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作者 宋载丰 朴经纬 《声屏世界》 2024年第7期82-84,共3页
讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音,展示真实、立体、全面的中国,是加强我国国际传播能力建设的重要目标。文章以系列人物纪录片《活力中国》为例,结合共情传播理论分析该片的“缘”艺术,探讨它是如何在情感共鸣中与观众产生深入对话的,以期... 讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音,展示真实、立体、全面的中国,是加强我国国际传播能力建设的重要目标。文章以系列人物纪录片《活力中国》为例,结合共情传播理论分析该片的“缘”艺术,探讨它是如何在情感共鸣中与观众产生深入对话的,以期为我国纪录片的共情传播发展提供一定的参考,助力中国文化的对外传播。 展开更多
关键词 人物纪录片 活力中国 共情传播 电视艺术
《活力中国》:当下中国人的精神实录——纪录频道首批播映现实题材纪录片评析 被引量:6
作者 武新宏 《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期109-111,共3页
从2012年3月5日起,中央电视台纪录频道《时代写真》栏目每晚推出现实题材纪录片《活力中国》,首批播映14部。这次面向市场的运营,给纪录片创作带来了生机与活力。本文以首批播出的14部纪录作品为依托,分析其总体呈现的时代风貌,探寻其... 从2012年3月5日起,中央电视台纪录频道《时代写真》栏目每晚推出现实题材纪录片《活力中国》,首批播映14部。这次面向市场的运营,给纪录片创作带来了生机与活力。本文以首批播出的14部纪录作品为依托,分析其总体呈现的时代风貌,探寻其纪录风格的衍变,以期对当下纪录片创作做出有价值的思考。 展开更多
关键词 纪录频道 活力中国 精神实录
推动纪录片市场化生产,繁荣现实类纪录片创作——以“活力中国”为例 被引量:2
作者 张国涛 《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期112-114,共3页
本文以央视纪录频道"活力中国"招标成果所推出的作品为例,认为这是推动中国纪录片市场化生产的有效探索,对于繁荣现实类纪录片创作有着重要的推动作用;还进一步分析制约现实类纪录片创作的各种现实难题,认为推动现实类纪录片... 本文以央视纪录频道"活力中国"招标成果所推出的作品为例,认为这是推动中国纪录片市场化生产的有效探索,对于繁荣现实类纪录片创作有着重要的推动作用;还进一步分析制约现实类纪录片创作的各种现实难题,认为推动现实类纪录片创作可以从政策管理、制作主体和资金等方面找寻可行性途径。 展开更多
关键词 现实题材 纪录片 活力中国
对中国民族活力的理性评估 被引量:2
作者 周敏凯 《当代世界与社会主义》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第1期30-33,共4页
关键词 中国活力 理性评估 挑战 再铸辉煌
对首届中国学生健康活力大赛的思考 被引量:25
作者 李鸿 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期125-128,共4页
本文采用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈及数理统计等方法,对首届中国学生健康活力大赛进行了调查研究。通过对大赛相关信息资料和结果的分析,旨在总结经验与不足,以利于健身项目的发展和大赛的更加完善,并为中国学生“两操”协会协会以... 本文采用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈及数理统计等方法,对首届中国学生健康活力大赛进行了调查研究。通过对大赛相关信息资料和结果的分析,旨在总结经验与不足,以利于健身项目的发展和大赛的更加完善,并为中国学生“两操”协会协会以后制定全国大中小学的健身项目的推广政策提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 中国学生健康活力大赛 健身项目 推广政策 发展思路 健美操 艺术体操
从中国学生健康活力大赛看体育表演类项目在学校体育的发展 被引量:6
作者 于宏亮 周新 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第2期103-104,共2页
通过文献资料法、现场观察与摄像法、访谈法、数理统计法等方法对历届中国学生健康活力大赛相关信息进行分析。看出大赛已颇具规模,赛事人数、参赛队伍逐年增加,大会所设的体育表演类项目在学校形成了小学——中学——大学合理的项目发... 通过文献资料法、现场观察与摄像法、访谈法、数理统计法等方法对历届中国学生健康活力大赛相关信息进行分析。看出大赛已颇具规模,赛事人数、参赛队伍逐年增加,大会所设的体育表演类项目在学校形成了小学——中学——大学合理的项目发展阶梯,体育表演类项目在学校体育的发展中面临着良好的机遇。 展开更多
关键词 中国学生健康活力大赛 体育表演类项目 学校体育
作者 徐继东 《音乐天地》 2010年第12期35-35,共1页
关键词 活力中国 歌词 音乐 徐继东
作者 闫伟 张鹏 +2 位作者 蒋忠鑫 刘冠民 彭凯平 《中国社会心理学评论》 2022年第2期160-186,261,共28页
活力是一种美德,是中国文化和心理学研究中一个历久弥新的概念。本研究旨在探索中国人对活力这一概念的认知及其理论结构,并在此基础上编制中国本土化的活力量表,检验其信度、效度。研究一对135名中国被试进行了有关活力的结构化访谈,... 活力是一种美德,是中国文化和心理学研究中一个历久弥新的概念。本研究旨在探索中国人对活力这一概念的认知及其理论结构,并在此基础上编制中国本土化的活力量表,检验其信度、效度。研究一对135名中国被试进行了有关活力的结构化访谈,并从访谈文本的编码分析中提炼出中国人活力的四因素——能量、坚韧、平和、敏锐;研究二根据四因素活力结构编制了中国人四因素活力量表,分析1185名中国被试的量表数据后发现,该量表具有良好的信度、效度;研究三招募2262名中国被试,进一步对量表的效标效度进行检验,结果表明四因素活力及其各因素与美德、心理健康相关的变量均呈显著相关,确认了中国人四因素活力的美德和心理健康指标属性。本研究提出的中国人四因素活力及对应的活力量表,均反映中国传统文化和中国人辩证思维特性对中国人活力概念的影响,为中国本土化活力研究的进一步发展提供了理论基础和应用工具。 展开更多
关键词 中国人四因素活力 中国文化美德 心理健康
传承·认同·发展——2012年中国纪录片理论研究综述 被引量:1
作者 李杜若 《现代视听》 2013年第3期6-9,共4页
2012年度中国纪录片理论研究热度不减,学者们从《舌尖上的中国》、《春晚》等热播纪录片的个案研究中探寻纪录片的发展方向;纪录片传承传统文化、实现民族身份认同、塑造国家形象的作用和意义越发引起重视;纪录片创作的技术手段越发先进... 2012年度中国纪录片理论研究热度不减,学者们从《舌尖上的中国》、《春晚》等热播纪录片的个案研究中探寻纪录片的发展方向;纪录片传承传统文化、实现民族身份认同、塑造国家形象的作用和意义越发引起重视;纪录片创作的技术手段越发先进,但须用之有度;纪录片频道和纪录片栏目作为纪录片传播的平台,优势与不足并存;目前我国纪录片市场的发展尚不充分,学者们探究其困境及产生原因,展望其发展前景和解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 纪录片 舌尖上的中国 纪录频道 活力中国 国家形象
