场来说,股票的本质是投... 在经济运行中,尤其是在新兴的金融工具及其衍生品的市场中,完全没有投机是活跃不起来的。尤其是在市场发育初期,人们对市场不了解,只有少数敢于“吃螃蟹”的人士的投入与获利,才能吸引更多的人进入市场。以股票市场来说,股票的本质是投资,但投资是发生在一级市场; 展开更多
关键词 股市投资 泡沫 虚拟资本 股价 衍生品 虚假繁荣 二级市场 能吸引 市场发育 投机狂热
《技术与市场》 1997年第10期23-23,共1页
啤酒糖专利号:96206390.8一粒啤酒糖会使一瓶啤酒中至少1/3的酒液马上变成泡沫涌出瓶外;沫解酒液富含蛋白质,口感清爽,瓶内啤酒也变得口味顺滑。所以啤酒糖提供了一个啤酒的新喝法,需求面广阔(年需约千吨)。啤酒糖... 啤酒糖专利号:96206390.8一粒啤酒糖会使一瓶啤酒中至少1/3的酒液马上变成泡沫涌出瓶外;沫解酒液富含蛋白质,口感清爽,瓶内啤酒也变得口味顺滑。所以啤酒糖提供了一个啤酒的新喝法,需求面广阔(年需约千吨)。啤酒糖工艺设备简单,生产销售周期短;需投... 展开更多
关键词 啤酒 工艺设备 普通许可 流动资金 泡沫 生产销售 郑州市 需求面 转让费 啤酒厂
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