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作者 张磊 王凤红 +12 位作者 李晓凯 乔贤 龚高 严晓春 张令天 王志英 王瑞军 刘志红 王志新 何利兵 张燕军 李金泉 苏蕊 《家畜生态学报》 北大核心 2021年第12期1-8,共8页
角是头部表皮和真皮特化的衍生物,为哺乳动物所特有,在对抗天敌、自卫和争夺交配权中有重要作用。随着动物养殖集约化的发展,动物角对饲养人员及同类的伤害造成严重的经济损失,制约了养殖业的发展,所以越来越多的研究关注角性状。该文... 角是头部表皮和真皮特化的衍生物,为哺乳动物所特有,在对抗天敌、自卫和争夺交配权中有重要作用。随着动物养殖集约化的发展,动物角对饲养人员及同类的伤害造成严重的经济损失,制约了养殖业的发展,所以越来越多的研究关注角性状。该文从洞角的分类入手,分别阐述了牛、绵羊和山羊与角性状相关的研究进展,旨在为牛、绵羊和山羊培育无角性状的相关研究和角药用性能的开发奠定理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 洞角 绵羊 山羊
作者 罗维刚 任彪 宋彧 《兰州理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第5期143-148,共6页
为探究现浇板开角洞后对RC框架屈服机制的影响,利用ABAQUS建立了纯框架、实际带现浇板框架及现浇板开200 mm角洞框架精细化有限元模型,分别对其进行静力分析和动力分析,重点研究现浇板开角洞前后框架结构层间位移角、基底剪力、梁柱端... 为探究现浇板开角洞后对RC框架屈服机制的影响,利用ABAQUS建立了纯框架、实际带现浇板框架及现浇板开200 mm角洞框架精细化有限元模型,分别对其进行静力分析和动力分析,重点研究现浇板开角洞前后框架结构层间位移角、基底剪力、梁柱端部钢筋应力及混凝土裂缝的变化情况.结果表明,现浇板开角洞后,横向梁附近板面出现大量裂缝,且横向梁产生较强的扭转作用,梁端破坏加重;结构整体抗侧移刚度有所减小,纵向梁端钢筋应力增大,混凝土损伤程度加重,柱端钢筋应力减小,改善了“强梁弱柱”现象,但柱端钢筋依旧先于梁端钢筋屈服,故不能保证“强柱弱梁”的实现. 展开更多
关键词 RC框架 现浇板开 钢筋应力 屈服机制 混凝土损伤
不同洞缘角磨牙Ⅰ类洞复合树脂充填的应力分布 被引量:2
作者 陈红星 刘思瑶 +1 位作者 黄雨亭 潘爽 《口腔疾病防治》 2021年第9期596-603,共8页
目的利用三维有限元分析不同洞缘角对磨牙面Ⅰ类洞复合树脂充填后应力分布的影响,为Ⅰ类洞形制备提供参考。方法建立3个洞缘角角度(A组90°、B组120°、C组135°)的下颌第一磨牙面Ⅰ类洞复合树脂充填的三维有限元模型,用热... 目的利用三维有限元分析不同洞缘角对磨牙面Ⅰ类洞复合树脂充填后应力分布的影响,为Ⅰ类洞形制备提供参考。方法建立3个洞缘角角度(A组90°、B组120°、C组135°)的下颌第一磨牙面Ⅰ类洞复合树脂充填的三维有限元模型,用热膨胀法模拟复合材料的聚合收缩,分析在聚合收缩和咬合载荷(600N)的共同作用下,修复模型在应力和位移分布方面的力学行为。结果窝洞尺寸相同的Ⅰ类洞,3种洞缘角度(其中B组、C组洞缘釉质斜面宽度为1 mm)的窝洞复合树脂修复后,A组修复模型总体及牙釉质的最大应力小于B组和C组修复模型总体及牙釉质的最大应力;3组牙本质和粘接剂的最大应力相近;C组复合树脂的最大应力最大,B组复合树脂的最大应力最小。从应力分布看,各修复模型中,最大应力主要集中在洞缘牙釉质、牙釉质-牙本质界面和修复材料边缘。结论复合树脂充填磨牙面Ⅰ类洞时,从减少剩余牙体组织应力的角度看,90°的洞缘角即无釉质斜面预备是一种较为理想的窝洞预备方式。 展开更多
关键词 下颌第一磨牙 咬合面龋 Ⅰ类 三维有限元分析 应力分布 复合树脂 釉质斜面
犀牛角仿冒品研究现状 被引量:1
作者 王震 《野生动物学报》 北大核心 2021年第1期235-238,共4页
本研究总结了犀牛角仿冒品的研究现状。当前犀牛角的仿冒品主要包括以下几类:洞角、蹄匣、纤维聚合物、真假结合仿品和古犀角等。在这些仿冒品中,洞角的组织特征与犀牛角差别较大,鉴别二者相对容易;蹄匣、纤维聚合物、真假结合仿品和古... 本研究总结了犀牛角仿冒品的研究现状。当前犀牛角的仿冒品主要包括以下几类:洞角、蹄匣、纤维聚合物、真假结合仿品和古犀角等。在这些仿冒品中,洞角的组织特征与犀牛角差别较大,鉴别二者相对容易;蹄匣、纤维聚合物、真假结合仿品和古犀角等特征与犀牛角存在很大的相似性,鉴定时存在一定难度。本研究分别指出了仿冒品与真犀牛角之间的差异或应采取的鉴定方法,将对从事犀牛角鉴定的工作人员提供一些参考。 展开更多
关键词 犀牛 伪品 洞角 蹄匣 披毛犀 鉴定
作者 郭阳 于翠英 王宏丰 《哈尔滨医科大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第3期279-281,共3页
目的用力学方法,对离体牙不同洞缘角进行抗折力的实验研究,探讨洞缘抗力的最佳设计。方法将48颗离体牙分为4组,洞缘分别被设计成45°、70°、90°和弧形,并由复合树脂充填,每颗牙齿做抗折力测试,得到抗折力和抗折强度。结... 目的用力学方法,对离体牙不同洞缘角进行抗折力的实验研究,探讨洞缘抗力的最佳设计。方法将48颗离体牙分为4组,洞缘分别被设计成45°、70°、90°和弧形,并由复合树脂充填,每颗牙齿做抗折力测试,得到抗折力和抗折强度。结果采用70°洞缘角离体牙的抗折力要优于采用90°、45°和弧形洞缘设计离体牙的抗折力。结论为改善复合树脂充填牙齿的修复质量,应该将洞缘角设计成70°左右的短斜面。 展开更多
关键词 复合树脂充填 抗折力
地铁车站换乘节点逆作施工技术 被引量:2
作者 刘邦 《资源信息与工程》 2018年第4期149-154,共6页
采用小导洞注浆加固、台阶法开挖、设置临时仰拱、施作底纵梁、部分底板和横通道的施工关键技术,形成地板、梁柱整体共同受力体系,通过底板与底梁将部分节点荷载传给地基土,以实现"地基土+立柱桩+地连墙"三者共同承担竖向荷载... 采用小导洞注浆加固、台阶法开挖、设置临时仰拱、施作底纵梁、部分底板和横通道的施工关键技术,形成地板、梁柱整体共同受力体系,通过底板与底梁将部分节点荷载传给地基土,以实现"地基土+立柱桩+地连墙"三者共同承担竖向荷载,同时对地基土进行必要注浆加固,有效地控制既有结构的沉降变形的方式施工地铁车站换乘节点。为今后城市地铁换乘节点施工积累了经验。 展开更多
关键词 遗留地连墙施工、换乘节点 逆作施工 、导开挖 小导管注浆 开挖
某超高层建筑结构选型与关键技术分析 被引量:4
作者 李跃奎 王勇 张帆 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期15-20,7,共7页
某超高层住宅建筑为68层,房屋高度为217.550m。通过对结构经济性、净使用面积、抗倾覆等分析,确定了该建筑的结构体系采用框架-核心筒结构。同时根据项目特点,通过对比不同类型竖向构件的经济性,选用了适合的竖向构件形式,即局部楼层核... 某超高层住宅建筑为68层,房屋高度为217.550m。通过对结构经济性、净使用面积、抗倾覆等分析,确定了该建筑的结构体系采用框架-核心筒结构。同时根据项目特点,通过对比不同类型竖向构件的经济性,选用了适合的竖向构件形式,即局部楼层核心筒外墙采用钢板或型钢混凝土墙,框架柱采用钢管混凝土叠合柱。针对建筑布置特殊性及规范限制,对核心筒外墙中部均匀布置型钢、核心筒角部开洞、钢管混凝土叠合柱正截面承载力等关键技术做了详细分析,保证了结构在大震下的安全性能。 展开更多
