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波罗的海鲑鱼(Salmo salar)、鳟鱼(Salmo trutta)和鳕鱼(Gadus morhua)体内的硫胺素(维生素B_1)浓度 被引量:1
作者 Patric Amcoff Hans Brjeson +3 位作者 Peter Landergren Lars Vallin Leif Norrgren 朱志辉 《人类环境杂志》 1999年第1期48-54,共7页
近几十年间,波罗的海的一些鱼种一直受繁殖成功率不良的影响。波罗的海的海行鲑鱼种群受到M74综合症的影响,M74是一种与后代体硫胺素(维生素B_1)浓度低有关的早期死亡症状。为了研究具有类似M74症状和死亡率的波罗的海海行鳟鱼是否也遭... 近几十年间,波罗的海的一些鱼种一直受繁殖成功率不良的影响。波罗的海的海行鲑鱼种群受到M74综合症的影响,M74是一种与后代体硫胺素(维生素B_1)浓度低有关的早期死亡症状。为了研究具有类似M74症状和死亡率的波罗的海海行鳟鱼是否也遭受到低硫胺素浓度的影响,特对它们进行了硫胺素分析。此外还分析了波罗的海鳕鱼组织内的硫胺素合量。本研究证实,受M74的波罗的海鲑鱼遭受到低硫胺素水平的危害,而且M74发生的起始时间可能与有眼点卵(eyed egg)中的硫胺素浓度有关。此外,生产出带有M74的后代的母鱼其肌肉和卵巢中的硫胺素浓度明显低于生产出健康后代的母鱼的相应浓度,这表明,M74可能是母体留传的硫胺素缺乏症。波罗的海海行鳟鱼的初步资料显示,具备类似M74症状(昏睡、表皮变黑和100%死亡)的黄卵囊鱼苗其平均硫胺素浓度很低 (1994年为0.14nmol/g,1998年为0.34nmol/g),相比之下,健康后代的平均硫胺素浓度要高得多(1994年为4.4nmol/g,1998年为3.9nmol/g)。这表明,波罗的海鳟鱼的某些家族组可能受到与硫胺素缺乏有关的生殖失调的影响。在产卵的波罗的海鳕鱼中,肝和卵巢的硫胺素浓度有很大差异,肝的硫胺素浓度变化范围为0.56~4.7nmol/g,卵巢的硫胺素浓度变化范围为3.8~30nmol/g。波罗的海鳕鱼是否也遭受到硫胺素缺乏引起的死亡现在还不得而知。 展开更多
关键词 波罗海 鲑鱼 鳟鱼 鳕鱼 体内硫胺素 浓度
患M74综合症的波罗的海鲑鱼鱼卵和鱼苗中的虾青素缺乏 被引量:1
作者 Annette Pettersson ke Lignell 姚力群 《人类环境杂志》 1999年第1期43-47,共5页
本文评价了类胡萝卜素虾青素对波罗的海患有M74综合症和无M74综合症的大西洋鲑后代的作用。虾青素的缺乏与M74综合症有很大的相关性。当每个卵中的虾青素含量小于阈值0.11μg时,意味着没有健康的卵。引外,所有虾青素含量大于每个卵0.22... 本文评价了类胡萝卜素虾青素对波罗的海患有M74综合症和无M74综合症的大西洋鲑后代的作用。虾青素的缺乏与M74综合症有很大的相关性。当每个卵中的虾青素含量小于阈值0.11μg时,意味着没有健康的卵。引外,所有虾青素含量大于每个卵0.22μg的波罗的海鲑鱼家属组则都是健康的。同时阐述了在眼睛形成前后和孵化后的卵及卵黄囊鱼苗中虾青素含量的动态变化。与北大西洋鲑鱼卵相比,波罗的海鲑鱼在卵黄囊鱼苗中的类胡萝卜素极少转化为酯类。同时,未酯化虾青素残余的比例在2~3星期大的感染M74综合症的卵黄囊鱼苗体内含量非常低并且无法被新陈代谢掉。文中讨论了类胡萝卜素的不同生物功能,强调了虾青素对溯河产卵的鲑鱼及其后代的抗氧化保护作用。 展开更多
关键词 M74综合症 波罗海 鲑鱼 鱼卵 鱼苗 虾青素
与波罗的海鲑鱼(Salmo salar)M74综合症有关的微生物筛选
作者 Ruby Cooray Bror Morein +7 位作者 Martin Holmberg Anders Hellstrm Jan Hrdig Roland Mattsson Anders Gunnarsson Hans Brjeson Johan Lindeberg 续曙光 《人类环境杂志》 1999年第1期77-81,共5页
本研究的目标是确定波罗的海鲑鱼的M74鱼苗死亡综合症是否是和致病微生物导致的母体致病损害有关,还是和共生微生物变化引起体内平衡受扰产生的母体代谢损害有关。我们用广泛筛选和常规的方法分离和鉴定真菌、细菌和病毒。细菌用专门的1... 本研究的目标是确定波罗的海鲑鱼的M74鱼苗死亡综合症是否是和致病微生物导致的母体致病损害有关,还是和共生微生物变化引起体内平衡受扰产生的母体代谢损害有关。我们用广泛筛选和常规的方法分离和鉴定真菌、细菌和病毒。细菌用专门的16SrRNA顺序,微生物鉴定是根据两个复杂的基因组之间的差异分析用DNA减去的差别法,表达差别分析(RDA)。分离组织位点的选择是根据组织病理学数据。我们已知在其他动物中巴尔通氏体属(Bartonella)菌类是和心脏疾病有关,但还未发现和波罗的海鲑鱼的冠状动脉损害有关。在产卵洄游的长饥饿期,体内必需的物质如维生素是靠鲑鱼的肠内共生的微生物群落来提供的。从成年洄游的波罗的海鲑鱼的胃肠(GI)道系统,我们能分离出气单胞菌属(Aeromonas sobria)、腐败假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putrefa-ciens)一种假单胞菌(Pseudomonas),蓍水气单肥菌(A.hydrophi-la)和蜂房哈夫尼菌(Hafnia alvei),这些都能产生维生素B_2。P.putrefaciens菌株和Pseudomonas spp.能产生少量的维生素B_3。我们还发现对产卵的鲑鱼用甲醛进行化学药物处理似乎干扰共生的GI菌丛。在本研究完成时,我们应该能够推断出M74综合症是否由于人为干扰,例如化学药剂或其他环境污染物,危及母体健康和导致病原体细菌的激活或通过共生者干扰维生素的合成。 展开更多
