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人口生育和流动管制的经济后果 被引量:13
作者 周天勇 《财经问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期3-14,共12页
由于中国对人口生育的集中计划,形成了政府管制和市场机制两种力量调节人口数量,导致人口增长速度快速下降。在工业化尚未完成之前,有活力人口减少和人口老化使经济增长失去了动力,结果是未富先老,未强先衰。本文分析了人口数量变动和... 由于中国对人口生育的集中计划,形成了政府管制和市场机制两种力量调节人口数量,导致人口增长速度快速下降。在工业化尚未完成之前,有活力人口减少和人口老化使经济增长失去了动力,结果是未富先老,未强先衰。本文分析了人口数量变动和流动格局与经济增长的关系,从人口增长与经济增长二者之间的数理关系和2007年以来二者关系的实践方面,论证和描述了人口增长上行和下行趋势、人口城市化进程扭曲等对经济增长的上行压力和下行推力。笔者认为,计划生育的一个重大缺陷是,只能对人口数量进行调减,但不能对各年龄人口按比例进行调节。其后果是,造成了人口结构老化失衡,巨额养老金缺口,中青年劳动力减少,老年人口延长退休而工作效率下降,养老成本上升使国民经济受到影响。对改革开放以来人口增长率变动与经济增长速度变动相关关系进行模拟后,笔者认为,由于1995—2013年人口增长率仍然是一个下行和低迷的曲线,对2015—2034年国民经济向中低速度增长变化有着很强的下行压力。最后,笔者提出了相关的战略调整和政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 人口生育 流动管制 人口增长 经济增长 计划生育陷阱
高等学校教师流动管制与师资配置效率 被引量:7
作者 吴伟伟 《高教探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期110-113,118,共5页
提高高校师资配置效率,是增加高等教育产出的充分条件。本文基于"偷懒"的委托-代理模型分析发现,高校严格的流动管制制度会降低教师的工作努力程度,引起师资错配,不利于提升教师个体的教育产出和高校教育总产出,并以"非... 提高高校师资配置效率,是增加高等教育产出的充分条件。本文基于"偷懒"的委托-代理模型分析发现,高校严格的流动管制制度会降低教师的工作努力程度,引起师资错配,不利于提升教师个体的教育产出和高校教育总产出,并以"非升即走"的人事制度为例,分析了降低流动管制的有效性。要优化高校师资配置效率,需要对薪资待遇、考核标准、退出机制等人事制度进行改革,以达到提高高等教育总产出的目标。 展开更多
关键词 教师流动管制 工作努力 师资配置效率
作者 张立宏 《海南金融》 1995年第8期27-29,共3页
西方各国外汇管制简介张立宏外汇管制是一国政府为防止资金大量流动、保持国际收支平衡、稳定本币对外汇率,授权有关的金融当局,以法令形式对本国居民所从事的黄金、外汇交易活动进行的一种直接控制。一战期间,各交战国的经济陷入困... 西方各国外汇管制简介张立宏外汇管制是一国政府为防止资金大量流动、保持国际收支平衡、稳定本币对外汇率,授权有关的金融当局,以法令形式对本国居民所从事的黄金、外汇交易活动进行的一种直接控制。一战期间,各交战国的经济陷入困境,引起资金大量外逃,国际收支出现... 展开更多
关键词 外汇管制 外汇收支 欧洲货币体系 西方各国 外汇市场 个别许可证 国际货币基金协定 意大利 资本流动管制 经济财政
诠释经济下行:人口与发展经济学的一些新进展 被引量:6
作者 周天勇 《财经问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期3-9,共7页
本文提出当前经济增长速度下行最深层次的根源在于过去较强的计划生育调节和人口流动管制。笔者结合中国三十多年这样一个十亿—十三多亿人口大国的历史和政策观察,就其人口生育、增长、结构和流动等与经济增长的内在联系进行了一系列分... 本文提出当前经济增长速度下行最深层次的根源在于过去较强的计划生育调节和人口流动管制。笔者结合中国三十多年这样一个十亿—十三多亿人口大国的历史和政策观察,就其人口生育、增长、结构和流动等与经济增长的内在联系进行了一系列分析,形成下列研究成果:提出了人口生育和流动的政府强制与社会自动两种调节机制;阐释了生育权和迁移权在家庭或者国家之间的归属,对于资源配置、人口与其他方面的协调和经济增长效率的影响关系;提出了人口增长波动较大情况下,20年前人口增长速度决定20年后经济增长速度的定理;指出工业化初期的人口快速增长与工业化中后期人口增速下降有着经济主力人口跨期储蓄、积累和平衡的关系;还讨论了政府和社会双重调节下形成的人口坑,以及人口生育和增长呈凹凸状时,对一国经济高增长时期长短、中等收入发展是否有陷阱、不同产业和经济增长波浪式上行和下行等之间的关系;最后笔者认为,2.1的生育率是一国和一个民族人口长远是否安全的警戒线。这些研究成果为人口经济学和发展经济理论做出新的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 人口结构 计划生育 人口流动管制 发展经济学
作者 吕剑 《首都经济贸易大学学报》 2003年第6期43-45,共3页
当前一些国家提出了让人民币汇率升值。本文从“三元悖论”角度出发,探讨了人民币汇率制度本身存在的缺陷和改革的必要性,强调只有等到汇率制度完善、汇率运行机制健全后,再由市场自主决定汇率的升贬值。笔者认为,当前合理的改革进程应... 当前一些国家提出了让人民币汇率升值。本文从“三元悖论”角度出发,探讨了人民币汇率制度本身存在的缺陷和改革的必要性,强调只有等到汇率制度完善、汇率运行机制健全后,再由市场自主决定汇率的升贬值。笔者认为,当前合理的改革进程应该是人民币固定汇率制弹性的逐步扩大和资本流动管制逐步放松的有机结合。 展开更多
关键词 三元悖论 人民币 汇率制度 弹性 资本流动管制
作者 杨艳林 《金融发展评论》 2023年第8期66-82,共17页
本文构建了2001-2021年间40个发达国家及新兴经济体的分部门跨境资本流动数据。以此为基础,本文实证探讨了分部门、各类型的跨境资本流入与非金融部门债务增长之间的关系,并进一步考量了宏观审慎、资本流动管制两类金融政策对上述影响... 本文构建了2001-2021年间40个发达国家及新兴经济体的分部门跨境资本流动数据。以此为基础,本文实证探讨了分部门、各类型的跨境资本流入与非金融部门债务增长之间的关系,并进一步考量了宏观审慎、资本流动管制两类金融政策对上述影响关系的作用效果。结论表明,新兴经济体公共部门资本流入会显著促进政府部门债务增长,发达国家公共部门资本流入与私人部门债务增长显著负相关。同时,新兴经济体非金融企业部门债务扩张与企业部门债务型资本流入间存在显著正相关关系,企业部门股权型资本流入则有利于平缓债务增长。此外,无论是发达国家还是新兴经济体,金融部门债务型资本流入均会促使本国银行增加贷款投放,而股权型资本流入的影响不具有统计显著性。宏观审慎政策在直接约束商业银行信贷投放方面的效果显著,并通过影响金融部门资本流动也间接起到了防范信贷投放过热的作用。资本流动管制政策主要是通过影响非金融企业部门与金融部门资本流动,间接起到了平缓企业及居民部门债务增长的效用。上述发现可以为防范跨境资本流动金融风险提供有益的决策参考。 展开更多
关键词 跨境资本流动 宏观审慎 资本流动管制 债务增长
自然资本价值循环实现:逻辑起点、运行机理与策略选择 被引量:7
作者 宋猛 刘伯恩 《广西社会科学》 CSSCI 2021年第7期59-65,共7页
西方经济学者针对资本主义社会面临的问题提出了自然资本理论,旨在寻找一种实现经济增长与资源环境相容的方法,而现有的马克思生态经济学思想对于资源环境问题缺少既定解决方案和系统的理论体系。因此,亟须自主探索自然资本价值循环实... 西方经济学者针对资本主义社会面临的问题提出了自然资本理论,旨在寻找一种实现经济增长与资源环境相容的方法,而现有的马克思生态经济学思想对于资源环境问题缺少既定解决方案和系统的理论体系。因此,亟须自主探索自然资本价值循环实现的运行机理,完善和发展中国自然资本理论。自然资本参与社会生产的两个基本方向是商业产品与生态产品的供给,两类产品的外部互补功能与自然系统的自然生态修复功能、社会系统的人工生态修复功能,共同驱动了自然资本物质和价值的循环流动,而自然、社会系统间的协调转换机制也为政策实施留下了空间。综合考虑自然资本的总量限制、产品价值种类、需求保障优先度和供给质量等因素,当前主要调控方向是建立自然资本流动管制制度和自然资源资产转变机制,维护生态产品的稳定供给。推动中国自然资本价值循环的实现,应以习近平生态文明思想为统领,借鉴马克思主义经济学成果,加快建立中国化的自然资本理论;以调查登记、资产核算、定价交易为主线,坚持社会主义基本制度原则,探索完善自然资产资本化和价格市场寻找路径;以税费分配制度创新为重点,形成补偿资金流向平衡点,实现生态价值补偿与社会价值支付的双向价值内循环。 展开更多
