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作者 刘威 《网络与信息》 2008年第6期74-74,共1页
关键词 AQM 流量速率 队列长度
面向拥塞控制的显式速率流量控制机制 被引量:1
作者 孔竞飞 吴介一 张孝林 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第8期47-49,共3页
研究和分析了基于速率的流量控制模型,针对已有显式速率(EPRCA)机制存在的不足,提出了一种新的控制机制ERFCM。通过广域网WAN和局域网LAN中的仿真研究表明,在反映控制机制性能的瞬时参数振荡性和机制的鲁棒性方面... 研究和分析了基于速率的流量控制模型,针对已有显式速率(EPRCA)机制存在的不足,提出了一种新的控制机制ERFCM。通过广域网WAN和局域网LAN中的仿真研究表明,在反映控制机制性能的瞬时参数振荡性和机制的鲁棒性方面,ERFCM要优于EPRCA。 展开更多
关键词 ATM网络 拥塞控制 局域网 广域网 计算机网络 显式速率流量控制
基于LSTM的TTE网络速率约束流量预测 被引量:7
作者 史亚菲 李峭 熊华钢 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期822-829,共8页
时间触发以太网(TTE)中的速率约束(RC)流量为事件触发流量,在RC流量动态调度的应用场景下,若能预测未来短时间内数条RC流量到达交换节点的序列,使交换节点提前进行调度决策,以减小RC流量时延,提高网络吞吐量。对RC流量到达序列预测问题... 时间触发以太网(TTE)中的速率约束(RC)流量为事件触发流量,在RC流量动态调度的应用场景下,若能预测未来短时间内数条RC流量到达交换节点的序列,使交换节点提前进行调度决策,以减小RC流量时延,提高网络吞吐量。对RC流量到达序列预测问题进行了研究,建立了RC流量的到达序列模型,提出了基于长短期记忆网络(LSTM)算法的RC流量预测算法。利用OMNET++工具进行TTE网络仿真,得到多组混合关键性配置下RC流量的传输数据;以此作为输入样本对预测算法进行训练和测试。实验结果显示,LSTM算法在RC流量预测问题的准确率达到了70%以上。通过对比实验说明所提算法适用于RC流量预测场景。 展开更多
关键词 时间触发以太网(TTE)网络 速率约束(RC)流量 流量预测 长短期记忆网络(LSTM)算法 网络仿真
作者 彭玲玲 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2014年第24期119-126,共8页
针对电池供电的多跳多路径无线网状(mesh)网络中的能量不平衡问题,提出了一种联合考虑服务质量和能量平衡的最大化网络寿命方法。首先,分析了通常情况下的多路径多跳无线多媒体网络;然后,讨论了网络的跨层流量分布和物理层信道编码形式... 针对电池供电的多跳多路径无线网状(mesh)网络中的能量不平衡问题,提出了一种联合考虑服务质量和能量平衡的最大化网络寿命方法。首先,分析了通常情况下的多路径多跳无线多媒体网络;然后,讨论了网络的跨层流量分布和物理层信道编码形式;最后,设计了一种分配路径级多媒体流量和链路级信道编码冗余的联合优化方案,满足质量最低要求的同时使路由器的电池电量差异最小。仿真结果表明,本文方法通过流量和信道的编码控制,能够显著提高无线网状网络的能量平衡。 展开更多
关键词 能量平衡 无线MESH网络 多路径多跳 信道编码 流量速率分配
作者 张晓兰 徐跃峰 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第1期74-76,共3页
采用速率反馈方式的流量控制策略,在LonWorks总线网络节点上增加控制器和缓冲队列,是改善网络的公平性,提高网络的信息吞吐量,降低网络反馈信道的错误率的有效方法.该策略及算法不仅可优化LonWorks总线网络的通信传输质量,而且对于解决... 采用速率反馈方式的流量控制策略,在LonWorks总线网络节点上增加控制器和缓冲队列,是改善网络的公平性,提高网络的信息吞吐量,降低网络反馈信道的错误率的有效方法.该策略及算法不仅可优化LonWorks总线网络的通信传输质量,而且对于解决其他包含CSMA协议的工业控制网的同类问题也有参考价值. 展开更多
关键词 LONWORKS 基于速率流量控制 闭环
作者 许莉 彭晓婷 冯建周 《燕山大学学报》 CAS 2006年第3期267-271,共5页
目前,已经有许多的基于速率的流量控制方法,这些方法中大多都能提高连接的公平分配带宽以及利用率,但是,也给交换机带来更大的复杂性。基于这点,本文提出了一个流量控制方法,将部分速率计算工作从交换机转移到终端系统。结果表明,该方... 目前,已经有许多的基于速率的流量控制方法,这些方法中大多都能提高连接的公平分配带宽以及利用率,但是,也给交换机带来更大的复杂性。基于这点,本文提出了一个流量控制方法,将部分速率计算工作从交换机转移到终端系统。结果表明,该方法能够减少交换机的速率计算工作以及交换复杂性。而且,还降低了交换机在每一时间间隔内,为每条链路计算负载因子的难度,从而使队列长度保持在稳定的状态。 展开更多
关键词 ATM ABR 流量管理 基于速率流量控制
作者 陈臣 刘杰 《萍乡高等专科学校学报》 2007年第6期26-31,共6页
关键词 弹性分组环 公平算法 流量速率
南水北调中线输水渠道的漫溢现象分析 被引量:6
作者 方神光 吴保生 赵刚 《水利水电科技进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期11-14,共4页
针对南水北调中线输水渠道缺少调节水库的现实情况,采用一维非恒定流数学模型,模拟了渠道中某一节制闸出流量以不同速率关闭而导致上游渠道中出现的水流漫溢现象。结果显示,水流漫溢现象最先发生在被关闭节制闸前。闸下出流量的变化速... 针对南水北调中线输水渠道缺少调节水库的现实情况,采用一维非恒定流数学模型,模拟了渠道中某一节制闸出流量以不同速率关闭而导致上游渠道中出现的水流漫溢现象。结果显示,水流漫溢现象最先发生在被关闭节制闸前。闸下出流量的变化速率越快,出现漫溢的时间也越短,闸门关闭期间的闸前水位上涨速度与闸下出流量的变化速率呈线性变化关系。实际条件下,为尽量避免出现漫溢事故,应尽量缓慢关闭闸门,延长渠道出现漫溢的时间,以留出更多的时间去启动退水闸或其他分流设施。 展开更多
关键词 南水北调中线工程 节制闸 非恒定流 流量变化速率 漫溢
极端暴雨下黄土高原小流域洪水特征及风险分析 被引量:1
作者 张凡 侯精明 +5 位作者 马勇勇 王添 景静 张晔 董美君 周庆诗 《水资源与水工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期52-58,70,共8页
为研究极端暴雨下小流域的洪水特性,采用二维全水动力数值模型模拟流域洪水演进过程,计算不同重现期下典型断面的水力要素,并进行流域洪水风险分析。结果表明:500 a重现期对应洪峰流量增长速率最大,高达51.38%;而1000 a重现期对应洪峰... 为研究极端暴雨下小流域的洪水特性,采用二维全水动力数值模型模拟流域洪水演进过程,计算不同重现期下典型断面的水力要素,并进行流域洪水风险分析。结果表明:500 a重现期对应洪峰流量增长速率最大,高达51.38%;而1000 a重现期对应洪峰流量增长速率降低至7.61%,洪峰流量增长速率随降雨重现期的增大呈现先上升后降低规律。各断面的最大水深增幅小于其对应的洪峰流量增幅。流域洪水淹没面积随重现期增加变化较小。为使社会经济效益达到最大化,建议该小流域使用500 a重现期下洪峰流量推算新建公路和铁路桥涵孔径尺寸,研究成果可为小流域应对极端暴雨和进行防洪评价提供必要参考。 展开更多
