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作者 朱克文 《石油和化工设备》 CAS 2024年第5期194-196,共3页
安全阀作为承压设备最重要的安全附件之一,应每年至少校验一次。离线校验频繁的拆装,带来诸多不便。而在线校验以不影响生产、校验成本低、校验时间短、无需温度修正等优点,近年脱颖而出。本文研究了安全阀在线校验工作原理,研究出7种... 安全阀作为承压设备最重要的安全附件之一,应每年至少校验一次。离线校验频繁的拆装,带来诸多不便。而在线校验以不影响生产、校验成本低、校验时间短、无需温度修正等优点,近年脱颖而出。本文研究了安全阀在线校验工作原理,研究出7种安全阀流道直径采集方法,提高了安全阀在线校验准确度。 展开更多
关键词 安全阀 在线校验 流道面积
叶轮轴面流道面积计算及几何参数优化 被引量:3
作者 汪建华 郭登明 +1 位作者 刘明尧 明燕 《江汉石油学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1997年第2期81-85,共5页
根据叶轮轴面投影图中内切圆与前后盖板相切的位置,将轴面图分成5个部分,进而由叶轮轴面图的几何关系,导出了叶轮轴面流道面积的精确计算公式。采用优化设计方法,对叶轮轴面图几何参数进行优化,可使实际流道面积变化规律接近理想流道;... 根据叶轮轴面投影图中内切圆与前后盖板相切的位置,将轴面图分成5个部分,进而由叶轮轴面图的几何关系,导出了叶轮轴面流道面积的精确计算公式。采用优化设计方法,对叶轮轴面图几何参数进行优化,可使实际流道面积变化规律接近理想流道;利用建立的叶轮轴面图几何参数优化模型,对一实例进行设计计算,结果令人满意。 展开更多
关键词 离心泵 结构设计 叶轮 流道面积 最优设计
作者 王正港 王秀勇 +1 位作者 周建强 孙泽鹏 《液压气动与密封》 2024年第3期12-17,共6页
为了探究叶轮流道入口喉部面积对离心泵空化性能的影响,以某型号离心泵为研究模型,通过修改叶片包角和方格网流线构建了4组具有不同叶轮流道入口喉部面积的叶轮,基于RNG k-ε湍流模型和Schnerr-Sauer空化模型,对4组模型泵方案的空化性... 为了探究叶轮流道入口喉部面积对离心泵空化性能的影响,以某型号离心泵为研究模型,通过修改叶片包角和方格网流线构建了4组具有不同叶轮流道入口喉部面积的叶轮,基于RNG k-ε湍流模型和Schnerr-Sauer空化模型,对4组模型泵方案的空化性能进行数值模拟。研究结果表明:在保持叶轮流道出口面积不变的前提下,叶轮流道入口喉部面积增大,初生空化余量NPSH_i与临界空化余量NPSH_r的变化存在相反的趋势,两者之间没有倍数关系;临界空化余量NPSH_r主要与叶轮流道面积的变化趋势有关,宽敞流道有利于降低离心泵的临界空化余量,提高空化严重时的断裂扬程;初生空化余量NPSH_i与叶轮进口几何形状有关,为获得较小的初生空化余量,在水力设计过程中,须采用使入口喉部面积减小的措施。 展开更多
关键词 离心泵 流道面积 初生空化 临界空化 数值模拟
作者 丁文义 王洪申 +1 位作者 王博文 张家振 《机械制造与自动化》 2020年第1期123-126,共4页
旋塞阀是用带通孔的旋塞作为启闭件,通过旋塞与阀杆的转动实现启闭动作的一种阀门。阀杆旋转,使旋塞开口与阀门的流道形成了大小不同的流通截面,以此来改变流体的流量大小。研究了旋塞阀旋塞旋转时形成的流通截面面积的计算方法。旋塞... 旋塞阀是用带通孔的旋塞作为启闭件,通过旋塞与阀杆的转动实现启闭动作的一种阀门。阀杆旋转,使旋塞开口与阀门的流道形成了大小不同的流通截面,以此来改变流体的流量大小。研究了旋塞阀旋塞旋转时形成的流通截面面积的计算方法。旋塞转过角度不同,打开的流道截面形状不同,很难快速准确计算出相应面积,对流体流量的控制难以把握。提出基于SolidWorks软件三维建模方式,将旋塞流道与密封衬套流道实体化,利用流道模型的装配体模拟流道面积的变化,运用布尔运算求得两流道模型共同实体,计算旋塞阀旋塞转过不同角度时流道截面积方法,计算速度快,结果准确。 展开更多
关键词 旋塞阀 圆锥形旋塞 流道截面面积 SolidWorks三维模拟
基于Pro/Engineer的双流道式叶轮三维实体造型 被引量:4
作者 齐学义 阎晓伟 张庆 《兰州理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第1期40-44,共5页
针对双流道式污水泵叶轮传统设计方法存在的不足,提出利用Pro/Engineer软件对该类型泵叶轮进行三维实体造型设计的一种方法.在该设计方法中,采用阿基米德螺旋线为流道中线,在造型过程中编入程序生成流道中线,并对原木模图和流道面积变... 针对双流道式污水泵叶轮传统设计方法存在的不足,提出利用Pro/Engineer软件对该类型泵叶轮进行三维实体造型设计的一种方法.在该设计方法中,采用阿基米德螺旋线为流道中线,在造型过程中编入程序生成流道中线,并对原木模图和流道面积变化规律进行修正,实现对双流道式污水泵叶轮的三维设计.给出设计方法和过程,通过数值模拟与清水条件下用该方法设计出的泵的实测结果对比,表明该三维造型方法设计出的叶轮结构合理,但在输送多相流介质时的效果上还有待于进一步实验验证. 展开更多
关键词 流道式叶轮 三维实体造型 流道中线 流道面积变化规律
作者 胡孔友 高万东 《石油和化工设备》 CAS 2024年第10期185-188,共4页
安全阀作为承压设备最重要的安全附件之一,应每年至少校验一次。离线校验频繁的拆装,带来诸多不便。而在线校验以不影响生产、校验成本低、校验时间短、无需温度修正等优点,近年脱颖而出。本项目从人、机、料、法、环、测等方面研究安... 安全阀作为承压设备最重要的安全附件之一,应每年至少校验一次。离线校验频繁的拆装,带来诸多不便。而在线校验以不影响生产、校验成本低、校验时间短、无需温度修正等优点,近年脱颖而出。本项目从人、机、料、法、环、测等方面研究安全阀在线检测准确度影响因素,研制了一套安全阀在线检测压力气源模拟系统试验装置,研究了安全阀流道面积采集影响因素。研究安全阀在线检测影响因素,旨在降低这项技术的难度,使这项技术才更容易推广。通过本项目的研究,提醒检测人员做好客观影响因素的质量控制,重点关注主观不利影响因素的削弱,提高安全阀在线检测的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 安全阀 在线检测 流道面积 准确性 影响因素
轴冷节能双吸离心泵性能优化分析 被引量:2
作者 朱杰文 李晏 《水泵技术》 2022年第4期1-4,8,共5页