关键词 鲑鱼 M74综合症 微生物 波罗海
瑞典河流中波罗的海鲑鱼(Salmo salar)野生种群M74病症的发展
作者 sten Karlstrm 王宏 《人类环境杂志》 1999年第1期82-86,共5页
从60年代到80年代,瑞典北部野生鲑鱼(Salmo salar)种群数量一直处于低水平,主要是由于在海洋中过度捕捞鲑鱼所致。70年代开始在瑞典北部波斯尼亚海湾地区8个含野生鲑鱼河流中进行了电捕鱼法调查。大多数河流间幼鲑密度存在高度相关性。... 从60年代到80年代,瑞典北部野生鲑鱼(Salmo salar)种群数量一直处于低水平,主要是由于在海洋中过度捕捞鲑鱼所致。70年代开始在瑞典北部波斯尼亚海湾地区8个含野生鲑鱼河流中进行了电捕鱼法调查。大多数河流间幼鲑密度存在高度相关性。河流间产卵群的丰度也具有高度相关性。此项研究表明,从70年代到整个80年代幼鲑密度非常低。80年代末90年代初幼鲑密度开始增加,可能是由于河流中产卵群数量增加。从1992年开始,尽管产卵群数量仍保持在高水平,幼鲑密度却又下降到较低水平。幼鲑密度下降与波罗的海瑞典鲑鱼孵化场发现的由M74病症导致的鱼苗高死亡率相一致。在研究的所有河流中,M74高致死率对幼鲑密度和相应的产卵群体(幼鲑/产卵群)具有显著负相关性。很可能由于M74致死性影响了鲑鱼鱼苗在野生河流中的存活。由M74致死性导致的幼鲑产量下降据估计可达55%~70%。由于对影响M74发展的因素了解很少,很可能疾病发生会持续波动,无法预测其发展。仅在较高数量产卵群存在时才能抵消M74致死性对鲑鱼野生种群的负面影响。对野生鲑鱼的捕捞必须控制在较低水平。 展开更多
关键词 波罗海 鲑鱼 野生种群 M74病症 发展
波罗的海欧鳟(Salmo trutta)患M74综合症鲑鱼(Salmo salar)的生殖失调比较
作者 Peter Landergren Lars Vallin +4 位作者 Lars Westin Patric Amcoff Hans Brjeson Bjarne Ragnarsson 续曙光 《人类环境杂志》 1999年第1期87-91,共5页
瑞典哥特兰的Ar实验室在1994~1998年间的研究结果揭示了海欧鳟没有与波罗的海大西洋鲑鱼生殖失调类似的疾病。雌性卵黄囊鱼苗的死亡率从没超过11%,卵黄囊鱼苗的硫胺平均浓度(5.5±1.4nmol/g;n=20)大大超过受M74综合症影响的波罗的... 瑞典哥特兰的Ar实验室在1994~1998年间的研究结果揭示了海欧鳟没有与波罗的海大西洋鲑鱼生殖失调类似的疾病。雌性卵黄囊鱼苗的死亡率从没超过11%,卵黄囊鱼苗的硫胺平均浓度(5.5±1.4nmol/g;n=20)大大超过受M74综合症影响的波罗的海鲑鱼鱼苗的阈值(0.31~0.34nmol/g;n=20)。对有眼基胚胎的虾青素分析表明其水平高于其后发育成患M74综合症的鱼苗。然而波罗的海鲑鱼胚胎低于Vanern湖和瑞典西海岸的Lagan河和Gotaalv河鲑鱼种群的水平。哥特兰鲑鱼所产胚胎中的类胡罗卜素总含量(mg类胡罗卜素/kg)随雌鱼体重的减小而明显降低。瑞典Ava河的波罗的海鲑鱼的卵黄囊鱼苗的死亡率在1992年出现高峰值(35±20%)。此外,波罗的海沿岸的3条河(Dalalven河,Indalsalven河,Umealven河)的海鳟鱼生殖失调的情况也已被报道。本文讨论了波罗的海鳟鱼和鲑鱼的生活史差别以及对波罗的海鳟鱼卵黄囊期鱼苗死亡率的较低影响。 展开更多
关键词 波罗海 欧鳟 鳟鱼 鲑鱼 M74综合症 生殖失调
作者 Lars Karlsson Erkki Ikonen +2 位作者 Andis Mitans Sture Hansson 赵延军 《人类环境杂志》 1999年第1期37-42,共6页
大部分波罗的海鲑鱼种群均患有M74综合症。M74综合症与海洋洄流鱼的饮食生态学有关。一项历时2年的研究(1995~1997)表明就波罗的海主体而言,在鲑鱼所吃的食物中黍腓占主导地位(以重量计占鲑鱼胃含量的45%~90%),其次是大西洋腓(占9%~3... 大部分波罗的海鲑鱼种群均患有M74综合症。M74综合症与海洋洄流鱼的饮食生态学有关。一项历时2年的研究(1995~1997)表明就波罗的海主体而言,在鲑鱼所吃的食物中黍腓占主导地位(以重量计占鲑鱼胃含量的45%~90%),其次是大西洋腓(占9%~39%)和三刺鱼(占0%~14%)。这一结果与本世纪60年代早期的报告相类似。无论是冬季1~4月黍鲱在鲑鱼的食物中总是占有较高比例,5~12月中则大西洋鲱和三刺鱼所占比例上升。比较波罗的海主体的东部和南部地区也发现一个趋势,即东部地区1~9月份鲑鱼的食物中黍腓只占较低的比例而大西洋腓则占较高的比例。然而就这两个十分保守的不同统计分析本身而言这一差别并不显著。(实验结果)同时还表明与60年代早期相比鲑鱼的冬季进食量增大了。回归分析表明M74发病率与描述波罗的海黍腓种群状况的几个参数密切相关,其中的两个是表示黍腓的重量参数。这意味着在分析M74发病的各种影响因素时需要将研究范围扩充至较低的营养级生物。 展开更多
关键词 波罗海 鲑鱼 食物 M74综合症
作者 Juhani Kakkuri 董鸿闻 《测绘科技通讯》 1995年第3期31-33,共3页
