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作者 郑鑫 苑子 《家庭医学(上半月)》 2005年第18期4-5,共2页
在华语乐坛,“浮克”这个名字绝对硬朗。作为国内一线音乐人,他曾创作过《为你》、《快乐老家》、《幸福万年长》等一系列成功的流行歌曲,1998年还曾推出第一张个人专辑《西行路上》。前不久,沉寂七年之后的浮克终于推出了他的第二张个... 在华语乐坛,“浮克”这个名字绝对硬朗。作为国内一线音乐人,他曾创作过《为你》、《快乐老家》、《幸福万年长》等一系列成功的流行歌曲,1998年还曾推出第一张个人专辑《西行路上》。前不久,沉寂七年之后的浮克终于推出了他的第二张个人专辑——《东郭先生》。在专辑首发的前一天,我们来到了他的工作室,这是一间摆满了各式机器、有各种按钮、神秘感浓重的房间,在这里我们见到了它的主人。不知道是不是因为刚刚起床的缘故,迎面走来的浮克显得松弛而散漫。他的声音很特别,喑哑中略带些苍凉,说不清楚是时间把这嗓子泡出了沧桑感,还是这嗓子把时间这杯老酒慢慢啜饮了。跟他谈话,心会不由自主地静下来。 展开更多
关键词 浮克 音乐 生命 专辑
作者 周建平 侯培田 +1 位作者 张玉华 梁连华 《大连大学学报》 1994年第3期332-334,共3页
骨筋膜室综合征是四肢骨筋膜室内的肌肉和神经因急性严重缺血而出现的早期的症状和体征。如不及时诊断和治疗可迅速发展为坏死或坏疽,使肢体残废甚至丧失生命,又名浮克曼(Volkman)缺血性肌挛缩、创伤性张力性肌肉缺血等。 本院近年来收... 骨筋膜室综合征是四肢骨筋膜室内的肌肉和神经因急性严重缺血而出现的早期的症状和体征。如不及时诊断和治疗可迅速发展为坏死或坏疽,使肢体残废甚至丧失生命,又名浮克曼(Volkman)缺血性肌挛缩、创伤性张力性肌肉缺血等。 本院近年来收治本病例38例,现报告如下: 展开更多
关键词 骨筋膜室综合征 肢体残废 缺血性肌挛缩 张力性 浮克 外固定 手术减压 皮肤小切口 原发性损伤 急诊手术
《科技资讯》 2005年第33期-,共2页
姓名:孙恺性别:酷男通讯地址:北京市2447信箱经济糖理2班杂志改版后最吸引你的地方是:内容丰富您最喜欢的文章:《听浮克讲东郭先生的故事》您最喜欢的版面:《音乐继续在路上》您更喜欢阅读哪一类的文章:音乐设备报道类专业技术娄音乐(MI... 姓名:孙恺性别:酷男通讯地址:北京市2447信箱经济糖理2班杂志改版后最吸引你的地方是:内容丰富您最喜欢的文章:《听浮克讲东郭先生的故事》您最喜欢的版面:《音乐继续在路上》您更喜欢阅读哪一类的文章:音乐设备报道类专业技术娄音乐(MIDI 录音) 展开更多
关键词 文章 MIDI 通讯地址 光盘 浮克 版面 报道类 录音 硬件设备 人声 海报 北京市 歌曲 声乐曲 杂志
作者 张正部 《吉林艺术学院学报》 1985年第2期3-9,共7页
欧洲大小调和声的理论与实践,作为一种学科体系确立下来,大约是从拉摩(法国音乐理论家1683——1764)对其进行了系统的理论总结之后,并通过同时代的作曲家巴赫、亨德尔、斯卡拉蒂、浮克斯等人的创作实践而实现的。 任何新生事物的诞生,... 欧洲大小调和声的理论与实践,作为一种学科体系确立下来,大约是从拉摩(法国音乐理论家1683——1764)对其进行了系统的理论总结之后,并通过同时代的作曲家巴赫、亨德尔、斯卡拉蒂、浮克斯等人的创作实践而实现的。 任何新生事物的诞生,都必须具备其一定的客观条件。就欧洲社会来看,此间恰逢文艺复兴之后,城市工商业得到飞速发展,城市贫民的地位得到迅速提高,与此同时民间音乐也蓬勃发展起来。 展开更多
关键词 斯卡拉蒂 和弦结构 民间音乐 音乐创作 浮克 音乐理论家 亨德尔 下属和弦 拉摩 城市工商业
作者 余彦隆 宋晓倩 《北方音乐》 2005年第12期40-41,49,共3页
关键词 浮克 蝴蝶泉边 云南艺术学院 解放军艺术学院 杨丽 生命之树 兵生活 阳光雨露 一遍遍 放鞭炮
作者 薛志成 《农村科学实验》 2016年第7期28-28,共1页
有机肥施法有机肥料包括各种人畜粪便。使用方法:每100千克人畜粪便中加入5千克过磷酸钙,搅拌均匀,存放5—7天后使用。该法能使人畜粪便中的磷元素,以磷保氮,施入池中可提高肥效。每次每亩鱼池施100千克,10天施肥一次,每月每亩鱼池施30... 有机肥施法有机肥料包括各种人畜粪便。使用方法:每100千克人畜粪便中加入5千克过磷酸钙,搅拌均匀,存放5—7天后使用。该法能使人畜粪便中的磷元素,以磷保氮,施入池中可提高肥效。每次每亩鱼池施100千克,10天施肥一次,每月每亩鱼池施300千克。 展开更多
关键词 人畜粪便 施肥法 池中 法能 磷元素 天后 腐解 三盛 浮克 施肥时间
《音乐时空》 2012年第9X期8-8,共1页
《弟子规》MV发布以来,国学之风吹遍中华大地,词、曲、MV广受好评,极具影响力,据悉,刘一祯全新专辑一共八首歌曲,都是弘扬国学的经典之作。近日,专辑中的又一首主打歌《信》推出MV,该MV以古典为基调,主角刘一祯置身古朴环境中,唯美的形... 《弟子规》MV发布以来,国学之风吹遍中华大地,词、曲、MV广受好评,极具影响力,据悉,刘一祯全新专辑一共八首歌曲,都是弘扬国学的经典之作。近日,专辑中的又一首主打歌《信》推出MV,该MV以古典为基调,主角刘一祯置身古朴环境中,唯美的形象、优美的歌声完美融合。 展开更多
关键词 《弟子规》 打歌 MV 国学经典 孝敬父母 亲力亲为 学之 数日 民歌艺术 浮克
杨钰莹《遇江南》:经典印象 重新塑造
作者 蓝蝴蝶 《音乐时空》 2013年第3X期43-43,共1页
每当提起当年辉煌的广东流行乐坛,总有一个极具甜美色彩的名字让人难以忘怀,她叫杨钰莹。隐退流行乐坛多年的她,近日终于透过这一张全新专辑《遇江南》,重新回归到乐迷的视线。或者说,在她鲜有新作发表的那些年里,她并没有真正地消失过... 每当提起当年辉煌的广东流行乐坛,总有一个极具甜美色彩的名字让人难以忘怀,她叫杨钰莹。隐退流行乐坛多年的她,近日终于透过这一张全新专辑《遇江南》,重新回归到乐迷的视线。或者说,在她鲜有新作发表的那些年里,她并没有真正地消失过,至少属于她的《轻轻地告诉你》、《我不想说》、《风含情水含笑》等经典作品,依旧不时地回响在人们的耳边。《遇江南》 展开更多
关键词 杨钰莹 张全新 浮克 经典歌曲 过耳不忘 中国风 时光飞逝 紫竹调 少数民族风情 制作人
