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心灵的痛苦与精神的浪游──重读《庄子》 被引量:1
作者 刘勇刚 《西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第4期102-105,共4页
自晋人郭象注释《庄子》以来 ,人们多偏重于《庄子》“忘情无为”的思想 ,而很少洞见庄子隐藏在谐谑之言背后的愤激与冷峻。笔者认为庄子精神的浪游绝不仅是飘然无待的逍遥游 ,而是对现实绝望产生的无根的虚无。庄子生于乱世 ,带着与社... 自晋人郭象注释《庄子》以来 ,人们多偏重于《庄子》“忘情无为”的思想 ,而很少洞见庄子隐藏在谐谑之言背后的愤激与冷峻。笔者认为庄子精神的浪游绝不仅是飘然无待的逍遥游 ,而是对现实绝望产生的无根的虚无。庄子生于乱世 ,带着与社会无法化解的矛盾 ,去抒写他心中的不平之鸣。书中辛辣的讽刺 ,至美的形象 ,表明庄子并没有“忘情”。 展开更多
关键词 《庄子》 庄子 心灵的痛苦 精神的浪游
作者 倪思然 《世界华文文学论坛》 2011年第4期26-29,共4页
郑愁予早期诗歌中的浪游题材具有较为开阔的文化阐释空间。诗人创造性地接受佛理的无常观,在浪游题材文本的营构中,处处渗入自己的"郑氏"无常观。此外,作品中的浪子形象,不仅具有游侠气质,还或多或少拥有儒家传统精神的特质,... 郑愁予早期诗歌中的浪游题材具有较为开阔的文化阐释空间。诗人创造性地接受佛理的无常观,在浪游题材文本的营构中,处处渗入自己的"郑氏"无常观。此外,作品中的浪子形象,不仅具有游侠气质,还或多或少拥有儒家传统精神的特质,体现出"仁侠精神"的精髓对诗人创作生涯的深远影响。郑愁予早期浪游题材诗歌的思想艺术特质是他青年时期文化观在艺术创作层面的一个缩影,对读者理解其于中华传统文化的情感变化历程不无裨益。 展开更多
关键词 郑愁予 浪游题材 无常观 游侠气质 儒家精义
试论二十世纪上半叶水族诗歌的忧患意识——以潘一志的《浪游集》和《归农集》为例 被引量:1
作者 潘光繁 《四川民族学院学报》 2021年第2期46-52,共7页
潘一志不仅是著名的水族史学家,更是水族文学史上的代表诗人之一,作为二十世纪上半叶水族诗歌创作的重要诗人,潘一志以诗人的视觉,用诗歌淋漓尽致地呈现了贵州的社会现实,折射出二十世纪上半叶中国社会的动荡不安和民不聊生。这一时期... 潘一志不仅是著名的水族史学家,更是水族文学史上的代表诗人之一,作为二十世纪上半叶水族诗歌创作的重要诗人,潘一志以诗人的视觉,用诗歌淋漓尽致地呈现了贵州的社会现实,折射出二十世纪上半叶中国社会的动荡不安和民不聊生。这一时期潘一志的代表作是《浪游集》和《归农集》,这两部诗集散发出浓厚的忧患意识,解读其思想内涵,对深入研究二十世纪上半叶水族诗歌的精神价值具有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 水族文学 浪游集》 《归农集》 忧患意识
浪游情怀和仁侠精神的诗学建构 --郑愁予诗歌诗意内涵的文化阐释 被引量:1
作者 黄静姝 《兰州工业学院学报》 2022年第3期105-110,共6页
台湾诗人郑愁予用现代诗歌表达诗人复杂的生活感受和人生体验,其诗歌呈现出浪游情怀和仁侠精神完美结合的诗性特点。复杂的人生经历、特殊的历史时代、源远流长的传统文化以及个性独具的人文情怀是郑愁予诗歌浪游情怀与仁侠精神形成的... 台湾诗人郑愁予用现代诗歌表达诗人复杂的生活感受和人生体验,其诗歌呈现出浪游情怀和仁侠精神完美结合的诗性特点。复杂的人生经历、特殊的历史时代、源远流长的传统文化以及个性独具的人文情怀是郑愁予诗歌浪游情怀与仁侠精神形成的原因。诗人借古典诗学传统通过物我相融的意象、富有张力的语言及精致巧妙的结构表达自己独特的审美诉求和情感体验,借浪游情怀和仁侠精神表现强烈的民族归属感和人生理想与人格品质,寄托对故国乡土深沉的怀念。 展开更多
关键词 郑愁予 浪游情怀 仁侠精神 诗意内涵 文化阐释
在异乡浪游的桂冠诗人--美籍华人张错的诗歌艺术 被引量:4
作者 饶芃子 朱桃香 《中国比较文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期77-84,125,共8页
美国华裔诗人张错有着两岸三地成长经历,近半个世纪来他在大洋西岸不断书写蕴涵古词古韵的自由体现代诗歌,以他乡飘泊者和浪游人的形象千回百转地抒发失却家国身份的愁苦。他的诗歌常于咏物中表达伤感,考古中追问历史的无常,其发展总体... 美国华裔诗人张错有着两岸三地成长经历,近半个世纪来他在大洋西岸不断书写蕴涵古词古韵的自由体现代诗歌,以他乡飘泊者和浪游人的形象千回百转地抒发失却家国身份的愁苦。他的诗歌常于咏物中表达伤感,考古中追问历史的无常,其发展总体经历了三个阶段:从年少之浪漫青涩到中年的"台湾经验"和凛冽情怀,再到淡泊宁静的沧海桑田心境,而其中又以飘泊和浪游情绪为最。 展开更多
关键词 张错 飘泊 浪游 台湾地区 回归
赛博朋克科幻小说的人文与生态关怀——以威廉·吉布森的《神经漫游者》为例 被引量:2
作者 刘苏周 《淮北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第6期27-30,共4页
作为当今电子网络时代新的文学现象和文学形式,赛博朋克科幻小说关注赛博空间的虚拟现实,体现了强烈的人文主义精神。在以吉布森为代表的科幻小说作家们所展示的赛博空间中,一切都是对当前世界的隐喻,对当下的思考,对当前的现实问题进... 作为当今电子网络时代新的文学现象和文学形式,赛博朋克科幻小说关注赛博空间的虚拟现实,体现了强烈的人文主义精神。在以吉布森为代表的科幻小说作家们所展示的赛博空间中,一切都是对当前世界的隐喻,对当下的思考,对当前的现实问题进行想象性的解决。他们刻画了网络、信息科技对人类肉体和精神的控制以及现代科技给人类生态带来的负面影响,启发人类重新审视当代科技现实与人们价值观的变化,反思人类社会的未来走向。 展开更多
关键词 赛博朋克科幻小说 人文关怀 生态关怀 《神经浪游者》
作者 黄锦树 《华文文学》 CSSCI 2014年第5期60-68,共9页
《大河尽头》是自《海东青》后李永平写作的又一高峰。然而这部李永平六十岁以后的长篇巨著,究竟是否开创了新境?如果是,那究竟开创了怎样的新境?还是,不过是有限的变奏、母题的重复?不管是前者还是后者,到底有怎样的意义?呈现... 《大河尽头》是自《海东青》后李永平写作的又一高峰。然而这部李永平六十岁以后的长篇巨著,究竟是否开创了新境?如果是,那究竟开创了怎样的新境?还是,不过是有限的变奏、母题的重复?不管是前者还是后者,到底有怎样的意义?呈现了怎样的感觉结构?本文拟延续本人过往对李永平文学实践的讨论,针对其新著中的某些问题作进一步探讨。尤其针对小说中的仪式面向进行试探性的探讨。 展开更多
关键词 象征交换 浪游 救赎 婆罗洲 超渡
作者 王延 《许昌学院学报》 CAS 2014年第4期49-51,共3页
