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高适诗《同吕判官从哥舒大夫破洪济城回登积石军多福寺七级浮图》史地考释 被引量:2
作者 庞琳 《青海民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 1992年第1期96-100,共5页
高适,字达夫(702~765),唐代著名诗人,今河北省景县人。天宝八年(749)授封丘县尉,因不能忍受“拜迎长官”和“鞭挞黎庶”的处境而辞官。后客游河西,在哥舒翰部任掌书记。“上将拓边西,薄才黍从戎”(《奉寄平原颜太守》),说的就是这件事... 高适,字达夫(702~765),唐代著名诗人,今河北省景县人。天宝八年(749)授封丘县尉,因不能忍受“拜迎长官”和“鞭挞黎庶”的处境而辞官。后客游河西,在哥舒翰部任掌书记。“上将拓边西,薄才黍从戎”(《奉寄平原颜太守》),说的就是这件事。后表为左卫兵曹、进左拾遗,又任淮南、西川节度使,封渤海县侯。高适曾亲临过青海,经历了多次战争,熟悉边疆生活,写了不少边塞诗歌,其中天宝十二年(753)所写的《同吕判官从哥舒大夫破洪济城回登积石军多福寺七级浮图》一诗,由写景转而歌颂哥舒翰的军功,且自叹弗如。此诗虽系一般五言诗,文学艺术方面亦算不得上乘,但其中涉及的内容对研究青海史地以及佛教传播等方面,却是难得的史料。 展开更多
关键词 积石军 洪济 多福寺 七级浮图 浇河 边塞诗歌 达化县 洮阳郡 佛教传播 贵德城
抗洪济旱 兴利于民
作者 盖虎胜 《海河水利》 北大核心 1989年第6期60-60,共1页
总投资3780万元的漳泽水库除险加固改建工程,于1988年11月下旬通过国家水利部审查批准。实施这一工程,大坝将加高5米,水库防洪标准将由百年一遇提高到二千年一遇;汛限水位调高2米,增加兴利水量4100万米~3,年均可供水量将稳定在1亿米~3... 总投资3780万元的漳泽水库除险加固改建工程,于1988年11月下旬通过国家水利部审查批准。实施这一工程,大坝将加高5米,水库防洪标准将由百年一遇提高到二千年一遇;汛限水位调高2米,增加兴利水量4100万米~3,年均可供水量将稳定在1亿米~3以上。加之泄洪工程的改建,蓄洪抗灾能力进一步增强,兴利水位进一步稳定。 展开更多
关键词 汛限水位 水库防洪标准 兴利水位 除险加固 漳泽水库 国家水利部 洪济 改建工程 可供水量 治市
电影人洪济和他的“武侠神怪”情缘(1926—1952) 被引量:1
作者 王雪桦 《北京电影学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第7期74-81,共8页
洪济是一位高产且颇具商业头脑的武侠神怪片导演、制片人,他的大多武侠神怪片和粤语片都有良好的商业回馈。因不同的观念、际遇和选择,洪济与他的长兄洪深在中国电影史研究中处于"冰火两重天"的境遇,对后者的研究是"热门... 洪济是一位高产且颇具商业头脑的武侠神怪片导演、制片人,他的大多武侠神怪片和粤语片都有良好的商业回馈。因不同的观念、际遇和选择,洪济与他的长兄洪深在中国电影史研究中处于"冰火两重天"的境遇,对后者的研究是"热门"、是"显学",每年都有十数篇高水平的研究论文出现,而前者几乎无人知晓、身后落寞。本文通过查阅一些早期电影报刊和网络资料,获取信息并"拼接"出一位早期影人的从影历史过程,试图挖掘其娱乐观念和商人精神的价值,并探讨其在历史长河中所应有的公正评价。 展开更多
关键词 洪济 武侠神怪片 娱乐精神 商业意识 粤语片
《中国水利》 2015年第14期5-5,共1页
20世纪初 孙中山在规划中国未来图景时把引江济河、引洪济旱这样的字眼写进了《建国方略》。 1931年 8月,长江洪水淹没武汉,有识之人士向国民政府递交了一份引部分长江水导入渭河的治水方案,但最终归于尘封、悄无声息……
关键词 林一山 《建国方略》 引水工程 洪济 洪水淹没 景时 引汉济渭工程 可行性研究报告 项目建议书 技术审查
作者 ZHANGQiang CHENGJi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第2期146-151,共6页
Collection and arrangement of the historical records of climatic changes andenvironment evolution, especially in the aspect of calamities, are made on the history documents ofpast 1500 years about Hai'an region, J... Collection and arrangement of the historical records of climatic changes andenvironment evolution, especially in the aspect of calamities, are made on the history documents ofpast 1500 years about Hai'an region, Jiangsu Province. There existed two obvious flooding-droughtfrequently-occurring periods: one was from 1550 AD to 1850 AD and another was 1000 AD to 1200 AD.The period of 1550 AD to 1850 AD is interrupted by two relatively arid and cold climatic periods:one was from 1630 AD to 1700 AD and another was 1750 AD to 1820 AD. The main characteristic of thecalamity periods is that they occurred by turns, and sometimes, both drought and flooding occurredin the same year. The instability of the climatic changes in the Little Ice Age may be the mainreason of the frequently-occurring flooding and drought in Hai'an region. Research results also showthat the frequently-occurring periods of flooding and drought is in close relationship with thesolar activity, and therefore, occurrence of the flooding and drought may be in relation with theintensity of the solar activity. This hypothesis may need further study in the future. 展开更多
关键词 hai'an region flooding calamity drought calamity history document
Spatio-temporal changes of exposure and vulnerability to floods in China 被引量:1
作者 WANG Yan-Jun GAO Chao +3 位作者 ZHAI Jian-Qing LI Xiu-Cang SU Bu-da HARTMANN Heike 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2014年第4期197-205,共9页
