Aim Intracellular calcium ([Ca^(2+) ]_i) is mainly regulated by mitochondriaand endo-plasmic reticula. This study was carried out to ascertain whether the elementary mechanismof the effects of etimicin (EM) and gentam...Aim Intracellular calcium ([Ca^(2+) ]_i) is mainly regulated by mitochondriaand endo-plasmic reticula. This study was carried out to ascertain whether the elementary mechanismof the effects of etimicin (EM) and gentamicin (GM) on [Ca^(2+) ]_i is related to their effects onmitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake and endoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake. Methods The effects of GMand EM on [Ca^(2+) ]_i in LLC-PK1 were determined with a fluorescent probe of Fura-2/AM. The effectsof EM and GM on mitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake and endoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake weredetermined by isotope indicator (^(45)Ca^(2+) ) . Results EM and GM at the concentration of 1mmol·L^(-1) had no significant effect on [Ca^(2+) ]_i(P. > 0.05) and at 10 mmol·L^(-1)significantly caused [Ca^(2+) ]_i to increase (P < 0.01). EM and GM at 1 mmol·L^(-1) causedmitochondrion Ca^(2+)-uptake to ascend dramatically (P < 0.05) and at 10 mmol·L^(-1) causedmitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake to descend significantly. EM and GM at more than 0.34 mrnol·L^(-1)significantly inhibited endoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake (P < 0.05 or 0.01). Conclusion Novariation of [Ca^(2+) ]_i caused by EM and GM at lower concentrations might relate to theequilibrium of their promotion of mitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake with their inhibition of endoplasmicreticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake. The elevation of [Ca^(2+) ]_i caused by EM and GM at higherconcentrations might correlate with their inhibition of mitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake andendoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake.展开更多
The corrosion of coal mine equipment immersed in coal slurry is addressed. The corrosion of low carbon steel samples immersed in coal slurries of different concentrations (80, 130, and 180g/L) prepared from coals of...The corrosion of coal mine equipment immersed in coal slurry is addressed. The corrosion of low carbon steel samples immersed in coal slurries of different concentrations (80, 130, and 180g/L) prepared from coals of different rank (long-flame coal, meager lean coal, and anthracite) and different granularity (0.25-0.5 ram, 0.074-0.25 mm, and less than 0.074 mm particle size) was studied by the electrochemical method of polarization curve measurement, controlled potential sweeping, and continuous scanning. The results show that the corrosion rate in an anthracite slurry, where the coal has high coalification, is far greater than corrosion in a long-flame or a meager lean coal slurry. Furthermore the corrosion current, polarization current, and corrosion rate of low carbon steel become larger, and the polarizability becomes smaller, as the coal particle size decreases. The same trend is seen as the concentration of the coal slurry increases.展开更多
Different amounts of FCC slurry oil and HVGO were added to Tahe atmospheric residue respectively. The colloi- dal stability and asphaltene agglomeration of atmospheric residue and mixed oils were characterized by mean...Different amounts of FCC slurry oil and HVGO were added to Tahe atmospheric residue respectively. The colloi- dal stability and asphaltene agglomeration of atmospheric residue and mixed oils were characterized by means of the mass fraction normalized conductivity and the small-angle X-ray scattering technology (SAXS). The results indicated that the sta- bility of Tahe atmospheric residue decreased with an increasing amount of these oil fractions. It was found that the decline of the colloidal stability was attributed to the component polarity difference between oil fractions and the atmospheric resi- due. Though the aromaticity of FCC slurry oil was higher than that of HVGO, the polarity of aromatics and resins of FCC slurry oil was lower than those of HVGO. So the degree of the colloidal stability was more seriously destroyed by FCC slurry oil. The dispersion of asphaltenes in Tahe atmospheric residue was changed by adding FCC slurry oil and HVGO. The particle size of as-ohaltenes increased alon~ with the decline of the colloidal stability展开更多
