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《民法典物权编》应允许流质流抵 被引量:23
作者 孟强 《当代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期80-90,共11页
当前《民法典物权编》的几部草案对流质流抵允许与否的态度出现反复。流质流抵合法与否仅属于立法选择问题,禁止流质流抵与我国民商合一的立法理念相抵触。流质流抵与让与担保形异而质同,但司法实践倾向于否定流质流抵而认可让与担保,... 当前《民法典物权编》的几部草案对流质流抵允许与否的态度出现反复。流质流抵合法与否仅属于立法选择问题,禁止流质流抵与我国民商合一的立法理念相抵触。流质流抵与让与担保形异而质同,但司法实践倾向于否定流质流抵而认可让与担保,这种矛盾冲突说明了禁止流质流抵的不合理。现行担保物权法定实现方式存在成本过高的弊端,流质流抵能够降低担保物权的实现成本。流质流抵条款应进行公示,债务期满未清偿时债权人直接取得担保物的所有权,主张进行清算的举证责任由债务人或担保人负担。《民法总则》中民事法律行为可撤销制度能够有效保障债务人和担保人的利益,《民法典物权编》应当对《物权法》中不合时宜的条款进行修改,允许流质流抵。 展开更多
关键词 流抵 债权人保护 让与担保 担保物权的实现 公示与清算
以物抵债的几个法律问题 被引量:4
作者 夏正芳 《人民法治》 2015年第9期26-28,共3页
我国法律对以物抵债并没有明确规定,但司法实践中以物抵债比较普遍,且背后总是摆脱不了人们对虚假诉讼的怀疑,因此有必要对以物抵债的相关法律问题进行研究探讨,以方便审判。在这些法律问题中,首先需要弄清楚以物抵债的行为方式、构成... 我国法律对以物抵债并没有明确规定,但司法实践中以物抵债比较普遍,且背后总是摆脱不了人们对虚假诉讼的怀疑,因此有必要对以物抵债的相关法律问题进行研究探讨,以方便审判。在这些法律问题中,首先需要弄清楚以物抵债的行为方式、构成要件和热点问题;其次要厘清以物抵债与其他法律制度的识别,正确认识以物抵债;最后要建立以物抵债的规则体系以及可操作性的审理规则。 展开更多
关键词 以物 当事人 债务清偿 代物清偿 债务人 人民法院 债务履行 流抵
A Low Noise,High Linearity CMOS Receiver for 802.11b WLAN Applications
作者 黄煜梅 王静光 +1 位作者 王金菊 洪志良 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期1708-1714,共7页
A 2.4GHz monolithic CMOS receiver with direct-conversion architecture is presented. This quadrature receiver is designed for 802.11b wireless LAN applications at the maximum data rate of 11Mbps as a low-cost solution.... A 2.4GHz monolithic CMOS receiver with direct-conversion architecture is presented. This quadrature receiver is designed for 802.11b wireless LAN applications at the maximum data rate of 11Mbps as a low-cost solution. Five key blocks,i, e., a low noise amplifier (LNA), a down-conversion mixer, a variable gain amplifier, a low pass filter, and a DC- offset cancellation circuit,are designed based on system design and low noise high linearity considerations. The necessary auxiliary circuits are also included. Fabricated in SMIC 0.18μm 1p6m RF CMOS process, the receiver's performance is measured as:4. 1 dB noise figure, - 7.5dBm input third order intercept point (IIP3) for LNA & mixer at high gain setting, - 14dBm IIP3 for the whole receiver,53dBc @30MHz offset of adjacent channel power rejection,and less than 5mV out- put DC-offset. The receiver consumes 44mA under a 1.8V power supply with I,Q two paths. 展开更多
关键词 802.11b wireless LAN RECEIVER DC-offset cancellation MIXER
作者 熊斌 《中国劳动》 1988年第4期45-,共1页
在新招收的工人中实行劳动合同制,企业与职工可以互相选择,有利于工人的合理流动,也有利于职工队伍素质的提高。但部分企业和职工也有一些担心:一是企业担心职工队伍不稳,生产受影响。按照劳动合同制规定,合同期满,职工有去留自由。部... 在新招收的工人中实行劳动合同制,企业与职工可以互相选择,有利于工人的合理流动,也有利于职工队伍素质的提高。但部分企业和职工也有一些担心:一是企业担心职工队伍不稳,生产受影响。按照劳动合同制规定,合同期满,职工有去留自由。部分技术骨干可能流到条件优越的地方去,企业的一些关键岗位因无合适的人补充而直接影响生产的正常进行。二是职工担心合同不能续订,特别是中年职工和女职工担心最佳年龄过后难于再就业。由此看来。 展开更多
关键词 劳动合同制 最佳年龄 单方解除 编外人员 流抵 组合制 不等于 工作能 工作环境
作者 李军领 《领导科学》 北大核心 2015年第1期23-23,共1页
278.不能把“引吭高歌”错写成“引亢高歌”; 279.不能把“嗤之以鼻”错写成“斥之以鼻”。 280.不能把“中流砥柱”错写成“中流抵柱”;
关键词 文秘人员 世外桃园 流抵 骁勇善战 破斧 趋之若骛 知耻
《党史研究与教学》 北大核心 1991年第5期40-40,共1页
党的建设包括政治、思想、组织、作风、制度、理论等方面。70年来,努力加强党的建设,是摆在中国共产党人面前的一项产肃的长期的任务。然而,全面地系统地评述中共70年建设史的著作几成空白。由曾成贵主编的《中国共产党建设70年》一书,... 党的建设包括政治、思想、组织、作风、制度、理论等方面。70年来,努力加强党的建设,是摆在中国共产党人面前的一项产肃的长期的任务。然而,全面地系统地评述中共70年建设史的著作几成空白。由曾成贵主编的《中国共产党建设70年》一书,便是填补这项空白的首创成果。 展开更多
关键词 中国共产党建设 党的建设 中共党史 福建人民 流抵 火中
作者 周祖文 《观察与思考》 2001年第5期30-31,共2页
