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作者 谭露 杨逸辉 +2 位作者 张嫱 张雪 刘霞 《江苏水利》 2024年第8期37-42,共6页
构建了面向可持续发展的小流域二级分类体系,并从自然条件、人居环境、经济发展3个维度筛选了14项分类指标,利用层次分析法、逐级判别法对南京市334条小流域进行分类。结果表明,南京市334条小流域涉及17个类型,基于生态安全的一级类中,... 构建了面向可持续发展的小流域二级分类体系,并从自然条件、人居环境、经济发展3个维度筛选了14项分类指标,利用层次分析法、逐级判别法对南京市334条小流域进行分类。结果表明,南京市334条小流域涉及17个类型,基于生态安全的一级类中,生态中敏感型和生态低敏感性数量最多,分别占41.02%和40.72%;基于主导功能的二级类中景观休闲型和城镇宜居型较多,分别占28.44%和20.66%,其次为生态保育型、绿色发展型和美丽乡村型,分别占17.37%、15.87%和13.71%。研究结果为南京市及江苏省其他城市的小流域分类提供了理论依据和实用方法。 展开更多
关键词 流域分类 可持续发展 功能识别 南京市
地理信息系统在黄土高原小流域分类中的应用 被引量:3
作者 朱金兆 吴斌 毕华兴 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第3期17-23,共7页
引入地理信息系统(GIS),应用专家打分模型,直接提取地理信息产品。以地质地貌、流域形状系数、森林覆盖率和坡耕地、荒地、暂不利用地面积比例等因子将清水河流域的178个小流域进行了不同层次的计算机图形叠加分类,为实现以... 引入地理信息系统(GIS),应用专家打分模型,直接提取地理信息产品。以地质地貌、流域形状系数、森林覆盖率和坡耕地、荒地、暂不利用地面积比例等因子将清水河流域的178个小流域进行了不同层次的计算机图形叠加分类,为实现以小流域为单元的防护林体系生态效益评价和水土保持综合治理打下了基础。 展开更多
关键词 黄土高原 地理信息系统 流域分类
作者 黄勇 齐实 +1 位作者 李学明 郝志敏 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期312-314,317,共4页
以宁南山区固原市原州区、彭阳县、隆德县的48个典型小流域作为研究对象,选取小流域内沟壑密度、人均耕地、立地类型(耕地、林地、牧草地)等作为指标,对研究区48个小流域进行聚类分析分为4个类型,即:低人口密度流域类型、中高人口密度... 以宁南山区固原市原州区、彭阳县、隆德县的48个典型小流域作为研究对象,选取小流域内沟壑密度、人均耕地、立地类型(耕地、林地、牧草地)等作为指标,对研究区48个小流域进行聚类分析分为4个类型,即:低人口密度流域类型、中高人口密度流域类型、中人口密度流域类型Ⅰ、中人口密度流域类型Ⅱ。在此分类的基础上提出了各类型区综合治理模式。 展开更多
关键词 宁南山区 流域分类 综合治理模式
基于DEM的流域分割及子流域分类 被引量:6
作者 何毅 蔺彬彬 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第7期25-28,共4页
在流域数字化的大背景下,基于DEM数据,以三川河流域为研究对象,应用GIS技术,探讨了流域分割及分类的原理和方法;实现了流域河网的自动提取及流域的分割;选取流域面积、河网密度及形状系数为分类因子,采用分层分类方法构建了子流域分类... 在流域数字化的大背景下,基于DEM数据,以三川河流域为研究对象,应用GIS技术,探讨了流域分割及分类的原理和方法;实现了流域河网的自动提取及流域的分割;选取流域面积、河网密度及形状系数为分类因子,采用分层分类方法构建了子流域分类框架体系,并将得到的52个子流域划分为8种类型。 展开更多
关键词 流域分割 流域分类
基于SOM的流域分类和无资料区径流模拟 被引量:10
作者 伊璇 周丰 +2 位作者 王心宇 杨永辉 郭怀成 《地理科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期1109-1116,共8页
无资料区的径流模拟问题是国内外水文研究的难点之一。基于相似流域的参数移植法是常用的解决方法之一,但如何判断相似流域是制约此类方法发展的难点。本文以滇池流域为例,采用自组织映射神经网络(SOM)和层次聚类分析(HCA)联合模式,选... 无资料区的径流模拟问题是国内外水文研究的难点之一。基于相似流域的参数移植法是常用的解决方法之一,但如何判断相似流域是制约此类方法发展的难点。本文以滇池流域为例,采用自组织映射神经网络(SOM)和层次聚类分析(HCA)联合模式,选取16个流域物理特征为指标进行子流域分类,以确定相似流域。运用无分层的K-means分类的SOM法将整个滇池流域划分为7类具有水文属性的子流域组,分类情景与HCA基本一致,两者实现相互验证。采用HBV水文模型模拟子流域径流过程,并选择部分子流域进行组内参数移植交叉检验。结果显示,HBV模型可较好的模拟滇池流域径流过程;此外,子流域交叉检验结果优良,表明同组内参数可以相互移植。本文不仅为解决滇池流域无资料问题提供了可靠手段,而且由于SOM实现了高维流域特征可视化展示,有助于管理者全面、深入的把握滇池流域水文属性的空间分布特征,为进行水资源管理提供指导。 展开更多
关键词 无资料地区 径流模拟 流域分类 自组织映射神经网络 HBV模型 滇池流域
基于物理相似法的山丘区流域水文分类及模型参数移用方法 被引量:6
作者 杨亚钤 刘金涛 +1 位作者 杨爽 白天可 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2022年第4期23-27,共5页
以我国东部64个山丘区流域为研究对象,提取35个流域地理特征(降雨、地形地貌、土壤和地质)作为相似指标衡量流域间的水文相似性,结合K-means聚类和参数区域化技术识别相似流域群和移用模型参数。结果显示,该64个山丘区流域依据降水、地... 以我国东部64个山丘区流域为研究对象,提取35个流域地理特征(降雨、地形地貌、土壤和地质)作为相似指标衡量流域间的水文相似性,结合K-means聚类和参数区域化技术识别相似流域群和移用模型参数。结果显示,该64个山丘区流域依据降水、地形等特征可划分成11类相似的流域群。在具有水文相似的流域群内进行水文模型参数移用试验,水文过程模拟的确定性系数中值集中在乙级、丙级预报精度,且洪量相对误差不超过实测值的20%,能有效重现无资料流域的径流过程。该方法对无资料山丘区的水文预报具有重要借鉴意义,有助于山丘区洪水灾害防治及水资源管理。 展开更多
关键词 水文相似性 流域分类 新安江模型 无资料流域 参数移用
流域基础地理信息分类编码研究与实施 被引量:5
作者 李辉 吴功和 《地理信息世界》 2006年第5期60-62,共3页
信息共享的关键是信息的标准化,建立完善、合理的流域基础地理信息分类编码体系对于建立流域基础地理信息数据库以及基于数据库的信息存储、管理、使用和共享来说至关重要。本文以“数字黄河”工程的重要组成部分——黄河基础地理信息... 信息共享的关键是信息的标准化,建立完善、合理的流域基础地理信息分类编码体系对于建立流域基础地理信息数据库以及基于数据库的信息存储、管理、使用和共享来说至关重要。本文以“数字黄河”工程的重要组成部分——黄河基础地理信息系统建设过程中黄河流域基础地理信息分类编码方案的制定为例,尝试探讨流域基础地理信息分类编码体系的相关技术问题。 展开更多
