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海天一线韵 天人合一思——竹笛协奏曲《海平线》评析 被引量:2
作者 刘睿 《艺术探索》 2013年第4期91-93,共3页
竹笛协奏曲《海平线》将传统与现代作曲技术相结合,富有特色的主题音调运用贯穿全曲,各乐章呈现出多元化风貌,力度、速度、调式色彩等要素对比也极为鲜明。演奏者在演奏时运用了大量的创新技巧,使整个乐曲富有动力感和交响性。无论是曲... 竹笛协奏曲《海平线》将传统与现代作曲技术相结合,富有特色的主题音调运用贯穿全曲,各乐章呈现出多元化风貌,力度、速度、调式色彩等要素对比也极为鲜明。演奏者在演奏时运用了大量的创新技巧,使整个乐曲富有动力感和交响性。无论是曲作者还是演奏者,皆很好地表现了乐曲的哲理性与思想性。 展开更多
关键词 海平线 创作特色 演奏 审美原则
作者 施选青 《艺术当代》 2003年第2期36-41,共6页
“2002海平线绘画雕塑联展”于2002年12月25日至2003年1月8日在刘海粟美术馆展出,22们参展艺术家的107件作品构成了这个艺术性系列展的第九次展示。以中表年为主要力量,以鼓励艺术探索与创新为特色的海平线联展从1988年首届举办以来... “2002海平线绘画雕塑联展”于2002年12月25日至2003年1月8日在刘海粟美术馆展出,22们参展艺术家的107件作品构成了这个艺术性系列展的第九次展示。以中表年为主要力量,以鼓励艺术探索与创新为特色的海平线联展从1988年首届举办以来,相继推出了近200位中青年艺术家,第一届都推介当时上海画坛20余位有特色、有追求,具有一定成就的艺术家。 展开更多
关键词 “2002海平线绘画雕塑联展” 人物画 艺术语言 艺术风格 创作技巧 画面
作者 陈予恕 金栋平 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1997年第1期3-7,共5页
In this paper,we established the equation of motion of a platform structure with four legs by way of Hamilton' s Principle and obtained the nonlinear dynamical model of platform struc... In this paper,we established the equation of motion of a platform structure with four legs by way of Hamilton' s Principle and obtained the nonlinear dynamical model of platform structures. By using Laplace transformation we obtain the mode shapes of the system. The nonlinear model of the platform structure in this paper provded an accurate way of analysis for the engineering prediction of the dynamical characteristics of the platform and the understanding of its vibrational mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 ocean plaform ice-induced vibration nonlinear model
作者 王林宝 《中国民政》 1998年第10期48-50,共2页
关键词 南戴河 麻痹患者 游泳池 缆绳 登高望远 海平线 残疾人 感觉良好 上火车 黄鹤楼
作者 姜建国 《山东教育》 1994年第11期3-3,共1页
关键词 变化不定 海平线 潮汐涨落 栈桥 心房 奔雷 释放出 信念 境界 肺叶
《山东教育》 1999年第Z1期92-92,共1页
怀着爱心去“阅读”我们的学生吧,你会惊喜地发现,他们虽然“封面”各异,却都不乏精彩的篇章。—青岛交通职业高中刘晓凌★学生是五彩斑斓的颜料,教师用丰富的想像力和教育的技巧加以调和,才能画出绚烂多彩的美丽图画。—青岛交通... 怀着爱心去“阅读”我们的学生吧,你会惊喜地发现,他们虽然“封面”各异,却都不乏精彩的篇章。—青岛交通职业高中刘晓凌★学生是五彩斑斓的颜料,教师用丰富的想像力和教育的技巧加以调和,才能画出绚烂多彩的美丽图画。—青岛交通职业高中王荣★教师是海港,每个孩子... 展开更多
关键词 教师 交通职业 青岛市 旅游学校 心灵感受 海平线 莱西市 中心小学 高中 粉尘
作者 黄孝伦 《陕西教育(教学)》 1994年第6期24-24,共1页
拜读李德元先生的《茫茫的跟蓝天相接”句意不确》一文(见《陕西教育》1992年12期》,觉得有值得商榷之处。现谈谈一些看法,供各位同行参考。 李先生认为,在《可爱的草塘》里,“茫茫的”跟“蓝天”不能同时兼用。理由是“茫茫”有看不清... 拜读李德元先生的《茫茫的跟蓝天相接”句意不确》一文(见《陕西教育》1992年12期》,觉得有值得商榷之处。现谈谈一些看法,供各位同行参考。 李先生认为,在《可爱的草塘》里,“茫茫的”跟“蓝天”不能同时兼用。理由是“茫茫”有看不清楚之意,因此,草塘既然“茫茫”,就不可能跟蓝天相接。随后,李先生还以《草地夜行》和《草原》二课文中的有关句子为例,进一步说明,看不清边际的景象,不可能跟蓝天相接。 对此,笔者不敢苟同。细读其文,便可看出李先生的提法有不可成立之处。 其一,从“看不清边际的景象……” 展开更多
关键词 自然景象 海平线 《可爱的草塘》 陕西教育 句子 床接 值得商榷 兼用 云际 色片
《语文世界(上旬刊)》 2001年第2期40-40,共1页
关键词 精彩片断 勿失良机 通联 凝聚力量 姓名 海平线 黑龙江省 嫩江县 文学社 湖南省
作者 陈徽贵 《湖北教育》 1998年第Z2期41-41,共1页
1.在比较中理解词义 如:《桥》一文中,“眺望”所在的句子是“眺望江面,江上的轮船像一叶叶扁舟,随着波浪时起时伏。”《大海的歌》一文中“极目了望”,所在的句子是“我极目了望,在海平线上,有一层浅褐色的雾气,朦朦胧胧,像是一座城堡... 1.在比较中理解词义 如:《桥》一文中,“眺望”所在的句子是“眺望江面,江上的轮船像一叶叶扁舟,随着波浪时起时伏。”《大海的歌》一文中“极目了望”,所在的句子是“我极目了望,在海平线上,有一层浅褐色的雾气,朦朦胧胧,像是一座城堡耸立在海天之间”。这不难看出,“眺望”指一般远距离地看,而“极目了望”则是已达到视线的尽头处。 展开更多
关键词 理解词义 朦朦胧胧 联系上下文 李时珍 海平线 学法指导 自然段 往远处看 句子 丹江口市
作者 许元强 《华人时刊》 1997年第17期29-29,共1页
去死海,是我孩童时代的一个梦想。诱发梦想的是一幅使人以为是神话的图画:一个男人一动不动悠然躺在海面上,一只手打着阳伞,一只手捧着书在看。画旁标着“死海”两个字。那是淹不死人的海。小学的自然课上,我又知道了死海是地球上最低... 去死海,是我孩童时代的一个梦想。诱发梦想的是一幅使人以为是神话的图画:一个男人一动不动悠然躺在海面上,一只手打着阳伞,一只手捧着书在看。画旁标着“死海”两个字。那是淹不死人的海。小学的自然课上,我又知道了死海是地球上最低的地方。被称为地球的“肚脐眼”。 去死海,我如愿以偿了。那是去年深秋季节。离开以色列特拉维夫市,开车一小时后,我们驰离了高速公路,从花红草绿的都市进入了沙漠地带。山是黄色的,一座连着一座,几乎寸草不生。 展开更多