现有的轴冷节能双吸离心泵效率低于同类产品水平,通过改变叶轮设计参数取值进行设计优化,以提高泵的效率。通过数值模拟与试验相结合的方法,得到原泵和优化方案在0.8Q、1.0Q、1.2Q工况下叶轮流道中间截面的流线分布图和湍动能云图,分析... 现有的轴冷节能双吸离心泵效率低于同类产品水平,通过改变叶轮设计参数取值进行设计优化,以提高泵的效率。通过数值模拟与试验相结合的方法,得到原泵和优化方案在0.8Q、1.0Q、1.2Q工况下叶轮流道中间截面的流线分布图和湍动能云图,分析流道截面积变化对双吸泵扬程和效率曲线的影响规律。研究表明:增大叶轮流道进口面积、减小叶轮流道出口面积的优化方案可以提高泵的扬程和效率,改善内部流场的流线分布。 展开更多
关键词 轴冷节能双吸离心泵 叶轮流道面积 水力性能 数值模拟 内部流场
特种设备(承压类)安全附件的选择——安全阀形式和口径选择 被引量:3
作者 陈文杰 帅勃列 《湖南科技学院学报》 2009年第12期99-100,共2页
关键词 安全阀 排放能力 安全泻放量 选择最小流道面积
The Theory of Field-Effect Transistors:XI. The Bipolar Electrochemical Currents(1-2-MOS-Gates on Thin-Thick Pure-Impure Base)
作者 薩支唐 揭斌斌 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期397-409,共13页
The field-effect transistor is inherently bipolar, having simultaneously electron and hole surface and volume channels and currents. The channels and currents are controlled by one or more externally applied transvers... The field-effect transistor is inherently bipolar, having simultaneously electron and hole surface and volume channels and currents. The channels and currents are controlled by one or more externally applied transverse electric fields. It has been known as the unipolar field-effect transistor for 55-years since Shockley's 1952 invention,because the electron-current theory inevitably neglected the hole current from over-specified internal and boundary conditions, such as the electrical neutrality and the constant hole-electrochemical-potential, resulting in erroneous solutions of the internal and terminal electrical characteristics from the electron channel current alone, which are in gross error when the neglected hole current becomes comparable to the electron current, both in subthreshold and strong inversion. This report presents the general theory, that includes both electron and hole channels and currents. The rectangular ( x, y, z) parallelepiped transistors,uniform in the width direction (z-axis),with one or two MOS gates on thin and thick,and pure and impure base, are used to illustrate the two-dimensional effects and the correct internal and boundary conditions for the electric and the electron and hole electrochemical potentials. Complete analytical equations of the DC current-voltage characteristics of four common MOS transistor structures are derived without over-specification: the 1-gate on semi-infinite-thick impure-base (the traditional bulk transistor), the 1-gate on thin impure-silicon layer over oxide-insulated silicon bulk (SOI) ,the 1-gate on thin impure-silicon layer deposited on insulating glass (SOI TFT), and the 2-gates on thin pure-base (FinFETs). 展开更多
关键词 bipolar field-effect transistor theory MOS field-effect transistor simultaneous electron and hole surface and volume channels and currents surface potential two-section short-channel theory double-gate impure-base theory
Nitrogen budget in the Changjiang River drainage area 被引量:1
作者 江涛 俞志明 +1 位作者 宋秀贤 曹西华 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期654-667,共14页
