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作者 揭筱纹 钟国梁 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期137-139,144,共4页
关键词 泰国企业 动态能力 测量维度
作者 易露霞 陈池澍 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2007年第02Z期207-207,共1页
关键词 泰国企业 投资 中国政府
作者 刘卫 尹希朦 《商业会计》 2016年第19期96-97,92,共3页
税收制度是保障一个国家收入来源及社会稳定的关键,也是企业投资节约成本、提高经营利润的有效途径。文章分析了泰国的投资环境和中资企业对泰投资现状,探讨了泰国企业所得税制对中资企业在投资决策、投资选址、投资规模及合作对象方面... 税收制度是保障一个国家收入来源及社会稳定的关键,也是企业投资节约成本、提高经营利润的有效途径。文章分析了泰国的投资环境和中资企业对泰投资现状,探讨了泰国企业所得税制对中资企业在投资决策、投资选址、投资规模及合作对象方面产生的影响,得出作为投资者应当在投资前对企业所得税制进行研究、在投资时对企业所得税制加以利用、引导的结论。以期能促进中泰两国税制的交流,有利于中资企业在东南亚各国的投资和发展。 展开更多
关键词 泰国企业所得税制 中资企业 投资
因子分析法在企业动态能力测量中的应用研究--以泰国企业为例 被引量:1
作者 钟国梁 揭筱纹 《软科学》 CSSCI 2008年第12期67-71,共5页
关键词 因子分析法 泰国企业 动态能力
“一带一路”背景下中国企业对泰国投资可持续发展研究 被引量:1
作者 陈昊 赵子薇 李川川 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期53-61,共9页
文章基于2015-2022年成立的431家泰国中资企业经营信息,考察“一带一路”背景下泰国中资企业发展状况。其中,2018-2022年,泰国中资企业总营收和净利率数据显示,泰国中资企业整体发展态势良好;资产负债率等财务指标数据显示,部分泰国中... 文章基于2015-2022年成立的431家泰国中资企业经营信息,考察“一带一路”背景下泰国中资企业发展状况。其中,2018-2022年,泰国中资企业总营收和净利率数据显示,泰国中资企业整体发展态势良好;资产负债率等财务指标数据显示,部分泰国中资企业可能面临较高财务风险。案例分析发现,泰国中资企业应兼顾经济效益与社会效益,充分重视资金结构合理调节。文章从微观层面厘清泰国中资企业的经营绩效,进一步为中国企业赴泰国投资提供实践参考。 展开更多
关键词 泰国 对外直接投资 境内投资者 泰国中资企业 经营绩效
泰国潜在中小企业家的调查研究——对泰国Nakhon Ratchasima省的调查
作者 于贝拉 洪名勇 Kwun Kamol Donkwa 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期43-45,共3页
在泰国,越来越多的人正在加入创业的行列。但泰国中小企业的存活率目前仍较低,很多新企业正面临失败。为了更好地了解潜在企业家的需求,以便为未来的创业和经营作好准备,本研究对泰国NakhonRatchasima省潜在中小企业家进行了问卷调查,... 在泰国,越来越多的人正在加入创业的行列。但泰国中小企业的存活率目前仍较低,很多新企业正面临失败。为了更好地了解潜在企业家的需求,以便为未来的创业和经营作好准备,本研究对泰国NakhonRatchasima省潜在中小企业家进行了问卷调查,从生产、市场营销、金融和会计四个方面了解他们的创业需求,发现潜在企业家自身创业能力不足是进行创业存在的主要问题。 展开更多
关键词 泰国企业 中小企业 企业 创业
《热固性树脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期69-69,共1页
美国安宏国际资本宣布已经签署协议将工业涂料树脂制造商湛新(Allnex)以40亿欧元(约合人民币307亿元)的价格售予泰国国家石油旗下PTT全球化学有限公司(PTTGC)。这笔交易在获得监管部门批准后,预计于2021年第四季度完成。湛新是原氰特公... 美国安宏国际资本宣布已经签署协议将工业涂料树脂制造商湛新(Allnex)以40亿欧元(约合人民币307亿元)的价格售予泰国国家石油旗下PTT全球化学有限公司(PTTGC)。这笔交易在获得监管部门批准后,预计于2021年第四季度完成。湛新是原氰特公司的涂料树脂业务单元,2013年被安宏以11.5亿美元收购。湛新为工业涂料树脂生产商,产品广泛应用于工业、金属、汽车和包装等行业。 展开更多
关键词 第四季度 业务单元 涂料树脂 新树脂 泰国企业 收购 欧元 全球化学
论国际金融危机以来泰国华人企业集团发展变化--兼论泰国华人企业集团在中泰投资和经贸合作中的作用 被引量:2
作者 傅尔基 《东南亚纵横》 2016年第3期60-65,共6页
本文从家族化、现代化、多元化和国际化特征角度集中阐述了自2008年国际金融危机以来泰国华人企业集团经受重大考验、持续向前发展趋势,深入分析了1997~1998年与2008年两次金融危机对泰国华人企业集团发展变化影响迥异的原因,并论述了... 本文从家族化、现代化、多元化和国际化特征角度集中阐述了自2008年国际金融危机以来泰国华人企业集团经受重大考验、持续向前发展趋势,深入分析了1997~1998年与2008年两次金融危机对泰国华人企业集团发展变化影响迥异的原因,并论述了泰国华人企业集团在中国与泰国投资和经贸合作中作用。 展开更多
关键词 国际金融危机 泰国华人企业集团 发展趋势 中泰投资和经贸合作
《中国对外贸易》 2020年第8期54-55,共2页
为克服新冠肺炎疫情对国际贸易带来的不利影响,进一步拓展吉林省和泰国企业间之间的经贸合作,由吉林省贸促会和亚洲国际贸易投资商会共同主办的"2020吉林—泰国企业云洽谈会"在长春召开。吉林省贸促会会长冯庆忠、中国贸促会... 为克服新冠肺炎疫情对国际贸易带来的不利影响,进一步拓展吉林省和泰国企业间之间的经贸合作,由吉林省贸促会和亚洲国际贸易投资商会共同主办的"2020吉林—泰国企业云洽谈会"在长春召开。吉林省贸促会会长冯庆忠、中国贸促会驻泰国首席代表李丰. 展开更多
关键词 商品贸易 经贸合作 泰国企业 洽谈会 国际贸易 商会 吉林省
Causal Relationship Model of Firm Characteristics Factors and Good Cooperate Governance Affecting the Performance of the Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
作者 Senee Puangyanee Supisam Bhakdinarinath 《Management Studies》 2017年第6期589-597,共9页
The objective of this research was to develop the causal relationship model of firm characteristics factors and good corporate governance affecting the performance of the companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thai... The objective of this research was to develop the causal relationship model of firm characteristics factors and good corporate governance affecting the performance of the companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The developed model consisted of three latent variables and eight observable variables. The sample of this study was 338 companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Data are from annual reports (form-56), annual financial statements and notes to the fmancial statements during the years 2010-2013. The statistics used in this study were descriptive statistics. The causal model was analyzed through a path analysis with LISREL 8.80 Student Edition. The results showed as follows. By testing the consistence of the causal model of finn characteristics (CHA), the assumed model was consistent with empirical data. Based on the statistical test, the Chi-Square was 22.08. The statistical probability (p) was 0.077, the degree of freedom (dO was to 0, 2/2 was 1.58, RMSEA was 0.041, SRMR was 0.037, GFI was 0.98, CFI was 0.99, AGFI was 0.96. The latent variable of firm characteristics (CHA) had directly negative impact on performance (PAL) with a statistical significance level of 0.01. A path coefficient was 0.18. However, CHA variable did not indirectly influence performance (PAL) and it had directly negative impact on good corporate governance (GGN) with a path coefficient of 0.02 without statistical significance level. The latent variable of good corporate governance (GGN) had directly positive impact on the performance (PAL) with a statistical significance level of 0.05, with a path coefficient of 0.18. 展开更多
