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作者 徐道通 林长考姚凯 +1 位作者 胡成川 包鹏 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)农业科学》 2023年第9期152-155,共4页
流沙地种植是一种特殊的种植方式,针对的是不适宜种植的土壤结构和地形,如流沙地。通过一系列的科学方法,如土壤改良、流沙固定等,对这些地方进行综合处理和改良,使其变得肥沃,为荒山绿化创造更好的土壤环境。改良流沙地的目标是促成其... 流沙地种植是一种特殊的种植方式,针对的是不适宜种植的土壤结构和地形,如流沙地。通过一系列的科学方法,如土壤改良、流沙固定等,对这些地方进行综合处理和改良,使其变得肥沃,为荒山绿化创造更好的土壤环境。改良流沙地的目标是促成其根本变化,包括提升土壤肥力以供植物生长,提高土壤透气性以便空气流动,为植物呼吸提供条件。经过改良的流沙地能让树苗茁壮成长,为荒山绿化奠定基础。然而,进行流沙地土壤改良不是一蹴而就的。必须根据土壤实际条件,如质地、营养成分、PH值等,制定规范、科学的改良计划。同时,也要全面评估环境,如地理位置、气候条件,以保证改良后的土壤满足种植需求。流沙地种植是复杂而精细的过程,需要科学方法和耐心努力。只要做好准备,用心管理和维护,就能使流沙地变得生机勃勃,为生活环境增添更多绿色。 展开更多
关键词 流沙地种植 土壤改良 客土技术
高水位流沙地固沙保土的生态树种——沙柳 被引量:2
作者 李延东 魏强 张斌军 《中国农村小康科技》 2006年第6期70-70,共1页
关键词 高水位 生态树种 流沙地 沙柳 保土 固沙 土地面积 黑龙江省 水域面积 嫩江水系
作者 张德军 张成河 《黑龙江林业》 2001年第11期25-25,共1页
关键词 造林 防风固沙林 高水位流沙地 固沙保土 生态树种 沙柳
作者 李滨生 《北京林业学院学报》 1980年第1期21-31,共11页
在榆林的流动沙丘上,飞播后植物的幼苗受剧烈风蚀保存率很低。本文主要探讨用植物本身作障碍物来抵抗风蚀的效果。花棒(Hedysarum scopariumFisch et.Mey)、踏郎(Hedysarum mongolicum)不同播量的试验表明,适当提高播量,增加幼苗密度,... 在榆林的流动沙丘上,飞播后植物的幼苗受剧烈风蚀保存率很低。本文主要探讨用植物本身作障碍物来抵抗风蚀的效果。花棒(Hedysarum scopariumFisch et.Mey)、踏郎(Hedysarum mongolicum)不同播量的试验表明,适当提高播量,增加幼苗密度,林地能较为有效地抗抵风蚀,因而提高保存面积率。而初期幼苗稀疏的林地,经过几年之后都失败了。 展开更多
关键词 植物群体固沙 榆林 流沙地 飞播量 试验研究 飞播造林
浑善达克沙地植被生长季流沙地及其接壤草地的沙物质粒径组成 被引量:6
作者 贺晶 吴新宏 +1 位作者 杨婷婷 李鹏 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期95-99,共5页
为进一步了解浑善达克沙地植被生长季流沙地及其接壤草地沙物质粒径的组成。选择正蓝旗为研究区,在植物生长季,沿草地-流沙地的过渡带设置取样点,在流沙地上风处草地、流沙地、流沙地下风处草地各设置15个样点,每个样点取表层沙物质,然... 为进一步了解浑善达克沙地植被生长季流沙地及其接壤草地沙物质粒径的组成。选择正蓝旗为研究区,在植物生长季,沿草地-流沙地的过渡带设置取样点,在流沙地上风处草地、流沙地、流沙地下风处草地各设置15个样点,每个样点取表层沙物质,然后测定植被盖度、高度和生物量鲜重,通过分析比较不同植被盖度下的沙物质的粒径组成,发现流沙地上风处草地和流沙地下风处草地中沙(0.25-0.5mm)和细沙(0.1-0.25mm)含量较稳定,流沙地粗沙(>0.5mm)含量最高。通过分析植被盖度、高度、生物量与沙物质粒径组成的相关关系,得知随着植被盖度的增加,细物质(包括中沙(0.25-0.5mm)、细沙(0.1-0.25mm)、极细沙(0.05-0.1mm)、粉沙(<0.05mm))的百分含量在增加,而粗沙的百分含量在减少。该研究可为沙化草地的合理利用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 沙物质粒径 植被盖度 流沙地
《科技开发动态》 2003年第2期43-43,共1页
关键词 流沙地 注水开沟 滴灌设备 施工
新疆策勒县流沙治理试验研究 被引量:2
作者 张鹤年 《干旱区研究》 1988年第3期1-8,共8页
策勒县位于世界著名的流动性大沙漠——塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘,是新疆维吾尔自治区风沙灾害最严重的县份之一。在历史上,策勒县城曾三次因风沙湮埋而迫迁。本世纪八十年代初,策勒县又再次面对“沙临城下”的困境,流沙前锋仅距县城不到两公... 策勒县位于世界著名的流动性大沙漠——塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘,是新疆维吾尔自治区风沙灾害最严重的县份之一。在历史上,策勒县城曾三次因风沙湮埋而迫迁。本世纪八十年代初,策勒县又再次面对“沙临城下”的困境,流沙前锋仅距县城不到两公里。在沙漠的步步紧逼和风沙的频频侵袭下,策勒县社会经济和人民生活处于落后和贫困的状态。 展开更多
关键词 流沙地 自然植被 灌木林 窄带 天然植被 防沙体系 流沙治理 策勒县 流动沙丘 综合防护体系 绿洲边缘 新疆 试验研究
准噶尔盆地南缘沙地梭梭无灌溉造林治沙模式 被引量:1
作者 王学文 何俊勇 《农村科技》 2013年第1期65-66,共2页
采用人工植树造林措施可有效促进流沙地植被恢复,固定流动沙丘。选择古尔班通古特沙漠分布最多的树种梭梭,在不具备灌溉条件下利用该区域天然降雪,人工发展梭梭,可形成宽3~5千米的绿色屏障,使沙漠前缘流动沙丘基本得到控制,生态... 采用人工植树造林措施可有效促进流沙地植被恢复,固定流动沙丘。选择古尔班通古特沙漠分布最多的树种梭梭,在不具备灌溉条件下利用该区域天然降雪,人工发展梭梭,可形成宽3~5千米的绿色屏障,使沙漠前缘流动沙丘基本得到控制,生态环境呈现良性态势。 展开更多
关键词 造林措施 灌溉条件 准噶尔盆地南缘 流沙地 治沙模式 梭梭 古尔班通古特 流动沙丘
花棒带状沙障防风固沙试验研究 被引量:11
作者 刘艳军 刘明义 +1 位作者 张力 于德和 《中国水土保持》 1997年第4期23-25,共3页
流沙地迎风坡上部及丘顶为风沙运动强烈区域,在其上种植花棒带作为植物沙障,可使地表粗糙度由0.014cm提高到0.642cm,地表起沙风速由8.8m/s提高到10.1m/s,可改变风沙流输沙率随高度的分布结构.实验测得0~20cm高度范围内风沙流输沙量较... 流沙地迎风坡上部及丘顶为风沙运动强烈区域,在其上种植花棒带作为植物沙障,可使地表粗糙度由0.014cm提高到0.642cm,地表起沙风速由8.8m/s提高到10.1m/s,可改变风沙流输沙率随高度的分布结构.实验测得0~20cm高度范围内风沙流输沙量较流沙地减少了80.2%,小气候及土壤等生态条件明显改善;在沙障带间栽植刺槐,成活率提高了58.4%,且生长情况良好. 展开更多
关键词 流沙地 沙障 花棒沙障带 防风固沙 生态环境
阿拉善左旗飞机播种造林治沙试验 被引量:6
作者 聂光源 李天琪 宋生义 《中国沙漠》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第2期52-60,共9页
阿拉善左旗境内的乌兰布和沙漠和腾格里沙漠东南缘10年飞机播种造林治沙试验表明:在年降雨量100—200mm区域只要播期、植物种选择适当,并加封禁保护,在播区内立地条件相对较好的流沙区飞机播种造林治沙是可以成功的,且可取得明显的生态... 阿拉善左旗境内的乌兰布和沙漠和腾格里沙漠东南缘10年飞机播种造林治沙试验表明:在年降雨量100—200mm区域只要播期、植物种选择适当,并加封禁保护,在播区内立地条件相对较好的流沙区飞机播种造林治沙是可以成功的,且可取得明显的生态、经济、社会效益。 展开更多
关键词 流沙地 飞机播种 造林 治沙
作者 冯春林 《国土绿化》 1996年第1期36-36,共1页
