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作者 宋抵 《白城师范学院学报》 2011年第2期85-88,共4页
本文主张以人的本性作为研究的内在根据,以人的信仰作为研究的主线。从"信仰的主客互映性"等方面论证了萨满文化研究应以人的本性为研究对象。人的本性是在人的原始本性与其未来的发展趋势的张力当中呈现出来的,本文论证了人... 本文主张以人的本性作为研究的内在根据,以人的信仰作为研究的主线。从"信仰的主客互映性"等方面论证了萨满文化研究应以人的本性为研究对象。人的本性是在人的原始本性与其未来的发展趋势的张力当中呈现出来的,本文论证了人性本身既是一种超越性,又是从这种超越性向现实性的回归,即人本身就是超越性与现实性的矛盾统一体。人性本身就是信仰,是一种感觉的人性。因此,本文认为信仰是主体自身存在的方式,也是一切精神、物质现象建立的基础。信仰就是人之为人的本性。因此,应从人性的角度去解决人与世界关系的问题,以及探讨向中国文化思维方式回归的可能性与必要性。 展开更多
关键词 类萨满现象 活体文化 人性
作者 皇甫晓涛 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 1993年第2期81-84,共4页
一人文环境是一个文化活体,它包括特殊的地理环境,同时也包括活动在这一自然背景上的一种经济模式、社会群体关系,民风民俗以至方言俗语等构成的语言环境,因而我们说它是一个文化综合体,在特定时空交叠点上展现其文化序列的整体位形。... 一人文环境是一个文化活体,它包括特殊的地理环境,同时也包括活动在这一自然背景上的一种经济模式、社会群体关系,民风民俗以至方言俗语等构成的语言环境,因而我们说它是一个文化综合体,在特定时空交叠点上展现其文化序列的整体位形。它是一个文化圈,同时也是文化层和文化区。 展开更多
关键词 人文环境 现代化 文化区域 前现代 环境行为 地理环境 关系 文化 语言环境 文化序列
传统与现代交织的舞蹈文化活体——透视70年中国民族民间舞蹈创作的三次勃兴 被引量:10
作者 许锐 《艺术评论》 CSSCI 2019年第12期19-31,共13页
中国民族民间舞蹈伴随着中国文化进程,经历了复杂的演变,并且以舞台创作的审美流变呈现出非常明显的表征。回望历史,70年来中国民族民间舞蹈创作有三次重要的勃兴:第一次是激情的20世纪50年代;第二次是喷薄的80年代;第三次是多元的世纪... 中国民族民间舞蹈伴随着中国文化进程,经历了复杂的演变,并且以舞台创作的审美流变呈现出非常明显的表征。回望历史,70年来中国民族民间舞蹈创作有三次重要的勃兴:第一次是激情的20世纪50年代;第二次是喷薄的80年代;第三次是多元的世纪之交。三次勃兴与中国近现代社会变迁紧密相关,分别是中华人民共和国成立初期激情的社会主义建设、改革开放喷薄的经济大潮和新世纪中国融入全球化进程。中国民族民间舞蹈的创作与发展被东方与西方、民族与世界的命题始终缠绕着。内在的坚持和外来的冲击,使得当代中国民族民间舞蹈的创作成为一个复杂的"文化混合体"。中国民族民间舞蹈创作在当今舞台上仍然占据了极其重要的地位,延续着历史发展中的精彩与争论。在70年的历史节点,我们面对的是一个更加剧烈和深刻变化的世界,民族民间舞蹈乃至中国舞蹈能否在新的历史时期迎来再一次勃兴?回望历史,也许能让我们找到部分答案。 展开更多
关键词 中国民族民间舞蹈创作 勃兴 文化
大陆新儒家的处境及其社会-政治取向 被引量:3
作者 张祥龙 《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期89-92,94,共4页
在此采访记录中,作者回答了六个富于现实含义的问题,着重阐发了儒家在中国大陆的现状,它与海外新儒家的区别,它的政治思想取向,它应该走的复活乃至复兴之路,以及它对于所谓文明冲突说的态度。由于西方殖民势力的摧残、新文化运动及"... 在此采访记录中,作者回答了六个富于现实含义的问题,着重阐发了儒家在中国大陆的现状,它与海外新儒家的区别,它的政治思想取向,它应该走的复活乃至复兴之路,以及它对于所谓文明冲突说的态度。由于西方殖民势力的摧残、新文化运动及"文革"的破坏、现代性的膨胀及儒家本身的特质,儒家文化的生命主体陷入了亘古未有、全球无二的急剧衰败,目前的些许小"热",并不足以改变这一颓势。但是,由于儒家符合人类的天然本性,它还是有走出困境的可能。大陆新儒家的特点是全面突破西方中心论,要让儒家作为一个完整的活体而再生。在政治思想上,它不同于左派和右派,有自己独到的见地。它的生命力要到实际生活中才能被充分激发和显现。而它的非普遍主义的思想方式,使它不屑于文明冲突的理论和现实模式。它最注重的是改善人类在各种意义上——尤其是家庭与自然——的生存生态,不认同高科技的强力追求。 展开更多
关键词 儒门惨淡 文化 中行路线 边缘存在 生态改善
作者 李秀卿 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第4期81-83,108,共4页
关键词 雷波 粘花 文化 记忆碎片 无法口述
The Role of Voluntary Youth Work in Media in Professional Development of Young People and Documentation of Urban Space in Wroclaw (Poland)
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第8期502-507,共6页
Wroclaw is mostly known for being a university town. In addition, the city is known in Poland for its sports history--basketball and football-and for many cultural events such as the Review of Stage Songs or African C... Wroclaw is mostly known for being a university town. In addition, the city is known in Poland for its sports history--basketball and football-and for many cultural events such as the Review of Stage Songs or African Culture Brave Festival. Because of the fact that Wroclaw is one of the largest and most important cities in Poland, it quickly becomes a subject of interest in new media, including the Internet, which becomes a field for community projects. This gives a tremendous opportunity to Wroclaw's youth who can participate in the life of Wroclaw, as well as by volunteering learn the basics of journalism and pursue their passions in an active and creative way. In perspective of those fact, the main aim of the planned paper is to describe evolution process of possibilities which Internet media gives to young people who would like to be a journalist. It is also a trial of analysis on how citizen journalism destroyed media voluntary youth work in Wroclaw, where in fact real citizen journalism was started by young people. What is more, paper's goal is to present methods of urban space documentation created by teenage journalists to show multicultural spectrum of Wroclaw. 展开更多
关键词 Wroclaw citizen journalism youth work in media voluntary work in media urban spacedocumentation
作者 本刊编辑部 《家具》 2008年第S1期10-10,共1页
八十年前,印度大诗人泰戈尔被中华文化的美丽精神所深深打动:世界上还有什么事情比中华文化的美丽精神更值得宝贵的?中华文化,使人民喜爱现实世界,爱护备至,却又不致陷于现实得不近情理!他们已本能地找到了事物的旋律的秘密。不是科学... 八十年前,印度大诗人泰戈尔被中华文化的美丽精神所深深打动:世界上还有什么事情比中华文化的美丽精神更值得宝贵的?中华文化,使人民喜爱现实世界,爱护备至,却又不致陷于现实得不近情理!他们已本能地找到了事物的旋律的秘密。不是科学权力的秘密,而是表现方法的秘密。这是极其伟大的一种天赋。 展开更多
关键词 中华文化 泰戈尔 传统家具 文化 中国家具 明清家具 精神气质 余秋雨 标本 中国艺术
The Education & Training and the Utilization of Multi-cultural Workforce
作者 SU-WON KIM 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第8期490-497,共8页