Review of Global Ocean Intermediate Water Masses: 1.Part A, the Neutral Density Surface (the ‘McDougall Surface’) as a Study Frame for Water-Mass Analysis 被引量:2
作者 Yuzhu You 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2006年第3期187-199,共13页
This review article commences with a comprehensive historical review of the evolution and application of various density surfaces in atmospheric and oceanic studies. The background provides a basis for the birth of th... This review article commences with a comprehensive historical review of the evolution and application of various density surfaces in atmospheric and oceanic studies. The background provides a basis for the birth of the neutral density idea. Attention is paid to the development of the neutral density surface concept from the nonlinearity of the equation of state of seawater. The definition and properties of neutral density surface are described in detail as developed from the equations of state of seawater and the buoyancy frequency when the squared buoyancy frequency N2 is zero, a neutral state of stability. In order to apply the neutral density surface to intermediate water-mass analysis, this review also describes in detail its practical oceanographic application. The mapping technique is focused for the first time on applying regularly gridded data in this review. It is reviewed how a backbone and ribs framework was designed to flesh out from a reference cast and first mapped the global neutral surfaces in the world’s oceans. Several mapped neutral density surfaces are presented as examples for each world ocean. The water-mass property is analyzed in each ocean at mid-depth. The characteristics of neutral density surfaces are compared with those of potential density surfaces. 展开更多
关键词 neutral density surface potential density surface equation of state of seawater McDougall surface watermass analysis global ocean mapping of neutral density surfaces
A Coupled Analysis of Nonlinear Sloshing and Ship Motion 被引量:4
作者 Shuo Huang Wenyang Duan Hao Zhang 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第4期427-436,共10页
Nonlinear interactions among incident wave, tank-sloshing and floating body coupling motion are investigated. The fully nonlinear sloshing and body-surface nonlinear free surface hydrodynamics is simulated using a Non... Nonlinear interactions among incident wave, tank-sloshing and floating body coupling motion are investigated. The fully nonlinear sloshing and body-surface nonlinear free surface hydrodynamics is simulated using a Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) higher-order panel method in time domain based on the potential theory. A robust and stable improved iterative procedure (Yan and Ma, 2007) for floating bodies is used for calculating the time derivative of velocity potential and floating body motion. An energy dissipation condition based