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古镇旅游资源评价与SWOT研究——以普宁市洪阳古镇为例 被引量:3
作者 吴文刚 倪晓信 《文教资料》 2013年第4期59-61,共3页
普宁市洪阳古镇是广东省历史文化古镇,也是中国历史文化名镇之一,旅游资源丰富,特别是人文旅游资源特色鲜明,具有潜在的巨大旅游开发价值。作者在综合考察洪阳古镇旅游资源的基础上,对其进行定性评价和定量评价,同时引入现代营销... 普宁市洪阳古镇是广东省历史文化古镇,也是中国历史文化名镇之一,旅游资源丰富,特别是人文旅游资源特色鲜明,具有潜在的巨大旅游开发价值。作者在综合考察洪阳古镇旅游资源的基础上,对其进行定性评价和定量评价,同时引入现代营销学中常用的SWOT分析法对洪阳古镇旅游资源的开发建设条件进行系统分析。 展开更多
关键词 洪阳古镇旅游资源 定性评价定量评价 SWOT分析
心怀感恩 众人富了才是富——记农民贴心人丁洪阳
作者 刘勇 《时代主人》 2022年第10期38-39,共2页
“近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易逢春。”用这句话来描述奉新县苗木专业大户丁洪阳是再合适不过了。他以苗木绿化为主业,最终把小苗木做成了大产业,并带动村民走上了共同富裕之路。2020年丁洪阳被评为全国劳动模范,今年5月被省人大农委聘... “近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易逢春。”用这句话来描述奉新县苗木专业大户丁洪阳是再合适不过了。他以苗木绿化为主业,最终把小苗木做成了大产业,并带动村民走上了共同富裕之路。2020年丁洪阳被评为全国劳动模范,今年5月被省人大农委聘为助推乡村振兴农民贴心人。“追梦路”上砥砺前行“这个土有点松散,一定要打好,每一下的力一定要均匀,一定要打五角星。”走进祥和苗木专业合作社,丁洪阳正在细致地给社员讲解怎么移栽苗木。 展开更多
关键词 富裕之路 乡村振兴 专业合作社 专业大户 向阳花木 洪阳 移栽苗 砥砺前行
建设高质量教育体系 办好人民满意的教育——访市委教育工委常务副书记、市教委主任荆洪阳
作者 荆洪阳 《天津支部生活》 2021年第3期42-43,共2页
记者:我市教育系统将如何学习、贯彻党的十九届五中全会和市委十一届九次、十次全会精神?荆洪阳:党的十九届五中全会为全面建设社会主义现代化国家提供了根本遵循,为做好新时代教育工作提供了根本指导。我市教育系统坚决把思想和认识统... 记者:我市教育系统将如何学习、贯彻党的十九届五中全会和市委十一届九次、十次全会精神?荆洪阳:党的十九届五中全会为全面建设社会主义现代化国家提供了根本遵循,为做好新时代教育工作提供了根本指导。我市教育系统坚决把思想和认识统一到习近平总书记重要讲话精神和党中央决策部署上来,统一到市委十一届九次、十次全会精神上来,准确把握新时代新阶段教育发展的新方位,努力在构建新发展格局,建设高质量教育体系中展现新作为、作出新贡献。 展开更多
关键词 根本遵循 习近平总书记重要讲话精神 教育工委 洪阳 决策部署 全会精神 新方位 五中全会
Analysis of Soil Acidification Trend on the South Bank of Hongze Lake during Recent 30 Years 被引量:2
作者 刘廷武 李聪 +4 位作者 赵伟男 杨用钊 张杰 徐建明 罗玉明 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第9期1955-1958,共4页
Based on soil monitoring data in nine sites of Jinhu, Xuyi and Hongze counties on the south bank of Hongze Lake from 1982 to 2013, changes in soil p H, total nitrogen(TN) content, available phosphorus content, organ... Based on soil monitoring data in nine sites of Jinhu, Xuyi and Hongze counties on the south bank of Hongze Lake from 1982 to 2013, changes in soil p H, total nitrogen(TN) content, available phosphorus content, organic matter(OM)content and cation exchange capacity(CEC) were analyzed. The results show that due to excessive application of chemical fertilizer in soil on the south bank of Hongze Lake, soil p H reduced by about 2 on average, while TN content and available phosphorus content in soil increased by more than one time and 2-5 times respectively. Soil acidification caused by agricultural production was very serious. In addition, low soil p H resulted in serious loss of soil cation, so that soil CEC in2013 accounted for less than 50% of that in 1982 and affected mineral nutrient metabolism of crops. Therefore, application of calcium, potassium and trace-element fertilizer should be paid more attention to during agricultural production in future. 展开更多
关键词 Hongze Lake Soil acidification Nitrogen and phosphorus content CATION
作者 王谦 《焊接技术》 北大核心 2014年第11期89-89,共1页
第十九次全国焊接学术会议于2014年9月18—20日在天津理工大学隆重召开,本次会议的主题是"先进焊接材料、技术与应用——绿色、健康、可持续"。天津理工大学校长荆洪阳出席了本次会议,大会邀请到来自全国各地450余位焊接领域的专家、... 第十九次全国焊接学术会议于2014年9月18—20日在天津理工大学隆重召开,本次会议的主题是"先进焊接材料、技术与应用——绿色、健康、可持续"。天津理工大学校长荆洪阳出席了本次会议,大会邀请到来自全国各地450余位焊接领域的专家、学者齐聚一堂。 展开更多
关键词 天津理工大学 学术会议 焊接领域 洪阳 焊接材料 材料科学与工程 表面工程 材料焊接 机车车辆 研究成果
作者 洪阳 《现代农业科学》 2004年第11期36-36,共1页
