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不同流出率对黄瓜椰糠栽培的影响 被引量:1
作者 钟泽 许光利 +3 位作者 程果 陈秀楠 杨云云 李文虎 《中国瓜菜》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第4期70-74,共5页
为探索玻璃温室椰糠基质栽培条件下灌溉量对黄瓜生长和产量的影响,设置了15%(T1)、20%(T2)、25%(T3)和30%(T4)4个流出率进行试验。结果显示,随着流出率的增加,流出液的EC、pH更接近灌溉液的EC、pH,大量元素和中量元素的含量没有规律性... 为探索玻璃温室椰糠基质栽培条件下灌溉量对黄瓜生长和产量的影响,设置了15%(T1)、20%(T2)、25%(T3)和30%(T4)4个流出率进行试验。结果显示,随着流出率的增加,流出液的EC、pH更接近灌溉液的EC、pH,大量元素和中量元素的含量没有规律性的变化,但钠和氯的含量呈递减趋势;流出率从T1增至T3时,蔓长和叶片数随之增加,其中T3与T1相比分别增加0.45 m和3.0片叶,达5%显著差异水平。超过T3后,T4的蔓长和叶数反而减少;尽管T1的单株产量3.39 kg·株^(-1)最高,比最低T2和T4的3.16 kg·株^(-1)高出0.23 kg·株^(-1),但没有达到显著差异水平;肥料生产力与流出率呈负相关,T1最高31.47 kg·kg^(-1),比最低T4的21.29 kg·kg^(-1)显著高10.18 kg·kg^(-1),超出47.82%。综上所述,当灌溉水中钠离子含量(ρ)不超过60 mg·L^(-1)时,15%流出率可作为黄瓜椰糠栽培的适宜灌溉量指标。 展开更多
关键词 黄瓜 温室 椰糠栽培 流出率 灌溉量 肥料生产力
作者 钱海龙 张强 +3 位作者 石宝琪 郭俊 朱丽娜 张明敏 《疾病监测与控制》 2014年第7期413-415,共3页
目的观察42例局部晚期非小细@W3er4t,胞肺癌患者MR灌注检测肺癌血流入流出率均偏低的患者行支气管动脉置管持续泵入的疗效,方法 42例患者治疗前均行MR灌注检测为流入流出率均偏低的患者,随机分成观察组(22例)和对照组(20例)。对照组采... 目的观察42例局部晚期非小细@W3er4t,胞肺癌患者MR灌注检测肺癌血流入流出率均偏低的患者行支气管动脉置管持续泵入的疗效,方法 42例患者治疗前均行MR灌注检测为流入流出率均偏低的患者,随机分成观察组(22例)和对照组(20例)。对照组采用传统支气管动脉灌注化疗,观察组行支气管动脉灌注细胞周期非特异性药物(给药速度、时间据MR检测流入流出率决定)后,再行支气管动脉置管持续泵入细胞周期特异性药物(泵药速度、时间据MR检测流入流出率决定),结果观察组CR9例(41%),PR10例(45.5%),RR(CR﹢PR)86.5%,SD 2例(9.1%),PD 1例(4.5%),对照组CR3例(15%),PR7例(35%),RR(CR﹢PR)50%,SD 5例(25%),PD 5例(25%)。结论 MR检测肺癌血流入流出率均偏低的患者行支气管动脉灌注和动脉置管持续泵入药物治疗局部晚期非小细胞肺癌近期有效率,副反应不明显,可在临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 脉灌注 肺癌 流入流出率 肿瘤用药
作者 罗甜甜 刘季晨 +5 位作者 习丹 卢浩 李梦豪 熊浩伟 赖文岩 郭志刚 《中国动脉硬化杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第2期127-131,共5页
目的探讨动脉粥样硬化中的重要炎性物质—热休克蛋白65(HSP65)诱导活化的Jurkat细胞发生增殖、免疫活化反应时胆固醇流出率的改变,并揭示其可能的分子机制。方法 Jurkat细胞经刀豆蛋白A(Con A)活化48 h后,与不同浓度HSP65孵育24 h,CCK-... 目的探讨动脉粥样硬化中的重要炎性物质—热休克蛋白65(HSP65)诱导活化的Jurkat细胞发生增殖、免疫活化反应时胆固醇流出率的改变,并揭示其可能的分子机制。方法 Jurkat细胞经刀豆蛋白A(Con A)活化48 h后,与不同浓度HSP65孵育24 h,CCK-8检测细胞增殖能力,ELISA测定上清液中炎症因子干扰素γ(IFN-γ)和白细胞介素10(IL-10)含量,液闪计数仪检测Jurkat细胞胆固醇流出率;RT-PCR检测胆固醇相关转运蛋白,包括ATP结合盒转运体A1(ABCA1)和G1(ABCG1)、B族Ⅰ型清道夫受体(SR-BⅠ)、过氧化体增殖物激活型受体γ(PPARγ)、肝X受体α(LXRα)的表达。结果 5 mg/L Con A与Jurkat细胞孵育48 h后可显著促进细胞增殖,HSP65呈剂量依赖性促进Con A诱导的Jurkat细胞增殖(P<0.001)。以0.5、1 mg/L HSP65分别处理Jurkat细胞后,Jurkat细胞胆固醇流出率和IL-10含量均呈浓度依赖性下降,IFN-γ含量则逐渐升高(P<0.01),细胞ABCA1、ABCG1、SR-BⅠ、PPARγ、LXRα的mRNA表达水平呈剂量依赖性降低(P<0.01)。结论在0.5~1 mg/L浓度范围内,HSP65不仅可促进T细胞增殖、加剧细胞免疫反应,还可引起胆固醇流出率降低,其机制可能与下调胆固醇转运相关蛋白ABCA1、ABCG1、SR-BⅠ、PPARγ、LXRα的基因表达相关。 展开更多
关键词 热休克蛋白65 T细胞 免疫反应 高密度脂蛋白 胆固醇流出率
农村劳动力区域流动基本特点研究 被引量:6
作者 刘燕鹏 李立贤 石玉林 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1999年第2期157-162,共6页
给出了农村劳动力流出、流入率的定义,计算了全国各省(市、区)的劳动力流出、流入率,分析了农村劳动力流出、流入率分布的三大特征,论证了农村劳动力流动的3个基本条件,即经济、文化和旅行能力。进一步阐述了农村劳动力流出率分... 给出了农村劳动力流出、流入率的定义,计算了全国各省(市、区)的劳动力流出、流入率,分析了农村劳动力流出、流入率分布的三大特征,论证了农村劳动力流动的3个基本条件,即经济、文化和旅行能力。进一步阐述了农村劳动力流出率分布的基本特征。 展开更多
关键词 农村劳动力 流入 流出率 中国
农村人口空心化对农地规模经营的影响 被引量:15
