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华南前寒武系基底变质杂岩高温高压下的波速特征及地壳结构 被引量:4
作者 谢窦克 周宇章 +1 位作者 张开毕 邢光福 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期107-117,共11页
目前,华南地区通过数条地学大断面在内的地球物理探测工作,已经获得了大量深部地壳结构的信息,然而对其基底岩石的物理性质研究程度还不够.为此,我们选择华南地区扬子克拉通和华夏陆块具代表性的不同深度地壳岩石,对其进行高温高压弹性... 目前,华南地区通过数条地学大断面在内的地球物理探测工作,已经获得了大量深部地壳结构的信息,然而对其基底岩石的物理性质研究程度还不够.为此,我们选择华南地区扬子克拉通和华夏陆块具代表性的不同深度地壳岩石,对其进行高温高压弹性波速特征研究.结果表明两大构造单元基底的岩石波速差异较大,从而认为两者物质组成迥异,地壳结构完全不同.进而初步建立了扬子克拉通与华夏陆块各自的地壳结构模型,认为扬子克拉通具有多层结构的结晶基底,华夏陆块具三层结构但没有结晶基底,这一模型重新构建了华南的地壳结构,对华南深部地质研究和构造格局演化研究具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 变质杂岩 弹性波速特征 高温 高压 前寒武 华南
转动压电陶瓷体表面声波的存在性及波速特征关系 被引量:5
作者 周又和 Qing Jiang 《力学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期707-716,共10页
对转动半无限压电陶瓷体的表面声波给出了存在性证明及其条件.结果发现:对应于不转动时的 Rayleigh表面声波与 Bleustein-Gulyaev表面声波在转动情形是否仍为表面波有赖于压电体的材料参数;如果转动时表面... 对转动半无限压电陶瓷体的表面声波给出了存在性证明及其条件.结果发现:对应于不转动时的 Rayleigh表面声波与 Bleustein-Gulyaev表面声波在转动情形是否仍为表面波有赖于压电体的材料参数;如果转动时表面声波存在,则这些表面声波是色散的.最后,以PZT-5H压电陶瓷材料为例定量给出了波速-转动角速度的特征曲线. 展开更多
关键词 半无限压电陶瓷体 匀速转动 表面声波 存在性 波速特征关系
作者 李加顺 刘丽 《甘肃水利水电技术》 2023年第1期54-59,共6页
为了研究滇中引水工程沿线输水干渠软弱土改良后的抗震效果,开展了现场波速测试与地震动响应仿真计算,分析研究了渠基土改良厚度对土层波速、渠基土自振特性以及位移响应的影响程度。研究得出:①波速与改良厚度具有幂函数关系,压缩波速... 为了研究滇中引水工程沿线输水干渠软弱土改良后的抗震效果,开展了现场波速测试与地震动响应仿真计算,分析研究了渠基土改良厚度对土层波速、渠基土自振特性以及位移响应的影响程度。研究得出:①波速与改良厚度具有幂函数关系,压缩波速高于剪切波速,非饱和土改良后波速高于饱和土波速。②自振频率与加速度放大系数、改良厚度分别具有指数函数关系和二次函数关系。③饱和土自振频率和加速度放大系数均高于非饱和土,两者受地震波输入峰频影响敏感度有一定差异。④改良厚度愈大,渠基土层位移响应值也就愈大,位移响应值随改良厚度梯次变化,具有均衡变化特征。⑤饱和土层位移响应值高于非饱和土层,后者受改良厚度影响敏感性弱于前者。⑥控制渠基土层改良厚度,有助于限制地震波对土层的放大效应,减弱渠基土地震动位移,提高输水干渠抗震效果。 展开更多
关键词 滇中引水工程 波速特征 地震动响应 软弱土
用密度波特征波速判定环空多相流流型的转变 被引量:2
作者 王勇飞 颜磊 +4 位作者 姚金兵 廖元垲 沈建文 王旭东 邱伊婕 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期85-90,共6页
钻井环空多相流流型判定目前主要依靠经验公式,存在着一定的误差。为此,考虑钻井液相湍动、脉动速度、虚拟质量力、斯托克斯力、相界面动量传递等因素,在双流体模型的基础上,建立了密度波特征波速判定环空多相流流型转变的模型,并利用... 钻井环空多相流流型判定目前主要依靠经验公式,存在着一定的误差。为此,考虑钻井液相湍动、脉动速度、虚拟质量力、斯托克斯力、相界面动量传递等因素,在双流体模型的基础上,建立了密度波特征波速判定环空多相流流型转变的模型,并利用小扰动线性法,通过编程计算求解。研究结果表明:(1)由所建模型计算的数据与前人密度波不稳定判断流型结果一致;(2)虚拟质量力对密度波特征波速判断流型的影响较大,随虚拟质量力系数增大,泡状流向弹状流转变的空隙率增大;(3)随井深增加,分散气相密度增大、气相与钻井液相相对密度增大、界面膜稳定性增强,分散气相液滴不易发生聚集,泡状流向弹状流转变空隙率增大;(4)密度波一次不稳定性导致分散气相从泡状流聚合为弹状流,密度波二次不稳定现象导致气相继续聚合,逐渐形成连续的气体环状,从而发生弹状流向环状流转变,密度波的二次不稳定现象多发生在井口环空段。结论认为,利用密度波特征波速来判定井筒流型转变是可行的。 展开更多
关键词 钻井 密度波 环空 多相流 密度波特征波速 虚拟质量力 流型转变
作者 王科学 张艳博 +2 位作者 姚旭龙 梁鹏 刘祥鑫 《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第3期145-151,共7页
为探究载荷作用下波速场演化特征,进行了粉砂岩分级加载试验,以波速成像云图为研究对象,对岩石破裂过程中波速场的阶段性、区域性演化特征展开研究。结果表明:应用波速成像技术对岩石的探伤效果良好,其中,低波速带与裂纹位置相吻合,高... 为探究载荷作用下波速场演化特征,进行了粉砂岩分级加载试验,以波速成像云图为研究对象,对岩石破裂过程中波速场的阶段性、区域性演化特征展开研究。结果表明:应用波速成像技术对岩石的探伤效果良好,其中,低波速带与裂纹位置相吻合,高波速带与完整基岩区域一致;岩石在破裂过程中,伴随着裂纹发育,波速场的平均波速值与结构相似性均持续降低,损伤程度的差异越来越大;基于K-means法将岩石区域划分为3类,即完整域Ⅰ、弱化域Ⅱ与损伤域Ⅲ;区域的演化特征体现了岩石的非均质性特性,并通过熵权法判定3类区域对岩石损伤程度的影响性排序为损伤域Ⅲ>完整域Ⅰ>弱化域Ⅱ。 展开更多
关键词 粉砂岩 岩石力学 声发射波速 波速成像技术 波速场演化特征
