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塔里木盆地岩石圈热-流变学结构和新生代热体制 被引量:33
作者 刘绍文 王良书 +2 位作者 李成 张鹏 李华 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期344-350,共7页
塔里木盆地是我国特大型沉积盆地,也是“西气东输”工程的重要战略基地。利用盆地区大量的地温及岩石热物性参数并结合地热学知识分析了塔里木盆地的现代地温场、热演化和岩石圈热-流变学结构,并进一步讨论了地热场和岩石圈性质对成... 塔里木盆地是我国特大型沉积盆地,也是“西气东输”工程的重要战略基地。利用盆地区大量的地温及岩石热物性参数并结合地热学知识分析了塔里木盆地的现代地温场、热演化和岩石圈热-流变学结构,并进一步讨论了地热场和岩石圈性质对成盆、成烃和成藏的意义。研究结果表明塔里木盆地现今平均大地热流为45mW/m^2,平均地温梯度为18~20℃/km;整体上具有低温冷盆的特征。地温场的展布具有明显的横向差异,不同构造单元的地温场特征相差较大:坳陷部位具有较低的地温,隆起区具有较高的地热特征。热演化模拟表明盆地自成盆以来经历了从震旦纪—奥陶纪高热流(“热”盆)、志留纪—晚古生代热衰减(“热”盆向“冷”盆过渡)、中生代稳定的热演化(低热流“冷”盆阶段)、新生代岩石圈挠曲热演化等阶段。“热”岩石圈厚度为205~230km,有效弹性厚度(Te)达66±7km,脆-韧性转换深度为25~28km,岩石圈总强度为1.6×10^13~7.8×10^13N/m。盆地区的岩石圈表现为地温低、强度高的刚性块体,具有整体变形特征。受印度-欧亚大陆碰撞的远程效应影响,塔里木盆地作为刚性块体进行应力传递,盆地周边产生强烈变形,表现山脉的急剧隆升和盆地边缘的快速挠曲沉降。这一动力学过程造成地层内部流体趋于流向山前隆起带,并对油气成藏和分布具有重要的控制作用。 展开更多
关键词 大地热流 岩石圈热-流变学结构 热体制 地球动力学 塔里木盆地
作者 程顺有 张国伟 +2 位作者 刁博 郭安林 于香妮 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期601-605,共5页
目的研究秦岭造山带的岩石圈流变学结构以探索其地球动力学意义。方法通过岩石圈温度结构约束,计算了岩石圈流变学结构。结果秦岭北半部的后陆冲断褶带和厚皮叠瓦逆冲带的莫霍界面温度为305℃,以冷地温、厚岩石圈和流变分层不明显的c模... 目的研究秦岭造山带的岩石圈流变学结构以探索其地球动力学意义。方法通过岩石圈温度结构约束,计算了岩石圈流变学结构。结果秦岭北半部的后陆冲断褶带和厚皮叠瓦逆冲带的莫霍界面温度为305℃,以冷地温、厚岩石圈和流变分层不明显的c模型为特征;南秦岭莫霍界面平均温度642℃,最高达826℃,具有显著的热地温、薄岩石圈和中下地壳及其上地幔顶部强烈流变的H模型特点。结论在后造山阶段,北秦岭是华北和扬子二地块相向向秦岭造山带陆内俯冲的前锋会聚区域,现今处于以岩石圈加厚为主、拆沉作用初始发动的共存状态;南秦岭可能在地幔柱作用下发生新的拆沉作用和部分底侵作用,其轴部区域的地壳内现今存在部分熔融,壳-幔之间正在进行物质、能量(热传导和热对流方式)等的再循环。 展开更多
关键词 秦岭造山带 岩石圈流变学结构 拆沉作用 大陆动力学
基于2001年Mw7.8可可西里地震震后形变模拟研究藏北地区岩石圈流变学结构 被引量:16
作者 贺鹏超 王敏弘 +1 位作者 王琪 沈正康 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期531-544,共14页
青藏高原岩石圈的流变学结构和形变机制是地学界长期争论的重大科学问题.2001年发生在东昆仑断裂带的M_W7.8可可西里地震造成青藏高原北部地区岩石圈构造应力场的很大改变,引起下地壳与上地幔的快速弛豫形变,从而为研究这一问题提供了... 青藏高原岩石圈的流变学结构和形变机制是地学界长期争论的重大科学问题.2001年发生在东昆仑断裂带的M_W7.8可可西里地震造成青藏高原北部地区岩石圈构造应力场的很大改变,引起下地壳与上地幔的快速弛豫形变,从而为研究这一问题提供了难得的机会.本研究采用该区域的GPS震后观测,反演这一地区岩石圈的流变学参数并探讨其形变机制.反演所采用的数据来自45个GPS观测点,其中包括一个中国地壳运动观测网络的基准站,数据最长时间跨度达6.4年.大地震震后形变场主要来源于地壳、上地幔的黏弹性松弛与断层面上的震后余滑,因此本研究同时反演介质的黏滞系数和断层的震后余滑.考虑到东昆仑断层南侧的巴颜喀拉-羌塘地区与北侧的柴达木盆地地区具有明显不同的地壳结构,断层南北两侧采用不同的Burgers体流变学结构,其下地壳-上地幔的短期和长期黏滞系数采用网格搜索法获得;断层震后余滑反演则同时施加近似正比于库仑应力的约束.最终结果显示:东昆仑断层北侧柴达木盆地地区下地壳-上地幔短期和长期黏滞系数分别为5×10~18 Pa·s和1.5×10~20 Pa·s;东昆仑断层南侧巴颜喀拉-羌塘地区下地壳-上地幔短期和长期黏滞系数分别为1.5×10~18 Pa·s和1.5×10~19 Pa·s.这一结果表明:巴颜喀拉-羌塘地区下地壳-上地幔黏滞系数显著低于柴达木盆地,意味着巴颜喀拉-羌塘地区下地壳可能存在部分熔融,其地壳形变模式更趋近于连续形变,而柴达木盆地形变模式更趋近于块体运动.研究区下地壳长期黏滞系数比下地壳流模型所主张的黏滞系数高2~3个数量级,表明下地壳流在本地区可能不存在. 展开更多
关键词 可可西里地震 GPS观测 震后形变 流变学结构 下地壳流
