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广西海岛土壤脱硅富铝化作用的初步研究 被引量:5
作者 蓝福生 莫权辉 +3 位作者 李瑞棠 梁发英 陈平 叶栋 《广西科学》 CAS 1995年第4期28-34,共7页
在对涠洲岛、渔岛和西村岛的3个剖面的11个土壤样品和3个母岩样品进行矿质全量、游离氧化铁及粘粒矿物等分析的基础上,对海岛土壤的脱硅富铝化作用进行了初步研究。结果表明,3个海岛的土壤的脱硅富铝化强度是涠洲岛>渔岛>西村... 在对涠洲岛、渔岛和西村岛的3个剖面的11个土壤样品和3个母岩样品进行矿质全量、游离氧化铁及粘粒矿物等分析的基础上,对海岛土壤的脱硅富铝化作用进行了初步研究。结果表明,3个海岛的土壤的脱硅富铝化强度是涠洲岛>渔岛>西村岛,但均比相同气候带下的砖红壤、赤红壤的脱硅富铝化作用弱。据此及其他分析结果,建议将涠洲岛土壤(1号剖面)归类于铁硅铝土土纲、湿润铁硅铝土亚纲中的棕红壤土类,将渔岛。2号剖面)和西村岛(3号剖面)的土壤归类于铁硅铝土土纲、湿润铁硅铝土亚纲中的准红壤土类。 展开更多
关键词 海岛土壤 脱硅富铝化作用 土壤分类
浙江省海岛土壤发生特征及其分类 被引量:5
作者 张雪林 《浙江师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2001年第4期385-388,共4页
浙江省海岛尽管处在亚热带红壤基带内 ,但由于海洋环境对海岛的独特影响 ,使海岛土壤成土作用出现与同纬度的大陆红壤有明显的差异性 :即表现出具有盐基饱和度高、pH值较高、盐基离子以钙、镁离子为优势的组合、粘粒矿物以伊利石为主、... 浙江省海岛尽管处在亚热带红壤基带内 ,但由于海洋环境对海岛的独特影响 ,使海岛土壤成土作用出现与同纬度的大陆红壤有明显的差异性 :即表现出具有盐基饱和度高、pH值较高、盐基离子以钙、镁离子为优势的组合、粘粒矿物以伊利石为主、风化淋溶系数较大等特征 .因此 ,应根据这些差异性 ,给予海岛土壤以合理的土壤类型 . 展开更多
关键词 海洋环境 海岛土壤 盐基饱和度 浙江 成土作用 PH值 盐基离子
浙江海岛土壤有效微量元素含量与分布 被引量:2
作者 王卫平 《土壤肥料》 CSCD 1996年第5期15-16,共2页
通过浙江省408个海岛土壤样品的测定,查明了浙江省海岛土壤微量元素含量和分布。海岛土壤有效铜、铁低于全省平均值,有效锌、锰与全省平均值相近,有效硼、钼高于全省平均值。由于成土母质和土壤性质的差异,使土壤微量元素的含量... 通过浙江省408个海岛土壤样品的测定,查明了浙江省海岛土壤微量元素含量和分布。海岛土壤有效铜、铁低于全省平均值,有效锌、锰与全省平均值相近,有效硼、钼高于全省平均值。由于成土母质和土壤性质的差异,使土壤微量元素的含量变化较大。海岛土壤缺硼缺钼较为普遍,少部分土壤缺锌,而有效铜、铁、锰较为丰富。 展开更多
关键词 浙江 海岛土壤 微量元素
作者 林允钦 《福建农业科技》 1994年第4期12-13,共2页
闽东三都镇海岛土壤资源合理开发利用探讨林允钦(宁德地区农业局352100)三都镇是闽东三个乡镇级海岛之一,隶属中亚热带海洋性季风湿润气候区,年平均气温19℃,年≥10℃积温为6223℃,降水量为1641.7毫米,无霜... 闽东三都镇海岛土壤资源合理开发利用探讨林允钦(宁德地区农业局352100)三都镇是闽东三个乡镇级海岛之一,隶属中亚热带海洋性季风湿润气候区,年平均气温19℃,年≥10℃积温为6223℃,降水量为1641.7毫米,无霜期323天。境内地貌多样,低丘陵占... 展开更多
关键词 海岛土壤 土壤资源 开发利用
作者 麻万诸 朱康莹 +1 位作者 卓志清 章明奎 《浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期96-104,128,共10页
海岛地理景观特殊且成土条件复杂,其土壤形成有别于大陆。为了解浙江省海岛丘陵土壤的发生特点和系统分类归属,本文对80个土壤剖面进行调查,并结合历史文献数据进行研究。调查结果表明:浙江省海岛丘陵土壤的地貌结构、母质组成、气候条... 海岛地理景观特殊且成土条件复杂,其土壤形成有别于大陆。为了解浙江省海岛丘陵土壤的发生特点和系统分类归属,本文对80个土壤剖面进行调查,并结合历史文献数据进行研究。调查结果表明:浙江省海岛丘陵土壤的地貌结构、母质组成、气候条件和植被类型等相对单一,但海岛规模、离陆距离、潮汐、人为活动影响频繁;地形坡度较大,石质化明显,黏化作用弱,脱硅富铁铝化作用多变,风化淋溶系数中等,复盐基现象明显,pH值和盐基饱和度较同纬度大陆高,成土环境受古代和现代双重因素影响。在该研究区共鉴定出富铁土、淋溶土、雏形土和新成土4个土纲,干润富铁土、湿润富铁土、干润淋溶土、湿润淋溶土、干润雏形土、湿润雏形土和正常新成土7个亚纲,10个土类、11个亚类和25个土族。浙江省海岛丘陵土壤形成方向基本上与同纬度大陆丘陵土壤相同,属于传统的“红壤带”。 展开更多
关键词 海岛丘陵土壤 浙江省 土壤发生 成土环境 土壤分类 复盐基作用 土壤水分状况 土壤分布规律
作者 肖恋 李小梅 林平 《海峡科学》 2018年第1期3-7,共5页
土壤磁化率反映土壤中亚铁磁性矿物的含量。土壤磁化率与土壤金属元素含量的关系是近年来环境科研人员讨论的热点。该文选取我国东南沿海平潭岛表层土壤样品50个,分别测定土壤低频磁化率、高频磁化率和土壤V、Cr、Mn、Co、As、Cd、Cu、Z... 土壤磁化率反映土壤中亚铁磁性矿物的含量。土壤磁化率与土壤金属元素含量的关系是近年来环境科研人员讨论的热点。该文选取我国东南沿海平潭岛表层土壤样品50个,分别测定土壤低频磁化率、高频磁化率和土壤V、Cr、Mn、Co、As、Cd、Cu、Zn、Pb、Fe元素含量,探讨土壤磁化率与土壤金属污染的相关性。研究表明,平潭岛表土低频磁化率(χlf)的范围是2.64×10-8~596.63×10-8m3?kg-1,其均值低于福州市工业区、居民区、交通用地,高于福州市农用地;平潭岛表土As、Cd、Cu元素均值超过福建省海岸带背景值;低频磁化率与污染负荷指数(PLI)线性回归模型为:YPLI=0.0019Xχlf+0.68,且低频磁化率值为168.42×10-8m3?kg-1,作为海岛土壤金属污染阈值。土壤低频磁化率可以作为海岛土壤污染快速综合评价的有效指标。 展开更多
关键词 海岛土壤 磁化率 金属元素 污染负荷指数
作者 陈炳禄 朱磊 +6 位作者 刘广立 唐常源 王志刚 汤德福 曹英杰 卢耀斌 赵兴国 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期729-734,共6页
