A complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor (CMOS) voltage-to-current(VTC)converter with high linearity for current-mode analog and digital integrated circuits is described. A high gain operational amplif...A complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor (CMOS) voltage-to-current(VTC)converter with high linearity for current-mode analog and digital integrated circuits is described. A high gain operational amplifier (OPA) is utilized to form negative feedback. A proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT) current reference with transistors operated in a weak inversion is used as the bias circuit. The resistor and the OPA nonlinearity behavior are analyzed in detail. By optimizing parameters in OPA and adopting a small voltage coefficient polysilicon resistor as a linear device, a high linearity is achieved. The circuit is implemented in a standard 0. 6 μm CMOS technology. The low frequency gain of the OPA exceeds 90 dB. The test results indicate that the total harmonic distortion (THD)is 0. 000 2%. The common-mode input linearity range is 0 to 2. 6 V. Correspondingly, the output current range is 50 to 426μA. The sensitivity of the PTAT current reference to Vdd is approximately 0. 021 7. The chip consumes a power of less than 1.3 mW for a 5 V supply, and occupies an area of 0. 112 mm^2.展开更多
Many wave energy conversion devices have not been well received. The main reasons are that they are too complicated and not economical. However, in the last two decades direct conversion systems have drawn the attenti...Many wave energy conversion devices have not been well received. The main reasons are that they are too complicated and not economical. However, in the last two decades direct conversion systems have drawn the attention of researchers to their widely distributed energy source due to their simple structure and low cost. The most well-known direct conversion systems presently in use include the Archimedes Wave Swing (AWS) and Power Buoy (PB). In this paper, these two systems were simulated in the same conditions and their behaviors were studied in different wave conditions. In order to verify the simulations, results of the generator of the finite element computations were followed. An attempt was made to determine the merits and drawbacks of each method under different wave conditions by comparing the performance of the two systems. The wave conditions suitable for each system were specified.展开更多
A perturbation method is used to study effective response of nonlinear Kerr composites, which are subject to the constitutive relation of electric displacement and electric field, Dα=εαE+xα|E|^2E. Under the ext...A perturbation method is used to study effective response of nonlinear Kerr composites, which are subject to the constitutive relation of electric displacement and electric field, Dα=εαE+xα|E|^2E. Under the external AG and DC electric field Eapp = Eα(1 + sinωt), the effective nonlinear responses and local potentials are induced by the cubic nonlinearity of Kerr materials at all harmonics. As an example in three dimensions, we have investigated this kind of nonlinear composites with spherical inclusions embedded in a host. At all harmonic frequencies, the potentials in inclusion and host regions are derived. Furthermore, the formulae of the effective linear and nonlinear responses are given in the dilute Iimit.展开更多
A novel single-phase Buck converter for power factor correction is proposed. It features simple control due to the constant duty ratio PWM used. It can obtain unity power factor by selecting a suitable LC filter at it...A novel single-phase Buck converter for power factor correction is proposed. It features simple control due to the constant duty ratio PWM used. It can obtain unity power factor by selecting a suitable LC filter at its input to force the voltage of capacitor to operate in discontinuous capacitor voltage mode. And by using another resonant LC filter at its output, it can not only eliminate the input current distortion at the vicinity of the zero crossing of the supply but also drastically reduce the 100 Hz output voltage ripple. The validity of analysis is confirmed by simulation results and experimental results.展开更多
Based on Pomeron exchange model, J/ψ and φ production in electro-proton interaction are investigated with both linear and non-linear Pomeron trajectory. The experimental differential cross sections measured as a fun...Based on Pomeron exchange model, J/ψ and φ production in electro-proton interaction are investigated with both linear and non-linear Pomeron trajectory. The experimental differential cross sections measured as a function of the kinematic variable Q^2,W and t are reproduced successfully in the model. Our conclusions are that the Pomeron exchange model is a successful description of J/ψ and φ electro-productions on the proton, and that the linear trajectory is a good approximation to non-linearity of the Pomeron trajectory.展开更多
This paper presents a wavelet neural network (WNN) model combining wavelet transform and artificial neural networks for short term load forecast (STLF). Both historical load and temperature data having important impac...This paper presents a wavelet neural network (WNN) model combining wavelet transform and artificial neural networks for short term load forecast (STLF). Both historical load and temperature data having important impacts on load level were used in the proposed forecasting model. The model used the three-layer feed forward network trained by the error back-propagation algorithm. To enhance the forecast- ing accuracy by neural networks, wavelet multi-resolution analysis method was introduced to pre-process these data and reconstruct the predicted output. The proposed model has been evaluated with actual data of electricity load and temperature of Hunan Province. The simulation results show that the model is capable of providing a reasonable forecasting accuracy in STLF.展开更多