关键词 自然资本 马克思主义经济学 价值循环 决策矩阵 自然资本流动管制制度 自然资源资产管理
作者 王允贵 《经济研究参考》 1999年第75期23-23,共1页
70年代以来,以罗纳德·I·麦金农和爱德华·S·肖为代表的西方经济学家提出了金融抑制和金融深化理论,他们认为发展中国家普遍存在金融抑制,必须实行金融深化即金融自由化。在此理论指导下,70年代以来发展中国家逐渐放... 70年代以来,以罗纳德·I·麦金农和爱德华·S·肖为代表的西方经济学家提出了金融抑制和金融深化理论,他们认为发展中国家普遍存在金融抑制,必须实行金融深化即金融自由化。在此理论指导下,70年代以来发展中国家逐渐放松了国内利率管制、资本流动管制,从而为资本全球流动扫除了障碍。 展开更多
关键词 金融自由化 金融抑制 发展中国家 金融深化理论 资本自由化 资本流动管制 麦金农 利率管制 70年代 爱德华
Hybrid Operation of Fault Current Limiter and Thyristor Controlled Braking Resistor 被引量:1
作者 Masaki Yagami Junji Tamura 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第4期601-608,共8页
The effectiveness of a combination of fault current limiter and thyristor controlled braking resistor on power system stability enhancement and damping turbine shaft torsional oscillations has been studied. If both de... The effectiveness of a combination of fault current limiter and thyristor controlled braking resistor on power system stability enhancement and damping turbine shaft torsional oscillations has been studied. If both devices operate at the same bus, the stabilization control scheme can be carried out continuously and with flexibility. As a result, the fault currents are limited, and the generator disturbances and the turbine shaft torsional oscillations are converged quickly. In this paper, the effectiveness of the combination of both devices has been demonstrated by considering 3LG (three-lines-to-ground) fault in a two-machine infinite bus system. Also, temperature rise effect of both devices with various resistance values and weights has been demonstrated. Simulation results indicate a significant power system stability enhancement and damping turbine shaft torsional oscillations as well as with allowable temperature rise. 展开更多
关键词 Fault current limiter thyristor controlled braking resistor fault current power system stability turbine shaft torsional oscillation temperature rise effect.
Exercise intolerance in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: more than a heart problem 被引量:6
作者 Bharathi Upadhya Mark J Haykowsky +1 位作者 Joel Eggebeen Dalane W Kitzman 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期294-304,共11页
Heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is the most common form of HF in older adults, and is increasing in preva- lence as the population ages. Furthermore, HFpEF is increasing out of proporti... Heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is the most common form of HF in older adults, and is increasing in preva- lence as the population ages. Furthermore, HFpEF is increasing out of proportion to HF with reduced EF (HFrEF), and its prognosis is worsening while that of HFrEF is improving. Despite the importance of HFpEF, our understanding of its pathophysiology is incomplete, and optimal treatment remains largely undefined. A cardinal feature of HFpEF is reduced exercise tolerance, which correlates with symptoms as well as reduced quality of life. The traditional concepts of exercise limitations have focused on central dysfimction related to poor cardiac pump function. However, the mechanisms are not exclusive to the heart and lungs, and the understanding of the pathophysiology of this dis- ease has evolved. Substantial attention has focused on defining the central versus peripheral mechanisms underlying the reduced functional capacity and exercise tolerance among patients with HF. In fact, physical training can improve exercise tolerance via peripheral adaptive mechanisms even in the absence of favorable central hemodynamic function. In addition, the drug trials performed to date in HFpEF that have focused on influencing cardiovascular function have not improved exercise capacity. This suggests that peripheral limitations may play a significant role in HF limiting exercise tolerance, a hallmark feature of HFpEF. 展开更多
