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清代中后期水环境变迁以及引黄济运和灌塘济运 被引量:1
作者 王建革 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2022年第2期53-66,共14页
明清王朝启用大运河进行南北漕运,黄淮运水系交汇于洪泽湖区域,并形成了既治黄又济运的清口水利枢纽。到了后期,随着黄河淤高倒灌,湖底的淤高,清口难以刷黄济运。乾隆末年实行了借黄济运,道光年间又实行了灌塘济运。这两种方法都使淮扬... 明清王朝启用大运河进行南北漕运,黄淮运水系交汇于洪泽湖区域,并形成了既治黄又济运的清口水利枢纽。到了后期,随着黄河淤高倒灌,湖底的淤高,清口难以刷黄济运。乾隆末年实行了借黄济运,道光年间又实行了灌塘济运。这两种方法都使淮扬运河淤高。由于黄水不断地进入洪泽湖,湖北部更加淤积抬高。随着大量淮水从山盱五坝下高宝诸湖入江或归海,官方通过高家堰控制下游的水情并控制湖蓄。清口不得不在大多数的情况下封闭,闭坝和河身抬高又进一步加剧高家堰的危机。借黄济运和灌塘济运进一步淤高了运河和下游黄河,黄淮运河系统大受影响。明清两代形成的以清刷黄的济运系统,处于非常脆弱易崩的状态。 展开更多
关键词 清代 引黄济运 灌塘济运
保水济运与民田灌溉——利益冲突下的清代山东漕河水利之争 被引量:10
作者 吴琦 杨露春 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期98-103,共6页
山东运河是京杭大运河的关键地段,但所处地形条件复杂,水资源相对缺乏,为了保证漕船的顺利通行,清政府采取了严格的保水济运措施,因而与该流域的民田灌溉在对水利资源的利用方面产生冲突;同时,中央和地方为了维护各自的利益,采取了一系... 山东运河是京杭大运河的关键地段,但所处地形条件复杂,水资源相对缺乏,为了保证漕船的顺利通行,清政府采取了严格的保水济运措施,因而与该流域的民田灌溉在对水利资源的利用方面产生冲突;同时,中央和地方为了维护各自的利益,采取了一系列争水利、避水患的措施,仍多是针锋相对的态势。在这场因水资源而产生的利益争夺中,问题的关键在于国家如何统筹,从全局的角度综合治理水利,以便较好地解决由于漕运政策的偏差所引发的矛盾,使双方在水资源的利用与分配中遭受的损害最小化。 展开更多
关键词 清代 山东 保水济运 民田灌溉
元明清时期引汶济运及其影响 被引量:5
作者 王元林 孟昭锋 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第4期4-5,8,共3页
元明清时期,京杭运河是维系京师的大动脉,而汶水因特殊的自然地理条件而成为运河的重要补给水源。因此,元明清三代在对运河进行管理时,尤为重视引汶济运工程。引汶济运虽保障了运河航道的畅通,但人为地引起了汶水河道的变迁,影响了汶河... 元明清时期,京杭运河是维系京师的大动脉,而汶水因特殊的自然地理条件而成为运河的重要补给水源。因此,元明清三代在对运河进行管理时,尤为重视引汶济运工程。引汶济运虽保障了运河航道的畅通,但人为地引起了汶水河道的变迁,影响了汶河沿线的农业生产,增加了汶水下游发生洪涝灾害的可能性,并刺激了汶水等相关水神庙宇的建立。 展开更多
关键词 会通河 京杭 引汶济运 河道变迁 元明清时期
济运护漕与清代的水利治理 被引量:3
作者 袁飞 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期115-122,共8页
有清一代,统治者秉持以漕运为先的理念进行治河,在运河全线及相关水系进行了不懈探索和实践,其治水方法大致有束水攻沙、蓄清敌黄,减黄助清,借黄济运与引汶济运,挑挖疏浚以及修治闸坝和水运管理等。清代以漕为先的水利治理是一把双刃剑... 有清一代,统治者秉持以漕运为先的理念进行治河,在运河全线及相关水系进行了不懈探索和实践,其治水方法大致有束水攻沙、蓄清敌黄,减黄助清,借黄济运与引汶济运,挑挖疏浚以及修治闸坝和水运管理等。清代以漕为先的水利治理是一把双刃剑,各种济运护漕的治理措施都不同程度地造成了周边生态环境的破坏和恶化,给当地百姓带来了深重的灾难。 展开更多
关键词 济运 黄河 清代治水
元代以来引汶济运水利工程变迁研究 被引量:2
作者 卢勇 尚家乐 《农业考古》 北大核心 2022年第3期157-165,共9页
引汶济运工程是元代以来大运河引水助运的重要水利工程,其发展演变在大运河山东段诸济运工程中颇具代表性。基于对古汶水溜道的历史继承、山东水脊位置的精准认识与闸坝、引汶河道的正确选择,戴村坝与小汶河成为构成引汶济运的关键工程... 引汶济运工程是元代以来大运河引水助运的重要水利工程,其发展演变在大运河山东段诸济运工程中颇具代表性。基于对古汶水溜道的历史继承、山东水脊位置的精准认识与闸坝、引汶河道的正确选择,戴村坝与小汶河成为构成引汶济运的关键工程,确保了漕运数百年的顺利通航。清后期,黄河北徙致运河停摆,汶水不再济运,小汶河与戴村坝成为汶河下游的防洪、泄洪工程。漕运的衰落、水事纠纷的激化与洪涝的威胁使得引汶济运逐渐式微。探析引汶济运水利工程的变迁,既可以折射出京杭大运河山东段水源工程的演变与部分水利工程“济运”作用的相对唯一性,也可管窥运河工程与漕运政策“同命运”的深度关联。 展开更多
关键词 元代以来 引汶济运 水事纠纷
明清时期漳河平原段的河道变迁及其与“引漳济运”的关系 被引量:10
作者 石超艺 《中国历史地理论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期27-35,共9页
漳河是海河水系重要的支流。历史时期,在自然环境与人为因素的共同作用下,漳河平原段具有易淤、易决与易徙等特征。本文以明清(1368-1911年)为研究时段,对漳河的变迁过程进行了尽可能具体、详细的复原和定位。并在此基础上,探讨了漳河... 漳河是海河水系重要的支流。历史时期,在自然环境与人为因素的共同作用下,漳河平原段具有易淤、易决与易徙等特征。本文以明清(1368-1911年)为研究时段,对漳河的变迁过程进行了尽可能具体、详细的复原和定位。并在此基础上,探讨了漳河变迁的特点与规律。 展开更多
关键词 明清时期 漳河平原段 河道变迁 “引漳济运
作者 范迎春 郭磊 《水科学与工程技术》 2013年第4期10-12,共3页
关键词 廊坊市 缺水
作者 谢国剑 《励耘语言学刊》 2020年第2期84-93,共10页
《滕王阁序》"时运不齐,命途多舛"当依正仓院本改作"大运不齐,命涂(途)多绪",意思说天时运行参差不齐或天时在同一时段对万物的影响不一致,人生之路复杂多样.《滕王阁序》的主旨之一是感叹人生复杂,祸福难以预料,... 《滕王阁序》"时运不齐,命途多舛"当依正仓院本改作"大运不齐,命涂(途)多绪",意思说天时运行参差不齐或天时在同一时段对万物的影响不一致,人生之路复杂多样.《滕王阁序》的主旨之一是感叹人生复杂,祸福难以预料,而非单纯的"怀才不遇". 展开更多
关键词 不齐 命途多舛 滕王阁序 王勃
元明清政府决策与淮河问题的产生 被引量:2
作者 吴海涛 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期111-116,128,共7页
元明清时期,京杭大运河的开通,便利了北方政治中心与南方经济中心之间的联系。特别是在明清时期,大运河漕运事关国计。当时政府的诸多治河措施是为确保漕运畅通,加之明代保陵的需要,更使黄河、淮河、运河之间的关系复杂化。封建政府的... 元明清时期,京杭大运河的开通,便利了北方政治中心与南方经济中心之间的联系。特别是在明清时期,大运河漕运事关国计。当时政府的诸多治河措施是为确保漕运畅通,加之明代保陵的需要,更使黄河、淮河、运河之间的关系复杂化。封建政府的决策行为使本自独流入海的淮河改道主要由长江入海,使淮河流域成为十年九灾之区。 展开更多
关键词 元明清 治河 济运 淮河流域 灾害
通信枢纽楼能耗运行分析研究 被引量:1
作者 樊春锋 伍建萍 《电信工程技术与标准化》 2016年第5期89-92,共4页
关键词 枢纽楼 变压器 能耗 红色预警 搬迁
Application of thermal parameter soft sensor in power plant
作者 熊志化 朱峰 邵惠鹤 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期44-47,共4页