作者 吴继敏 李枫 +1 位作者 卢瑾 王学潮 《解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI 北大核心 2010年第5期539-543,共5页
高温、高地应力和高渗透压力的地质环境对围岩强度和变形特征的影响是隧道设计和施工所面临的关键问题,直接影响支护形式和施工安全。对南水北调阿坝俄休沟线路的钻孔岩芯,进行不同地质环境模拟的声波检测,应用维尔卡森、H和富里德曼理... 高温、高地应力和高渗透压力的地质环境对围岩强度和变形特征的影响是隧道设计和施工所面临的关键问题,直接影响支护形式和施工安全。对南水北调阿坝俄休沟线路的钻孔岩芯,进行不同地质环境模拟的声波检测,应用维尔卡森、H和富里德曼理论进行声波参数的特征检验。结果显示,高围压(60 MPa)导致岩芯中可能出现裂隙,对试样的波速特征具明显影响;而高温(≤70°C)和高渗透压力(≤10 MPa)对岩芯的的波速特征无显著影响;在多因素综合影响下,岩芯的的波速特征存在明显差异。这对于洞室设计中围岩分类及其支护设计具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 高埋深 地质环境 统计检验 围岩岩芯 波速特征
不同特征下激光超声温度测量研究 被引量:1
作者 贾庸斌 郭华玲 +2 位作者 郑宾 刘辉 贺旭文 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期362-369,共8页
为解决金属材料在高温工作环境下进行温度检测时需接触,受限多等问题,使用激光超声技术实现超声非接触式收发,通过对纵波、表面波信号与温度的相关性分析,实现高温工作状态下金属零部件温度的检测。建立20~520℃范围内铝块的激光超声温... 为解决金属材料在高温工作环境下进行温度检测时需接触,受限多等问题,使用激光超声技术实现超声非接触式收发,通过对纵波、表面波信号与温度的相关性分析,实现高温工作状态下金属零部件温度的检测。建立20~520℃范围内铝块的激光超声温度检测模型,研究了激光激发的超声纵波、表面波波速与温度的相关性;提出Wigner-Ville分布下激光超声能量谱密度最大点的频率移动特征分析方法,研究了激光超声表面波频率与温度的相关性。研究表明:激光超声纵波、表面波波速及频率随温度升高成线性降低关系,且表面波波速-温度关系对温度检测的灵敏度更高。在单位长度1 cm范围内,表面波声时随温度变化率为1.4×10^(-9) s·℃^(-1),波速随温度变化率为-0.85 m·s^(-1)·℃^(-1),可以分辨1℃的温度变化,为后续的激光超声温度检测研究提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 激光超声测温 波速特征 频率特征 Wigner-Ville时频分布
作者 谭洲 李彪 +2 位作者 李鹏 林开盛 苏海健 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1979-1990,共12页
以大渡河双江口水电站地下厂房为研究对象,基于单孔声波测试结果,分析了高地应力条件下洞室开挖卸荷围岩波速曲线特征,确定了围岩开挖损伤区(EDZ)的范围,总结得到了应力重分布影响、临近爆破影响的围岩EDZ演化规律以及不同区域围岩EDZ... 以大渡河双江口水电站地下厂房为研究对象,基于单孔声波测试结果,分析了高地应力条件下洞室开挖卸荷围岩波速曲线特征,确定了围岩开挖损伤区(EDZ)的范围,总结得到了应力重分布影响、临近爆破影响的围岩EDZ演化规律以及不同区域围岩EDZ的特征。采用有限差分数值分析方法研究EDZ形成机理,揭示了在高地应力条件下爆破荷载、地应力瞬态卸荷荷载以及应力重分布三因素在单独和耦合作用下对围岩EDZ的影响。研究结果可为地下洞室安全评价与支护参数优化提供技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 高地应力地下厂房 波速特征 开挖损伤区 数值模拟 形成机理
作者 谭洲 李彪 +2 位作者 殷修宇 吴楠 李鹏 《四川水泥》 2024年第4期68-70,74,共4页
以大渡河双江口水电站地下厂房为研究对象,通过采用有限差分数值模拟方法开展考虑围岩EDZ的高地应力地下厂房变形反馈分析,将位移计算结果与外观监测数据进行对比,结果表明:在不考虑围岩EDZ影响计算时,位移计算结果与实测位移有较大差别... 以大渡河双江口水电站地下厂房为研究对象,通过采用有限差分数值模拟方法开展考虑围岩EDZ的高地应力地下厂房变形反馈分析,将位移计算结果与外观监测数据进行对比,结果表明:在不考虑围岩EDZ影响计算时,位移计算结果与实测位移有较大差别,且不同深度开挖计算的位移差值达到6~10mm;当考虑围岩EDZ影响进行岩体力学参数折减的变形计算时,孔口单元的位移较未考虑围岩EDZ影响时明显增加。研究结果可为地下洞室安全评价与支护参数优化提供技术支撑,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 高地应力地下厂房 围岩EDZ 波速特征 开挖损伤区 数值模拟 反馈分析
地震小区划的工程地质-地震工程准则及实例分析 被引量:4
作者 范士凯 《资源环境与工程》 2006年第B11期601-607,共7页
本文以工程地质研究为主线,在区域稳定性评价的前提下,以地质条件的基本要素———地貌单元、地层时代和地层岩相组合为基础,建立地层岩相及其波速特征概化的地质模型,并进行工程地质区段划分,进而做地震反应分析并得出地面运动特征和... 本文以工程地质研究为主线,在区域稳定性评价的前提下,以地质条件的基本要素———地貌单元、地层时代和地层岩相组合为基础,建立地层岩相及其波速特征概化的地质模型,并进行工程地质区段划分,进而做地震反应分析并得出地面运动特征和地震反应谱,同时以地貌———地层岩相组合判断砂土液化及其它地震效应的分布。这套工作程序和方法就是地震小区划的“工程地质———地震工程准则”。文中还以“焦作———鹤壁矿区地震工程地质研究及小区划”为例,具体说明了这一准则的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 区域稳定 地貌 年代 岩相和波速特征 地质——波速模型 地震反应谱
Analysis of elastic anisotropy of tight sandstone and the influential factors 被引量:1