on linear theory adopted by Huang (2011) is developed to consider flow viscosity effects of sloshing flow in nonlinear model. A two-dimensional tank model test was performed to identify its validity. The present nonlinear coupling sway motion results are subsequently compared with the corresponding Rognebakke and Faltinsen (2003)'s experimental results, showing fair agreement. Thus, the numerical approach presented in this paper is expected to be very efficient and realistic in evaluating the coupling effects of nonlinear sloshing and body motion. 展开更多
关键词 NONLINEAR tank-sloshing coupling motion energy dissipation
The community structure and seasonal dynamics of plankton in Bange Lake, northern Tibet, China 被引量:2
作者 赵文 赵元艺 +3 位作者 王巧晗 郑绵平 魏杰 王珊 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1143-1157,共15页
The seasonal variations in biomass, abundance, and species composition of plankton in relation to hydrography were studied in the saline Bange Lake, northern Tibet, China. Sampling was carried out between one to three... The seasonal variations in biomass, abundance, and species composition of plankton in relation to hydrography were studied in the saline Bange Lake, northern Tibet, China. Sampling was carried out between one to three times per month from May 2001 to July 2002. Salinity ranged from 14 to 146. The air and water temperature exhibited a clear seasonal pattern, and mean annual temperatures were approximately 4.8℃ and 7.3℃, respectively. The lowest water temperature occurred in winter from December to March at-2℃ and the highest in June and July at 17.7℃. Forty-one phytoplankton taxa, 21 zooplankton, and 5 benthic or facultative zooplankton were identifi ed. The predominant phytoplankton species were Gloeothece linearis, Oscillatoria tenuis, Gloeocapsa punctata, Ctenocladus circinnatus, Dunaliella salina, and Spirulina major. The predominant zooplankton species included H olophrya actra, Brachionus plicatilis, Daphniopsis tibetana, Cletocamptus dertersi, and A rctodiaptomus salinus. The mean annual total phytoplankton density and biomass for the entire lake were 4.52×10^7 cells/L and 1.60 mg/L, respectively. The annual mean zooplankton abundance was 52, 162, 322, and 57, 144 ind./L, in the three sublakes. The annual mean total zooplankton biomass in Lakes 1–3 was 1.23, 9.98, and 2.13 mg/L, respectively. The annual mean tychoplankton abundances in Bg1, 2, and 3 were 47, 67, and 654 ind./L. The annual mean tychoplankton biomass was 2.36, 0.16, and 2.03 mg/L, respectively. The zooplankton biomass(including tychoplankton) in the lake was 9.11 mg/L. The total number of plankton species in the salt lake was signifi cantly negatively correlated with salinity. 展开更多
关键词 community structure spatio-temporal pattern plankton Bange Lake northern Tibetan saline lakes