In order to solve the problem of the invalidation of thermal parameters andoptimal running, we present an efficient soft sensor approach based on sparse online Gaussianprocesses( GP), which is based on a combination o... In order to solve the problem of the invalidation of thermal parameters andoptimal running, we present an efficient soft sensor approach based on sparse online Gaussianprocesses( GP), which is based on a combination of a Bayesian online algorithm together with asequential construction of a relevant subsample of the data to specify the prediction of the GPmodel. By an appealing parameterization and projection techniques that use the reproducing kernelHubert space (RKHS) norm, recursions for the effective parameters and a sparse Gaussianapproximation of the posterior process are obtained. The sparse representation of Gaussian processesmakes the GP-based soft sensor practical in a large dataset and real-time application. And theproposed thermalparameter soft sensor is of importance for the economical running of the powerplant. 展开更多
关键词 Gaussian process soft sensor sparse approximation online learning economical monitoring
Is changing footstrike pattern beneficial to runners? 被引量:6
作者 Joseph Hamill Allison H.Gruber 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第2期146-153,共8页
Some researchers, running instructors, and coaches have suggested that the "optimal" footstrike pattern to improve performance and reduce running injuries is to land using a mid-or forefoot strike. Thus, it ... Some researchers, running instructors, and coaches have suggested that the "optimal" footstrike pattern to improve performance and reduce running injuries is to land using a mid-or forefoot strike. Thus, it has been recommended that runners who use a rearfoot strike would benefit by changing their footstrike although there is little scientific evidence for suggesting such a change. The rearfoot strike is clearly more prevalent. The major reasons often given for changing to a mid-or forefoot strike are(1) it is more economical;(2) there is a reduction in the impact peak and loading rate of the vertical component of the ground reaction force; and(3) there is a reduction in the risk of a running-related injuries. In this paper,we critique these 3 suggestions and provide alternate explanations that may provide contradictory evidence for altering one's footstrike pattern.We have concluded, based on examining the research literature, that changing to a mid-or forefoot strike does not improve running economy, does not eliminate an impact at the foot-ground contact, and does not reduce the risk of running-related injuries. 展开更多
关键词 EPIDEMIOLOGY Footfall patterns FOREFOOT Ground reaction force Impacts MIDFOOT REARFOOT Running economy
作者 LUANWei-xin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第1期15-20,共6页
This article deeply researched into the existent five problems and four main "bottlenecks" in the high-technologization of marine industry in China on the basis of analyzing the new trends in international m... This article deeply researched into the existent five problems and four main "bottlenecks" in the high-technologization of marine industry in China on the basis of analyzing the new trends in international marine problems and the necessity of implementing the strategy of developing China based on marine. This article brought up specific measures to the five "bottlenecks" according to the situations, and pointed out that new marine industry should be high-technologization and the traditional marine industry should be reformed by high-technique. The research results may provide the scientific basis for realizing the high-technologization of marine industry in China. 展开更多
关键词 marine industry high-technologization BOTTLENECK
Hub-and-Spoke System in Air Transportation and Its Implications to Regional Economic Development——A Case Study of United States 被引量:4
作者 SONG Wei MA Yanji 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期211-216,共6页
Considerable changes have taken place in commercial passenger air transport since the enactment of the 1978 Airline Deregulation Act in the US and the deregulation of airline networks that has occurred elsewhere. The ... Considerable changes have taken place in commercial passenger air transport since the enactment of the 1978 Airline Deregulation Act in the US and the deregulation of airline networks that has occurred elsewhere. The commercial and operational freedoms have led most of the larger carriers to develop hub-and-spoke networks, within which certain cities or metropolitan areas emerge as key nodes possessing tremendous advantages over other locations in the air transport system. This paper examines the nature of hub-and-spoke operations in air transportation services, and the benefits that accrue to a city or geographical region that is host to an airline hub. In particular, it looks into linkages between the air service hub and local economic development. Four potential types of impact of airports on the regional economy are defined and discussed. As an example, the assessment of the economic impacts of Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG), a major Delta Airlines hub, is introduced. 展开更多