认同、包容与弹性 体制活力源自何处 被引量:1
作者 褚松燕 《人民论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第23期10-14,共5页
国家治理的基础在于人民,国家治理的有效性取决于也体现在体制的活力上。政治认同、包容性、社会弹性既是体制活力的体现,也是体制活力的源泉,正因为如此,我们要在明确我国体制相较于其他政治文明的优势的同时,从政治认同、包容性、社... 国家治理的基础在于人民,国家治理的有效性取决于也体现在体制的活力上。政治认同、包容性、社会弹性既是体制活力的体现,也是体制活力的源泉,正因为如此,我们要在明确我国体制相较于其他政治文明的优势的同时,从政治认同、包容性、社会弹性三方面着手,保持体制活力的持续性。 展开更多
关键词 中国体制活力 源泉 持续性
中国经济活力之源 被引量:6
作者 宁吉喆 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期15-19,共5页
改革开放40余年来,中国经济发展取得了巨大成就,显示出强劲的经济发展动力和活力。中国经济之所以能够行稳致远,得益于持续深化的体制改革、活跃的市场主体、公平公正的市场竞争、广阔待发的市场空间、踊跃进取的创业创新、高水平的对... 改革开放40余年来,中国经济发展取得了巨大成就,显示出强劲的经济发展动力和活力。中国经济之所以能够行稳致远,得益于持续深化的体制改革、活跃的市场主体、公平公正的市场竞争、广阔待发的市场空间、踊跃进取的创业创新、高水平的对外开放,以及优化调节的宏观调控。 展开更多
关键词 中国经济活力 体制改革 市场主体 市场竞争 市场空间 创业创新 对外开放 宏观调控
Multi-dimensional frailty and its risk factors among older residents in long-term care facilities in Shanghai,China 被引量:2
作者 Huihui Wang Jing Wang +2 位作者 Boqin Xie Bangzhong Liu Junqiao Wang 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第3期298-303,I0004,共7页
Objectives:The integrated model of frailty shifted the physiologically-dominated view to an integrated and multidisciplinary view of frailty and adopted an integrated and holistic approach to the complex challenges fa... Objectives:The integrated model of frailty shifted the physiologically-dominated view to an integrated and multidisciplinary view of frailty and adopted an integrated and holistic approach to the complex challenges facing frail older adults and their caregivers.There is an urgent need for researchers to identify multi-faceted frailty among older adults and to explore contributors to it.We assessed the level of frailty among older residents in long-term care(LTC)facilities in Shanghai,China and explored risk factors of multiple dimensions of frailty among older residents.Methods:It is a cross-sectional descriptive study.We interviewed 218 older residents from nine LTC facilities.We used Tilburg Frailty Indicator to assess older residents’physiological,psychological,and social frailty.The Geriatric Depression Scale,Mini-Mental state examination,Athens Insomnia Scale,and Activity of Daily Living(ADL)Scale were used to assess their depressive symptoms,cognitive function,sleep quality and ADL abilities,respectively.Results:Older residents have a moderate level of frailty in physiological,psychological and social domains.There is a high correlation among dimensions of frailty.Older residents’depressive symptoms have remained positively associated with their overall and each domain of frailty.Older residents’actual activity participation and exercise in LTC facilities are negatively associated with older residents’overall,physiological and social frailty.Conclusions:Frailty is a multi-dimensional concept and is prevalent among older residents in LTC facilities.It is important to take an integrated view on frailty and carry out appropriate and comprehensive interventions to prevent adverse outcomes and provide holistic care for frail older residents in LTC facilities.There is an urgent need to improve the quality and expand the number of activities offered within LTC facilities that would engage older residents in a person-centered way,despite their age,ADL abilities,frailty and functional limitations. 展开更多
