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作者 胡平 《中国当代文学研究》 2021年第4期138-142,共5页
关键词 周大新 洛城花落》 婚姻 家庭战争
作者 刘建华 《电影文学》 北大核心 2011年第14期157-158,共2页
关键词 洛城机密》 正义 对白
作者 张琳 《江苏海洋大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2023年第1期61-68,共8页
周大新的长篇小说《洛城花落》,着眼于当下的社会现实,透过一对相爱却不能相守的90后夫妻的爱情悲剧,探讨了出身、性格、外遇、性爱、物质条件等现实因素对婚姻幸福可能产生的影响。作者以“拟纪实”的手法,用四次离婚庭审诠释了现实的... 周大新的长篇小说《洛城花落》,着眼于当下的社会现实,透过一对相爱却不能相守的90后夫妻的爱情悲剧,探讨了出身、性格、外遇、性爱、物质条件等现实因素对婚姻幸福可能产生的影响。作者以“拟纪实”的手法,用四次离婚庭审诠释了现实的复杂性和爱情的脆弱性,并传达了纵使人生无常、世事难料,但黯然间仍有真情闪现人间的人道主义思想。在此过程中,女性意识与男权意识作为明与暗的两条线索交错贯穿在年轻一代的婚姻观里,构成现代与传统思想的张力。 展开更多
关键词 洛城花落》 周大新 女性主义 婚姻
《家用电脑与游戏》 2011年第12期26-26,共1页
关键词 网络游戏 开发 游戏产业 《黑色洛城
作者 刘晓晴 《南腔北调》 2023年第12期17-23,共7页
《洛城花落》作为周大新酝酿了三年的封笔之作,是一部理性婚姻指南。小说以一对青年男女的成长路径为经,以“我”这一局外人的旁白为纬,穿插奇异书写与充满学究气的庭审实录,以夫妻关系为载体聚焦90后的生活困惑、生存焦虑与精神苦恼,... 《洛城花落》作为周大新酝酿了三年的封笔之作,是一部理性婚姻指南。小说以一对青年男女的成长路径为经,以“我”这一局外人的旁白为纬,穿插奇异书写与充满学究气的庭审实录,以夫妻关系为载体聚焦90后的生活困惑、生存焦虑与精神苦恼,文本在情与理的张力矛盾中完成对婚恋本质的探讨。 展开更多
关键词 洛城花落》 活法叙事 异质书写 性别隐喻 婚恋场域
“争水洛城事”的发生及影响 被引量:1
作者 李强 《前沿》 2005年第11期258-262,共5页
“争水洛城事”发生在北宋仁宗时期,是反映庆历士风高涨的标志事件,庆历士人在争论过程中表现出守正不阿、公而无私的风范。通过对事件详细过程和主要当事者之间关系的考述,会发现“争水洛城事”的产生,既有军事制度上的原因,也有当事... “争水洛城事”发生在北宋仁宗时期,是反映庆历士风高涨的标志事件,庆历士人在争论过程中表现出守正不阿、公而无私的风范。通过对事件详细过程和主要当事者之间关系的考述,会发现“争水洛城事”的产生,既有军事制度上的原因,也有当事者性格的原因。庆历士人们的争论虽然高扬了一种文人政治理想图景,但也由于文人性格自身的局限,使政见之争演变成意气之争,并最终成为彻底瓦解庆历革新的一个重要的外部因素。考察“争水洛城事”的发生与影响,有利于加深对北宋政治文化的认识。 展开更多
关键词 争水洛城 庆历士风 影响
作者 奥利弗·海杜茲契克 周巧 《艺术界》 2016年第3期132-133,10,共2页
三月 他消瘦,甚至纤弱,极简歌特风着装,在胡同里的一个酒吧与我握手。他给我和陈秀炜看了一组他最喜欢的数码艺术家的作品图片,顿觉回到了2012年——蒸汽波以及壮观的海豚群前面的漂浮的罗马柱。他想办个展,觉得我们应该参与。
关键词 洛城 盛宴 极简歌特风 三里屯
《海外华文教育动态》 2002年第4期18-19,共2页
关键词 美国 洛城图书馆 中文读书会 华文教育
洛城危机Bad Dya L.A.
