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作者 董宇毅 《自动化与仪表》 2024年第2期40-44,共5页
当暖通空调小流量风机运行时,频繁产生的脉冲噪声增加了信号采集的复杂性并引入了干扰,使得采集到的振动信号含有大量不必要的噪声成分,降低了采集精度和准确性。为此,提出暖通空调小流量风机机械振动信号自适应采集方法。使用经验模态... 当暖通空调小流量风机运行时,频繁产生的脉冲噪声增加了信号采集的复杂性并引入了干扰,使得采集到的振动信号含有大量不必要的噪声成分,降低了采集精度和准确性。为此,提出暖通空调小流量风机机械振动信号自适应采集方法。使用经验模态分解方法对振动信号进行处理,获得信号在时域和频域上的特征信息。根据振动信号的频率特征,设计自适应变采样算法在不同的时间段内动态地调整采样率,采集风机振动信号。使用数学形态滤波器调整信号的形状,去除脉冲干扰以提高采集信号的精度,并进一步优化信号的质量。实验结果表明,所提方法的振动信号自适应采集精度高,且采集时间短。 展开更多
关键词 空调小流量风机 振动信号 自适应采样算法 经验模态分解 数学形态滤波器
PCB印制板的通流量影响因素分析 被引量:1
作者 牛颖聪 《铁路通信信号工程技术》 2023年第8期107-111,共5页
主要通过介绍影响PCB通流量的重要因素:覆铜厚度、温升、走线宽度、走线位置等条件,分析各因素对PCB通流量变化的影响;通过控制单一变量,来研究通流量的变化,最终为印制板选择合适的制板参数,使PCB设计更加合理。根据研究结果,对ZPW... 主要通过介绍影响PCB通流量的重要因素:覆铜厚度、温升、走线宽度、走线位置等条件,分析各因素对PCB通流量变化的影响;通过控制单一变量,来研究通流量的变化,最终为印制板选择合适的制板参数,使PCB设计更加合理。根据研究结果,对ZPW·F-K型发送器的PCB参数进行核算,确认发送器的参数选择符合设计要求。 展开更多
关键词 流量 影响因素 覆铜厚度 线宽
二通比例流量插装阀的建模与仿真分析 被引量:6
作者 肖体兵 苏乃权 +3 位作者 洪永 温怡彰 邹大鹏 吴百海 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2015年第13期125-128,共4页
分析了ATOS的LIQZO型二通比例流量插装阀的结构及工作原理;利用AMESim的HCD库搭建其仿真模型;参考厂家提供的特性曲线,详细地探讨了其仿真模型的参数设置,以保证其动静态特性。仿真曲线与样本曲线的对比分析表明,所搭建的仿真模型及所... 分析了ATOS的LIQZO型二通比例流量插装阀的结构及工作原理;利用AMESim的HCD库搭建其仿真模型;参考厂家提供的特性曲线,详细地探讨了其仿真模型的参数设置,以保证其动静态特性。仿真曲线与样本曲线的对比分析表明,所搭建的仿真模型及所设置的仿真参数是合理可行的。研究成果对其他比例流量插装阀的建模具有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 比例流量插装阀 建模 仿真分析 动静态特性
作者 Morley C.J. Lau R. +2 位作者 De Paoli A. Davis P.G. 贺莉 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册)》 2005年第12期12-12,共1页
In a randomised crossover trial, 26 babies, treated with Hudson prong continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) from a bubbling bottle, received vigorous, high amplitude, or slow bubbling for 30 minutes. Pulse oximet... In a randomised crossover trial, 26 babies, treated with Hudson prong continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) from a bubbling bottle, received vigorous, high amplitude, or slow bubbling for 30 minutes. Pulse oximetry, transcutaneous carbon dioxide, and respiratory rate were recorded. The bubbling rates had no effect on carbon dioxide, oxygenation, or respiratory rate. 展开更多
关键词 气体交换 流量 氧化水 CPAP 血氧浓度 水封瓶 呼吸频率 交叉试验 流量通 气速率
作者 黄玮 黄达海 万福磊 《云南水力发电》 2006年第5期27-29,共3页
金沙江龙开口水电站为碾压混凝土重力坝,根据混凝土施工计划模拟成果,得到整个坝体浇注期间在夏季高温时段的高峰月浇筑强度。因推荐的一期冷却时间普遍为20 d,据此计算中标示出了高温季节高峰时段同时处于冷却状态的坝块数量,并根据水... 金沙江龙开口水电站为碾压混凝土重力坝,根据混凝土施工计划模拟成果,得到整个坝体浇注期间在夏季高温时段的高峰月浇筑强度。因推荐的一期冷却时间普遍为20 d,据此计算中标示出了高温季节高峰时段同时处于冷却状态的坝块数量,并根据水管间距与排列方式,得到了相应的高峰通水流量,为坝体一期冷却决定制冷容量提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 龙开口水电站 碾压混凝土坝 一期冷却 流量
基于AMESim的二通流量控制阀的建模及仿真 被引量:1
作者 郝永波 《农业装备技术》 2019年第3期31-32,35,共3页
在液压领域,二通流量控制阀是一种压力补偿型节流阀,它是在节流阀前面串接一个定差减压阀,使油液先经过减压阀产生一次压力降,并利用减压阀阀芯的自动调节,使节流阀前后压差保持不变。从而保持通过节流阀的流量恒定,即能保持执行元件速... 在液压领域,二通流量控制阀是一种压力补偿型节流阀,它是在节流阀前面串接一个定差减压阀,使油液先经过减压阀产生一次压力降,并利用减压阀阀芯的自动调节,使节流阀前后压差保持不变。从而保持通过节流阀的流量恒定,即能保持执行元件速度稳定。利用AMESim软件构建了二通流量控制阀的仿真模型,仿真结果表明,二通流量控制阀具有流量稳定的特点,仿真结果也为二通流量控制阀的设计和参数选取提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 流量控制阀 AMESIM 仿真
空气污染颗粒堆积对暖通排风风速流量的影响研究 被引量:2
