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作者 刘媛媛 刘业森 +3 位作者 刘洋 刘正风 杨伟韬 胡文才 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期1009-1019,共11页
山丘区洪水产汇流速度快,破坏力强,预报难度大。如何进一步提高山丘区洪水预报的准确性和预见期,是当前亟待解决的主要问题。针对该问题,本文基于机器学习技术,创新性地提出了一种洪水预报的新方法。该方法通过识别与当前降雨动态时空... 山丘区洪水产汇流速度快,破坏力强,预报难度大。如何进一步提高山丘区洪水预报的准确性和预见期,是当前亟待解决的主要问题。针对该问题,本文基于机器学习技术,创新性地提出了一种洪水预报的新方法。该方法通过识别与当前降雨动态时空特征最相似的历史降雨洪水过程,“借古喻今”进行洪水预报。结果表明,在人为影响小、流域面积在600 km^(2)左右的山丘区小流域,该方法预报洪峰流量平均误差为8.33%,洪量平均误差为14.27%,峰现时间平均误差1 h,均达到了洪水预报精度要求。区别于传统的洪水预报方法,该方法从整场降雨发展趋势的角度上预报山洪,更有针对性,为山丘区小流域洪水预报提供了新思路,为“三道防线”数据深度挖掘,防洪“四预”智能化水平提升提供有力技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 流形学习 降雨时空特征 山丘区小流域洪水预报
新安江模型在富水水库流域洪水预报中的应用 被引量:15
作者 张波 马得莲 +1 位作者 包为民 陈翔 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2010年第4期49-51,21,共4页
关键词 新安江模型 日模型 次洪模型 参数率定 水库流域洪水预报
基于集合卡尔曼滤波的实时校正技术在流域洪水预报中的应用 被引量:6
作者 舒全英 王青青 +3 位作者 郭磊 刘成秀 章兴 林平 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2023年第3期61-64,共4页
为提高金华江流域实时洪水预报精度,建立了耦合MIKE 11 NAM与MIKE 11 HD的流域洪水预报模型和基于集合卡尔曼滤波的实时校正模型,实现了金华江流域洪水预报实时校正。流域洪水预报模型对流域内主要站点的模拟效果较好,洪水流量和洪水水... 为提高金华江流域实时洪水预报精度,建立了耦合MIKE 11 NAM与MIKE 11 HD的流域洪水预报模型和基于集合卡尔曼滤波的实时校正模型,实现了金华江流域洪水预报实时校正。流域洪水预报模型对流域内主要站点的模拟效果较好,洪水流量和洪水水位模拟精度较高;实时校正模型在预见期10 h以内,校正效果随预见期增加而降低,在预见期前期可有效降低预报误差。整体上,建立的流域洪水预报模型和基于集合卡尔曼滤波的实时校正模型能够满足金华江流域洪水预报应用要求。 展开更多
关键词 水文水动力 流域洪水预报 集合卡尔曼滤波 实时校正技术
观音阁流域洪水预报模型初探 被引量:2
作者 刘波 马广明 《东北水利水电》 2010年第1期22-23,共2页
关键词 流域洪水预报模型 模型参数 观音阁水库
作者 黄光斌 《水利信息化》 2024年第3期84-89,共6页
为提升闽江水口流域防洪调度水平,建设闽江水口洪水预报调度系统。系统利用开放式的设计理念,采用B/S系统结构开发,融合多源降雨数据,集洪水预报与防洪调度为一体,提升洪水预报精细化水平和水工程联合调度能力。采用多源降雨信息融合技... 为提升闽江水口流域防洪调度水平,建设闽江水口洪水预报调度系统。系统利用开放式的设计理念,采用B/S系统结构开发,融合多源降雨数据,集洪水预报与防洪调度为一体,提升洪水预报精细化水平和水工程联合调度能力。采用多源降雨信息融合技术,集成洪水预报模型库,构建流域洪水预报方案,开发流域智能化运行平台,实现流域多源降雨信息共享应用、洪水滚动预报、智能调度,延长洪水预报预见期,提高预报精度。系统已应用于闽江水口电厂,可提高水电站洪水防御能力和水能利用效益。 展开更多
关键词 防洪“四预” 多源降雨融合 B/S架构 流域洪水预报 水库调度
基于流溪河模型的连江流域洪水模拟 被引量:1
作者 林博安 陈洋波 +2 位作者 虞云飞 覃建明 王幻宇 《广东水利水电》 2016年第7期1-8,共8页
为了提高连江流域洪水预报的技术水平和精度,探讨流溪河模型在大流域洪水预报中应用的效果,该文采用SRTM和USGS的DEM数据,分别建立了连江流域洪水预报流溪河模型,采用1场实测洪水对模型参数进行了优选,并对2场实测洪水进行了模拟,发现... 为了提高连江流域洪水预报的技术水平和精度,探讨流溪河模型在大流域洪水预报中应用的效果,该文采用SRTM和USGS的DEM数据,分别建立了连江流域洪水预报流溪河模型,采用1场实测洪水对模型参数进行了优选,并对2场实测洪水进行了模拟,发现流溪河模型可较好的模拟连江流域洪水过程。研究发现,采用空间分辨率为90 m的SRTM的DEM建立的流溪河模型计算量是以1 000 m的USGS的DEM建立的模型的计算量的56倍,但两者洪水模拟的效果相当。 展开更多
关键词 流域洪水预报 分布式物理水文模型 流溪河模型 参数优选 数字地形高程模型
流溪河模型Ⅰ:原理与方法 被引量:27
作者 陈洋波 任启伟 +1 位作者 徐会军 黄锋华 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期107-112,共6页
提出了一个流域洪水预报的分布式物理水文模型——流溪河模型。模型分成流域划分、蒸散发计算、产流计算、汇流计算、参数推求5个模块。流域划分模块将一个研究流域沿水平方向划分成一系列的单元,沿垂直方向划分成植被覆盖层、地表层和... 提出了一个流域洪水预报的分布式物理水文模型——流溪河模型。模型分成流域划分、蒸散发计算、产流计算、汇流计算、参数推求5个模块。流域划分模块将一个研究流域沿水平方向划分成一系列的单元,沿垂直方向划分成植被覆盖层、地表层和地下层;蒸散发计算模块根据单元流域上的降雨量及土壤前期湿润指标,计算确定各个单元流域上的蒸散发量;产流计算模块根据单元流域上的降雨量、蒸散发量,计算确定各个单元流域上的产流量,并划分成地表径流、壤中流和地下径流。地表径流根据蓄满产流模式计算,壤中流则根据Campbell公式计算;汇流计算模块将地表径流汇流分成边坡汇流、河道汇流和水库汇流三种类型,对各单元流域上产生的径流量进行逐单元的汇流计算;参数推求模块将模型参数分成不可调参数和可调参数,对不可调参数根据DEM直接计算,对可调参数提出一个逐步迭代求精的过程对参数进行调整。流溪河模型还提出了一整套基于DEM及遥感影像对流域进行单元划分及对河道单元断面尺寸进行估算的方法,解决了目前在大部分流域不能应用分布式物理水文模型的难题。 展开更多
关键词 流域洪水预报 分布式物理水文模型 径流汇流 一维运动波法 一维扩散波法
作者 徐斌 周国民 《水电站机电技术》 2022年第8期164-166,共3页
永嘉县近些年受台风洪水自然灾害损失严重,存在基础监测设施待完善、数据资源待共享、防汛防灾及工程调度系统待提升等现象,为解决这些现象提出了在协同县水利局、县应急管理局及县自然资源和规划局等部门数据基础上,建设永嘉县防汛减... 永嘉县近些年受台风洪水自然灾害损失严重,存在基础监测设施待完善、数据资源待共享、防汛防灾及工程调度系统待提升等现象,为解决这些现象提出了在协同县水利局、县应急管理局及县自然资源和规划局等部门数据基础上,建设永嘉县防汛减灾综合儈理平台的思路及内容。建议建设内容包括多库联动的流域洪水预报、区域动态洪水风险图、广播电视预警预报等系统,并与防汛抢险应急管理系统、移动视频系统等集成到指挥中心,加强防汛减灾决策水平。多库联动的流域洪水预报系统,通过网格化的水雨情监测、实时水位和区域降雨量预报,结合水利工程联合调度,可以提高防洪排涝能力。区域动态洪水风险图做好灾害隐患或风险控制点区域管理。广播电视预警预报系统实现定点广播到村,打通最后1 km预警预报。对提前部署防汛措施,及时响应应急救灾,保障群众生命财产安全具有重要意义和紧迫性。 展开更多
关键词 防汛减灾 流域洪水预报 区域动态洪水风险图 广播电视预警预报 综合管理平台
