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中国北方奶牛金葡菌乳房炎感染现状及耐药性和流行类型研究进展 被引量:12
作者 王晓 俞英 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期1477-1488,共12页
奶牛乳房炎,尤其是由金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌)感染引起的隐性乳房炎是最难以防控的奶牛常见病。近五年来,本课题组对中国北方六个省市九个荷斯坦牛场的生产群高体细胞数(SCC)和低SCC奶牛以及临床乳房炎奶牛进行了十一批次采样,共采集奶样... 奶牛乳房炎,尤其是由金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌)感染引起的隐性乳房炎是最难以防控的奶牛常见病。近五年来,本课题组对中国北方六个省市九个荷斯坦牛场的生产群高体细胞数(SCC)和低SCC奶牛以及临床乳房炎奶牛进行了十一批次采样,共采集奶样1 112头份,分离出191株金葡菌,所检测牛的平均金葡菌感染率达11.7%,其中生产群奶牛金葡菌感染率为12.4%,临床乳房炎牛为10.8%。对这些金葡菌进行药敏试验以及毒素基因检测,发现氯霉素和阿米卡星对金葡菌有较强抑制性,毒素基因检出率最高者是杀白细胞素基因PVL(70.2%)。依据金葡菌PFGE分型结果绘制中国北部及华东地区奶牛乳源金葡菌的流行图谱。结合国内外相关研究结果,对比分析了国内外奶牛金葡菌乳房炎的感染情况以及金葡菌的耐药性、毒素基因和流行类型,并提出了降低奶牛感染金葡菌乳房炎的相关策略。 展开更多
关键词 奶牛乳房炎 金黄色葡萄球菌 耐药性 流行类型
鸡葡萄球菌病常见的流行类型及防控措施 被引量:1
作者 吴满成 丁勇 《养殖与饲料》 2017年第3期70-72,共3页
葡萄球菌是一种能引起家禽急性细菌性疾病的条件致病菌,临床上常见疾病类型较多,如急性败血症、关节炎、滑膜炎、脑炎、全眼球炎、肿头肿脸综合症等,水平传播是本病的主要传播途径,卫生环境不好的鸡场更易发生本病。本文介绍了该病的流... 葡萄球菌是一种能引起家禽急性细菌性疾病的条件致病菌,临床上常见疾病类型较多,如急性败血症、关节炎、滑膜炎、脑炎、全眼球炎、肿头肿脸综合症等,水平传播是本病的主要传播途径,卫生环境不好的鸡场更易发生本病。本文介绍了该病的流行特点、发病原因、流行类型及病理变化、实验室检验和防控措施。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄球菌病 流行类型 临床症状 防控措施
作者 王继超 《曲靖师范学院学报》 2021年第5期125-128,共4页
乌蒙山地区流行的口传彝族古歌由婚丧的习俗仪式所承载,因人生礼仪而传播和延续,有固定的格式来支持其特殊的风格,有着全民族所接受的精神娱乐功能,又兼之有传播知识与道德教育的准教材功能,创造出了曾经辉煌灿烂与独具特色的古代诗歌艺... 乌蒙山地区流行的口传彝族古歌由婚丧的习俗仪式所承载,因人生礼仪而传播和延续,有固定的格式来支持其特殊的风格,有着全民族所接受的精神娱乐功能,又兼之有传播知识与道德教育的准教材功能,创造出了曾经辉煌灿烂与独具特色的古代诗歌艺术,堪称非物质文化遗产中的佳作。 展开更多
关键词 口传 彝族古歌 乌蒙山 流行类型 风格
作者 邵慧珍 刘学民 《淮海医药》 1996年第2期11-11,共1页
<正>患者女,30岁,农民.因头痛、发热2d,昏迷12h于7月20日入院,体检:T39℃,BP12.6/SKPa,R26次/min.昏迷状态,面部潮红,球结膜Ⅰ°水肿,双瞳孔等大约0.3cm,光反应迟钝.口腔及咽部有散在出血点,颈强直,克氏征(+),布氏征(+),2侧... <正>患者女,30岁,农民.因头痛、发热2d,昏迷12h于7月20日入院,体检:T39℃,BP12.6/SKPa,R26次/min.昏迷状态,面部潮红,球结膜Ⅰ°水肿,双瞳孔等大约0.3cm,光反应迟钝.口腔及咽部有散在出血点,颈强直,克氏征(+),布氏征(+),2侧腋下可见条索状出血点,双上肢屈曲,四肢肌张力增高,腱反射活跃,强痛刺激可活动,双侧腹壁反射消失,双侧巴氏(+).心肺听诊正常,腹软,肝脾肋下未触及.实验室检查:Hb140g/L,WBC16×10~9/L,N, 0.79,L 0.21,未见异淋,BPC120×10~9/L.尿常规:蛋白(?)。 展开更多
关键词 特殊类型流行性出血热 昏迷 诊断 治疗
中国当代流行歌曲“古典风”探究——文本类型、生成机制与接受效果 被引量:1
作者 周兴杰 《佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第5期27-31,共5页
中国当代流行歌曲中的"古典风"可以分为旧词新曲、以旧翻新和取旧入新等三种文本类型。"古典风"的生成是基于两种需要:一是本土化,二是市场化。当代中国的多种文化力量围绕这两种需要进行协商、博弈,形成了"... 中国当代流行歌曲中的"古典风"可以分为旧词新曲、以旧翻新和取旧入新等三种文本类型。"古典风"的生成是基于两种需要:一是本土化,二是市场化。当代中国的多种文化力量围绕这两种需要进行协商、博弈,形成了"古典风"的生成机制。"古典风"的流行歌曲扩大了流行音乐在当代的接受范围,也有利于中国古典文学知识的传播与普及。 展开更多
关键词 流行歌曲“古典风”文本类型生成机制接受效果
两次全国血吸虫病流行病学抽样调查未控制流行区调查样本的构成分析 被引量:2
作者 党辉 王强 +2 位作者 周晓农 郭家钢 吴晓华 《中国病原生物学杂志》 CSCD 2007年第2期133-136,共4页
目的分析两次全国血吸虫病流行病学调查(简称流调)未控制流行地区的调查样本人口结构,了解主要构成的不同,为进一步准确推断病人数和确定感染率打好基础,同时为以后的流调工作提供参考。方法采用第2次流调的粪检人数和第3次流调的血检... 目的分析两次全国血吸虫病流行病学调查(简称流调)未控制流行地区的调查样本人口结构,了解主要构成的不同,为进一步准确推断病人数和确定感染率打好基础,同时为以后的流调工作提供参考。方法采用第2次流调的粪检人数和第3次流调的血检人数比较其不同流行类型、年龄、性别和职业构成所带来的影响。结果第2和第3次全国流调未控制流行地区抽样所得抽样点各省构成差异无显著性(χ2=3.06,P=0.08);各省的调查人数总体构成有一定的变化;流行类型、年龄和职业总体构成差异有显著性(χ2值分别为1612.53、4207.02、55.66,P<0.01)。结论未控制流行地区两次流调在流行类型、年龄和职业的总体构成上存在一定的差别。这些差别可能来自于调查方法和对象的不同,也可能是某次调查因为客观原因造成调查对象不够全面而产生的偏差,流行病学调查过程中只有扩大人口资料的收集,同时充分估计这些偏差的大小,才能得出相对准确的结论。 展开更多
关键词 血吸虫病 流行病学抽样调查 未控制流行 流行类型 年龄分布 职业分布
