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确定系统级测试性参数的广义随机Petri网模型 被引量:18
作者 钱彦岭 邱静 温熙森 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期4-7,共4页
测试性设计是近年来发展起来的一门新兴学科 ,对提高复杂系统的可靠性、可维修性和可用性具有重要的意义。在测试性设计的过程中 ,合理地选择和确定测试性参数是实现费效比最优设计的关键之一 ,但目前还没有有效的方法能合理地确定每个... 测试性设计是近年来发展起来的一门新兴学科 ,对提高复杂系统的可靠性、可维修性和可用性具有重要的意义。在测试性设计的过程中 ,合理地选择和确定测试性参数是实现费效比最优设计的关键之一 ,但目前还没有有效的方法能合理地确定每个参数的门限值或目标值。基于广义随机Petri网的原理 ,将测试看作设备整个生命周期内可靠性、维修性活动的一个有机组成部分 ,建立了系统的测试性模型。采用数值分析的方法得出系统稳态可用度与系统测试性参数之间的关系曲线 ,作为确定测试性参数的依据 ;当系统需待定的参数比较多时 ,将模型转化为一个区间线性方程 ,有效地解决了计算量大的问题。 展开更多
关键词 系统级测试性参数 测试设计 广义随机PETRI网 区间线方程
基于改进AHP和模糊评价的装备测试性参数选择 被引量:3
作者 刘远宏 刘建敏 +1 位作者 江鹏程 冯辅周 《中国测试》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第7期24-27,共4页
针对装备实际工程应用测试性参数多依靠专家经验或行业常规进行选择,导致所选参数适用范围小、随机性大等问题,提出改进的层次分析法(analytical hierarchy process,AHP)和模糊评价相结合的测试性参数选择方法。即依据装备可靠性、维修... 针对装备实际工程应用测试性参数多依靠专家经验或行业常规进行选择,导致所选参数适用范围小、随机性大等问题,提出改进的层次分析法(analytical hierarchy process,AHP)和模糊评价相结合的测试性参数选择方法。即依据装备可靠性、维修性和可用性初选出测试性参数,并将使用要求作为测试性参数定性评价指标,采用改进AHP方法计算评价指标因子权重,在此基础上采用模糊评价法计算测试性参数优先度,优选出测试性参数集,从而为测试性指标的制定奠定基础。最后以综合传动装置为例,采用该方法优选出精简的测试性参数集。 展开更多
关键词 测试性参数 改进层次分析法 模糊评价
基于改进AHP法的导弹装备测试性参数选择方法研究 被引量:8
作者 张延生 黄考利 连光耀 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期412-414,共3页
合理的测试性参数选择对于指导导弹装备测试性设计,保证导弹装备良好可用度和战备完好性具有重要意义;传统的列表法进行测试性参数优选时,优选参数排序结果存在并列、误差大等问题;用改进层次分析法(M-AHP法)优选测试性参数,能够充分考... 合理的测试性参数选择对于指导导弹装备测试性设计,保证导弹装备良好可用度和战备完好性具有重要意义;传统的列表法进行测试性参数优选时,优选参数排序结果存在并列、误差大等问题;用改进层次分析法(M-AHP法)优选测试性参数,能够充分考虑影响测试性参数各因素的重要程度,使得优选测试性参数排序结果更科学,更准确;以导弹发射装置为例,改进AHP法优选结果显示,首选测试性参数应该为故障检测率、故障虚警率和故障隔离率,这符合导弹发射装置诊断任务要求。 展开更多
关键词 测试 改进AHP法 测试性参数
测试性参数及其指标分配 被引量:4
作者 常亮明 《质量与可靠性》 1996年第4期35-37,43,共4页
关键词 测试性参数 测试分配 BIT
作者 叶万举 《军用标准化》 1996年第6期15-18,共4页
关键词 武器工业 装备 测试性参数 测试设备
基于多信号模型的测试性预计方法研究 被引量:6
作者 杨智勇 牛双诚 姜海勋 《微计算机信息》 2009年第16期268-269,297,共3页
工程常用测试性预计方法过程繁琐、工作量大且不易实现过程的自动化,为此,近年来国外展开了基于模型的计算机辅助测试性预计技术的研究与应用。论文以美国QSI公司的TEAMS(测试性工程与维修系统)软件及其采用的多信号模型为研究对象,对... 工程常用测试性预计方法过程繁琐、工作量大且不易实现过程的自动化,为此,近年来国外展开了基于模型的计算机辅助测试性预计技术的研究与应用。论文以美国QSI公司的TEAMS(测试性工程与维修系统)软件及其采用的多信号模型为研究对象,对其测试性预计功能实现原理进行了解析,给出基于多信号模型的测试性预计方法具体分析过程以及故障-测试相关性分析、诊断策略设计、测试性参数计算的具体算法,为自主开发计算机辅助测试性建模与预计软件奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 多信号模型 测试预计 诊断策略 测试性参数
软件测试性需求分析方法研究 被引量:1
作者 周震震 王轶辰 《微计算机信息》 2010年第27期97-98,107,共3页
从诸多软件测试性影响因素中提取出软件测试性参数,并以此构建软件测试性参数体系。该参数体系通过能反映软件内在表征的目标层建立起软件测试性参数与软件测试性的联系。为能以工程化的方法开展软件测试性设计,提出了软件测试性需求与... 从诸多软件测试性影响因素中提取出软件测试性参数,并以此构建软件测试性参数体系。该参数体系通过能反映软件内在表征的目标层建立起软件测试性参数与软件测试性的联系。为能以工程化的方法开展软件测试性设计,提出了软件测试性需求与软件需求因子的概念,进而提出了完整的软件测试性需求分析方法。该方法以软件特性和软件测试类型为筛选标准,定位目标层,借助软件测试性参数体系获取软件测试性需求因子,进而得到软件测试性需求。 展开更多
关键词 软件测试 软件测试性参数 软件测试需求
不完备检测条件下的系统测试建模与分析 被引量:3
作者 苏永定 刘冠军 +1 位作者 邱静 徐玉国 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第18期2173-2177,共5页
复杂装备系统故障在实际中无法进行完全检测和故障隔离,传统的基于完备检测假设的维修过程模型已不适用于系统性能分析。从实际出发建立了劣化系统在不完备检测条件下的测试过程Markov模型。根据Markov状态微分方程和系统稳态平衡理论,... 复杂装备系统故障在实际中无法进行完全检测和故障隔离,传统的基于完备检测假设的维修过程模型已不适用于系统性能分析。从实际出发建立了劣化系统在不完备检测条件下的测试过程Markov模型。根据Markov状态微分方程和系统稳态平衡理论,提出求解系统稳态可用度的一类解析算法,构建了系统功能故障前平均时间和平均维修费用计算模型。实例说明了系统的故障检测频率、故障检测率和虚警率等测试性参数对系统稳态可用度、功能故障前平均时间和平均维修费用的影响。 展开更多