作者 任志丰 姚进 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2020年第10期82-86,共5页
空气污染颗粒堆积对暖通排风系统会造成严重影响,由此需对暖通排风风速流量影响分析方法进行研究,传统方法分析暖通排风风速流量受空气污染颗粒堆积的影响时,存在分析结果不准确、有效性差等问题。提出空气污染颗粒堆积对暖通排风风速... 空气污染颗粒堆积对暖通排风系统会造成严重影响,由此需对暖通排风风速流量影响分析方法进行研究,传统方法分析暖通排风风速流量受空气污染颗粒堆积的影响时,存在分析结果不准确、有效性差等问题。提出空气污染颗粒堆积对暖通排风风速流量的影响分析方法,通过组分守恒定律、质量守恒定律、能量守恒定律和动量守恒定律在CFD计算理论的基础上分析暖通排风风速流量受空气污染颗粒堆积的影响。实验结果表明,所提方法可有效的分析暖通排风风速流量受空气污染颗粒堆积的影响。 展开更多
关键词 空气污染颗粒堆积 排风风速流量 CFD计算理论 影响分析
作者 张淼 《工程建设标准化》 2011年第9期22-25,共4页
关键词 排水立管 流量 测试方法
电力通信网规划仿真技术研究及其典型应用 被引量:6
作者 周静 陈希 《电力系统通信》 2012年第12期25-29,共5页
在新的发展时期,如何合理分析评价网络结构对业务需求的适应性是电力通信网络规划设计面临的关键问题之一。文章以陕西省电力公司的骨干通信网"十二五"规划方案为基础,通过采用PSCPlanner规划软件,仿真了"无保护"、... 在新的发展时期,如何合理分析评价网络结构对业务需求的适应性是电力通信网络规划设计面临的关键问题之一。文章以陕西省电力公司的骨干通信网"十二五"规划方案为基础,通过采用PSCPlanner规划软件,仿真了"无保护"、"1+1保护"和"区分保护"等3种业务保护方式下的网络负载状态,通过比较"流量穿通比"指标和"链路负载率"指标,分析了该网络规划方案对业务需求的适应能力,最后给出了陕西省骨干光传输网业务配置方案。 展开更多
关键词 业务需求预测 流量穿 链路负载率 网络规划仿真 PSCPlanner
作者 王槐青 《城市道桥与防洪》 1989年第1期27-38,17,共13页
前言黑龙江省牡丹江市至林口的铁路,于市郊桦林镇以17孔20米的大桥跨越牡丹江。该桥系于1933年修建,至今已50多年。根据上游16公里的牡丹江水文站资料,曾对桥址百年一遇洪峰流量进行过几次分析。由于资料本身的代表性以及对流域中(?)利... 前言黑龙江省牡丹江市至林口的铁路,于市郊桦林镇以17孔20米的大桥跨越牡丹江。该桥系于1933年修建,至今已50多年。根据上游16公里的牡丹江水文站资料,曾对桥址百年一遇洪峰流量进行过几次分析。由于资料本身的代表性以及对流域中(?)利措施的变更,致使前后分析成果差异很大,影响经济效益甚大。例如,用60年代的分析成果检算桥孔,百年一遇流量通过时,水位在梁底以上达1.7米。非但价值200~300万元的大桥不能继续使用,而且沿牡丹江的铁路一段路基也将被淹,必须抬高加宽。 展开更多
关键词 洪峰流量 百年一遇 流量通 林镇 频率分析 特大洪水 洪峰模数 年洪水 检算 计算成果
Stochastic Air Traffic Flow Management for Demand and Capacity Balancing Under Capacity Uncertainty
作者 CHEN Yunxiang XU Yan ZHAO Yifei 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2024年第5期656-674,共19页
This paper introduces an innovative approach to the synchronized demand-capacity balance with special focus on sector capacity uncertainty within a centrally controlled collaborative air traffic flow management(ATFM)f... This paper introduces an innovative approach to the synchronized demand-capacity balance with special focus on sector capacity uncertainty within a centrally controlled collaborative air traffic flow management(ATFM)framework.Further with previous study,the uncertainty in capacity is considered as a non-negligible issue regarding multiple reasons,like the impact of weather,the strike of air traffic controllers(ATCOs),the military use of airspace and the spatiotemporal distribution of nonscheduled flights,etc.These recessive factors affect the outcome of traffic flow optimization.In this research,the focus is placed on the impact of sector capacity uncertainty on demand and capacity balancing(DCB)optimization and ATFM,and multiple options,such as delay assignment and rerouting,are intended for regulating the traffic flow.A scenario optimization method for sector capacity in the presence of uncertainties is used to find the approximately optimal solution.The results show that the proposed approach can achieve better demand and capacity balancing and determine perfect integer solutions to ATFM problems,solving large-scale instances(24 h on seven capacity scenarios,with 6255 flights and 8949 trajectories)in 5-15 min.To the best of our knowledge,our experiment is the first to tackle large-scale instances of stochastic ATFM problems within the collaborative ATFM framework. 展开更多