关键词 高层建筑 结构选型 关键技术 框架-核心筒结构 型钢混凝土墙 核心筒部开 钢管混凝土叠合柱
Correction to Hawking Radiation Characteristics of Stationary Demianski-Newman Black Hole
作者 JIANG Qing-Quan YANG Shu-Zheng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第6期1026-1030,共5页
The pure thermal spectrum in dragging coordinate system and the tunneling radiation characteristics across the event horizon for stationary Demianski-Newman black hole are researched. The result shows that the tunneli... The pure thermal spectrum in dragging coordinate system and the tunneling radiation characteristics across the event horizon for stationary Demianski-Newman black hole are researched. The result shows that the tunneling rate of the particle is relevant to Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, and the derived radiate spectrum is not strictly pure thermal, but is consistent with underlying unitary theory. Finally, we use the obtained results to reduce to stationary Kerr black hole and static Schwarzschild black hole, and lind that only when ignoring the spectrum at higher energies is the tunneling radiation spectrum consistent with Hawking pure thermal one. 展开更多
关键词 Demianski-Newman black hole energy conservation angular momentum conservation tunneling rate Bekenstein-Hawking entropy
Quasinormal Modes of Phantom Scalar Perturbation in Background of Reissner-Nordstrom Black Hole
作者 潘启沅 苏汝铿 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期221-226,共6页
We have investigated the quasinormal modes (QNMs) of phantom scalar perturbation in a Reissner Nordstr6m (RN) background. We find that the dependence of Q, NMs on the mass of the field for the phantom perturbation... We have investigated the quasinormal modes (QNMs) of phantom scalar perturbation in a Reissner Nordstr6m (RN) background. We find that the dependence of Q, NMs on the mass of the field for the phantom perturbation is totally different from that of usual massive perturbation. However, we obtain the same critical value of the overtone number for an angular quantum number from which the mass will begin to have a reverse effect on the real part of QNM frequencies and the perturbation-independent relation between the Q, NMs and the second order thermodynamic phase transition. 展开更多
关键词 quasinormal modes phantom scalar perturbation second order thermodynamic phase transition
Modeling Analysis on the Relationship between Fruit and Leaves Damaged by Basilepta melanopus Lefevre on Camellia oleifera Abel
作者 曾勍 杨柳君 +3 位作者 李志文 冯睿 柏连阳 曾爱平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2507-2512,共6页
[Objective] Camellia oleifera Abel is a typical woody oil plant in China and it has many functional components. Since it was first found in 1980, Basilepta melanopus Lefevre has become the pest with outbreak area, whi... [Objective] Camellia oleifera Abel is a typical woody oil plant in China and it has many functional components. Since it was first found in 1980, Basilepta melanopus Lefevre has become the pest with outbreak area, which makes the yield and quality of camellia seed oil suffer great losses. The aim was to provide refer- ences for the field damages and prediction of Basilepta melanopus Lefevre based on severity of damage and the actual need for prediction of B. melanopus. [Meth- ods] The investigation was