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作者 魏也华 《浙江学刊》 CSSCI 1989年第4期87-89,共3页
一、区域城镇化的总体特征1.城镇化新阶段的出现尽管浙江城镇化起源较早,但是发展过程较为缓慢,解放以来的城镇化水平基本上在10%~15%之间徘徊,78年后的城乡经济改革,使城镇化进入了快速稳定增长的新阶段,1978—1986年八年市镇人口平... 一、区域城镇化的总体特征1.城镇化新阶段的出现尽管浙江城镇化起源较早,但是发展过程较为缓慢,解放以来的城镇化水平基本上在10%~15%之间徘徊,78年后的城乡经济改革,使城镇化进入了快速稳定增长的新阶段,1978—1986年八年市镇人口平均增长率为16.44%,城镇数量从164个增加到487个,年均增14.58%,同时,城镇地域空间剧烈地向外扩展,但以人口为衡量指标在一定程度上掩盖了表层城镇化(城镇人口)与深层城镇化(城镇设施、城镇生活方式)的脱节现象。 展开更多
关键词 地域结构 浙江城镇 大中城市 大城市 交通线 中心城市 区位条件 超前发展 发展时期 空间扩散
作者 黄洪琳 莫乐平 《统计科学与实践》 2023年第1期10-14,共5页
城镇化是现代化的必由之路。当前浙江新型城镇化水平居全国第一方阵,城镇体系和空间格局不断优化,杭甬等大都市区主体效应不断显现,持续辐射带动中小城市和乡村协调发展。考虑城镇化率仍将上升但速度放缓的阶段性规律,本文采用线性趋势... 城镇化是现代化的必由之路。当前浙江新型城镇化水平居全国第一方阵,城镇体系和空间格局不断优化,杭甬等大都市区主体效应不断显现,持续辐射带动中小城市和乡村协调发展。考虑城镇化率仍将上升但速度放缓的阶段性规律,本文采用线性趋势模型与GDP的相关分析模型对未来5—10年浙江城镇化率进行预测,预计2025年有望实现“十四五”规划提出的75%的目标,2035年有望达到目前发达国家水平。浙江城镇的空间扩张总体快于人口扩张,大城市和县域中心城市“增密度、扩容量”还有潜力,打造宜居宜业智慧健康安全的现代化城市还需加力。 展开更多
关键词 浙江城镇 演变特征 发展趋势
从精明增长的视角看浙江省城镇空间扩展的理性选择 被引量:14
作者 鲍海君 冯科 吴次芳 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期53-58,共6页
国内对于精明增长的研究多集中于宏观层面,区域探讨较少。浙江省社会经济发展引人关注,近年来被称为"浙江现象"。本文从区域层面——浙江省入手,在分析城市发展背景与"精明增长"差异的基础上,找出共同点,然后对城... 国内对于精明增长的研究多集中于宏观层面,区域探讨较少。浙江省社会经济发展引人关注,近年来被称为"浙江现象"。本文从区域层面——浙江省入手,在分析城市发展背景与"精明增长"差异的基础上,找出共同点,然后对城市空间扩展的现状及存在的问题进行深入剖析,以期能够在"精明增长"的框架下对城市发展深入思考。研究表明:浙江省目前的城市空间扩展迅速,资源要素低效利用,沿交通干线的轴向扩展呈现无序特征,并且机动化(小汽车普及)的趋势进一步加剧了用地空间的松散。但鉴于中西方城市应用背景的差异,"精明增长"并不能够简单地"复制"到浙江省,应根据实际,从思想和实践两个层面进行创新。具体来说,一是紧凑式开发与填充式发展相结合,提高土地产出效益;二是有机结合土地利用规划与交通系统规划,倡导公交先行;三是运用逆向思维设定城市增长边界。 展开更多
关键词 城市空间扩展 精明增长 浙江化
浙江衢化氟化学有限公司 打造两个基地 争创四个一流
作者 柴秋明 《中国石油和化工》 2003年第3期76-77,共2页
关键词 浙江学有限公司 学工业基地 浙江省爱国主义基地 企业管理
《浙江经济》 2007年第3期F0003-F0004,共2页
关键词 浙江学有限公司 历史文名城 生产企业 衢州市 浙江股份有限公司 甲烷氟 氟致冷剂
平台化 开放式 实战型 浙江传媒研究院成立
作者 任琦 《新闻实践》 2013年第6期8-8,共1页
关键词 “平台开放式实战型浙江传媒研究院” 传媒研究机构 科学发展 产品研发
作者 沈明祥 《化学教学》 北大核心 2017年第7期87-91,共5页
浙江是2014年深化高校招生考试的试点区之一,“学考与高考合并,一年两考,两年有效”有别于上海试点区和其他地区。试题既要满足于学考要求,也要体现高考功能。以第26题为例,兼顾双重功能,透过对考查能力水平层次变化的分析,为基... 浙江是2014年深化高校招生考试的试点区之一,“学考与高考合并,一年两考,两年有效”有别于上海试点区和其他地区。试题既要满足于学考要求,也要体现高考功能。以第26题为例,兼顾双重功能,透过对考查能力水平层次变化的分析,为基础有机的教与学拓展新的视角。 展开更多
关键词 浙江化学学(选)考 试题分析 有机
作者 吴哲浩 《浙江化工》 CAS 2000年第4期5-6,共2页
关键词 农药产业 科研院所 研究 浙江禾田农药有限公司 浙江工研究院
作者 李日胜 田秀梅 +2 位作者 李静 张利清 杨慧君 《内蒙古林业》 2002年第12期28-29,共2页
沙棘别名醋柳、酸刺、黑刺,属胡颓子科,是一种落叶灌木或小乔木。它能疗疾病,固风沙,作原料,供烧柴,经济价值高;抗严寒,拒高温,耐瘠薄、干旱,适应能力强,是实施国土绿化,改造生态环境的先锋树种,在我国有较广的分布。但是,由于我区自然... 沙棘别名醋柳、酸刺、黑刺,属胡颓子科,是一种落叶灌木或小乔木。它能疗疾病,固风沙,作原料,供烧柴,经济价值高;抗严寒,拒高温,耐瘠薄、干旱,适应能力强,是实施国土绿化,改造生态环境的先锋树种,在我国有较广的分布。但是,由于我区自然条件差,风沙地和山区、丘陵较多,发展较慢,还需扩大种植面积。 展开更多
关键词 生物学特性 繁殖技术 防治 土地浙江 树种 沙棘
车间“5S”管理的应用研究 被引量:11
作者 张齐刚 童艺川 《科技与管理》 2001年第1期88-90,共3页
关键词 精益生产 车间管理 “5S”管理 现场改善 广西浙江造纸厂工分厂 管理活动实施
国家自然科学基金委员会-浙江省人民政府两化融合联合基金项目资助情况分析与对策研究 被引量:7
作者 古振远 徐敏 +2 位作者 吴正光 宣晓冬 陈登 《中国科学基金》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期105-110,共6页
NSFC-浙江两化融合联合基金是国家自然科学基金委员会与浙江省人民政府共同设立的基金项目。本文从NSFC-浙江两化融合联合基金(2015—2019年)的项目申请量、资助率、资助领域、项目负责人年龄、项目承担单位情况和项目承担单位"合... NSFC-浙江两化融合联合基金是国家自然科学基金委员会与浙江省人民政府共同设立的基金项目。本文从NSFC-浙江两化融合联合基金(2015—2019年)的项目申请量、资助率、资助领域、项目负责人年龄、项目承担单位情况和项目承担单位"合作"程度等方面进行了深入的梳理分析,展示了2015—2017年获资助的重点支持项目在促进基础性研究成果产出、凝聚和培养高水平科技人才、推动浙江省基础研究机构建设和较好地解决浙江省重点产业发展中的瓶颈问题等方面所取得的成效。针对浙江省即将加入区域创新发展联合基金提出相应对策建议,为今后该联合基金的管理工作提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 NSFC-浙江融合联合基金 区域创新发展联合基金(浙江省) 资助情况分析 发展对策
Physico-Chemical Properties and Laboratory Hyperspectral Reflectance of Coastal Saline Soil in Shangyu City of Zhejiang Province, China 被引量:12
作者 SHI ZHOU, HUANG MINGXIANG and LI YANInstitute of Agricultural Remote Sensing and Information System, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第3期193-198,共6页