关键词 air traffic flow management demand and capacity balancing flight delays sector capacity uncertainty ground delay programs probabilistic scenario trees
移动通信无线基站的防雷改造探讨 被引量:9
作者 周大捷 《广东气象》 2002年第z1期43-44,共2页
  移动通信无线基站(以下简称基站)是移动电话(即射频)信号的发射转播及接收系统,由天线、同轴电缆馈线、通信设备和电源几部分组成.   ……
关键词 防雷改造 同轴电缆 馈线 流量 配电柜 连接线 同轴线 信电缆 电源避雷器 等电位 无线基站 天线杆 雷电流 雷电波 接地装置 金属体 镀锌扁钢
驻极体促进水杨酸甲酯的体外透皮释药 被引量:16
作者 崔黎丽 江键 +3 位作者 张利 宋诚荣 赵卫权 林锦明 《第二军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期415-417,共3页
目的 :研究负极性驻极体对水杨酸甲酯透皮扩散的影响。方法 :用改进的 Franz扩散池和高效液相色谱 (HPL C)法测定水杨酸甲酯通过离体小鼠皮肤的通透流量。结果 :与对照组相比 ,负极性驻极体组水杨酸甲酯的皮肤通透流量增加 1.5 5倍 ,且... 目的 :研究负极性驻极体对水杨酸甲酯透皮扩散的影响。方法 :用改进的 Franz扩散池和高效液相色谱 (HPL C)法测定水杨酸甲酯通过离体小鼠皮肤的通透流量。结果 :与对照组相比 ,负极性驻极体组水杨酸甲酯的皮肤通透流量增加 1.5 5倍 ,且有显著性差异 (P<0 .0 5 )。 结论 :负极性驻极体对水杨酸甲酯的透皮扩散有促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 驻极体 透皮扩散 水杨酸甲酯 流量 体外透皮释药
Analysis of tidal and residual currents across semi-enclosed bay mouth based on shipboard ADCP measurements 被引量:1
作者 李希彬 孙晓燕 姚志刚 《Marine Science Bulletin》 2012年第2期37-45,共9页
Based on 25 hours shipboard ADCP measurements across semi-enclosed bay mouth(Kemen Channel), time series of tidal currents over 12 sites, which distribute evenly along the transect, were constructed to improve our u... Based on 25 hours shipboard ADCP measurements across semi-enclosed bay mouth(Kemen Channel), time series of tidal currents over 12 sites, which distribute evenly along the transect, were constructed to improve our understanding of tidal characteristics and residuals in this region. The tidal currents in Kemen Channel were identified as the regular semidiurnal and reversing tidal flows, with its behaviour more like standing waves. Moreover, the flood currents in the lower layers were found to be ahead of that in the upper layers and vice versa for ebb tides. The major of tidal ellipse for M2 constituent was found to be larger close to the southern side of the channel, with its incline also increasing toward the south. The signs of M4 constituent were also found mainly nearby the end points of this transect, indicating the importance of nonlinearity in tidal dynamics due to the shallower topography. A two-layer structure was found for the residual currents in Kemen Channel, flowing northeastwardly out of the Bay in upper 20m and southwestwardly into the bay in the lowers. Besides approximate 4.81×10^8 m^3 water exchanges were determined between the Luoyuan Bay and outer seas by the calculation of tidal flux through Kemen Channel. 展开更多
关键词 shipboard ADCP tidal currents RESIDUALS tidal transport
Benzene and Toluene Levels Measured with DOAS During Vehicular Restrictions in Beijing 被引量:3
作者 李素文 谢品华 +1 位作者 韦民红 王江涛 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期119-122,I0002,共5页
