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作者 王科学 张艳博 +2 位作者 姚旭龙 梁鹏 刘祥鑫 《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第3期145-151,共7页
为探究载荷作用下波速场演化特征,进行了粉砂岩分级加载试验,以波速成像云图为研究对象,对岩石破裂过程中波速场的阶段性、区域性演化特征展开研究。结果表明:应用波速成像技术对岩石的探伤效果良好,其中,低波速带与裂纹位置相吻合,高... 为探究载荷作用下波速场演化特征,进行了粉砂岩分级加载试验,以波速成像云图为研究对象,对岩石破裂过程中波速场的阶段性、区域性演化特征展开研究。结果表明:应用波速成像技术对岩石的探伤效果良好,其中,低波速带与裂纹位置相吻合,高波速带与完整基岩区域一致;岩石在破裂过程中,伴随着裂纹发育,波速场的平均波速值与结构相似性均持续降低,损伤程度的差异越来越大;基于K-means法将岩石区域划分为3类,即完整域Ⅰ、弱化域Ⅱ与损伤域Ⅲ;区域的演化特征体现了岩石的非均质性特性,并通过熵权法判定3类区域对岩石损伤程度的影响性排序为损伤域Ⅲ>完整域Ⅰ>弱化域Ⅱ。 展开更多
关键词 粉砂岩 岩石力学 声发射波速场 波速成像技术 波速场演化特征
作者 傅帅旸 李海波 +3 位作者 吴迪 王犇 刘黎旺 李晓锋 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第S01期3257-3266,共10页
岩体爆破损伤区范围的量化界定对于爆破作用下地下工程围岩稳定性评价、基岩开挖损伤控制等具有重要意义。基于多模板快速行进法(multistencils fast marching methods,MSFM)与同步迭代重建技术(simultaneous iterative reconstructive ... 岩体爆破损伤区范围的量化界定对于爆破作用下地下工程围岩稳定性评价、基岩开挖损伤控制等具有重要意义。基于多模板快速行进法(multistencils fast marching methods,MSFM)与同步迭代重建技术(simultaneous iterative reconstructive technique,SIRT),提出一种基于波速场反演定量确定岩体爆破损伤区范围的方法。通过对比反演所得波速场与已知波速场模型,验证所提方法的有效性。使用自主研发的OpenFDEM有限-离散元求解器进行爆破、波速测量模拟,采用自编程后处理程序处理波形数据,对爆破后模型的波速场进行重建。结合现行规范中岩体损伤表征的波速变化率判据,对比分析波速场中不同波速变化率区域与爆生裂纹区域。使用爆破损伤程度不同的区域等效半径与爆破孔半径之比,量化爆破损伤的范围。分别以波速变化率10%与15%作为岩体爆破轻微损伤以及完全损伤的阈值,爆破轻微损伤区及爆破损伤区等效半径与爆破孔半径之比分别为11.86与7.2左右。随着爆破荷载的增加,不同程度损伤区的形状逐渐变得不规则,等效半径增大。研究结果可为现场爆破损伤区范围的确定提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 爆破损伤区 波速场反演 多模板快速行进法 同步迭代重建技术 有限-离散元模拟
基于波速场成像技术的岩石损伤评价研究 被引量:12
作者 张艳博 王科学 +5 位作者 姚旭龙 黄艳利 孙林 梁鹏 田宝柱 梁精龙 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期2404-2417,共14页
基于区域相关性的声发射波速场成像技术,开展岩石破裂过程的声发射探伤成像实验,从损伤状态探测的准确程度和岩石损伤演化过程两方面对波速成像进行检验,构建基于波速场的损伤评价体系,确立基于声发射波速场的损伤变量。研究结果表明:... 基于区域相关性的声发射波速场成像技术,开展岩石破裂过程的声发射探伤成像实验,从损伤状态探测的准确程度和岩石损伤演化过程两方面对波速成像进行检验,构建基于波速场的损伤评价体系,确立基于声发射波速场的损伤变量。研究结果表明:波速成像云图以区域化的形式准确反演损伤区域的空间位置,低波速周边的弱化区域能够表征裂纹未来发育方向,高、低波速区域的离散分布刻画了岩石真实状态。波速成像云图的演化过程揭示了岩石关键破裂损伤多发生于波速异常区域或异常区域交界处,并以此为核心低波速区域不断聚集、扩展,向整体贯通的破坏机制。经过"波速场特征提取-综合权重确定-TOPSIS法综合评价"对岩石损伤状态进行评价,在分级加载过程中,岩石经历了损伤稳定发展与损伤加速上升的过程,在加速上升期间存在裂纹压密使损伤短暂降低的现象。该评价方法对岩石的微破裂行为刻画效果显著,能够在定量化描述损伤状态的同时显现损伤分布区域,对岩石损伤稳定性评价具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 声发射波速场 波速成像技术 损伤演化 损伤评价
喷涂聚脲纤维混凝土劈裂抗拉性能试验研究 被引量:2
作者 赵亚军 李桂祥 冀晨宇 《混凝土》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第10期72-76,86,共6页
为研究聚脲对纤维混凝土劈裂抗拉性能的影响,应用数字图像相关方法(DIC)和超声波检测技术,对喷涂聚脲纤维混凝土劈裂抗拉过程中的应变和波速信息进行分析,得到不同加载阶段应变场和波速场的变化特征。结果表明:喷涂聚脲纤维混凝土的劈... 为研究聚脲对纤维混凝土劈裂抗拉性能的影响,应用数字图像相关方法(DIC)和超声波检测技术,对喷涂聚脲纤维混凝土劈裂抗拉过程中的应变和波速信息进行分析,得到不同加载阶段应变场和波速场的变化特征。结果表明:喷涂聚脲纤维混凝土的劈裂抗拉强度随着聚脲厚度的增加而增加,当聚脲厚度为7 mm、纤维掺量为0.3%时,劈裂抗拉强度达到4.31 MPa,是同一纤维掺量混凝土的1.19倍;喷涂聚脲可以提高纤维混凝土的韧性,延缓损伤产生;DIC和超声波检测技术在表征混凝土损伤方面具有内外关联性,可更全面的反映混凝土的损伤过程。 展开更多
关键词 聚脲 纤维混凝土 劈裂抗拉 应变 波速场
岩质边坡微震监测方案优化设计及隐伏危险区域辨识 被引量:1
作者 张文革 王加闯 +5 位作者 董陇军 龚甦文 罗才严 郝晨良 曹恒 闫先航 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第9期69-75,共7页
地压监测是矿山安全管理的关键环节,也是矿产资源开发过程中有效的监测手段。根据陕西省四方金矿的矿山地质条件和地压活动规律,为提高资源回收率,有效治理矿山地表环形边坡,解决安全绿色采矿的关键问题,针对矿山生产特点,结合传感器布... 地压监测是矿山安全管理的关键环节,也是矿产资源开发过程中有效的监测手段。根据陕西省四方金矿的矿山地质条件和地压活动规律,为提高资源回收率,有效治理矿山地表环形边坡,解决安全绿色采矿的关键问题,针对矿山生产特点,结合传感器布设的基本要求,分析了不同布设方案的理想定位误差,并从经济性角度分析与设计了满足矿山监测要求的地压系统监测方案。为进一步辨识矿山边坡体的薄弱异常区域,确定边坡的区域稳定性情况,采用波速场成像技术获取了边坡体监测剖面低速危险区域和高速危险区域的成像结果,进而实现了边坡体内部隐伏空洞异常区域的超前辨识及监测效果分析。结果表明:在理想化条件下,某一监测点设置为不同的标高时,坡体定位误差差距不明显,结合监测震源的矿山边坡区域相对波速场成像结果可知,基于当前的台网布置方案,可满足对于矿山边坡体监测剖面内部危险区域的辨识需求。研究成果对于减少矿山灾害事故发生、提升矿山安全生产稳定性具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 高陡边坡 地压监测 优化设计 隐伏危险区域 波速场成像技术
PASAT-M探测系统在冲击地压解危效果评价中的应用 被引量:1
作者 伍卫国 季成 《煤矿现代化》 2018年第1期22-25,共4页
在开展多个工作面实际探测经验的基础上,对PASAT-M型微震探测系统的性能和原理进行论述。以1930煤矿35311工作面为探测现场,针对工作面上覆坚硬厚顶板进行深孔断顶爆破解危后波速分布状况进行探测,并根据探测结果评价了顶板深孔爆破后... 在开展多个工作面实际探测经验的基础上,对PASAT-M型微震探测系统的性能和原理进行论述。以1930煤矿35311工作面为探测现场,针对工作面上覆坚硬厚顶板进行深孔断顶爆破解危后波速分布状况进行探测,并根据探测结果评价了顶板深孔爆破后冲击地压的解危效果。探测结果表明:顶板深孔爆破孔区域波速分布较为均匀,未爆破区域应力分布存在应力集中区,坚硬顶板周期性垮落,没有形成大面积的悬顶。本文为类似的坚硬厚顶板冲击地压防冲解危评价工作提供了有力的参考,同时验证了利用PASAT-M探测技术能够对现场卸压解危效果检验的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 冲击地压 波速场 微震探测 应力集中 顶板爆破