carried out to study the average number of wormholes in damaged leaves, average number of fruit per branch and leaf damage rate caused by B. melanopus using point-survey systematically at Yong'an Town of Changsha, Hunan Province from early May to middle June in 2014. Six functions were used to find the optimal model through fitting to calculate the threshold of mean wormhole number. [Results] The cubic equations had the best effects in fitting the 3 pairs of variables of average wormhole number and camellia fruit, camellia fruit and leaf damage rate, and wormhole number and leaf damage rate, and the variance analy- sis reached the extreme significant difference (P〈0.05). [Conclusion] Based on these mathematical models, the threshold of wormhole number is 5.01 per leaf. 展开更多
关键词 Basi/epta melanopus Lefevre Wormhole number Camellia fruit Leafdamage rate Mathematical model
Feasibility of replacing the 3-coach with a 1.5-coach grouping trainmodel in wind tunnel experiment at different yaw angles 被引量:2
作者 YANG Bo XIONG Xiao-hui +3 位作者 HE Zhao LI Xiao-bai XIE Peng-hui TANG Ming-zan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第6期2062-2073,共12页
The effects of different yaw angles on the aerodynamic performance of city electric multiple units(EMUs)were investigated in a wind tunnel using a 1:16.8 scaled model.Pressure scanning valve and six-component box-type... The effects of different yaw angles on the aerodynamic performance of city electric multiple units(EMUs)were investigated in a wind tunnel using a 1:16.8 scaled model.Pressure scanning valve and six-component box-type aerodynamic balance were used to test the pressure distribution and aerodynamic force of the head car respectively from the 1.5-and 3-coach grouping city EMU models.Meanwhile,the effects of the yaw angles on the pressure distribution of the streamlined head as well as the aerodynamic forces of the train were analyzed.The experimental results showed that the pressure coefficient was the smallest at the maximum slope of the main shape-line.The side force coefficient and pressure coefficient along the head car cross-section were most affected by crosswind when the yaw angle was 55°,and replacing a 3-coach grouping with a 1.5-coach grouping had obvious advantages for wind tunnel testing when the yaw angle was within 24.2°.In addition,the relative errors of lift coefficient C_(L),roll moment coefficient C_(Mx),side force coefficient C_(S),and drag coefficient C_(D) between the 1.5-and 3-coach cases were below 5.95%,which all met the requirements of the experimental accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 wind tunnel electric multiple unit pressure coefficient yaw angle scanning valve 1.5-coach grouping
Quasinormal modes of a stationary axisymmetric EMDA black hole
作者 潘启沅 荆继良 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第1期77-82,共6页
The massless scalar quasiaormal modes (QNMs) of a stationary axisymmetric Einstein-Maxwell dilato-axioa (EMDA) black hole are calculated numerically using the continued fraction method first proposed by Leaver. Th... The massless scalar quasiaormal modes (QNMs) of a stationary axisymmetric Einstein-Maxwell dilato-axioa (EMDA) black hole are calculated numerically using the continued fraction method first proposed by Leaver. The fundamental quasinormal frequencies (slowly damped QNMs) are obtained and the peculiar behaviours of them are studied. It is shown that these frequencies depend on the dilaton parameter D, the rotational parameter a, the multiple moment l and the azimuthal number m, and have the same values with other authors at the Schwarzschild and Kerr limit. 展开更多