Measurements of atmospheric benzene and toluene were carried out continuously using dif- ferential optical absorption spectroscopy from August 7 to August 28 in Beijing during the period of vehicular restrictions. The... Measurements of atmospheric benzene and toluene were carried out continuously using dif- ferential optical absorption spectroscopy from August 7 to August 28 in Beijing during the period of vehicular restrictions. The correlations between traffic flows and totals of benzene and toluene were studied during the period of vehicular traffic restrictions from August 17 to August 20 and non-traffic restrictions on August 16 and August 21. The correlation coef- ficient was 0.8 between benzene and toluene. And the calculated daily mean value ratios of benzene to toluene were 0.43-0.50. During the period of vehicular restrictions, traffic flows were reduced about 11.8% and the levels of benzene and toluene were reduced by 11.4% and 12.8%, respectively. The vehicle emissions were recognized as the major sources for atmospheric benzene and toluene in Beijing. 展开更多
关键词 Differential optical absorption spectroscopy Benzene and toluene Vehicularrestrictions Tramc emissions Traffic flows
基于全能量法ZnO压敏电阻能量配合的分析 被引量:1
作者 李祥超 陈嵘徐 +3 位作者 陈璞阳 周中山 陈则煌 刘艳 《电器与能效管理技术》 2015年第5期1-7,共7页
分析了雷电波在传输线中传输及ZnO压敏电阻级间串联电感的理论。通过改变试验中级间连接导线的长度,改变相应的分布电感,退耦元件采用与分布电感等值的空心电感和磁芯电感,进行了ZnO压敏电阻能量配合试验。研究为ZnO压敏电阻的能量配合... 分析了雷电波在传输线中传输及ZnO压敏电阻级间串联电感的理论。通过改变试验中级间连接导线的长度,改变相应的分布电感,退耦元件采用与分布电感等值的空心电感和磁芯电感,进行了ZnO压敏电阻能量配合试验。研究为ZnO压敏电阻的能量配合提供了参考依据,在实际应用中具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 ZNO压敏电阻 能量配合 流量 残压 磁饱和
压敏电压相近的限压型SPD能量配合分析 被引量:5
作者 周晓娟 范凯彬 +1 位作者 杨海良 张鸿波 《建筑电气》 2013年第9期18-25,共8页
通过不同冲击电压、SPD级间用不同长度的导线及与其等值的电感连接时的能量配合试验,分析压敏电压相近的限压型SPD间能量的合理配合。分析试验数据,得出结论:两压敏电压相近的SPD并联时,当连接导线自身的分布电感和空心电感的电感值相等... 通过不同冲击电压、SPD级间用不同长度的导线及与其等值的电感连接时的能量配合试验,分析压敏电压相近的限压型SPD间能量的合理配合。分析试验数据,得出结论:两压敏电压相近的SPD并联时,当连接导线自身的分布电感和空心电感的电感值相等时,二者可等效;但当出现磁饱和时,一级SPD通流量明显降低,二级SPD的通流量明显增高,后级残压明显增大;在冲击电压相同的情况下,SPD间连接导线越长,保护效果越好。 展开更多
关键词 限压型SPD 能量配合 压敏电压 残压 冲击电压 流量 雷击电磁脉冲 磁饱和
Direct computing methods for turn flows in traffic assignment
作者 任刚 王炜 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第2期225-228,共4页
Two methods based on a slight modification of the regular traffic assignmentalgorithms are proposed to directly compute turn flows instead of estimating them from link flows orobtaining them by expanding the networks.... Two methods based on a slight modification of the regular traffic assignmentalgorithms are proposed to directly compute turn flows instead of estimating them from link flows orobtaining them by expanding the networks. The first one is designed on the path-turn incidencerelationship, and it is similar to the computational procedure of link flows. It applies to thetraffic assignment algorithms that can provide detailed path structures. The second utilizes thelink-turn incidence relationship and the conservation of flow on links, a law deriving from thisrelationship. It is actually an improved version of Dial's logit assignment algorithm. The proposedapproaches can avoid the shortcomings both of the estimation methods, e. g. Furness's model andFrator's model, and of the network-expanding method in precision, stability and computation scale.Finally, they are validated by numerical examples. 展开更多