The international movement of workers and the inflow/outflow of immigrants are increasing, the term immigrant communities which country in the world is more familiar. Also, the country that accumulated a history of im... The international movement of workers and the inflow/outflow of immigrants are increasing, the term immigrant communities which country in the world is more familiar. Also, the country that accumulated a history of immigration over decades have been promoted while continuously changing the integration policies for immigrants. The immigration into home country such as the married immigrant women, etc. is constantly increasing in South Korea that had a homogeneous culture. While, it is continued to the overseas movement of young people looking for opportunities in foreign rather than domestic. In South Korea, the multi-cultural families are increasing together with the immigration of foreign workers, the marriage immigrants, etc. in accordance with the globalization of capital and labor, and the multi-cultural society is being formed in accordance with the influx of alien culture and various religious. In this paper, it explored the trends and the future outlook for the multi-cultural workforce in these dimensions. Also, in a multi-cultural society, it suggested the implications and the future assignments for the new changes in the education & training and the employment in order to improve the quality of life and to use as the production entities of multi-cultural workforce. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-cultural workforce Education training Utilization (Employment)
Culture of Eriocheir sinensis Larvae in Ponds in Greenhouse
作者 Guoliang RUAN Liangcheng HU +2 位作者 Hai ZHOU Dawen MA Yabin TANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期672-673,683,共3页
A total of 15 pools were selected from a greenhouse, and they were randomly and evenly divided into three groups.In each group, one stocking density of Eriocheir sinensis was arranged. The results showed that after 45... A total of 15 pools were selected from a greenhouse, and they were randomly and evenly divided into three groups.In each group, one stocking density of Eriocheir sinensis was arranged. The results showed that after 45-d culture, the crab number per kilogram reached about 300 with survival rate of about 20%; the initial stocking density had significantly effect on the body size of E. sinensis on sell, instead on the survival rate of E. sinensis larvae. Therefore, it is feasible to conduct the culture of E. sinensis larvae in a pool in greenhouse. 展开更多
关键词 Eriocheir sinensis Pool in greenhouse Larvae culture Stocking density
Modem Iranian Literature: The Historical and Present Development of the Short Story Genre
作者 Oydin Turdiyeva 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第7期775-784,共10页
The following article is about the historical overview of the Persian literature and the emergence and development of the short story as a literary genre and its prominent role in the modem literature of Iran. It disc... The following article is about the historical overview of the Persian literature and the emergence and development of the short story as a literary genre and its prominent role in the modem literature of Iran. It discusses the origin of the short story in general and preconditions for the popularity of the new genre the Iranian literature of the 20th century, and also about the first successful collection of short stories that introduced it to the public. Also the development process of the short story and principle factors in every stage of its emergence as an independent genre of prose, as well as the thematic range are the main aspects among others to be analyzed in the article. It is historically documented that the Islamic state was established in 1979 after the fall of the Shah. And the very event had big impact not only on the social and political life of the country, but also on the cultural and literary life of the Iranians of the time. The significance of the revolution was such that it divided the literature to be known as the "pre-revolution" and "post-revolution" periods. Therefore this article is aimed to observe how this historic event had influenced the short story in particular and the distinct features of the works created during the two periods. The next period which stands out in the development of the short story is during the late 90s and the beginning of the 2000, where the genre experienced aesthetic innovations and experiments with new forms and styles. The distinct feature of the period is mainly in its topics it deals, among other the effects of the globalization and popular culture brought forth, isolated individual, urbanization, climate change and its destructive outcome and the social conflicts resulting from them. Such global issues caused the established writers to look out of their borders and open up to the concerns of the planet, and by doing so establishing new schools of thought and style among the writers of short story in modem Iranian literature. Finally the article will overview the role of the Iranian contemporary female short story writers, children's literature and the works of the immigrant Iranian authors that continue the traditions of the Persian literature outside Irma. 展开更多