作者 刘绍卓 沈正康 《地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期318-336,340,共19页
岩石圈流变学结构是控制不同构造环境下岩石圈形变的关键因素之一.随着空间大地测量观测技术的发展,基于空间大地测量数据的震后形变研究对揭示断裂带内的力学性质和区域性岩石圈流变学结构已成为可能.该文首先基于岩石力学的摩擦和流... 岩石圈流变学结构是控制不同构造环境下岩石圈形变的关键因素之一.随着空间大地测量观测技术的发展,基于空间大地测量数据的震后形变研究对揭示断裂带内的力学性质和区域性岩石圈流变学结构已成为可能.该文首先基于岩石力学的摩擦和流变学实验,对余滑和分布式韧性流的构造物理背景进行了分别阐述,并介绍了震后形变数值模拟中本构关系和数值模型的发展.数值模型主要有解析、半解析和纯数值3类,涉及的本构关系包括基于速率-状态摩擦准则的余滑以及分布式韧性流中常用的线性流变学模型(麦克斯韦尔体和标准线性固体)和瞬态流变学模型(宏观经验性的伯格斯(Burgers)体和微观幂律流变律).然后以美国南加州1992年Landers MW7.3地震和1999年Hector Mine MW7.1地震震后形变研究为例,介绍了震后形变的研究进展.最后回顾了大陆岩石圈流变学结构的研究进展,并以震后形变研究中的流变学结构("三明治模型"和"焦糖布丁模型")存在的争议为例,说明了岩石圈流变学结构研究所具有的挑战性. 展开更多
关键词 震后形变 岩石力学 摩擦 流变 岩石圈流变学结构
中国东、西部两类盆地岩石圈热-流变学结构 被引量:29
作者 王良书 李成 +2 位作者 刘福田 李华 卢华复 《中国科学(D辑)》 CSCD 2000年第B12期116-121,共6页
根据中国东部苏北盆地、渤海湾盆地济阳拗陷和西部塔里木盆地岩石圈热-流 变学结构研究结果,分析了两种类型盆地岩石圈热-流变学结构特征与构造演化的关系. 结果表明岩石圈热-流变学结构特征直接反映了岩石圈的地球动力学特性.在... 根据中国东部苏北盆地、渤海湾盆地济阳拗陷和西部塔里木盆地岩石圈热-流 变学结构研究结果,分析了两种类型盆地岩石圈热-流变学结构特征与构造演化的关系. 结果表明岩石圈热-流变学结构特征直接反映了岩石圈的地球动力学特性.在不同的地 球动力学环境下,盆地成因类型和构造演化差异性与岩石圈热-流变学结构所反映的地 球动力学特性的差异性密切相关. 展开更多
关键词 盆地 岩石圈 热-流变学结构 地球动力学
聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯/聚丙烯不相容共混体系的结构流变学 被引量:8
作者 吴德峰 曹健 +1 位作者 吴兰峰 张明 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期1320-1324,共5页
通过熔融共混制备了不相容的聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)/聚丙烯(PP)复合体系,研究了复合体系的结构流变学。结果表明,PET/PP共混体系的不相容相形态显著影响其稳态和动态流变行为。当PP组分为分散相时,复合体系表现出动态形状松弛;当两... 通过熔融共混制备了不相容的聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)/聚丙烯(PP)复合体系,研究了复合体系的结构流变学。结果表明,PET/PP共混体系的不相容相形态显著影响其稳态和动态流变行为。当PP组分为分散相时,复合体系表现出动态形状松弛;当两组分呈多种相形态共存时,复合体系表现出强烈的低频区弹性响应;而当PET组分为分散相时,复合体系的剪切敏感性则相对较小。在较高剪切应力作用下,分散相液滴的凝聚是影响体系流变行为的控制因素,而在较低的剪切应力作用下,液滴的破碎则成为控制因素。 展开更多
关键词 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 聚丙烯 相容性 相形态 结构流变学
增容剂对聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯/聚丙烯共混体系结构流变学的影响 被引量:3
作者 吴德峰 曹健 +1 位作者 吴兰峰 张明 《高分子学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期609-614,共6页
采用马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯(PP-g-MAH)对聚丙烯/聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PP/PET)共混体系进行增容,研究了增容前后复合体系的相形态和流变行为的变化.结果表明,共混体系中当PP组分为分散相时,增容剂能够显著减小PP液滴尺寸,使其形状松弛时间减... 采用马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯(PP-g-MAH)对聚丙烯/聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PP/PET)共混体系进行增容,研究了增容前后复合体系的相形态和流变行为的变化.结果表明,共混体系中当PP组分为分散相时,增容剂能够显著减小PP液滴尺寸,使其形状松弛时间减小,变形与破裂的剪切敏感性降低;当共混体系两组分配比处于临界相反转点周围时,增容剂则会导致其内部部分双连续与“海-岛”结构共存的复杂相形态消失,低频区模量频率依赖性的增加表明体系内部界面结合程度的增加;而当共混体系中的PET组分为分散相时,增容剂的引入对体系结构流变学影响较小,表明增容效果不大. 展开更多