黄仲则和杨季鸾都有远大的理想和高洁的志趣,在诗歌创作风格上有许多相似之处,都曾以李白为主要学习对象,在一定程度上把浪漫主义与现实主义结合起来。分析二人的性情、学养、才分及时代的某些差异,发掘其浪漫主义与现实主义结合的深刻... 黄仲则和杨季鸾都有远大的理想和高洁的志趣,在诗歌创作风格上有许多相似之处,都曾以李白为主要学习对象,在一定程度上把浪漫主义与现实主义结合起来。分析二人的性情、学养、才分及时代的某些差异,发掘其浪漫主义与现实主义结合的深刻来源,可以更全面地把握他们共同的艺术特征。 展开更多
关键词 浪漫主义 现实主义 结合 社会 浪游
Investigation of Dominant Populations of Late-summer Phytoplankton and Comprehensive Nutritional Evaluation of Water Quality in Bailang Lake
作者 张静 杨坤 +2 位作者 程云生 李静 卢文轩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期453-457,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the dominant populations of late-summer phytoplankton and conduct comprehensive nutritional evaluation of water quality in Bailang Lake. [Method] A series of water quality s... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the dominant populations of late-summer phytoplankton and conduct comprehensive nutritional evaluation of water quality in Bailang Lake. [Method] A series of water quality survey and phytoplankton sampling was conducted in Bailang Lake in September 2011, a total of four sam- pling points were set, to detect and analyze the total nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and permanganate index in water samples and further conduct comprehensive nutritional evaluation of the water quality factors using comprehensive nutritional state index method. [Result] Water in Bailang Lake was neutral to slightly alkaline with pH of 8.57. The average water trans- parency was 0.4 m, with relatively high content of dissolved oxygen. The content of total nitrogen was relatively high of 3.043 mg/L averagely. Comprehensive nutritional evaluation showed that the water quality of Bailang Lake belonged to moderate eu- trophication. As can be seen from various comprehensive nutritional state indices TLI, the contribution of transparency, chlorophyll a and total nitrogen to the eutrophi- cation in Bailang Lake was the greatest, followed by the permanganate index and total phosphorus. Statistical analysis showed that the average weight-biomass of phy- toplankton in Bailang Lake was 6.442 mg/L, and the average was 146.46x104 individuals/ml. There were eight dominant species in Bailang Lake, including Scenedesmus, Tetraedron, Merismopedia sinica, Phormidium, Merismopedia, Tribonema, Chroomonas and Synedra. [Conclusion] This study provided data informa- tion for the environmental protection and fisheries production in Bailang Lake. 展开更多
关键词 Bailang Lake Comprehensive nutritional evaluation index PHYTOPLANKTON Dominant species
Numerical Simulation of Multi-Directional Random Wave Transformation in a Yacht Port 被引量:3
作者 JI Qiaoling DONG Sheng +1 位作者 ZHAO Xizeng ZHANG Guowei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第3期315-322,共8页