We established a budget model of nitrogen (N) inputs and outputs between watersheds and waterbodies to determine the sources of riverine N in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River drainage area. Nitrogen inputs in the bu... We established a budget model of nitrogen (N) inputs and outputs between watersheds and waterbodies to determine the sources of riverine N in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River drainage area. Nitrogen inputs in the budget included N from synthetic fertilizer, biological fixation by leguminous and other crops, wet/dry atmospheric deposition, excreta from humans and animals, and crop residues. The total N input was estimated to be 17.6 Tg, of which 20% or 3.5 Tg N was transported into waterbodies. Of the total N transported into waterbodies, the largest proportion was N from animal waste (26%), followed by N from atmospheric wet/dry deposition (25%), synthetic fertilizer N (17%), N in sewage wastes (17%), N in human waste from rural areas (6%) and industrial wastewater N (9%). We studied the spatial patterns of N inputs and outputs by dividing the Changjiang River drainage area into four sub-basins, from upstream to downstream: the Tongtian River drainage area (TTD, the headwater drainage area, 138 000 l^n2, less disturbed by human activities); the Jinsha River drainage area (JSD, 347 000 km2, less disturbed by human activities, approx. 3 500 km upstream of the Changjiang estuary); the Pingshan-Yichang drainage area (PYD, 520 500 krn2, large-scale human disturbance, about 2 000 km upstream of the Changjiang estuary); and the Yichang-Datong drainage area (YDD, 699 900 km^2, large-scale httman disturbance, approx. 620 km upstream of the Changjiang estuary). The average N input into waterbodies was 2.3, 7.3, 24.1, and 28.2 kg N/ha in the TTD, JSD, PYD, and YDD sub-basins, respectively, suggesting an increase of N-components of more than 10 times from upstream to downstream areas. 展开更多
关键词 nitrogen budget EUTROPHICATION Changjiang (Yangtze) River drainage area riverine nitrogen transport
Esophagogastric junction distensibility assessed using the functional lumen imaging probe 被引量:2
作者 Joan W Chen Joel H Rubenstein 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第7期1289-1297,共9页
To assess reference values in the literature for esophageal distensibility and cross-sectional area in healthy and diseased subjects measured by the functional lumen imaging probe (FLIP).METHODSSystematic search and r... To assess reference values in the literature for esophageal distensibility and cross-sectional area in healthy and diseased subjects measured by the functional lumen imaging probe (FLIP).METHODSSystematic search and review of articles in Medline and Embase pertaining to the use of FLIP in the esophagus was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. Cross-sectional area and distensibility