作者 迷路狗狗 《大众软件》 2005年第22期121-121,共1页
关键词 Enlight制作组 《废弃之城》 游戏公司 洛城危机
《诗经·王风》属地考——与张启成教授商榷 被引量:1
作者 韩宏韬 《殷都学刊》 2009年第1期55-58,共4页
《王风》是指以洛阳为中心东周王城一带的诗歌,此说自汉以来相沿至今。当代《诗经》研究专家张启成教授根据三家诗学者的观点提出新说,认为《王风》就是王畿之风,即是周代西都镐京与东都洛阳地区之间的诗歌。其实,三家诗的原始材料与毛... 《王风》是指以洛阳为中心东周王城一带的诗歌,此说自汉以来相沿至今。当代《诗经》研究专家张启成教授根据三家诗学者的观点提出新说,认为《王风》就是王畿之风,即是周代西都镐京与东都洛阳地区之间的诗歌。其实,三家诗的原始材料与毛诗学派在《王风》地域的观点方面并没有分歧。张先生是通过置换概念内涵的方法,将宗周也视为王城,然后,通过实例牵强地说明《黍离》、《君子于役》产生在长安以西,与东都洛阳无涉。因此,其说不足取。相反,东汉郑玄的观点因为其客观、科学与集大成性,二千年来一直为《诗经》学者所遵从。 展开更多
关键词 《王风》 属地 王畿 王城 洛阳
从古诗看“盛世” 被引量:1
作者 成炳顺 《语文知识》 2003年第1期4-5,共2页
封建帝制之下的“盛世”,决不是平民百姓的天堂。就拿“康乾盛世”来说吧,从“千古一帝”康熙到“十全老人”乾隆,前后130余年间,兵灾荒年不断,贪官污吏横行,加上种族歧视,贫苦百姓常年挣扎在死亡线上。从现存的反映民生疾苦的诗歌,约... 封建帝制之下的“盛世”,决不是平民百姓的天堂。就拿“康乾盛世”来说吧,从“千古一帝”康熙到“十全老人”乾隆,前后130余年间,兵灾荒年不断,贪官污吏横行,加上种族歧视,贫苦百姓常年挣扎在死亡线上。从现存的反映民生疾苦的诗歌,约略可以窥其一斑。 展开更多
关键词 古诗 赋税 封建帝制 文字狱 洛城谣》 沙张白
《电影文学》 北大核心 2002年第2期14-17,共4页
关键词 街头 洛城 罗卓 保罗 沃克 导演 布鲁斯 戏剧张力 演员 票房成绩 雪儿 卧底警探
作者 李有成 《现代中文学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期83-86,共4页
那些椿花某些年华花白蓬乱的须发无以为家的武客——张错,《椿花》在认识张错之前,我先认识翱翱——当然不是翱翱其人,而是他那时候所写的现代诗。那是1960年代中期。翱翱还在国立政治大学念书,与友人创办星座诗社,出版《星座》诗刊,我... 那些椿花某些年华花白蓬乱的须发无以为家的武客——张错,《椿花》在认识张错之前,我先认识翱翱——当然不是翱翱其人,而是他那时候所写的现代诗。那是1960年代中期。翱翱还在国立政治大学念书,与友人创办星座诗社,出版《星座》诗刊,我则在马来半岛北部的槟城上中学,也热衷于现代诗。1966年,翱翱自政大毕业,同年我也完成了钟灵中学的学业。我忘了是在怎样的机缘下,获得了几本《星座》诗刊,读之再三, 展开更多
关键词 张错 现代诗 自政 台北医学大学 洛城 乐游园歌 政治大学 悠游自在 俱足 当代文学
Luoyang Dual Spatial Criterion Ecological City Construction 被引量:1
作者 Wang Fazeng Wang Shengnan 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2007年第3期85-92,共8页
The construction of an ecological city has two founda- tional platforms: the small platform, namely urban district or simply called as "city ecosystem"; and the big platform, namely around city district in c... The construction of an ecological city has two founda- tional platforms: the small platform, namely urban district or simply called as "city ecosystem"; and the big platform, namely around city district in certain region scope or also referred to as "city-region ecosystem". The construction of an ecological city must be launched in the dual spatial criteria: in city (urban district) criterion—optimizing the city ecosystem; in city-region (city territory) criterion—optimizing the city-region ecosystem. Luoy-ang has the bright characteristic and the typical image within cities of China, and even in the world. The construction of an ecological city in dual spatial criteria—the city and the city-region—has the vital significance to urbanization advancement and sustainable development in Luoyang. In city-region criterion, the primary mission of Luoyang’s ecological city construction is to create a fine ecological environment platform in its city territory. In city criterion, the basic duty of Luoyang’s ecologic city construction is to enhance the ecological capacity and benefit of the central city. 展开更多
关键词 Luoyang ecological city CONSTRUCTION ECOSYSTEM
Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System to Elaborate UQI (Urban Quality Index): A Case of Casablanca, Morocco
作者 Aziza Berrada Hassan Rhinan Atika Hilali Youssef Bedraoui 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第7期406-415,共10页