作者 李善鹏 苏航 +1 位作者 李平 董延青 《中华疾病控制杂志》 CAS 1998年第2期106-107,共2页
关键词 流行演变状况 肾综合征出血热(HFRS) 青岛市 流行强度 流行性出血热 发病数 鼠带病毒率 HFRS流行类型 黑线姬鼠 病死率
Pedestrian environment prediction with different types of on-shore building distribution 被引量:6
作者 宋晓程 刘京 余磊 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第4期955-968,共14页
The aim of this work is to evaluate how the building distribution influences the cooling effect of water bodies. Different turbulence models, including the S-A, SKE, RNG, Realizable, Low-KE and RSM model, were evaluat... The aim of this work is to evaluate how the building distribution influences the cooling effect of water bodies. Different turbulence models, including the S-A, SKE, RNG, Realizable, Low-KE and RSM model, were evaluated, and the CFD results were compared with wind tunnel experiment. The effects of the water body were detected by analyzing the water vapor distribution around it. It is found that the RNG model is the most effective model in terms of accuracy and computational economy. Next, the RNG model was used to simulate four waterfront planning cases to predict the wind, thermal and moisture environment in urban areas around urban water bodies. The results indicate that the building distribution, especially the height of the frontal building, has a larger effect on the water vapor dispersion, and indicate that the column-type distribution has a better performance than the enclosed-type distribution. 展开更多
关键词 CFD simulation micro-climate unban water body building distribution
Membrane redistributions through multi-intercellular exchanges and serial trogocytosis 被引量:2
作者 Estlbahz Alegre Klave-Yune HoWangYin +6 位作者 Benolt Favier Jeremy Baudhuin Emilie Lesport Marina Daouya Alvaro Gonzalez Edgardo D Carosella Joel LeMaoult 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第11期1239-1251,共13页
Trogocytosis is a rapid transfer between cells of membranes and associated proteins. Trogocytic exchanges have been investigated between different cell types, mainly in two-cell systems, involving one donor and one ac... Trogocytosis is a rapid transfer between cells of membranes and associated proteins. Trogocytic exchanges have been investigated between different cell types, mainly in two-cell systems, involving one donor and one acceptor cell type. Here, we studied trogocytosis in a more complex system, involving not only several immune cell subsets but also multiple tumor cells. We show that CD4~ T cells, CD8+ T cells and monocytes can acquire membrane patches and the intact proteins they contain from different tumor cells by multiple simultaneous trogocytoses. The trogocytic ca- pabilities of CD4~ and CD8~ T cells were found to be similar, but inferior to that of autologous monocytes. Activated peripheral-blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) may also exchange membranes between themselves in an all-autolo- gous system. For this reason, monocytes are capable of acquiring membranes from multiple tumor cell sources, and transfer them again to autologous T cells, along with some of their own membranes (serial trogocytosis). Our data illustrate the extent of membrane exchanges between autologous activated immune effector cells and their environ- ment, and how the cellular content of the local environment, including "bystander" cells, may impact the functions of immune effector cells. 展开更多