海水对海岛土壤理化性质的影响不容忽视,但目前对南方海岛土壤的盐胁迫效果研究仍不多见。为了研究海岛工程建设运行过程中海水盐分对土壤的胁迫作用所导致的土壤环境问题,选取广东大万山岛土壤,利用土柱淋溶和ICP-AES测定方法,以质量... 海水对海岛土壤理化性质的影响不容忽视,但目前对南方海岛土壤的盐胁迫效果研究仍不多见。为了研究海岛工程建设运行过程中海水盐分对土壤的胁迫作用所导致的土壤环境问题,选取广东大万山岛土壤,利用土柱淋溶和ICP-AES测定方法,以质量分数为0、1%、3%、5%、7%的Na Cl溶液作为淋溶的盐溶液,研究了咸水淋洗对土壤理化性质的影响。大万山岛土壤阳离子交换量为2. 68 cmol+/kg,有机质质量比为51. 71 g/kg,p H值为4. 99,电导率为49. 4μS/cm。结果表明,随淋洗液中盐质量分数增加,土壤淋出液的p H值逐渐降低,淋出的Ca、Mg累积量逐渐增加。当淋洗液盐质量分数从0逐渐升高至7%时,土壤淋出的Ca、Mg累积量分别从2. 63 mg/kg和1. 02 mg/kg上升到218. 82mg/kg和51. 29 mg/kg。在不同质量分数盐淋洗液淋洗后,土壤的阳离子交换容量发生显著变化。土壤的有机质质量比在不同质量分数盐淋洗液的淋洗下大大降低,当淋洗液的盐质量分数为7%时,土壤有机质质量比仅为9. 61 g/kg。由此可以判断,咸水淋洗对广东大万山岛土壤产生了负面影响。 展开更多
关键词 环境学 海岛土壤 咸水淋洗 土壤理化性质 阳离子交换容量 有机质含量
Effect of colonial breeding of Chinese Egret(Egretta eulophotes) on the heavy metal accumulation in heronry soil 被引量:3
作者 方文珍 陈小麟 +1 位作者 林清贤 周晓平 《Chinese Birds》 2010年第2期124-131,共8页
We measured the concentrations of heavy metal elements,i.e.,V,Cr,Mn,Ni,Cu,Zn,Cd,Se and Pb and the semi-metal element As in feces of Chinese Egret(Egretta eulophotes)on Caiyu Island in Zhangpu County,Fujian Province,Ch... We measured the concentrations of heavy metal elements,i.e.,V,Cr,Mn,Ni,Cu,Zn,Cd,Se and Pb and the semi-metal element As in feces of Chinese Egret(Egretta eulophotes)on Caiyu Island in Zhangpu County,Fujian Province,China using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) and compared the differences between the topsoil of their nesting and non-nesting areas before and after breeding.The results show that no Se and Cd was detected in any of the samples,including feces and soil,while heavy metal concentrations in the non-nesting soil were not significantly different before and after breeding(p > 0.05),but the differences in concentrations of Zn and Pb in the nesting soil were highly significant before and after breeding(p < 0.01).A comparison of the concentrations of the elements in the nesting and non-nesting soils also reveals that before breeding,the concentration of Zn in these two soils were significantly different(p < 0.01).After breeding,concentrations of Cu,Zn,As and Pb in the nesting and non-nesting soil were significantly different(p < 0.01) while V and Ni concentrations showed merely significant differences(p < 0.05).These findings indicate that the colonial breeding activities of E.eulophotes play an important role in the transfer of heavy metals between wetland and island eco-systems and that such activities may,over time,result in heavy metal contamination of the heronry soil on the island. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Egret(Egretta eulophotes) heavy metal ISLAND heronry SOIL
Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in Rubber Plantations Soil at Different Age Stages in the Western Region of Hainan Island 被引量:17
作者 吴志祥 谢贵水 +2 位作者 陶忠良 周兆德 王旭 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第1期147-153,共7页
[Objective]The aim was to study on the characteristics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell-Arg) plantations at different age stages in the western region of Hainan Island,so as to... [Objective]The aim was to study on the characteristics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell-Arg) plantations at different age stages in the western region of Hainan Island,so as to evaluate the ecological benefits of rubber plantations and provide basic data