关键词 Aged Activities of daily living China COGNITION Depression Exercise FRAILTY SLEEP
Characterization of a Chinese KCNQ1 mutation (R259H) that shortens repolarization and causes short QT syndrome 2 被引量:5
作者 Zhi-Juan WU Yun HUANG +6 位作者 Yi-Cheng FU Xiao-Jing ZHAO Chao ZHU Yu ZHANG Bin XU Qing-Lei ZHU Yang LI 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期394-401,共8页
Objectives To evaluate the association between a KCNQ 1 mutation, R259H, and short QT syndrome (SQTS) and to explore the elec- trophysiological mechanisms underlying their association. Methods We performed genetic s... Objectives To evaluate the association between a KCNQ 1 mutation, R259H, and short QT syndrome (SQTS) and to explore the elec- trophysiological mechanisms underlying their association. Methods We performed genetic screening of SQTS genes in 25 probands and their family members (63 patients). We used direct sequencing to screen the exons and intron-exon boundaries of candidate genes that en- code ion channels which contribute to the repolarization of the ventricular action potential, including KCNQI, KCNH2, KCNE1, KCNE2, KCNJ2, CACNAlc, CACNB2b and CACNA2D1. In one of the 25 SQTS probands screened, we discovered a KCNQ1 mutation, R259H. We cloned R259H and transiently expressed it in HEK-293 cells; then, currents were recorded using whole cell patch clamp techniques. Results R259H-KCNQ 1 showed significantly increased current density, which was approximately 3-fold larger than that of wild type (WT) after a depolarizing pulse at 1 s. The steady state voltage dependence of the activation and inactivation did not show significant differences between the WT and R259H mutation (P 〉 0.05), whereas the time constant of deactivation was markedly prolonged in the mutant compared with the WT in terms of the test potentials, which indicated that the deactivation of R259H was markedly slower than that of the WT. These results suggested that the R259H mutation can effectively increase the slowly activated delayed rectifier potassium current (Irs) in phase 3 of the cardiac action potential, which may be an infrequent cause of QT interval shortening. Conclusions R259H is a gain-of-function muta- tion of the KCNQ1 channel that is responsible for SQTS2. This is the first time that the R259H mutation was detected in Chinese people. 展开更多
关键词 Ion channel KCNQ1 gene MUTATION Short QT syndrome Slowly activated delayed rectifier potassium current
Migration in the Middle Asia and Its Effects on the Labor Market
作者 Ftisun CELEBI Atakan DURMAZ 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第1期14-23,共10页
Many Middle Asia countries declaring their independence after the splitting of the Soviet Union, cannot meet the economical and social needs of their citizens by falling much behind of the era in terms of industry des... Many Middle Asia countries declaring their independence after the splitting of the Soviet Union, cannot meet the economical and social needs of their citizens by falling much behind of the era in terms of industry despite the natural wealth they have. In addition to all these, the problems in the ruling class and the chaos environment have resulted in the migration of many people to alternative living