关键词 聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯 聚丙烯 增容剂 相形态 结构流变学
PVC/NE复合材料的结构流变学及力学性能 被引量:1
作者 吴德峰 赵洪卫 +2 位作者 吴兰峰 张明 王景清 《塑料工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期45-47,共3页
采用熔融共混法制备了聚氯乙烯/霞石复合材料(PVC/NE),并测试了其形态、结构流变学和力学性能。结果表明,NE用量存在最佳值,用量过多对复合材料介观结构的贡献不大;NE均匀分散在PVC基体中,且用量约为50phr时,复合材料的冲击强度和表面... 采用熔融共混法制备了聚氯乙烯/霞石复合材料(PVC/NE),并测试了其形态、结构流变学和力学性能。结果表明,NE用量存在最佳值,用量过多对复合材料介观结构的贡献不大;NE均匀分散在PVC基体中,且用量约为50phr时,复合材料的冲击强度和表面硬度最佳。 展开更多
关键词 聚氯乙烯 霞石 复合材料 结构流变学 力学性能
中国大陆科学钻探工程主孔100~2000m放射性产热元素的垂向分布特征及其成因 被引量:4
作者 曾令森 刘福来 +2 位作者 张泽明 杨经绥 许志琴 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 2005年第2期230-238,共9页
地球内部放射性产热元素U、Th及K(HPE)含量如何随深度的变化而变化是固体地球科学中的一个重要参数,在限定地壳的热和流变学结构、地球化学、岩石和构造模型中起关键性的作用。对HPE深部分布的认识主要来自于对大型花岗岩岩基的研究及... 地球内部放射性产热元素U、Th及K(HPE)含量如何随深度的变化而变化是固体地球科学中的一个重要参数,在限定地壳的热和流变学结构、地球化学、岩石和构造模型中起关键性的作用。对HPE深部分布的认识主要来自于对大型花岗岩岩基的研究及对地表热流值和产热率之间关系的模拟,对高压-超高压变质地体的HPE随深度的分布缺乏认识。在苏鲁超高压变质带中实施的中国大陆科学钻探工程届时将提供超过5km的岩心,为确定苏鲁超高压带的HPE结构提供了最好的机会。对CCSD的100~2000m岩心的732块样品详细的放射性产热元素含量的测试及现今产热率计算的初步结果表明:(1)花岗质片麻岩具有最高的产热率,平均为1665×10-11W/kg;(2)副片麻岩(变沉积岩)具有中等的产热率,为994×10-11W/kg;(3)金红石榴辉岩及石榴石橄榄岩具有最低的产热率,为17×10-11~20×10-11W/kg;(4)放射性产热元素的浓度及相应的产热率随岩性的变化而变化,呈现阶梯状的分布特征。产热率随深度的变化特征表明CCSD主孔中的HPE三明治结构。该结构可能代表着高压-超高压变质地体中的典型HPE结构,比大型花岗岩岩基的HPE结构更复杂,与传统的HPE指数衰减分布模式不吻合。CCSD主孔中所揭示的三明治式HPE结构是大陆被动陆缘中的基性及超基性岩。 展开更多
关键词 产热元素 产热率 苏鲁超高压变质带 中国大陆科学钻探工程 流变学结构
汶川、芦山和康定地震造成的鲜水河断裂带库仑应力变化及对地震危险性的影响 被引量:1
作者 王阎昭 王敏 安艳芬 《大地测量与地球动力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期567-570,共4页
通过估算汶川、芦山和康定地震造成的鲜水河断裂带库仑应力变化,并与其长期构造应力加载速率进行比较,分析3次地震对鲜水河断裂带未来地震危险性的影响。结果显示,汶川和芦山地震对康定地震的发生分别起到促进和推迟作用;3次地震造成的... 通过估算汶川、芦山和康定地震造成的鲜水河断裂带库仑应力变化,并与其长期构造应力加载速率进行比较,分析3次地震对鲜水河断裂带未来地震危险性的影响。结果显示,汶川和芦山地震对康定地震的发生分别起到促进和推迟作用;3次地震造成的总应力扰动主要来自汶川和康定地震。在线性应力加载条件下,当断层面等效摩擦系数μ′=0时,3次地震的相继发生会使鲜水河断裂带八美至磨西(除康定地震破裂带外)的地震提前0--5a,其余地区推迟0--4a;当μ′=0.4时,3次地震会使道孚至猪腰子海子(康定地震破裂带除外)的地震提前0~6a,其余地区推迟0~2a。考察了不同流变学结构对计算结果的影响,发现下地壳上地幔粘滞性系数越低,介质粘滞性响应造成的库仑应力变化越大,沿走向的变化越剧烈,其贡献基本与同震相当,对地震提前/延迟时间估计结果的影响最大可达3a。 展开更多
关键词 鲜水河断裂 流变学结构 库仑应力变化 地震危险性
作者 刘绍卓 《国际地震动态》 2016年第7期42-43,共2页
1992年6月28日和1999年10月16日,位于美国南加州莫哈韦(Mojave)沙漠的加州东部形变剪切带(Eastern California Shear Zone,ECSZ)莫哈韦段先后发生2次7级以上走滑型地震,即MW7.3兰德斯(Landers)地震和MW7.1赫克托矿(Hector Mine... 1992年6月28日和1999年10月16日,位于美国南加州莫哈韦(Mojave)沙漠的加州东部形变剪切带(Eastern California Shear Zone,ECSZ)莫哈韦段先后发生2次7级以上走滑型地震,即MW7.3兰德斯(Landers)地震和MW7.1赫克托矿(Hector Mine)地震。兰德斯地震和赫克托矿地震是地震学研究的经典震例,相关研究案例极大地推动了地震学研究的发展。 展开更多