关键词 方冬 于春 秋栽 起苗 早期落叶 栽植穴 栽植深度 土杂肥 栽植成活率 洪阳
作者 洪阳 《中国排球》 2005年第3期16-17,共2页
在中国,要说哪一个体育运动项目能被赋予了崇高的社会价值并激励起全民族的心气和斗志的话,恐怕非排球莫属了。虽然排球并不是新中国第一个获得世界冠军的体育项目,但从"团结起来,振兴中华"的口号到"团结协作,顽强拼搏&q... 在中国,要说哪一个体育运动项目能被赋予了崇高的社会价值并激励起全民族的心气和斗志的话,恐怕非排球莫属了。虽然排球并不是新中国第一个获得世界冠军的体育项目,但从"团结起来,振兴中华"的口号到"团结协作,顽强拼搏"的"五连冠"精神,排球带给中国人民的影响远远超出了其自身的范畴和影响,意义深远。半个世纪以后,孙志安,这位新中国第一代的排球国手,亲身经历并见证了排球运动在新中国从诞生、发展到辉煌的奋斗历程。他的讲述,让我们重温了当年那一幕幕令人扼腕、激动、振奋的历史。 展开更多
关键词 孙志安 五连冠 体育项目 中国男排 社会价值 令人 选拨 表本 申国 洪阳
四川纳溪 山羊多卖钱的秘诀
《致富天地》 2020年第9期78-78,共1页
2014年秋,在外务工的四川省泸州市纳溪区丰乐镇皂角村村民陈洪阳回老家流转了一个山头,引进80头本地黑山羊种羊,开始了自己的"羊倌"生涯,为杜绝外来山羊的疫病传播,陈洪阳坚持自繁散养山羊。在羊圈建设上,他除安装自动饮水器... 2014年秋,在外务工的四川省泸州市纳溪区丰乐镇皂角村村民陈洪阳回老家流转了一个山头,引进80头本地黑山羊种羊,开始了自己的"羊倌"生涯,为杜绝外来山羊的疫病传播,陈洪阳坚持自繁散养山羊。在羊圈建设上,他除安装自动饮水器外,山羊圈离地面2米高,且全用木条铺成网格状,让山羊粪尿从网格中漏下,方便清除、集中处理。 展开更多
关键词 自动饮水器 丰乐镇 四川省泸州市 疫病传播 集中处理 网格状 洪阳 纳溪区
《天津市人民政府公报》 2008年第18期21-21,共1页
关键词 产品质量 领导小组 人事变动 副局长 质监局局长 局副 副主任 直属单位 王治平 洪阳
《天津市人民政府公报》 2008年第17期35-35,共1页
关键词 领导小组 成员名单 副主任 出版局副局长 直属单位 财政局副局长 统计局副局长 国税局 洪阳 王治平
Characteristics of Drought and Flood in Zhejiang Province,East China:Past and Future 被引量:1
作者 Feng Lihua Hong Weihu 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第3期257-264,共8页
On the basis of large amount of historical and measured data, this paper analyzed the regional, periodic, frequency, continuing, and response characteristics of droughts and floods in Zhejiang and proposed the concept... On the basis of large amount of historical and measured data, this paper analyzed the regional, periodic, frequency, continuing, and response characteristics of droughts and floods in Zhejiang and proposed the conception of ratio of peak runoff. Main characteristics of droughts and floods in Zhejiang are as follows: 1) The western Zhejiang region is plum rain major control area, and the eastern coastal region of Zhejiang is typhoon major control area. 2) Within a long period in the future, Zhejiang will be in the long period that features droughts. 3) In Zhejiang the 17th century was frequent drought and flood period, the 16th, 19th, and 20th centuries were normal periods, while the 18th century was spasmodic drought and flood period. 4) The severe and medium floods in Zhejiang were all centered around the M-or m-year of the 11-year sunspot activity period. 5) There are biggish years of annual runoff occurred in E1 Nifio year (E) or the following year (E+1) in Zhejiang. The near future evolution trend of droughts and floods in Zhejiang is as follows: 1) Within a relatively long period in the future, Zhejiang Province will be in the long period of mostly drought years. 2) Between 1999 and 2009 this area will feature drought years mainly, while the period of 2010-2020 will feature flood years mostly. 3) Zhejiang has a good response to the sunspot activities, and the years around 2009, 2015, and 2020 must be given due attention, especially around 2020 there might be an extremely severe flood year in Zhejiang. 4) Floods in Zhejiang have good response to El Nifio events, in El Nifio year or the following year much attention must be paid to. And 5) In the future, the first, second, and third severe typhoon years in Zhejiang will be 2009. 2012. and 2015. resnectivelv. 展开更多
关键词 drought and flood sunspot activity E1 Nino event evolution trend Zhejiang Province