A socio-economic data set on China's historical flood losses for the period 1984--2012 was compiled to analyze the exposed population, economy, and crop area as well as the vulnerabilities of the population and econo... A socio-economic data set on China's historical flood losses for the period 1984--2012 was compiled to analyze the exposed population, economy, and crop area as well as the vulnerabilities of the population and economy to floods. The results revealed that the exposed population was approximately 126 persons km-2 per year when taking China as a whole; in terms of the economy, potential losses due to floods were estimated to be approximately 1.49 million C/W4 km 2 and the crop area exposed to floods covered 153 million hm2 per year. China's total exposure to floods significantly increased over the analysis period. The areas that showed the higher exposure were mainly located along the east coast. The population's vulnerability to floods showed a significantly increasing trend, however, the economic vulnerability showed a decreasing trend. The populations and economies that were most vulnerable to floods were in Hunan, Anhui, Chongqing, Jiangxi, and Hubei provinces. The municipalities of Shanghai, Beijing, and Tianjin showed the lowest vulnerabilities to floods. 展开更多
关键词 EXPOSURE VULNERABILITY Flood disaster Spatio-temporal changes China
A Holy Hall of Chinese Traditional Arts——Hong Bao Tang & Its Host Mr.Cheng Maoquan
《China's Foreign Trade》 2007年第14期40-41,共2页
The Chinese traditional cultures are es- sential part of the 5,000-year civilization of China.It has become more and more important how to pass on the quintessence of the Chinese traditional culture when the national ... The Chinese traditional cultures are es- sential part of the 5,000-year civilization of China.It has become more and more important how to pass on the quintessence of the Chinese traditional culture when the national economy is advancing by leap and bounds. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese traditional Arts Holly hall national economy Hong BaoTang ChengMaoquan
Some Reflections of the Geographies of Socio-Economic Impact of the Kosi River Floods, 2008
作者 Rituparna Bhattacharyya Muraree Lal Meena Suman Singh 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第1期57-65,共9页
In India, floods remain a natural recurrent event of many major rivers of the sub-continent. Most frequently, it occurs during the "monsoon season" when precipitation remains very heavy and the natural watercourses ... In India, floods remain a natural recurrent event of many major rivers of the sub-continent. Most frequently, it occurs during the "monsoon season" when precipitation remains very heavy and the natural watercourses fail to accommodate excess water. The river Kosi, located in Bihar, India too bears a long history of annual floods and is often labeled as a "Sorrow of Bihar" due to its strange behavioural attributes and the extensive damage it causes as a result of severe flood inundation. The river Kosi is one of the megafans of the Gangetic plains. Geologic evidence demonstrates that the megafans are prone to devastating flood hazards. On August 18, 2008, the river Kosi burst through its banks to flow into a channel it had abandoned more than 200 years ago, drowning towns, numerous villages and rendering over a million homeless and many were reported to have died. The research is an attempt to reflect on the geographies of socio-economic impact of the Kosi flood, 2008. For this, the research uses a holistic approach. The findings suggest that the rescue and rehabilitation operation continue in the post flood region. However, operations were significantly delayed as the result of inept bureaucratic process and insufficient funding. The final sections draw together, the threads of analysis and suggest suitable measures, so that the floods of such magnitude can be managed better in near future. 展开更多
关键词 FLOOD river Kosi geographies of socio-economic impact holistic approach management.
