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商业银行多维度数字化获客与活客策略研究 被引量:1
作者 钟来仪 《现代商业》 2022年第18期151-153,共3页
伴随大数据、云计算、人工智能、区块链、5G移动通信等科技运用,传统商业银行正进行着拥抱数字化时代的战略转型。数字化背后是什么?数字化获客活客的背后又是什么?它有别传统商业银行的营销获客,是新业态新经济新金融下,数据化、批量... 伴随大数据、云计算、人工智能、区块链、5G移动通信等科技运用,传统商业银行正进行着拥抱数字化时代的战略转型。数字化背后是什么?数字化获客活客的背后又是什么?它有别传统商业银行的营销获客,是新业态新经济新金融下,数据化、批量化、线上化、智能化、场景化的流量、增量和存量的相互转换与游客、用户和客户的良性生态内循环。本文通过对商业银行数字化转型战略进行剖析,在企业级业务与技术架构两大框架数字化技术指导下,制定了数字化获客与活客的建议措施,使得数字化转型后的商业银行获客与活客策略,既有传统银行资源秉赋,又具备智能银行、互联网银行和和数字化银行的新时代基因。 展开更多
关键词 数字化转型 商业银行 活客 金融
浅谈数字化场景下银行获客活客之道 被引量:1
作者 陈卫兵 彭慧中 +1 位作者 段斌 简彩颜 《金融科技时代》 2022年第8期45-50,共6页
随着互联网时代用户金融和消费习惯发生巨大变迁,银行业数字化转型浪潮风起云涌。面对瞬息万变的市场形势,如何发挥资源优势、优化组织协作模式、破解市场认知惯性,借助金融科技快速捕捉和满足客户需求,实现数字化场景下的精准获客活客... 随着互联网时代用户金融和消费习惯发生巨大变迁,银行业数字化转型浪潮风起云涌。面对瞬息万变的市场形势,如何发挥资源优势、优化组织协作模式、破解市场认知惯性,借助金融科技快速捕捉和满足客户需求,实现数字化场景下的精准获客活客,成为银行业应该关注和研究的重点课题。文章从市场环境和用户需求变化入手,分析银行业应对当前形势需要具备和提升的能力,并提出完善数字化营销体系的若干意见建议。 展开更多
关键词 数字化转型 数字营销 金融科技 活客
大数据在商业银行零售业务客户经营管理中的运用 被引量:4
作者 陈华 高立霞 《河北金融》 2018年第10期15-17,共3页
利用大数据已经上升为国家战略。商业银行零售业务是服务社会经济发展和民生改善的基础性业务,提升大数据应用能力,对于商业银行落实普惠金融,解决客户需求,提升客户服务能力,提高客户经营管理效能具有重要作用。但当前商业银行在大数... 利用大数据已经上升为国家战略。商业银行零售业务是服务社会经济发展和民生改善的基础性业务,提升大数据应用能力,对于商业银行落实普惠金融,解决客户需求,提升客户服务能力,提高客户经营管理效能具有重要作用。但当前商业银行在大数据运用时,面临着亟待解决的问题,如传统客户待客上门的营销模式难于为继,单一产品和服务难于满足多样化的客户需求等,因此,商业银行亟需利用大数据转变客户经营管理模式,提升客户营销服务效能。 展开更多
关键词 商业银行 普惠金融 户服务能力 大数据 活客能力
Discuss the choreographer's creative theory and practice research
作者 Li Liu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期61-63,共3页
In creation of dance, creation is the most basic factor, and also the most common factor. But the thinking of creative dance is rare. In order to activate everyone' s thinking and enhance creativity, I want to illust... In creation of dance, creation is the most basic factor, and also the most common factor. But the thinking of creative dance is rare. In order to activate everyone' s thinking and enhance creativity, I want to illustrate creative thinking of dance. About creative thinking of dance, we focus on the concept of creation, and concepts are based on thinking activities. So our thinking activity is the important reason affecting the creative thinking. So before creating thinking of dance, we must understand the concept of thinking. Thinking is a summary of objective things and indirect reflection, and it has certain independence. It reflects a common class of things which have essential characteristics. 展开更多
作者 柯泽 宗益祥 《文化与传播》 2013年第6期11-18,共8页
人类社会大致经历了采集和渔猎文明、畜牧和农业文明、商业和工业文明,它们所依赖的媒介形式分别是口语和文字、文字与印刷、印刷与电子,如今又迎接着以电子与网络信息技术为依托的信息文明的来临。从传播哲学的批判视角来看,每一种文... 人类社会大致经历了采集和渔猎文明、畜牧和农业文明、商业和工业文明,它们所依赖的媒介形式分别是口语和文字、文字与印刷、印刷与电子,如今又迎接着以电子与网络信息技术为依托的信息文明的来临。从传播哲学的批判视角来看,每一种文明形态都对应着不同的哲学思维方式和媒介传播形式。哲学思维方式与媒介传播形式彼此互构,东西方不同的哲学思维方式和媒介传播形式也影响到了各自历史的发展进程,使得其在整个人类文明史中经受了不同的生命阶段。从哲学思维方式来看,东方文明"天人合一"的悟性思维曾经造就了辉煌灿烂的古代文明,但是这种"自我主体性"的淹没不彰使其逐渐在近代世界文明的竞争中日见衰落;西方文明中"主客二分"的理性思维方式决定了西方历史发展的进程,促进了媒介传播形式的快速变革,与此同时对理性自身的无比崇拜也使得西方文明日益陷于"人类中心主义"及技术理性的矛盾和危机之中。我们通过传播哲学的批判维度来回顾人类文明与传播的历史与逻辑关系,从而找寻文明变革的哲学启示,进而指出网络媒介技术的出现必然会在全世界引发一场文明形态的变革,而这场变革必然需要人类进行一场哲学思维的变革,这种变革需要将东西方文明的内在精神智慧地活转起来。 展开更多
关键词 东方文明 西方文明 信息文明 天人合一 二分 信息人
作者 柯泽 宗益祥 《文化与传播》 2013年第5期1-9,共9页
人类社会大致经历了采集和渔猎文明、畜牧和农业文明、商业和工业文明,它们所依赖的媒介形式分别是口语和文字、文字与印刷、印刷与电子,如今又迎接着以电子与网络信息技术为依托的信息文明的来临。从传播哲学的批判视角来看,每一种文... 人类社会大致经历了采集和渔猎文明、畜牧和农业文明、商业和工业文明,它们所依赖的媒介形式分别是口语和文字、文字与印刷、印刷与电子,如今又迎接着以电子与网络信息技术为依托的信息文明的来临。从传播哲学的批判视角来看,每一种文明形态都对应着不同的哲学思维方式和媒介传播形式。哲学思维方式与媒介传播形式彼此互构,东西方不同的哲学思维方式和媒介传播形式也影响到了各自历史的发展进程,使得其在整个人类文明史中经受了不同的生命阶段。从哲学思维方式来看,东方文明"天人合一"的悟性思维曾经造就了辉煌灿烂的古代文明,但是这种"自我主体性"的湮没不彰使其逐渐在近代世界文明的竞争中日见衰落;西方文明中"主客二分"的理性思维方式决定了西方历史发展的进程,促进了媒介传播形式的快速变革,与此同时对理性自身的无比崇拜也使得西方文明日益陷于"人类中心主义"及技术理性的矛盾和危机之中。我们通过传播哲学的批判维度来回顾人类文明与传播的历史与逻辑关系,从而找寻文明变革的哲学启示,进而指出网络媒介技术的出现必然会在全世界引发一场文明形态的变革,而这场变革必然需要人类进行一场哲学思维的变革,这种变革需要将东西方文明的内在精神智慧地活转起来。 展开更多