This paper extends a prediction model for multi-directional random wave transformation based on an energy balance equation by Mase with the consideration of wave shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection and break... This paper extends a prediction model for multi-directional random wave transformation based on an energy balance equation by Mase with the consideration of wave shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection and breaking. This numerical model is improved by 1) introducing Wen's frequency spectrum and Mitsuyasu's directional function, which are more suitable to the coastal area of China; 2) considering energy dissipation caused by bottom friction, which ensures more accurate results for large-scale and shallow water areas; 3) taking into account a non-linear dispersion relation. Predictions using the extended wave model are carried out to study the feasibility of constructing the Ai Hua yacht port in Qingdao, China, with a comparison between two port layouts in design. Wave fields inside the port for different incident wave directions, water levels and return periods are simulated, and then two kinds of parameters are calculated to evaluate the wave conditions for the two layouts. Analyses show that Layout I is better than Layout II. Calculation results also show that the harbor will be calm for different wave directions under the design water level. On the contrary, the wave conditions do not wholly meet the requirements of a yacht port for ship berthing under the extreme water level. For safety consideration, the elevation of the breakwater might need to be properly increased to prevent wave overtopping under such water level. The extended numerical simulation model may provide an effective approach to computing wave heights in a harbor. 展开更多
关键词 random wave diffraction energy balance equation numerical simulation yacht port
Reading Dickens Romantically: "Night Walks"
作者 Rukhsana Rahim Chowdhury 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第6期436-441,共6页
This paper will examine the essay, "Night Walks" (2000), to see how Charles Dickens (1812-1870), a social-realist writer of the Victorian era, has used elements adapted from the Romantics in order to draw attent... This paper will examine the essay, "Night Walks" (2000), to see how Charles Dickens (1812-1870), a social-realist writer of the Victorian era, has used elements adapted from the Romantics in order to draw attention to the pitiable social conditions of Victorian London. Dickens' the realist paradoxically reflected a readiness to think and feel "without immediate external excitement". He expressed his alignment with Romanticism by way of a cultivation of feeling and empathizing. His genius was, as expressed by Bagehot, "essentially irregular and unsymmetrical" because he was "utterly deficient in the faculty of reasoning". His daily, or rather nightly walks provided him with the inspiration to follow the Romantic tradition of writing on walks. The essay under consideration, "Night Walks", clearly supports the notion that Romanticism was fallaciously opposed to realism. The paper will examine the ways in which the theme, style, and structure of the essay evoke the preoccupation of a Romantic soul--for whom the walk becomes a space for "encounter and reflection"--and the Romantic mind which is empowered by "imaginative self definition or discovery". 展开更多