This paper presents a new ZVT (zero-voltage transition) single-stage ac-to-dc converter using PWM (pulse width modulation) and HF (high frequency) transformer isolation with capacitive output filter. In this con...This paper presents a new ZVT (zero-voltage transition) single-stage ac-to-dc converter using PWM (pulse width modulation) and HF (high frequency) transformer isolation with capacitive output filter. In this converter a front-end power factor corrected boost stage integrates with a cascaded dc-to-dc bridge HF converter. The front-end boost converter operates in discontinuous current mode and ensures natural power factor correction with very simple control. The auxiliary circuit of this topology deals with very small power and is placed out of the main power path. As a result, the auxiliary circuit components have smaller power rating as opposed to main converter components. Also, output rectifier voltage is clamped to output voltage due to capacitive output filter. Identification and analyses of different operating modes of this converter are presented. Based on these analyses design example of a 50 kHz, 48 V, 1 kW ac-to-dc converter is presented. PSPICE simulation results of the designed converter are presented and explained to verify the performance of this converter.展开更多
Multi-converter approach based on the series and parallel connection topology of modular power converters has been proposed to realize higher power density DC-DC converter. The availability of the proposed approach ha...Multi-converter approach based on the series and parallel connection topology of modular power converters has been proposed to realize higher power density DC-DC converter. The availability of the proposed approach has been verified through the design consideration and the experiment. The design consideration for two DC-DC converters has been carried out by utilizing the power converter exact loss simulator, and the design parameters to maximize their power densities have been extracted taking the trade-off between the conversion efficiency and the power density into account. The prototypes of a 2,400 W, 256-384 V boost chopper using SiC-MOSFETs and a 300 W, 32-48 V GaN-FETs boost chopper have been also developed based on the design. The SiC chopper achieved the efficiency of 97.8% and the power density of 12,8 W/cm3, and the GaN chopper accomplished 98.9% and 18.6 W/cm3 in the experiment. These results show the validity of the design and the availability of the proposed approach. The multi-converter approach enables the cost reduction of the modular power converters, and contributes to realizing the widespread use of power electronics converters in the future 380 V DC distribution system.展开更多
The adapted DC-DC converters should be smaller in size and have a small output current ripple to meet the increasing demand for low voltages with high performance and high density micro processors for several microele...The adapted DC-DC converters should be smaller in size and have a small output current ripple to meet the increasing demand for low voltages with high performance and high density micro processors for several microelectronic load applications. This paper proposes a DC-DC converter using variable on-time and variable switching frequency control enhanced constant ripple current control and reduced magnetic components. The proposed converter is realized by making the turn-offtime proportional to the on-time of the converter, according to the input and output voltage, thereby reducing the corresponding current ripple on output voltage in the continuous conduction mode. A Buck DC-DC converter using the proposed control strategy is analyzed in detail, along with some experimental results to show the performance and effectiveness of this converter.展开更多
The application of antimony sulfide(Sb_(2)S_(3))has been limited mainly to the energy storage and photoelectric conversion fields.However,in this work,the application of Sb_(2)S_(3) is extended to the field of electro...The application of antimony sulfide(Sb_(2)S_(3))has been limited mainly to the energy storage and photoelectric conversion fields.However,in this work,the application of Sb_(2)S_(3) is extended to the field of electromagnetic(EM)wave absorption for the first time.High-permittivity Sb_(2)S_(3) singlecrystal nanorods were prepared successfully and exhibited excellent performance,with a low reflection loss of -65.9 dB(13.0 GHz,3.8 mm)and an ultra-wide effective absorption bandwidth of 9.5 GHz(8.5-18.0 GHz,4.1 mm).After excluding the general absorption mechanisms,including conductive losses,interfacial polarization,and dipole polarization,the distinctive single-crystal volume polarization affected by shape anisotropy was proposed.This work not only meets the challenge of a single-component dielectric material design but also introduces a new concept for construction of efficient dielectric EM wave absorption material.展开更多
The ability to generate stable and coherent short wavelength radiation is a great promise of the externally seeded free-electron laser. However, the fre- quency up-conversion efficiency is limited to a small number in...The ability to generate stable and coherent short wavelength radiation is a great promise of the externally seeded free-electron laser. However, the fre- quency up-conversion efficiency is limited to a small number in a single stage setup. In this paper, we propose a new scheme to produce coherent hard X-ray FEL with two- beam based two-stage echo-enabled harmonic generation configuration. Electron beams with quite different proper- ties are separately used in each stage and a monochromator is adopted to purify the radiation from first stage for seeding the second stage. Three-dimensional start-to-end simulations have been performed with realistic parameters to show the feasibility of the proposed scheme.展开更多