关键词 Hub-and-Spoke System air transportation regional economic development
PV Power Short-Term Forecasting Model Based on the Data Gathered from Monitoring Network 被引量:1
作者 ZHONG Zhifeng TAN Jianjun +1 位作者 ZHANG Tianjin ZHU Linlin 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第A02期61-69,共9页
The degree of accuracy in predicting the photovoltaic power generation plays an important role in appropriate allocations and economic operations of the power plants based on the generating capacity data gathered from... The degree of accuracy in predicting the photovoltaic power generation plays an important role in appropriate allocations and economic operations of the power plants based on the generating capacity data gathered from the geographically separated photovoltaic plants through network. In this paper, a forecasting model is designed with an optimization algorithm which is developed with the combination of PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) and BP (Back Propagation) neural network. The proposed model is further validated and the experiment results show that the predication model assures the prediction accuracy regardless the day type transitions and other relevant factors, in the proposed model, the prediction error rate is worth less than 20% in all different climatic conditions and most of the prediction error accuracy is less than 10% in sunny day, and whose precision satisfies the management requirements of the power grid companies, reflecting the significance of the proposed model in engineering applications. 展开更多
关键词 grid-connected PV plant short-termpower generation prediction particle swarmoptimization BP neural network
An International Comparative Analysis on China's Economic Growth and the Convergence in Energy Intensity Gap and Its Economic Mechanism 被引量:1
作者 Qi Shaozhou Yun Bo Li Kai 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第2期65-75,共11页
In this paper,the authors have empirically analyzed the convergence in per capita GDP gap and the convergence in the variation of energy intensity with respect to the change of per capita GDP between China and eight d... In this paper,the authors have empirically analyzed the convergence in per capita GDP gap and the convergence in the variation of energy intensity with respect to the change of per capita GDP between China and eight developed countries.Then,the authors run a regression on the impact of decisive factors of economic growth on energy intensity and its change,so as to find out the economic mechanism of energy intensity gap changing with respect to the variation of economic growth.This study concludes that:First,there is a convergence in per capita GDP gap between China and the eight developed countries.With the convergence in per capita GDP gap,the energy intensity gap between China and eight different countries also converge,and the convergence rate of the latter is faster than that of the former,i.e.if the per capita GDP gap between China and the eight developed countries decreases by 1%,the energy intensity gap between them will correspondingly decrease by 1.552%.Second,the energy intensity decreases with the improvement of industrial structure,the rising of energy prices,the advances of technology,and the expansion of investment in fixed assets,and it slightly increases with the increase of FDI.Third,the energy intensity gap between China and eight developed countries narrows with the lessening of the difference in fixed assets investment,energy prices,and technological progress between China and eight developed countries,yet increases with the narrowing of the difference in FDI,and has no significant correlation with the difference in industrial structure.Fourth,the narrowing of difference in per capita GDP between China and the eight developed countries can result in the lessening of energy intensity gap,whose economic mechanism is that the decisive factors,such as difference in investment,technology,and the competition mechanism of prices,which can determine the difference in economic growth,can significantly affect the energy intensity gap. 展开更多