关键词 数字流域 黄河 流域基础地理信息分类编码
半湿润半干旱流域空间组合模型研究 被引量:8
作者 刘玉环 李致家 +1 位作者 刘志雨 黄鹏年 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期826-839,共14页
在半湿润半干旱地区,下垫面条件复杂,产流机制混合多变,而现有的水文模型由于其固定的结构和模式,无法灵活地模拟不同下垫面特征的洪水过程.本文利用CN-地形指数法将流域划分为超渗主导子流域和蓄满主导子流域.将新安江模型(XAJ)、新安... 在半湿润半干旱地区,下垫面条件复杂,产流机制混合多变,而现有的水文模型由于其固定的结构和模式,无法灵活地模拟不同下垫面特征的洪水过程.本文利用CN-地形指数法将流域划分为超渗主导子流域和蓄满主导子流域.将新安江模型(XAJ)、新安江-Green-Ampt模型(XAJG)和Green-Ampt模型(GA)相结合,在子流域分类的基础上构建空间组合模型(SCMs),并在半湿润的东湾流域和半干旱的志丹流域进行检验.结果表明:东湾流域的参数由水文模型来主导;而志丹流域的参数受主导径流影响很大.在东湾流域,偏蓄满的模型模拟结果优于偏超渗的模型,且SCM2模型(XAJ和XAJG的组合模型)的模拟效果最好(径流深合格率为75%,洪峰合格率75%);而SCM5模型(GA和XAJG的组合模型)在以超渗产流为主的志丹流域模拟最好(径流深合格率53.3%,洪峰合格率53.3%).在半干旱半湿润流域,SCMs模型结构灵活,在地形和土壤数据的驱动下,具有更合理的模型结构和参数,模拟精度较高,适应性较强. 展开更多
关键词 半湿润半干旱流域 降雨—径流模型 流域分类 空间组合模型
水文相似理论研究进展 被引量:3
作者 孙周亮 刘艳丽 +3 位作者 舒章康 陈鑫 王婕 贺瑞敏 《水利水运工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期155-164,共10页
水文相似理论是比较水文学的核心研究内容,也是获取无资料地区水文模型参数的重要科学依据。通过梳理水文相似概念的起源和发展过程,辨析水文相似理论中的判别条件和适用条件两个基本问题。从水文相似性分类框架、水文相似性指标和水文... 水文相似理论是比较水文学的核心研究内容,也是获取无资料地区水文模型参数的重要科学依据。通过梳理水文相似概念的起源和发展过程,辨析水文相似理论中的判别条件和适用条件两个基本问题。从水文相似性分类框架、水文相似性指标和水文相似度评价3个方面综述了水文相似理论的研究进展,并总结了水文相似理论的应用现状。最后,基于当前的研究进展及不足,指出水文相似的定义界定、水文相似的判别依据和适用条件、水文相似性指标和相似度对相似流域选择的影响是当前急需研究的课题。研究成果可为无资料流域水文预报、流域水文物理规律探索及水文相似理论完善等提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 水文相似 流域分类 相似性指标 相似度
Distribution and Length-weight Relationships of Glyptosternoid Fishes in the Drung River Basin, Yunnan 被引量:6
作者 孔德平 潘晓赋 +1 位作者 杨君兴 陈自明 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期632-637,共6页
Glyptosternoid fishes are a group of sisorid catfishes living in torrents of rivers mainly originating from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Based on our survey in the Drung River Basin, seven collecting sites were investig... Glyptosternoid fishes are a group of sisorid catfishes living in torrents of rivers mainly originating from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Based on our survey in the Drung River Basin, seven collecting sites were investigated and 271 glyptosternoid fishes caught belong to three species (Pareuchiloglanis kamengensis, Exostoma labiatum and Oreoglanis mocropterus). Features of the distribution of the three catfishes were assessed. More individuals of E. labiatum were caught in the lower reaches of the Drung River with fast water velocity and it might be more adapted to a torrent habitat. The relationships between standard length (L) and weight (W) for P. kamengensis, E. labiatum and O. macropterus were also studied, and the parameter b of the L-W relationship (W = aL^b) ranged between 2. 8201 and 3. 0131. From the present study, all the three catfish species grow allometrically and the growth type of E. labiatum is the closest to a symmetrical one. 展开更多
关键词 CATFISH Drung River Basin Distribution feature LENGTH WEIGHT
Evolution of Main Characteristics of the Registered Cotton Cultivars in National Cotton Regional Trials in Yangtze River Valley 被引量:1
