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作者 林立芹 丁路娟 张梅 《现代商业》 2018年第11期154-155,共2页
为深度对接国家"一带一路"建设,日照市提出"开放活市"战略。为助推"开放活市"战略,外语可在"关键外语"人才储备、"外语+"人才培养、外经贸素材库开发、投资环境完善、借助外语宣传... 为深度对接国家"一带一路"建设,日照市提出"开放活市"战略。为助推"开放活市"战略,外语可在"关键外语"人才储备、"外语+"人才培养、外经贸素材库开发、投资环境完善、借助外语宣传促进日照经济"走出去"等方面大有作为。 展开更多
关键词 外语 日照 “开放活市”战略 作用
作者 方宁生 《产经评论》 1997年第11期22-23,共2页
在近代史上,汕头是我国颇负盛名的海港城市.汕头濒临浩翰的南海,早在开埠之前,汕头的先人就把自己的生存、发展和开发利用沿海资源连系在一起.汕头开埠之后,进一步开发利用海洋资源成为汕头人的主要经济活动.80年代初,我国实行对外开放... 在近代史上,汕头是我国颇负盛名的海港城市.汕头濒临浩翰的南海,早在开埠之前,汕头的先人就把自己的生存、发展和开发利用沿海资源连系在一起.汕头开埠之后,进一步开发利用海洋资源成为汕头人的主要经济活动.80年代初,我国实行对外开放政策,汕头属于先行一步的城市.1993年汕头提出“海洋活市”战略方针,开发利用海洋资源进入一个新的历史发展阶段. 展开更多
关键词 海洋活市 战略方针 开发利用 现代化国际港口城 海洋运输业 海洋资源 海洋产业 汕头港 海港城 集装箱码头
作者 李树人 孟宪玲 《中国城市经济》 2000年第4期41-43,共3页
关键词 流通活市 商贸流通业 第三产业 东部地区 现代经济 经济快速发展 战略 中部地区 经济发展 大发展
作者 吴志明 《发展研究》 2010年第9期24-27,共4页
实施"开放活市"战略,对三明在海西建设新形势下加快发展有重大意义。近年来三明交通条件大为改善,优势产业和工业园区初具规模,为实施"开放活市"战略创造了有利条件;海西建设上升为国家战略,更提供了难得机遇。三明... 实施"开放活市"战略,对三明在海西建设新形势下加快发展有重大意义。近年来三明交通条件大为改善,优势产业和工业园区初具规模,为实施"开放活市"战略创造了有利条件;海西建设上升为国家战略,更提供了难得机遇。三明"开放活市"战略基本构想:扩大连接沿海、纵深推进、明台合作等三条开放路径,构建全方位开放格局;发展"一主(先进制造业)三特(特色农业、现代物流、旅游业)"四大战略产业,构建外向型产业体系;布局"一主(中部)三支(北部、南部、西部)"四条城镇发展轴,构建开放型城镇体系。要确保"开放活市"战略有效实施,必须强化沿海、机遇、创新、责任等四种意识,以提供精神动力;加快交通、能源、园区等三大基础设施建设,以提供物质保障;改善政策、政务、市场等三大软环境,以形成亲商安商氛围。 展开更多
关键词 区域发展 三明 开放活市
作者 汪章海 《宁波通讯》 2009年第1期14-15,共2页
"商贸活市"战略是宁波发展商贸经济的一项重要举措,经过三年多来认真组织实施,已经在开拓市场、搞活流通、促进消费、繁荣城市的实践中发挥出积极的作用。在当前认真落实"保增长、扩内需、调结构"重大任务,积极应... "商贸活市"战略是宁波发展商贸经济的一项重要举措,经过三年多来认真组织实施,已经在开拓市场、搞活流通、促进消费、繁荣城市的实践中发挥出积极的作用。在当前认真落实"保增长、扩内需、调结构"重大任务,积极应对国际金融危机冲击的背景下,进一步扎实推进"商贸活市"战略。 展开更多
关键词 活市 商贸 商品 货物
作者 王小玲 樊渊 《太原科技》 2000年第4期6-7,共2页
论述了“流通活市”战略的理论依据,并对“流通活市”战略进行了实证分析,得出如下结论,流通发 达,社会总需求量增大,全社会GDP增大。流通业的发达程度与城市经济的发达程度高度相关,在 经济发展中起着越来越重要的作用。
关键词 流通活市 实诈分析 流通业 中国 经济
轮椅上不同坐姿对早期偏瘫患者肺活量的影响 被引量:3
作者 戴东 张婷婷 +1 位作者 周玉梅 黄富表 《中国康复》 2018年第1期42-44,共3页
目的:通过测定早期偏瘫患者在轮椅上不同坐姿下的肺活量,探究不同角度的轮椅坐姿对早期偏瘫患者肺活量的影响。方法:选取30名早期脑卒中偏瘫患者,测试患者在轮椅上不同坐姿下的肺活量。即躯干与轮椅座面成70°前倾坐姿、90°直... 目的:通过测定早期偏瘫患者在轮椅上不同坐姿下的肺活量,探究不同角度的轮椅坐姿对早期偏瘫患者肺活量的影响。方法:选取30名早期脑卒中偏瘫患者,测试患者在轮椅上不同坐姿下的肺活量。即躯干与轮椅座面成70°前倾坐姿、90°直立坐姿、及110°后倾坐姿。每人每种坐姿测量3次,取最大肺活量的平均值。结果:90°坐姿时肺活量最大,110°坐姿时肺活量最小。90°坐姿的肺活量明显高于70°坐姿及110°坐姿(P<0.01);70°与110°坐姿下肺活量差异无统计学意义。结论:早期脑卒中偏瘫患者取躯干与坐面成90°夹角的直立位轮椅坐姿有利于改善患者的呼吸功能。 展开更多
关键词 早期脑卒中 轮椅坐位姿势r
Leaching behavior of heavy metals with hydrochloric acid fromfly ash generated in municipal waste incineration plants 被引量:9
作者 黄凯 井上胜利 +2 位作者 原田浩幸 川喜田英孝 大渡启介 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1422-1427,共6页
The extraction behavior of heavy metals from municipal waste incineration (MWI) fly ash was investigated systematically. The extraction process includes two steps, namely, fly ash was firstly washed with water, and ... The extraction behavior of heavy metals from municipal waste incineration (MWI) fly ash was investigated systematically. The extraction process includes two steps, namely, fly ash was firstly washed with water, and then subjected to hydrochloric acid leaching. The main parameters for water washing process were tested, and under the optimal conditions, about 86% Na, 70% K and 12% Ca were removed from fly ash, respectively. Hydrochloric acid was used for the extraction of valuable elements from the water-washed fly ash, and the optimal extraction was achieved for each heavy metal as follows: 86% for Pb, 98% for Zn, 82% for Fe, 96% for Cd, 62% for Cu, 80% for Al, respectively. And the main compositions of the finally obtained solid residue are Ca2PbO4, CaSi2Os, PbsSiO7, Ca3A12Si3012 and SiO2. 展开更多
关键词 municipal waste incineration fly ash heavy metals LEACHING hydrochloric acid
谈潮汕海洋文化 被引量:1
作者 黄蔼如 郑少辉 《青岛海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 1998年第1期55-60,共6页
一、具有鲜明海洋文化特色的古潮汕 潮汕海洋文化,作为中国和世界海洋文化的一支细流,既有环球海洋文化的共性,又有其区域特点和个性。具体表现为三个方面: (一)海洋地理文化的历史源远流长。
关键词 海外潮人 海洋文化 潮汕平原 现代化国际港口城 汕头 海洋活市 汕头港 海洋资源 陶瓷之路 保税区
Effects of Different Land Use Patterns on Soil Microbial Quantity and Activity in Hongta District,Yuxi City 被引量:1