Response of the distributary channel of the Huanghe River estuary to water and sediment discharge regulation in 2007
作者 马妍妍 李广雪 +6 位作者 叶思源 张志恒 赵广明 李景阳 周春艳 丁文洁 杨欣 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1362-1370,共9页
The water and sediment discharge regulation (WSDR) project, which has been performed since 2002 before flood season every year, is of great significance to the river management in China. Until 2007, six experiments ... The water and sediment discharge regulation (WSDR) project, which has been performed since 2002 before flood season every year, is of great significance to the river management in China. Until 2007, six experiments have been fulfilled to evaluate the effect of the project on the natural environment. To fill the gap of investigations, a study on flood and suspended sediment transportation and channel changing along the distributary channel of the Huanghe (Yellow) River was conducted during the WSDR project period in 2007. The lower channel was scoured rapidly and the channel became unobstructed gradually several days after the flood peak water was discharged from the Xiaolangdi Reservoir. Within four days after the flood peak at 3 000 m3/s entered the distributary, the channel in the river mouth area was eroded quickly. Both the mean values of area and depth of the main channel were tripled, and the maximum flood carrying capacity increased to 5 500 m3/s or more. Then, the river channel was silted anew in a very short time after completion of the WSDR. Favored by the WSDR project, the fiver status in April 2008 became better than that of the year before. The adjustment ranges of main channel parameters were about 30%, 10%, and 10% at sections C2, Q4, and Q7, respectively. The process of rapid erosion-deposition was more active 15 km away in the channel from the fiver mouth due to the marine influence. It is reasonable for discharging sediment at concentration peak from Xiaolangdi Reservoir at the end of the flood peak. As a result, the sediment peak reached the river mouth about two days later than that of the water current. In addition, the WSDR project has improved the development of the estuarine wetland. Wetland vegetation planted along the river banks restrained the water flow as a strainer and improved the main channel stability. It is suggested to draw water at mean rate of 150 m3/s from the Huanghe River during flood periods, because at the rate the water in the wetland would be stored and replenished in balance. Moreover, we believe that cropland on the river shoal of the lower Huanghe River should be replaced by wetland. These activities should achieve the Huanghe River management strategy of "To concentrate flow to scour sediment, stabilize the main channel, and regulate water and sediment". 展开更多
关键词 Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary water and sediment regulation river channel adjustment wetland.