for studying the effect of tropical land utilization/cover change on the global carbon and nitrogen cycle. [Method]The situs was in Danzhou city,western region of Hainan Island,and the samples were four kinds of rubber plantations soil at different ages and one kind of control check (pepper,Piper nigrum L.) soil. In this research,four quadrats were set up in each sample,and the size of each was 20 cm×20 cm. Four specimens were gathered from four layers of 0-15,15-30,30-45,45-60,and the average of them was the last analysis result of each sample. Soil density was measured by cutting ring method,soil containing and hygroscopic water was detected by oven drying method,soil organic carbon (SOC) was measured by low temperature heated outside potassium dichromate oxidation-colorimetry method,and soil total nitrogen (STN) was detected by semimicro Kjeldahl method. [Result]SOC contents of different layers in rubber plantations soil at different age stages (including the CK pepper soil,the same as below) varied little,and the content of SOC in surface layer (0-15 cm) was higher,while the underlayer (45-60 cm) was lower than the average value; there was significant difference in SOC content among different kinds of soil,and the content was of 6.03-7.78 g/kg,tapping young trees (7 years) CK pepper mature age trees (30 years) prophase of young trees (2 years) tapping trees (16 years); there was no significant difference in SOC storage among different kinds of soil,and the storage was of 61.33-74.29 t/hm2,mature age trees (30 years) tapping young trees (7 years) prophase of young trees (2 years) CK pepper tapping trees (16 years); there was significant difference in STN content among rubber plantations soil at different age stages,the content was of 410.86-664.14 mg/kg2,CK pepper tapping young trees (7 years) prophase of young trees (2 years) mature age trees (30 years) tapping trees (16 years),and STN content of tapping trees (16 years) soil was extremely lowest; there was significant difference in C/N ratio among different kinds of soil,the ratio was of 10.94-14.47,and the ratio of tapping trees (16 years) mature age trees (30 years) tapping young trees (7 years) CK pepper prophase of young trees (2 years). [Conclusion]There wasn't unhealthy effect of rubber trees planted in tropical area on the content and storage of SOC,the content of STN and the ratio of C/N. there was no significant difference between rubber plantations and CK pepper soil,and the effects of rubber plantation on soil carbon-nitrogen was similar to that of other tropical crops (such as pepper). 展开更多
关键词 Different age stages of trees Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantations Soil organic carbon (SOC) Soil total nitrogen (STN) Hainan Island
SOTER-Based Soil Water Erosion Simulation in Hainan Island 被引量:16
作者 ZHAO YUGUO, ZHANG GANLIN and GONG ZITONGInstitute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期139-146,共8页