作者 林善浪 纪晓鹏 姜冲 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期75-84,共10页
农村人口空心化是农村劳动力转移过程中出现的新现象,被认为是土地撂荒的主要原因。文本以长江以南9省区115个地级市为样本,分析了农村人口净流出率的现状和特点,并实证分析了其对农户土地规模经营的影响。结论认为:农村人口净流出率越... 农村人口空心化是农村劳动力转移过程中出现的新现象,被认为是土地撂荒的主要原因。文本以长江以南9省区115个地级市为样本,分析了农村人口净流出率的现状和特点,并实证分析了其对农户土地规模经营的影响。结论认为:农村人口净流出率越大、空心化程度越高,越有利于促进农户土地规模经营;农村公共服务和基础设施越好、经济发展水平越高,农户土地经营规模越小;农业机械化越发展,越有利于促进农户规模经营。 展开更多
关键词 农村人口空心化 土地规模经营 人口净流出率
模拟肽L-4F对动脉粥样硬化小鼠的保护作用及机制 被引量:2
作者 应如 袁勇 +4 位作者 秦亚飞 冯力 田迪 郭志刚 李明星 《中国循环杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期379-383,共5页
目的:观察载脂蛋白A-1(ApoA-1)模拟肽L-4F(L-4F)与辛伐他汀比较对载脂蛋白E基因敲除(ApoE-/-)小鼠动脉粥样硬化及胆固醇流出率的影响,并探讨其可能的机制。方法:研究对象为8周龄雄性ApoE-/-小鼠,分为3组:①动脉粥样硬化组:... 目的:观察载脂蛋白A-1(ApoA-1)模拟肽L-4F(L-4F)与辛伐他汀比较对载脂蛋白E基因敲除(ApoE-/-)小鼠动脉粥样硬化及胆固醇流出率的影响,并探讨其可能的机制。方法:研究对象为8周龄雄性ApoE-/-小鼠,分为3组:①动脉粥样硬化组:以单纯高脂饮食;②辛伐他汀组:高脂饮食基础上予辛伐他汀治疗;③L-4F组:高脂饮食基础上予L-4F治疗。在实验第16周末取标本。用自动生化仪测定小鼠血脂水平,利用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测血清ApoA-1浓度;油红O染色分析主动脉粥样斑块面积;同时用液闪计数仪检测胆固醇流出率;并采用反转录聚合酶链反应(RT~PCR)和免疫印迹标记法(Westernblot)分析肝脏三磷酸腺苷结合盒转运蛋白A1(ABCAl)、B族I型清道夫受体(SR—BI)和三磷酸腺苷结合盒转运蛋白GI(ABCGl)mRNA和蛋白表达水平。结果:16周末血脂变化:与动脉粥样硬化组比较,辛伐他汀组血清胆固醇、甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平明显降低,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL—C)水平明显升高(P〈0.05~0.01);而L-4F组较动脉粥样硬化组的ApoA-1水平明显升高(P〈O.05),差异均有统计学意义。胆固醇流出率:L-4F组与辛伐他汀组、动脉粥样硬化组比较胆固醇流出率均增高(P〈0.001),而辛伐他汀组与动脉粥样硬化组相比胆固醇流出率也增高(P〈0.001),差异均有统计学意义。主动脉粥样斑块面积:与动脉粥样硬化组相比,辛伐他汀组、L-4F组斑块面积均明显减少,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。肝脏3种蛋白的表达:辛伐他汀组较动脉粥样硬化组ABCAl、ABCGl蛋白表达增加(P〈0.001),L-4F组较动脉粥样硬化组ABCAl、SR—BI和ABCGl蛋白表达增加(P〈0.001),差异均有统计学意义。结论:L-4F可能通过上调肝脏ABCAl、SR—BI和ABCGl的mRNA和蛋白表达,促进巨噬细胞胆固醇流出,有效发挥抗动脉粥样硬化作用。 展开更多
关键词 动脉粥样硬化 胆固醇流出率 载脂蛋白A-1模拟肽 高密度脂蛋白
江苏省专业公共卫生机构人员流失对策研究 被引量:7
作者 郭轩荧 乔学斌 《南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第1期36-39,共4页
收集2016年和2020年专业公共卫生机构的级别、人员构成和机构类型等信息,分析探讨不同地区(按经济发展水平)、不同级别和不同机构类型的人员流出与变化情况。2020年江苏省专业公共卫生机构的人员流出率总体高于2016年,省市级专业公共卫... 收集2016年和2020年专业公共卫生机构的级别、人员构成和机构类型等信息,分析探讨不同地区(按经济发展水平)、不同级别和不同机构类型的人员流出与变化情况。2020年江苏省专业公共卫生机构的人员流出率总体高于2016年,省市级专业公共卫生机构的人员流出率低于区县级。按机构类型划分,整体上看人员流出率妇幼保健院(所、站)较高,疾病预防控制中心较低。按经济发展水平划分,2020年江苏省专业公共卫生机构的人员流出率由高到低为苏中、苏北和苏南地区。江苏省专业公共卫生机构的人员流出率呈现增长趋势,区县级机构的流出率普遍高于省市级,疾病预防控制中心的流出率变化较稳定,专科疾病防治院(所、站)和妇幼保健院(所、站)的人员流出问题依然较严重,应建立专业公共卫生机构人才稳定机制。 展开更多
关键词 专业公共卫生机构 人员流动 流出率
农村人口转移对城乡收入差距的影响——基于中国313个地级市的经验证据 被引量:22
作者 胡小丽 《财经论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第8期3-13,共11页
本文梳理农村人口转移对城乡收入差距的影响机制,从人力资本效应、规模经济效应、条件瓶颈效应和资本回流效应四个方面阐述该影响机制,整理313个地级市2005~2014年的数据,实证检验农村人口流出对城乡收入差距的影响,结果发现农村人口转... 本文梳理农村人口转移对城乡收入差距的影响机制,从人力资本效应、规模经济效应、条件瓶颈效应和资本回流效应四个方面阐述该影响机制,整理313个地级市2005~2014年的数据,实证检验农村人口流出对城乡收入差距的影响,结果发现农村人口转移对城乡收入差距具有收敛效应。进一步的异质性分析发现,人口规模较大及与中心城市距离中等的地区的农村人口转移对城乡收入差距的收敛效应更加明显。据此,本文提出了一些相关的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 农村人口转移 城乡收入差距 人口净流出率 区域异质性