关键词 死海 高速公路 深秋季节 特拉维夫 沙漠地带 海平线 肚脐眼 自然课 重矿物 回头看
作者 李杰 《当代海军》 2003年第7期30-31,共2页
5月24日下午,上海扬子江畔人头攒动,彩旗飘舞,来自万里之遥的英国皇家海军一支舰艇编队缓缓驶靠码头。这支精干的舰艇编队由“利物浦”号导弹驱逐舰和“灰色漂泊者”补给舰组成。 驰骋三十载 “利物浦”号导弹驱逐舰是英国皇家海军久负... 5月24日下午,上海扬子江畔人头攒动,彩旗飘舞,来自万里之遥的英国皇家海军一支舰艇编队缓缓驶靠码头。这支精干的舰艇编队由“利物浦”号导弹驱逐舰和“灰色漂泊者”补给舰组成。 驰骋三十载 “利物浦”号导弹驱逐舰是英国皇家海军久负盛名的42型导弹驱逐舰第二批的第四艘(舷号D92),1980年9月25日正式加入现役。说起该型驱逐舰。 展开更多
关键词 “利物浦”号导弹驱逐舰 英国 皇家海军 武器装备 动力装置 参谋长领导制 编制 航空母舰 舰载机 核潜艇 海平线计划” 两栖部队 反水雷作战 F-35联合攻击战斗机 45型驱逐舰
Comprehensive study on the results of tension leg platform responses in random sea 被引量:15
作者 TABESHPOUR M.R GOLAFSHANI A.A. SEIF M.S 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第8期1305-1317,共13页
Compliant offshore structures are used for oil exploitation in deep water. Tension leg platform (TLP) is a suitable type for very deep water. The nonlinear dynamic response of TLP under random sea wave load is necessa... Compliant offshore structures are used for oil exploitation in deep water. Tension leg platform (TLP) is a suitable type for very deep water. The nonlinear dynamic response of TLP under random sea wave load is necessary for determining the maximum deformations and stresses. Accurate and reliable responses are needed for optimum design and control of the structure. In this paper nonlinear dynamic analysis of TLP is carried out in both time and frequency domains. The time history of random wave is generated based on Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum and acts on the structure in arbitrary direction. The hydrodynamic forces are calculated using the modified Morison equation according to Airy’s linear wave theory. The power spectral densities (PSDs) of displacements, velocities and accelerations are calculated from nonlinear responses. The focus of the paper is on the comprehen-sive interpretation of the responses of the structure related to wave excitation and structural characteristics. As an example a case study is investigated and numerical results are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Tension leg platform (TLP) Ocean wave STOCHASTIC Nonlinear
Quantifying the Mean Sea Level Change at the Gulf of Finland Coast Caused by the Realistic Portion of the Global Warming Forcing
作者 Ali Bassal Mahmood 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第7期436-448,共13页
Quantifying the coastal mean sea level change causing by the winter positive phase of the North Atlantic oscillation index NAO+ at the Gulf of Finland coast is of high priority for detecting and predicting the global... Quantifying the coastal mean sea level change causing by the winter positive phase of the North Atlantic oscillation index NAO+ at the Gulf of Finland coast is of high priority for detecting and predicting the global warming impact in this region. Both boreal winter months and season of three long-term data station series of the coastal mean sea levels and the NAO indices were linked for two cases, i.e.: different periods and the 1977-1994 period. This study is dedicated to: (1) Detecting the exclusive impacts of the NAO+; (2) Estimating the significant standard bivariate linear regression models; (3) Calculating the climatic linear trend coefficient by using three methods (OLS, GLS, Theil-Sen); (4) Correcting the mean sea