at the esophagogastric junction (EGJ) were abstracted for normal subjects, achalasia, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients, stratified by balloon length and volume of inflation.RESULTSSix achalasia studies (n = 154), 3 GERD (n = 52), and 5 studies including healthy controls (n = 98) were included in the systematic review. Normative data varied widely amongst studies of healthy volunteers. In contrast, studies in achalasia patients uniformly demonstrated low point estimates in distensibility ≤ 1.6 mm<sup>2</sup>/mmHg prior to treatment that increased to ≥ 3.4 mm<sup>2</sup>/mmHg following treatment at 40mL bag volume. In GERD patients, distensibility fell to the range of untreated achalasia (≤ 2.85 mm<sup>2</sup>/mmHg) following fundoplication.CONCLUSIONFLIP may be a useful tool in assessment of treatment efficacy in achalasia. The drastic drop in EGJ distensibility after fundoplication suggests that FLIP measurements need to be interpreted in the context of esophageal body motility and highlights the importance of pre-operative screening for dysmotility. Future studies using standardized FLIP protocol and balloon size are needed. 展开更多
关键词 Impedance planimetry Gastroesophageal reflux disease Esophageal distensibility ACHALASIA
Experimental investigation on solar-flue gas chimney
作者 Hussain H. Al-Kayiem How Meng Git Seow Lee Lee 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2009年第9期25-31,共7页
Flue gases exhausted from thermal power plants contain more than 50% of the fuel thermal energy. In the present work, experimental investigation was carried out to study the utilization of thermal energy in flue gases... Flue gases exhausted from thermal power plants contain more than 50% of the fuel thermal energy. In the present work, experimental investigation was carried out to study the utilization of thermal energy in flue gases to enhance the performance of modified solar chimney consisting of Savonius wind rotor. A modified solar chimney model was designed and fabricated to carry out experimental measurement. The model consists of thermal energy conversion unit; Savonius wind rotor and a chimney. The thermal energy in the flue gas transfers to the air particles in the air channel across the absorber plate and results in upward air stream due to the buoyancy effect. With an 9 absorber area of 2.36 re'and flue gas mass flow rate of0.18 kg/s, air velocity' of 4.1 m/s was achieved at the top of the thermal unit. Increasing the mass flow rate of the flue gas to 0.24 kg/s enhances the air velocity to be 4.6 m/s. The results have demonstrated the possibility' of utilizing the thermal energy in the waste flue gas to enhance the performance of a solar chimney and facilitate the continuous operation during the absence of the sun. 展开更多
关键词 energy recoverY thermal solar systems: solar chimney flue gas
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