波罗的海周图有9个国家;丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、德国、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、波兰、俄罗斯和瑞典。在确定精密大地测量高程中,这些国家使用正高或正常高系统。正高系纯以大地水准面为高程基准面(零水准面),正常高系统的基准面是似大地水准... 波罗的海周图有9个国家;丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、德国、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、波兰、俄罗斯和瑞典。在确定精密大地测量高程中,这些国家使用正高或正常高系统。正高系纯以大地水准面为高程基准面(零水准面),正常高系统的基准面是似大地水准面,因为两者在海洋上是一致的,所以有可能使上述国家的高程基准统一使用波罗的海平均海面,为了实现这一设想,特别要使用GPS观测,将一些高程网与波罗和海各验潮站联测。另外,这些国家的官方部门要提供水准测量和重力测量数据,供在基准统一中使用。 展开更多
关键词 高程基准 大地水准面 平均海面 波罗海 水准测量
《海洋地质动态》 1999年第4期18-20,共3页
河流中以悬浮颗粒搬运的U占据较大的比例,除了碎屑物质中U之外,颗粒中包括从周围海水中“吸附”的U。实验表明U能被有效地吸附在氢氧化铁、粘土和其它副矿物中。Plater(1992)研究认为英吉利河颗粒的资料反映了因副矿... 河流中以悬浮颗粒搬运的U占据较大的比例,除了碎屑物质中U之外,颗粒中包括从周围海水中“吸附”的U。实验表明U能被有效地吸附在氢氧化铁、粘土和其它副矿物中。Plater(1992)研究认为英吉利河颗粒的资料反映了因副矿物吸附而产生U的富集。然而,有关河... 展开更多
关键词 卡利克斯河 波罗海 铀234-铀238 水体 颗粒输入
影响波罗的海鳕鱼(Gadus morhua)繁殖成功率的可能因素:综述
作者 Lars Vallin Anders Nissling +1 位作者 Lars Westin 朱志辉 《人类环境杂志》 1999年第1期92-99,共8页
本文综述了波罗的海东部鳕鱼丰度惊人下降的某些原因。环境条件(例如盐度和含氧量)对鳕鱼的补充有相当大的影响。我们可以断定,在目前,产卵条件恶化所致的低补充率、商业性捕捞所致的高死亡率及产卵类群生物量的减少,是决定波罗的海鳕... 本文综述了波罗的海东部鳕鱼丰度惊人下降的某些原因。环境条件(例如盐度和含氧量)对鳕鱼的补充有相当大的影响。我们可以断定,在目前,产卵条件恶化所致的低补充率、商业性捕捞所致的高死亡率及产卵类群生物量的减少,是决定波罗的海鳕鱼分布的主要因素。但另外一些因素可能也很重要。在某些情况下,黍鲱和鲱鱼的捕食对卵和幼体的影响是不可忽视的。产卵期向夏季月份的推移可能导致在比较恶劣的氧环境下产卵。产卵鱼群结构的年轻化可能对印和幼体的存活率有负面影响。由于这种年轻化与高度的捕捞压力密切相关,所以低补充率在很大程度上可能是管理问题造成的。我们也把M74综合症(对波罗的海鲑鱼有危害的一种硫胺素,即维生素B_1缺乏症)与鳕鱼的不良补充联系起来进行了讨论。我们的结论是,波罗的海鳕鱼不大可能遭受M74的危害,因为我们发现波罗的海鳕鱼生殖腺中的硫胺素平均浓度几乎为健康鲑鱼相应浓度的10倍。而且与鲑鱼不同的是,鳕鱼幼体的存活率不受硫胺素治疗的影响。 展开更多
关键词 波罗海 鳕鱼 繁殖成功率
Object-based Classification of Baltic Sea Ice Extent and Concentration in Winter 2011 被引量:2
作者 Aleksandra Mazur Adam Krezel 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第8期488-495,共8页
The Baltic Sea is a brackish, mediterranean sea located in the middle latitudes of Europe. It is seasonally covered with ice. The ice covered areas during a typical winter are the Bothnian Bay, the Gulf of Finnland an... The Baltic Sea is a brackish, mediterranean sea located in the middle latitudes of Europe. It is seasonally covered with ice. The ice covered areas during a typical winter are the Bothnian Bay, the Gulf of Finnland and the Gulf of Riga. Sea ice plays an important role in dynamic and thermodynamic processes and also has a strong impact on the heat budget of the sea. Also a large part of transport goes by sea, and there is a need to create ice charts to make the marine transport safe. Because of high cloudiness in winter season and small amount of light in the northern part of the Baltic