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波希米亚地块铀矿床(一) 被引量:3
作者 李田港 《国外铀金地质》 1995年第4期289-291,共3页
本文概括论述了波西米亚地块的地质构造和演化历史,其中发育的铀矿床类型和区域分布;重点介绍储量达236 000 t U_3O_3,产于碳硅泥岩系中的复成因Runneburg铀矿床的地质特征、控制因素和成因,对比了我国碳硅泥岩型铀矿与该矿的异同点,并... 本文概括论述了波西米亚地块的地质构造和演化历史,其中发育的铀矿床类型和区域分布;重点介绍储量达236 000 t U_3O_3,产于碳硅泥岩系中的复成因Runneburg铀矿床的地质特征、控制因素和成因,对比了我国碳硅泥岩型铀矿与该矿的异同点,并对我国今后碳硅泥岩铀矿找矿工作提出了具体建议。 展开更多
关键词 中间地块 复成因 铀矿床 地块 波希米亚地块
作者 J.Paava 贺连顺 《地质地球化学》 CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期1-4,共4页
关键词 黑色页岩 铂族元素 分布 波希米亚地块
作者 M.Matolín J.urá■ 刘兴超 《国外铀金地质》 1994年第4期289-294,共6页
捷克铀矿业在历经44a的区域地质详查和铀矿研究的基础上,今天已基本掌握了波希米亚地块的特征。 在波希米亚地块铀富集的过程中,华力西构造运动是基础;反过来,铀的富集程度也相应地反映了波希米亚地块各个成矿带华力西构造活动的强度,... 捷克铀矿业在历经44a的区域地质详查和铀矿研究的基础上,今天已基本掌握了波希米亚地块的特征。 在波希米亚地块铀富集的过程中,华力西构造运动是基础;反过来,铀的富集程度也相应地反映了波希米亚地块各个成矿带华力西构造活动的强度,其中包括:Saxo-Thuringian区、Barrandian-Zelezne hory区、Sudetic区和Moldanubian区。 本地块的内生热液铀矿床产于结晶岩中,以矿脉或矿带形式产出,主要成分为:石英-碳酸盐-沥青铀矿、硫化物-沥青铀矿和钠长石-绿泥石-水硅铀矿-水云母等矿物组合,外生铀矿床产于沉积岩中。 研究还发现,波希米亚地块铀富集的空间分布与地壳深断裂和华力西酸性花岗岩类的深成岩体有关,主要铀矿化就在这些岩体的外接触带富集,且成矿年龄较早,相当于晚华力西期和基米里阶期(Kimmerian),而外生铀矿成矿年龄相当于晚由垩世到中新世。 本文主要通过波希米亚地块93个内生成因铀矿体的样品分析,阐述铀成矿的地球物理和地质参数特征。 展开更多
关键词 铀矿床 矿化 波希米亚地块
Tectonic Phase Separation Applied to the Sudetic Marginal Fault Zone(NE part of the Czech Republic)
作者 NOVAKOVA Lucie 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期251-267,共17页
This study emphasizes the advantage of tectonic phase separation in determination of a tectonic evolution of complicated fault zones. The research focused on the Sudetic Marginal Fault Zone(SMFZ) –a 250 km long activ... This study emphasizes the advantage of tectonic phase separation in determination of a tectonic evolution of complicated fault zones. The research focused on the Sudetic Marginal Fault Zone(SMFZ) –a 250 km long active fault zone with documented intraplate seismicity situated on the NE margin of the Bohemian Massif(the Czech Republic). The tectonic history of the SMFZ as well as its kinematic development has been rather complicated and not quite understood. A field structural investigation was carried out in extensive surroundings of the fault zone. The fault-slip data were collected in a number of natural outcrops and quarries with the aim at establishing a robust and field-constrained model for local brittle structural evolution of the studied area. A paleostress analysis was calculated using the collected fault-slip data inversion. The T-Tecto software was utilized for semiautomatic separation of the paleostress phases. Simultaneously three methods of data separation were employed:(1) the Gauss inverse method,(2) the Visualization of Gauss object Function, and(3) the frequency analysis. Within the fault zone multiphase movements were observed on various types of faults as well as wide range of the kinematic indicators orientations. The frequency analysis confirmed the multiphase history of the SMFZ. The calculated tectonic phases were divided according to their relative age as constrained by cross cutting relationships and, where observed, multiple striations on a single fault plane and classified from the oldest to the younger. Data separation and inversion usingT-Tecto software with the Gauss inverse method revealed four different stress phases which are 3 strike-slip stress regimes and one compressional regime. The strike-slip regimes are characterized by σ1 trending NW-SE(43), NNE-SSW(18), ENE-WSW(76) and the compressional one by σ1 trending W-E(26). First, compression occurred parallel to the SMFZ supposedly during the Variscan period. Second, compression at an angle of 60° to general direction of the SMFZ yielded right-lateral movement along the fault zone. This is considered to have occurred during the late-Variscan and post-Variscan period. Third, compression in the W-E direction with almost vertical extension led to reverse movement along the fault zone. This is considered to have occurred during Cenozoic. Fourth, compression almost perpendicular to the SMFZ led to left-lateral transpression along the SMFZ. This is considered to have occurred during Quaternary. 展开更多
关键词 活动断裂带 捷克共和国 构造演化 相分离 东北部 应用 波希米亚地块 高斯函数
作者 Lucie Novakova Milan Broz +5 位作者 Jiri Zaruba Karel Sosna Jan Najser Lenka Rukavickova Jan Franek Vladimir Rudajev 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期315-325,418,共12页
地下储存系统在全球范围内在地热能、或放射性废物处置方面正用于天然气(CH_4)地质储存、CO_2地质处置。我们引入一个复杂的方法检测在深地质地下储存库基岩不稳定性所带来的风险。有关地下空洞引起的基岩不稳定性的研究和讨论了许多年... 地下储存系统在全球范围内在地热能、或放射性废物处置方面正用于天然气(CH_4)地质储存、CO_2地质处置。我们引入一个复杂的方法检测在深地质地下储存库基岩不稳定性所带来的风险。有关地下空洞引起的基岩不稳定性的研究和讨论了许多年。在捷克的波希米亚地块(中欧)在地质和构造上均很复杂。长期的地质和采矿研究,自然和诱发地震、氡的放射,和花岗岩的性质为在捷克放射性废物处置的潜在存储地提供了有用的信息。另外,捷克,140 Bq m^(-3)平均浓度氡是世界上平均氡浓度最高的。基岩不稳定性可能从微观特征的出现,如粒度、矿物的取向,和微裂缝。任何地下储存设施的建设必须考虑储存的物质和地质背景。在捷克,花岗岩和花岗岩是最好的地下储存地。微裂缝网络与及其迁移是岩石特殊情况,其变化甚大。此外,基质的孔隙度也影响岩石的机理。任何地下存储网络位置的选择必须十分仔细。作者认为,一个特定地点研究一组复杂的参数要从微观到宏观,岩石类型以确保在施工、操作过程中以及封闭后存储仍然是安全的,稳定的。 展开更多
关键词 地下储存不稳定问题 地震 波希米亚地块
Seismic Hazard Assessment for Selected Real Locality in Central Europe-Critical Points of Assessment
作者 Dana Prochazkova Katerina Demjancukova 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第9期1642-1646,共5页
关键词 地震危险性评估 中欧 局部性 临界点 国际原子能机构 衰减曲线 不确定性 波希米亚地块
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