A simplified model for extreme-wave kinematics in deep sea 被引量:1
作者 滕斌 宁德志 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2009年第1期27-32,共6页
Based on the fifth-order Stokes regular wave theory, a simplified model for extreme-wave kinematics in deep sea was developed. In this model, from the wave records the average of two neighboring wave periods for the e... Based on the fifth-order Stokes regular wave theory, a simplified model for extreme-wave kinematics in deep sea was developed. In this model, from the wave records the average of two neighboring wave periods for the extreme crest or trough was defined as the period of the Stokes wave by the up and down zero-crossing methods. Then the input wave amplitude was deduced by substituting the wave period and extreme crest or trough into the expression for the fifth-order Stokes wave elevation. Thus the corresponding formula for the wave velocity can be used to describe kinematics beneath the extreme wave. By comparison with the published numerical models and experimental data, the proposed model is validated to be able to calculate the extreme wave velocity rather easily and accurately. 展开更多
关键词 extreme wave deep sea fifth-order Stokes regular wave KINEMATICS velocity field
作者 伍卫国 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2019年第6期109-111,共3页
以35311工作面顶板大面积悬顶为研究背景,根据地质赋存条件对顶板关键层进行分析,并设计了顶板爆破相关参数对顶板进行爆破处理,然后利用波速场应力分布和支架阻力两个参数对顶板爆破效果进行评价。研究结果表明:顶板上方10.89m的粗砂... 以35311工作面顶板大面积悬顶为研究背景,根据地质赋存条件对顶板关键层进行分析,并设计了顶板爆破相关参数对顶板进行爆破处理,然后利用波速场应力分布和支架阻力两个参数对顶板爆破效果进行评价。研究结果表明:顶板上方10.89m的粗砂岩为关键层;顶板爆破后应力场分布比较均匀,未爆破区域存在大面积的应力集中区;爆破前支架阻力为25~40MPa之间,爆破后工作面支架阻力大部分在25~30MPa之间。采取顶板爆破措施后,顶板能够避免大面积应力集中区出现和降低采场支架阻力,对提高工作面的安全性,避免顶板冲击地压的发生具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 冲击地压 顶板爆破 支架阻力 波速场
作者 张涛 李少伟 任康江 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2022年第10期10-13,共4页
目前,我国的煤炭资源正逐渐转入深部进行开采,然而深部围岩采场所处的应力环境较复杂,因此采煤工作面冲击危险区域的确定对指导工作面精准卸压、冲击危险性防治起重大作用。本文利用PASAT-M便携式微震探测系统,基于弹性波CT反演技术,分... 目前,我国的煤炭资源正逐渐转入深部进行开采,然而深部围岩采场所处的应力环境较复杂,因此采煤工作面冲击危险区域的确定对指导工作面精准卸压、冲击危险性防治起重大作用。本文利用PASAT-M便携式微震探测系统,基于弹性波CT反演技术,分析超前工作面区域煤岩体内的应力变化情况,确定工作面的冲击危险区域;并结合现场实际情况制定并实施“帮部大直径钻孔卸压+煤体爆破卸压+顶板深孔预裂爆破卸压”的联合卸压解危措施方案,保证工作面的安全生产。 展开更多
关键词 深部开采 微震探测 波速场 冲击危险 卸压解危
Direct pre-stack depth migration on rugged topography
作者 周竹生 陈高祥 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第9期2736-2742,共7页
Engineering seismic exploration aims at shallow imaging which is confused by statics if the surface is uneven. Direct pre-stack depth migration (DPDM) is based on accurate elevations of sources and receivers, by whi... Engineering seismic exploration aims at shallow imaging which is confused by statics if the surface is uneven. Direct pre-stack depth migration (DPDM) is based on accurate elevations of sources and receivers, by which static correction is completely abandoned before migration and surely the imaging quality is remarkably improved. To obtain some artificial shot gathers, high-order staggered-grid finite-difference (FD) method is adapted to model acoustic wave propagation. Since the shot gathers are always disturbed by regular interferences, the statics still must be applied to supporting the interference elimination by apparent velocity filtering method. Then all the shot gathers should be removed back to their original positions by reverse statics. Finally, they are migrated by pre-stack reverse-time depth migration and imaged. The numerical experiments show that the DPDM can ideally avoid the mistakes caused by statics and increase imaging precision. 展开更多