作者 宋建民 《上海经济》 2003年第3期40-41,共2页
关键词 上海 GDP 经济增长 国内生产总值 构成因素 消费需求 投资 中心城市 流出率
作者 李岸芳 卢春林 《按摩与康复医学》 2015年第24期124-125,共2页
目的:探讨对流出道室性心率失常患者进行射频消融治疗适当的护理方法。方法:对56例IVA患者进行射频消融治疗后进行心理护理和基础护理。结果:完成治疗后有49名患者在累计放电120次左右,室性早搏和室性心动过快等现象有所改善并逐渐... 目的:探讨对流出道室性心率失常患者进行射频消融治疗适当的护理方法。方法:对56例IVA患者进行射频消融治疗后进行心理护理和基础护理。结果:完成治疗后有49名患者在累计放电120次左右,室性早搏和室性心动过快等现象有所改善并逐渐消失;有52名患者在消融后持续观察30min,发现发现患者静息状态下和静脉滴注异丙肾上腺素时均无明显临床症状;有53名患者在术后3d心率复查正常;有49名患者在停用药物后心率未出现异常。结论:采取合理、全面的心理护理有效减少患者的恐惧心理,抵触心理,为手术的正常进行提供保障,细致的日常护理可以降低并发症发生,提高手术治愈率。 展开更多
关键词 射频消融 流出道室性心 护理
作者 HONGFeng SHIdian-jiang YANYang-guang 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2004年第4期311-316,共6页
A novel forward-flyback converter employing two switches and two transformers is presented. Two diodes of the primary side enable the voltage stress of two switches to be clamped at the input voltage ,which is lower t... A novel forward-flyback converter employing two switches and two transformers is presented. Two diodes of the primary side enable the voltage stress of two switches to be clamped at the input voltage ,which is lower than that of a conventional forward-flyback converter. Two transformers offer the following advantages. Firstly, the turns of primary transformer winding are reduced to half of that of a conventional forward-flyback converter with a single transformer; Secondly, the use of two transformers enables the smaller low-profile cores to be utilized, thus facilitating a low-profile design. The unequal condition of turn ratios is compared with the equal condition of turn ratios. When two turn ratios are unequal, the power distribution between the two transformers can be easily designed. Finally, experimental results verify the above analyses. 展开更多
关键词 power supply CONVERTER design
Changes in the clinicopathological characteristics of gastric cancer in Hehuang Valley of China–2379 cases of gastric cancer in recent 10 years 被引量:2
作者 Su Yan Bin Li +8 位作者 Junqi Wu Dawei Xie Yingcai Ma Yuanzhi Xiong Xuxiang Ma Xinjian Guo Man Dai Daquan Zhang Xinyang Liu 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2014年第2期63-68,共6页
Objective: The aim of our studywas to discuss changes in the clinicopathological characteristics of gastric cancer in Hehuang Valley of China in recent 10 years. Methods: A retrospective case-control study was perfo... Objective: The aim of our studywas to discuss changes in the clinicopathological characteristics of gastric cancer in Hehuang Valley of China in recent 10 years. Methods: A retrospective case-control study was performed on 2379 newly-diagnosed gastric cancer patients. All of them came from Hehuang Valley. The patients were divided into two groups [recent 5 years (R5Y) and late 5 years (L5Y)] from February 2003 to February 