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开放教育视野下的流动学习模式研究 被引量:3
作者 齐元沂 王腊梅 张永忠 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期55-60,共6页
人类已经全面进入信息时代,全球教育资源无缝整合共享,信息技术与学习深度融合,开放教育得到前所未有的发展,使无处不在的学习成为可能,各种学习模式为学习者的学习提供了更多的选择。在开放教育视野下,高质量课程不断涌现,学习方式日... 人类已经全面进入信息时代,全球教育资源无缝整合共享,信息技术与学习深度融合,开放教育得到前所未有的发展,使无处不在的学习成为可能,各种学习模式为学习者的学习提供了更多的选择。在开放教育视野下,高质量课程不断涌现,学习方式日趋多样化,学习者自主学习变得更加灵活和方便,逐渐发展为流动学习。该文从流动学习概念和内涵入手,分析了流动学习的特征;从富媒体技术、学习分析技术、多屏合一技术、资源检索技术等角度,阐述了技术发展对流动学习的支撑,探讨了流动学习模式的应用场景;以建构主义、人本主义等学习理论为支撑,在汲取泛在学习、移动学习、协作学习等学习模式优点的基础上,初步探讨了开放教育视野下的流动学习模型设计、流动学习模式体系结构设计和流动学习模式学习服务,试图为研究者和设计者们提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 开放教育 流动学习 学习模式
欧洲职业教育与培训一体化“软”治理工具研究——以跨国学习流动记分卡为例 被引量:1
作者 周益斌 林娟 《比较教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期53-65,共13页
跨国学习流动是欧洲职业教育与培训开展跨国合作,推进一体化的重要策略。学习流动记分卡是欧盟职业培训发展中心开发的用以指导和监测成员国对初始职业教育与培训跨国学习流动体系建设及相关政策执行的重要工具。学习流动记分卡遵循更... 跨国学习流动是欧洲职业教育与培训开展跨国合作,推进一体化的重要策略。学习流动记分卡是欧盟职业培训发展中心开发的用以指导和监测成员国对初始职业教育与培训跨国学习流动体系建设及相关政策执行的重要工具。学习流动记分卡遵循更加透明、更多参与和持续改进原则,针对欧盟《青年在流动-提高青年人的学习流动建议》政策提出的跨国学习流动积极环境建设的十大关键行动领域设计了程序导向的评价指标体系、基准参照式评价方法和八种在线评价结果反馈工具;通过定性和定量评价结果的策略性在线公开、比较与排名引发“点名-丢脸-出名”机制和政策学习机制,从情感与认知层面诱导成员国自愿地、持续地提高跨国学习流动政策执行的合规性,消除初始职业教育与培训跨国学习流动障碍,促进青年学习者跨国学习流动。 展开更多
关键词 欧盟 初始职业教育与培训 学习流动记分卡 “软”治理 青年就业
作者 郭海艳 林迎娟 《未来与发展》 2023年第8期53-61,共9页
学习性流动在增强个体综合能力、惠及参与国家教育与社会发展、促进欧洲地区教育一体化发展等方面有独特作用,为促进学习性流动的可持续发展,欧盟积极进行了政策工具的框架搭建与实践探索。欧盟层面注重欧洲资格框架及学分转换体系建设... 学习性流动在增强个体综合能力、惠及参与国家教育与社会发展、促进欧洲地区教育一体化发展等方面有独特作用,为促进学习性流动的可持续发展,欧盟积极进行了政策工具的框架搭建与实践探索。欧盟层面注重欧洲资格框架及学分转换体系建设,并结合数字化时代各方利益发展诉求推进文凭补充文件制度、微证书等相关配套政策工具的开发应用,其通过促进区域与国家层面资格框架及标准等级的有效衔接,秉承终身学习理念的同时促进学历学位的跨境互认,为欧洲学员参与学习性国际流动提供更多支持。随着欧洲一体化进程的扩大和深化,欧洲地区在教育和文化领域的联系更加紧密,跨境资格框架和标准的认可框架以及学习流动项目的不断推进,逐渐成为促进欧洲高等教育一体化的有效途径。鉴于此,欧盟在与利益相关者充分合作的基础上搭建促进学习性流动的政策工具及交流框架,通过政策引领、发展规划及参照标准体系建设等举措进行诸多实践探索,业已形成的资格框架与治理方式在全球教育领域具有较强示范效应。 展开更多
关键词 国家资格认证 学分转换体系 文凭补充 微证书 学习流动 终身学习 欧洲高等教育区
促进流动性学习:欧洲职业教育与培训学分转换体系探析 被引量:3
作者 刘晓 梁晨 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2016年第2期54-59,共6页
欧洲职业教育培训学分转换体系在现今的欧洲社会已经成为潮流之一,2012年布鲁塞尔举行的欧洲职业教育培训学分转换体系论坛,提出建立欧洲职业教育培训学分转换体系实践区的战略。该实践区具有促进地域劳动力流动性、促进终身学习体制发... 欧洲职业教育培训学分转换体系在现今的欧洲社会已经成为潮流之一,2012年布鲁塞尔举行的欧洲职业教育培训学分转换体系论坛,提出建立欧洲职业教育培训学分转换体系实践区的战略。该实践区具有促进地域劳动力流动性、促进终身学习体制发展的特征与优势。同时,它还对我国高等职业教育学分转换和转移、促进地域劳动力流动、发展我国的终身教育事业等方面具有一定的启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 职业教育与培训 学分转换体系 流动学习
作者 张永 《当代继续教育》 2015年第2期17-20,共4页
学习性流动及其对欧洲学习和技能政策的贡献力是欧盟近年来大量讨论的主题。学习性流动是为了获取新技能而进行的跨区域、跨部门或跨职位流动。通过学习性流动,学习者可以掌握新知,发展新的语言技能和跨文化能力,从而提升人力资本。欧... 学习性流动及其对欧洲学习和技能政策的贡献力是欧盟近年来大量讨论的主题。学习性流动是为了获取新技能而进行的跨区域、跨部门或跨职位流动。通过学习性流动,学习者可以掌握新知,发展新的语言技能和跨文化能力,从而提升人力资本。欧盟有关促进青年人学习性流动的最佳实践,如个人学习账户和非正规与非正式学习认证,为我国促进青年人学习性流动提供了范例。 展开更多
关键词 学习流动 个人学习账户 非正规和非正式学习认证
作者 李栋 《计算机光盘软件与应用》 2014年第2期221-221,223,共2页
日益普及化的移动设备,已经可以作为个人的"学习中枢"(Looi,2010;Wong,2010.),为"无缝移动学习"的革新提供了新的机遇。但是,这一潜在的机遇在无缝学习的概念里已开始跨越时间、跨越空间、跨越文本情境的囿于,并且... 日益普及化的移动设备,已经可以作为个人的"学习中枢"(Looi,2010;Wong,2010.),为"无缝移动学习"的革新提供了新的机遇。但是,这一潜在的机遇在无缝学习的概念里已开始跨越时间、跨越空间、跨越文本情境的囿于,并且在教与学的过程中逐步转换了焦点——从教学硬件为中心(Device-Centric)转变为以学习者为中心(Learner-Centric)的教学理念。本文作者将着重根据新加坡学者Lung-Hsiang Wong,马来西亚学者Norazah和Norhayah以及台湾的多位学者的三篇学术成果来揭示在"无缝移动学习"的发展历程中从教学硬件为导向过渡到学习者为导向。通过"无缝移动学习"的10个维度中的第7点——综合灵活使用多种设备,结合学习者行为主义中的科技能力接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model)进行详细分析,阐明不同教学本位变化的必然性和其优点。最后,结合目前教学需求和科技发展,对教师提出更高的专业素质和教学理念要求,据上述分析对教师职业发展提出几点建议。 展开更多