作者 许乃银 李健 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第6期964-969,共6页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to characterize the national regis- tered varieties selected from cotton regional trials in Yangtze River Valley (YaRV) in recent years. [Method] Cotton cultivar classification ... [Objective] The aim of this study was to characterize the national regis- tered varieties selected from cotton regional trials in Yangtze River Valley (YaRV) in recent years. [Method] Cotton cultivar classification and comprehensive evaluation index were set up based on national cotton registration standard. GGE biplot method was adopted to analyze the correlation of major breeding target characters of 53 national registered cotton varieties in cotton regional trials in YaRV during 1981-2012. According to the shift of check cultivars in cotton regional trials in the past, the cotton regional trial practice since 1981 was divided into five periods. The dynamic of cultivar type's proportion and the evaluation index scores was analyzed across the five periods. [Result] There existed intricate interrelationship among cotton breeding target traits, which constrained it necessary to construct indices for com- prehensive evaluation of cotton varieties. The dynamic of cultivar types in the five periods indicated that type II varieties emerged since Simian 3 period and then its proportion decreased gradually; type Ⅲ varieties maintained a certain proportion in each period and kept on the rise overall; type Ⅳvarieties occupied the majority pro- portion of registered cultivars before 1993, but a minor proportion since Simian 3 period. On the other side, the change trend of the evaluation index demonstrated that the varieties registered before 2003 did not pass the qualified line at present. The peak scores appeared in the varieties registered during 2004-2008. The scores of the varieties registered after 2009 were only slightly over the qualified line. [Conclusion] More attention should be paid to the improvement and evaluation of micronaire, so as to guide the simultaneous development of high yielding and fiber quality in cotton breeding and registration procedure in YaRV. 展开更多
关键词 Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) GGE biplot Variety type classification The Yangtze River Valley (YaRV)
Watershed classification by remote sensing indices: A fuzzy c-means clustering approach 被引量:10
作者 Bahram CHOUBIN Karim SOLAIMANI +1 位作者 Mahmoud HABIBNEJAD ROSHAN Arash MALEKIAN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第10期2053-2063,共11页
Determining the relatively similar hydrological properties of the watersheds is very crucial in order to readily classify them for management practices such as flood and soil erosion control. This study aimed to ident... Determining the relatively similar hydrological properties of the watersheds is very crucial in order to readily classify them for management practices such as flood and soil erosion control. This study aimed to identify homogeneous hydrological watersheds using remote sensing data in western Iran. To achieve this goal, remote sensing indices including SAVI, LAI, NDMI, NDVI and snow cover, were extracted from MODIS data over the period 2000 to 2015. Then, a fuzzy method was used to clustering the watersheds based on the extracted indices. A fuzzy c-mean(FCM) algorithm enabled to classify 38 watersheds in three homogeneous groups.The optimal number of clusters was determined through evaluation of partition coefficient, partition entropy function and trial and error. The results indicated three homogeneous regions identified by the fuzzy c-mean clustering and remote sensing product which are consistent with the variations of topography and climate of the study area. Inherently,the grouped watersheds have similar hydrological properties and are likely to need similar management considerations and measures. 展开更多