2013, and the clinicopathological data were surveyed retrospectively. Results: The constituent ratio of upper 1/3 gastric cancer in R5Y and L5Y was 33.5% and 20.7%, respectively, and it showed a significant difference between the two groups (X2 = 21.28, P = 0.00), The constituent ratio of squamous carcinoma/adenosquamous carcinoma was 2.7% and 1.6%, respectively, and it also showed a significant differ- ence between two groups (X2 = 50.91, P = 0.00). The constituent ratio of moderately-poorly differentiated/poorly differentiated gastric carcinoma was 84.2% and 50.2%, respectively, and it showed statistically significant difference (X2 = 30.28, P = 0.00). The detection rate of early gastric cancer (EGC) was 1.47% (35/2379). The constituent ratio of the types of Borrmann II and Borrmann IV of advanced gastric cancer (AGC) among 2379 cases was 47.6% and 40.8%, respectively, and that still showed statistically significant difference (X2 = 18,80, P = 0.00). The constituent ratio of diffuse-type of gastric cancer in R5Y and L5Y was 36.2% and 30.8%, respectively, even there was a significant difference (X2 = 7.49, P = 0.01). Furthermore, there were also significant differences in regional lymph nodes metastasis, perineural infiltration and vascular invasion (P 〈 0.05). The positive detection rate of HER2, ER and PR was 14.88%, 17.23% and 15.93%, respectively. The constituent ratio of HP in two groups was 43.8% and 36.2% respectively, and it also showed a significant difference (~2 = 13.51, P = 0.00). Conclusion: The pathogenic sites in gastric cancer change to the upper stomach in Hehuang Valley in recent 10 years, and the detection rate of squamous carcinoma/adenosquamous carcinoma reveals a sharp rise. Borrmann III is still one of the main types of advanced gastric cancer, but the detection rates of Borrmann II and IV are increasing. The main type of gastric cancer is the intestinal- type, but the ratio of diffuse-type is also increasing in recent 10 years. The HP detection rate is 40.65% (967/2379), and it has a slight rise in recent 10 years. The detection rate of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma is increasing despite the fact that the moderately/moderately-poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma is the main histologic types. High detection rates of lymph nodes metastasis, perineural infiltration and vascular invasion indicate poor prognosis in patients with gastric cancer. There is no change in HER2 positive rate, on the contrary, there are a little increase in ER and PR expression in Hehuang Valley. 展开更多
关键词 Hehuang Valley gastric cancer clinicopathological characteristics
Small Excess and the Topology of Open Manifolds with Ricci Curvature Negatively Lower Bounded
作者 XU Sen-lin HU Zi-sheng 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期16-21,共6页