作者 陈艳 刘家忠 何倩倩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2535-2538,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of different land use patterns on soil ecological environment. [Method] Total three representative land use patterns (corn field, cherry tree land, wood land) ... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of different land use patterns on soil ecological environment. [Method] Total three representative land use patterns (corn field, cherry tree land, wood land) were selected from Hongta District, Yuxi City, and under these three patterns, soil microbial quantity and activity were studied. [Result] Under the three land use patterns, soil microorganisms were domi- nated by bacteria; soil microbial quantity ranked as wood land's〉cheery tree land's〉 corn field's; and total microbial activity, catalase activity and urease activity all ranked as cherry tree land's〉wood land's〉corn field's. [Conclusion] Soil microbial activity and functions are related to farmland management measures, as well as land use pattern and soil nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 Land use pattern Total quantity of microorganisms Microbial activity Hongta District of Yuxi City
改造扩建中小港口码头 挖掘生产服务综合潜力
作者 郭文正 《珠江水运》 1994年第4期25-25,共1页
关键词 小港口 改造扩建 生产服务 汕头 航运总公司 海洋活市 码头港口 停港时间 货运码头 海港城
Urban revitalization in historic urban residential quarter
作者 巴笑夫 董卫 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期102-107,共6页
The traditional urban form in historic Ningbo has undergone many radicaltransformations over the past two decades. The relatively homogeneous traditional fabric of the cityhas been damaged and remodeled following mode... The traditional urban form in historic Ningbo has undergone many radicaltransformations over the past two decades. The relatively homogeneous traditional fabric of the cityhas been damaged and remodeled following modernized urban models. This paperaims at synthesizingurban renewal and conservation through examining the revitalization of a particular traditionalurban area. The case of the West Yuehu area of Ningbo is selected to show the planning approachesand proposals, constraints and contradictions regarding revitalization under this social transition.The methodology used in the research is divided into two parts: literature review and field study.The theoretical part of the research regarding urban conservation in China is based on literaturereview. The field study is conducted by the authors and groups of students from SoutheastUniversity. The complete methodology attempts to illustrate the dimensions of urban renewal byexamining the processes, conflicts and results of revitalizationof historic urban areas, consideringthe present changing socio-economic context. 展开更多
关键词 urban revitalization traditional urban areas CONSERVATION PRESERVATION
Exploration and preservation of Petra
作者 纳瓦福 龚恺 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期281-285,共5页
Petra is a famous ancient city in Jordan. It was in ancient times the communication fortress among the Arab countries. Nowadays it is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. It was declared a world h... Petra is a famous ancient city in Jordan. It was in ancient times the communication fortress among the Arab countries. Nowadays it is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. It was declared a world heritage site by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) in 1985. The historical and the cultural values of the city are briefly elaborated. The locality plans to the culture site protections are introduced, especially the restoration of the Great Temple, which gives us an opportunity to comprehend the protection of ancient cities in different countries. The Jordanian government has taken very seriously their commitment to preserving this valuable historical site, which is considered by many Jordanians to be a priceless national treasure. One would assume that a gradual reversal, from neglect to serious efforts of preserving the site and its beauty, would have taken place. 展开更多
关键词 urban revitalization CONSERVATION PRESERVATION
A Theoretical Framework and Methodology for Urban Activity Spatial Structure in E-society: Empirical Evidence for Nanjing City, China 被引量:18
作者 WANG Bo ZHEN Feng +2 位作者 WEI Zongcai GUO Shu CHEN Tingting 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期672-683,共12页
