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晚清海塞防之议与台湾海防地位的衍变 被引量:2
作者 黄顺力 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期116-125,共10页
海塞防之议虽发生于晚清时期,但其缘由则要溯及以往。由于清统治者对来自海洋的困扰采取类似陆防的传统"防海"政策,故此前台湾诸岛实无真正意义上的"海防"。台湾归附后,施琅主张留守台湾,蕴涵着以外海作为内地屏障... 海塞防之议虽发生于晚清时期,但其缘由则要溯及以往。由于清统治者对来自海洋的困扰采取类似陆防的传统"防海"政策,故此前台湾诸岛实无真正意义上的"海防"。台湾归附后,施琅主张留守台湾,蕴涵着以外海作为内地屏障,将防线从陆路推向海洋的思想认识。鸦片战后,台湾的海防地位虽开始显现,但却是在晚清海塞防之议大视阈背景之下才得以确立。这主要体现在:一是将台湾海防与"海国时代"到来的整个国际形势联系在一起,提高对台湾海防战略地位重要性的认识。二是欲移驻福建巡抚入台,提升台湾作为东南海疆门户的海防地位。三是开山"抚番",兴建炮台,筹购船舰等,加强台湾的海防建设。有清一代,时人有关台湾海防认识的传统与衍变过程,也是中国海防观念由传统向近代蹒跚转型的过程。 展开更多
关键词 晚清 海塞防之议 台湾海防
作者 甘胜进 游文杰 《湖南师范大学自然科学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第2期90-94,共5页
关键词 降维 CKCMS OLS PHD 迭代海塞变换
作者 张玉能 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第4期61-65,共5页
关键词 海塞 批判现实主义 文论
作者 张玉能 《青岛科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期50-55,共6页
关键词 海塞 批判现实主义 文论
海塞矩阵在多元函数条件极值中的应用 被引量:3
作者 张丽丽 王军民 耿向平 《安阳工学院学报》 2005年第6期79-81,共3页
关键词 海塞矩阵 多元函数 条件极值 稳定点
刘坤一与海塞防之争 被引量:1
作者 刘晗 《中国城市经济》 2011年第3X期197-198,共2页
关键词 刘坤一 海塞防之争
作者 戚庆雨 《福建史志》 2018年第3期37-40,共4页
1874年,中国甲戌年,日本借口琉球漂船事件,开始吞并中国藩属国琉球并以此为借口侵占中国的台湾。清政府得悉后及时采取行动,使得这一事件得到较为妥善的处理。日本侵台事件对中国的影响是深远的,它在清政府内部掀起了激烈的海防大讨论,... 1874年,中国甲戌年,日本借口琉球漂船事件,开始吞并中国藩属国琉球并以此为借口侵占中国的台湾。清政府得悉后及时采取行动,使得这一事件得到较为妥善的处理。日本侵台事件对中国的影响是深远的,它在清政府内部掀起了激烈的海防大讨论,并引起了海塞防之争,同时,这场讨论也为中国的海军创建奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 日本侵台 海防讨论 海塞
使用零力矩点反馈的双足机器人惯性参数辨识 被引量:5
作者 吴伟国 高力扬 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期20-26,共7页
为解决基于关节力矩的双足机器人参数辨识方法辨识精度不高,基于完整的足底力信息和运动捕捉数据的辨识方法对实验条件要求较高的问题,提出基于ZMP(zero moment point)数据的双足机器人惯性参数辨识方法。将理论ZMP与实际ZMP的位置偏差... 为解决基于关节力矩的双足机器人参数辨识方法辨识精度不高,基于完整的足底力信息和运动捕捉数据的辨识方法对实验条件要求较高的问题,提出基于ZMP(zero moment point)数据的双足机器人惯性参数辨识方法。将理论ZMP与实际ZMP的位置偏差作为目标函数,考虑参数范围和机器人总质量两类约束条件,建立只使用双足机器人自身传感器采样数据的惯性参数辨识优化模型。针对所建模型无法拆分成线性形式的问题,推导目标函数关于参数矢量的梯度矢量和海塞矩阵,并给出了基于最速下降法和牛顿法的优化求解算法。使用GoRoBoT-II机器人的双足部分,进行腿部杆件的惯性参数辨识实验,将所提出方法得到的辨识结果与传统基于关节力矩的辨识结果进行对比,发现基于ZMP的辨识方法的结果更接近于三维几何建模得到的参数标称值,且理论ZMP与实际ZMP的偏差均值为4.6 mm,小于传统基于力矩辨识方法的12.4 mm,说明所提出的基于ZMP的惯性参数辨识方法能够得到比传统方法更好的结果。 展开更多
关键词 双足机器人 惯性参数辨识 ZMP 梯度矢量 海塞矩阵
零售商开辟电子渠道的双渠道供应链定价决策 被引量:14
作者 孔造杰 李祖一 《工业技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期116-122,共7页
研究两层双渠道供应链中,在制造商实施直销渠道的基础上,零售商开辟电子渠道对供应链的影响。建立了双渠道供应链的定价决策模型,针对零售商未开辟电子渠道和开辟电子渠道两种情形,分别求解集中决策、Stackelberg博弈分散式决策模式下... 研究两层双渠道供应链中,在制造商实施直销渠道的基础上,零售商开辟电子渠道对供应链的影响。建立了双渠道供应链的定价决策模型,针对零售商未开辟电子渠道和开辟电子渠道两种情形,分别求解集中决策、Stackelberg博弈分散式决策模式下的零售商和制造商各自的最优定价及利润,并利用数值算例,进行对比分析。研究发现零售商开辟电子渠道的影响是多重的,一方面零售商的市场被拓展,竞争力增强,利润显著提高,有利于其与制造商进行抗衡。另一方面,制造商的利润有所下降,且整个供应链系统的渠道冲突加剧。因此,面对制造商的直销渠道,零售商可以选择开辟电子渠道来增强其话语权,与制造商进行谈判,实现互利双赢。 展开更多
关键词 双渠道供应链 电子渠道 定价决策 海塞矩阵 分散决策
作者 王庆东 候海军 《河北理科教学研究》 2003年第3期50-51,共2页
教学中,有学生问及函数凹凸性判定定理在多元函数中的形式,根据一元函数有关理论,存在以下一般结论. 定理:若f(X)在Rn中的开凸集D上存在二阶连续偏导,则(?)X∈D,f(X)是凹(凸)函数的充要条件为:f(X)
关键词 函数凹凸性 充要条件 R^N 多元函数 海塞方阵 一元微分
价格随机条件下看涨期权折扣契约的应急供应链协调研究 被引量:2
作者 黄冬宏 吴双胜 刘浪 《工业工程》 北大核心 2020年第2期133-141,共9页
在突发事件造成市场需求与市场价格均随机波动的条件下,将期权与数量折扣契约融合,形成一种新的期权折扣契约,并用看涨期权折扣契约模型来协调供应链。通过海塞矩阵判断得知供应链存在最优决策,并进行算例分析。结果表明:当突发事件引... 在突发事件造成市场需求与市场价格均随机波动的条件下,将期权与数量折扣契约融合,形成一种新的期权折扣契约,并用看涨期权折扣契约模型来协调供应链。通过海塞矩阵判断得知供应链存在最优决策,并进行算例分析。结果表明:当突发事件引起市场需求增加时,看涨期权折扣契约和数量折扣契约均能有效地提升供应链收益,且看涨期权折扣契约提升的幅度更大;当突发事件引起市场需求缩小时,2种契约均不能扭转整个供应链收益大幅下降的局面,且看涨期权折扣契约下降的幅度更大。为获取超额利润,决策者必须充分获取市场信息并对市场需求进行准确的预测才能使新的契约机制更有效。在新的前提条件下,看涨期权折扣契约模型能有效地协调供应链并提高整个供应链系统的绩效。该契约实现了风险共担和收益双赢,在一定程度上提升了供应链的柔性。 展开更多