A (3+1 )-dimensional Kadomtse-Petviashvili (KP) equation for nonlinearly interacting intense laser pulses with an electron-positron (e-p) plasma is derived. Taking into account the combined action of the relati...A (3+1 )-dimensional Kadomtse-Petviashvili (KP) equation for nonlinearly interacting intense laser pulses with an electron-positron (e-p) plasma is derived. Taking into account the combined action of the relativistic particle mass increase and the relativistic light ponderomotive force, using the perturbation method, and allowing different types solution, we discuss the analytical solution of (3+1)-dimensional KP-I equation, and give the approximate solutions of vector potential of the intense laser pulse in e-p plasma. Our results may be significantly useful in understanding the nonlinear wave propagation and interaction of intense laser beams in an e-p plasma.展开更多
To investigate the relationship of milk line position with grain weight and mechanized harvest of summer corn in Huang-Huai-Hai Region, 8 varieties (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) with large planting areas were selected to...To investigate the relationship of milk line position with grain weight and mechanized harvest of summer corn in Huang-Huai-Hai Region, 8 varieties (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) with large planting areas were selected to measure the grain filling rate, 100-grain weight, water content and milk line position, and the correlation was analyzed. Results showed that when the milk line position was 90%, the grain filling of all the 8 varieties finished and 100-grain weight reached the highest value, which was 43.02 g. The grain filling time was in positive correlation with 100-grain weight. However, when the milk line position completely disappeared, the 100-grain weight was reduced by 8.66% at most. There was no significant difference during the periods of grain weight rising, but in the periods of grain weight falling, the traits of D, E, H were significantly different with the other varieties, and water loss rate of C and A showed significant difference with the other six varieties. The water content of grain was negatively correlated with milk line position. When the milk line percentage was 90% , the grain water content was less than 30% . The key factor influencing the mechanized harvest of summer corn is harvesting time, rather than the varieties. Moreover, milk-line position of 90% is the best time for harvest; if the harvest is too late, the yield will be reduced with varying degrees.展开更多
5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) has a broad spectrum of anti-tumor activity, widely applied to the treatment of cancers. However, it is necessary to determine the plasma concentration of 5-FU in clinical practice due to its nar...5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) has a broad spectrum of anti-tumor activity, widely applied to the treatment of cancers. However, it is necessary to determine the plasma concentration of 5-FU in clinical practice due to its narrow therapeutic index. Therefore, a simple, economic and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed and validated for the determination of 5-FU in human plasma. Ethyl acetate was chosen as extraction reagent. Chromatographic separation was performed on a Diamonsil C18 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm i.d., 5 μm) with the mobile phase consisting of methanol and 20 mmol/L ammonium formate using a linear gradient elution at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min. 5-FU and 5-bromouracil (5-BU) were detected by UV detector at 265 nm. The calibration curve was linear over the concentration range of 5—500 ng/mL and the correlation coefficient was not less than 0.992 6 for all calibration curves. The intra- and inter-day precisions were less than 10.5% and 4.3%, respectively, and the accuracy was within ±3.7%. The recovery at all concentration levels was 80.1±8.6%. 5-FU was stable under possible conditions of storing and handling. This method is proved applicable to therapeutic drug monitoring and pharmacokinetic studies of 5-FU in human.展开更多