关键词 the short story pre-revolution period post-revolution literature thematic range female writers immigrant authors subgenre "~z" modernism school children's literature
The Social Construction of City: Taipei in Human Condition
作者 Chia-ching Lin Feng-chia Li 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第11期981-989,共9页
This paper tries to discuss everyday life and its relation to urban experiences in different aspects of Taipei City in Human Condition, performed by Greenray Theatre in Taiwan since 2001. The serial play, including si... This paper tries to discuss everyday life and its relation to urban experiences in different aspects of Taipei City in Human Condition, performed by Greenray Theatre in Taiwan since 2001. The serial play, including six parts,1 displays the life of ordinary people, primarily the middle and labor classes. Historically, Human Condition tells about Taiwan Residents' life from the period of Japanese occupation in Taiwan to the present day. The public's everyday life and their cultural activities are delicately represented on the stage. Human Condition especially focuses on people living in Taipei city, the capital and most populated place of the country. In different historical periods and political atmospheres, the characters' economic and social activities, nostalgic feelings about the past, passions for love and friendship, and awakening of fighting for humanity and freedom construct their social positions as well as establish different aspects of Taipei. We can see the transformation of the city by means of people's social relationships and economic activities. Drawing on Henri Lefebvre's concept of everyday life as rhythmic movement and spatial practice in the process of urbanization, this paper aims at studying the characters' social practice that defines their position and formation of identity within place. Human Condition unravels the characters' connection and disconnection from place in each period of Taiwan's historical and political conditions. The life in Taipei differs from each historical, economic, and political system that defines people's attitudes and perspectives toward this land. The characters within every historical background and political system tell us what Taipei represents and symbolizes to people. The transition of Taipei produces impacts on people that endow them with different personalities and perspectives toward life. As globalization invades into this city, the definition of human in city life has to be reconsidered. As a place of encounter, accumulation of cultural hybridity in Taipei formulates multiple dispositions and social structures. By analyzing the characters represented in every historical period of Taipei, this article interrogates to what extent of "in-place" or "out-of-place" of the characters is interpreted in this space and, in the progress of urbanized development of Taipei, what the value is to affect and connect people's relationships. 展开更多
关键词 Human Condition Greenray Theatre Taipei human city life
Domestic Living Space Furnishings, Culture Identity, and Media
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第1期1-8,共8页
Consumption is an active process that engages the social world for individuals to make use of certain products. For many, the living room is the locus of product use, social activities, cultural values, and the person... Consumption is an active process that engages the social world for individuals to make use of certain products. For many, the living room is the locus of product use, social activities, cultural values, and the personal narrative of the people who live in it. Consumers engage with their furniture in order for it to function effectively for them: It is thus used to furnish both the home and the self as well. Creating a certain living space with a particular use of furniture and interior decoration is the precise way in which the resident forms its arrangements, and builds a relationship with the surrounding objects in that living space. This activity, I argue, positions the residents in the process of presenting their personality characteristics and cultural identity. The Ethnographic approach is most appropriate methodology for research into such a personal area: the living room within the domestic environment. The topic of this research falls between different fields of studies including consumerism and media. This research reviews the influence of advertising in magazines and furniture shops on the meaning of living space design and how that encourages higher levels of consumption. 展开更多
关键词 domestic environment furnishing and decoration living space RESIDENTS IDENTITY CULTURE MEDIA consumption
Culture: What to Teach and How to Teach It in an EFL Class
作者 CHEN Yan-hui 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第3期125-130,共6页