作者 陈建洪 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期118-127,共10页
各种视角下的鲁滨孙形象都突出了孤岛上的鲁滨孙。孤岛生涯对于理解鲁滨孙这个形象无疑十分重要。但是,离家的鲁滨孙与在家的鲁滨孙、困于孤岛的鲁滨孙与浪游海上的鲁滨孙,两者应该相互对照来理解。如此,才能获得一个更为全面也更为矛... 各种视角下的鲁滨孙形象都突出了孤岛上的鲁滨孙。孤岛生涯对于理解鲁滨孙这个形象无疑十分重要。但是,离家的鲁滨孙与在家的鲁滨孙、困于孤岛的鲁滨孙与浪游海上的鲁滨孙,两者应该相互对照来理解。如此,才能获得一个更为全面也更为矛盾的鲁滨孙形象。为了更好地理解鲁滨孙及其矛盾形象,需要分别检视理解鲁滨孙的种种不同角度,明确笛福的鲁滨孙如何定位自己的身份,分析鲁滨孙与他人尤其是与其父亲克鲁索的关系,突出鲁滨孙作为海上弄潮儿与大地耕耘者身份的二重性。 展开更多
关键词 鲁滨孙 浪游 种植者 浪花之子 游手好闲者
作者 周勋初 《中国典籍与文化论丛》 1995年第1期220-241,共22页
李白的人生态度是入世与出世相结合,用一句通俗的话来说,也就是“功成身退”。犹如他的向慕对象鲁仲连,能出奇策挽救危局,立不世之大功,而功成不居,悠然隐退;又如另一向慕对象范蠡,辅越王勾践复仇灭吴后,乃浪游五湖,全身避害。凡此均如... 李白的人生态度是入世与出世相结合,用一句通俗的话来说,也就是“功成身退”。犹如他的向慕对象鲁仲连,能出奇策挽救危局,立不世之大功,而功成不居,悠然隐退;又如另一向慕对象范蠡,辅越王勾践复仇灭吴后,乃浪游五湖,全身避害。凡此均如孤云野鹤,超绝尘世。人人都说李白是杰出的浪漫主义作家,他的这种人生态度,也迥异常人,不可踪迹。比之同时诗人,其潇洒出群之处,可谓独一无二。 展开更多
关键词 大功 异端 尘世 危局 对象 人生态度 常人 因素 浪游
作者 陆春祥 《中学生天地(高中学习版)(C版)》 2019年第1期36-37,共2页
关键词 弈者 都城 哲学 读书 父母 浪游 油烛 有士 贴书
作者 杨克 《作品》 2020年第6期164-164,共1页
一山一水,相距不远,而今属同一个地界。敬亭山,华夏四海,几乎家喻户晓,而桃花潭,更是因了那首送别诗而成为从童蒙至老叟心中的缱绻深情。郁达夫说"江山也要文人捧",那个天才文人就是李白。他浪游天下,据说行走过80多座山、60... 一山一水,相距不远,而今属同一个地界。敬亭山,华夏四海,几乎家喻户晓,而桃花潭,更是因了那首送别诗而成为从童蒙至老叟心中的缱绻深情。郁达夫说"江山也要文人捧",那个天才文人就是李白。他浪游天下,据说行走过80多座山、60多条江河。套改王阳明的说法,李白未来时,此山此水同寂,李白行至此,遂"看山不是山,看水不是水;看山仍然是山,看水仍然是水",从此山与水便明朗起来,像一轮明月,高悬于汉语的天空。 展开更多
关键词 敬亭山 送别诗 郁达夫 李白 一轮明月 创作谈 王阳明 浪游
作者 宋保昆 《初中生学习指导》 2020年第25期F0003-F0003,共1页
如果问德国最伟大的作家是谁?答案一定是约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德。歌德的一生留下了包括诗歌、小说、戏剧、翻译、自然科学等在内的一百四十卷著作。25岁,歌德凭借《少年维特之烦恼》而名声大噪,通篇浓郁的抒情轰动整个... 如果问德国最伟大的作家是谁?答案一定是约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德。歌德的一生留下了包括诗歌、小说、戏剧、翻译、自然科学等在内的一百四十卷著作。25岁,歌德凭借《少年维特之烦恼》而名声大噪,通篇浓郁的抒情轰动整个欧洲文坛。歌德同时又是德国最伟大的诗人,来看看这首《浪游者的夜歌》:群峰一片沉寂,树梢微风敛迹。林中栖鸟缄默,捎待你也安息。 展开更多
关键词 《少年维特之烦恼》 沃尔夫冈 歌德 浪游 自然科学 抒情 沉寂
An experimental study on pile scour mitigating measures under waves and currents 被引量:3
作者 LIANG SenDong ZHANG YongLiang YANG James 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1031-1045,共15页
An experimental study has been carried out to investigate effects of four flow-altering scour countermeasures placed around a foundation pile under currents only as well as under coexisting waves and currents. The cou... An experimental study has been carried out to investigate effects of four flow-altering scour countermeasures placed around a foundation pile under currents only as well as under coexisting waves and currents. The countermeasures are sacrificial piles, downstream bed sill, sleeve and slot in the pile. Their arrangements follow the suggested optimal configurations, with some of them slightly modified. In terms of the evolution of scour depth and bed topography