The actual and potential water erosion rates of soils with different landcovers in Hainan Island, China, were estimated based on the universal soil loss equation (USLE) anda 1:200000 Soils and Terrain Digital Database... The actual and potential water erosion rates of soils with different landcovers in Hainan Island, China, were estimated based on the universal soil loss equation (USLE) anda 1:200000 Soils and Terrain Digital Database (SOTER) database, from which soil water erosionfactors could be extracted. 92.8% of the whole island had a current erosion rate of lower than 500 tkm^(-2) a^(-1). Soil erosion risk was considered to be high because of its abundant rainfall.Without vegetation cover, the potential soil erosion rate would be extremely high and 90.8% of theisland would have a soil erosion rate higher than 2500 t km^(-2) a^(-1). Relative erosionvulnerability of different soil zones, landform types, and lithological regions of the island wascompared by introducing a relative erosion hazard parameter a. Cambosols developed from siltstoneand mudstone in low hill regions were pinpointed as soils with the highest erosion risk in theisland. 展开更多
关键词 hainan island soil erosion risk assessment SOTER USLE
Land Use-Related Changes in Soils of Hainan Island During the Past Half Century 被引量:9
作者 GONG ZITONG, ZHANG GANLIN, ZHAO WENJUN, ZHAO YUGUO and CHEN ZHICHENGInstitute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期11-22,共12页
During the past half century, the land utilization of Hainan Island has undergone a rapid development,but in the meanwhile, soil degradation occurs. Analysis on some basic data of the soil series collected frommore th... During the past half century, the land utilization of Hainan Island has undergone a rapid development,but in the meanwhile, soil degradation occurs. Analysis on some basic data of the soil series collected frommore than 100 soil profiles at the end of the 1990s and beginning of this century, in combination with dataavailable, showed that soils there suffered significant decline in organic matter, experienced P and K deficiencywith soil K going on losing and undergone acidification with continuing trend. The current situation calls forstrategies to build up Hainan into an important province of sound ecology by restoring forests, to improvefood quality by implementing K supplement projects, to combat soil acidification by ameliorating the soils andgrowing leguminous crops and to ensure health of the people by developing dairy production and increasingthe daily Ca uptake by the people. 展开更多
关键词 hainan island land use soil changes
Geochemistry of Soil Formation in Sonth China SeaIslands 被引量:5
作者 GONGZI-TONG HUANGBIAO 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第4期334-342,共9页
The soils in the South China Sea Islands (SCSI) were divided into three types, namely, phospho-calc soils,skeletisols and coastic solonchaks, which were derived from bio-clastic and strongly calcareous sediments. Inco... The soils in the South China Sea Islands (SCSI) were divided into three types, namely, phospho-calc soils,skeletisols and coastic solonchaks, which were derived from bio-clastic and strongly calcareous sediments. Incomparison with their parent materials, the phospho-calc