This paper discusses the question of the teaching of culture in an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) class. With the open door policy, an increasing number of people in China are learning English or some other lan... This paper discusses the question of the teaching of culture in an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) class. With the open door policy, an increasing number of people in China are learning English or some other language for various purposes. However, they often experience the frustration of failure in communication with foreigners which can sour relationships or business due to their ignorance of the target culture associated with the language they are learning or have learned. Therefore, teaching culture in foreign language classes and learning a second culture while learning a second language have become new slogans, or to be exact, new tasks in the field of English language teaching in China. But how to teach and what to teach remain problematic. The author holds that "central code" of a culture, i.e., people's way of life should be the focus in EFL teaching. Then choosing appropriate and authentic material containing aspects of culture is of great importance. Greater importance should be attached to mass media and multimedia materials and approaches. At the same time, attention should be paid to the cultural behaviour or belief of EFL teachers so as to make more effective teaching 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE EFL TEACHING authentic materials
Physical Activity Stares of Civil Servants and Their Health- Related Research
作者 Yicheng ZHOU Suhua BI +1 位作者 Qingle LIU Jianyun Bao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期16-18,共3页
Since the 1980s, people' s material and spiritual life are constantly enriched and improved. People' s values are constantly changing, more and more people realize that participate in physical exercise for their own... Since the 1980s, people' s material and spiritual life are constantly enriched and improved. People' s values are constantly changing, more and more people realize that participate in physical exercise for their own importance in sports. The status of people' s lives has been greatly improved, for most residents; they participate in physical activity and have gradually become a richer cultural life, and they enhance the basic needs of physical, mental lifelong sports have gradually deep heart. While people continue to enhance the sports consciousness exercise, we also see some potential problems, such as the rapid development of science and technology is to bring more and more problems to people. As people, enjoy the level of automation in the material aspects of life. They gradually have cars, telephones, washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens, rice cookers. And the household products go into our lives, we enjoy the material on those by making more and more people gradually reduce the daily activities. And the most prominent is the elevators and cars, reducing active time and the amount of activity, a lot of heat stored in the human body is causing various diseases, from the results of medical research over the past decade. Various diseases associated with obesity have been become the most important factor in human deaths worldwide, the rapid emergence of this disease and the rapid development of social science and technology form a clear lack of coordination, for which many experts at home and abroad for such issues of deep study and research. 展开更多
关键词 Civil Servants Physical Activity HEALTH
Research on crisis management of enterprise network public opinion
作者 WANG Ting 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期53-55,共3页
With the arrival ofthe era from the media, the internet spread over all sectors ofsocicty, affect people's political, economic and cultural life. The network has become the main place, people express their views so a... With the arrival ofthe era from the media, the internet spread over all sectors ofsocicty, affect people's political, economic and cultural life. The network has become the main place, people express their views so also. And the popularity of media enables consumers to easily express their products, services and other aspects of the topic, spread on the network at breakneck speed, and other users of the attention and support, thus forming a kind of public opinion, influence The development of enterprises, which will undoubtedly bring unprecedented pressure, constant attention, coupled with people's comments, forwarding, dissemination media, making the crisis spread, enterprises should not reasonable, effective, will enable enterprises to establish a sense of trust collapsed, brought a negative impact to the enterprise. 展开更多
关键词 Network public opinion: Crisis management: Countermeasures
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