关键词 测试性参数 不完备检测 稳态可用度 功能故障前平均时间 平均维修费用
Properties analysis of a large flow-rate safety valve test device 被引量:1
作者 WANG Yong JIANG Jin-qiu +2 位作者 SHA Bao-yin SUN Hong-bo ZHAO Rui 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第2期210-214,共5页
In order to solve the problem of property test of large flow-rate safety, the property parameter of safety valve test system was analyzed, and a device for property oflarge flow-rate safety valve test was designed.The... In order to solve the problem of property test of large flow-rate safety, the property parameter of safety valve test system was analyzed, and a device for property oflarge flow-rate safety valve test was designed.The device used accumulators as power source and a united function cylinder, which can realized the large flow-rate output for the test system.Analyzed the test data and made a particular research on the test device by testing different flow-rate safety valves;it verifies that the test device can be used tode-sign larger flow-rate safety valve test system and can make the flow-rate test and analysis and dynamic characteristics for the large-flow safety valve. 展开更多
关键词 safety valve large flow rate test system SUPPORTING
Effect of aeration on fast gas pressure tests 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Yu-jia JIANG Cheng-lin LI Xiao-wei TANG Jun WANG Chen YANG Fei-long WANG Fa-kai ZHANG Chao-jie DENG Shu-hua 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第6期756-760,共5页
Given the problem of the long time required for testing gas pressure, we propose a fast-test method in which we used a technique of fast borehole sealing and air replenishing. Based on the characteristics of gas emiss... Given the problem of the long time required for testing gas pressure, we propose a fast-test method in which we used a technique of fast borehole sealing and air replenishing. Based on the characteristics of gas emission from boreholes to be tested, we built a theoretical model for calculating parameters during the process of increasing natural pressure and aeration. Using this model, we investigated the effect of different aeration conditions on velocity of pressure tests. The result shows that: 1) aerating air into boreholes can speed up gas pressure tests and 2) the more similar the pressure of the aerated air to the original gas pressure, the smaller the gas volume absorbed by coal and the shorter the time needed in pressure test. A case study in the Lu’an mining area shows that the time needed for gas pressure test is only 4 h using our method of aeration and 29 h under conditions of increasing natural pressure, saving time by 86.2%. This case study also indicates that, by using the aeration method, only one hour is needed for gas pressure to reach a stable state, which breaks the record of the shortest time needed for gas pressure tests in China. 展开更多