关键词 东方文明 西方文明 信息文明 “天人合一” “主二分” “主转” 信息人
Canadian Agility and Movement Skill Assessment(CAMSA):Validity, objectivity, and reliability evidence for children 8–12 years of age 被引量:11
作者 Patricia E.Longmuir Charles Boyer +6 位作者 Meghann Lloyd Michael M.Borghese Emily Knight Travis J.Saunders Elena Boiarskaia Weimo Zhu Mark S.Tremblay 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第2期231-240,共10页
Purpose: The primary aim of this study was to develop an assessment of the fundamental, combined, and complex movement skills required to support childhood physical literacy. The secondary aim was to establish the fea... Purpose: The primary aim of this study was to develop an assessment of the fundamental, combined, and complex movement skills required to support childhood physical literacy. The secondary aim was to establish the feasibility, objectivity, and reliability evidence for the assessment.Methods: An expert advisory group recommended a course format for the assessment that would require children to complete a series of dynamic movement skills. Criterion-referenced skill performance and completion time were the recommended forms of evaluation. Children, 8–12 years of age, self-reported their age and gender and then completed the study assessments while attending local schools or day camps. Face validity was previously established through a Delphi expert(n = 19, 21% female) review process. Convergent validity was evaluated by age and gender associations with assessment performance. Inter-and intra-rater(n = 53, 34% female) objectivity and test–retest(n = 60, 47% female) reliability were assessed through repeated test administration.Results: Median total score was 21 of 28 points(range 5–28). Median completion time was 17 s. Total scores were feasible for all 995 children who self-reported age and gender. Total score did not differ between inside and outside environments(95% confidence interval(CI) of difference:-0.7 to 0.6;p = 0.91) or with/without footwear(95%CI of difference:-2.5 to 1.9; p = 0.77). Older age(p < 0.001, η2= 0.15) and male gender(p < 0.001, η2= 0.02)were associated with a higher total score. Inter-rater objectivity evidence was excellent(intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC) = 0.99) for completion time and substantial for skill score(ICC = 0.69) for 104 attempts by 53 children(34% female). Intra-rater objectivity was moderate(ICC = 0.52) for skill score and excellent for completion time(ICC = 0.99). Reliability was excellent for completion time over a short(2–4 days; ICC = 0.84) or long(8–14days; ICC = 0.82) interval. Skill score reliability was moderate(ICC = 0.46) over a short interval, and substantial(ICC = 0.74) over a long interval.Conclusion: The Canadian Agility and Movement Skill Assessment is a feasible measure of selected fundamental, complex and combined movement skills, which are an important building block for childhood physical literacy. Moderate-to-excellent objectivity was demonstrated for children 8–12 years of age. Test–retest reliability has been established over an interval of at least 1 week. The time and skill scores can be accurately estimated by 1 trained examiner. 展开更多
关键词 Agility course CHILDREN Dynamic motor skill Locomotor skill Object manipulation Population assessment
Change of Customer Concept in Marketing Activities
作者 Xun LI 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期121-122,共2页