关键词 加州东部形变剪切带莫哈韦段 背景形变场 兰德斯地震和赫克托矿地震 震后形变 流变学结构 GPS 三角/三边网观测
Effects of rheoforming on microstructures and mechanical properties of 7075 wrought aluminum alloy 被引量:13
作者 郭洪民 杨湘杰 +2 位作者 王家宣 胡斌 朱光磊 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第3期355-360,共6页
It is economically advantageous to cast wrought aluminum alloys directly into near-net-shape components.The objective of the present work is to take advantage of the rheoforming with 7075 alloy to improve the competit... It is economically advantageous to cast wrought aluminum alloys directly into near-net-shape components.The objective of the present work is to take advantage of the rheoforming with 7075 alloy to improve the competitiveness of this emerging technology in the manufacture of wrought aluminum alloy.High quality semi-solid slurry was produced,in which primary α(Al) presents in diameter of 62 μm and shape factor of 0.78 and features no eutectics entrapped.Higher forming pressure results in small grain size,improved shape factor and higher density.Especially,rheoforming can effectively reduce the occurrence of hot tearing.The average yield strength and elongation of the rheoformed samples in the T6 condition are 483 MPa and 8%,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 7075 Al alloy rheoforming semi-solid processing
Leaf Vein Density: A Possible Role as Cooling System 被引量:3
作者 Mario Pagano Paolo Storchi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第7期299-303,共5页
The study of leaves and their architecture evolution is important for understanding the fluid dynamics of water movement in /eaves. Recent studies have shown how these systems can be involved in the performance of phy... The study of leaves and their architecture evolution is important for understanding the fluid dynamics of water movement in /eaves. Recent studies have shown how these systems can be involved in the performance of physiological aspects, which are directly connected with the density of the vascular network and stomata per unit of surface area. The vein architecture, beyond being essential for a mechanical support of the leaf, can also play a crucial role in the efficiency of the photosynthesis. The aim of the present work was to highlight the possible role of leaves vein network as cooling system. The results support the hypothesis that the vascular system of grape leaves is correlated with leaf temperature. 展开更多