关键词 Karkheh watershed Fuzzy c-means clustering Watershed classification Homogeneous sub-watersheds
Determining soil redistribution in Dian Lake catchment by combined use of caesium-137 and selected chemical properties
作者 Zhang Mingli Yang Hao Xu Congan Wang Yihong 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第1期91-100,共10页
Recent development in the use of the environmental radionuclide caesium-137 for documenting rates and soil redistribution on the cultivated or uncultivated land and estimating rates of sediment deposition on represent... Recent development in the use of the environmental radionuclide caesium-137 for documenting rates and soil redistribution on the cultivated or uncultivated land and estimating rates of sediment deposition on represents an important advance that overcomes many of the limitations of the conventional techniques commonly applied in such investigations. A study on soil redistribution (including soil erosion and deposition) was carried out in the Dian Lake catchment, Yunnan Province, using ^137Cs and selected chemical properties. The average soil erosion rate was 1,280.2 t km^2 yr^-1. Soil erosion rate occurring on different parts of the slope was significantly different on different parts of the slope, increasing.from the top. the bottom to the middle slope. The average soil erosion rate is also different with the land use type and that of the cultivated land (1, 672. 8 t km^-2 yr^-1) is higher than oJ the uncultivated land (1.161.2t km^-2 yr^-1 ). The result shows that landform, slope gradient and land use type are key factors that influence the size of soil erosion. In addition, we also find the SOC and TN contents and amount of the soil erosion to be correlated in the soil. With the soil erosion occurring, there are land degradation and the local eco-environmental problems, such as water eutrophication in Dian Lake. 展开更多
关键词 ^137 - Cs SOC TN soil redistribution Dian Lake catchment
Identifying Alpine Wetlands in the Damqu River Basin in the Source Area of the Yangtze River Using Object-based Classification Method 被引量:2
作者 张继平 张镱锂 +2 位作者 刘林山 丁明军 张学儒 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2011年第2期186-192,共7页
Alpine wetlands are very sensitive to global change, have great impacts on the hydrological condition of rivers, and are closely related to peoples' living in lower reaches. It is essential to monitor alpine wetland ... Alpine wetlands are very sensitive to global change, have great impacts on the hydrological condition of rivers, and are closely related to peoples' living in lower reaches. It is essential to monitor alpine wetland changes to appropriately manage and protect wetland resources; however, it is quite difficult to accurately extract such information from remote sensing images due to spectral confusion and arduous field verification. In this study, we