关键词 economic growth energy intensity CONVERGENCE
The applying of BP network in forecasting the demand and its growth rate for coal 被引量:4
作者 纪成君 刘宏超 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2001年第1期102-107,共6页
Based on the statistical data from 1975 to 1997, we forecast the growth rate of coal consuming and the quantity in coming decade with the BP neuron network in the article.
关键词 the quantity of coal consuming the growth rate of consuming BP neuron network forecasting
Prevalence and correlates of lifestyle behavior,anxiety and depression in Chinese college freshman:A cross-sectional survey 被引量:2
作者 Chenchen Gao Yumei Sun +6 位作者 Feifei Zhang Fang Zhou Chaoqun Dong Ziwei Ke Qingyan Wang Yeqin Yang Hongyu Sun 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第3期347-353,I0008,共8页
Objectives:First-year college students had exposure to unhealthy lifestyle behaviors that correlate with a high prevalence of anxiety and depression.Regarding to the modifiable lifestyle behaviors factors,this study i... Objectives:First-year college students had exposure to unhealthy lifestyle behaviors that correlate with a high prevalence of anxiety and depression.Regarding to the modifiable lifestyle behaviors factors,this study investigated the prevalence and correlation of multiple lifestyle behaviors,anxiety and depression in a sample of Chinese first-year college students.Methods:Cross-sectional data were extracted from Residents eHealth app of health lifestyle behaviors survey from September to October 2019.Anxiety,depression,eating regular meals,consumption of snacks in-between meals,consumption of fruit,dessert and sugar-sweetened beverages,smoking and secondhand smoke exposure,consuming alcohol,physical activity,sedentary time were assessed by self-report.Socio-demographic including age,gender,education,family income,religion,and health condition were captured.Logistic regression was used to explore the association of multiple lifestyle behaviors,anxiety and depression.Results:Totally 1,017 participants were included in the study.The prevalence of anxiety and depression(from mild to severe) were 40.3% and 45.3%,respectively.In multivariable analyses,religion (believe in Buddhism,OR =2.438,95%CI:1.097-5.421;believe in Christian,OR =5.886,95%CI:1.604-21.597),gender (Female,OR =1.405,95%CI:1.001-1.971),secondhand smoke exposure (OR =1.089,95%CI:1.001-1.184),and eating regular meals (OR =0.513,95%C1:0.346-0.759) were associated with anxiety.Family income (OR =0.732,95%CI:0.596-0.898),eating regular meals (OR =0.641,95%CI:0.415-0.990),frequency of breakfast (OR =0.813,95%CI:0.690-0.959),with a chronic disease (OR =1.902,95%CI:1.335-2.712),and consumption of nocturnal snack (OR =1.337,95%CI:1.108-1.612) were associated with depression.Conclusions:These results highlighted the need for early lifestyle behavior intervention,especially modifying diet patterns considering the background of religion,health condition,and social-economic status in first-year college students to improve their mental health. 展开更多
关键词 ANXIETY Depression DIET Economic status EXERCISE Mental health Population health management Students
Understanding Relationship Between Accessibility and Economic Growth:A Case Study from China(1990–2010) 被引量:10
作者 JIAO Jingjuan WANG Jiaoe +1 位作者 JIN Fengjun DU Chao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期803-816,共14页