关键词 ftrm characteristics good corporate governance PERFORMANCE
Television Programs Development for Elderly in Thailand
作者 Jaruwan Nitipaiboon Santat Thongrin Wittayathorn Torkaew 《Sociology Study》 2015年第12期960-966,共7页
The objective of this research was to study the current situation of TV programs aimed at elderly viewers on free TV channels in Thailand. To investigate this topic, a qualitative research approach was applied. The re... The objective of this research was to study the current situation of TV programs aimed at elderly viewers on free TV channels in Thailand. To investigate this topic, a qualitative research approach was applied. The researcher interviewed 30 key informants, consisting of TV administrators, professional experts, academic experts, experts on the elderly, and TV program advertising sponsors. Data were collected using in-depth interviews and analyzed descriptively. This was an interdisciplinary research, drawing from the fields of communication arts, sociology, demography, psychology, management science, and government media policy studies to develop a broad picture of the future of TV programs for the elderly. The major finding was that TV programs aimed specifically at elderly viewers are likely to appear in the near future as Thai society becomes an aging society. The three major factors that will lead to suitable approaches to the development of TV programs for the elderly are: (1) the external factors of the rising numbers of elderly people in the population, CSR (Corporation Social Responsibility) marketing, and government policies; (2) the internal factors of the free TV channels' policies and the TV producers' policies; and (3) the program-related factors of the value of the elderly in Thai culture, the forms of TV programs for senior viewers, the psychology of the aged, and expansion of target viewer age groups. 展开更多
Developing an Organization Competencies Framework for SME(s) in Thailand
作者 Pramoul Nurach Damrong Thawesaengskulthai Achara Chandrachai 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第2期233-241,共9页
Employee competency is one of the important factors contributing to corporate performance. It is increasingly important and became a major focus on human resources department. Competency within the firms can be either... Employee competency is one of the important factors contributing to corporate performance. It is increasingly important and became a major focus on human resources department. Competency within the firms can be either buy or build. Current practice, multinational companies prefer to buy in competency through either buy talents from competitors or merge and/or acquisition with the aim of getting required competency in place. Buy in option might be quick option however SME(s) do not afford to follow this option therefore building competency internally is a favorable choice of option. This paper shows the results of the surveys to 770 SME(s) across three business types: manufacturing, trading and services. The results showed that SME(s) give priority and importance to planning, cultural awareness and decision-making/problem-solving competencies while stakeholder management and leadership competencies are least importance 展开更多
关键词 competencies corporate performance planning competency cultural awareness competency
The Effect of Executive Management Support and Cost Accountant Competency on CMS Design Effectiveness and Its Consequences: An Empirical Research of Manufacturing Business in Thailand* 被引量:1
作者 Nattawut Tontiset 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2018年第2期60-69,共10页