关键词 价格随机 期权契约 数量折扣契约 海塞矩阵 供应链协调
飞行目标航迹显示中的数据拟合方法 被引量:3
作者 陈庆良 高山 姬新阳 《舰船电子工程》 2016年第12期55-57,169,共4页
试验任务中,一个飞行目标往往是多台测量设备同时跟踪测量,产生基于不同设备的同时刻同目标的多批真值数据,其拟合问题在航迹显示的数据处理过程中尤为重要。论文以6台测量设备的航迹数据为例,给出了数据拟合模型及计算机求解算法,并进... 试验任务中,一个飞行目标往往是多台测量设备同时跟踪测量,产生基于不同设备的同时刻同目标的多批真值数据,其拟合问题在航迹显示的数据处理过程中尤为重要。论文以6台测量设备的航迹数据为例,给出了数据拟合模型及计算机求解算法,并进行了仿真,结果表明拟合后的数据更接近目标真实,为今后研究多台套测量设备数据拟合,提高航显精度与时效奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 测量 航迹显示 数据拟合 牛顿迭代法 海塞矩阵
作者 邵怡 《河北职业技术师范学院学报》 2002年第4期53-55,共3页
关键词 消费者 计算方法 最优选择 效用最大化 预算约束 选择方案 偏导数 海塞矩阵
作者 黄显松 《黑龙江史志》 2013年第23期29-29,共1页
随着世界格局和形势的发展,晚清时期的中国不可避免的逐渐走上了衰亡的下坡路。伴随而来的外国侵略也逐渐加深了清王朝的内外矛盾,为了应对外国侵略势力,清朝统治阶级内部分为注重海防及注重塞防的两派势力。但也有大智者提出了海塞并... 随着世界格局和形势的发展,晚清时期的中国不可避免的逐渐走上了衰亡的下坡路。伴随而来的外国侵略也逐渐加深了清王朝的内外矛盾,为了应对外国侵略势力,清朝统治阶级内部分为注重海防及注重塞防的两派势力。但也有大智者提出了海塞并重的全局思想,相对而言这才是比较正确的战略思想。 展开更多
关键词 晚清 海防 塞防 海塞并重
Flow Pattern and Pressure Fluctuation of Severe Slugging in Pipeline-riser System 被引量:13
作者 罗小明 何利民 马华伟 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第1期26-32,共7页
During the exploitation of offshore oil and gas,it is easy to form severe slugging which can cause great harm in the riser connecting wellheads and offshore platform preprocessing system.The flow pattern and pressure ... During the exploitation of offshore oil and gas,it is easy to form severe slugging which can cause great harm in the riser connecting wellheads and offshore platform preprocessing system.The flow pattern and pressure fluctuation of severe slugging were studied in an experimental simulation system with inner diameter of 0.051 m.It is found that severe slugging can be divided into three severe slugging regimes:regime I at low gas and liquid flow rates with large pressure fluctuation,intermittent flow of liquid and gas in the riser,and apparent cutoff of liquid phase,regime II at high gas flow rate with non-periodic fluctuation and discontinuous liquid outflow and no gas cutoff,regime III at high liquid flow rate with degenerative pressure fluctuation in form of relatively stable bubbly or plug flow.The results indicate that severe slugging still occurs when the declination angle of pipeline is 0,and there are mainly two kinds of regimes:regime I and regime II.As the angle increases,the formation ranges of regime I and regime III increase slightly while that of regime II is not affected.With the increase of gas superficial velocity and liquid superficial velocity,the pressure fluctuation at the bottom of riser increases initially and then decreases.The maximum value of pressure fluctuation occurs at the transition boundary of regimes I and II. 展开更多
关键词 multiphase flow severe slugging pipeline-riser system flow regime pressure fluctuation
Is portal vein cavernous transformation a component of congenital hepatic fibrosis? 被引量:10
作者 Ozlem Yonem Yusuf Bayraktar 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第13期1928-1929,共2页