Forecast of Flood in Chaohu Lake Basin of China Based on Grey-Markov Theory 被引量:10
作者 LI Xiang WANG Xinyuan +5 位作者 SHAO Wei XIA Linyi ZHANG Guangsheng TIAN Bing LI Wenda PENG Peng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第1期64-68,共5页
Flood is one kind of unexpected and the most common natural disasters, which is affected by many factors and has complex mechanism. At home and abroad, there is still no mature theory and method used for the long-term... Flood is one kind of unexpected and the most common natural disasters, which is affected by many factors and has complex mechanism. At home and abroad, there is still no mature theory and method used for the long-term forecast of natural precipitation at present. In the present paper the disadvantages of grey GM (1, 1) and Markov chain are ana- lyzed, and Grey-Markov forecast theory about flood is put forward and then the modifying model is developed by making prediction of Chaohu Lake basin. Hydrological law was conducted based on the theoretical forecasts by grey system GM (1, 1) forecast model with improved Markov chain. The above method contained Stat-analysis, embodying scientific approach, precise forecast and its reliable results. 展开更多
关键词 Grey-Markov theory GM (1 1) Markov chain flood forecast Chaohu Lake basin
Mechanism and Forecasting Methods for Severe Droughts and Floods in Songhua River Basin in China 被引量:5
作者 LI Hongyan WANG Yuxin LI Xiubin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期531-542,共12页
The influence of various factors, mechanisms, and principles affecting runoff are summarized as periodic law, random law, and basin-wide law. Periodic law is restricted by astronomical factors, random law is restricte... The influence of various factors, mechanisms, and principles affecting runoff are summarized as periodic law, random law, and basin-wide law. Periodic law is restricted by astronomical factors, random law is restricted by atmospheric circulation, and basin-wide law is restricted by underlying surface. The commensurability method was used to identify the almost period law, the wave method was applied to deducing the random law, and the precursor method was applied in order to forecast runoff magnitude for the current year. These three methods can be used to assess each other and to forecast runoff. The system can also be applied to forecasting wet years, normal years and dry years for a particular year as well as forecasting years when floods with similar characteristics of previous floods, can be expected. Based on hydrological climate data of Baishan (1933-2009) and Nierji (1886-2009) in the Songhua River Basin, the forecasting results for 2010 show that it was a wet year in the Baishan Reservoir, similar to the year of 1995; it was a secondary dry year in the Nierji Reservoir, similar to the year of 1980. The actual water inflow into the Baishan Reservoir was 1.178 × 10 10 m 3 in 2010, which was markedly higher than average inflows, ranking as the second highest in history since records began. The actual water inflow at the Nierji station in 2010 was 9.96 × 10 9 m 3 , which was lower than the average over a period of many years. These results indicate a preliminary conclusion that the methods proposed in this paper have been proved to be reasonable and reliable, which will encourage the application of the chief reporter release system for each basin. This system was also used to forecast inflows for 2011, indicating a secondary wet year for the Baishan Reservoir in 2011, similar to that experienced in 1991. A secondary wet year was also forecast for the Nierji station in 2011, similar