level series anomalies by using the significant linear regression equations as a function of NAO+ anomalies, over the period 1977-1994; (5) Calculating the realistic linear trend caused as a function of NAO+ for period 1977-1994 in the context of the realistic portion of the global warming. The results reveal that, the NAO+ manifests their impacts on the coastal mean sea levels and its contribution in the configured linear trends. The realistic linear changes have detected and predicted. The Gulf of Finland coast showed the wannest regions in the context of the realistic portion of the global warming during the winters of the period 1977-1994. 展开更多
关键词 North Atlantic Oscillation Gulf of Finland mean sae level changes.
Micromorphology of Solonetzic Horizons as Related to Environmental Events in the Caspian Lowland 被引量:1
作者 М.Lebedeva(Verba) М.Gerasimova М.Konyushkova 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期132-138,共7页
Micromorphology of solonetz species with special attention to natric horizon was studied in microcatenas at the Dzhanybek Research Station (northwestern Caspian Lowland). The solonetzic (natric) horizon is easily iden... Micromorphology of solonetz species with special attention to natric horizon was studied in microcatenas at the Dzhanybek Research Station (northwestern Caspian Lowland). The solonetzic (natric) horizon is easily identified, and it occurs at varying depths, which are the criteria for subdividing solonetzes into 4 species, namely, crusty, shallow, medium and deep. In this sequence, the depth of humus-accumulative horizons increases, and the upper boundary of salinity manifestations goes down. The following micromorphological features are assumed as typical for natric horizons: angular blocky microstructures with partially accommodated aggregates having sharp boundaries and narrow plane-like packing voids; b-fabric speckled in the aggregates' centers and monostriated at their peripheries merging into stress coatings; very few interpedal voids; organo-clay coatings; humusenriched infillings; no calcite and gypsum pedofeatures. A complete set of "natric" features was found only in the crusty solonetz; the shallow solonetz lacks only illuviation coatings, while the medium and deep species have several modifications of fabric elements: blocky aggregates have a rounded shape and are penetrated by biogenic channels favoring their further biogenic reworking; plant residues became more abundant and diverse, and blackened tissues occur; illuviation clay coatings evolved into papules; stress coatings gave birth to striated b- fabrics, thus maintaining a high plasma orientation. The thin sections of natric horizons made 50 and 20 years ago were examined to study the influence of environmental changes (increase in precipitation and rise of ground water table) on micropedofeatures. The following processes took place: (i) in the topsoil: humus accumulation and biogenic structurization; (ii) in the natric horizon-re-arrangement of clay coatings into micromass b-fabrics; and (iii) in the lower part of the natric horizon-development of pseudosand fabric, calcite and gypsum formation. The trends revealed are in good agreement with the environmental events. 展开更多
关键词 Pedogenie trend natrie horizon biogenic feature salt