Congenital hepatic fibrosis (CHF) is an autosomal recessive disorder that belongs to the family of fibropolycystic liver diseases. This family includes a spectrum of disorders which are usually found in combination wi... Congenital hepatic fibrosis (CHF) is an autosomal recessive disorder that belongs to the family of fibropolycystic liver diseases. This family includes a spectrum of disorders which are usually found in combination with each other and are usually inherited. Clinically fibropolycystic diseases have three effects being present in different proportions, those of a space occupying lesion, of portal hypertension and of cholangitis. In most patients, the first manifestations of CHF are signs and symptoms related to portal hypertension such as splenomegaly and varices. Portal hypertension in these patients has been attributed to the hypoplasia or compression of the portal vein radicles in the fibrous bands. Cavernous transformation of the portal vein (CTPV) is a relatively rare condition resulting from extrahepatic portal vein obstruction with recanalization or collateral vein formation to bypass the obstruction. It has been found that patients with CHF having an accompanying CTPV have relatively large splenomegaly and suffers more frequent episodes of bleeding from esophageal varices.We believe that CTPV is a congenital component of CHF and also one of the important causative factors of portal hypertension in these patients. 展开更多
关键词 Congenital hepatic fibrosis Cavernoustransformation of portal vein Portal hypertension
Alginate-Chitosan Microcapsules for Renal Arterial Embolization 被引量:1
作者 LI Sha, HOU Xin pu(Department of Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100083, China) 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2003年第3期170-171,共2页
关键词 sodium alginate CHITOSAN MICROCAPSULES electrostatic interaction ADRIAMYCIN sodium salicylate ACYCLOVIR bovine serum albumin renal arterial embolization cancer cell strains growth inhibition in vitro
Polyvinyl alcohol and gelatin sponge particle embolization of splenic artery pseudoaneurysm complicating chronic alcoholic pancreatitis
作者 Yong-SongGuan LongSun Xiang-PingZhou XiaoLi Ze-JunFei Xiao-HuaZheng QingHe 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第17期2684-2686,共3页
AIM:To assess the effectiveness of and complications associated with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and gelatin sponge particles embolization of splenic artery pseudoaneurysm complicating chronic alcoholic pancreatitis. METH... AIM:To assess the effectiveness of and complications associated with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and gelatin sponge particles embolization of splenic artery pseudoaneurysm complicating chronic alcoholic pancreatitis. METHODS: A 42-year-old man with splenic artery pseudoaneurysm formation secondary to chronic alcoholic pancreatitis was admitted. We used PVA and gelatin sponge particles embolization of splenic artery pseudoaneurysm by super-selective embolization techniques. RESULTS: The splenic artery pseudoaneurysm was successfully controlled with splenic embolization. The patient was discharged in 9 d with complete recovery. CONCLUSION: This case confirms that superselective transcatheter embolization by PVA and gelatin sponge particles may represent an effective treatment for pseudoaneurysm caused by chronic alcoholic pancreatitis in the absence of other therapeutic alternatives. 展开更多
关键词 PVA Chronic alcoholic pancreatitis
Trace Metals in Water Samples Taken from Azerbaijan Sector of Caspian Sea 被引量:1
作者 Famil Yusif Humbatov Majid Mirza Ahmadov Valeh Saleh Balayev Bahruz Allahverdi Suleymanov 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第4期288-295,共8页
