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最佳路径算法在计算波路中的应用 被引量:15
作者 王运生 《物探化探计算技术》 CAS CSCD 1992年第1期32-36,共5页
关键词 电法 勘探 波路 路径 最佳算法
作者 张艳君 崔海涛 任鑫龙 《水利水电工程设计》 2018年第1期9-10,共2页
关键词 波路 公路水毁 水毁治理
作者 王清玉 《人民长江》 北大核心 1992年第6期7-10,共4页
为提高地震折射法勘探精度,在推断的模型上,以炮点到接收点的路径计算弹性波的响应时间,画出的时距曲线与实测时距曲线进行比较,其吻合程度,说明资料解释精度。但因各种原因,解释精度不高,以永定河陈家庄水库溢洪道地段应用折射法勘探... 为提高地震折射法勘探精度,在推断的模型上,以炮点到接收点的路径计算弹性波的响应时间,画出的时距曲线与实测时距曲线进行比较,其吻合程度,说明资料解释精度。但因各种原因,解释精度不高,以永定河陈家庄水库溢洪道地段应用折射法勘探基岩起伏界面为例。所测原始资料采用Pc—1500计算机处理,直接输出结果,并对其解释结果经波路计算,提高了精度,如Z测线81—92测点,长110m,采用t_0法、哈里斯法及表层剥去法对原始资料分别进行三次可能的解释。t_0法和哈里斯法解释结果十分吻合。表层剥去法三次解释结果略有不同。经波路计算验证,表层剥去法第三次解释相对误差最小,最符合实际情况。并选定该结果为81~92测点段最终勘探成果。后经钻探验证,成果误差很小。 展开更多
关键词 地震折射 波路计算 地球物理勘探
浪漫在心 挚爱永恒 瑞士依波路表 见证浪漫时刻……
《半岛新生活》 2008年第5期32-32,共1页
爱琴海,亦可翻译成『爱情海』。因为,这片希腊的海洋彷佛是专门为爱情而诞生的。有人曾用4S形容在那里度过的怡人假期:阳光(SUN),碧海(SEA),沙滩(SAND),性感(SEX)。以物载情,腕表一向蕴含永恒之意,象征着时间流转爱意永恒。创始于1856年... 爱琴海,亦可翻译成『爱情海』。因为,这片希腊的海洋彷佛是专门为爱情而诞生的。有人曾用4S形容在那里度过的怡人假期:阳光(SUN),碧海(SEA),沙滩(SAND),性感(SEX)。以物载情,腕表一向蕴含永恒之意,象征着时间流转爱意永恒。创始于1856年,承载浪漫,传递爱情的依波路腕表,正代表着你对心中至爱的不渝之心。依波路设计师就以"爱琴海"为创作灵感,设计出本年品牌情人节巨献"爱琴海"系列情侣对表,他将「心形图案」融入腕表设计,在贝壳幻彩底盘上。 展开更多
关键词 波路 幻彩 创作灵感 释出 令人
作者 王子煜 《丝路视野》 2018年第31期70-71,共2页
2014年山西大同云波路北魏墓M10出土一件房形石葬具。本文将云波路M10房形葬具置于比较的视野下,与其他出土的房形葬具进行类型学等方面的对比,进一步探索该葬具乃至墓葬的年代以及墓主身份。从云波路M10房形葬具的形制特征看,其年代应... 2014年山西大同云波路北魏墓M10出土一件房形石葬具。本文将云波路M10房形葬具置于比较的视野下,与其他出土的房形葬具进行类型学等方面的对比,进一步探索该葬具乃至墓葬的年代以及墓主身份。从云波路M10房形葬具的形制特征看,其年代应在太和元年之后,孝昌三年之前,且可能在太和十八年前;墓主身份应为官员家眷。这件葬具为北魏时代的丧葬风俗、建筑模式等问题的研究提供了宝贵的线索. 展开更多
关键词 北魏 波路M10 房形石葬具
“我的祖先熊三拔” 意大利驻沪总领馆文化处处长倪波路访谈录 被引量:1
作者 徐作生 《友声》 2008年第5期49-52,共4页
关键词 熊三拔 波路 明万历 利玛窦 罗马大学 项目官员 国立大学 李之藻 文渊阁大学士 泰西水法
作者 杨梅 《齐鲁周刊》 2014年第45期25-25,共1页
本刊讯11月8日,"经典传承,浪漫延续"瑞士依波路表(Ernest Borel)浪漫巡礼活动在潍坊举办,为到场嘉宾带来了复古系列新品情侣腕表。瑞士依波路表亚太区行政总裁苏大先生、亚洲品牌形象代言人陈慧琳小姐共同出席此次活动,并为... 本刊讯11月8日,"经典传承,浪漫延续"瑞士依波路表(Ernest Borel)浪漫巡礼活动在潍坊举办,为到场嘉宾带来了复古系列新品情侣腕表。瑞士依波路表亚太区行政总裁苏大先生、亚洲品牌形象代言人陈慧琳小姐共同出席此次活动,并为瑞士依波路表复古系列情侣自动腕表新品揭幕。奢侈品市场整体萎缩的前提下,依波路做好"过冬准备"。不断开发新型款式增加消费刺激点。 展开更多
关键词 波路 品牌形象代言人 奢侈品市场 刺激点 BOREL 陈慧琳
“我的祖先熊三拔” 意大利驻沪总领馆文化处处长倪波路访谈录(续二)
作者 徐作生 《友声》 2008年第6期39-41,共3页
关键词 熊三拔 波路 专业名词 生活用语 告诉我 泰西水法 南京教案 明万历 礼部侍郎 摇摇头
《航空港》 2011年第11期18-19,共2页
为庆祝瑞士依波路表155周年诞辰,依波路"浪漫号"10月20日在创意时尚地标上海红坊浪漫启航。依波路优雅天使赵雅芝女士、浪漫女神陈慧琳小姐、帅气小生林峯先生齐聚上海,与瑞士依波路表总裁Mr.RaphaelBoillat、总经理Ms.Nathal... 为庆祝瑞士依波路表155周年诞辰,依波路"浪漫号"10月20日在创意时尚地标上海红坊浪漫启航。依波路优雅天使赵雅芝女士、浪漫女神陈慧琳小姐、帅气小生林峯先生齐聚上海,与瑞士依波路表总裁Mr.RaphaelBoillat、总经理Ms.Nathalie Boillat及亚太区行政总裁苏大先生,一同转动陀盘为现场的依波路嘉宾开启一趟浪漫航程。 展开更多
关键词 波路 陈慧琳 赵雅芝 品鉴 周年纪念 限量版 纪念版 波洛 路易十四 品牌基础
作者 徐作生 《友声》 2009年第1期42-43,共2页
关键词 波路 熊三拔 绘画创作 龙尾车 机械制造 泰西水法 波洛 告诉我 螺旋推进器 菲亚特公司
大型水产品批发市场电商产业园建设研究 ——以宁波路林水产批发市场为例
作者 王盼 《市场周刊·理论版》 2019年第39期35-35,共1页
本文以宁波路林水产批发市场为样本,设计水产品批发市场实施电商产业园的建设规划。首先,路林水产电商园的建设应采用混合所有制模式,可以发挥国企的制度性优势和民企的市场性势。此外,加强招商工作是水产电商园成功的重要保障,可从工... 本文以宁波路林水产批发市场为样本,设计水产品批发市场实施电商产业园的建设规划。首先,路林水产电商园的建设应采用混合所有制模式,可以发挥国企的制度性优势和民企的市场性势。此外,加强招商工作是水产电商园成功的重要保障,可从工作机制、奖励制度、活动运营等方面进行推进。 展开更多
关键词 电商产业园 水产品批发市场 波路
“一带一路”和北极航线背景下的“港口经济圈”建设--以宁波为例 被引量:3
作者 李振福 寿建敏 《中共浙江省委党校学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期76-81,共6页
