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红壤区小流域治理度的概念与评价方法 被引量:9
作者 苏春丽 梁音 +1 位作者 李德成 孙昕 《土壤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期466-475,共10页
从水土保持、社会经济发展和生态服务功能等3个方面入手,厘定了"小流域治理度"的概念,结合小流域综合治理目的,在专家意见和参考文献的基础上建立了一套小流域治理度的评价指标体系与方法,并在江西省兴国县选择了塘背小流域... 从水土保持、社会经济发展和生态服务功能等3个方面入手,厘定了"小流域治理度"的概念,结合小流域综合治理目的,在专家意见和参考文献的基础上建立了一套小流域治理度的评价指标体系与方法,并在江西省兴国县选择了塘背小流域进行计算验证。结果表明:评价小流域治理度的3大类19项指标能反映小流域综合治理情况,采用的层次分析法简单实用。塘背小流域经过多年治理恢复,其治理度由治理前的0.252提高到0.683,提高了0.431,增加了1.71倍。 展开更多
关键词 流域治理度 层次分析法 塘背小流域
我国江河演变新格局与系统保护治理 被引量:2
作者 胡春宏 张晓明 《中国水利》 2024年第7期1-8,16,共9页
系统治理是我国新时期治水实践的根本遵循。近几十年来,受自然气候演变与强人类活动影响,我国江河“量-质-域-流-生”过程,特别是水沙通量及其过程发生了显著变化,导致河流水沙来源变化、河道冲淤转换、河床与河势形态演变、江湖关系变... 系统治理是我国新时期治水实践的根本遵循。近几十年来,受自然气候演变与强人类活动影响,我国江河“量-质-域-流-生”过程,特别是水沙通量及其过程发生了显著变化,导致河流水沙来源变化、河道冲淤转换、河床与河势形态演变、江湖关系变化及河口三角洲造陆减缓与蚀退等。我国江河演变呈现新的格局,给江河湖库防洪安全、生态安全和沿岸经济发展带来新的挑战。面对治水新形势,提出需从生态系统整体性和流域系统性出发,科学认知江河水沙情势变化规律与发展趋势,统筹确定流域适宜治理度与水沙调控临界阈值体系,系统推进流域“量-质-域-流-生”协同修复,优化布局水土流失治理格局,持续提升水沙调控及优化配置利用体系整体合力,保护河口生境系统,保障江河长久安澜,筑牢国家水安全防线。 展开更多
关键词 水沙情势 江河演变 流域治理度 系统治理 泥沙资源化利用
茅洲河水环境综合治理的新技术、新模式、新维度——《水环境治理技术》出版的应用与实践 被引量:2
作者 左晓君 《中国水能及电气化》 2020年第9期59-63,共5页
为了加快解决深圳茅洲河水环境污染问题,创新性地提出“全流域统筹、系统化治理”的治水思路,积极探索模式创新、管理创新、技术创新和工法创新,总结出了中国城市建成区河流水环境综合治理的茅洲河模式。文章系统介绍了茅洲河水环境的... 为了加快解决深圳茅洲河水环境污染问题,创新性地提出“全流域统筹、系统化治理”的治水思路,积极探索模式创新、管理创新、技术创新和工法创新,总结出了中国城市建成区河流水环境综合治理的茅洲河模式。文章系统介绍了茅洲河水环境的治理实践,针对实践过程中发现的问题,提出对流域水环境系统治理的思考和建议。 展开更多
关键词 水环境治理的新技术 茅洲河的新模式 流域统筹、系统治理的新维
Effects of Vegetation Coverage and Management Practice on Soil Nitrogen Loss by Erosion in a Hilly Region of the Loess Plateau in China 被引量:21
作者 张兴昌 邵明安 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第10期1195-1203,共9页
Soil erosion and nutrient loss due to erosion are world-wide problems. Similar to soil loss by erosion, soil nitrogen (N) loss by erosion in small catchments is affected by vegetation coverage. The practice of compreh... Soil erosion and nutrient loss due to erosion are world-wide problems. Similar to soil loss by erosion, soil nitrogen (N) loss by erosion in small catchments is affected by vegetation coverage. The practice of comprehensive management for catchments mainly by adjusting cropland, grassland and woodland areas was widely adopted to reduce soil and water loss in catchments of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Three experiments under natural and artificial rainfall conditions on N loss by erosion for a model catchment and for an actual catchment in Zhifanggou of Ansai County in China was performed to determine the relationships between comprehensive management and N loss by runoff in small catchments. The results for vegetation coverage of 60%, 40%, 20% and 0 show that runoff loss of ammonium, nitrate, and total N were 87.08, 44.31, 25.16, 13.71 kg/km(2); 85.50, 74.06, 63.95, 56.23 kg/km(2); and 0.18, 1.18, 1.98, 7.51 t/ km(2), respectively. Due to reduction in the size of cropped area on steeply sloping land, soil N loss by erosion in the catchments was decreased by 15.8% as compared with that in 1992, i.e., from 8 758.5 kg in 1992 to 7 562.2 kg in 1998. Whereas, catchments act as a filter for ammonium and nitrate in rain, the catchment filtering effects on nitrate is remarkably higher than that on ammonium. The enrichment of < 20 mum aggregate in sediment results in the enrichment of organic matter and total N in flood sediment. Greater vegetation coverage can effectively decrease soil erosion and total N loss. However, soil mineral N loss increased as vegetation coverage increased. 展开更多
关键词 vegetation coverage management practice soil nitrogen loss by erosion
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