The present study was conducted to investigate the heavy metal contents (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Mo, Mn, Rb, Pb, Cu, Ni, V, U and Zn) in seawater samples, which were collected at two c (5 and 100 m), from 9 di... The present study was conducted to investigate the heavy metal contents (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Mo, Mn, Rb, Pb, Cu, Ni, V, U and Zn) in seawater samples, which were collected at two c (5 and 100 m), from 9 different sites of Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea. The Agitent 7700x Series ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) with HMI (high matrix introduction) system applied to analysis seawater. It was shown, the average concentrations of elements as Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn in surface water slightly higher than their concentrations in depth water at 100 m. Practically it is not deference of the Mo, Rb and U average concentrations in surface and 100 m depth column water. There was little variation observed for nickel and vanadium. In contrast the concentrations of As, Ga and Ba in samples taken from 100 m, were significantly higher than the concentration in surface samples. Dependence concentration of elements from water columns depth can be explained in accordance with the geochemical system of classification of dissolved forms of elements in the sea water. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy metals Caspian Sea ICP-MS polution.
Kosik's Dialectics of Concrete Totality
作者 Denko Skalovski 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第6期273-281,共9页
Setting out from the categories of totality and histori(ci)sm in Kosik's Dialectics of the Concrete, we look at the relationship between theory and praxis: empty, abstract totality versus concrete, reified and ali... Setting out from the categories of totality and histori(ci)sm in Kosik's Dialectics of the Concrete, we look at the relationship between theory and praxis: empty, abstract totality versus concrete, reified and alienated practice (Lukacs, Habermas, Honneth); a bad totality, in which the real polydimensional subject is replaced by the one-dimensional, mythologized, fetishized, and economistically reduced "subject" of consummation (Marcuse, Baudrillard). The dialectics of concrete totality implies a marxistic critique of the ethical and juristic universalism, in the context of the "positive" side of globalization and political unilateralism, as a concrete, militant, hegemonistic, post-colonial, and neo-imperial practice (Apel, Habermas, Chomsky, Zinoviev); globalization as totali(tari)zation, the "last man," the "end of history," and the "end" of dialectics in its neo-liberal, eschatological, empty ideological "realization" (Hegel, Marx, Fukuyama, Arendt); the totality of the (invariable) being as a pseudo-concrete and pseudo-dialectical ontologistic speculation (Heidegger): A "return" to a concrete history and a return of the "positive" dialectics as a critical awareness, mind, and method in the discourse "game" of human's cognitive, creative, and practical powers. The assumption of Kosik's humanism is a synchrony of nature and history in the "absolute" totality of human's concrete existence (Lukacs, Goldmann, Adorno, Sartre, Kosik). 展开更多
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