关键词 泛在技术 无缝流动学习 多媒体 移动设备本位 学习者本位
作者 林迎娟 张杰 《教育进展》 2023年第11期8778-8782,共5页
面向海外青年的短期来华研修项目作为一种跨境的学习性流动形式,是海外青年近距离认识与理解中国文化与中国社会治理情况的一个新形式,同时也是中国教育对外开放事业的有机组成部分。面向国际受众,结合青年的年龄特点及音乐特有的跨文... 面向海外青年的短期来华研修项目作为一种跨境的学习性流动形式,是海外青年近距离认识与理解中国文化与中国社会治理情况的一个新形式,同时也是中国教育对外开放事业的有机组成部分。面向国际受众,结合青年的年龄特点及音乐特有的跨文化交际价值,中文歌曲可作为语言教学法、交际沟通手段,融入到具体区域国别的青年研学团组方案的执行中,主要可通过“唱歌学中文”的语言课堂设计与相关“唱歌活动”的配套“应用场景”安排,为海外青年提供寓教于乐学习中文、了解中国文化的创新形式,同时中文歌曲融入到研学项目过程所营造出的“教育空间”,以及同中国青年合作研修与互动的交流过程,也利于海外青年以跨文化视角切实感知中国语言文化的独特魅力。 展开更多
关键词 中文歌曲 中文歌曲教学法 学习流动 研学项目 海外青年
作者 刘旭亮 《现代语言学》 2019年第6期851-855,共5页
为了配合欧盟2020战略的实施,“伊拉斯谟+”计划正在为欧洲的教育合作、文化交流和青年发展做出新的贡献,由其主导的网络语言平台在支持青年和劳动力在克服语言障碍,提升语言能力,从而更好地进行跨境交流和合作方面卓有成效。该平台在... 为了配合欧盟2020战略的实施,“伊拉斯谟+”计划正在为欧洲的教育合作、文化交流和青年发展做出新的贡献,由其主导的网络语言平台在支持青年和劳动力在克服语言障碍,提升语言能力,从而更好地进行跨境交流和合作方面卓有成效。该平台在帮助流动人口进行语言能力评估和进行流动学习方面具有不可替代的作用,也为国内的流动语言学习和评估提供了新的视角和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 伊拉斯谟+ OLS网络语言平台 语言评估 流动学习
作者 马立红 罗尧 《幸福生活指南(高等职业教育)》 2012年第1期I0024-I0026,共3页
2010年6月欧盟发布了《促进欧盟2020战略实现的职业教育与培训的新方案》(简称《新方案》,提出了五大战略目标,如推动终身学习和人员流动、提高质量和效率、增强职业教育的吸引力、促进社会公平、培养创新能力、创业能力和创造力、... 2010年6月欧盟发布了《促进欧盟2020战略实现的职业教育与培训的新方案》(简称《新方案》,提出了五大战略目标,如推动终身学习和人员流动、提高质量和效率、增强职业教育的吸引力、促进社会公平、培养创新能力、创业能力和创造力、推动职业教育和培训的国际合作等五大目标和相应的具体措施,为了更好地实现欧洲2020战略目标奠定了一定的基础。 展开更多
关键词 《新方案》 终身学习流动 公平 创新创业能力 合作
Influence of deflection angles on flow behaviours in openchannel bends 被引量:2
作者 LI Bing-dong ZHANG Xin-hua +1 位作者 TANG Han-song TSUBAKI Ryota 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第10期2292-2306,共15页
The deflection angle of a river bend plays an important role on behaviours of the flow within it, and a clear understanding of the angle's influence is significant in both theoretical study and engineering applica... The deflection angle of a river bend plays an important role on behaviours of the flow within it, and a clear understanding of the angle's influence is significant in both theoretical study and engineering application. This paper presents a systematic numerical investigation on effects of deflection angles(30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 150°, and 180°) on flow phenomena and their evolution in open-channel bends using a Re-Normalization Group(RNG) κ-ε model and a volume of fluid(VOF) method. The numerical results indicate that the deflection angle is a key factor for flows in bends. It is shown that the maximum transverse slope of water surface occurs at the middle cross section of a bend, and it increases with the deflection angle. Besides a major vortex, or, the primary circulation cell near the channel bottom, a secondary vortex, or, an outer bank cell, may also appear above the former and near the outer bank when the deflection angle is sufficiently large, and it will gradually migrate towards the inner bank and evolve into an inner bank cell. The strength of the secondary circulations increases with the deflection angle. The simulation demonstrates that there is alow-stress zone on the bed near the outer bank and a high-stress zone on the bed near the inner bank, and both of them increase in size with the deflection angle. The maximum of shear stress on the inner bank increases nonlinearly with the angle, and its maximums on the outer bank and on the bed take place when the deflection angle becomes 120°. 展开更多