around the pile, the scour countermeasures are evaluated, subjected to steady currents with or without irregular waves. A comparison between maximum scour depth with the countermeasures and one without the countermeasures demonstrates the efficiency of countermeasures. All the tested scour measures reduce the scour depth by 17.6%–42.6% under the action of currents only and 5.8%–24.0% under the combined action of both currents and waves. The results also show that it takes a shorter time for the scour depth to reach its equilibrium with the measures under either coexisting currents and waves or currents only than ones without the measures. 展开更多
关键词 experimental study scour countermeasures WAVES CURRENTS foundation pile
Removing coarse sediment by sorting of reservoirs 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU JianJun ZHANG Man CAO HuiQun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期903-913,共11页
Reservoir sedimentation is an unsolved problem.In this paper,based on measured data,theoretical analysis and numerical computations,we prove that a proportion of the sediment coarser than 0.1 mm(CS) is sorted and depo... Reservoir sedimentation is an unsolved problem.In this paper,based on measured data,theoretical analysis and numerical computations,we prove that a proportion of the sediment coarser than 0.1 mm(CS) is sorted and deposited in specific reaches in the upper backwaters or in run-of-river reservoirs.The ratio of CS is usually small but it impacts the slope of deposition delta greatly and raises the backwater in later stages for a river shaped reservoir(RSR).Based on these facts,we propose to remove such CS from a fixed basin(FB) in the upper backwater by dredging and we prove that the removal of CS is effective in reducing sediment deposition and in preserving the long-term capacity of reservoirs.A numerical model computation of the Three Gorges Project(TGP) reservoir indicates that dredging 30×106-50×106 t/a of CS could reduce 20% total deposition by the end of 100th year,so that the slope of deposition can be slowed down by 25%-30%.This would be remarkable for a long extended RSR.This method of removing CS can also be applied to the Xiaolangdi reservoir(XLD) on the Yellow River(YR) to not only limit reservoir deposition but also filter out the CS from entering the Lower Yellow River(LYR) to slow down the rise of the perched LYR.It provides a new alternative to postpone the continuous siltation of the LYR. 展开更多
关键词 RESERVOIR SEDIMENT sorted deposition deposition control sustainable use
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