Structural Features of Zooplankton Cenosis of Southern Kazakhstan Surface Waters
作者 Marat Rashidovich Khanturin Zhanna Khozhanovna Ospanova Akmaral Umirbekovna Isaeva 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第2期209-218,共10页
The present condition of Southern Kazakhstan natural reservoirs is represented in the article. The research was held in summer time of 2010. Quantitative and qualitative features and dominating types of zooplankton of... The present condition of Southern Kazakhstan natural reservoirs is represented in the article. The research was held in summer time of 2010. Quantitative and qualitative features and dominating types of zooplankton of the individual reservoirs are shown. It is detected that the waters of the South Kazakhstan oblast (region) are inhabited by 70 types of zooplankton organisms of different taxonomic groups, whose association to certain reservoir depends on the hydrochemical indicators of the aquatic environment. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrobiocoenosis ZOOPLANKTON taxonomical analysis saprobic valence.
Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Marsh, Plants and Sediments in Iraq
作者 Abdal-Kader Saeed Latif Reyam Naji Ajmi Huda Farooq Zeki 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第9期532-537,共6页
This work represents sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the local environment of five major stations at marshland in southern Iraq from May 2013. Average concentration of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydroca... This work represents sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the local environment of five major stations at marshland in southern Iraq from May 2013. Average concentration of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in the sampling sediments and three types of plants were lower than the guideline value. This study examined presence of PAHs may from reach aquatic environment in marshes, deposition of airborne particles. Having a relatively low water solubility to the suspended particulate matter, most of the PAHs introduced to the aquatic environment tend to accumulate in bottom sediments. Sedimentary PAHs may thus provide a record of the input and history of these pollutants, and the distribution of PAH/'s in aquatic sediments has received considerable attention. Owing to the concentration of PAHs in the study area, its concentration level still meets the sediment quality guideline value (ERL: 4,022 ng/g dry weight); however, according to the PELq (probable effects level) factor, slightly adverse biological effects are associated with the exposure to PAHs levels in the study area (0.1 〈 PELq = 0.24 〈 0.5). 展开更多
关键词 Iraqi marsh POLLUTION PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) sediments.