宁波提出的打造"港口经济圈"的重要决策符合"一带一路"的战略需求,也与宁波的北极航线地位相吻合,对于提升宁波的国家战略地位有重要作用。文章在分析"港口经济圈"内涵的基础上,认为"港口经济圈&qu... 宁波提出的打造"港口经济圈"的重要决策符合"一带一路"的战略需求,也与宁波的北极航线地位相吻合,对于提升宁波的国家战略地位有重要作用。文章在分析"港口经济圈"内涵的基础上,认为"港口经济圈"建设在提升宁波的国家战略地位、推进宁波城市国际化建设、增强其在华东片国内外运输的核心地位、助推"一带一路"国家战略的顺利实施和诠释海洋强国战略方面具有重要价值。文章同时也指出宁波在将"港口经济圈"上升至国家战略方面存在一定的瓶颈,具体表现在"港口经济圈"的构建主体具有模糊性、"港口经济圈"的立足点具有狭隘性、"港口经济圈"的构建视角具有局限性、"港口经济圈"的构建范围具有不稳定性等方面。进而,文章提出以"大宁波路港经济圈"作为促进宁波"港口经济圈"建设的应对策略。 展开更多
关键词 经济圈 港口经济圈 “-带-路” 北极航线 大宁波路港经济圈
作者 刘建华 叶志铨 《电子对抗技术》 2001年第6期27-30,共4页
关键词 信号处理电路 波路 连续波雷达
The influence of sea water velocity variation on seismic traveltimes,ray paths,and amplitude 被引量:9
作者 韩复兴 孙建国 王坤 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期319-325,361,362,共9页
The main factors affecting seismic exploration is the propagation velocity of seismic waves in the medium. In the past, during marine seismic data processing, the propagation velocity of sea water was generally taken ... The main factors affecting seismic exploration is the propagation velocity of seismic waves in the medium. In the past, during marine seismic data processing, the propagation velocity of sea water was generally taken as a constant 1500 m/s. However, for deep water exploration, the sound velocity varies with the season, time, location, water depth, ocean currents, and etc.. It also results in a layered velocity distribution, so there is a difference of seismic traveltime, ray paths, and amplitude, which affect the migration imaging results if sea water propagation velocity is still taken as constant for the propagation wavefield. In this paper, we will start from an empirical equation of seismic wave velocity in seawater with changes of temperature, salinity, and depth, consider the variation of their values, build a seawater velocity model, and quantitatively analyze the impact of seawater velocity variation on seismic traveltime, ray paths, and amplitude in the seawater velocity model. 展开更多
关键词 Sea water velocity TRAVELTIMES ray paths AMPLITUDE
Hybrid particle filtering algorithm for GPS multipath mitigation 被引量:2
作者 郑南山 蔡良师 +1 位作者 卞和方 林聪 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期1554-1561,共8页
An altemative algorithm for mitigating GPS multipath was presented by integrating unscented Kalman filter (UKF) and wavelet transform with particle filter. Within consideration of particle degeneracy, UKF was taken ... An altemative algorithm for mitigating GPS multipath was presented by integrating unscented Kalman filter (UKF) and wavelet transform with particle filter. Within consideration of particle degeneracy, UKF was taken for drawing particle. To remove the noise from raw data and data processing error, adaptive wavelet filtering with threshold was adopted while data preprocessing and drawing particle. Three algorithms, named EKF-PF, UKF-PF and WM-UKF-PF, were performed for comparison. The proposed WM-UKF-PF algorithm gives better error minimization, and significantly improves performance of multipath mitigation in terms of SNR and coefficient even though it has computation complexity. It is of significance for high-accuracy positioning and non-stationary deformation analysis. 展开更多