Establishing the Method for Assessing Flood Vulnerability in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam A Case Study in District 6 被引量:1
作者 Tran Thi Diem Loan Can Thu VOXI +1 位作者 Nguyen Thanh Son Do Thi Hong Hoa 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2018年第2期72-82,共11页
Urban flooding has impacted siginficantly on people's living: economic development, environmental pollution, etc.. It has been the serious problem of many cities in file world, especially in urban areas in developin... Urban flooding has impacted siginficantly on people's living: economic development, environmental pollution, etc.. It has been the serious problem of many cities in file world, especially in urban areas in developing countries because urbanization is too fast but lack of adaptive management planning and infrastructure. In Vietnam, the big cities, such as HCM (Ho Chi Minh) City, Hanoi, etc. have also been influenced severely by floods. By early 2017, HCM City has 171 flooded sites assigned by the district level; 40 submergence points assigned by Steering Center of Flooding Control Program, and 9 tidal flooded points. The paper will establish a suitable method for assessing flood vulnerability in HCM City from natural, social and environmental aspects. The results of a case study in District 6 show that there are four wards with high vulnerability and 10 wards with average vulnerability. 展开更多
Flood Risk Analysis and Flood Potential Losses Assessment
作者 高俊峰 Lorenz King +1 位作者 姜彤 王润 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期1-9,共9页
The heavy floods in the Taihu Basin showed increasing trend in recent years. In this work, a typical area in the northern Taihu Basin was selected for flood risk analysis and potential flood losses assessment. Human a... The heavy floods in the Taihu Basin showed increasing trend in recent years. In this work, a typical area in the northern Taihu Basin was selected for flood risk analysis and potential flood losses assessment. Human activities have strong impact on the study area’s flood situation (as affected by the polders built, deforestation, population increase, urbanization, etc.), and have made water level higher, flood duration shorter, and flood peaks sharper. Five years of different flood return periods [(1970), 5 (1962), 10 (1987), 20 (1954), 50 (1991)] were used to calculate the potential flood risk area and its losses. The potential flood risk map, economic losses, and flood-impacted population were also calculated. The study’s main conclusions are: 1) Human activities have strongly changed the natural flood situation in the study area, increasing runoff and flooding; 2) The flood risk area is closely related with the precipitation center; 3) Polder construction has successfully protected land from flood, shortened the flood duration, and elevated water level in rivers outside the polders; 4) Economic and social development have caused flood losses to increase in recent years. 展开更多
关键词 flood risk area potential flood losses polder
New Challenges and Opportunities for Flood Control in the Huai River: Addressing a Changing River-Lake Relationship 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Min XIA Jun HONG Cheng 《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》 2012年第1期40-47,共8页
This paper addresses the change of the river-lake relationship in the Huai River and its causes due to environmental change and human activities. A preliminary analysis is made from three aspects: (1) the natural geog... This paper addresses the change of the river-lake relationship in the Huai River and its causes due to environmental change and human activities. A preliminary analysis is made from three aspects: (1) the natural geographical change particularly captured by the Yellow River, (2) water conservancy project construction, and (3) socioeconomic development in the Huai River Basin. Key problems of changes in this river-lake relationship and the Huai River flood control are tackled, involving flood control and disaster alleviation ability of the Basin, engineering and non-engineering measurements applied to flood control and disaster mitigation, and water governance for adaptive management. Research shows that the Huai River is a rather complex one due to its complex geography with a hybrid wet and dry climate zoon, and higher population density. With the alternation of the river-lake relationship and socioeconomic development in the region, new problems keep arising, imposing new requirements on its sustainable water management. Thus, understanding the Huai River is a long and gradually improving process. Its future planning should keep absorbing new achievements of science and technology development, employing new technologies and methods, and gradually deepening our understanding of its fundamental principles. Water governance and adaptive water management will be new challenges and opportunities for the Basin in its river system change and flood control. 展开更多
关键词 hange of river-lake relationship socioeconomic development flood control in the Huai River
A New Model to Evaluate the Economic Effects of Floods and Its Application to China 被引量:1
作者 Mario Arturo Ruiz Estrad Ibrahim Ndoma Donghyun Park 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2016年第4期627-641,共15页
We set forth the macroeconomics evaluation of floods (MEF) model, a new model to assess and evaluate the impact of floods on GNP growth. This model points to a new, more concrete approach to measure the economic imp... We set forth the macroeconomics evaluation of floods (MEF) model, a new model to assess and evaluate the impact of floods on GNP growth. This model points to a new, more concrete approach to measure the economic impact of floods. Up to now, the measurement has been subject to a great deal of uncertainty. The main contribution of the model is to significantly reduce this uncertainty by mea- suring the impact with four well-defined, economically intuitive indicators. To illuminate and demonstrate its promise, we employ the model to evaluate and analyze the impact of two major floods on the economy of the People's Republic of China. Our MEF-model analysis indicates that the floods of Zhangshu and Jiangxi in 2010 caused greater economic damage than the floods of Central South China in 1931. Going forward, MEF-model simulations are a valuable tool for estimating the effect of potential future floods in the PRC and elsewhere. 展开更多
关键词 Floods Economic impact Economic evaluation MEF-model China
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