关键词 大海 中华人民共和国 洪水 三联书店 流抵 农民 劳动者 变化率 农田 农业用地 长江 北京 黄河
作者 强永华 《语文建设》 1984年第2期35-36,共2页
南方人学普通话往往觉得声调较难掌握。这里介绍一种方法,就是利用四声成语。所谓“四声成语”,是指在四个字的成语里,四个字的声调分别是阴平、阳平、上声和去声,例如“中流砥柱”(zhōngliú-dǐzhù)。解放前,赵元任先生曾... 南方人学普通话往往觉得声调较难掌握。这里介绍一种方法,就是利用四声成语。所谓“四声成语”,是指在四个字的成语里,四个字的声调分别是阴平、阳平、上声和去声,例如“中流砥柱”(zhōngliú-dǐzhù)。解放前,赵元任先生曾经按照北京音的阴、阳、 展开更多
关键词 赵元任先生 南方人 汉语音韵 罗常培先生 流抵 矜才使气 涵咏 百顺
作者 吴思智 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 1989年第4期45-46,共2页
1.“委曲求全”误为“委屈求全”。“委曲求全”勉强迁就,以求保全之意,指为了顾全大局,而暂时忍让。是“曲折婉转”的“曲”,不是“含冤负屈”的“屈”。 2.“戒骄戒躁”误为“戒骄戒燥”。“躁”,性急,不冷静;“燥”指缺少水分。二者... 1.“委曲求全”误为“委屈求全”。“委曲求全”勉强迁就,以求保全之意,指为了顾全大局,而暂时忍让。是“曲折婉转”的“曲”,不是“含冤负屈”的“屈”。 2.“戒骄戒躁”误为“戒骄戒燥”。“躁”,性急,不冷静;“燥”指缺少水分。二者意思完全不同,不能混淆。 3.“既往不咎”误为“既往不究。”“既往不咎”又作“不咎既往”,对过去的错误,不再责备。“咎”在这里是责备的意思,与“追究”的“究”要区别开来。 4.“销声匿迹”误为“消声匿迹”。“销声匿迹”,不再公开讲话。 展开更多
关键词 七八 流抵 湮没无闻 背弩 栗树 教风 叠用 一笔勾 相济 整一
作者 闽子 《中国排球》 2004年第2期33-33,共1页
新加坡的排球运动不同于我国,开展得较为普及,但没有专业队伍,更未见过职业球队,参加排球运动的都是纯粹的业余运动员。运动水平与周边国家相比,应该是比较落后的。新加坡是一个富有的、经济发达国家,但投入到体育运动的经费却很少。 ... 新加坡的排球运动不同于我国,开展得较为普及,但没有专业队伍,更未见过职业球队,参加排球运动的都是纯粹的业余运动员。运动水平与周边国家相比,应该是比较落后的。新加坡是一个富有的、经济发达国家,但投入到体育运动的经费却很少。 新加坡国家体育理事会是全国最高的体育领导机构。 展开更多
关键词 排球运动 业余运动员 业余兼职 五脏俱全 流抵 地理条件
作者 刘玉香 张志民 《活力》 2017年第21期26-26,共1页
一、让与担保的概念 让与担保,是指债务人或者第三人为担保债务人债务的履行,将担保标的物的所有权或者其他权利转让给债权人。当债务清偿完毕后,担保标的物应该返还给债务人或者返还给第三人;当债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权就... 一、让与担保的概念 让与担保,是指债务人或者第三人为担保债务人债务的履行,将担保标的物的所有权或者其他权利转让给债权人。当债务清偿完毕后,担保标的物应该返还给债务人或者返还给第三人;当债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权就该担保的财产优先获得受偿。债务人或者第三人是让与担保权物权的设定人,债权人是让与担保物权的权利人。 展开更多
关键词 让与担保合同 法律效力 流抵契约
Effect of biofilm formation by clinical isolates of Helicobacter pylori on the efflux-mediated resistance to commonly used antibiotics 被引量:12
作者 Bahareh Attaran Tahereh Falsafi Nassim Ghorbanmehr 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第7期1163-1170,共8页
To evaluate the role of biofilm formation on the resistance of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) to commonly prescribed antibiotics, the expression rates of resistance genes in biofilm-forming and planktonic cells were ... To evaluate the role of biofilm formation on the resistance of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) to commonly prescribed antibiotics, the expression rates of resistance genes in biofilm-forming and planktonic cells were compared.METHODSA collection of 33 H. pylori isolates from children and adult patients with chronic infection were taken for the present study. The isolates were screened for biofilm formation ability, as well as for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reaction with HP1165 and hp1165 efflux pump genes. Susceptibilities of the selected strains to antibiotic and differences between susceptibilities of planktonic and biofilm-forming cell populations were determined. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) analysis was performed using 16S rRNA gene as a H. pylori-specific primer, and two efflux pumps-specific primers, hp1165 and hefA.RESULTSThe strains were resistant to amoxicillin, metronidazole, and erythromycin, except for one strain, but they were all susceptible to tetracycline. Minimum bactericidal concentrations of antibiotics in the biofilm-forming cells were significantly higher than those of planktonic cells. qPCR demonstrated that the expression of efflux pump genes was significantly higher in the biofilm-forming cells as compared to the planktonic ones.CONCLUSIONThe present work demonstrated an association between H. pylori biofilm formation and decreased susceptibility to all the antibiotics tested. This decreased susceptibility to antibiotics was associated with enhanced functional activity of two efflux pumps: hp1165 and hefA. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori BIOFILM Antibiotic resistance Efflux genes hp1165 hefA
Efficacy of mycofenolate mofetil for steroid-resistant acute rejection after living donor liver transplantation 被引量:3
作者 Nobuhisa Akamatsu Yasuhiko Sugawara +3 位作者 Sumihito Tamura Yuichi Matsui Junichi Kaneko Masatoshi Makuuchi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第30期4870-4872,共3页
AIM: To discuss the use of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) as an immunosuppressant in steroid resistant rejection after liver transplantation. METHODS: The clinical records of 260 adult patients who underwent living d... AIM: To discuss the use of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) as an immunosuppressant in steroid resistant rejection after liver transplantation. METHODS: The clinical records of 260 adult patients who underwent living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) were reviewed. Tacrolimus and methylprednisolone were used for primary immunosuppression. Acute rejection was first treated with steroids. When steroid resistance occurred, the patient was treated with a combination of steroids and MMF. Anti-T-cell monoclonal antibody was administered to patients who were not responsive to steroids in combination with MMF.RESULTS: A total of 90 (35%) patients developed acute rejection. The median interval time from transplantation to the first episode was 15 d. Fifty-four patients were steroid resistant. Forty-four patients were treated with MMF and the remaining 10 required anti-T-cell monoclonal antibody treatment. Progression to chronic rejection was observed in one patient. Bone marrow suppression and gastrointestinal symptoms were the most common side effects associated with MMF use. There was no significant increase in opportunistic infections. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that MMF is a potent and safe immunosuppressive agent for rescue therapy in patients with acute rejection after LDLT. 展开更多
关键词 TACROLIMUS REJECTION Liver transplantation
Prevalence and evolution of drug resistance HIV-1 variants in Henan, China 被引量:34
作者 Jing Yun LI Han Ping LI +9 位作者 Lin LI Hong LI Zhe WANG Kun YANG Zuo Yi BAO Dao Min ZHUANG Si Yang LIU Yong Jian LIU Hui XING Yi Ming SHAO 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第11期843-849,共7页