关键词 undulating topography seismic modeling static correction apparent velocity filtering direct pre-stack depth migration
Automatically positioning microseismic sources in mining by the stereo tomographic method using full wavefields 被引量:3
作者 缪华祥 姜福兴 +3 位作者 宋雪娟 宋建勇 杨淑华 焦俊如 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期168-176,234,235,共11页
For microseisimic monitoring it is difficult to determine wave modes and their propagation velocity. In this paper, we propose a new method for automatically inverting in real time the source characteristics of micros... For microseisimic monitoring it is difficult to determine wave modes and their propagation velocity. In this paper, we propose a new method for automatically inverting in real time the source characteristics of microseismic events in mine engineering without wave mode identification and velocities. Based on the wave equation in a spherical coordinate system, we derive a tomographic imaging equation and formulate a scanning parameter selection criterion by which the microseisimic event maximum energy and corresponding parameters can be determined. By determining the maximum energy positions inside a given risk district, we can indentify microseismic events inside or outside the risk districts. The synthetic and field examples demonstrate that the proposed tomographic imaging method can automatically position microseismic events by only knowing the risk district dimensions and range of velocities without identifying the wavefield modes and accurate velocities. Therefore, the new method utilizes the full wavefields to automatically monitor microseismic events. 展开更多
关键词 microseismic full wavefields wavefield mode identification tomographic image source parameters automatic positioning
Micro-seismic wave's propagation law and its numerical simulation 被引量:1
作者 逄焕东 姜福兴 林培兰 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2006年第2期40-42,共3页
Deduced the propagation rule of longitudinal and transverse wave. On the basis of this, propagation rules in attenuated visco-elastic media and varied Lame coefficient were put forward as well. The subsequent numerica... Deduced the propagation rule of longitudinal and transverse wave. On the basis of this, propagation rules in attenuated visco-elastic media and varied Lame coefficient were put forward as well. The subsequent numerical analysis found that in a small scope longitudinal and transverse wave could be considered as homogeneously propagating when faultages and joints were not taken into account. The existence of lane hindered the wave's propagation, and it made the velocity gradient change in a local vicinity area. Therefore velocity varied in different direction. 展开更多
关键词 micro seismic non-homogenization elastic wave velocity field
Ground-borne vibration generated by high-speed train viaduct systems in soft-upper/hard-lower rock strata 被引量:4
作者 XING Meng-ting WANG Ping +2 位作者 ZHAO Cai-you WU Xue KANG Xiu-shan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第7期2140-2157,共18页
An experimental study and theoretical analysis were carried out to explore the ground-borne vibration generated by elevated high-speed railway in rock strata.Taking a typical rail line constructed on rock area in Chin... An experimental study and theoretical analysis were carried out to explore the ground-borne vibration generated by elevated high-speed railway in rock strata.Taking a typical rail line constructed on rock area in China as the research object,a set of field tests was performed on Rizhao-Lankao High-Speed Railway,the bridge and ground vibrations were measured as trains passed at 330−340 km/h,then the transferring law and spatial distribution under individual frequencies were investigated.The experiment results indicate that the bridge