走进火焰山下吐鲁番市恰特喀勒乡,人们可以看到一排排新疆杨敛然挺立,舒展的良田一块连着一块,树木葱茏,田禾茂盛,瓜果飘香,葡萄满架。然而原来这里却是一片寸草不长、狂沙肆虐的流沙地。 50年代末,24岁的陈洪轩从四川灌县林校毕业后,... 走进火焰山下吐鲁番市恰特喀勒乡,人们可以看到一排排新疆杨敛然挺立,舒展的良田一块连着一块,树木葱茏,田禾茂盛,瓜果飘香,葡萄满架。然而原来这里却是一片寸草不长、狂沙肆虐的流沙地。 50年代末,24岁的陈洪轩从四川灌县林校毕业后,抱着支援边疆、建设边疆的宏伟大志,离开了养育他的“天府之国”,只身来到火焰山下,从此开始了他的治沙生涯。 恰特喀勒乡西南部有着近万亩的流沙地,这里“地上不长草,遍地风沙狂,走路沙打脸,吃饭沙满碗”。1961年,恰特喀勒乡每亩粮食产量只有9公斤。 展开更多
关键词 火焰山 流沙地 新疆杨 吐鲁番市 播绿 固沙造林试验 粮食产量 扦插育苗 育苗技术 治沙站
Inversion of river-bottom sediment parameters using mechanically sampled specimens and subbottom profiling data 被引量:5
作者 Li Chang-Zheng Yang Yong +1 位作者 Wang Rui Zheng Jun 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第2期225-235,322,共12页
The study of river dynamics requires knowledge of physical parameters, such as porosity, permeability, and wave propagation velocity, of river-bottom sediments. To do so, sediment properties are determined on mechanic... The study of river dynamics requires knowledge of physical parameters, such as porosity, permeability, and wave propagation velocity, of river-bottom sediments. To do so, sediment properties are determined on mechanically sampled specimens and from subbottom profiling. However, mechanical sampling introduces disturbances that affect test results, with the exception of grain-size distribution. In this study, we perform inversion of acoustic data using the grain-size distribution of mechanically sampled specimens and the relation between porosity and permeability from the Kozeny-Carman equation as prior information. The wave reflection coefficient of the water-silt interface is extracted from the raw subbottom profile. Based on the effective density fluid model, we combine the Kozeny-Carman equation and the wave reflection coefficient. We use experimental data from two Yellow River reservoirs to obtain the wave velocity and density of multiple sections and their spatial variations, and find that the inversion and testing results are in good agreement. 展开更多
关键词 mechanical sampling river sediment subbottom profiling DENSITY INVERSION
Dynamics Characteristics and Topographic Profile Shaping Process of Feiyan Shoal at the Yellow River Delta 被引量:1
作者 应铭 李九发 +1 位作者 陈沈良 戴志军 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2008年第2期74-88,共15页
Feiyan Shoal is a sub Yellow River Delta, which was formed from Jan. 1964 to May 1976, when the Yellow River entered sea via Diaokou Channel. Since the terminal reach shifted to Qingshuigou channel in 1976, Feiyan Sho... Feiyan Shoal is a sub Yellow River Delta, which was formed from Jan. 1964 to May 1976, when the Yellow River entered sea via Diaokou Channel. Since the terminal reach shifted to Qingshuigou channel in 1976, Feiyan Shoal has been experiencing severe erosion and retreat. This paper explains the evolutionary characteristics of the typical profile of Feiyan Shoal from the perspective of dynamical force and sediments' characteristics. All this is on the basis of the data of topographic profiles observed since the 1970s and the samples of hydrology and sediments collected in situ in Apr. 2004, the analysis of the retreating distance, and the tidal and wave friction velocity distribution. Feiyan Shoal topographical profile has experienced a course of "fast erosion and retrogression - slow eroding modulation - fluctuate triggering change" in recent 30 years, which is also the gradual disappearing process of the delta front. The different intensity of sediment erosion resistance is the main reason for the erosion speed changes. Due to the hydrodynamic force changes, the water depth range of maximum retreating distance and between erosion and progradation became shallow. It indicates that the storm tide will still be the triggering force of seashore topographic profile evolutions in the future. 展开更多