The objective of this research is to examine the antecedents and consequences of cost management systems (CMS) design effectiveness of manufacturing businesses in Thailand. The effect of CMS design effectiveness on ... The objective of this research is to examine the antecedents and consequences of cost management systems (CMS) design effectiveness of manufacturing businesses in Thailand. The effect of CMS design effectiveness on cost information quality is investigated. Moreover, the effect of cost information quality on business success is investigated. Furthermore, executive management support and cost accountant competency are assumed to become the antecedents of CMS design effectiveness. Electronics manufacturing businesses in Thailand are samples of the research. A mail survey procedure via the questionnaire was used for data collection from accounting controllers. The results indicate that CMS design effectiveness has a positive significant effect on cost information quality. Moreover, cost information quality also has a positive significant effect on business success. Additionally, both executive management support and cost accountant competency have a positive significant effect on CMS design effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 cost management system cost information quality business success executive management support cost accountant competency
Key Success for Registered Nurses to Be Entrepreneur in Senior Healthcare Business in Thailand
作者 Tanapol Kortana Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Bangkok Thailand 《Chinese Business Review》 2017年第7期350-353,共4页
Senior Healthcare Business in Thailand tends to be great success since Thailand is now moving towards aging society and will be a full completed aging society by 2025. The best candidates for healthcare business entre... Senior Healthcare Business in Thailand tends to be great success since Thailand is now moving towards aging society and will be a full completed aging society by 2025. The best candidates for healthcare business entrepreneur are registered nurses since they have sill and knowledge to provide cares for senior citizens. The regular customers often emphasize on choosing the healthcare providers from the entrepreneurs that have the expert knowledge in their professional career. The key factors to make this kind of business to be successful are education, investment plan, place, entrepreneur, supporters, and strategy. In addition, the 4P analyses for preparing of market are products, price, place, and promotion. The success of senior healthcare business depends on the entrepreneurs who possess skill, knowledge, and ability to manage stability and sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 registered nurses ENTREPRENEUR senior healthcare business
Pesticide Packaging Waste Management Model for Thailand 被引量:2
作者 Vanvlmol Pataraslrlwong Panompom Wongpan +1 位作者 Roongnapa Korpraditskul Lawan Jeerapong 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第1期1-6,共6页
Pesticide packaging waste in Thailand has recently been valued as a kind of commercial product. Selling empty pesticide packaging to reuse/recycling business has been increased in all over the country. Subject to the ... Pesticide packaging waste in Thailand has recently been valued as a kind of commercial product. Selling empty pesticide packaging to reuse/recycling business has been increased in all over the country. Subject to the resource conservation and global climate change, this could be defined as sustainable or green consumption for the most beneficial use of natural resources. However, on the point of environmental and public health, this is the way to disperse harmfulness of pesticide into non-target areas. Human and environmental health risk of exposure due to pesticide residue in such packaging waste could be a co-incident. This paper was aimed to determine a practical model for pesticide packaging waste management appropriate for Thailand based on the context of country's circumstances and the best practices reported around the world. Establishing some necessary components has been proposed, i.e. multiple rinse method applied by farmers conscientiously, central collecting site driven by local community, waste recovery program offered by pesticide production enterprises, and sanitary glass bottle washing plant registration and regulations launched by the government. In conclusion, governmental initiative and all stakeholders including in pesticide packaging waste supply chain should be encouraged to contribute their participation towards sustainable management. 展开更多
关键词 PESTICIDE packaging waste DISPOSAL REUSE recycle.