作者 ZHANGQiang CHENGJi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第2期146-151,共6页
Collection and arrangement of the historical records of climatic changes andenvironment evolution, especially in the aspect of calamities, are made on the history documents ofpast 1500 years about Hai'an region, J... Collection and arrangement of the historical records of climatic changes andenvironment evolution, especially in the aspect of calamities, are made on the history documents ofpast 1500 years about Hai'an region, Jiangsu Province. There existed two obvious flooding-droughtfrequently-occurring periods: one was from 1550 AD to 1850 AD and another was 1000 AD to 1200 AD.The period of 1550 AD to 1850 AD is interrupted by two relatively arid and cold climatic periods:one was from 1630 AD to 1700 AD and another was 1750 AD to 1820 AD. The main characteristic of thecalamity periods is that they occurred by turns, and sometimes, both drought and flooding occurredin the same year. The instability of the climatic changes in the Little Ice Age may be the mainreason of the frequently-occurring flooding and drought in Hai'an region. Research results also showthat the frequently-occurring periods of flooding and drought is in close relationship with thesolar activity, and therefore, occurrence of the flooding and drought may be in relation with theintensity of the solar activity. This hypothesis may need further study in the future. 展开更多
关键词 hai'an region flooding calamity drought calamity history document
Variation of Floods Characteristics and Their Responses to Climate and Human Activities in Poyang Lake, China 被引量:3
作者 LI Xianghu ZHANG Qi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期13-25,共13页
The Poyang Lake is one of the most frequently flooded areas in China. Understanding the changing characteristics of floods as well as the affecting factors is an important prerequisite of flood disaster prevention and... The Poyang Lake is one of the most frequently flooded areas in China. Understanding the changing characteristics of floods as well as the affecting factors is an important prerequisite of flood disaster prevention and mitigation. The present study identified the characteristics variations of historical floods in the Poyang Lake and their tendencies based on the Mann-Kendall(M-K) test, and also investigated the related affecting factors, both from climate and human activities. The results revealed that the highest flood stages, duration as well as hazard coefficient of floods showed a long-term increasing linear trend during the last 60 years with the M-K statistic of 1.49, 1.60 and 1.50, respectively. And, a slightly increasing linear trend in the timing of the highest stages indicated the floods occurred later and later during the last six decades. The rainfall during the flood season and subsequent discharges of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River and runoff from the Poyang Lake Basin were mainly responsible for the severe flood situation in the Poyang Lake in the 1990 s. In addition, the intensive human activities, including land reclamation and levee construction, also played a supplementary role in increasing severity of major floods. While, the fewer floods in the Poyang Lake after 2000 can be attributed to not only the less rainfall over the Poyang Lake Basin and low discharges of the Changjiang River during flood periods, but also the stronger influences of human activity which increased the floodwater storage of the Poyang Lake than before. 展开更多