The urban environmental quality remains currently difficult to be assessed because of overlapping of several natural and anthropogenic factors having socio-economic and environmental outstanding impacts. The fast deve... The urban environmental quality remains currently difficult to be assessed because of overlapping of several natural and anthropogenic factors having socio-economic and environmental outstanding impacts. The fast developing and uncontrolled urbanization is behind the development of some negative side effects on the urban environment. Many studies demonstrate the ability of remote sensing and GIS (geographic information system) to monitor urban environment quality. Casablanca, Morocco's economical capital is facing a fast growing demographic development amplified by a massive rural depopulation and all this in an anarchic way. This growth of increased urban activity comes often with the proliferation of informal settlement and shantytown to the detriment of farming areas and green spaces. This study is made possible by using a SPOT-5 image of Casablanca city, taken March 16, 2004 merged with 2.5 m spatial resolution and census data. Indicators were defined and listed in social, economic and environmental categories. An index of environmental quality in Casablanca city for the 17 urban municipalities was calculated after the standardization and weighting of indicators used. The results may be useful to city managers and planners who are concerned with urban environment quality issues and sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 UQI (urban quality index) INDICATORS remote sensing census data METADATA ArcGIS.
Architectural and Urban Communication in Social Identity: The Case Study of Agadir Morocco: From Colonial Preponderance to Renaissance Which Social Identity?
作者 Amal Ben Attou 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1383-1390,共8页
This paper proposes the architectural communication as a socio-spatial identification, and a channel for the politico-patrimonial dialogue in a determined territory which is in this case the south Moroccan city of Aga... This paper proposes the architectural communication as a socio-spatial identification, and a channel for the politico-patrimonial dialogue in a determined territory which is in this case the south Moroccan city of Agadir. By analyzing Agadir's urbanistic and architectural content thorough ages, we find ourselves involved in an enthralling and passionate debate concerning two important aspects. The first is the historical temporality of the city's architectural and urbanistic changes. In other words, it is the different architectural transformation related to the political transmutations that Agadir has witnessed since the Portugal settlement until the after earthquake of 1960. While the second is about the perception toward the architectural oeuvre deeply settled in the territory and the memory of the city's designers. This aspect is linked to the society's perception toward the architectural-urban transformations in their territory. In our paper, we are going to focus on two major architectural and urbanistic ages in the history of Agadir. The first period we are going to approach is the architectural and urbanistic features of Agadir during French settlement. The second period is Agadir's architectural renaissance after 1960s earthquakes. Since the core of our study is the architectural acts, it is definitely a matter of interpretation related to the philosophical, mental and ideological representation of the city's architecture and urbanism either by those who artistically invented Agadir during colonialism or those who reinvented Agadir after 1960s earthquakes. Do urbanism and architecture represent for Agadir, a power, a doctrine or a savoir-faire? Can we affirm that Agadir's architecture is truly reflecting the image of its society? Is this society in itself