The existing researches on the influence of information and communication technology (ICT) are mainly focused on human activity, whilst with few efforts on urban space. In the e-society, the widespread adoption of 1... The existing researches on the influence of information and communication technology (ICT) are mainly focused on human activity, whilst with few efforts on urban space. In the e-society, the widespread adoption of 1CT devices not only affects almost every aspect of people's daily life and thereby reshapes the spatial development of regions and cities, but also generates a large amount of real-time activity data with location information. These georeferenced data, however, have relatively recently attracted attention from geographers. Adapted from Lynch's framework based on people's perceptions, this paper proposes a framework of urban spatial struc- ture based on people's actual activity, including five elements, namely activity path, activity node, central activity zone (CAZ), activity district, and activity edge. In the empirical study, by using one week's check-in tweets (from February 25 to March 3 in 2013) collected in Nanjing City, the five elements are recognized and analyzed. Through the comparison between our results and urban spatial structure based on population (and land use), we argue that ICT uses: 1) lead to polarize, rather than to smooth, the urban structural hierarchy, due to the dual role of distance; 2) enable a partial decoupling of activity and activity space node, which challenges our conventional under- standing of the role of home and the utility of travel; 3) blur the boundaries of activity districts and hence may play a positive role in enriching districts' functions, which should not be overlooked in the current urban transformation in China. 展开更多
关键词 information and communication technology (ICT) tele-activities activity space big data e-society Nanjing City
Characterization of Soil Quality Under Vegetable Production Along an Urban-Rural Gradient 被引量:54
作者 ZHANG MINGKUI, WANG MEIQING, LIU XINGMEI, JIANG HONG and XU JIANMINGCollege of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期173-180,共8页
Human activity and urbanization result in urban-rural environmental gradients. Understanding effect of the gradients on soil properties is necessary for management of the soils around urban areas. In this study, soil ... Human activity and urbanization result in urban-rural environmental gradients. Understanding effect of the gradients on soil properties is necessary for management of the soils around urban areas. In this study, soil quality of some vegetable fields was characterized along an urban-rural gradient in Shaoxing County, Zhejiang Province. Fifteen soil physical and chemical properties were evaluated by using principal component analysis.Results showed that there was a great variation in the soil quality along the gradient. From rural to urban zones, soil organic matter, water-stable aggregates, cation exchangeable capacity (CEC), total N and P, and available K increased, whereas soil pH value decreased. In addition, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn and Cr in the soils tended to be accumulated toward the urban zone. Sequential chemical extraction showed that mobility of all the heavy metals in the soils tended to increase from the rural to the urban zones. The variation of soil properties accounted for by the first principal component was significantly explained by the difference in application rates of municipal wastes. 展开更多
关键词 principal component analysis soil quality urban-rural environmental gradient
Effect of Moisture on Partitioning of Heavy Metals in Incineration of Municipal Solid Waste 被引量:7
作者 蒙爱红 李清海 +1 位作者 贾金岩 张衍国 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第5期1008-1015,共8页
The effect of moisture in municipal solid waste (MSW) on partitioning of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) was studied in a laboratory tubular furnace by using simulated MSW. The moisture in MSW influ... The effect of moisture in municipal solid waste (MSW) on partitioning of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) was studied in a laboratory tubular furnace by using simulated MSW. The moisture in MSW influences heavy metals in following ways, to increase the moisture in flue gas and decrease the combustion temperature, to prolong the combustion time, and to prolong the releasing time of volatiles with the furnace temperature decreased by increasing the moisture. The volatilization of Pb, Zn and Cd was enhanced by increasing the moisture in MSW because of the prolonged combustion time. For Pb and Zn, the combustion time was important at higher temperature, while for Cd, it was important at low temperature. The moisture content showed slight effect on Cu partitioning. When extra chlorine was added to MSW, such as 1%PVC + 0.5%NaCl, the volatilization of Pb, Zn and Cu was enhanced by increasing the moisture because water evaporation reduced the temperature and increased devolatilization time. At higher temperature, NaCl tends to decompose and generates more free chlorine, producing more metal chlorides. Since Cd is a strong volatile heavy metal in MSW, the effect of moisture content on its volatilization is less than that of Pb, Zn or Cu during the MSW incineration. 展开更多