关键词 极端暴雨 洪水特征 全水动力模型 洪峰流量增长速率 黄土高原小流域
Pore structure and liquid flow velocity distribution in water-saturated porous media probed by MRI 被引量:3
作者 吴爱祥 刘超 +2 位作者 尹升华 薛振林 陈勋 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1403-1409,共7页
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to probe the structure and flow velocity within the interparticle space of a packed bed of agar beads under water-saturated condition. The images of the velocity field at th... Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to probe the structure and flow velocity within the interparticle space of a packed bed of agar beads under water-saturated condition. The images of the velocity field at three different flow rates were obtained. To determine the pore-parameter of the porous media, the internal structure of the bed was also obtained using image processing technique. The results show that the porosity of the sample is 31.28% and the fitting curve for the distribution of pore equivalent diameter follows Gaussian distribution. The velocity profiles do shift as the flow rate varies and the solution flow through the void space is not a homogeneous flow in any pores. The velocity distributions within the pore are roughly parabolic with the local maximum being near the center. About half of the velocity components are in the class of 0-1 cm/s. The frequency of lower velocity components is lower at higher flow rate, but to higher velocity components, it is just the opposite. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic resonance imaging porous media flow velocity POROSITY pore equivalent diameter
Power consumption and flow field characteristics of a coaxial mixer with a double inner impeller 被引量:4
作者 刘宝庆 张义堃 +2 位作者 陈明强 厉鹏 金志江 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期1-6,共6页
A coaxial mixer meeting the actual demand of a system with high and variable viscosity is investigated. It has an outer wall-scraping frame and a double inner impeller consisting of a four-pitched-blade turbine and Ru... A coaxial mixer meeting the actual demand of a system with high and variable viscosity is investigated. It has an outer wall-scraping frame and a double inner impeller consisting of a four-pitched-blade turbine and Rushton turbine. The power consumption and flow field characteristics of the coaxial mixer in laminar and transitional flow are simulated numerically, and then the distribution of velocity field, shear rate and mass flow rate are analyzed. The simulation results indicate that the outer frame has little effect on the power consumption of the double inner impeller whether in laminar or transitional flow, whereas the inner combined impeller has a great effect on the power consumption of the outer frame. Compared with the single rotation mode, the power consumption of the outer frame will decrease in co-rotation mode and increase in counter-rotation mode. The velocity, shear rate and mass flow rate are relatively high near the inner impeller in all operating modes, and only under double-shaft agitation will the mixing performance near the free surface be improved.In addition, these distributions in the co-rotation and counter-rotation modes show little difference, but the co-rotation mode is recommended for the advantage of low power consumption. 展开更多