Objectives To investigate the associations of the plasma homocysteine levels with the alterations in arterial stiffness in a commu- nity-based cohort. The gender differences in these associations were examined. Method...Objectives To investigate the associations of the plasma homocysteine levels with the alterations in arterial stiffness in a commu- nity-based cohort. The gender differences in these associations were examined. Methods We evaluated the relationship between plasma homocysteine levels to three measures of vascular ftmction [carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (CF-PWV), carotid-ankle PWV (CA-PWV) and heart rate corrected augmentation index (AI)] in 1680 participants (mean age: 61.5 years; 709 men, 971 women) from communities of Beijing, China. Results In univariate analysis, plasma homocysteine levels was positively related to the CF-PWV (r = 0.211, P 〈 0.0001) and CA-PWV (r = 0.148, P 〈 0.0001), whereas inversely associated with AI (r = -0.052, P = 0.016). In multiple linear regression models adjusting for covariants, plasma homocysteine remained positively related to the CF-PWV (standardized 13 = 0.065, P = 0.007) in total cases. When the groups of men and women were examined separately, plasma homocysteine remained positively associated with the CF-PWV (standardized β = 0.082, P = 0.023) in men, whereas the relations between homocysteine and any of the arterial stiffness indices were not further present in women. Conclusions In Chinese population, plasma homocysteine levels are independently associated with alterations of large artery stiffness in men but not in women.展开更多
The pH dependence of the extrapolated shear yield stress for Alcoa A16 a-Al2O3 suspensions at the powder volume fraction of 0.27 with and without addition of both polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) ...The pH dependence of the extrapolated shear yield stress for Alcoa A16 a-Al2O3 suspensions at the powder volume fraction of 0.27 with and without addition of both polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) each at fixed 0.18% of the powder mass was studied. With the polymer added, the full deflocculation of the suspension shifts from about pH=4 to around pH=1.5, at which the minimum value of shear yield stress is higher than that at pH=4. The addition of both PVA and PEG was found to prevent the filter cake from cracking.展开更多
There are many karst areas within Wuhan-Guangzhou route. Karst grouting is one of the main construction procedures of the sub-grade construction. Through construction art tests,construction principles,water and cement...There are many karst areas within Wuhan-Guangzhou route. Karst grouting is one of the main construction procedures of the sub-grade construction. Through construction art tests,construction principles,water and cementation ratio,grouting construction key points and quality check requirements were determined. Grouting quantity and pressure can be determined according to different geology conditions. Recommendations for quality problems such as bad practicability of grouting,unexpected dissipation of slurry,slurry belching,and overfeeding of slurry going to non-grouting area were proposed.展开更多
This study proposes a model to determine the content of cement in mortars using the background of X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra taking advantage of the fact that fluorescence radiation for the Cu anticathode is di...This study proposes a model to determine the content of cement in mortars using the background of X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra taking advantage of the fact that fluorescence radiation for the Cu anticathode is different in cement paste and aggregates, and also that cement paste and aggregates have different crystallinity degrees. The method has been tested for limestone mortars with five different types of cement: I52,5N/SR, CEMII/A-L32,5N, IIIA42,5N/SR, IVA(V)32,5N/SR y CAC.展开更多
Porosity is one of the most important parameters for cement-based materials,which influences the mechanical property,transport property,and durability.The spatial and frequency distributions of local porosity of cemen...Porosity is one of the most important parameters for cement-based materials,which influences the mechanical property,transport property,and durability.The spatial and frequency distributions of local porosity of cement pastes are characterized using X-ray micro-tomography data and treating methods.The 3D spatial distributions for three cement paste specimens with different water cement(w/c)ratios show reasonable heterogeneity.The probability analysis also reveals this heterogeneity:the representative volume element(RVE)size based on porosity maps decreases with w/c ratio firstly,then increases with w/c ratio;and the heterogeneity on the characterized probe size or on the RVE size increases with w/c ratio.Average porosities obtained using the CT method are further compared with those by traditional methods.展开更多