关键词 Open channel Deflection angle Transverse slope of water surface Secondary flow Shear stress
Research on the Problems and Strategies of the Communication Activity among Students in College English Teaching
作者 DAI Huili 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期112-115,共4页
At present, some problems are gradually appearing in college English class teaching, such as, communication activity among students, reflection of individual's advantage, the transition of study main body, etc. The a... At present, some problems are gradually appearing in college English class teaching, such as, communication activity among students, reflection of individual's advantage, the transition of study main body, etc. The article mainly studies the problem of communication activity among students with questionnaire method, and puts forward some strategies. 展开更多
关键词 College English Communication among students problems STRATEGIES
Numerical study and acceleration of LBM-RANS simulation of turbulent flow 被引量:1
作者 Shuli Shu Ning Yang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期31-42,共12页
The coupled models of LBM (Lattice Boltzmann Method) and RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes) are more practical for the transient simulation of mixing processes at large spatial and temporal scales such as crud... The coupled models of LBM (Lattice Boltzmann Method) and RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes) are more practical for the transient simulation of mixing processes at large spatial and temporal scales such as crude oil mixing in large-diameter storage tanks. To keep the efficiency of parallel computation of LBM, the RANS model should also be explicitly solved; whereas to keep the numerical stability the implicit method should be better for PANS model. This article explores the numerical stability of explicit methods in 2D cases on one hand, and on the other hand how to accelerate the computation of the coupled model of LBM and an implicitly solved RANS model in 3D cases. To ensure the numerical stability and meanwhile avoid the use of empirical artificial lim- itations on turbulent quantities in 2D cases, we investigated the impacts of collision models in LBM (LBGK, MRT) and the numerical schemes for convection terms (WENO, TVD) and production terms (FDM, NEQM) in an explic- itly solved standard k-e model. The combination of MRT and TVD or MRT and NEQM can be screened out for the 2D simulation of backward-facing step flow even at Re = 107. This scheme combination, however, may still not guarantee the numerical stability in 3D cases and hence much finer grids are required, which is not suitable for the simulation of industrial-scale processes.Then we proposed a new method to accelerate the coupled model of LBM with RANS (implicitly solved). When implemented on multiple GPUs, this new method can achieve 13.5-fold accelera- tion relative to the original coupled model and 40-fold acceleration compared to the traditional CFD simulation based on Finite Volume (FV) method accelerated by multiple CPUs. This study provides the basis for the transient flow simulation of larger spatial and temporal scales in industrial applications with LBM-RANS methods. 展开更多