Thermal Structure and Rheology of the Upper Mantle Derived from Mantle Xenoliths from Gansu Province, Western China
作者 ShiLanbin LinChuanyong ChenXiaode 《Earthquake Research in China》 2004年第3期281-299,共19页
Mantle xenoliths brought up by Cenozoic volcanic rocks onto the earth’s surface may provide direct information about the upper mantle beneath the volcanic region. This paper presents the study on mantle xenoliths col... Mantle xenoliths brought up by Cenozoic volcanic rocks onto the earth’s surface may provide direct information about the upper mantle beneath the volcanic region. This paper presents the study on mantle xenoliths collected from Haoti village, Dangchang County, Gansu Province, western China. The main purpose of the study is to gain an insight into the thermal structure and rheology of the upper mantle beneath the region. The results show that the upper mantle of the region is composed mainly of spinel lherzolite at shallower depth (52~75km), and garnet lherzolite at greater depth (greater than 75km), instead of harzburgite and dunite as proposed by some previous studies. The upper mantle geotherm derived from the equilibrium temperatures and pressures of xenoliths from the region is lower than that of North China, and is somewhat closer to the Oceanic geotherm. The crust-mantle boundary is determined from the geotherm to be at about 52km, and the Moho seems to be the transition zone of lower crust material with spinel lherzolite. If we take 1280℃ as the temperature of the top of asthenosphere, then the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary should be at about 120km depth. The differential stress of the upper mantle is determined by using recrystallized grain size piezometry, while the strain rate and equivalent viscosity are determined by using the high temperature flow law of peridotite. The differential stress, strain rate and viscosity profiles constructed on the basis of the obtained values indicate that asthenospheric diapir occurred in this region during the Cenozoic time, resulting in the corresponding thinning of the lithosphere. However, the scale and intensity of the diapir was significantly less than that occurring in the North China region. Moreover, numerous small-scale shear zones with localized deformation might occur in the lithospheric mantle, as evidenced by the extensive occurrence of xenoliths with tabular equigranular texture. 展开更多