The total magmatic output in modern arcs,where continental crust is now being formed, is believed to derive from melting of the mantle wedge and is largely basaltic. Globally averaged continental crust, however, has a...The total magmatic output in modern arcs,where continental crust is now being formed, is believed to derive from melting of the mantle wedge and is largely basaltic. Globally averaged continental crust, however, has an andesitic bulk composition and is hence too silicic to have been derived directly from the mantle. It is well known that one way this imbalance can be reconciled is if the parental basalt differentiates into a mafic garnet pyroxenitic residue/cumulate(‘‘arclogite'') and a complementary silicic melt, the former foundering or delaminating into the mantle due to its high densities and the latter remaining as the crust.Using the Sierra Nevada batholith in California as a case study, the composition of mature continental arc crust is shown in part to be the product of a cyclic process beginning with the growth of an arclogite layer followed by delamination of this layer and post-delamination basaltic underplating/recharge into what remains of the continental crust.A model is presented, wherein continuous arc magmatism and production of arclogites in continental arcs are periodically punctuated by a delamination event and an associated magmatic pulse every *10–30 My. The recycling flux of arclogites is estimated to be *5 %–20 % that of oceanic crust recycling by subduction. Delaminated arclogites have the necessary trace-element compositions to yield time-integrated isotopic compositions similar to those inferred toexist as reservoirs in the mantle. Because of their low melting temperatures, such pyroxenites may be preferentially melted, possibly forming a component of some hotspot magmas.展开更多
Effect of critical beam radius on self-focusing of cosh-Gaussian laser beams in collisionless magnetized plasma under ponderomotive nonlinearity forms the main core of present work. To investigate propagation dynamics...Effect of critical beam radius on self-focusing of cosh-Gaussian laser beams in collisionless magnetized plasma under ponderomotive nonlinearity forms the main core of present work. To investigate propagation dynamics of cosh-Gaussian laser beams in collisionless magnetized plasma, well established parabolic equation approach under WKB and paraxial approximations is employed. Our study is crucially pivoted on the concept of critical curve and subsequent determination of numerical interval for decentered parameter to sustain the competition between diffraction and self-focusing during the propagation of laser beam. Additionally, in the present study an interesting feature in the self-focusing region of the critical curve has been attempted for different values of decentered parameter.展开更多
In order to comply with the requirements for a drug listed in China, the study was developed to compare the pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of two different enteric formulations of omeprazole (OPZ) in he...In order to comply with the requirements for a drug listed in China, the study was developed to compare the pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of two different enteric formulations of omeprazole (OPZ) in healthy Chinese subjects. A total of 32 volunteers participated in the study. Plasma concentrations were analyzed by non- stereospecific liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method. After administration of a single 40-mg dose of the two OPZ formulations, the comparative bioavailability was assessed by calculating individual AUC0-t (the area under the concentration-time curve from time zero to the last measurable concentration), AUC0-∞ (the area under the concentration-time curve extrapolated to infinity), Cmax (the maximum observed concentration), and Tpeak (the time to Cmax) values of OPZ, 5-hydroxyomeprazole (OH-OPZ), and omeprazole sulfone (OPZ-SFN), respectively. The 90% confidence intervals (CIs) of AUC0-t, AUC0-∞, and Cmax were 85.4%-99.0%/88.8%-98.6%/87.6%-99.4%, 85.5%-99.2%/89.0%-98.6%/88.5%-101.3%, and 72.3%-87.6%/79.6%-91.1%/88.4%-99.1% for OPZ/OH-OPZ/ OPZ-SFN, respectively, and Tpeak values did not differ significantly. In this study, the test formulation of OPZ in fasting healthy Chinese male volunteers met the Chinese bioequivalance standard to the reference formulation based on AUC, Cmax, and Tpeak.展开更多