Marketing concept refers to the guiding ideology of correctly dealing with the interest relationship among enterprise, customers and society and also the fundamental standard for behaviors in the process of an enterpr... Marketing concept refers to the guiding ideology of correctly dealing with the interest relationship among enterprise, customers and society and also the fundamental standard for behaviors in the process of an enterprise to carry out all marketing activities in a certain period of time, production and business technology, and market environmental conditions. In this paper, the change of customer concept in marketing activities is mainly discussed. Therefore, this paper is of certain practical and guiding significance. 展开更多
关键词 Marketing Activities CUSTOMERS Definitions Change of Concept
The Power of Branding
作者 Kenneth Shaw 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第12期1264-1269,共6页
One of the most valuable assets a company has is/are the brand name(s) associated its products or services Branding can act as a springboard for advertising and planning advertising campaigns around single brands or... One of the most valuable assets a company has is/are the brand name(s) associated its products or services Branding can act as a springboard for advertising and planning advertising campaigns around single brands or a family of brands. Many companies are organized around brands or brand groups. Companies like Proctor and Gamble allow the brand to represent the product and do not associate the corporate name with their various brands and product lines. Branding is a powerful business tool. A number of dimensions of branding are discussed in this paper. General reference is made to brand identity, brand identity traps, the value of brands, and brand loyalty. The paper then discusses the influence of brand loyalty on consumer behavior, the importance of global brands, and country of origin effects. Lastly the paper discusses elements of customer loyalty 展开更多
关键词 brand identity brand identity traps value of brands brand loyalty global brands country of origin
Study on the Development of Water Transport Network for Passengers in the Gulshan-Banani-HatirJheel Lake of the Capital City of Bangladesh
作者 Md. Mashiur Rahaman Mir Tareque Ali Laboni Afroz 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2015年第4期195-202,共8页
Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh is one of the most overpopulated city in the world and traffic jam is the most severe and regular affliction in the daily life. Also, the existing vehicles are not sufficient in c... Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh is one of the most overpopulated city in the world and traffic jam is the most severe and regular affliction in the daily life. Also, the existing vehicles are not sufficient in compared to the population of the city. People have to spend many hours simply sitting in the traffic jam. This lessens the productivity of people and brings sufferings to them. Gulshan-Banani-HatirJheel area is the busiest regions within the city and face severe traffic jam during working hours. These lakes are totally unused. Therefore, there is a possibility to build a waterways network for passengers transport through these lakes. This will reduce the affliction of people via reducing traffic jam. The proposed transportation networks will also preserve the natural environment of the lakes and bring a source of entertainment in the city life. Many developed cities in the world like London, New York, Paris, Venice, Shanghai etc. already have implemented waterways network inside the city and successfully made the best use of cistern side. 展开更多
关键词 Water transport network PASSENGERS Gulshan-Banani-HatirJheel Lake.