作者 宋连腾 刘忠华 +4 位作者 周灿灿 俞军 修立军 孙中春 张海涛 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期10-20,188,共12页
Tight sandstone has a certain anisotropy. Using ultrasonic measurements of samples in three different directions and related matched experiments, this study systematically analyzes the pore structure and anisotropy of... Tight sandstone has a certain anisotropy. Using ultrasonic measurements of samples in three different directions and related matched experiments, this study systematically analyzes the pore structure and anisotropy of tight sandstone samples obtained from oil fields and compares results with those of shale. Results firstly show that the anisotropy of tight sandstone is mainly related to the compositional layering and thin interbedding which occur in different sedimentary environments. Tight sandstone has typical transverse isotropic medium characteristics, Young’s modulus increases in different directions with increasing confining pressure, Poisson’s ratio change is not obvious, anisotropic coefficients decrease with increasing effective pressure, and a certain linear relationship exists between ε, γ, and δ. This article finally summarizes anisotropy in different areas, thereby providing a foundation for the use of suitable appraisal models in different regions. This research can be used as an experimental reference for logging evaluation, seismic data interpretation, and fracturing develop of tight sandstones. 展开更多
关键词 Tight sandstone wave velocity elastic properties ANISOTROPY
HLLC黎曼解法器的优化与应用 被引量:1
作者 贾月玲 温海瑞 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期436-440,共5页
研究适合一般状态方程的HLLC近似黎曼解法器的音速熵故障问题.受Oleinik熵条件的启发,基于HLL与HLLC黎曼解法器自身的特点及一阶迎风格式的数值黏性,利用HLL黎曼解法器的思想,通过设定阈值克服了HLLC黎曼解法器的跨音速稀疏波内的音障问... 研究适合一般状态方程的HLLC近似黎曼解法器的音速熵故障问题.受Oleinik熵条件的启发,基于HLL与HLLC黎曼解法器自身的特点及一阶迎风格式的数值黏性,利用HLL黎曼解法器的思想,通过设定阈值克服了HLLC黎曼解法器的跨音速稀疏波内的音障问题,使该解法器是整体满足熵条件的正格式,并应用到一步ALE方法中计算多介质问题.数值算例显示了优化的特性. 展开更多
关键词 特征波速 HLLC黎曼解法器 优化与应用 音障问题
Three-dimensional velocity structure and tectonic characteristics of earthquake area in Yibin 被引量:1
作者 Ma Yong Bi Jin-Meng and Gao Lei 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第3期267-276,394,共11页
In this study,on the basis of absolute first-arrival times of 84756 P-and S-waves from 6085 earthquakes recorded at 56 fixed stations in Yibin and surrounding areas in China from January 2009 to January 2019,focal par... In this study,on the basis of absolute first-arrival times of 84756 P-and S-waves from 6085 earthquakes recorded at 56 fixed stations in Yibin and surrounding areas in China from January 2009 to January 2019,focal parameters and three-dimensional(3 D)body-wave high-resolution velocity structures at depths of 0–30 km were retrieved by double-difference tomography.Results show that there is a good correspondence between the spatial distribution of the relocated earthquakes