In this research, some of site and silvicultural characteristics of Yew stand in northern forests of Iran was studied. For this purpose, compartment number 16 of district 4 Shir-ghalaye was selected. According to rese...In this research, some of site and silvicultural characteristics of Yew stand in northern forests of Iran was studied. For this purpose, compartment number 16 of district 4 Shir-ghalaye was selected. According to research purposes, stands with an area of 20 ha were chosen in center of the compartment and was separated from map. Due to restricted area of region and according to few number of Yew trees in the stand, the full-callipering method was conducted for measuring quantitative and qualitative characteristics. In the stand diameter at breast height (D.B.H.), height and canopy diameter of all Yew trees were measured. The results showed that the diameter distribution curve and height distribution curve of Yew trees were similar to even-age forests curve. But according to average annual increment, mixture type of Yew trees in stand, diameter distribution of other species and low rate regeneration of Yew, it can be concluded that the studied Yew stand, is an uneven-age stand and because of low rate regeneration in previous years the number of young Yew trees were reduced and even-age forest curve was formed subsequently. The maximum height and diameter of Yew trees were recorded 26.8 m and 112 cm, respectively. Also, the number of trees per hectare and basal area per hectare of Yew trees were calculated 14.55 and 3.23 m2 respectively.展开更多
文摘Aim Intracellular calcium ([Ca^(2+) ]_i) is mainly regulated by mitochondriaand endo-plasmic reticula. This study was carried out to ascertain whether the elementary mechanismof the effects of etimicin (EM) and gentamicin (GM) on [Ca^(2+) ]_i is related to their effects onmitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake and endoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake. Methods The effects of GMand EM on [Ca^(2+) ]_i in LLC-PK1 were determined with a fluorescent probe of Fura-2/AM. The effectsof EM and GM on mitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake and endoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake weredetermined by isotope indicator (^(45)Ca^(2+) ) . Results EM and GM at the concentration of 1mmol·L^(-1) had no significant effect on [Ca^(2+) ]_i(P. > 0.05) and at 10 mmol·L^(-1)significantly caused [Ca^(2+) ]_i to increase (P < 0.01). EM and GM at 1 mmol·L^(-1) causedmitochondrion Ca^(2+)-uptake to ascend dramatically (P < 0.05) and at 10 mmol·L^(-1) causedmitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake to descend significantly. EM and GM at more than 0.34 mrnol·L^(-1)significantly inhibited endoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake (P < 0.05 or 0.01). Conclusion Novariation of [Ca^(2+) ]_i caused by EM and GM at lower concentrations might relate to theequilibrium of their promotion of mitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake with their inhibition of endoplasmicreticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake. The elevation of [Ca^(2+) ]_i caused by EM and GM at higherconcentrations might correlate with their inhibition of mitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake andendoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake.
基金subsidized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Innovative Research Group (No.50921002)the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions
文摘The corrosion of coal mine equipment immersed in coal slurry is addressed. The corrosion of low carbon steel samples immersed in coal slurries of different concentrations (80, 130, and 180g/L) prepared from coals of different rank (long-flame coal, meager lean coal, and anthracite) and different granularity (0.25-0.5 ram, 0.074-0.25 mm, and less than 0.074 mm particle size) was studied by the electrochemical method of polarization curve measurement, controlled potential sweeping, and continuous scanning. The results show that the corrosion rate in an anthracite slurry, where the coal has high coalification, is far greater than corrosion in a long-flame or a meager lean coal slurry. Furthermore the corrosion current, polarization current, and corrosion rate of low carbon steel become larger, and the polarizability becomes smaller, as the coal particle size decreases. The same trend is seen as the concentration of the coal slurry increases.