关键词 membrane transfer TROGOCYTOSIS antigen redistribution HLA-G AUTOLOGOUS
Comparative proteomic analysis of Vibrio cholerae O139, O22, O155 and El Tor biotype epidemic strains
作者 QING HUA ZOU Bo QINC LI JIAN ZHONG ZHANG 《Journal of Microbiology and Immunology》 2005年第2期83-88,共6页
The purposes of this study are to compare the proteome of Vibrio cholerae O139 strains with that of O22, O155 and El Tot biotype epidemic strains, and to identifv whether O139 strains have a close relation with the la... The purposes of this study are to compare the proteome of Vibrio cholerae O139 strains with that of O22, O155 and El Tot biotype epidemic strains, and to identifv whether O139 strains have a close relation with the latter. Proteins of two V. cholerae serogroup O139 strains, two El Tor biotype epidemic strains, one O22 strain, and one O155 strain were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) ; the silver stained 2-DE gels were scanned with (ligital lmageScanner and analyzed with lmageMaster 2D Elite 3.10 software. Similarities of protein maps between these strains were analyzed. The two O139 strains had 86% proteins in common; the two El Tor biotype epidemie strains showed 84% proteins in common; O139 strains shared 67 % , 47 % and 45 % proteins with El Tor biotype epidemic strains, O22 and O 155 strains respectively. Although the proteome of O 139 strains have close similarity to that of El Tor biotype epidemic strains, great disparities exist. O139 strains may not originate from El Tor biotype directly, and a transition strain may exist. 展开更多
关键词 Vibrio cholerae Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
Dynamics Behaviors and Scaling in Intermittent Turbulence of a Shell Model
作者 SUN Peng CHEN Shi-Gang WANG Guang-Rui 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期149-152,共4页
In this paper, the dynamics behaviors on fo-δ parameter surface is investigated for Gledzer-Ohkitani- Yamada model We indicate the type of intermittency chaos transitions is saddle node bifurcation. We plot phase dia... In this paper, the dynamics behaviors on fo-δ parameter surface is investigated for Gledzer-Ohkitani- Yamada model We indicate the type of intermittency chaos transitions is saddle node bifurcation. We plot phase diagram on fo-δ parameter surface, which is divided into periodic, quasi-periodic, and intermittent chaos areas. By means of varying Taylor-microscale Reynolds number, we calculate the extended self-similarity of velocity structure function. 展开更多
关键词 saddle node bifurcation critical scaling Taylor-microscale Reynolds number extended self-similarity (ESS)
江汉平原血吸虫病耕牛感染率时空异质性分析 被引量:1
作者 邱娟 李仁东 +4 位作者 黄端 施媛媛 徐兴建 魏凤华 王海芳 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期405-411,共7页