spaces. These migrations have affected labor market both positively and negatively besides the social life. The labor demand increased by the entrance of the immigrants into the market has affected the employee wages and also this situation has affected the life standards of the citizens In this study, the migration that took place in the countries established after the splitting of the Soviet Union, forming one of the two poles of the world before the cold war, and the effects of this migration on the labor market have been analyzed considering previous studies on the subject. The studies carried out on this subject have yielded various results according to the area in which it is carried out, the time interval it includes, and the period's structure For this reason, the points of views on the subject are compared by making a long literature review 展开更多
关键词 MIGRATION labor market Middle Asia
Chinese English Learners' Text Reading Strategy Research
作者 ZHAO Na 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期116-118,共3页
Reading strategies are different from identifying the words, but a kind of metacognitive activity based on the monitoring mode. This paper will explore Chinese English learners' text reading strategies according to t... Reading strategies are different from identifying the words, but a kind of metacognitive activity based on the monitoring mode. This paper will explore Chinese English learners' text reading strategies according to the cognitive process of the reading, hoping for providing some suggestions and references for Chinese college students to learn English well and improve the text reading ability. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese English learners text reading strategies college English
Mechanical property and irradiation damage of China Low Activation Martensitic(CLAM) steel 被引量:2
作者 ZHU YanYong WAN FaRong +8 位作者 GAO Jin HAN WenTuo HUANG YiNa JIANG ShaoNing QIAO JianSheng ZHAO Fei YANG ShanWu OHNUKI Somei HASHIMOTO Naoyuki 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期2057-2061,共5页
China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel is being studied to develop the structural materials for a fusion reactor, which has been designed based on the well-known 9Crl.5WVTa steel. The effect of tempering temp... China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel is being studied to develop the structural materials for a fusion reactor, which has been designed based on the well-known 9Crl.5WVTa steel. The effect of tempering temperature on hardness and micro- structure of CLAM steel was studied. The strength of CLAM steel increased by adding silicon, and the ductility remained con- stant. Conversely, while CLAM steel maintained good ductility with the addition of yttrium, its tensile strengths were greatly degraded. Behaviors under electron irradiation of CLAM steel were examined using the high voltage electron microscope. Electron irradiation at 450℃ formed many voids in CLAM steel with basic composition, whereas CLAM with silicon steel did not change the microstructure significantly. 展开更多
关键词 low activation ferritic/martensitic steel mechanical property electron irradiation irradiation damage SILICON YTTRIUM
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