基金Financial support was provided by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China through the National Basic Research Program (Grant No. 2010CB217807)
文摘Different amounts of FCC slurry oil and HVGO were added to Tahe atmospheric residue respectively. The colloi- dal stability and asphaltene agglomeration of atmospheric residue and mixed oils were characterized by means of the mass fraction normalized conductivity and the small-angle X-ray scattering technology (SAXS). The results indicated that the sta- bility of Tahe atmospheric residue decreased with an increasing amount of these oil fractions. It was found that the decline of the colloidal stability was attributed to the component polarity difference between oil fractions and the atmospheric resi- due. Though the aromaticity of FCC slurry oil was higher than that of HVGO, the polarity of aromatics and resins of FCC slurry oil was lower than those of HVGO. So the degree of the colloidal stability was more seriously destroyed by FCC slurry oil. The dispersion of asphaltenes in Tahe atmospheric residue was changed by adding FCC slurry oil and HVGO. The particle size of as-ohaltenes increased alon~ with the decline of the colloidal stability
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.10575082)the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province under Grant No.3ZS061-A25-014the Natural Science Foundation of Northwest Normal University under Grant No.NWNU-KJCXGC-03-17
文摘A (3+1 )-dimensional Kadomtse-Petviashvili (KP) equation for nonlinearly interacting intense laser pulses with an electron-positron (e-p) plasma is derived. Taking into account the combined action of the relativistic particle mass increase and the relativistic light ponderomotive force, using the perturbation method, and allowing different types solution, we discuss the analytical solution of (3+1)-dimensional KP-I equation, and give the approximate solutions of vector potential of the intense laser pulse in e-p plasma. Our results may be significantly useful in understanding the nonlinear wave propagation and interaction of intense laser beams in an e-p plasma.
基金Supported by the"Corn Industry Technology System of Henan Province-Shangqiu Comprehensive Test Station"of the Special Fund for Modern Agricultural Technology System of Henan Province(Z2015-02-02)the"Research and Application of Full Mechanization and Supporting High-Yield Cultivation Technology of Summer Corn"of the Key Science and Technology Project of Shangqiu City(153026)~~
文摘To investigate the relationship of milk line position with grain weight and mechanized harvest of summer corn in Huang-Huai-Hai Region, 8 varieties (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) with large planting areas were selected to measure the grain filling rate, 100-grain weight, water content and milk line position, and the correlation was analyzed. Results showed that when the milk line position was 90%, the grain filling of all the 8 varieties finished and 100-grain weight reached the highest value, which was 43.02 g. The grain filling time was in positive correlation with 100-grain weight. However, when the milk line position completely disappeared, the 100-grain weight was reduced by 8.66% at most. There was no significant difference during the periods of grain weight rising, but in the periods of grain weight falling, the traits of D, E, H were significantly different with the other varieties, and water loss rate of C and A showed significant difference with the other six varieties. The water content of grain was negatively correlated with milk line position. When the milk line percentage was 90% , the grain water content was less than 30% . The key factor influencing the mechanized harvest of summer corn is harvesting time, rather than the varieties. Moreover, milk-line position of 90% is the best time for harvest; if the harvest is too late, the yield will be reduced with varying degrees.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30630075 and 20675056)Major State Basic Research Development Program of China ("973" Program) (No. 2006CB933303)
文摘5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) has a broad spectrum of anti-tumor activity, widely applied to the treatment of cancers. However, it is necessary to determine the plasma concentration of 5-FU in clinical practice due to its narrow therapeutic index. Therefore, a simple, economic and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed and validated for the determination of 5-FU in human plasma. Ethyl acetate was chosen as extraction reagent. Chromatographic separation was performed on a Diamonsil C18 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm i.d., 5 μm) with the mobile phase consisting of methanol and 20 mmol/L ammonium formate using a linear gradient elution at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min. 5-FU and 5-bromouracil (5-BU) were detected by UV detector at 265 nm. The calibration curve was linear over the concentration range of 5—500 ng/mL and the correlation coefficient was not less than 0.992 6 for all calibration curves. The intra- and inter-day precisions were less than 10.5% and 4.3%, respectively, and the accuracy was within ±3.7%. The recovery at all concentration levels was 80.1±8.6%. 5-FU was stable under possible conditions of storing and handling. This method is proved applicable to therapeutic drug monitoring and pharmacokinetic studies of 5-FU in human.