China′s economy and transport infrastructure have both experienced rapid development since 1978, and especially since 1990. Today, China is the second-largest economic entity in terms of GDP and has the largest high-... China′s economy and transport infrastructure have both experienced rapid development since 1978, and especially since 1990. Today, China is the second-largest economic entity in terms of GDP and has the largest high-speed rail(HSR) network and the second-largest expressway network in the world. This paper explores the relationship between accessibility and economic growth in China from 1990 to 2010. In the study, the basic research units include 333 prefecture-level cities and four municipalities. We explore a bivariate analysis framework of accessibility and economic growth, and their increase rates, to examine this relationship using long-term panel data. The results indicate that, first, accessibility and economic growth show a significant positive relationship using both cross-section and panel data, while the increase rate in accessibility and GDP indicate no significant relationship using cross-section data and a poor significant relationship using panel data. Second, the distributions of local advantage are uneven. Cities with low local advantage with respect to accessibility and GDP are mainly located in China′s eastern coastal region or the provincial capitals, while those with low local advantage in terms of their increase rates are located in the western region. Third, as China′s economic growth and transport networks have evolved, the distribution of local advantage shows little change in terms of accessibility and GDP, but a greater change in terms of their increase rates, which is largely influenced by the distribution of expressway and HSR networks. 展开更多
关键词 ACCESSIBILITY economic growth China GDP transport infrastructure
Incentive allocation of shared property in transportation industries with network characteristics
作者 GUO Xue-meng 《Chinese Business Review》 2007年第3期13-20,共8页
Industries with network characteristics always have some special features, which differ from the ordinary business companies. Some scholars hold the theoretical viewpoint that these industries bear the characteristics... Industries with network characteristics always have some special features, which differ from the ordinary business companies. Some scholars hold the theoretical viewpoint that these industries bear the characteristics of natural monopoly, externality, measurement difficulty, etc. However, all these theories can explain why the network industries, especially prominent in transportation industries, are confronted with many difficulties in their process of reform and reorganization. But, there is something deep-seated that can explain why network industries such as railway, highway, aviation, telecommunication, water, gas, etc. have the characteristics of natural monopoly. The paper holds that: (1) Shared property in transportation industries such as the network infrastructure, station and marshalling yard, dispatch and control right, serves more than two enterprises or even hundreds of relative enterprises. (2) Shared property makes it possible for great amount of product quantity to share the sunken cost. Therefore, economy of scale and economy of scope thus exist in transportation sectors, which is called network economy. (3) From the input and output relationships in transportation industries with network features, there exists a law of increasing returns to scale, which is opposite to the classic economy theory that diminishing returns to scale will appear finally. Why? It is because of the existence of shared property. Not only production cost, but also the transaction cost among transportation enterprises can be reduced. (4) We establish a quantitative model to testify the theory. The implication is that, the lack of incentive allocation is, if not all, one reason causing the usage inefficiency of the rights concerned. The low efficiency manifests in two aspects: the first one is the organization boundary, that is, transportation enterprises are not real enterprises at present. The second one is the so-called mixed task equilibrium of railway affairs. We haven't separated the shared property from the private ones. 展开更多
关键词 network industries shared property transportation sector incentive allocation
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