and velocity structures,which were concentrated mainly in the high-velocity-anomaly region or edge of high-velocity region.Velocity structure of P-and S-waves in the Yibin area clearly shows lateral inhomogeneity.The distribution characteristics of the P-and S-waves near the surface are closely related to the geomorphology and geologic structure.The low-velocity anomaly appears at the depth of 15–25 km,which is affected by the lower crust current.The Junlian–Gongxian and Gongxian–Changning earthquake areas,which are the two most earthquake-prone areas in the Yibin region,clearly differ in earthquake distribution and tectonic characteristics.We analyzed the structural characteristics of the Junlian–Gongxian and Gongxian–Changning earthquake areas on the basis of the 3 D bodywave velocity structures in the Yibin region.We found that although most seismicity in the Yibin area is caused by fluid injection,the spatial position of seismicity is controlled by the velocity structures of the middle and upper crust and local geologic structure.Fine-scale 3 D velocity structures in the Yibin area provide important local reference information for further understanding the crustal medium,seismogenic structure,and seismicity. 展开更多
关键词 Yibin area double-difference tomography method 3D P・wave and S・wave velocity structure structural characteristics
Fracture evolution and localization effect of damage in rock based on wave velocity imaging technology 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Yan-bo YAO Xu-long +5 位作者 LIANG Peng WANG Ke-xue SUN Lin TIAN Bao-zhu LIU Xiang-xin WANG Shan-yong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第9期2752-2769,共18页
By utilizing wave velocity imaging technology,the uniaxial multi-stage loading test was conducted on siltstone to attain wave velocity imagings during rock fracture.Based on the time series parameters of acoustic emis... By utilizing wave velocity imaging technology,the uniaxial multi-stage loading test was conducted on siltstone to attain wave velocity imagings during rock fracture.Based on the time series parameters of acoustic emissions(AE),joint response characteristics of the velocity field and AE during rock fracture were analyzed.Moreover,the localization effect of damage during rock fracture was explored by applying wave velocity imagings.The experimental result showed that the wave velocity imagings enable three-dimensional(3-D)visualization of the extent and spatial position of damage to the rock.A damaged zone has a low wave velocity and a zone where the low wave velocity is concentrated tends to correspond to a severely damaged zone.AE parameters and wave velocity imagings depict the changes in activity of cracks during rock fracture from temporal and spatial perspectives,respectively:the activity of cracks is