关键词 Quasinormal modes (QNMs) the stationary axisymmetric EMDA black hole the continued fraction method QNMs
安阳殷墟扭角羚之发见及其意义 被引量:2
作者 杨钟健 《考古学报》 1948年第3期261-265,共5页
安阳殷墟之哺乳动物群,已由德日进与作者于民国二十五年间发表。在此文中,共记述哺乳动物二十四种。其关于洞角类者,为殷羊山羊,牛,圣水牛等四种。月前参观胜利后复员之中央研究院历史语言研究所,承李济之先生示以在安阳侯家庄一五○○... 安阳殷墟之哺乳动物群,已由德日进与作者于民国二十五年间发表。在此文中,共记述哺乳动物二十四种。其关于洞角类者,为殷羊山羊,牛,圣水牛等四种。月前参观胜利后复员之中央研究院历史语言研究所,承李济之先生示以在安阳侯家庄一五○○号墓中所发见洞角类之二角。 展开更多
关键词 安阳殷墟 水牛 中央研究院 洞角 太白山 哺乳动物群 山羊 作者 人工
Quasinormal Modes of a Black Hole with Quintessence-Like Matter and a Deficit Solid Angle for Electromagnetic Perturbation
作者 王春艳 赵亚峰 高亚军 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1101-1104,共4页
We investigate the electromagnetic perturbation around a black hole with quintessence-like matter and a deficit solid angle.The complex frequencies of the quasinormal modes of electromagnetic perturbation are evaluate... We investigate the electromagnetic perturbation around a black hole with quintessence-like matter and a deficit solid angle.The complex frequencies of the quasinormal modes of electromagnetic perturbation are evaluated by the third-order WKB approximation.The results show that the electromagnetic perturbation around the black hole damps more slowly owing to the presence of the quintessence-like.The phenomenon can be distinguished from the black hole only with a deficit angle. 展开更多
关键词 electromagnetic perturbation quasinormal frequencies WKB approximation
Novel Rotating Hairy Black Hole in (2 + 1) Dimensions 被引量:2
作者 赵柳 徐伟 祝斌 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期475-481,共7页
We present some novel rotating hairy black hole metric in (2 + 1) dimensions, which is an exact solution to the field equations of the Einstein-scalar-AdS theory with a non-minimal coupling. The scalar potential is... We present some novel rotating hairy black hole metric in (2 + 1) dimensions, which is an exact solution to the field equations of the Einstein-scalar-AdS theory with a non-minimal coupling. The scalar potential is determined by the metric ansatz and consistency of the field equations and cannot be prescribed arbitrarily. In the simplified, critical ease, the scalar potential contains two independent constant parameters, which are respectively related to the mass and angular momentum of the black hole in a particular way. As long as the angular momentum does not vanish, the metric can have zero, one or two horizons. The case with no horizon is physically uninteresting because of the curvature singularity lying at the origin. We identify the necessary conditions for at least one horizon to be present in the solution, which imposes some bound on the mass-angular momentum ratio. For some particular choice of pararneters our solution degenerates into some previously known black hole solutions. 展开更多
关键词 rotating hairy black hole (2 1)-dimensional gravity non-minimal coupling scalar potential
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