frequency spectrum exhibited relatively high-frequency vibration peaks caused by short-wavelength irregularity;ground vibration farther than 30 m away can be amplified with a higher frequency and numerous components.Furthermore,the wave propagation equation of a stratified rock strata was established based on direct-stiffness method to explore the vibration attenuation rules via frequency-domain analysis.It is found that the rock area has a weaker correlation between vibration transmissibility and frequency,thicker and harder rock strata loss their vibration attenuation capacity.It can be concluded that the high-speed railways induced vibration on rock strata shows a wide frequency band and large amplitude,the design of reducing vibration aimed at specific frequency is important according to next more detailed numerical study. 展开更多
关键词 rock stratum vibration and wave elevated high-speed railways in situ test transferring law
An improved fast converted-wave imaging method
作者 Wu Xiao Liu Yang +2 位作者 Wang Yong Xu Shi-Gang Jia Wan-Li 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第2期171-184,253,共15页
The conventional fast converted-wave imaging method directly uses backward Pand converted S-wavefield to produce joint images. However, this image is accompanied by strong background noises, because the wavefi elds in... The conventional fast converted-wave imaging method directly uses backward Pand converted S-wavefield to produce joint images. However, this image is accompanied by strong background noises, because the wavefi elds in all propagation directions contribute to it. Given this issue, we improve the conventional imaging method in the two aspects. First, the amplitude-preserved P-and S-wavef ield are obtained by using an improved space-domain wavef ield separation scheme to decouple the original elastic wavef ield. Second, a convertedwave imaging condition is constructed based on the directional-wavefield separation and only the wavefields propagating in the same directions used for cross-correlation imaging, resulting in effectively eliminating the imaging artifacts of the wavefields with different directions;Complex-wavefi eld extrapolation is adopted to decompose the decoupled P-and S-wavefield into directional-wavefields during backward propagation, this improves the eff iciency of the directional-wavef ield separation. Experiments on synthetic data show that the improved method generates more accurate converted-wave images than the conventional one. Moreover, the improved method has application potential in micro-seismic and passive-source exploration due to its source-independent characteristic. 展开更多
关键词 converted-wave fast imaging elastic wavefield separation directional wavefield separation
Theoretical Study on Drift of Ca^(2+)Spiral Waves Controlled by Electric Field 被引量:1
作者 TANG Jun JIA Ya +1 位作者 MA Jun YI Ming 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期941-946,共6页
Based on the Tang-Othmer Ca^2+ model, the drift behavior of intracellular Ca^2+ spiral waves under the influence of weak electric field is investigated. Numerical results show that the dependence of drift velocity o... Based on the Tang-Othmer Ca^2+ model, the drift behavior of intracellular Ca^2+ spiral waves under the influence of weak electric field is investigated. Numerical results show that the dependence of drift velocity of the spiral tip on dc electric field is similar to experimental observations in BZ system. When an ac electric field is applied, interesting resonant-drift phenomenon is observed with ω=2ω0. All results can be explained analytically using a proximate method. 展开更多
关键词 Ca^2+ spiral wave TIP DRIFT electric field
作者 马芹永 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1998年第2期58-63,共6页