关键词 Exercise intolerance Heart failure Perioheral limitations Skeletal muscle
Correlations of Two-phase Friction of Refrigerant in Horizontal Smooth Tube with 2.5 mm inside Diameter
作者 魏文建 丁国良 王凯建 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第1期78-83,共6页
Two-phase flow pressure drop measurements are made during phase change heat transfer process of R-22 in small horizontal smooth tubes with 2.5 mm inside diameter. Conclusions are drawn that the quality corresponding t... Two-phase flow pressure drop measurements are made during phase change heat transfer process of R-22 in small horizontal smooth tubes with 2.5 mm inside diameter. Conclusions are drawn that the quality corresponding to pressure gradient peak value of small tubes became higher than that of large tubes and that effects of quality on pressure drop become weak as the increase of mass flux. The experiment data are compared with predicted values of the state-of-the-art correlations from the open literature, which indicates that most of the state-of-the-art correlations fail to predict the present experimental data. Chisholm model shows a relatively better predictive ability than the other empirical correlations because it has the lowest mean deviation of 26.7%. But the predicted values of Chisholm model are 50% lower than experimental data when quality becomes higher. In this regard, an new empirical correlation based on Chisholm model is developed and this modified Chisholm correlation can describe 95% of the present data with ±20% mean deviations. 展开更多
关键词 REFRIGERANT flow boiling pressure drop performance small tube
Network Traffic Signature Generation Mechanism Using Principal Component Analysis
作者 牟澄 黄小红 +1 位作者 吴军 马严 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第11期95-106,共12页
The Deep Packet Inspection(DPI)method is a popular method that can accurately identify the flow data and its corresponding application.Currently,the DPI method is widely used in common network management systems.Howev... The Deep Packet Inspection(DPI)method is a popular method that can accurately identify the flow data and its corresponding application.Currently,the DPI method is widely used in common network management systems.However,the major limitation of DPI systems is that their signature library is mainly extracted manually,which makes it hard to efficiently obtain the signature of new applications.Hence,in this paper,we propose an automatic signature extraction mechanism using Principal Component Analysis(PCA)technology,which is able to extract the signature automatically.In the proposed method,the signatures are expressed in the form of serial consistent sequences constructed by principal components instead of normally separated substrings in the original data extracted from the traditional methods.Extensive experiments based on numerous sets of data have been carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme,and the results prove that the newly proposed method can achieve good performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 network traffic classification aut-omatic signature generation deep packet in-spection principal component analysis
劳动力市场“去管制化”与“知识失业” 被引量:6
作者 时磊 田艳芳 《中国人口科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期28-38,111,共11页
文章从劳动力市场"去管制化"出发,提出对中国"知识失业"现象的解释。理论模型发现,随着劳动力流动和工资"去管制化",受教育人口不断增加,与之伴随的则是"知识失业"的出现和增加。但当劳动力市... 文章从劳动力市场"去管制化"出发,提出对中国"知识失业"现象的解释。理论模型发现,随着劳动力流动和工资"去管制化",受教育人口不断增加,与之伴随的则是"知识失业"的出现和增加。但当劳动力市场进一步"去管制化",知识失业率在增加到一定程度后开始下降。因此,"知识失业"是劳动力市场"去管制化"的结果,"知识失业"的出现在一定程度上是暂时的、阶段性的,继续推进劳动力市场改革,"知识失业"现象就会减少甚至消弭。微观数据实证分析证实,劳动力流动"去管制化"和工资"去管制化"都是2002年样本劳动力市场出现"知识失业"的原因,2009年样本劳动力流动"去管制化"仍是"知识失业"出现的重要原因,但工资"去管制化"效应不再显著。 展开更多