Sea, radar data are the most important remote sensing source of sea ice information. The main goal of the following studies is classification of the Baltic sea ice cover using radar data. The ENVISAT ASAR (Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar) acquires data in five different modes. In the following studies ASAR Wide Swath Mode data were used. The Wide Swath Mode, using the ScanSAR technique provides medium resolution images (150 m) over a swath of 405 kin, at HH or VV polarization. In following work data from February 13th, February 24th and April 6th, 2011, representing three different sea ice situations were chosen. OBIA (object-based image analysis) methods and texture parameters were used to create sea ice extent and sea ice concentration charts. Based on object-based methods, it can separate single sea ice floes within the ice pack and calculate more accurately sea ice concentration. 展开更多
关键词 Baltic Sea sea ice ENVISAT ASAR object-based image analysis.
Cycloartane triterpenes from marine green alga Cladophora fascicularis 被引量:2
作者 黄新苹 朱校斌 +2 位作者 邓莉萍 邓志威 林文翰 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期443-448,共6页
Six cycloartanes were isolated from ethanol extract of marine green alga Cladophora fascicularis by column chromatography. Procedure of isolation and description of these compounds are given in this paper. The structu... Six cycloartanes were isolated from ethanol extract of marine green alga Cladophora fascicularis by column chromatography. Procedure of isolation and description of these compounds are given in this paper. The structures were elucidated as (1). 24-hydroperoxycycloart-25- en-3β-ol; (2). cycloart-25-en-3β 24-diol; (3). 25-hydroperoxycycloart-23-en-3β-ol; (4). cycloart-23-en-3β, 25-diol; (5). cycloart-23, 25-dien-3β-ol; and (6). cycloart-24-en-3β-ol by spectroscopic (MS, 1D and 2D NMR) data analysis. Cycloartane derivatives are widely distributed the alga. All these compounds that have been isolated alga for the first time. in terrestrial plants, but only few were obtained in from terrestrial plants, were found in the marine alga for the first time. 展开更多
关键词 Cladophorafascicularis green alga hydroperoxycycloartanes cycloartane triterpenes
Restoration of sea eagle population:A review 被引量:1
作者 Josef RAJCHARD Jan PROCHZKA 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期315-318,共4页