Pseudolella major sp. nov.(Axonolaimidae, Nematoda) from the intertidal zone of the East China Sea 被引量:3
作者 王春明 黄勇 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第2期295-300,共6页
A new species of free-living nematode, Pseudolella major sp. nov. is described from the intertidal mudflats of Ximen Island in the East China Sea. Pseudolella major sp. nov. is characterized as follows: body length -... A new species of free-living nematode, Pseudolella major sp. nov. is described from the intertidal mudflats of Ximen Island in the East China Sea. Pseudolella major sp. nov. is characterized as follows: body length -1 300 μm; short cephalic setae, 2-3μm long; amphidial fovea loop-shaped with elongated ventral branch; ventral branch 50-60 μm long and extending past the base of buccal cavity; buccal cavity cylindrical with arching or spherical base; three heavy outwardly-curving odontia with blunt tips located at anterior of buccal cavity; pharynx short with posterior bulb; ventral gland cell elongate oval-shaped, located posterior to pharyngo-intestinal junction; excretory pore situated at the level of the middle of buccal cavity; tail conical to cylindrical; spicules arched, with double-cephalate proximal end; gubemaculum with a strong dorsal caudal apophysis. 展开更多
关键词 free-living marine nematode Pseudolella major sp. nov. taxonomy
Development of Coastal Vulnerability Index for the Kingdom of Bahrain
作者 Sabah S. Aljenaid 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第6期328-336,共9页
The CVI (coastal vulnerability index) was developed and used to assess the vulnerability of the coastline of the Kingdom of Bahrain main islands to future SLR (sea level rise). A total of 717 km of the coastline w... The CVI (coastal vulnerability index) was developed and used to assess the vulnerability of the coastline of the Kingdom of Bahrain main islands to future SLR (sea level rise). A total of 717 km of the coastline was evaluated. Six spatial factors acting on the coastal area: erosion/accretion patterns (shoreline change), topography (elevation above mean sea level), geology, geomorphology, slope, and mean sea level rise were incorporated and ranked to develop the CVI. This index was classified into four levels of vulnerability: low, moderate, high, and very high. Vulnerable hotspots are located along the central portions of the western and eastern coastlines. The vulnerability of these areas is mostly driven by their characteristically shallow coastal slopes, low elevations, and erosion-prone nature of the sandy soils presents, comprising about 54 km of the studied shoreline. Another 33 km of coastline were classified as highly vulnerable and located along the eastern coast. In addition, the western coast of the southern tip of the main island (Bahrain) was also classified as a highly vulnerable shoreline. Twenty-two km was classified as the moderate vulnerable. The remaining coastal areas were classified as low to moderately vulnerable comprising about 608 km of the total length of the coastline. Identifying those hotspots susceptible to SLR is essential for more effective coastal zone management and to help in reducing the impacts of SLR on both infrastructure and human beings. 展开更多
关键词 CV1 (coastal vulnerability index) SLR (sea level rise) vulnerability.