River Flow Control on the Phytoplankton Dynamics of Chesapeake Bay 被引量:1
作者 YU Qingyun WANG You +1 位作者 TANG Xuexi LI Ming 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2013年第1期103-114,共12页
Recent observations support an emerging paradigm that climate variability dominates nutrient enrichment in costal eco-systems, which can explain seasonal and inter-annual variability of phytoplankton community composi... Recent observations support an emerging paradigm that climate variability dominates nutrient enrichment in costal eco-systems, which can explain seasonal and inter-annual variability of phytoplankton community composition, biomass (Chl-a), and primary production (PP). In this paper, we combined observation and modeling to investigate the regulation of phytoplankton dynamics in Chesapeake Bay. The year we chose is 1996 that has high river runoff and is usually called a 'wet year'. A 3-D physical-biogeochemical model based on ROMS was developed to simulate the seasonal cycle and the regional distributions of phytoplankton biomass and primary production in Chesapeake Bay. Based on the model results, NO3 presents a strong contrast to the river nitrate load during spring and the highest concentration in the bay reaches around 80 mmol Nm-3 . Compared with the normal year, phytoplankton bloom in spring of 1996 appears in lower latitudes with a higher concentration. Quantitative comparison between the modeled and observed seasonal averaged dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations shows that the model produces reliable results. The correlation coefficient r2 for all quantities exceeds 0.95, and the skill parameter for the four seasons is all above 0.95. 展开更多
关键词 river flow phytoplankton dynamics BLOOM light limitation Chesapeake Bay
作者 浮克 《流行歌曲》 2006年第3期64-65,共2页
从明天起,做一个幻想幸福的人喂狗,喂自己,原谅世界从明天起,关心营养和年龄我有一所房子,面朝大路,冬暖夏凉从明天起,给每一个亲人发一条短信告诉他们我的无所谓幸福不幸福那幸福的传说告诉我的我将转发每一个人给每一条河每一座山取... 从明天起,做一个幻想幸福的人喂狗,喂自己,原谅世界从明天起,关心营养和年龄我有一所房子,面朝大路,冬暖夏凉从明天起,给每一个亲人发一条短信告诉他们我的无所谓幸福不幸福那幸福的传说告诉我的我将转发每一个人给每一条河每一座山取一个温暖的网名陌生人,我也为你祝福愿你有一个灿烂的前程愿你有情人终成眷属愿你在尘世获得幸福我也愿面朝显示器,春暖花开——拟海子《面期大海,春暖花开》 展开更多
关键词 告诉我 我将 终成眷属 冬暖 小资 浪漫满屋 一所 浮克 共享空间 陈维
作者 蓝瑞轩 浮克 《流行歌曲》 2011年第12期62-62,共1页
关键词 荔枝红 醉荷 浮克 把花 工可 石函 丁翁 洲口 河庄 阳照
作者 浮克 《流行歌曲》 2009年第2期3-3,共1页
关键词 科幻小说 镜子说 HELLO 浮克 被装 城北 作品改编
作者 浮克 《流行歌曲》 2006年第6期60-60,共1页
关键词 人说 浮克 天都 娱乐明星 数钱 录音设备 政客们 打麻将 道本
作者 浮克 《流行歌曲》 2006年第1期62-65,共4页
关键词 活着 我不知道 浮克 就是你 除夕之夜 告诉我 演唱、演奏 你我 成就奖 一个女人
作者 谭晶 浮克 《流行歌曲》 2007年第12期79-79,共1页
由著名音乐人浮克作词作曲并制作的这首《龙图腾》,旋律优美,意境悠远,尤其是在谭晶的倾情演绎之后,显得非常大气。歌曲融合了目前国际上比较流行的"新世纪音乐"和"世界音乐"风格,歌词描绘出了一幅完整的中国大版... 由著名音乐人浮克作词作曲并制作的这首《龙图腾》,旋律优美,意境悠远,尤其是在谭晶的倾情演绎之后,显得非常大气。歌曲融合了目前国际上比较流行的"新世纪音乐"和"世界音乐"风格,歌词描绘出了一幅完整的中国大版图。在主旋律歌曲当中,它显得比较清新、自然,适合于大众传唱。正因为它是那么的和谐,成为了2007年中秋晚会的压轴之作。 展开更多
关键词 新世纪音乐 世界音乐 意境悠远 浮克 倾情演绎 间奏 格桑花 索水 道面 公之
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