关键词 turn flow traffic assignment Dial's algorithm directly computing method
Research on a non-linear chaotic prediction model for urban traffic flow 被引量:4
作者 黄鵾 陈森发 +1 位作者 周振国 亓霞 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期410-413,共4页
In order to solve serious urban transport problems, according to the proved chaotic characteristic of traffic flow, a non linear chaotic model to analyze the time series of traffic flow is proposed. This model recons... In order to solve serious urban transport problems, according to the proved chaotic characteristic of traffic flow, a non linear chaotic model to analyze the time series of traffic flow is proposed. This model reconstructs the time series of traffic flow in the phase space firstly, and the correlative information in the traffic flow is extracted richly, on the basis of it, a predicted equation for the reconstructed information is established by using chaotic theory, and for the purpose of obtaining the optimal predicted results, recognition and optimization to the model parameters are done by using genetic algorithm. Practical prediction research of urban traffic flow shows that this model has famous predicted precision, and it can provide exact reference for urban traffic programming and control. 展开更多
关键词 traffic flow chaotic theory phase reconstruction non linear genetic algorithm prediction model
Analysis of heat pulse signals determination for sediment-water interface fluxes
作者 朱腾义 Rajendra Prasad Singh 傅大放 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第2期192-196,共5页
The heat pulse signal is analyzed in a new way with the goals of clarifying the relationships between the variables in the heat transfer problem and simplifying the procedure for calculating sediment-water interface f... The heat pulse signal is analyzed in a new way with the goals of clarifying the relationships between the variables in the heat transfer problem and simplifying the procedure for calculating sediment-water interface fluxes J. Only three parameters x0 λand pc l are needed to calculate J by the heat pulse data for this analysis method.The results show that there is a curvilinear relationship between the peak temperature arrival time and sediment-water interface fluxes and there exists a simple linear relationship between sediment-water interface fluxes and the natural log of the ratio of the temperature increase downstream from the line heat source to the temperature increase upstream from the heat source.The simplicity of this relationship makes the heat pulse sensors an attractive option for measuring soil water fluxes. 展开更多
关键词 sediment-water interface flux seepage meter heat pulse peak arrival time
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