关键词 Lattice Boltzmann Method Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Graphic Processing Units mixing transient simulation
Analytic Description of High Poloidal Beta Equilibrium with a Natural Inboard Poloidal Field Null
作者 SHI Bingren 《Southwestern Institute of Physics Annual Report》 2005年第1期125-127,共3页
Analytical solutions of the Grad-Shafranov equation are always useful because of their convenience and accuracy in theoretical study of stability, transport and kinetic analysis. For the quasi-uniform toroidal current... Analytical solutions of the Grad-Shafranov equation are always useful because of their convenience and accuracy in theoretical study of stability, transport and kinetic analysis. For the quasi-uniform toroidal current density case, the so-called Solov'ev configuration is the earliest one that was widely used for the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability analysis and also used as benchmark for equilibrium code studies later. 展开更多
关键词 Poloidal field null Divertor configuration Generalized Solov'ev configuration
Network traffic flow evolution with battery electric vehicles and conventional gasoline vehicles
作者 Li Manman Lu Jian +1 位作者 Sun Jiahui Tu Qiang 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2019年第2期213-219,共7页
In order to investigate the effect of the use of battery electric vehicles on traffic dynamics,the valid paths of electric battery vehicles are defined and a check-based method is proposed to obtain them.Then,assuming... In order to investigate the effect of the use of battery electric vehicles on traffic dynamics,the valid paths of electric battery vehicles are defined and a check-based method is proposed to obtain them.Then,assuming that travelers only focus on their past travel experience,a day-to-day traffic assignment model is established based on reinforcement learning and bounded rationality.In the proposed model,the Bush-Mosteller model,a reinforcement learning model,is modified to calculate path choice probability according to bounded rationality.The modified model updates the path choice probability only if the gap between expected travel time and perceived travel time is beyond the cognitive threshold.Numerical experiments validate the effectiveness of the model and show that traffic flows can converge to the equilibrium in any case of cognitive thresholds and penetration rates of battery electric vehicles.The cognitive threshold has a positive influence on the variation of traffic flows while it has a negative influence on the differences between traffic flows.The adaptation of battery electric vehicles leads to the poor performance of the traffic system. 展开更多
关键词 battery electric vehicles constrained path reinforcement learning bounded rationality traffic dynamics
You Blog: An Exploratory Study of EFL Students' Blogging Experience in the Thai-Japanese Weblog Exchange Project
作者 Darunee Duj sik 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第8期1404-1413,共10页