关键词 AERATION gas pressure fast test aeration pressure adsorption quantity
Development of testing techniques for mine fan performance
作者 吴征艳 蒋曙光 彭担任 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2006年第2期53-56,共4页
Three progressive stages of testing techniques are elaborated,which are en-tirely manual operating,taking separate instruments testing and computer program con-trolling.The testing method and principle are detailed ba... Three progressive stages of testing techniques are elaborated,which are en-tirely manual operating,taking separate instruments testing and computer program con-trolling.The testing method and principle are detailed based on the testing process formeteorological parameters,air pressure,air quality and rotating velocity.And every testingtechnique is analyzed.Finally, the technique outlook is viewed.All this plays a leading rolein development of the testing techniques. 展开更多
关键词 mine fan characteristic parameter performance testing
Dverview and Main Advances in Permutation Tests for Linear Regression Models 被引量:1
作者 Massimiliano Giacalone Angela Alibrandi 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2015年第2期53-59,共7页
When the population, from which the samples are extracted, is not normally distributed, or if the sample size is particularly reduced, become preferable the use of not parametric statistic test. An alternative to the ... When the population, from which the samples are extracted, is not normally distributed, or if the sample size is particularly reduced, become preferable the use of not parametric statistic test. An alternative to the normal model is the permutation or randomization model. The permutation model is nonparametric because no formal assumptions are made about the population parameters of the reference distribution, i.e., the distribution to which an obtained result is compared to determine its probability when the null hypothesis is true. Typically the reference distribution is a sampling distribution for parametric tests and a permutation distribution for many nonparametric tests. Within the regression models, it is possible to use the permutation tests, considering their ownerships of optimality, especially in the multivariate context and the normal distribution of the response variables is not guaranteed. In the literature there are numerous permutation tests applicable to the estimation of the regression models. The purpose of this study is to examine different kinds of permutation tests applied to linear models, focused our attention on the specific test statistic on which they are based. In this paper we focused our attention on permutation test of the independent variables, proposed by Oja, and other methods to effect the inference in non parametric way, in a regression model. Moreover, we show the recent advances in this context and try to compare them. 展开更多
关键词 Permutation Tests Linear Regression Models Non Parametric Approach.