Theoretical analysis conducted of uniaxial compressive strength and tensile strength of artificially frozen soil and P waves and S waves and of the relationship between the two. Experiments are made on frozen sand and... Theoretical analysis conducted of uniaxial compressive strength and tensile strength of artificially frozen soil and P waves and S waves and of the relationship between the two. Experiments are made on frozen sand and frozen clay respectively at the temperature of - 7℃, - 12℃and - 17℃. Of the data obtained, regression analysis and gray-system correlation are conducted. As indicated by the results, the frozen soil tensile strength is closely correIated with the P wave velocity and the compressive with the S wave, hence the former is well described by the latter. 展开更多
关键词 STRENGTH wave velocity frozen soil EXPERIMENT TEMPERATURE
Correlation of liquefaction resistance with shear wave velocity based on laboratory study using bender element
作者 周燕国 陈云敏 柯瀚 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第8期805-812,共8页
Recent studies using field case history data yielded new criteria for evaluating liquefaction potential in saturated granular deposits based on in situ, stress-corrected shear wave velocity. However, the conditions of... Recent studies using field case history data yielded new criteria for evaluating liquefaction potential in saturated granular deposits based on in situ, stress-corrected shear wave velocity. However, the conditions of relatively insufficient case histories and limited site conditions in this approach call for additional data to more reliably define liquefaction resistance as a function of shear wave velocity. In this study, a series of undrained cyclic triaxial tests were conducted on saturated sand with shear wave velocity Vs measured by bender element. By normalizing the data with respect to minimum void ratio, the test results, in-corporated with previously published laboratory data, statistically revealed good correlation of cyclic shear strength with small-strain shear modulus for sandy soils, which is almost irrespective of soil types and confining pressures. The consequently determined cyclic resistance ratio, CRR, was found to be approximately proportional to Vs4. Liquefaction resistance boundary curves were established by applying this relationship and compared to liquefaction criteria derived from seismic field measure-ments. Although in the range of Vs1>200 m/s the presented curves are moderately conservative, they are remarkably consistent with the published field performance criteria on the whole. 展开更多
关键词 Liquefaction resistance Shear wave velocity SAND Cyclic triaxial test Laboratory correlation Bender element
Velocity field of wave-induced local fluid flow in double-porosity media 被引量:4
作者 BA Jing ZHANG Lin +1 位作者 SUN WeiTao HAO ZhaoBing 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期1020-1030,共11页
Under the excitation of elastic waves,local fluid flow in a complex porous medium is a major cause for wave dispersion and attenuation.When the local fluid flow process is simulated with wave propagation equations in ... Under the excitation of elastic waves,local fluid flow in a complex porous medium is a major cause for wave dispersion and attenuation.When the local fluid flow process is simulated with wave propagation equations in the double-porosity medium,two porous skeletons are usually assumed,namely,host and inclusions.Of them,the volume ratio of inclusion skeletons is low.All previous studies have ignored the consideration of local fluid flow velocity field in inclusions,and therefore they can not completely describe the physical process of local flow oscillation and should not be applied to the situation where the fluid