identified different wetland types in the Damqu River Basin located in the Yangze River source region from Landsat remote sensing data using the object-based method. In order to ensure the interpretation accuracy of wetland, a digital elevation model (DEM) and its derived data (slope, aspect), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), and Kauth-Thomas transformation were considered as the components of the spectral characteristics of wetland types. The spectral characteristics, texture features and spatial structure characteristics of each wetland type were comprehensively analyzed based on the success of image segmentation. The extraction rules for each wetland type were established by determining the thresholds of the spatial, texture and spectral attributes of typical parameter layers according to their histogram statistics. The classification accuracy was assessed using error matrixes and field survey verification data. According to the accuracy assessment, the total accuracy of image classification was 89%. 展开更多
关键词 alpine wetland remote sensing object-based classification Damqu River Basin
An eco-functional classification for environmental flow assessment in the Pearl River Basin in Guangdong, China 被引量:3
作者 WANG Bei SHAO DongGuo +2 位作者 MU GuiLing WANG ZhuoMin LI XuDong 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期265-275,共11页
River classification has emerged as a major application of environmental science, which can overcome the deficcts of tradition- al methods in focusing on the single objective of maintaining specified, valued features ... River classification has emerged as a major application of environmental science, which can overcome the deficcts of tradition- al methods in focusing on the single objective of maintaining specified, valued features of ecosystems. However, current ef- forts to classify rivers by hydrologic processes may result in a growing temptation to ignore ecological variability across basins Thus, an eco-functional classification is proposed for river management in the Pearl River Basin. This method riews ecological functions as fundamental characteristics of riverine systems and provides a framework for dividing a basin iato eco-specific categories according to the heterogeneity of the primary ecological functions. In addition, we proposed specific environmental flow methodologies corresponding to three typical river reaches of the basin by perceiving the key attributes of flow variability In the upstream region of the West River, flow velocity and wetted perimeter are considered as the key attributes of maintain- ing fish habitat; in a small-sized mountainous tributary of the North river, we choose water surface area to maintain the conti- nuity and biodiversity of the river; while for the aspect of river landscape in the midstream reach of the East R vet, water level is crucial for maintaining the aesthetic value. This research highlights the ecologically relevant heterogeneity that occurs within and among regions of a basin, and is expected to contribute to a simpler and more comprehensive river manage:nent. 展开更多
关键词 environmental flow eco-functional CLASSIFICATION key attributes
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