Weblogs, writing logs on the web, have been popularly used as an instructional tool to facilitate, reading and writing instructions in ESL (English as a Second Language)/EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classro... Weblogs, writing logs on the web, have been popularly used as an instructional tool to facilitate, reading and writing instructions in ESL (English as a Second Language)/EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classrooms. This study employed weblogs to support the writing process of Thai EFL students and provided an opportunity for them to participate in a Thai-Japanese weblog exchange project. The results showed that student bloggers: (1) enjoyed blogging due to their perceived reading and writing incentives, the exchange of cultural knowledge, and networking; and (2) employed the writing process to complete their written assignments. Findings suggest that weblogs can foster EFL learners' motivation, development of reading and writing skills, and development of cultural knowledge, and facilitate their writing process via cyberspace. 展开更多
关键词 weblogs EFL (English as a Foreign Language) writing the writing process web-based technology
Experimental Study on Flow Boiling of Deionized Water in a Horizontal Long Small Channel 被引量:3
作者 HUANG Qian JIA Li +1 位作者 DANG Chao YANG Lixin 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期157-166,共10页
In this paper,an experimental investigation on the flow boiling heat transfer in a horizontal long mini-channel was carried out. The mini-channel was with 2 mm wide and 1 mm deep and 900 mm long. The material of the m... In this paper,an experimental investigation on the flow boiling heat transfer in a horizontal long mini-channel was carried out. The mini-channel was with 2 mm wide and 1 mm deep and 900 mm long. The material of the mini-channel was stainless. The working fluid was deionized water. The experiments were conducted with the conditions of inlet pressure in the range of 0.2~0.5 MPa, mass flux in the range of 196.57-548.96 kg/m2 s, and the outlet vapor quality in the range of 0.2 to 1. The heat flux was in the range of 292.86 kW/m2 to 788.48 kW/m2,respectively. The influences of mass flux and heat flux were studied. At a certain mass flow rate, the local heat transfer coefficient increased with the increase of the heat flux. If dry-out occurred in the mini-channel, the heat transfer coefficient decreased. At the same heat flux, the local heat transfer coefficient would depend on the mass flux. It would increase with the mass flux in a certain range,and then decrease if the mass flux was beyond this range. Experimental data were compared with the results of previous studies. Flow visualization and measurements were conducted to identify flow regime transitions. Results showed that there were eight different kinds of flow patterns occurring during the flow boiling. It was found that flow pattern had a significant effect on heat transfer. 展开更多
关键词 Flow boiling Long mini-channel VISUALIZATION EVAPORATOR Heat transfer coefficient
Numerical Study of Mixed Convective Peristaltic Flow through Vertical Tube with Heat Generation for Moderate Reynolds and Wave Numbers
作者 Tariq Javed B.Ahmed M.Sajid 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期449-460,共12页