关键词 MOISTURE municipal solid waste INCINERATION heavy metal partitioning
Laboratory testing of a densified municipal solid waste in Beijing 被引量:1
作者 JIE Yu-xin XU Wen-jie +3 位作者 DUNZHU Danzeng WEI Yi-feng PENG Tao ZHOU Zai-yang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第7期1953-1963,共11页
Municipal solid waste (MSW) and its disposal are gaining significant importance in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. However, conventional research is primarily focused on fresh MSW or MSW that is compa... Municipal solid waste (MSW) and its disposal are gaining significant importance in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. However, conventional research is primarily focused on fresh MSW or MSW that is compacted under its own weight in the landfill. In this work, a series of tests to study the properties of a densified MSW after ground treatment were presented. The tests involved oedometer test, simple shear test, triaxial shear test, and permeability test, which were conducted to investigate the compressibility, shear strength, creep behavior and permeability of the MSW. The results show that the compressibility modulus of the MSW increases as the dry density increases. However, the influence of density on modulus decreases once the density reaches a certain value. Like most soils, the stress-strain curve of the densified MSW can be approximated by a hyperbola in the triaxial shear test. Fibrous components provide additional cohesion for MSW, but have a relatively smaller effect on friction angle. Permeability is also found to be closely related to the dry density of the MSW, i.e., MSW with a higher dry density has a smaller permeability. The permeability coefficient may be less than 10 7 cm/s if the density is high enough. 展开更多
关键词 municipal solid waste (MSW) COMPRESSIBILITY shear strength PERMEABILITY reinforcement phase
Active Fault Exploration and Seismic Hazard Assessment in Fuzhou City 被引量:8
作者 Zhu Jinfang Huang Zonglin +7 位作者 Xu Xiwei Zheng Rongzhang Fang Shengmin Bai Denghai Wang Guangcai Min Wei Wen Xueze Han Zhujun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2005年第3期224-239,共16页
It has been proven by a number of earthquake case studies that an active fault-induced earthquake beneath a city can be devastating. It is an urgent issue for seismic hazard reduction to explore the distribution of ac... It has been proven by a number of earthquake case studies that an active fault-induced earthquake beneath a city can be devastating. It is an urgent issue for seismic hazard reduction to explore the distribution of active faults beneath the urban area and identify the seismic source and the risks underneath. As a pilot project of active fault exploration in China, the project, entitled “Active fault exploration and seismic hazard assessment in Fuzhou City”, started in early 2001 and passed the check before acceptance of China Earthquake Administration in August 2004. The project was aimed to solve a series of scientific issues such as fault location, dating, movement nature, deep settings, seismic risk and hazard, preparedness of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, and etc. by means of exploration and assessment of active faults by stages, i.e., the preliminary survey and identification of active faults in target area, the exploration of deep seismotectonic settings, the risk evaluation of active seismogenic faults, the construction of geographic information system of active faults, and so on. A lot of exploration methods were employed in the project such as the detection of absorbed mercury, free mercury and radon in soil, the geological radar, multi-channel DC electrical method, tsansient electromagnetic method, shallow seismic refraction and reflection, effect contrast of explored sources, and various sounding experiments, to establish the buried Quaternary standard section of the Fuzhou basin. By summing up, the above explorations and experiments have achieved the following results and conclusions : 展开更多