关键词 The Yellow River Delta Feiyan Shoal EROSION wave and tidal co-action topographic profile sediment transport
Change in Sediment Load of the Yangtze River after Wenchuan Earthquake 被引量:1
作者 CHENG Genwei HE Xiubin +1 位作者 CHEN Guirong TAO Heping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第1期100-104,共5页
On May 12, 2008, an earthquake of 8.0 magnitude on the Richter scale and its numerous aftershocks devastatingly hit Wenchuan County and its nearby region along the Longman Mountains in Sichuan Province, China. The hea... On May 12, 2008, an earthquake of 8.0 magnitude on the Richter scale and its numerous aftershocks devastatingly hit Wenchuan County and its nearby region along the Longman Mountains in Sichuan Province, China. The heavy ruined area was up to 30,000km2 and 13% of its land surface was denuded by the extremely terrible quakes. The mountain collapses, landslides and debris flows induced by the earthquake not only scared the landscape at the immense scale, but also poured L66-billion-m3 sediment combined with offscourings and rubble into the Yangtze River and its breaches. This amount of sediments is 3 times more than the normal amount discharged into the Yangtze River, and will significantly increase sediment transportation of rivers and decrease storage capacities of reservoirs downstream. The dramatic increase in sediment load will imperil the engineering safety and impact the operation of the giant Three-Gorge Hydro-power Station if no proper prevention measures are taken. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan earthquake sediment load the Yangtze River
Impact of Land-Use Practices on Sediment Yield in the Dhrabi Watershed of Pakistan 被引量:2
作者 Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal Theib Y. Oweis +2 位作者 Muhammad Ashraf Bashir Hussain Abdul 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第3期406-420,共15页
Soil erosion by water is one of the most important land degradation processes in the sloping rainfed lands in Pakistan. A study was conducted in the Dhrabi watershed of Pakistan to evaluate sediment yield associated w... Soil erosion by water is one of the most important land degradation processes in the sloping rainfed lands in Pakistan. A study was conducted in the Dhrabi watershed of Pakistan to evaluate sediment yield associated with rainfall-runoff under various land-use practices. Five sub-catchments with sizes varying from 1.5 to 350 ha were selected for measurement of rainfall, runoff and sediment yield. Soil conservation techniques were also introduced to reduce the soil erosion. All runoff events occurred in the summer especially during monsoon season (July-September). Sediment yield of two small gully catchments ranged from 4.79 to 8.34 t/ha/yr in 2009, a relatively dry year. In 2010, the annual sediment yield was 8.15 to 12.31 t/ha. Terraced catchment with arable crops produced annual 4.1 t/ha of sediment as compared to 12.31 t/ha by the adjacent gully catchment showing high potential of terraces in reducing erosion. Runoff coefficients calculated for these catchments vary from 0.09 to 0.75. The macro and micro nutrients present in the sediment indicate that these nutrients are being depleted due to soil erosion. 展开更多
关键词 Soil erosion sediment yield RAINFALL RUNOFF vegetative cover soil conservation structures.
Soil Erosion under Different Land Use Types and Zones of Jinsha River Basin in Yunnan Province,China 被引量:13
作者 YANGZisheng LIANGLuohui 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第1期46-56,共11页