基金This work was supported by grants from the Key National Basic Research Program of China (2012CB517503, 2013CB530804) and Nature Science Foundation of China (81270941) to Ye P, and the Nature Science Foundation of China (81100878) and the Beijing Nova Program (Z121107002513124) to Bai Y. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
文摘Objectives To investigate the associations of the plasma homocysteine levels with the alterations in arterial stiffness in a commu- nity-based cohort. The gender differences in these associations were examined. Methods We evaluated the relationship between plasma homocysteine levels to three measures of vascular ftmction [carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (CF-PWV), carotid-ankle PWV (CA-PWV) and heart rate corrected augmentation index (AI)] in 1680 participants (mean age: 61.5 years; 709 men, 971 women) from communities of Beijing, China. Results In univariate analysis, plasma homocysteine levels was positively related to the CF-PWV (r = 0.211, P 〈 0.0001) and CA-PWV (r = 0.148, P 〈 0.0001), whereas inversely associated with AI (r = -0.052, P = 0.016). In multiple linear regression models adjusting for covariants, plasma homocysteine remained positively related to the CF-PWV (standardized 13 = 0.065, P = 0.007) in total cases. When the groups of men and women were examined separately, plasma homocysteine remained positively associated with the CF-PWV (standardized β = 0.082, P = 0.023) in men, whereas the relations between homocysteine and any of the arterial stiffness indices were not further present in women. Conclusions In Chinese population, plasma homocysteine levels are independently associated with alterations of large artery stiffness in men but not in women.
文摘The pH dependence of the extrapolated shear yield stress for Alcoa A16 a-Al2O3 suspensions at the powder volume fraction of 0.27 with and without addition of both polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) each at fixed 0.18% of the powder mass was studied. With the polymer added, the full deflocculation of the suspension shifts from about pH=4 to around pH=1.5, at which the minimum value of shear yield stress is higher than that at pH=4. The addition of both PVA and PEG was found to prevent the filter cake from cracking.
文摘There are many karst areas within Wuhan-Guangzhou route. Karst grouting is one of the main construction procedures of the sub-grade construction. Through construction art tests,construction principles,water and cementation ratio,grouting construction key points and quality check requirements were determined. Grouting quantity and pressure can be determined according to different geology conditions. Recommendations for quality problems such as bad practicability of grouting,unexpected dissipation of slurry,slurry belching,and overfeeding of slurry going to non-grouting area were proposed.
文摘This study proposes a model to determine the content of cement in mortars using the background of X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra taking advantage of the fact that fluorescence radiation for the Cu anticathode is different in cement paste and aggregates, and also that cement paste and aggregates have different crystallinity degrees. The method has been tested for limestone mortars with five different types of cement: I52,5N/SR, CEMII/A-L32,5N, IIIA42,5N/SR, IVA(V)32,5N/SR y CAC.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.51008072)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No.2242014R30014)State Key Laboratory of High Performance Civil Engineering Materials(Grant No.2012CEM008)
文摘Porosity is one of the most important parameters for cement-based materials,which influences the mechanical property,transport property,and durability.The spatial and frequency distributions of local porosity of cement pastes are characterized using X-ray micro-tomography data and treating methods.The 3D spatial distributions for three cement paste specimens with different water cement(w/c)ratios show reasonable heterogeneity.The probability analysis also reveals this heterogeneity:the representative volume element(RVE)size based on porosity maps decreases with w/c ratio firstly,then increases with w/c ratio;and the heterogeneity on the characterized probe size or on the RVE size increases with w/c ratio.Average porosities obtained using the CT method are further compared with those by traditional methods.
文摘The total magmatic output in modern arcs,where continental crust is now being formed, is believed to derive from melting of the mantle wedge and is largely basaltic. Globally averaged continental crust, however, has an andesitic bulk composition and is hence too silicic to have been derived directly from the mantle. It is well known that one way this imbalance can be reconciled is if the parental basalt differentiates into a mafic garnet pyroxenitic residue/cumulate(‘‘arclogite'') and a complementary silicic melt, the former foundering or delaminating into the mantle due to its high densities and the latter remaining as the crust.Using the Sierra Nevada batholith in California as a case study, the composition of mature continental arc crust is shown in part to be the product of a cyclic process beginning with the growth of an arclogite layer followed by delamination of this layer and post-delamination basaltic underplating/recharge into what remains of the continental crust.A model is presented, wherein continuous arc magmatism and production of arclogites in continental arcs are periodically punctuated by a delamination event and an associated magmatic pulse every *10–30 My. The recycling flux of arclogites is estimated to be *5 %–20 % that of oceanic crust recycling by subduction. Delaminated arclogites have the necessary trace-element compositions to yield time-integrated isotopic compositions similar to those inferred toexist as reservoirs in the mantle. Because of their low melting temperatures, such pyroxenites may be preferentially melted, possibly forming a component of some hotspot magmas.