strengthened,and the rate of AE events increases during rock fracture;correspondingly,the low-velocity zones are gradually aggregated and their area gradually increases.From the wave velocity imagings,the damaged zones in rock were divided into an initially damaged zone,a progressively damaged zone,and a fractured zone.During rock fracture,the progressively damaged zone and the fractured zone both develop around the initially damaged zone,showing a typical localization effect of the damage.By capturing the spatial development trends of the progressively damaged zone and fractured zone in wave velocity imagings,the development of microfractures can be predicted,exerting practical significance for determining the position of the main fracture. 展开更多
关键词 rock mechanics acoustic emission(AE) wave velocity imaging technology tempo-spatial evolution characteristics localization effect of damage
Dispersion characteristics of seabed Scholte waves with variable velocity seawater in deep water
作者 Jiang Jia-Meng Yu Peng-Fei 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第4期537-552,604,共17页
Acoustic velocity varies in deep-water environments.To obtain accurate inversion interpretations,it is necessary to develop a horizontally layered seawater–seabed(HLSS)model with continuously varying velocities.In th... Acoustic velocity varies in deep-water environments.To obtain accurate inversion interpretations,it is necessary to develop a horizontally layered seawater–seabed(HLSS)model with continuously varying velocities.In this work,we used an HLSS model based on wave theory to deduce the Scholte wave dispersion equations and established an HLSS model based on the acoustic velocity profile and the submarine medium parameters of the South China Sea.We studied the dispersion characteristics of Scholte waves and theoretically calculated the amplitude–depth distribution.We also examined the influence of deep-water environments on the dispersion characteristics of Scholte waves.Using the real geological parameters of the Dongsha Islands in the South China Sea,we exploited the spectral element method to simulate seismic wave propagation in the fluid–solid interface and extracted the Scholte wave dispersion curves using multichannel analysis of surface waves(MASW).The consistent theoretical and extracted dispersion curve results verified the accuracy of our method.Numerical experiments showed that the dispersion characteristics of Scholte waves in deep water are weaker than those in shallow water.In addition to the seawater depth and the physical parameters of seabed sediments,the seawater’s variable velocity also influences Scholte wave dispersion characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Scholte waves variable-velocity seawater dispersion characteristics amplitudedepth distribution.