Constraints in Lean Optimization Method Tested on a Real Engineering Problem
作者 Sven Ahlinder Olivier Goury 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第4期220-224,共5页
Optimizing a vehicle includes testing millions of parameters with hundreds of constraints of the performance. In this article, 162 parameters are optimized with 5 constraints using Lean Optimization combined with Line... Optimizing a vehicle includes testing millions of parameters with hundreds of constraints of the performance. In this article, 162 parameters are optimized with 5 constraints using Lean Optimization combined with Linear Programming. The method converges in this example in about 100 evaluations. This is less than the gradient method needs for its first step. 展开更多
关键词 Lean optimization super saturated design linear programming CONSTRAINTS
Statistical Diagnosis and Gross Error Test for Semiparametric Linear Model 被引量:1
作者 DING Shijun ZHANG Songlin JIANG Weiping WANG Shouchun 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2009年第4期296-302,共7页
This paper systematically studies the statistical diagnosis and hypothesis testing for the semiparametric linear regression model according to the theories and methods of the statistical diagnosis and hypothesis testi... This paper systematically studies the statistical diagnosis and hypothesis testing for the semiparametric linear regression model according to the theories and methods of the statistical diagnosis and hypothesis testing for parametric regression model.Several diagnostic measures and the methods for gross error testing are derived.Especially,the global and local influence analysis of the gross error on the parameter X and the nonparameter s are discussed in detail;at the same time,the paper proves that the data point deletion model is equivalent to the mean shift model for the semiparametric regression model.Finally,with one simulative computing example,some helpful conclusions are drawn. 展开更多
关键词 parametric regression semiparametric linear model influencing analysis statistical diagnosis gross error testing
A linear varying coefficient ARCH-M model with a latent variable 被引量:4
作者 SONG ZeFang ZHANG XingFa +1 位作者 LI Yuan XIONG Qiang 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第9期1795-1814,共20页
Motivated by the psychological factor of time-varying risk-return relationship, this paper studies a linear varying coefficient ARCH-M model with a latent variable. Due to the unobservable property of the latent varia... Motivated by the psychological factor of time-varying risk-return relationship, this paper studies a linear varying coefficient ARCH-M model with a latent variable. Due to the unobservable property of the latent variable, a corrected likelihood method is employed for parametric estimation. Estimators are proved to be consistent and asymptotically normal under certain regularity conditions. A simple test statistic is also proposed for testing latent variable effect. Simulation results confirm that the proposed estimators and test perform well.The model is further applied to examine whether the risk-return relationship depends on investor's sentiment in American Market and some explainable results are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 ARCH-M model latent variable corrected likelihood risk-return relationship
作者 Huimin HU Xingzhong XU Guoying LI 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2010年第6期1118-1132,共15页
The one-sided and two-sided hypotheses about the parametric component in partially linear model are considered in this paper. Generalized p-values are proposed based on fiducial method for testing the two hypotheses a... The one-sided and two-sided hypotheses about the parametric component in partially linear model are considered in this paper. Generalized p-values are proposed based on fiducial method for testing the two hypotheses at the presence of nonparametric nuisance parameter. Note that the nonparametric component can be approximated by a linear combination of some known functions, thus, the partially linear model can be approximated by a linear model. Thereby, generalized p-values for a linear model are studied first, and then the results are extended to the situation of partially linear model. Small sample frequency properties are analyzed theoretically. Meanwhile, simulations are conducted to assess the finite sample performance of the tests based on the proposed p-values. 展开更多
关键词 Fiducial inference frequency property generalized p-value hypothesis testing partially linear model.
Optimization of Pyrolysis Properties using TGA and Cone Calorimeter Test
作者 Won-Hee Park Kyung-Beom Yoon 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第2期168-173,共6页
The present paper describes an optimization work to obtain the properties related to a pyrolysis process in the solid material such as density, specific heat, conductivity of virgin and char, heat of pyrolysis and kin... The present paper describes an optimization work to obtain the properties related to a pyrolysis process in the solid material such as density, specific heat, conductivity of virgin and char, heat of pyrolysis and kinetic parameters used for deciding pyrolysis rate. A repulsive particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to obtain the pyrolysis-related properties. In the previous study all properties obtained only using a cone calorimeter but in this paper both the cone calorimeter and thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) are used for precisely optimizing the pyrolysis properties. In the TGA test a very small mass is heated up and conduction and heat capacity in the specimen is negligible so kinetic parameters can first be optimized. Other pyrolysis-related properties such as virgin/char specific heat and conductivity and char density are also optimized in the cone calorimeter test with the already decided parameters in the TGA test. 展开更多
关键词 Pyrolysis properties Thermogravimetric analysis Cone calorimeter Repulsive particle swarmoptimization
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