关键词 Coaxial mixer Power consumption Flow field characteristics Numerical simulation
Flow stress behavior of high-purity Al-Cu-Mg alloy and microstructure evolution 被引量:3
作者 李立 李慧中 +2 位作者 梁霄鹏 黄岚 洪涛 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期815-820,共6页
The flow stress behavior of high-purity Al-Cu-Mg alloy under hot deformation conditions was studied by Gleeble-1500,with the deformation temperature range from 300 to 500 °C and the strain rate range from 0.01 to... The flow stress behavior of high-purity Al-Cu-Mg alloy under hot deformation conditions was studied by Gleeble-1500,with the deformation temperature range from 300 to 500 °C and the strain rate range from 0.01 to 10 s-1. From the true stress-true strain curve, the flow stress increases with the increasing of strain and tends to be constant after a peak value, showing dynamic recover, and the peak value of flow stress increases with the decreasing of deformation temperature and the increasing of strain rate.When the strain rate is 10 s-1 and the deformation temperature is higher than 400 °C, the flow stress shows dynamic recrystallization characteristic. TEM micrographs were used to reveal the evolution of microstructures. According to the processing map at true strain of 0.7, the feasible deformation conditions are high strain rate(>0.5 s-1) or 440-500 °C and 0.01-0.02 s-1. 展开更多
关键词 high-purity Al-Cu-Mg alloy hot compression flow stress processing map
Balancing QoE and Fairness of Heterogeneous Traffics Based on Equivalent Rate Scaling
作者 GAO Qiang FEI Zesong +2 位作者 LI Na XING Chengwen KUANG Jingming 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期136-144,共9页
With great increase of mobile service in recent years,high quality of experience(QoE) is becoming a comprehensive and major goal for service provider.To unify evaluations of different services,mean opinion score(MOS) ... With great increase of mobile service in recent years,high quality of experience(QoE) is becoming a comprehensive and major goal for service provider.To unify evaluations of different services,mean opinion score(MOS) as a subjective assessment is usually adopted for accurate and convincing reflection of user perceived quality.In this paper,we consider the effect of the burst transmission of best effort(BE) traffic on the uses with real time video traffic in the same cell.We extend the rate scaling process which was initially used to shape burstiness of BE users as interference to handle the scenario that BE users act as resource competitors with video users.A power reallocation strategy between the two types of users is presented and an algorithm further improving the fairness of BE users is proposed.The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can not only promote the QoE of both types of users,but also guarantee the fairness among users. 展开更多
关键词 QOE best effort rate scaling resource allocation fairness.