In this paper, we study the relation between the excess of open manifolds and their topology by using the methods of comparison geometry. We prove that a complete open Riemmannian manifold with Ricci curvature negativ... In this paper, we study the relation between the excess of open manifolds and their topology by using the methods of comparison geometry. We prove that a complete open Riemmannian manifold with Ricci curvature negatively lower bounded is of finite topological type provided that the conjugate radius is bounded from below by a positive constant and its Excess is bounded by some function of its conjugate radius, which improves some results in [4]. 展开更多
关键词 open manifolds Ricci curvature conjugate radius critical point Excess function triangle comparison theorems
High Performance Double-Interleaved Dual Boost Converter and 3 Phase Grid Connected Converter for Wind Turbine
作者 K. Krajangpan B. Neammanee 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第5期438-446,共9页
This paper proposes a high performance double-interleaved dual boost (DIDB) technique to solve the problems of high ripple current, large inductor size and the requirement of step-up transformer in many case found i... This paper proposes a high performance double-interleaved dual boost (DIDB) technique to solve the problems of high ripple current, large inductor size and the requirement of step-up transformer in many case found in the conventional DC-DC boost converter. The 3-phase grid connected converter with decoupling control give an independent control between active and reactive power using the load current feed-forward. With this technique, the disturbance rejection and the output power quality can be improved. Experiments are conducted with three case studies: 1) a test of the DIDB converter to determine current ripple and voltage gain, 2) a test of the 3-phase grid connected converter to determine DC-link voltage regulation, power factor and total harmonic distortion (THD), and 3) a test of the overall system with a 7.5 kW wind turbine simulator by step and various input wind speeds to determine the output power at the grid side and verify the maximum peak power tracking (MPPT) performance. The results can confirm that the DIDB converter gives lower ripple current and higher voltage gain than the conventional converter. For the grid side, the 3-phase grid connected converter can regulate the DC-link with fast dynamic response to disturbance rejection and low overshoot while complying with the THD standard defined in IEEE 519-1992. In addition, the MPPT controller is able to achieve the maximum energy capture with the various input wind speeds. 展开更多
关键词 DIDB converter MPPT controller grid connected converter wind turbine.