immersed sufficiently in its architecture? Several hypotheses are possible in this research. Nevertheless, the fact that in this paper we use communication as a vehicle to establish a dialogue between arts, politics and socio-ideologic and territorial governance makes us recognize the different bridging relationships between the architectural action, the political and urbanistic content represented in the architectural expression. It also helps us to discover and analyze the ideologies that lead the architects during their conception. Finally, is this architecture which normally must represent the society in tempo-spatial territory admitted by the local citizens? All these are lines of research we are going to shed light on in this paper. 展开更多
Formation of Los Angeles's low density and high car dependence 被引量:1
作者 戴特奇 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2009年第1期25-31,共7页
As a typical car-dependent city, Los Angeles (LA) is extensively used as an example in research to illustrate car influences on city form. Focusing on the features of LA's geologic conditions and civil circumstance... As a typical car-dependent city, Los Angeles (LA) is extensively used as an example in research to illustrate car influences on city form. Focusing on the features of LA's geologic conditions and civil circumstances, we argued that the relationship between LA's low-density pattern and car dependence is more involved than previously deemed simple causality. The low density should be primarily credited to the spacious requirement of the mining industry, frequent earthquakes and multiethnic population of the city. Off reserves in LA fueled its economic boom and fast urbanization that coincided with the start of mass production of cheap cars, and cars became medium-priced consumables for average families. Politicians preference for short constrnction-period projects enabled fast establishment of LA's highway infrastructure. The popularity of car use in return faciliatated further development of the low-density pattern of the city. The low-density urban form and car dependence created environmental and social problems for LA. Looking at P. R. China's motorization and urban development, we found that the trajectory of Beijing's motorization between 197g and 2003 coincides with that of the U.S. in the 1910s and 1920s. Lessons from LA's urban and transportation development should be suggestive to China's urban and transportation planning. 展开更多
关键词 Los Angeles MOTORIZATION transprotation planning automobile dependence
隋代东都洛阳城四郊地名考补——以隋代墓志铭为基本素材 被引量:6
作者 周晓薇 王其祎 王灵 《中国历史地理论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期75-91,共17页
对隋代东都洛阳的历史地理研究,特别是关于城坊的考订,前贤已多有用功并成就斐然,而对东都洛阳四郊地名的整理,鉴于传世文献相关记载的匮乏,尚待掌握较为充分的出土墓志资料方得展开。新近出版的《隋代墓志铭汇考》,适为本文的研究及撰... 对隋代东都洛阳的历史地理研究,特别是关于城坊的考订,前贤已多有用功并成就斐然,而对东都洛阳四郊地名的整理,鉴于传世文献相关记载的匮乏,尚待掌握较为充分的出土墓志资料方得展开。新近出版的《隋代墓志铭汇考》,适为本文的研究及撰述提供了良好的平台,本文旨在以隋代墓志铭为基本素材,并结合传世文献与今人成就,对隋代东都洛阳城四郊的河南与洛阳两县所辖乡、里、村、原、园、桥、山、屯等地名,分门别类,稽考订补,期能继踵前贤,略进一程。 展开更多
关键词 隋代墓志 洛阳城 河南县 洛阳县
作者 王娜 《小学生优秀作文(高年级版)》 2017年第9期42-44,共3页
嘉言有理扫帚——生活在尘埃中,但走过的路却是光明洁净的。墙壁——为何要大加粉饰?因为真实不等于美丽。橡皮——为了帮助别人改正错误,不惜耗尽自己的生命。诗苑一隅春夜洛城闻笛[唐]李白谁家玉笛暗飞声,散入春风满洛城。此夜曲中闻... 嘉言有理扫帚——生活在尘埃中,但走过的路却是光明洁净的。墙壁——为何要大加粉饰?因为真实不等于美丽。橡皮——为了帮助别人改正错误,不惜耗尽自己的生命。诗苑一隅春夜洛城闻笛[唐]李白谁家玉笛暗飞声,散入春风满洛城。此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故园情。白云泉[唐]白居易天平山上白云泉,云自无心水自闲。何必奔冲山下去,更添波浪向人间。 展开更多
关键词 中闻 诗苑 一隅 云自 美丽 飞声 生活 洛城
作者 汝海 尚瑾 利涛 《山东档案》 2009年第6期47-47,共1页
关键词 寿光市 档案局 序幕 情节 洛城街道 记忆
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