Principal Denudation Processes and Their Contribution to Fluvial Suspended Sediment Yields in the Upper Yangtze River Basin and Volga River Basin 被引量:1
作者 VALENTIN Golosov ZHANG Xin-bao +2 位作者 HE Xiu-bin TANG Qiang ZHOU Ping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期101-122,共22页
This paper synthesized the principal land denudation processes and their role in determining riverine suspended sediment yields(SSY) in two typical geographical environments of the Upper Yangtze River Basin in China a... This paper synthesized the principal land denudation processes and their role in determining riverine suspended sediment yields(SSY) in two typical geographical environments of the Upper Yangtze River Basin in China and the Volga River Basin in Eastern Europe. In the Upper Yangtze River Basin, natural factors including topography, climate,lithology and tectonic activity are responsible for the spatial variation in the magnitude of denudation rates.Human disturbances have contributed to the temporal changes of soil erosion and fluvial SSY during the past decades. On one hand, land use change caused by deforestation and land reclamation has played an important role in the acceleration of sediment production from the central hilly area and lower Jinsha catchment; On the other hand, diverse soil conservation practices(e.g., reforestation,terracing) have contributed to a reduction of soil erosion and sediment production since the late 1980 s.It was difficult to explicitly decouple the effect of mitigation measures in the Lower Jinsha River Basindue to the complexity associated with sediment redistribution within river channels(active channel migration and significant sedimentation). The whole basin can be subdivided into seven sub-regions according to the different proportional inputs of principal denudation processes to riverine SSY. In the Volga River Basin, anthropogenic sheet, rill and gully erosion are the predominant denudation processes in the southern region, while channel bank and bed erosion constitutes the main source of riverine suspended sediment flux in the northern part of the basin. Distribution of cultivated lands significantly determined the intensity of denudation processes.Local relief characteristics also considerably influence soil erosion rates and SSY in the southern Volga River Basin. Lithology, soil cover and climate conditions determined the spatial distribution of sheet, rill and gully erosion intensity, but they play a secondary role in SSY spatial variation. 展开更多
关键词 Land denudation Anthropogenicdisturbance Suspended sediment yield UpperYangtze River Volga River
A TCP Performance Enhancement Scheme in Infrastructure based Vehicular Networks 被引量:5
作者 HA Le FANG Lijin +1 位作者 BI Yuanguo LIU Wei 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期73-84,共12页
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) in infrastructure based vehicular net- works is dedicated to support reliable Intemet services for mobile users. However, an end-to- end TCP flow not only experiences some com- mo... Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) in infrastructure based vehicular net- works is dedicated to support reliable Intemet services for mobile users. However, an end-to- end TCP flow not only experiences some com- mon challenges in wireless mobile networks, such as high packet loss rate, medium access competition, unstable wireless bandwidth, and dynamic topology, etc., but also suffers from performance degradation due to traffic congestion at the Road-Side Units (RSUs) that connect the wireline and wireless networks. In order to address the challenging issues related to reliable TCP transmissions in infrastruc- ture based vehicular networks, we propose an RSU based TCP (R-TCP) scheme. For wireline source nodes, R-TCP adopts a novel flow control mechanism to adjust transmission rates according to the status of bottleneck link. Specifically, during the short wireless connec- tion time in Infrastructure based vehicular net- works, R-TCP quickly chooses an ideal trans- mission rate for data transmissions instead of activating the slow start algorithm after the connection is established, and successfully avoids the oscillation of the transmission rate. Simulation results show that R-TCP achieves great advantages than some relate proposals in terms of throughput, end-to-end delay, and packet loss rate. 展开更多
关键词 rate control bottleneck node packet loss infrastructure based vehicular net-works
Turbine Blade Boundary Layer Separation Suppression via Synthetic Jet: an Experimental and Numerical Study 被引量:1
作者 Bernardini C. +9 位作者 Carnevale M. Manna M. Martelli F. Simoni D. Zunino P. 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第5期404-412,共9页
The present paper focuses on the analysis of a synthetic jet device (with a zero net massflow rate) on a separated boundary layer. Separation has been obtained on a flat plate installed within a converging-diverging t... The present paper focuses on the analysis of a synthetic jet device (with a zero net massflow rate) on a separated boundary layer. Separation has been obtained on a flat plate installed within a converging-diverging test section specifically designed to attain a local velocity distribution typical of a high-lift LPT blade. Both experimental and numerical investigations have been carried out. Unsteady RANS results have been compared with experiments in terms of time-averaged velocity and turbulence intensity distributions. Two different Reynolds number cases have been investigated, namely Re = 200,000 and Re = 70,000, which characterize low-pressure turbine operating conditions during take-off/landing and cruise. A range of synthetic jet aerodynamic parameters (Strouhal number and blowing ratio) has been tested in order to analyze the features of control-separated boundary layer interaction for the aforementioned Reynolds numbers. 展开更多
关键词 Synthetic Jet Separated Flow Active Flow Control Unsteady Flow Ultra High Lift LPT.