关键词 particle filtering wavelet transformation global positioning system (GPS) multipath mitigation
Ray path of head waves with irregular interfaces 被引量:1
作者 周红 陈晓非 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第1期66-73,100,共9页
Head waves are usually considered to be the refracted waves propagating along flat interfaces with an underlying higher velocity.However,the path that the rays travel along in media with irregular interfaces is not cl... Head waves are usually considered to be the refracted waves propagating along flat interfaces with an underlying higher velocity.However,the path that the rays travel along in media with irregular interfaces is not clear.Here we study the problem by simulation using a new approach of the spectral-element method with some overlapped elements(SEMO) that can accurately evaluate waves traveling along an irregular interface.Consequently,the head waves are separated from interface waves by a time window.Thus,their energy and arrival time changes can be analyzed independently.These analyses demonstrate that,contrary to the case for head waves propagating along a flat interface,there are two mechanisms for head waves traveling along an irregular interface:a refraction mechanism and transmission mechanism.That is,the head waves may be refracted waves propagating along the interface or transmitted waves induced by the waves propagating in the higher-velocity media.Such knowledge will be helpful in constructing a more accurate inversion method,such as head wave travel-time tomography,and in obtaining a more accurate model of subsurface structure which is very important for understanding the formation mechanism of some special areas,such as the Tibetan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 head waves irregular interface refracted waves transmitted waves ray path
Wavelet method for processing white light interferogram from optical fiber interferometer 被引量:1
作者 LI Bao-sheng LIU Yong ZHAI Yu-feng WANG An 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2006年第1期75-77,共3页
A method based on the wavelet transform is proposed for processing white light Interferograms from optical fiber interferometers.With this method,the envelope and the zero optical path difference(ZOPD) of white light ... A method based on the wavelet transform is proposed for processing white light Interferograms from optical fiber interferometers.With this method,the envelope and the zero optical path difference(ZOPD) of white light interferograms are obtained with high accuracy.The results agree well with those obtained by the method of center of gravity.Reasons for the insensitivity to noises of this method are discussed.The method is expected to be useful when processing white light interferograms from optical fiber interferometers,especially with low signal-to-noise ratio. 展开更多
关键词 光纤干涉仪 白光干涉 小波转换 波路 稳定性
A Ka Broadband High Gain Monolithic LNA with a Noise Figure of 2dB 被引量:2
作者 黄清华 刘训春 +2 位作者 郝明丽 张宗楠 杨浩 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期1457-1460,共4页