The population density of the white-tailed sea eagle Haliaeetus albicilla is very low in many countries. In last twenty years, the sea eagle population in South Bohemia was restored by strict protection subsidized by ... The population density of the white-tailed sea eagle Haliaeetus albicilla is very low in many countries. In last twenty years, the sea eagle population in South Bohemia was restored by strict protection subsidized by reintroduction, The active help consisted of feeding during winter and building of artificial nests. A new sea eagle breeding population arose in the Treboǎ basin area in the early 1980' s. Until this time sea eagles had used former breeding places only for wintering, probably coming from the Baltic. The South Bohemian sea eagle population is very unique: it exists in a densely man-occupied landscape, mainly in areas with very intensive carp breeding in artificial fishponds and was partly artficially (help to wintering birds and reintroduction of some individuals) restored. The experience from South Bohemia may have importance for populations of the sea eagle in other areas of its occurence, primarily in the continental conditions [ Current Zoology 55 (5) : 315 - 318, 2009]. 展开更多
关键词 Sea eagle Haliaeetus albicilla
Variation in the timing of river entry of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Baltic
作者 Anna KUPARINEN Juha MERIL 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期342-349,共8页
The timing of river entry in the Atlantic salmon is known to depend on genetic, demographic and environmental factors, but little is known about the relative magnitude of among population and among year variation and ... The timing of river entry in the Atlantic salmon is known to depend on genetic, demographic and environmental factors, but little is known about the relative magnitude of among population and among year variation and covariation in this respect in natural state Atlantic salmon rives. To investigate this, variability in the timing of river entry in three historical Finnish Atlantic salmon populations were analyzed using salmon trap data collected during 1870- 1902. The analyses reveled that 1 ) the timing of river entry differed substantially and consistently among the rivers, and that 2) variation among the rivers was much larger than variation among years. Annual variations were not explained by regional environmental conditions, whereas in one river the timing of the local flood peak was