Severe soil erosion in the middle and upper reaches of Yangtze River has been regarded as a major environmental problem. The on-site impact of soil erosion on agricultural production and the off-site impact on floods ... Severe soil erosion in the middle and upper reaches of Yangtze River has been regarded as a major environmental problem. The on-site impact of soil erosion on agricultural production and the off-site impact on floods and sedimentation in Yangtze Rive are well known. A quantitative assessment of soil erosion intensity is still scanty for developing appropriate soil erosion control measures for different land use types and zones in this region. This article constructs a localized USLE and estimates the average soil loss in the Jinsha River Region in Yunnan Province, one of the priority areas for soil erosion control in the middle and upper reaches of Yangtze River. The estimation is done under different land uses and zones in this basin. The estimation shows that while soil erosion in the cultivated land is the most severe, 36~40% of the garden and forest land suffers from soil erosion of various degrees due to lack of ground cover and other factors. Soil erosion in the pasture is modest when the ground cover is well maintained. It also confirmed that terracing can reduce soil erosion intensity significantly on the cultivated land. Research findings suggest that sufficient attention must be paid to regeneration of the ground cover in reforestation programs. In addition to mass reforestation efforts, restoration of grassland and terracing of the cultivated land should also play an important role in erosion control. 展开更多
关键词 Soil erosion soil loss equation land use type soil erosion control Jinsha River Basin in Yunnan
A Technical Review of Hydro-Project Development in China 被引量:35
作者 Rafael Duarte António Pinheiro Anton J. Schleiss 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第3期302-312,共11页
This paper summarizes the development of hydro-projects in China,blended with an international perspective.It expounds major technical progress toward ensuring the safe construction of high dams and river harnessing,a... This paper summarizes the development of hydro-projects in China,blended with an international perspective.It expounds major technical progress toward ensuring the safe construction of high dams and river harnessing,and covers the theorization of uneven non-equilibrium sediment transport,inter-basin water diversion,giant hydro-generator units,pumped storage power stations,underground caverns,ecological protection,and so on. 展开更多
关键词 DamRiver harnessingWater diversionPumped storage power stationUnderground cavernEcological protection
Chronology and Nutrients Change in Recent Sediment of Taihu Lake,Lower Changjiang River Basin,East China 被引量:1
作者 YAO Shuchun XUE Bin KONG Deyang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期202-208,共7页
Two short sediment cores named ZS and THS dated by the 210Pb or 137Cs method were collected from the northwest and southwest of Taihu Lake respectivly,and total organic carbon(TOC) and nutrients including total nitrog... Two short sediment cores named ZS and THS dated by the 210Pb or 137Cs method were collected from the northwest and southwest of Taihu Lake respectivly,and total organic carbon(TOC) and nutrients including total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) were determined to analyze the chronology and nutrients change in recent sediment.The results show that 137Cs activities are low(less than 15 Bq/kg) in the two cores,attributed to the 137Cs migration.Based on 210Pb constant rate of supply(CRS) model,the sedimentation accumulation rates range from 0.13 g/(cm2·yr) to 0.76 g/(cm2·yr) in the ZS core,and from 0.10 g/(cm2·yr) to 0.56 g/(cm2·yr) in the THS core.A remarkable increase in organic matter and nutrients has occurred in the two dated cores since the mid-1980s.The historical changes of organic matter and nutrients in the two cores are consisitent with the monitoring data for surface sediment after the 1960s.The TP accumulation rates after the early 1980s are 0.97 and 0.92 times higher than those from the 1950s to the 1980s in ZS and THS cores,respectively.Higher TP concentrations in the past two-decade deposits of Taihu Lake are due to both diagenetic factors and human activities. 展开更多