A floating type pendulum wave energy converter(FPWEC) with a rotary vane pump as the power take-off system was proposed by Watabe et al.in 1998.They showed that this device had high energy conversion efficiency.In the...A floating type pendulum wave energy converter(FPWEC) with a rotary vane pump as the power take-off system was proposed by Watabe et al.in 1998.They showed that this device had high energy conversion efficiency.In the previous research,the authors conducted 2D wave tank tests in regular waves to evaluate the generating efficiency of FPWEC with a power take-off system composed of pulleys,belts and a generator.As a result,the influence of the electrical load on the generating efficiency was shown.Continuously,the load characteristics of FPWEC are pursued experimentally by using the servo motors to change the damping coefficient in this paper.In a later part of this paper,the motions of the model with the servo motors are compared with that of the case with the same power take-off system as the previous research.From the above experiment,it may be concluded that the maximum primary conversion efficiency is achieved as high as 98%at the optimal load.展开更多
文摘A complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor (CMOS) voltage-to-current(VTC)converter with high linearity for current-mode analog and digital integrated circuits is described. A high gain operational amplifier (OPA) is utilized to form negative feedback. A proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT) current reference with transistors operated in a weak inversion is used as the bias circuit. The resistor and the OPA nonlinearity behavior are analyzed in detail. By optimizing parameters in OPA and adopting a small voltage coefficient polysilicon resistor as a linear device, a high linearity is achieved. The circuit is implemented in a standard 0. 6 μm CMOS technology. The low frequency gain of the OPA exceeds 90 dB. The test results indicate that the total harmonic distortion (THD)is 0. 000 2%. The common-mode input linearity range is 0 to 2. 6 V. Correspondingly, the output current range is 50 to 426μA. The sensitivity of the PTAT current reference to Vdd is approximately 0. 021 7. The chip consumes a power of less than 1.3 mW for a 5 V supply, and occupies an area of 0. 112 mm^2.
文摘Many wave energy conversion devices have not been well received. The main reasons are that they are too complicated and not economical. However, in the last two decades direct conversion systems have drawn the attention of researchers to their widely distributed energy source due to their simple structure and low cost. The most well-known direct conversion systems presently in use include the Archimedes Wave Swing (AWS) and Power Buoy (PB). In this paper, these two systems were simulated in the same conditions and their behaviors were studied in different wave conditions. In order to verify the simulations, results of the generator of the finite element computations were followed. An attempt was made to determine the merits and drawbacks of each method under different wave conditions by comparing the performance of the two systems. The wave conditions suitable for each system were specified.
文摘A perturbation method is used to study effective response of nonlinear Kerr composites, which are subject to the constitutive relation of electric displacement and electric field, Dα=εαE+xα|E|^2E. Under the external AG and DC electric field Eapp = Eα(1 + sinωt), the effective nonlinear responses and local potentials are induced by the cubic nonlinearity of Kerr materials at all harmonics. As an example in three dimensions, we have investigated this kind of nonlinear composites with spherical inclusions embedded in a host. At all harmonic frequencies, the potentials in inclusion and host regions are derived. Furthermore, the formulae of the effective linear and nonlinear responses are given in the dilute Iimit.
文摘A novel single-phase Buck converter for power factor correction is proposed. It features simple control due to the constant duty ratio PWM used. It can obtain unity power factor by selecting a suitable LC filter at its input to force the voltage of capacitor to operate in discontinuous capacitor voltage mode. And by using another resonant LC filter at its output, it can not only eliminate the input current distortion at the vicinity of the zero crossing of the supply but also drastically reduce the 100 Hz output voltage ripple. The validity of analysis is confirmed by simulation results and experimental results.
基金The project supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 10565001, 10647002 and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi under Grant No. 0481030, 0542042, and 0575020, Guangxi University under Grant No. X051001, and Guangxi University of Technology under Grant No. 05006
文摘Based on Pomeron exchange model, J/ψ and φ production in electro-proton interaction are investigated with both linear and non-linear Pomeron trajectory. The experimental differential cross sections measured as a function of the kinematic variable Q^2,W and t are reproduced successfully in the model. Our conclusions are that the Pomeron exchange model is a successful description of J/ψ and φ electro-productions on the proton, and that the linear trajectory is a good approximation to non-linearity of the Pomeron trajectory.
文摘This paper presents a wavelet neural network (WNN) model combining wavelet transform and artificial neural networks for short term load forecast (STLF). Both historical load and temperature data having important impacts on load level were used in the proposed forecasting model. The model used the three-layer feed forward network trained by the error back-propagation algorithm. To enhance the forecast- ing accuracy by neural networks, wavelet multi-resolution analysis method was introduced to pre-process these data and reconstruct the predicted output. The proposed model has been evaluated with actual data of electricity load and temperature of Hunan Province. The simulation results show that the model is capable of providing a reasonable forecasting accuracy in STLF.