关键词 fuzhou city active fault exploration seismic hazard assessment SEISMOTECTONICS
Species Composition and Diversity of Macrobenthos in the Intertidal Zone of Xiangshan Bay,China 被引量:2
作者 JIAO Haifeng ZHENG Dan +3 位作者 YOU Zhongjie XU Nianjun LOU Dan HUANG Chengwei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第2期375-384,共10页
Xiangshan bay is a narrow semi-closed bay and situated on the northwestern coast of the East China Sea. Over past decades, it has become to a major bay with intensive human activities, dense urbanized area, and poor w... Xiangshan bay is a narrow semi-closed bay and situated on the northwestern coast of the East China Sea. Over past decades, it has become to a major bay with intensive human activities, dense urbanized area, and poor water quality. The aim of this paper was to reveal the ecological status through the elucidation of the species composition, abundance, biomass and diversity of macrobenthos in this bay. Six intertidal sections were surveyed from January 2007 to November 2008 quarterly. Sections TG, HD and XH are located in the three inner bays, sections QJ and WS are located near the thermal power plants, and section XX is located at the outer part of Xiangshan Bay. Great variations in macrobenthos community were indentified, and the species composition of the community in the present study showed the dominance in the order of molluscs (bivalves and gastropods), crustaceans and others, and only few Polychaeta were recorded. Only three dominant species, Littorina brevicula, llyplax tansuiensis, and Cerithidea cingu- lata were collected in all the sections, and a total of 19 dominant species were recorded only in one section. Two-way ANOVA analyses of abundance indicated that there were significant differences among sections or seasons. Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H') had its maximum (2.45) in section QJ, and minimum (1.76) in section TG Multiple irregular k-dominance plots clearly showed that the study area was polluted and the macrobenthos community was under stress. We conclude that the macrobenthos of Xiang- shan Bay have been disturbed by human activities, especially at the interior bay. 展开更多
关键词 MACROBENTHOS ABUNDANCE BIOMASS community structure species diversity intertidal zone
Consequences on the Urban Environment in Greece Related to the Recent Intense Earthquake Activity 被引量:3
作者 George C. Manos 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第12期1065-1090,共26页
Past earthquake disasters in Greece, during the last thirty years, demonstrate that the severity of destruction is not only due to the intensity of the seismic event but also to the urbanization of the affected region... Past earthquake disasters in Greece, during the last thirty years, demonstrate that the severity of destruction is not only due to the intensity of the seismic event but also to the urbanization of the affected region and the vulnerability of certain types of buildings. Considerable damage was sustained by both old unreinforced masonry structures as well as by relatively new multistory reinforced concrete structures with "soft story" at their ground floor level. The most important observations made during six past earthquake disasters are presented in a summary form and discussed. The most remarkable case of extensive structural damage was caused from the resent Athens 1999 earthquake. The consequent discussion focuses on the following issues: (1) Classification of structural damage and their underlying causes. (2) Repair and strengthening of damaged structures. (3) Upgrade the seismic design. (4) Plans for earthquake preparedness. (5) Assessing the vulnerability of certain type of structures (schools, hospitals, public buildings etc). (6) Education specialized in earthquake engineering. (7) The enrichment of the strong motion data base. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake damage R/C multistory buildings cultural heritage masonry infill soft story
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