a significant predictor of the timing of river entry. Differences in the timing of salmon entry to geographically closely situated rivers suggests that a regionally fixed opening date for coastal fisheries might not be the best management strategy as it may lead to uneven exploitation of salmon populations from different rivers [ Current Zoology 55 (5) : 342 - 349, 2009] . 展开更多
关键词 Atlantic salmon Coastal fisheries Fisheries management Freshwater entry Migration River entry
Analysis of Short Sea Shipping-Based Logistics Corridors in the Baltic Sea Region 被引量:1
作者 Joachim R. Daduna Kristina Hunke Gunnar Prause 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2012年第5期304-319,共16页
Despite recent turbulences in global economy, the growth of global trade volumes is expected to continue in the future, leading to increased demands on the performance of logistics networks. The political framework fo... Despite recent turbulences in global economy, the growth of global trade volumes is expected to continue in the future, leading to increased demands on the performance of logistics networks. The political framework for EU (European Union) Transport Policy Development is presented in the EU White Paper on Transport 2011 in order to build a competitive European transport system. One significant aspect is the promotion of multimodal transport in order to decrease terrestrial transport services (road and rail) and to increase services in the maritime transport sector, especially considering the relief of road and railway infrastructure. Looking at the present situation, SSS (Short Sea Shipping) is already used in many different transport fields all around the world. However, there still exists a great potential which currently is not used or not sufficiently exploited for many different reasons. In order to identify the potential use of SSS in multimodal transport, different scenarios in the Baltic Sea Region and the adjoining hinterland have been developed pointing out alternative solutions for routing. These options are analyzed in detail and evaluated from different perspectives (i.e. transport and handling costs, time consumption and transport-related emissions). Afterwards, advantages and disadvantages of each alternative will be examined by taking into account economic and ecological aspects in making decision. 展开更多
关键词 Short sea shipping multimodal transportation transport route optimization.