Photoacoustic Doppler flowmetry of carbon particles flow using an autocorrelation method 被引量:2
作者 卢涛 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2014年第6期467-469,共3页
In order to measure the axial flowing velocity of carbon particle suspension with particle diameter of tens of micrometers, the photoacoustic Doppler(PAD) frequency shift is calculated based on a series of individual ... In order to measure the axial flowing velocity of carbon particle suspension with particle diameter of tens of micrometers, the photoacoustic Doppler(PAD) frequency shift is calculated based on a series of individual A scans using an autocorrelation method. A 532 nm pulsed laser with repetition rate of 20 Hz is used as a pumping source to generate photoacoustic signal. The photoacoustic signals are detected using a focused piezoelectric(PZT) ultrasound transducer with central frequency of 5 MHz. The suspension of carbon particles is driven by a syringe pump. The complex photoacoustic signal is calculated by the Hilbert transformation from time-domain photoacoustic signal, and then it is autocorrelated to calculate the Doppler frequency shift. The photoacoustic Doppler frequency shift is calculated by averaging the autocorrelation results of some individual A scans. The advantage of the autocorrelation method is that the time delay in autocorrelation can be defined by user, and the requirement of high pulse repetition rate is avoided. The feasibility of the proposed autocorrelation method is preliminarily demonstrated by quantifying the motion of a carbon particle suspension with flow velocity from 5 mm/s to 60 mm/s. The experimental results show that there is an approximately linear relation between the autocorrelation result and the setting velocity. 展开更多
关键词 AUTOCORRELATION CARBON Doppler effect Flow velocity Frequency shift keying Mathematical transformations Optical pumping Pulse repetition rate Time delay Time domain analysis Ultrasonic transducers
Review of actuators for high speed active flow control 被引量:22
作者 WANG Lin LUO ZhenBing +2 位作者 XIA ZhiXun LIU Bing DENG Xiong 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期2225-2240,共16页
Actuators are one of the key points for the development of active flow control technology.Efficient methods of high speed flow control can provide enhanced propulsive efficiency and at the same time enable safe and ma... Actuators are one of the key points for the development of active flow control technology.Efficient methods of high speed flow control can provide enhanced propulsive efficiency and at the same time enable safe and maneuverable high speed flight.The development of high speed flight technology promotes the emergence of novel and robust actuators.This review introduces the state of the art in the development of actuators that can be used in high speed active flow control.The classification and different operation criteria of the actuators are discussed.The specifications,mechanisms and applications of various popular actuator types including fluidic,mechanical,and plasma actuators are described.Based on the realistic need of high speed flow control and the existing results of actuators,a new actuator design method is proposed.At last,the merits and drawbacks of the actuators are summarized and some suggestions on the development of active flow control technology are put forward. 展开更多
关键词 active flow control actuators figure of merit fluidic MECHANICAL PLASMA
Velocity Measurement of Induced Flow by a Laser Focusing Shock Wave
作者 Hiroyuki HIRAHARA Masaru FUJINAMI Masaaki KAWAHASHI 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第1期48-53,26,共7页
The objective of this study is to apply the shock wave for control in a micro channel. The shock wave was generated by a laser focusing of pulsed laser beam in the channel. Using a pulse laser to generate a shock wave... The objective of this study is to apply the shock wave for control in a micro channel. The shock wave was generated by a laser focusing of pulsed laser beam in the channel. Using a pulse laser to generate a shock wave, a non-stationary flow was induced in the small space between the parallel plates. The spherical and cylindrical shock propagations were observed with schlieren method. The shock Mach number decreases with time and approaches to unity. As reported in the previous investigations, the shock speed was attenuated in a short distance and time. In the present experiment, It was not found a remarkable difference in the shock speed between the spherical and cylindrical shock experiments. Subsequently, the flow induced by the cylindrical shock wave was studied using PIV technique. A smoke tracer was used in the experiment and its velocity was measured within 100 μs. A numerical simulation was carried out to investigate the momentum relaxation between the gas and smoke particle. A suitable shock initiation model was introduced in the simulation. The experimental results show that a wide acceleration and deceleration zone exist behind the shock wave. Also, the relaxation distance in the experimental data is much longer than that in numerical simulation. 展开更多
关键词 micro-blast wave laser focusing flow visualization PIV.
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