soils have higher contents of P, Zn, Cu, Ba, and Cd,which tend to increase gradually with time, and lower contents of Mg, Ca, Sr, B, V, Pb, and Mo, which tendto decrease by degrees with time. The above-mentioned constitnents in skeletisols and coastic solonchaks aresimilar to those in their parent materials except for P and Na. The factors atfecting element distribution aremainly special bioclimate and parent material, meanwhile, resulting in the remarkable iulluence on elementdistribution through soil-forming time. 展开更多
关键词 element geochemistry SOILS South China Sea Islands
Root Effect of Three Vegetation Types on Shoreline Stabilization of Chongming Island,Shanghai 被引量:3
作者 DU Qin,ZHONG Qi-Cheng and WANG Kai-Yun Shanghai Key Laboratory of Urbanization and Ecological Restoration,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期692-701,共10页
Coastal erosion is currently a major problem along the southern coast of Chongming Island, Shanghai. To enhance the erosion protection ability of coastal shelterbelts, two woody tree species, Taxodium ascendens and Sa... Coastal erosion is currently a major problem along the southern coast of Chongming Island, Shanghai. To enhance the erosion protection ability of coastal shelterbelts, two woody tree species, Taxodium ascendens and Salix babylonica, were planted separately into Phragmites australis + Scirpus mariqueter communities in 2006. Two years later, we investigated whether either of these experiments reduced erosion and increased stability in the native herbaceous plant community. We also examined soil stability and root length density under T. aseendens added, S. babylonica added and native herbaceous vegetation conditions along an intertidal gradient from the soil surface to a depth of 40 cm in each experiment, thus to determine the capacity of T. ascendens and S. babylonica to contribute to shoreline stabilization. Topsoil under the native vegetation had greater stability at the middle and higher intertidal zones because its soil stability index and root length density were significantly higher than in the T. ascendens or S. babylonica planted communities. The effect of T. ascendens on soil stability was not generally better than that of the native vegetation. Only at the 20-30 cm soil depth of the middle intertidal zone and in the 10-20 cm layer of the higher intertidal zone the soil stability index and root length densities under the T. ascendens added condition were significantly higher (P 〈 0.05) than those of the native vegetation. The S. babylonica planted soil had greater stability in the deeper soil layer than the soil under either the native vegetation or the T. ascendens added condition, and its soil stability index and root length density were significant higher (P 〈 0.05) than those of other vegetation conditions at the 30 40 cm soil depth for the lower intertidal zone and at the 20-40 cm layer for middle and higher intertidal zones. 展开更多
关键词 coastal erosion root length density Salix babylonica soil stability index Taxodium ascendens
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