Traces of Metallurgy at the Site of Losino 15, Compared with Other Finds Related to Ancient Metallurgy
作者 Magdalena Piotrowska 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第10期529-537,共9页
The eponymous site is located in the territory of Poland--the northern part of the central section of the Stupia river, about 30 km from the coast of the Baltic sea. The site of Losino 15 revealed some traces of a set... The eponymous site is located in the territory of Poland--the northern part of the central section of the Stupia river, about 30 km from the coast of the Baltic sea. The site of Losino 15 revealed some traces of a settlement of the Pomeranian and the Wielbark cultures. The most interesting features discovered at the study site are the remains of bloomery furnaces. The site of Losino 15 yielded 10 features interpreted as relics of the bloomery shaft furnace with a pit. They were characterized by a high degree of deterioration-due to the agronomic activities and slope processes, only the bottom part of the slag-pit have been preserved. These are the remains of shaft furnaces with a pit called slag-pit fumace, whose relics are slag-pits filled with slag. The site of Losino 15 yielded slag with a total weight of about 100 kg. Two alternative and temporarily equivalent hypotheses can be proposed here. According to the former one, the creators of the bloomery were representatives of the Pomeranian culture, and in the latter version--they represented the Wielbark culture. 展开更多
关键词 Poland Pomerania Iron Age ancient metallurgy bloomer furnaces.
Drowned Early Mesolithic Landscapes on the Baltic Sea Bed in the Lithuanian Waters
作者 Vladas Zulkus Algirdas Girininkas 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2014年第5期274-289,共16页
This paper presents underwater relict forest fossil and ancient coast formation exploration results in the eastern Baltic Sea. Tree fossils and sediment layers discovered in the sea-bed were dated with 14^C along with... This paper presents underwater relict forest fossil and ancient coast formation exploration results in the eastern Baltic Sea. Tree fossils and sediment layers discovered in the sea-bed were dated with 14^C along with palynological and dendrological analysis. Based on the obtained data, a fragment of submerged early Holocene landscape, coastline of the Yoldia Sea and Ancylus Lake has been reconstructed. The research data determine that vegetation and natural conditions of the Yoldia Sea coastal were favourable for Early Mesolithic communities. Well-preserved relict pine forest dates are also crucial to Baltic Sea water level dynamics analysis during the period: end of Yoldia Sea-Ancylus Lake. 展开更多
关键词 Underwater relict forests underwater archaeology Yoldia Sea and Ancylus Lake coasts Baltic Sea level fluctuations.
Mixing Zone Guidelines Application in a Smelter in Northern Sweden with Discharge to the Baltic Sea
作者 Areola Ceka 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第10期1185-1196,共12页
This pilot study intended to investigate the application of Mixing Zone Guidelines in northern Sweden. The EC (European Commission)-Mixing Zone Guidelines were applied to seven effluent discharges. The effluents wer... This pilot study intended to investigate the application of Mixing Zone Guidelines in northern Sweden. The EC (European Commission)-Mixing Zone Guidelines were applied to seven effluent discharges. The effluents were from industrial processes used in the Ronnskar smelter, in northern Sweden. Each outlet in the smelter area discharges water into the Bothnian bay of the Baltic Sea. Cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb) were the primary substances present in the effluents. A "Tiered Approach" was followed for mixing zone assessments in each of the discharge points. Discharge Test was used at Tier 2 and CORMIX (Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System model), version 7, at Tier 3. At each discharge point, the AA-EQS (annual average-environmental quality standard) for each metal was met within a distance of 500 m from the outfalls. This distance was exceeded to meet the MAC-EQS (maximum allowable concentration-environmental quality standard) criteria at points 1 and 3 for total Hg concentrations. However, for the proper application of Mixing Zone Guidelines, a version of the Discharge Test for coastal waters should be developed and used. The decision at which tier the dissolved metal concentration should be compared with EQS values could depend on the effluent characteristics. For Swedish coastal waters, some consideration should be given to the background concentration of metals. 展开更多
关键词 Mixing Zone Guidelines EQS (Environmental Quality Standards) criteria metal concentrations discharge test CORMIX
The Interrelation between the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) and Regulated River Discharges at the Baltic Sea Drainage Basin
作者 Ali Bassal Mahmood 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第6期331-351,共21页