Correlated Features of Horizontal Movement-Deformation on the North and East Margins of the Qinghai-Xizang Block before the Kunlun Earthquake with M_S=8.1
作者 Wang Shuangxu Zhang Xi Zhang Xiaoliang 《Earthquake Research in China》 2005年第3期259-268,共10页
The high-precision GPS data observed from the northeast margin of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) block and the Sichuan-Yunnan GPS monitoring areas in 1991 (1993), 1999 and 2001 revealed that: before the Kunlun earthq... The high-precision GPS data observed from the northeast margin of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) block and the Sichuan-Yunnan GPS monitoring areas in 1991 (1993), 1999 and 2001 revealed that: before the Kunlun earthquake with Ms =8.1 on November 14, 2001, the dynamic variation features of horizontal movement-deformation field in the north and east marginal tectonic areas of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) block had some correlated features. That is to say, under the general background of inherited movement, the movement intensifies in the two areas weakened synchronously and the state of deformation changed when the great earthquake was impending. Analysis and study in connection with geological structures showed that before the Kunlun Ms8.1 earthquake, the correlated variations of movement-deformation on the boundaries of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) block were related to the disturbing stress field caused by the extensive and rapid stress-strain accumulation in the late stage of large earthquake preparation. Owing to the occurrence of large earthquake inside the block, the release of large amount of strain energy, and the adjustment of tectonic stress field, in relevant structural positions (especially zones not penetrated by historical strong earthquake ruptures) in boundary zones where larger amount of strain energy was accumulated, stress-strain may be further accumulated or else released through rupture. 展开更多
关键词 Kunlun Ms8. 1 earthquake Boundary of Qinghai-Xizang Tibet block Horizontal movement-deformation Correlated features
Meridional Variation of the 1955-2003 Sea Level Anomalies in the Tropical Pacific Ocean Associated with El Nio Events
作者 FANG Mingqiang and QU Liqin 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2007年第4期332-338,共7页
The Sea Level Anomaly-Torque (SLAT, relative to a reference location in the Pacific Ocean), which means the total torque of the gravity forces of sea waters with depths equal to the Sea Level Anomaly (S/A) in the ... The Sea Level Anomaly-Torque (SLAT, relative to a reference location in the Pacific Ocean), which means the total torque of the gravity forces of sea waters with depths equal to the Sea Level Anomaly (S/A) in the tropical Pacific Ocean, is defined in this study. The time series of the SLAT from merged altimeter data (1993-2003) had a great meridional variation during the 1997-1998 E1 Nifio event. By using historical upper layer temperature data (1955-2003) for the tropical Pacific Ocean, the temperature-based SLAT is also calculated and the meridional variation can be found in the historical E1 Nifio events (1955-2003), which suggests that the meridional shifts of the sea level anomaly are also intrinsic oscillating modes of the E1 Nifio cycles like the zonal shifts. 展开更多
关键词 E1 Nifio sea level anomaly tropical Pacific meridional transport
作者 张韧 周林 +1 位作者 董兆俊 李训强 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2002年第2期168-179,共12页
Methods and approaches are discussed that identify and filter off affecting factors (noise) above primary signals,based on the Adaptive-Nework-Based Fuzzy Inference System. Influences of the zonal winds in equatorial ... Methods and approaches are discussed that identify and filter off affecting factors (noise) above primary signals,based on the Adaptive-Nework-Based Fuzzy Inference System. Influences of the zonal winds in equatorial eastern and middle/western Pacific on the SSTA in the equatorial region and their contribution to the latter are diagnosed and verified with observations of a number of significant El Nio and La Nia episodes. New viewpoints are propsed. The methods of wavelet decomposition and reconstruction are used to build a predictive model based on independent domains of frequency,which shows some advantages in composite prediction and prediction validity.The methods presented above are of non-linearity, error-allowing and auto-adaptive/learning, in addition to rapid and easy access,illustrative and quantitative presentation,and analyzed results that agree generally with facts. They are useful in diagnosing and predicting the El Nio and La Nia problems that are just roughly described in dynamics. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy inferring ANFIS model El Nio/La Nia
作者 申相星 金英今 刘广铭 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第3期150-158,共9页
起风了。每当旋风呼啸而过时,风头上总会形成一个个小沙堆,一会儿就变成了小沙丘,再一眨眼,那沙丘又给吹得无影无踪。 我感到气闷,喉咙里堵得慌。我一骨碌爬起来,摸摸裤兜,找出一片信纸擤了擤鼻子,没有鼻涕,只有钻进去的沙粒飞扬出来,... 起风了。每当旋风呼啸而过时,风头上总会形成一个个小沙堆,一会儿就变成了小沙丘,再一眨眼,那沙丘又给吹得无影无踪。 我感到气闷,喉咙里堵得慌。我一骨碌爬起来,摸摸裤兜,找出一片信纸擤了擤鼻子,没有鼻涕,只有钻进去的沙粒飞扬出来,吐出的唾沫里也尽是沙子,喉咙里的沙子怎么也咳不完。此起彼伏的咳嗽声在板壁上撞成了一片影子,灯用黑布罩着,幽黑的板棚里到处晃荡着不眠的幽灵。 展开更多
关键词 海平线 中队长 越南 难民收容所 休养地 参谋长 服役期 韩国 母亲 菲律宾
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