文摘This paper presents a new ZVT (zero-voltage transition) single-stage ac-to-dc converter using PWM (pulse width modulation) and HF (high frequency) transformer isolation with capacitive output filter. In this converter a front-end power factor corrected boost stage integrates with a cascaded dc-to-dc bridge HF converter. The front-end boost converter operates in discontinuous current mode and ensures natural power factor correction with very simple control. The auxiliary circuit of this topology deals with very small power and is placed out of the main power path. As a result, the auxiliary circuit components have smaller power rating as opposed to main converter components. Also, output rectifier voltage is clamped to output voltage due to capacitive output filter. Identification and analyses of different operating modes of this converter are presented. Based on these analyses design example of a 50 kHz, 48 V, 1 kW ac-to-dc converter is presented. PSPICE simulation results of the designed converter are presented and explained to verify the performance of this converter.
文摘Multi-converter approach based on the series and parallel connection topology of modular power converters has been proposed to realize higher power density DC-DC converter. The availability of the proposed approach has been verified through the design consideration and the experiment. The design consideration for two DC-DC converters has been carried out by utilizing the power converter exact loss simulator, and the design parameters to maximize their power densities have been extracted taking the trade-off between the conversion efficiency and the power density into account. The prototypes of a 2,400 W, 256-384 V boost chopper using SiC-MOSFETs and a 300 W, 32-48 V GaN-FETs boost chopper have been also developed based on the design. The SiC chopper achieved the efficiency of 97.8% and the power density of 12,8 W/cm3, and the GaN chopper accomplished 98.9% and 18.6 W/cm3 in the experiment. These results show the validity of the design and the availability of the proposed approach. The multi-converter approach enables the cost reduction of the modular power converters, and contributes to realizing the widespread use of power electronics converters in the future 380 V DC distribution system.
文摘The adapted DC-DC converters should be smaller in size and have a small output current ripple to meet the increasing demand for low voltages with high performance and high density micro processors for several microelectronic load applications. This paper proposes a DC-DC converter using variable on-time and variable switching frequency control enhanced constant ripple current control and reduced magnetic components. The proposed converter is realized by making the turn-offtime proportional to the on-time of the converter, according to the input and output voltage, thereby reducing the corresponding current ripple on output voltage in the continuous conduction mode. A Buck DC-DC converter using the proposed control strategy is analyzed in detail, along with some experimental results to show the performance and effectiveness of this converter.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51572157,21902085,and 51702188)the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(ZR2019QF012)+1 种基金the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2018JC046)Young Scholars Program of Shandong University(2018WLJH25)。
文摘The application of antimony sulfide(Sb_(2)S_(3))has been limited mainly to the energy storage and photoelectric conversion fields.However,in this work,the application of Sb_(2)S_(3) is extended to the field of electromagnetic(EM)wave absorption for the first time.High-permittivity Sb_(2)S_(3) singlecrystal nanorods were prepared successfully and exhibited excellent performance,with a low reflection loss of -65.9 dB(13.0 GHz,3.8 mm)and an ultra-wide effective absorption bandwidth of 9.5 GHz(8.5-18.0 GHz,4.1 mm).After excluding the general absorption mechanisms,including conductive losses,interfacial polarization,and dipole polarization,the distinctive single-crystal volume polarization affected by shape anisotropy was proposed.This work not only meets the challenge of a single-component dielectric material design but also introduces a new concept for construction of efficient dielectric EM wave absorption material.
基金supported by the National Development and Reform Commission([2013]2347)National Natural Science Foundation of China(11475250)the Shanghai Natural Science Foundation(13ZR1464700)
文摘The ability to generate stable and coherent short wavelength radiation is a great promise of the externally seeded free-electron laser. However, the fre- quency up-conversion efficiency is limited to a small number in a single stage setup. In this paper, we propose a new scheme to produce coherent hard X-ray FEL with two- beam based two-stage echo-enabled harmonic generation configuration. Electron beams with quite different proper- ties are separately used in each stage and a monochromator is adopted to purify the radiation from first stage for seeding the second stage. Three-dimensional start-to-end simulations have been performed with realistic parameters to show the feasibility of the proposed scheme.
文摘A floating type pendulum wave energy converter(FPWEC) with a rotary vane pump as the power take-off system was proposed by Watabe et al.in 1998.They showed that this device had high energy conversion efficiency.In the previous research,the authors conducted 2D wave tank tests in regular waves to evaluate the generating efficiency of FPWEC with a power take-off system composed of pulleys,belts and a generator.As a result,the influence of the electrical load on the generating efficiency was shown.Continuously,the load characteristics of FPWEC are pursued experimentally by using the servo motors to change the damping coefficient in this paper.In a later part of this paper,the motions of the model with the servo motors are compared with that of the case with the same power take-off system as the previous research.From the above experiment,it may be concluded that the maximum primary conversion efficiency is achieved as high as 98%at the optimal load.