终宿主耕牛是血吸虫病最重要的传染源之一。将2008~2012年江汉平原10个主要血吸虫病流行县(市)的村级家畜疫情资料空间可视化,运用时空扫描统计、Local Moran’s I及多水平模型,系统地分析村级血吸虫病耕牛感染率的时空分布格局及在其... 终宿主耕牛是血吸虫病最重要的传染源之一。将2008~2012年江汉平原10个主要血吸虫病流行县(市)的村级家畜疫情资料空间可视化,运用时空扫描统计、Local Moran’s I及多水平模型,系统地分析村级血吸虫病耕牛感染率的时空分布格局及在其各类流行区间的分布差异及变化规律。结果显示:历年血吸虫病耕牛疫情高风险集聚区主要位于四湖地区,尤以位于湖沼洲垸(垸内)流行区的沙市区、江陵县、公安县和潜江市及位于湖沼洲摊(垸外)流行区的石首市为重;高值聚类村分布范围随时间总体逐渐缩小且疫情高风险显著聚集时间为2008~2009年;行政村耕牛感染率总体平均随时间呈显著线性降低趋势(年份=-0.58,P<0.000 1);山丘丘陵亚型、湖沼洲垸亚型以及湖沼洲滩亚型3种类型流行区行政村的平均耕牛感染率后者显著高于前者(流行区类型=-0.3,P<0.001)。同样,随着时间的推移,湖沼洲滩亚型地区行政村的耕牛感染率平均减小幅度最大,其次是湖沼洲垸亚型地区,再次是山丘丘陵亚型地区(年份*流行区类型=-0.07,P<0.01)。江汉平原血吸虫病重点流行县(市)耕牛感染率具有显著的时空异质性,其特征可为采取分类指导、因地制宜的防治策略与措施提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 江汉平原 血吸虫病 耕牛感染率 时空格局 流行类型 多水平模型
Genomic characterizations of H4 subtype avian influenza viruses from live poultry markets in Sichuan province of China, 2014–2015 被引量:4
作者 Chuansong Quan Ting Huang +17 位作者 Xiuwei Chen Jie Zhang Qianli Wang Cheng Zhang Tiyan Zhang Lijun Zhou Liumei Shu Chunrong Long Lei Yang Xunbo Du Yingze Zhao Peipei Liu Hao Song Weifeng Shi Yuhai Bi Qiang Lv William J.Liu George F.Gao 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1123-1126,共4页
Dear Editor,Avian influenza viruses (AIVs) have posed a serious threat to poultry production and public health. To date, more than fourteen AIV subtypes that are able to infect human beings have been documented. Als... Dear Editor,Avian influenza viruses (AIVs) have posed a serious threat to poultry production and public health. To date, more than fourteen AIV subtypes that are able to infect human beings have been documented. Also, it is suggested that new subtypes may be reported in the future, owing to the migration of wild birds and live poultry transportation (Gao, 2018).Poultry may act as a potential incubator for novel subtypes of avian influenza virus (Bi et al., 2016a; Bi et al., 2016b; Liu et al., 2014a; Su et al., 2017). Up to date. 展开更多
关键词 AIV Si Genomic characterizations of H4 subtype avian influenza viruses from live poultry markets in Sichuan province of China
Nonlinear stability of traveling waves for a multi-type SIS epidemic model
作者 Mengqi Li Peixuan Weng Yong Yang 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 SCIE 2018年第1期41-60,共20页
The nonlinear stability of traveling waves for a multi-type SIS epidemic model is inves- tigated in this paper. By using the comparison principle together with the weighted energy function, we obtain the exponential s... The nonlinear stability of traveling waves for a multi-type SIS epidemic model is inves- tigated in this paper. By using the comparison principle together with the weighted energy function, we obtain the exponential stability of traveling wavefront with large wave speed. The initial perturbation around the traveling wavefront decays exponen- tially as x → -∞, but it can be arbitrarily large in other locations. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-type SIS epidemic model exponential stability large wave speed.
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