Both winter DJF (December, January, February) months and DJF season means long-term data series of 50 regulated rivers discharges rates and the NAO indices were analyzed for different spans. This study is dictated ... Both winter DJF (December, January, February) months and DJF season means long-term data series of 50 regulated rivers discharges rates and the NAO indices were analyzed for different spans. This study is dictated for: (1) detecting the exclusive impacts of the positive phases of NAO indices on rivers discharges rates by estimating the Linear Correlation Coefficient; (2) modeling the interrelations between the discharges rates and NAO indices by estimating the Linear Regression Models, both for manifesting the impact of the positive phase of NAO index; (3) estimating the Linear Trend Coefficient in the discharge series, for manifesting the contribution of the positive phase of NAO index. Discharge rates are mainly influenced by the two mechanisms: the positive phase of NAO index and the environmental conditions in specific catchments, that is where, the positive phase of the NAO index manifest its impact on the related rivers discharges and its contribution in the related configured trends. The discharges fluctuations patterns show some increase in the discharges values have been occurred in regions around the Northern Baltic Proper as well as in Southern Finland and Sweden. The rivers such as Lagan, Nissan, Helgean, Venta, Pamu, Porvoonjoki, Lapuanjoki, Oulujoki, Kyronjoki, Wisla, Eurajoki, Odra, Lielupe, Gota alv, Motala strom, Nykopingsan, Vuoksi, Kalajoki and Simojoki haven not linear discharges changes registered depending on the specificity of the environmental conditions at the catchments areas for those rivers. The positive phase of NAO index has a linear relation with impacted river discharge. 展开更多
关键词 River discharge NAO statistical analysis climate.
The Latvian Road to the Euro
作者 Ewa Szymanik 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第6期347-355,共9页
The article presents the situation in Latvia ahead of the country's adoption of the euro by offering an analysis of the extent to which the country is prepared for the move and of general economic difficulties as wel... The article presents the situation in Latvia ahead of the country's adoption of the euro by offering an analysis of the extent to which the country is prepared for the move and of general economic difficulties as well as indicating possible threats to its future development. The article talks about difficulties caused by the great unemployment connected with the specific economy of the country, political problems of the post-socialistic multinational country and steps done towards the fulfilling of all the convergence criteria. Its aim is to present the moments around the change of the currency which is done by the material's analysis because there are not enough statistical data for the mathematical analysis. It can be concluded that the adoption of the euro will probably be beneficial in the long run for Latvia's economy. The conclusions may be done by comparison with the situation of Estonia and its foreign trade with Poland which is shown in the article because there are a lot of similarities between the two Baltic countries. 展开更多
关键词 LATVIA EURO foreign trade Poland
Innovative Measures Ensuring Integrity of the Entire Supply Chain or Transport Corridor
作者 Algirdas Sakalys Laima Greiciune 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2015年第5期280-288,共9页
The EWTC (East-West Transport Corridor) in the Southem part of the Baltic Sea Region includes more effective testing area of new business models for collaborative logistics flows. Since the EWTC is a corridor requir... The EWTC (East-West Transport Corridor) in the Southem part of the Baltic Sea Region includes more effective testing area of new business models for collaborative logistics flows. Since the EWTC is a corridor requiring transport mode interchanges due to crossing the Baltic Sea, development of intermodal transport solutions making different transport modes fully integrated along the corridor is a key issue for the EWTC. To meet an increased global transport demand, ports and intermodal terminals need to make sure that their facilities are prepared for growth. Thus, for ports in the EWTC it is important to offer the services necessary for handling the maritime freight services (container ships, RoRo ships, railway ferries) demanded by transporters and transport buyers. IT services are needed to support transportation activities along the corridor. This is especially important for the EWTC due to its physical nature, interchange points, multi-language and cross boarder interaction. Information on a constantly updated traffic situation and interchange status, tracking of goods, booking and confirmation services, intelligent truck parking and services opening faster border crossing routes would ensure more efficient transportation and handling thereofi It is expected that the outcomes of the recently completed eMAR project will help to develop a modem Klaipeda Seaport community system as well as effective management architecture along the EWTC based on the CSW (Corridor Single Window) approach. 展开更多
关键词 Transport corridor supply chain global transport network Corridor Single Window.
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