关键词 ^210PB ^137CS Taihu Lake nutrient SEDIMENT
Influences of the Wenchuan Earthquake on Sediment Supply of Debris Flows 被引量:5
作者 ZHU Jing DING Jun LIANG Jingtao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期270-277,共8页
The 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake and the subsequent rainstorms induced a large number of landslides, which later were transformed into debris flows. To evaluate the effect of the earthquake on the sediment supply of debri... The 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake and the subsequent rainstorms induced a large number of landslides, which later were transformed into debris flows. To evaluate the effect of the earthquake on the sediment supply of debris flows, eight debris flow basins near Beichuan City, Sichuan Province, China were chosen as the study area. The area variations of the debris flow source after the Wenchuan Earthquake and the subsequent rainstorm are analyzed and discussed in this paper. Interpretations of aerial photographs (after the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake) and SPOT5 images (after the rainstorm event of September 24, 2008) as well as field investigations were compared to identify the transformation of landslide surface in the study area, indicating that the landslide area in the eight debris flow basins significantly increased. The loose sediment area on the channel bed increased after the rainstorm event. In order to estimate the relationship of the landslide area with the rainfall intensity in different return periods, a model proposed by Uchihugi was adopted. Results show that new landslide area induced by heavy rainfall with 50-year and 100-year return period will be 0.87 km2 and 1.67 km2, respectively. The study results show the Wenchuan earthquake had particular influences on subsequent rainfall-induced debris flow occurrence. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan earthquake Debris flow RAINSTORM Remote sensing imagery
Land Use Change Effects on Discharge and Sediment Yield of Song Cau Catchment in Northern Vietnam
作者 D.B. Phan C.C. WU S.C. Hsieh 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第1期92-101,共10页
The purpose of this paper is to implement "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to examine the effects of land use change scenarios; associated with crop rotations and special cultivation techniques most s... The purpose of this paper is to implement "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to examine the effects of land use change scenarios; associated with crop rotations and special cultivation techniques most susceptible to erosion; exert on runoff discharge and sediment yield from Song Cau catchment in Northern Viet Nam. All scenarios' simulations resulted in a decrease of soil losses and sediment yield comparing to the current land use status. SWAT successfully predicted soil losses from different HRUs that caused significant sediment yield, and it predicted explicitly the consequences of non-structural mitigation measures against erosion. 展开更多
关键词 SWAT agricultural land sediment yield land use change scenarios
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