to that experienced during 1983. According to the nature of influencing factors, mechanisms and forecasting methods and the service objects, mid-to long-term hydrological forecasting can be divided into two classes:mid-to long-term runoff forecasting, and severe floods and droughts forecasting. The former can be applied to quantitative forecasting of runoff, which has important applications for water release schedules. The latter, i.e., qualitative disaster forecasting, is important for flood control and drought relief. Practical methods for forecasting severe droughts and floods are discussed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Songhua River Basin RUNOFF drought and flood forecasting
Analysis of the effect of regional lateral inflow on the flood peak of the Three Gorges Reservoir 被引量:3
作者 WANG BaiWei TIAN FuQiang HU HePing 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期914-923,共10页
The Three Gorges Region(TGR),located at the lower reach of the Upper Yangtze River Basin(UYRB) in China,suffers from heavy rainstorm frequently.The runoff generated from TGR composes an important part of the total flo... The Three Gorges Region(TGR),located at the lower reach of the Upper Yangtze River Basin(UYRB) in China,suffers from heavy rainstorm frequently.The runoff generated from TGR composes an important part of the total flood at the famous Three Gorges Reservoir(TGRe).During the severe flood period in 1954,for example,the water from TGR accounted for up to 13.2% of the 30-days maximum flood volume of the UYRB.Considering the short and steep tributaries with rapid concentration,the regional lateral inflow(RLI) may induce more serious effect on the flood peak of the TGRe than the volume.However,hydrological data of the sparse gauge stations is too insufficient to evaluate the effect of RLI.This paper studied the impact by analyzing 880 flood events during 1956-2000.By comparing the observed hydrograph and simulated hydrograph with HEC-RAS software regarding no RLI,the effect of RLI on flood peak value and timing properties was identified and quantified.The variability of this effect among floods of different magnitudes was also analyzed.To evaluate the analysis uncertainty associated with the parameter of roughness coefficient,four sets of roughness coefficients from different research groups were employed in this study.The results showed that RLI contributes discharge of 3524 m3/s to flood peaks of the TGRe on average,with the contribution ratio of 15.9%.RLI contributes 12000 m3/s to the flood peaks larger than 50000 m3/s on average,with 25000 m3/s as its upper bound,while the contribution ratio can reach up to 50%,with an average of 20%.The variability of this effect is great among different events.Statistical analysis showed that to larger flood peak of the TGRe,RLI contributes more discharge with higher variability,and the contribution ratio and its variability are slightly larger,and events with higher contribution ratio occur more frequently.RLI can reshape the hydrograph,leading to earlier appearance of flood peak.This effect and its variability increase with the contribution ratio.This study has revealed that RLI plays an important role in large flood peak of the TGRe,which calls for more reliable flood forecasting methods to prolong the forecast lead time and improve the accuracy for the safety of the Three Gorges Dam and the protection of its lower reaches during severe flood disaster period. 展开更多
关键词 regional lateral inflow flood peak flood peak time HEC-RAS the Three Gorges
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