45 and 50 composite soil samples were collected, respectively, from twoagricultural fields, that were enclosed and reclaimed from coastal tidal-flat areas in 1996 and 1984respectively, in Shangyu of Zhejiang Province,... 45 and 50 composite soil samples were collected, respectively, from twoagricultural fields, that were enclosed and reclaimed from coastal tidal-flat areas in 1996 and 1984respectively, in Shangyu of Zhejiang Province, China, to investigate the physico-chemicalproperties and the hyperspectral characteristics of the saline soils and to make an assessment ontheir relationships. The reflectance spectra of saline soils were measured using a spectroradiometerin laboratory. The mean spectral curves of the saline soils from the two sites different inreclamation year showed that the saline soil taken from the recently reclaimed land with highersalinity demonstrated a lower reflectance intensity in the spectral region from about 550 nm to 2300nm. In addition, nine absorption bands, i.e., 488 nm, 530 nm, 670 nm, 880 nm, 940 nm, 1400 nm, 1900nm, 2 200 nm and 2 300 nm, were chosen as the spectral bands to investigate the relationshipsbetween soil physico-chemical properties by means of Pearson correlation analysis. Finally, thefirst two principal components were calculated from nine absorption bands and used to discriminatethe saline soil samples taken from two sampled fields. The results indicate that it is feasible todetect physico-chemical properties of saline soils from fields reclaimed for varying time periods onthe basis of the hyperspectral data. 展开更多
Seasonal Variability of Phytoplankton Community Structure in Relation to Different Nitrogen-Phosphorus Ratios in the Southern Coastal Waters of Zhejiang, China 被引量:2
作者 HUANG Wei ZHU Xuyu +5 位作者 CHEN Quanzhen HE Qing LIAO Yibo DU Ping ZHANG Peng ZENG Jiangning 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2013年第4期577-588,共12页
With the rapid development of economy and increase of population in the drainage areas, the nutrient loading has increased dramatically in the Changjiang estuary and adjacent coastal waters. To properly assess the imp... With the rapid development of economy and increase of population in the drainage areas, the nutrient loading has increased dramatically in the Changjiang estuary and adjacent coastal waters. To properly assess the impact of nutrient enrichment on phytoplankton community, seasonal microcosm experiments were conducted during August 2010-July 2011 in the coastal waters of Zhejiang Province. The results of the present study indicated that the chl a concentration, cell abundance, diversity indices, species composition and community succession of the phytoplankton varied significantly with different N/P ratios and seasons. Higher growth was observed in the 64:1 (spring), 32:1 (summer), 16:1 (autumn) and 128:1,256:1 (winter) treatments, respectively. The values of Shannon-Wiener index (H) and Pielou evenness index (J) were lower in the 8:1 and 16:1 treatments in autumn test, while H value was higher in the 128:1 and 8:1 treatments in winter test. A definite community succession order from diatoms to dinoflagel lares was observed in the autumn and winter tests, while the diatoms dominated the community throughout the culture in the spring and summer tests. 展开更多
关键词 phytoplankton community succession nutrient enrichment Shannon-Wiener index Pielou evenness index nitrogen-phosphorus ratio
Empirical Analysis on Urbanization Patterns in Zhejiang Province Based on Spatial Economy and GIS 被引量:1
作者 GE Ying LIANG Qi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期193-198,共6页