A four-stage monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) low noise amplifier (LNA) operating from 23 to 36GHz is reported using commercially available 0.15μm PHEMT technology. The LNA is self-biased. To achie... A four-stage monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) low noise amplifier (LNA) operating from 23 to 36GHz is reported using commercially available 0.15μm PHEMT technology. The LNA is self-biased. To achieve a low noise characteristic, careful optimizations of gate width are performed to reduce gate resistance. Absorption circuits and an elaborate bias structure with a resistor-capacitor network are employed to improve stability. Multiple resonance points and negative feedback technologies are used to widen the bandwidth. Measurements show a noise figure (NF) of less than 2.0dB,and the lowest NF is only 1.6dB at a frequency of 31GHz. In the whole operation band,the LNA has a gain of higher than 26dB,and an input return loss and output return loss of more than 11 and 13dB,respectively. The output power at ldB compression gain of 36GHz is about 14dBm. The chip area is 2.4mm ×1mm. 展开更多
关键词 MMIC LNA Ka broadband NF high gain
AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Power Amplifier MIC with Power Combining at C-Band 被引量:1
作者 姚小江 李宾 +8 位作者 陈延湖 陈小娟 魏珂 李诚瞻 罗卫军 王晓亮 刘丹 刘果果 刘新宇 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期514-517,共4页
A power amplifier MIC with power combining based on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs was fabricated and measured. The amplifier consists of four 10 × 120μm transistors. A Wilkinson splitters and combining were used to divide and... A power amplifier MIC with power combining based on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs was fabricated and measured. The amplifier consists of four 10 × 120μm transistors. A Wilkinson splitters and combining were used to divide and combine the power. By biasing the amplifier at VDS = 40V, IDS = 0.9A, a maximum CW output power of 41.4dBm with a maximum power added efficiency (PAE) of 32.54% and a power combine efficiency of 69% was achieved at 5.4GHz. 展开更多
关键词 AlGaN/GaN HEMTs power combining MIC power amplifiers
A Practical Backside Technology for Indium Phosphide MMICs 被引量:1
作者 李拂晓 杨乃彬 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第12期1497-1500,共4页
A wet etching process for backside via holes suitable for use on InP MMICs technologies is developed for indium phosphide substrate.PMMA is used to mount InP wafer onto glass carrier.Spattered Ta film is utilized as e... A wet etching process for backside via holes suitable for use on InP MMICs technologies is developed for indium phosphide substrate.PMMA is used to mount InP wafer onto glass carrier.Spattered Ta film is utilized as etch mask.HCl+H 3PO 4 solution realised a etch until a depth of 100μm.It is demonstrated that the wet etching backside process is controllable with large latitudes. 展开更多
关键词 indium phosphide MMICS backside process
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