The current study focuses on the numerical investigation of the mixed convective peristaltic mechanism through a vertical tube for non-zero Reynolds and wave number. In the set of constitutional equations, energy equa... The current study focuses on the numerical investigation of the mixed convective peristaltic mechanism through a vertical tube for non-zero Reynolds and wave number. In the set of constitutional equations, energy equation contains the term representing heat generation parameter. The problem is formulated by dropping the assumption of lubrication theory that turns the model mathematically into a system of the nonlinear partial differential equations. The results of the long wavelength in a creeping flow are deduced from the present analysis. Thus, the current study explores the neglected features of peristaltic heat flow in the mixed convective model by considering moderate values of Reynolds and wave numbers. The finite element based on Galerkin's weighted residual scheme is applied to solve the governing equations. The computed solution is presented in the form of contours of streamlines and isothermal lines, velocity and temperature profiles for variation of different involved parameters. The investigation shows that the strength of circulation for stream function increases by increasing the wave number and Reynolds number. Symmetric isotherms are reported for small values of time-mean flow. Linear behavior of pressure is noticed by vanishing inertial forces while the increase in pressure is observed by amplifying the Reynolds number. 展开更多
关键词 mixed convection peristaltic flow moderate Reynolds number finite element method
Experimental study of heat-transfer coefficient of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu ultra-thick hot plate during multi-stage quenching
作者 FAN ShiTong DENG YunLai +2 位作者 ZHANG Yong HUANG XinYue WU PengFei 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期916-922,共7页
Experiments were conducted to investigate the cooling manner of an ultra-thick hot aluminum alloy plate during multistage quenching. Cooling curves and heat flux curves of different rapid quenching flux varied from 23... Experiments were conducted to investigate the cooling manner of an ultra-thick hot aluminum alloy plate during multistage quenching. Cooling curves and heat flux curves of different rapid quenching flux varied from 23 to 40 L min-1 and were analyzed in detail. In this investigation, cooling process was divided into the following four steps: (Ⅰ) starting step, (Ⅱ) rapid cooling step, (Ⅲ) slow cooling step, and (Ⅳ) stopping step. Based on the curves, the calculation method for surface transfer coefficient was provided, and the effects of coefficient on surface temperature and quenching flux were discussed. Results showed that the transfer coefficient disagreed with heat flux and that it is a nonlinear function of surface temperature. The highest coefficient was observed not in the rapid cooling step with the largest heat flux but in the slow cooling step with lower heat flux. The coefficient increased with surface temperature ranging from 480 to 150℃, and a coefficient peak appeared in the temperature range of 150- 100℃. The coefficient also increased with quenching flux. Finally, a simulation was performed using the finite element method to verify the reliability of the coefficient results, which showed good agreement with the measurement values. 展开更多
关键词 heat transfer coefficient multi-stage quenching aluminum alloy PLATE finite element method
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