Regional core cities are the growth poles for regional economic development, thus the issue about efficient urbanization pattern has always become a hot spot among researchers and policy makers. The Spatial Economy ca... Regional core cities are the growth poles for regional economic development, thus the issue about efficient urbanization pattern has always become a hot spot among researchers and policy makers. The Spatial Economy can be employed to improve it. Nevertheless, there actually exists an obvious gap between its theoretical models and the empirical simulation. To do so, this paper modifies the measurement of initial geographical advantages Stelder gave, and implements the empirical analyses of urban distribution in Zhejiang during the period of 1980-1990 by means of computer simulations in GIS environment. There are several interesting results achieved in this process. Firstly, given the values of parameters (transport cost is r, substitution elasticity of manufacturing sector p, and income share of spending on manufacture δ), initial geographical advantages have the different impacts on urban systems, namely, urban locations, numbers and sizes over time across space. Secondly, the cities were distributed without any overlay in geographical space, which makes the patterns of urbanization generate the largest possible economic efficiencies. Thirdly, the urban systems-the location, number and size of Cities-from the simulation of the study area are suitable for the actual social and economic situations in the real world during the testing periods. Such results may have substantial implications for the policy how to choose the way of urbanization in a region. 展开更多
关键词 urbanization pattern Spatial Economy empirical analysis GIS technique initial geographical advantage Zhejiang Province
Characteristic Town: The Effective Path of New-type Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics Based on the Investigation of Intemet Town Wuzheng, Aficion Chocolate Town Jiashan, Photovoltaic Town Xiuzhou in Zhejiang 被引量:1
作者 WU Zhen-ping 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第3期412-416,共5页
The characteristic town is a dynamic and vivid case of experience of Zhejiang. With the internet town Wuzheng, Aficion chocolate town Jiashan, photovoltaic town Xiuzhou in Zhejiang as the research perspective, the con... The characteristic town is a dynamic and vivid case of experience of Zhejiang. With the internet town Wuzheng, Aficion chocolate town Jiashan, photovoltaic town Xiuzhou in Zhejiang as the research perspective, the concept of development that the production, life and ecology merge together and the development direction and value of New-type urbanization is consistent, and it is the effective path of New-type urbanization development. At the same time, these towns provide a model for the development of the country small town 展开更多
关键词 haracteristic town new-type urbanization the production life and ecology merge together
Web Page Translation of Garment Enterprises in Zhejiang: Mass Communication Perspective
作者 WANG Qi BAO Jia-jiao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第10期791-796,共6页
As part of business translation, web page translation is an effective way of global communication. Accurate and adequate translation of web pages can enhance the enterprises' competitiveness. This paper focuses on th... As part of business translation, web page translation is an effective way of global communication. Accurate and adequate translation of web pages can enhance the enterprises' competitiveness. This paper focuses on the features of Chinese and Western web pages of garment enterprises and the translation strategy with the guidance of mass communication theory. Results illustrate that Chinese texts favor symmetrical phrases rich in cultural connotation, whereas English texts prefer plain language with fewer culture-loaded expressions and the latter focuses more on the feeling of audiences. As a result, audience-oriented translation strategy is strongly recommended so as to maximize the communication effect of the enterprise web pages 展开更多
关键词 mass communication TRANSLATION web page
Analysis on the Variation of Cultivated Land and Direct Influencing Factors During 1996 to 2006 in Zhejiang Province——Based on Land Survey Results