关键词 Mantle xenoliths Upper mantle Thermal structure RHEOLOGY Gansu Province Western China
Human Body Surface Oscillations Remote Measurements by Means of Laser Doppler Interferometer
作者 Larisa A. Glushchenko Fedor A. Zapryagaev +1 位作者 Vladimir S. Makin Vadim Ya. Krokhalev 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第7期404-408,共5页
Experimental results of remote laser measurement of a time structure of a pulse waves are resulted. Occurrence of the pulse waves are connected with the rhythmic reduction of a myocardittm. Speed of pulse wave's prop... Experimental results of remote laser measurement of a time structure of a pulse waves are resulted. Occurrence of the pulse waves are connected with the rhythmic reduction of a myocardittm. Speed of pulse wave's propagation does not depend on speed of current of blood, it is defined by diameter of a vessel, by its walls thickness, by elasticity of a vessel, and also by rheological properties of blood. Measurement of parameters of pulse waves is important tbr definition of a condition of cardiovascular system. Ways of measurement of characteristics of pulse waves used now (acoustic, electric, optical) are contact. In some cases, for example, in clinics on treatment of burns and so forth, the question of remote measurement of processes hemodynamics by use of methods of laser sotmding is rather actual. The results described in work have shown outlook of development of laser methods of diagnostics for present purposes. The measurement technique used by authors is based on use of longitudinal Doppler effect which essence consists in change of frequency or length of a wave of radiation at reflection from moving surface. For smoothing the measured signal (clearing from noise) the program developed by authors on the basis of the wavelet-analysis was used. Experimental measurements are shown, that the laser method allows to register distinctly structure of pulse waves which is characterized by two peaks. The results of remote laser measurement of a time structure of a pulse waves confirm the assumption made on the basis of general-theoretical physical positions, that characteristics of pulse waves can be registered on the Doppler effect basis. 展开更多
关键词 Pulse wave Doppler effect laser remote methods.