Characteristics of the double layer associated with terrestrial bow shock by THEMIS observation
作者 LI ShiYou ZHANG ShiFeng +2 位作者 CAI Hong BAI XiBin XIE QiuHong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期562-572,共11页
This study presents observation and detailed analysis on the double layers (DLs) in the ramp and the foreshock contacting with the foot of the terrestrial bow shock by THEMIS on September 14, 2008 under enhanced dyn... This study presents observation and detailed analysis on the double layers (DLs) in the ramp and the foreshock contacting with the foot of the terrestrial bow shock by THEMIS on September 14, 2008 under enhanced dynamic pressure in the solar wind. The results reveal that: (1) The time duration of the double layers is nus 10-40 mV/m. (2) On assuming a propagation speed at the ion mainly 3-8 ms, and their max parallel electric field is miacoustic speed (vs), their spatial scale is estimated to be 0.3-1.15 km (about 75-200 2D). (3) The net potential drop of DLs is estimated to be 5-32 V. (4) The DLs in the ramp and the foreshock contacting to the foot of the bow shock is current-carrying as a result of development and evolution of nonlinear phase of instability in the self-consistent current-carrying plasma. The DLs may play an important role in strong turbulence in the foreshock contacting with the foot of the bow shock. 展开更多
关键词 bow shock double layer electron hole current-carrying plasma
Hydroelastic interaction between water waves and a thin elastic plate of arbitrary geometry 被引量:2
作者 XU Feng LU DongQiang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期59-66,共8页
An analytical method is developed for the hydroelastic interaction between surface incident waves and a thin elastic plate of arbitrary geometry floating on an inviscid fluid of finite depth in the framework of linear... An analytical method is developed for the hydroelastic interaction between surface incident waves and a thin elastic plate of arbitrary geometry floating on an inviscid fluid of finite depth in the framework of linear potential flow.Three kinds of edge conditions are considered and the corresponding analytical representations are derived in the polar coordinate system.According to the surface boundary conditions,the fluid domain is divided into two regions,namely,an open water region and a plate-covered region.With the assumption that all the motion is time-harmonic,the series solutions for the spatial velocity potentials are derived by the method of eigenfunction expansion.The matching conditions for the continuities of the velocity and pressure are transformed by taking the inner products successively with respect to the vertical eigenfunction for the free surface and the angular eigenfunction.A system of simultaneous equations,including two edge conditions and two matching conditions,is set up for deriving the expansion coefficients.As an example,numerical computation for the expansion coefficients of truncated series is performed for an elliptic plate.The results show that the method suggested here is useful to revealing the physical features of the gravity wave scattering in the open water and the hydroelastic response in the plate. 展开更多
关键词 wave scattering method of matched eigenfunction expansions elastic plate arbitrary geometry hydroelastic response
Characteristics of nonlinear evolution of wavepackets in boundary layers 被引量:1
作者 YU Min LUO JiSheng LI Jia 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期250-256,共7页
The nonlinear evolution of a finite-amplitude disturbance in a 3-D supersonic boundary layer over a cone was investigated recently by Liu et al. using direct numerical simulation (DNS). It was found that certain sma... The nonlinear evolution of a finite-amplitude disturbance in a 3-D supersonic boundary layer over a cone was investigated recently by Liu et al. using direct numerical simulation (DNS). It was found that certain small-scale 3-D disturbances amplified rapidly. These disturbances exhibit the characteristics of second modes, and the most amplified components have a well- defined spanwise wavelength, indicating a clear selectivity of the amplification. In the case of a cone, the three-dimensionality of the base flow and the disturbances themselves may be responsible for the rapid amplification. In order to ascertain which of these two effects are essential, in this study we carried out DNS of the nonlinear evolution of a spanwise localized disturbance (wavepacket) in a flat-plate boundary layer. A similar amplification of small-scale disturbances was observed, suggesting that the direct reason for the rapid amplification is the three-dimensionality of the disturbances rather than the three-dimensional nature of the base flow, even though the latter does alter the spanwise distribution of the disturbance. The rapid growth of 3-D waves may be attributed to the secondary instability mechanism. Further simulations were performed for a wavepacket of first modes in a supersonic boundary layer and of Tollmien-Schlichting (T-S) waves in an incompressible boundary layer. The re- suits show that the amplifying components are in the band centered at zero spanwise wavenumber rather than at a finite spanwise wavenumber. It is therefore concluded that the rapid growth of 3-D disturbances in a band centered at a preferred large spanwise wavenumber is the main characteristic of nonlinear evolution of second mode disturbances in supersonic boundary layers. 展开更多
关键词 boundary layer WAVEPACKET nonlinear evolution second mode spanwise small-scale disturbance
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