作者 丁菡 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第10期1547-1551,共5页
[Objective] The paper aimed at exploring the variation of cultivated land and influencing factors during 1996 to 2006 in Zhejiang Province more directly,comprehensively and accurately.[Method] The variation of the amo... [Objective] The paper aimed at exploring the variation of cultivated land and influencing factors during 1996 to 2006 in Zhejiang Province more directly,comprehensively and accurately.[Method] The variation of the amount of cultivated land in Zhejiang Province and direct influencing factors had been analyzed using the land survey results of last 10 years.[Result] The cultivated land area of the whole province was reduced by 208 thousand hm2 with a decrease amplitude of 9.8%;terrain slope had played a direct role among the natural influencing factors of cultivated land variation,the cultivated land areas of flats and abrupt slopes were reduced more rapidly,while the terrace areas of gentle slopes had increased;among the social driving forces,the agricultural structure adjustment,construction land expansion and implementation of ecological restoration policy had directly led to the decline of cultivated land areas,while the strict cultivated land protection policy had slowed down the loss of cultivated land.[Conclusion] In conclusion,the declining trend of cultivated land areas is inevitable,so that more scientific general planning of land utilization and more strict land policy has to be utilized more fully in order to guarantee the social and economic development and protect the cultivated land. 展开更多
关键词 Zhejiang Province Land survey Variation of cultivated land Influencing factors
Function Zoning of the Major Function Development-optimized County:A Case in Shangyu,Zhejiang
作者 Wang Chuansheng Zhu Shanshan Fan Jie 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第4期101-106,共6页
The 11th Five Year Plan has divided national functional zones in the basic unit of county-level administrative region.After implementation of national Major Function-oriented Zones (MFOZ) at prefecture and county leve... The 11th Five Year Plan has divided national functional zones in the basic unit of county-level administrative region.After implementation of national Major Function-oriented Zones (MFOZ) at prefecture and county levels,the spatial development sequence must be specified,development intensity must be limited,oriented zones must be designated and "red line" areas of spatial governance must be defined.In view of the above,choosing a typical county area and exploring its functional zoning after orienting its major functions will supply reference for carrying out the national spatial planning in the 12th Five Year Period,and it will also provide experience for the study of function regionalization which is the theme of MFOZ in the present academic circles.In this paper,the authors take Shangyu County as an example to study the general principles,train of thought of county-level functional regionalization in development-optimized areas,and to explore its reasonable functional zoning plan.Consequently,the authors present five principles and suggest a function-oriented zoning plan with 2 levels and 4 types. 展开更多
关键词 Shangyu major function-Oriented zone development- optimized county level
作者 孙殿和 《经济技术协作信息》 2004年第15期51-51,共1页
关键词 LW-22/7型空气压缩机 浙江学有限公司 袖泵调压阀阀杆 中冷器 三瓣式密封组件
浙江图书馆藏《淳化阁帖》刻石考释 被引量:1
作者 陈谊 《西泠艺丛》 2023年第4期22-26,共5页
本文对现存于浙江图书馆孤山馆区的68块《淳化阁帖》刻石,逐一进行专业照片拍摄记录,同时依据相关文献加以考察帖石内容,详细著录其尺寸、卷次、刻石顺序次第、每块刻石排列顺序等数据。并对所存帖文进行释读整理,兼及刻石残缺破损等碑... 本文对现存于浙江图书馆孤山馆区的68块《淳化阁帖》刻石,逐一进行专业照片拍摄记录,同时依据相关文献加以考察帖石内容,详细著录其尺寸、卷次、刻石顺序次第、每块刻石排列顺序等数据。并对所存帖文进行释读整理,兼及刻石残缺破损等碑刻特征做具体描述,对照以往研究成果分析,俾为学术界提供研究之第一手资料。 展开更多
关键词 浙江图书馆藏《淳阁帖》刻石 《淳阁帖》碑刻特征 《淳阁帖》帖文释读
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