kinetic energy in inclusions cannot be neglected.In this paper,we analyze the local fluid flow velocity fields inside and outside the inclusion,rewrite the kinetic energy function and dissipation function based on the double-porosity medium model containing spherical inclusions,and derive the reformulated Biot-Rayleigh(BR)equations of elastic wave propagation based on Hamilton’s principle.We present simulation examples with different rock and fluid types.Comparisons between BR equations and reformulated BR equations show that there are significant differences in wave response characteristics.Finally,we compare the reformulated BR equations with the previous theories and experimental data,and the results show that the theoretical results of this paper are correct and effective. 展开更多
关键词 double-porosity medium elastic wave propagation local fluid flow velocity dispersion Biot-Rayleigh equations petro-physical experiment
SH-wavefield simulation for a laterally heterogeneous whole-Earth model using the pseudospectral method 被引量:7
作者 WANG YanBin TAKENAKA Hiroshi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第12期1940-1947,共8页
We present a scheme to simulate SH-wave propagation in a whole-Earth model with arbitrary lateral heterogeneities employing the Fourier pseudospectral method. Wave equations are defined in two-dimensional cylindrical ... We present a scheme to simulate SH-wave propagation in a whole-Earth model with arbitrary lateral heterogeneities employing the Fourier pseudospectral method. Wave equations are defined in two-dimensional cylindrical coordinates and the model is taken through a great circle of the Earth. Spatial derivatives in the wave equations are calculated in the wavenumber domain by multiplication, and the transformation between spatial and wavenumber domains is performed via fast Fourier transformation. Because of the high accuracy and high speed of the Fourier pseudospectral method, the scheme enables us to calculate a short-wavelength global SH-wavefield with accurate waveforms and arrival times for models with heterogeneities that can be approximated as azimuthally symmetric. Comparing with two-dimensional simulation methods based on an axisymmetric model, implementing the seismic source in the present scheme is more convenient. We calculated the global SH-wavefield for the preliminary reference Earth model to identify the generation, reflection and refraction of various seismic phases propagating in the Earth. Applications to a heterogeneous global model with low-velocity perturbation above the core-mantle boundary were conducted to analyze the effect of lateral heterogeneity on global SH-wave propagation. 展开更多
关键词 wave propagation computational seismology pseudospectral method global seismology core-mantle boundary
Gravitational Wave in Lorentz Violating Gravity
作者 李昕 常哲 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第11期535-540,共6页
By making use of the weak gravitational field approximation, we obtain a linearized solution of the gravitational vacuum field equation in an anisotropic spacetime. The plane-wave solution and dispersion relation of g... By making use of the weak gravitational field approximation, we obtain a linearized solution of the gravitational vacuum field equation in an anisotropic spacetime. The plane-wave solution and dispersion relation of gravitationaJ wave is presented explicitly. There is possibility that the speed of gravitational wave is larger than the speed of light and the easuality still holds. We show that the energy-momentum of gravitational wave in the ansiotropic spacetime is still well defined and conserved. 展开更多
关键词 special relativity Finsler spacetime projectively flat
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