关键词 “去管制化” 劳动力流动管制 工资管制 “知识失业”
Experimental investigation on control and reduction of vibration induced by fluid flow in turbine governing valve
作者 TU Shan WANG Tao +1 位作者 HU Bu-song LIU Yan 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2007年第1期57-62,共6页
Governing valve is the necessary passage through which steam enters into the steam turbine. The instability of the gas flow inside valve is the main reason that can induce the valve vibration, especially the valve rod... Governing valve is the necessary passage through which steam enters into the steam turbine. The instability of the gas flow inside valve is the main reason that can induce the valve vibration, especially the valve rod vibration. In order to reduce the vibration and improve the performance of the governing valve such as the security and economy of the steam turbine, we try to find the method by experimental investigation. As to commonly used governing valve such as ball governing valve in this paper, a number of micro pressure sensors that have high frequencies and nice dynamic capability are employed successfully. The micro sensors are inserted directly in key positions of the valve, such as positions of valve seat throat, valve disc top and so on. The collection and measurement of many different working conditions are carried out and the conclusion of the valve instability is obtained. Therefore, vibration induced by fluid flow is controlled and reduced by means of regulating operation conditions and valve structure. Meanwhile, by numerical simulation of ball governing valve, valve disc adhered flow and asymmetric collision force are considered as main factor to cause oscillation under the condition of small lift as well as small and middle pressure ratio. 展开更多
关键词 CONTROL experimental investigation vibration induced by fluid flow governing valve
Vibration Control of Jacket Platforms with Magnetorheological Damper and Experimental Validation~ 被引量:1
作者 嵇春艳 Chen Menglu Li Shanshan 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2010年第2期189-193,共5页
Magnetorheological (MR) dampers have been proposed to control the vibration of offshore platforms in this paper. The semi-active control strategy based on fuzzy control algorithm was adopted to determine the optimal... Magnetorheological (MR) dampers have been proposed to control the vibration of offshore platforms in this paper. The semi-active control strategy based on fuzzy control algorithm was adopted to determine the optimal output control force based on the responses of jacket platforms. A typical jacket platform in Mexico Gulf was selected as the numerical example to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed control method. Furthermore, a model experiment was performed to validate the results of the numerical simulation. The experimental model of the jacket platform was designed based on dynamical similarity criterion by the scale of 1:50. Both of the numerical and experimental results show that the semi-active control system with the MR damper can reduce vibrations of jacket platforms effectively and at the same time the control effect is stable. 展开更多
关键词 magnetorheological (MR) damper jacket platform semi-active control model experiment
Study on asymmetric interior corner flow in microgravity condition 被引量:2
作者 LI JingHao CHEN XiaoQian +1 位作者 HUANG YiYong BAI YuZhu 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期2332-2337,共6页