文摘Effect of critical beam radius on self-focusing of cosh-Gaussian laser beams in collisionless magnetized plasma under ponderomotive nonlinearity forms the main core of present work. To investigate propagation dynamics of cosh-Gaussian laser beams in collisionless magnetized plasma, well established parabolic equation approach under WKB and paraxial approximations is employed. Our study is crucially pivoted on the concept of critical curve and subsequent determination of numerical interval for decentered parameter to sustain the competition between diffraction and self-focusing during the propagation of laser beam. Additionally, in the present study an interesting feature in the self-focusing region of the critical curve has been attempted for different values of decentered parameter.
基金Project supported by the 12th Five-Year Significant New Drugs Creation Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(No. 2011ZX09302-003-03)the Zhejiang Provincial Medicine and Health Research Fund(No.2008A064)the Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co.,Ltd.,China
文摘In order to comply with the requirements for a drug listed in China, the study was developed to compare the pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of two different enteric formulations of omeprazole (OPZ) in healthy Chinese subjects. A total of 32 volunteers participated in the study. Plasma concentrations were analyzed by non- stereospecific liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method. After administration of a single 40-mg dose of the two OPZ formulations, the comparative bioavailability was assessed by calculating individual AUC0-t (the area under the concentration-time curve from time zero to the last measurable concentration), AUC0-∞ (the area under the concentration-time curve extrapolated to infinity), Cmax (the maximum observed concentration), and Tpeak (the time to Cmax) values of OPZ, 5-hydroxyomeprazole (OH-OPZ), and omeprazole sulfone (OPZ-SFN), respectively. The 90% confidence intervals (CIs) of AUC0-t, AUC0-∞, and Cmax were 85.4%-99.0%/88.8%-98.6%/87.6%-99.4%, 85.5%-99.2%/89.0%-98.6%/88.5%-101.3%, and 72.3%-87.6%/79.6%-91.1%/88.4%-99.1% for OPZ/OH-OPZ/ OPZ-SFN, respectively, and Tpeak values did not differ significantly. In this study, the test formulation of OPZ in fasting healthy Chinese male volunteers met the Chinese bioequivalance standard to the reference formulation based on AUC, Cmax, and Tpeak.
文摘In this research, some of site and silvicultural characteristics of Yew stand in northern forests of Iran was studied. For this purpose, compartment number 16 of district 4 Shir-ghalaye was selected. According to research purposes, stands with an area of 20 ha were chosen in center of the compartment and was separated from map. Due to restricted area of region and according to few number of Yew trees in the stand, the full-callipering method was conducted for measuring quantitative and qualitative characteristics. In the stand diameter at breast height (D.B.H.), height and canopy diameter of all Yew trees were measured. The results showed that the diameter distribution curve and height distribution curve of Yew trees were similar to even-age forests curve. But according to average annual increment, mixture type of Yew trees in stand, diameter distribution of other species and low rate regeneration of Yew, it can be concluded that the studied Yew stand, is an uneven-age stand and because of low rate regeneration in previous years the number of young Yew trees were reduced and even-age forest curve was formed subsequently. The maximum height and diameter of Yew trees were recorded 26.8 m and 112 cm, respectively. Also, the number of trees per hectare and basal area per hectare of Yew trees were calculated 14.55 and 3.23 m2 respectively.