Rheology and microstructure effects of waste spent coffee grounds in modifying asphalt binder
作者 Mingjun Xie Linglin Xu +3 位作者 Kai Wu Yutong Wen Hongmi Jiang Zhengwu Jiang 《Low-carbon Materials and Green Construction》 2023年第1期21-33,共13页
Herein the biowaste by-product spent coffee grounds(SCGs)from coffee industry were incorporated into asphalt binders for performance enhancement.From the analysis of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR),diffe... Herein the biowaste by-product spent coffee grounds(SCGs)from coffee industry were incorporated into asphalt binders for performance enhancement.From the analysis of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR),differential scanning calorimetry(DSC),dynamic shear rheometer(DSR),and Brookfield viscosity rheometer,it is confirmed that SCGs have potential prospects as bio-waste modifiers in the application of sustainable pavements.Results demonstrated that the modification process was mainly based on physical reinforcement.Compared with that of the neat asphalt,the shearing stress-resistant ability and high-temperature performance of the SCGs modified binders with the appropriate addition presented a bit of improvement;whereas the binders with 1%and 3%SCGs exhibited remarkably enhanced low-temperature stability.However,notable weaknesses of practical performance were shown for the binder with excessive content of SCGs,indicating the necessity of proportion selecting before application. 展开更多
关键词 Spent coffee grounds Asphalt binder Bio-waste management Rheology properties MICROSTRUCTURE
Microstructure, morphology, crystallization and rheological behavior of impact polypropylene copolymer 被引量:4
作者 SHANG-GUAN YongGang CHEN Feng ZHENG Qiang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期698-712,共15页
Impact polypropylene copolymer (IPC), named polypropylene catalloy, not only possesses excellent impact property, but also presents good rigidity. Its superior performances result from the complicated composition and ... Impact polypropylene copolymer (IPC), named polypropylene catalloy, not only possesses excellent impact property, but also presents good rigidity. Its superior performances result from the complicated composition and microstructure. In the present article, recent progress in the studies on microstructure, morphology, crystallization and rheological behavior of IPC is summarized, and findings of the authors and their collaborators are reported. In general, IPC is divided into three components, i.e., ethylene-propylene random copolymer (EPR), a series of different segment lengths ethylene-propylene copolymer (EbP) and propylene homopolymer. The reasonable macromolecular structures of EbP and a multilayered core-shell model of dispersed phase structure in IPC were proposed, in which the dispersed phase consists of an outer EbP shell, an inner EPR layer and an EbP core. It is found that the annealing at melt-state may lead to an abnormal phase inversion, and the phase inversion disappears when temperature cools down to room temperature. The cause of phase inversion is ascribed to the existence of EbP component, which results in the stronger activity of the dispersed phase. The crystalline structure and morphologic results confirm the formation of β-iPP in IPC. Furthermore, it is found that the ethylene content in IPC and cooling rate of the samples have an important influence on the formation of β-iPP. Based on the crystallization kinetics analyzed by Lauritzen-Hoffman theory, crystallization behavior of different IPC samples is discussed and it is proposed that the dilution effect of ethylene propylene copolymer has a more remarkable influence on surface nucleation than on crystal growth. In addition, annealing at high temperature can result in the changes of chain structure for IPC, and this instability is ascribed to the oxidative degradation and crosslink reaction mainly in iPP component. 展开更多
关键词 MICROSTRUCTURE MORPHOLOGY crystallization behavior rheological property impact polypropylene copolymer
One-pot ball-milling preparation of graphene/carbon black aqueous inks for highly conductive and flexible printed electronics 被引量:6
作者 Xiao Yang Xiao-Ming Li +6 位作者 Qing-Qiang Kong Zhuo Liu Jing-Peng Chen Hui Jia Yan-Zhen Liu Li-Jing Xie Cheng-Meng Chen 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2020年第3期392-402,共11页
Stable aqueous carbon inks,with graphene sheets(GSs)and carbon black(CB)as conductive fillers,are prepared by a simple one-pot ball-milling method.The asprepared composite ink with 10 wt%GSs shows optimized rheologica... Stable aqueous carbon inks,with graphene sheets(GSs)and carbon black(CB)as conductive fillers,are prepared by a simple one-pot ball-milling method.The asprepared composite ink with 10 wt%GSs shows optimized rheological properties(viscosity and thixotropy)for screen printing.The as-printed coatings based on the above ink are uniform and dense on a polyimide substrate,and exhibit a sandwich-type conductive three dimensional network at the microscale.The resistivity of the typical composite coating is as low as 0.23±0.01Ωcm(92±4Ωsq^-1,25μm),which is 30%as that of a pure CB coating(0.77±0.01Ωcm).It is noteworthy that the resistivity decreases to 0.18±0.01Ωcm(72±4Ωsq^-1,25μm)after a further rolling compression.The coating exhibits good mechanical flexibility,and the resistance slightly increases by 12%after 3000 bending cycles.With the CB/GSs composite coatings as a flexible conductor,fascinating luminescent bookmarks and membrane switches were fabricated,demonstrating the tremendous potential of these coatings in the commercial production of flexible electronics and devices. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPHENE carbon black conductive inks printed electronics one-pot ball-milling
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