The capillary flow in asymmetric interior corner consisting of straight vane and curved wall is studied with analytical solution.The concept of equivalent interior corner angle is proposed to convert the asymmetric in... The capillary flow in asymmetric interior corner consisting of straight vane and curved wall is studied with analytical solution.The concept of equivalent interior corner angle is proposed to convert the asymmetric interior corner model into symmetric interior corner model.Then the governing equations of interior corner flow are established,and based on which the interior corner flow is calculated.This method is used to analyze the capillary flow in cylindrical vane-type surface tension tank with outer vanes.The research can provide beneficial reference to the design of vane-type surface tension tank. 展开更多
关键词 asymmetric interior corner flow equivalent interior corner angle vane-type surface tension tank analytical solution
Advance in research of several types of streaming of pulse tube refrigerators 被引量:1
作者 GU Chao TANG JianBo +1 位作者 WANG JunJie ZHOU Yuan 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期2690-2701,共12页
The pulse tube refrigerator (PTR) is a promising small-scale cryocooler. This paper first briefly introduces the history of the pulse tube refrigerator. It has pointed out that technology improvements and theoretica... The pulse tube refrigerator (PTR) is a promising small-scale cryocooler. This paper first briefly introduces the history of the pulse tube refrigerator. It has pointed out that technology improvements and theoretical developments of the pulse tube refrig- erator closely relate with the internal streaming effects. Then the discovering history and classification of the streaming or DC (direct current) flow effect are summarized. It proposes for the first time that the physical significance of the streaming con- tains the driving mechanisms and the transport mechanisms. It demonstrates that the driving mechanisms are the asymmetry of fluid flow and temperature while the transport mechanisms are a loop or vorticity, which transmits nonlinear dissipations. The important advancements have been made over the past two decades all over the world in research of streaming of the pulse tube refrigerator including Gedeon DC flow, Rayleigb streaming, the third type of DC flow and the regenerator circulation. With regard to Gedeon DC flow, theoretical and experimental analyses have been made and different suppression methods are summarized. In the aspect of Rayleigh streaming, it mainly focuses on the analytical solution of the second-order mass flow and the research of tapered pulse tubes. In particular, limited research on the third type of DC flow and regenerator circulation is presented. The experimental measurement techniques of streaming also are summarized. Finally, this paper briefly discusses the key scientific and technical issues of the current research, and foretells the future development trends of streaming research in PTR. 展开更多
关键词 pulse tube refrigerator STREAMING asymmetry closed loop VORTICITY
《Beijing Review》 2016年第7期6-7,共2页
QFII Rules Loosened China has further loosened controls over the investment of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors(QFII)to increase the opening up of the domestic capital market.China relaxed investment quotas... QFII Rules Loosened China has further loosened controls over the investment of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors(QFII)to increase the opening up of the domestic capital market.China relaxed investment quotas for single institutions under QFII programs and allowed for more convenient capital flows,according to a new policy released by the State 展开更多
关键词 institutions convenient released programs relaxed allowed ECONOMY sector factory purchasing
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