Blade pitch control of straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine 被引量:2
作者 梁迎彬 张立勋 +1 位作者 李二肖 张凤月 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1106-1114,共9页
Collective pitch control and individual pitch control algorithms were present for straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine to improve the self-starting capacity.Comparative analysis of straight-bladed vertical axis ... Collective pitch control and individual pitch control algorithms were present for straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine to improve the self-starting capacity.Comparative analysis of straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine(SB-VAWT) with or without pitch control was conducted from the aspects of aerodynamic force,flow structure and power coefficient.The computational fluid dynamics(CFD) prediction results show a significant increase in power coefficient for SB-VAWT with pitch control.According to the aerodynamic forces and total torque coefficient obtained at various tip speed ratios(TSRs),the results indicate that the blade pitch method can increase the power output and decrease the deformation of blade;especially,the total torque coefficient of blade pitch control at TSR 1.5 is about 2.5 times larger than that of fixed pitch case.Furthermore,experiment was carried out to verify the feasibility of pitch control methods.The results show that the present collective pitch control and individual pitch control methods can improve the self-starting capacity of SB-VAWT,and the former is much better and its proper operating TSRs ranges from 0.4 to 0.6. 展开更多
关键词 straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine collective pitch control individual pitch control self-starting capacity
Analysis of Evacuation Efficiency with Congestion Points in Large Sport Facilities
作者 Chen-Wei Chiu Yu-Hsiu Li +1 位作者 Yi-Liang Shu Chi-Min Shu 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第10期1229-1243,共15页
Large leisure activities usually use large sport facilities. There is often no serious problem with people gathering, but both incomplete facilities and negligence of people security manage may court injury or death. ... Large leisure activities usually use large sport facilities. There is often no serious problem with people gathering, but both incomplete facilities and negligence of people security manage may court injury or death. The purpose of this study is to analyze crowded nodes and to improve evacuation path use Simulex models. The fastest and safest way to achieve safe egress was then well planned. For turn locations, it was found that fixing the plane angle did not significantly raise the overall exiting efficiency. However, replacing the right angle or other angles with arc angle makes overall exiting moving line more fluent. For multito single-directional converging T-junction intersections, modification of turn angle increased the movement fluency, with the higher the modified angle, the higher in fluency. However, changing to round angle did not have as significant effect as expected while gate opening width must be increased to 1.0 m before more significant effects were produced. The results showed that modifying turn angles to 60° produces better improvements. 展开更多
关键词 Large activity large sport facilities Simulex security manage evacuation path safe egress.