The Concept of "Object" in Activity Theory and Its Application in Classroom Research:A Case Study of a Phonetics Course 被引量:1
作者 程晓 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2011年第3期72-88,128,共18页
Activity Theory (AT) has its philosophical roots in classical German philosophy, in the works of Marx and Engels, and in the Soviet Russian cultural-historical school of psychology (Engestrom, 1999). AT and the Ac... Activity Theory (AT) has its philosophical roots in classical German philosophy, in the works of Marx and Engels, and in the Soviet Russian cultural-historical school of psychology (Engestrom, 1999). AT and the Activity System (AS) model developed by Engestrom are widely used in a variety of fields in social sciences. In this paper, I consider how the AS model and the concept of "object" in particular can be adopted when researching the complexity and dynamics of teaching activity and its outcome on a phonetics course at a university in China. The findings indicate that varied "object" that each individual student is working at during the teaching and learning activities constitutes an important and direct factor leading to differentiated learning outcome in the phonetics course. A thorough examination of the relationship between the components of the AS reveals ways of narrowing the gap between the collective "object" that is constructed publicly and explicitly during the lesson and the individual "object" constructed silently and implicitly by each individual. The author argues that the closer the collective "object" is to the individual ones, the more rewarding a lesson will be to the majority of the students. Thus it is the teachers' responsibility to identify various individual "objects" and to bridge the gap between the collective and individual "objects" in order to improve the quality of classroom teaching and learning. 展开更多
关键词 Activity Theory activity system OBJECT phonetics course
Complex micelles with the bioactive function of reversible oxygen transfer
作者 Liangliang Shen Lizhi Zhao +4 位作者 Rui Qu Fan Huang Hongjun Gao Yingli An Linqi Shi 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期491-501,共11页
A complex micelle as a hemoglobin functional model with the biaoactive function of reversible oxygen transfer has been constructed through the hierarchical assembly of the diblock copolymer poly(ethylene glycol)-blo... A complex micelle as a hemoglobin functional model with the biaoactive function of reversible oxygen transfer has been constructed through the hierarchical assembly of the diblock copolymer poly(ethylene glycol)-block- poly(4-vinylpyridine-co-N-heptyl-4-vinylpyridine) (PEG-b-P(4VP-co-4VPHep)), tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphinato iron(II) (Fe(II)TPPS) and β-cyclodextrin (β-CD). The μ-oxo dimer of Fe(II)TPPS was successfully inhibited because the Fe(II)TPPS was included into the cavities of β-CDs through host-guest interaction. Fe(II)TPPS coordinated with pyridine groups functions as the active site to reversibly bind dioxygen. In adition, the host-guest inclusion (β-CD/Fe(II)TPPS) was encapsulated in the hydrophobic core of the complex micelle and tightly fixed by P4VP chains. The hydrophilic PEG blocks stretched in aqueous solution to constitute the shells which stabilize the structure of the complex micelle as well as endow the complex micelle with sufficient blood circulation time. Dioxygen can be bound to the Fe(II)TPPS located in the confined space and excellent reversibility of the binding-release process of dioxygen can be achieved. The quaternary amine N-heptyl-4-vinylpyridine can coerce abundant S2O4^2- ions into the core of the complex micelle to facilitate the self-reduction process. Dioxygen adducts (Fe(II)TPPS(O2)) were effectively protected by the double hydrophobic barriers constructed by the cavity of the cyclodextrin and the core of the complex micelle which enhances the ability to resist nucleophilic molecules. Therefore, the rationally designed amphiphilic structure can work as a promising artificial O2 carrier. Potentially, the complex micelle can be expected to improve the treatment of diseases linked with hypoxia. 展开更多
关键词 ionic block copolymer bioactive self-assembly METALLOPORPHYRIN reversibledioxygen-binding proton sponge effect
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