关键词 flood characteristics water level land reclamation Changjiang River Poyang Lake
Solar Forcing on Makkah AI-Mukaramah Flash Floods
作者 Shahinaz Yousef Yasser H.O. Algafari +1 位作者 Zaki AI-Mostafa Mutaz Kordi 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第2期77-83,共7页
Severe solar events manifested by highly energetic X-Ray events accompanied by coronal mass ejections and proton flares caused flash floods in Makkah AI-Mukaramab, A1-Madinah AI-Munawarah and Jeddah. The responses can... Severe solar events manifested by highly energetic X-Ray events accompanied by coronal mass ejections and proton flares caused flash floods in Makkah AI-Mukaramab, A1-Madinah AI-Munawarah and Jeddah. The responses can be prompt, delayed or prompt-delayed, suggesting that the protons entered the troposphere either through the opening of a direct gate in the magnetosphere to the location concer.led due to magnetic reconnection, through the polar gates or through those two paths respectively. The authors suggest that there is a magnetic anomaly in Makkah AI-Mukaramah area which makes it liable to be subjected to flash floods. The width of the solar streams determines the width of the gate opened in the magnetosphere via magnetic reconnection and thus narrow streams affect only one location of the three cities while extended width streams can cause flash floods in all of Makkah AI-Mukaramah AI-Madinah AI Munawarah and Jeddah. In addition, the November 24-26 Jeddah flash flood could be attributed to a prompt event due to a moderately fast solar stream that arrived the earth on those days. 展开更多
关键词 Makkah AI-Mukaramah Al-Madinah AI-Munawarah Jeddah coronal mass ejections X-ray events flash floods.
作者 黄朱清 窦娟 《铁军》 2015年第11期30-32,共3页
城市:北京时间:2014年10月29日寻访:新四军老战士张文张文,上将洪学智的夫人,是红军老战士,又是新四军老战士。盐城新四军纪念馆的孙国栋,几年前拜见过张文。通过孙国栋,我们在北京相约采访张文。女儿洪阳接待我们,她执意说,"妈妈... 城市:北京时间:2014年10月29日寻访:新四军老战士张文张文,上将洪学智的夫人,是红军老战士,又是新四军老战士。盐城新四军纪念馆的孙国栋,几年前拜见过张文。通过孙国栋,我们在北京相约采访张文。女儿洪阳接待我们,她执意说,"妈妈年纪大了,形象不像以前,聊聊可以,不拍影像"。无奈,无法架起摄像机,我们只能用普通相机录下几段视频。张文的居所,在北京的采石路上。家政保姆扶着张文,到客厅与我们见面。 展开更多
关键词 孙国栋 洪学智 洪阳 老战士 王宏坤 副司令员 长征路 晋察冀军区 杨光池 严密封锁
作者 介慧 《书法》 1998年第5期18-19,共2页
关键词 方斌 书协 会员 洪阳 号醉墨
作者 盛慧 《饮食科学》 2022年第3期59-59,共1页
普宁洪阳的粿汁,远近闻名,其中,又以“粿汁明”最为出众,据说一天可以卖掉几百碗。这是一家很小,也是很老的店,藏在一条曲折幽暗的小巷深处,店主是个精瘦的老人,喜欢光着膀子坐在那里煮粿汁,他的儿媳妇就站在旁边负责加料,两人很少说话... 普宁洪阳的粿汁,远近闻名,其中,又以“粿汁明”最为出众,据说一天可以卖掉几百碗。这是一家很小,也是很老的店,藏在一条曲折幽暗的小巷深处,店主是个精瘦的老人,喜欢光着膀子坐在那里煮粿汁,他的儿媳妇就站在旁边负责加料,两人很少说话,但配合默契。 展开更多
关键词 配合默契 洪阳 普宁
作者 尹颖尧 《大学生》 2017年第9期18-19,共2页
洪阳教授虽是理工男,骨子里却有文艺范儿,他认为人生就是一场旅行,更看重旅行的过程,途中要充满新奇感、新挑战,这样的旅行才美。洪阳1999年从北大硕士研究生毕业,到美国亚利桑那大学读博,博士毕业后进站加州大学尔湾分校从事博士后研究... 洪阳教授虽是理工男,骨子里却有文艺范儿,他认为人生就是一场旅行,更看重旅行的过程,途中要充满新奇感、新挑战,这样的旅行才美。洪阳1999年从北大硕士研究生毕业,到美国亚利桑那大学读博,博士毕业后进站加州大学尔湾分校从事博士后研究,出站后在美国宇航局(NASA)工作,之后执教于俄克拉荷马大学,不到四年晋升终身教授. 展开更多
关键词 博士后研究 洪阳 终身教授 新奇感 俄克拉荷马大学 硕士研究生 才美 博士毕业 美国宇航局 特聘专家
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