The New Architecture with Time-Spatial Consistency for 5G Networks 被引量:3
作者 SUN Zhennian XU Xu +3 位作者 CHAI Xiaomeng ZHANG Tianyu TIAN Lin ZHANG Zhongshan 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期68-79,共12页
While operators have started deploying fourth generation(4G) wireless communication systems,which could provide up to1 Gbps downlink peak data rate,the improved system capacity is still insufficient to meet the drasti... While operators have started deploying fourth generation(4G) wireless communication systems,which could provide up to1 Gbps downlink peak data rate,the improved system capacity is still insufficient to meet the drastically increasing demand of mobile users over the next decade.The main causes of the above-mentioned phenomenon include the following two aspects:1) the growth rate of the network capacity is far below that of user's demand,and 2) the relatively deterministic wireless access network(WAN) architecture in the existing systems cannot accommodate the prominent increase of mobile traffic with space-time domain dynamics.In order to address the above-mentioned challenges,we investigate the time-spatial consistency architecture for the future WAN,whilst emphasizing the critical roles of some spectral-efficient techniques such as Massive multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO),full-duplex(FD)operation and heterogeneous networks(HetNets).Furthermore,the energy efficiency(EE)of the HetNets under the proposed architecture is also evaluated,showing that the proposed user-selected uplink power control algorithm outperforms the traditional stochastic-scheduling strategy in terms of both capacity and EE in a two-tier HetNet.The other critical issues,including the tidal effect,the temporal failure owing to the instantaneously increased traffic,and the network wide load-balancing problem,etc.,are also anticipated to be addressed in the proposed architecture.(Abstract) 展开更多
关键词 wireless access network spectral efficiency energy efficiency super base station heterogeneous network
作者 钟水映 叶北笳 《经济评论》 CSSCI 1991年第5期36-41,共6页
一人口的迁移,决不仅仅是表象上的人口在不同地域间的流动这一纯粹性的人口问题,它是社会经济发展诸多方面因素在人口的地区间分布变化上的综合反映。从某种意义上讲,人口迁移既是一个国家和地区社会经济发展的“指示器”,也是其“推进... 一人口的迁移,决不仅仅是表象上的人口在不同地域间的流动这一纯粹性的人口问题,它是社会经济发展诸多方面因素在人口的地区间分布变化上的综合反映。从某种意义上讲,人口迁移既是一个国家和地区社会经济发展的“指示器”,也是其“推进器”, 展开更多
关键词 社会经济发展 人口流动 流入 流出率 流动 市场调节 低收入 高收入 吸引力 中等收入
Working fluid selection based on critical temperature and water temperature in organic Rankine cycle 被引量:8
作者 LI XinGuo ZHAO WenJing +1 位作者 LIN DieDie ZHU Qiang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期138-146,共9页
This paper examines the thermal performance of working fluids in the entire evaporation temperature region up to near-critical temperature of working fluids in the organic Rankine cycle(ORC).The variation and tendency... This paper examines the thermal performance of working fluids in the entire evaporation temperature region up to near-critical temperature of working fluids in the organic Rankine cycle(ORC).The variation and tendency of the net power output with water temperature and correlated with the critical temperature of working fluids is investigated.Four characteristic curves of the net power output at particular water temperature(Tw_turn,Tw_app,Tw_tran and Tw_up)and their temperature difference(△T_turn=Tw_turn△Tcr,△T_app=Tw_app△Tcr)are obtained to evaluate the working fluids.The curve at"applicable water temperature(Tw_app)"is a demarcation to differentiate the net power output from low to high.The"upper water temperature(Tw_up)"is an upper limit of the water temperature to yield the higher net power output.A relation is built that the suitable water temperature is within the Tw_app and Tw_up of the working fluid. 展开更多
关键词 organic Rankine cycle(ORC) thermal performance working fluid selection critical temperature of working fluid water temperature
Periodic response analysis of a misaligned rotor system by harmonic balance method with alternating frequency/time domain technique 被引量:6
作者 LI HongLiang CHEN YuShu +1 位作者 HOU Lei ZHANG ZhiYong 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期1717-1729,共13页
A dynamic model is established for an offset-disc rotor system with a mechanical gear coupling, which takes into consideration the nonlinear restoring force of rotor support and the effect of coupling misalignment. Pe... A dynamic model is established for an offset-disc rotor system with a mechanical gear coupling, which takes into consideration the nonlinear restoring force of rotor support and the effect of coupling misalignment. Periodic solutions are obtained through harmonic balance method with alternating frequency/time domain(HB-AFT) technique, and then compared with the results of numerical simulation. Good agreement confirms the feasibility of HB-AFT scheme. Moreover, the Floquet theory is adopted to analyze motion stability of the system when rotor runs at different speed intervals. A simple strategy to determine the monodromy matrix is introduced and two ways towards unstability are found for periodic solutions: the period doubling bifurcation and the secondary Hopf bifurcation. The results obtained will contribute to the global response analysis and dynamic optimal design of rotor systems. 展开更多
关键词 rotor system coupling misalignment harmonic balance method with alternating frequency/time domain(HB-AFT) technique Floquet theory stability BIFURCATION
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