To understand the prevalence and evolution of drug resistant HIV strains in Henan China after the implementation of free antiretroviral therapy for AIDS patients. 45 drug naive AIDS patients, 118 AIDS patients who rec... To understand the prevalence and evolution of drug resistant HIV strains in Henan China after the implementation of free antiretroviral therapy for AIDS patients. 45 drug naive AIDS patients, 118 AIDS patients who received three months antiretroviral therapy and 124 AIDS patients who received six months antiretroviral treatment were recruited in the southern part of Henan province. Information on general condition, antiretroviral medicines, adherence and clinical syndromes were collected by face to face interview. Meanwhile, 14ml EDTA anticoagulant blood was drawn. CD4/CD8 T cell count, viral load and genotypic drug resistance were tested. The rates of clinical improvement were 55.1% and 50.8% respectively three months and six months after antiretroviral therapy. The mean CD4 cell count after antiretroviral therapy was significantly higher than in drug naive patients. The prevalence rate of drug resistant HIV strains were 13.9%, 45.4% and 62.7% in drug naive patients, three month treatment patients and six month treatment patients, respectively. The number of resistance mutation codons and the frequency of mutations increased significantly with continued antiretroviral therapy. The mutation sites were primarily at the 103, 106 and 215 codons in the three-month treatment group and they increased to 15 codon mutations in the six-month treatment group. From this result, the evolution of drug resistant strains was inferred to begin with the high level NNRTI resistant strain, and then develop low level resistant strains to NRTIs. The HIV strains with high level resistance to NVP and low level resistance to AZT and DDI were highly prevalent because of the AZT+DDI+NVP combination therapy. These HIV strains were also cross resistant to DLV, EFV, DDC and D4T. Poor adherence to therapy was believed to be the main reason for the emergence and prevalence of drug resistant HIV strains. The prevalence of drug resistant HIV strains was increased with the continuation of antiretroviral therapy in the southern part of Henan province. Measures, that could promote high level adherence, provide new drugs and change ART regimens in failing patients, should be implemented as soon as possible. 展开更多
关键词 AIDS drug resistance ADHERENCE antiretroviral therapy
Analysis on drug-resistance and molecular epidemiology of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from the clinical samples in two Chinese hospitals 被引量:3
作者 WEI FENG SHI ZHI MI HUANG NING XU 《Journal of Microbiology and Immunology》 2006年第1期16-22,共7页
In the present study, the drug-resistance genes encoding β-lactamases, aminoglycoside modifying enzymes, DNA topoisomerases and integron as well as their molecular epidemiology were investigated by means of analyzing... In the present study, the drug-resistance genes encoding β-lactamases, aminoglycoside modifying enzymes, DNA topoisomerases and integron as well as their molecular epidemiology were investigated by means of analyzing the drug-resistance and molecular epidemiology of Acinebacter baumannii isolated from the clinical samples in two hospitals in Changzhou and Huzhou city of Jiangsu and Zhejiang province from July 2000 to March 2005. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of these 307 isolates were detected by automatic microbiological system, and 35 strains against 5-fluoroquinolones were performed by agar dilution assay. Meanwhile, the resistant genes in 80 isolates were amplified by PCR with identification by DNA sequencer. It was found that most of the 307 isolates of A. baumannii were resistant to multiple antibiotics tested, in which the resistance rates of the isolates against piperacillin, piperacillin/tazobactam, amoxacillin/clavulanic acid, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, cefepime, gentamicin, amikacin, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim were all above 35%, but those of imipenem and meropenem were quite low, ranged only 2.6% and 3.3 %. In addition, it was also demonstrated that the positive rates of TEM and SHV β-lactamase genes accounted for 93.8% and 22.5% respectively, and those of the aminoglycoside-modifying enzyme genes including aacC1, aacC2, aacC3, aacC4, aacC4A, aphA6, ant(2″)-Ⅰ and ant(3″)- Ⅰ were 58.8%, 8.8%, 7.5%, 28.8%, 45.0%, 2.5%, 28.8% and 65.0% respectively. The mutations in the quinolone-resistant determining region (QRDR) of gyrA and parC genes indicated that substitution in Ser-83 residue of GyrA protein was most frequently occurred among strains with MIC for ciprofloxacin of more than 4 μg/ml, whereas a double mutation at Ser-83 residue of gyrA and Ser-80 of parC was found in strains with MIC of ciprofloxacin of more than 8 μg/ml. As to the positive rates of class 1 integron (Int Ⅰ -1) and qacE△1-sul-1, it was found to be 60.0% and 77.5% respectively, and the rates of resistant genes of strains isolated in these two hospitals varied considerably. The results obtained in the present study indicate the presence of the multiple resistant genes in strains of A. baumannii, and great measures should be taken to control the spread of the resistant strains carrying the resistant genes. 展开更多
关键词 Acinetobacter baumannii Resistant genes MIC Molecular epidemiology
作者 蔡奋 《电影新作》 北大核心 1992年第3期63-63,共1页
现今有一定年龄的人都经历过“文化大革命”这场十年浩劫。尽管已成为历史,但我们却还记忆犹新。影片《周恩来》就是撷取了周总理在“文革”中怎样力挽狂澜的情景,十分感人地塑造了这位伟人忍辱负重、中流砥柱的光辉形象,使我们从中感... 现今有一定年龄的人都经历过“文化大革命”这场十年浩劫。尽管已成为历史,但我们却还记忆犹新。影片《周恩来》就是撷取了周总理在“文革”中怎样力挽狂澜的情景,十分感人地塑造了这位伟人忍辱负重、中流砥柱的光辉形象,使我们从中感受到丰实、深邃的思想内涵。在观看影片时,犹如身临其境,亲眼目睹了周总理在那个充满尖锐政治矛盾、国家处于崩溃边缘的年代里所进行的艰辛斗争,再一次激发起人们对周总理的无限缅怀之情。古人云:感人心者,莫先乎情。这部影片紧扣一个“情”字,以“文革”为背景。 展开更多
关键词 景真 政治矛盾 罗青长 革命干部 超越自我 流抵 邢台地震 台湾回归 总体结构 特定历史条件
《瞭望》 北大核心 1991年第23期47-47,共1页
关键词 钱三强 朱光亚 一周大事 名誉主席 中国科协 薄一波 杨尚昆 胡乔木 流抵 孙起孟
作者 贺羡泉 《诗刊》 北大核心 1991年第10期24-24,共1页
关键词 流抵 保尔 千钧
作者 吴昊 《思想政治工作研究》 北大核心 1989年第11期28-28,共1页
去年有一次,领导要我和来访的某兄弟它同志座谈,并要我回答他们提出的实行厂长负责制后企业里如何实现党的领导,当时真让我犯难,转着圈子、艘肠刮肚地讲了半个小时,也没讲清楚。因为当时形势是企业要“淡化”党的领导,变党的领导为“监... 去年有一次,领导要我和来访的某兄弟它同志座谈,并要我回答他们提出的实行厂长负责制后企业里如何实现党的领导,当时真让我犯难,转着圈子、艘肠刮肚地讲了半个小时,也没讲清楚。因为当时形势是企业要“淡化”党的领导,变党的领导为“监督保证”。改革本是要解决上层建筑和生产关系中那些影响、阻碍生产力发展的东西,目的在于建设有中国特色的社会主义。 展开更多
关键词 党的领导 厂长负责制 政工干部 政工队伍 职工积极性 工人阶级队伍 流抵 “一切向钱看” 国家主人 反映渠道
作者 易家彦 《中国铁路文艺》 2007年第5期1-1,共1页
谁在说和怎么说(二)上回说了“谁在说”,这回谈谈怎么说。怎么说是小说里一个十分重要的问题,同样一件事情,叙述者不同,效果会完全不一样。其实怎么说和谁在说是紧密相连的,只是怎么说又要受到一系列的限制。比如:你对谁说,什么时间什... 谁在说和怎么说(二)上回说了“谁在说”,这回谈谈怎么说。怎么说是小说里一个十分重要的问题,同样一件事情,叙述者不同,效果会完全不一样。其实怎么说和谁在说是紧密相连的,只是怎么说又要受到一系列的限制。比如:你对谁说,什么时间什么地点说,从哪一个角度说,在一个什么距离上说,用一种什么语气,保持一种什么基调,有何依据等等,都是很有讲究的。谁在说是一个主体问题,怎么说是一个技术问题,也就是选择一种什么样的语言方式的问题。 展开更多
关键词 卷首语 主体问题 语言方式 你我 叙述话语 具体指向 话语模型 生活逻辑 流抵
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