The fostering factors in the occurrence of rural small industries and enterprises in the Northeast of Thailand
作者 Suranart Khamanarong 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第3期27-32,共6页
The rural small industry and enterprise have a close relation with the regional development. Although they generated job and income, the number of them increased quite low in the area. The previous study focused on th... The rural small industry and enterprise have a close relation with the regional development. Although they generated job and income, the number of them increased quite low in the area. The previous study focused on the financial support on the hypothesis of lack of capital. Many agencies had provided the variety fund, but the number of them increased not so high. In the study, the author focuses in the management background on the basis that capital is the important issue but not the major factor. The management background should have a role. The author studies 370 small industries and enterprises of every type in the region. The study found that the major three issues that are the fostering factors in the occurrence of them are management background, capital, and creative thinking. Management background of entrepreneur that relate directly to their experience is a major factor rather than capital. The regression coefficient show significantly. The study can bring new strategy to develop them in the future. 展开更多
关键词 rural small industry and enterprise occurrence of business regional development
Strengthening the Competitiveness of SMEs by Using the Cluster-Based Approach: A Case Study of the Ratchaburi Orchid Cluster in Thailand
作者 Boon-Anan Phinaitrup 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第2期195-206,共12页
This paper studies the application of the cluster-based approach in the enhancement of the competitiveness of Thailand's SME industry. The author had employed a qualitative method through the in-depth interview. The ... This paper studies the application of the cluster-based approach in the enhancement of the competitiveness of Thailand's SME industry. The author had employed a qualitative method through the in-depth interview. The result showed that Ratchaburi orchid cluster in Thailand has employed the concept of the cluster-based approach since they realized that it was useful and could enable them to produce good quality orchids for the international market. The finding also showed how individuals have worked together and helped each other, in order to build a good horizontal network of support and creating competitive advantages. In addition, the research paper related to knowledge management because knowledge management refers to a method for development which requires cluster members to exchange information, interact with each other, sharing and distribute information, create closer business relationship and build mutual benefit. Therefore, the cluster members will help each other to create a culture that values learning through making a commitment and sharing information to strengthen the cluster. 展开更多
关键词 cluster-based approach SME competitive advantage Thailand
《国际援助》 2019年第5期117-117,共1页
当地时间24日下午,在泰国总理巴育的见证下,泰国东部经济走廊(EEC)连接曼谷廊曼机场、素万那普机场和罗勇府乌塔堡机场的高铁项目在泰国总理府举行协议签约仪式。项目签约一方为泰国国家铁路局,另一方为泰国正大控股有限公司牵头组成的... 当地时间24日下午,在泰国总理巴育的见证下,泰国东部经济走廊(EEC)连接曼谷廊曼机场、素万那普机场和罗勇府乌塔堡机场的高铁项目在泰国总理府举行协议签约仪式。项目签约一方为泰国国家铁路局,另一方为泰国正大控股有限公司牵头组成的联营体“东部连接三机场高铁有限公司”,其成员有中国铁建股份有限公司以及泰国企业曼谷高速公路和地铁(大众)有限公司、意大利-泰发展(大众)股份有限公司和初干创(大众)股份有限公司等。泰国国家铁路局代局长沃拉兀与正大集团总裁谢緒仁代双方签约。 展开更多
关键词 正大集团 中国铁建 经济走廊 泰国企业 泰国总理 联营体 高速公路 高铁项目
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