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全球和我国近海验潮站及任意地点(区)的21世纪海平面预测 被引量:17
作者 郑文振 《海洋通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第6期1-7,共7页
叙述了应用我国验潮站的海平面资料求年变率的方法,该法得出我国海平面的年变率为0.14~0.20cm/a;同时对海平面的外推预测法进行介绍和比较验证;提出全球海平面上升值加当地地面升降值的地点和地区预测法,结合年变率和气温升温计算出全... 叙述了应用我国验潮站的海平面资料求年变率的方法,该法得出我国海平面的年变率为0.14~0.20cm/a;同时对海平面的外推预测法进行介绍和比较验证;提出全球海平面上升值加当地地面升降值的地点和地区预测法,结合年变率和气温升温计算出全球和我国珠江、长江及黄河三角洲等地区以及一些地点的21世纪海平面预测值。此法尚可推广到全世界的验潮站和我国任意地点(区)计算未来21世纪的海平面预测值。 展开更多
关键词 验潮站 21世纪 海平面预测 任意地点
作者 谢芳金 李志农 《科技与创新》 2024年第2期14-18,共5页
海平面变化是人们一直关注的话题,时刻影响着人们的生命财产安全,因此准确预测未来海平面变化以提前做好防灾减灾工作至关重要。而海平面变化序列因其非线性、非平稳性,以及多时间尺度变化的特性给海平面变化预测准确性带来了很大的困难... 海平面变化是人们一直关注的话题,时刻影响着人们的生命财产安全,因此准确预测未来海平面变化以提前做好防灾减灾工作至关重要。而海平面变化序列因其非线性、非平稳性,以及多时间尺度变化的特性给海平面变化预测准确性带来了很大的困难,因此针对海平面变化预测准确性不高的问题,运用TRIZ(发明问题的解决理论)理论对海平面变化预测系统进行分析,通过创新思维分析、系统资源分析、系统功能分析、系统因果分析、系统裁剪、技术矛盾与发明原理、物理矛盾与分离原理和物-场模型及标准解,最终得到26种可行方案。通过对比确定最优方案,该方案通过优化验潮站选址,使验潮站利益最大化,根据优化后的验潮站位置将海平面分割成若干个区域,使用更高精度、更耐恶劣环境的验潮仪来监测各个区域的海平面变化,通过自适应旋转同步提取调频算法对验潮仪采集的数据进行处理分析,最后利用深度学习得到未来海平面预测模型,从而实现海平面变化预测准确性的提高,避免人民生命财产安全的损失,具有显著的经济与实用效益。 展开更多
关键词 TRIZ理论 海平面变化预测 验潮站 信号处理创新方法
近十年我国海平面变化研究进展 被引量:19
作者 左军成 左常圣 +1 位作者 李娟 陈美香 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期442-449,共8页
系统地回顾了2006—2015年我国在海平面变化规律、机制及影响领域的最新研究进展。分析了全球及区域海平面以及比容海平面在不同时间尺度上的变化规律;探讨了海平面的变化机制,海表热通量、淡水通量、环流、风应力以及Rossby波对不同区... 系统地回顾了2006—2015年我国在海平面变化规律、机制及影响领域的最新研究进展。分析了全球及区域海平面以及比容海平面在不同时间尺度上的变化规律;探讨了海平面的变化机制,海表热通量、淡水通量、环流、风应力以及Rossby波对不同区域海平面变化的动力及热力影响;采用统计方法和数值模拟等手段,对21世纪海平面变化进行了预测;同时海平面变化会影响海洋的动力过程(如潮波系统的变化),并进而对近海和海岸带环境产生重要影响(如海岸侵蚀、海水入侵和土地盐渍化、河口咸潮入侵、近岸低地淹没、红树林衰退等)。 展开更多
关键词 海平面变化 比容海平面 海平面变化机制 海平面变化预测 海平面变化影响 综述
相对海平面上升对中国沿海地区的可能影响 被引量:21
作者 刘杜娟 《海洋预报》 北大核心 2004年第2期21-28,共8页
本文论述了相对海平面变化研究的重要性,并在IPCC提供的全球海平面变化背景值之上,给出中国未来几十年相对海平面变化的预测值。中国大河三角洲地区未来几十年相对海平面皆呈上升趋势,但幅度不同。因此,充分认识相对海平面上升将导致的... 本文论述了相对海平面变化研究的重要性,并在IPCC提供的全球海平面变化背景值之上,给出中国未来几十年相对海平面变化的预测值。中国大河三角洲地区未来几十年相对海平面皆呈上升趋势,但幅度不同。因此,充分认识相对海平面上升将导致的危害就显得极为重要和迫切。相对海平面上升将对中国沿海地区产生以下影响:(1)导致海岸侵蚀,扩大侵蚀范围;(2)风暴潮强度与频率增加;(3)沿海低地与湿地被淹没;(4)海水入侵加剧,范围扩大,水资源和水环境遭到破坏;(5)防汛工程功能降低,洪涝灾害加剧。因此,沿海地区政府决策应考虑未来相对海平面变化的影响。 展开更多
关键词 相对海平面上升 海平面上升预测 中国沿海地区 危害 海岸侵蚀 风暴潮
Climate warming and sea level rise
作者 岳军 Dong YUE +2 位作者 吴桑云 耿秀山 赵长荣 《Marine Science Bulletin》 2012年第1期28-41,共14页
Based on a large number of actual data, the author believe that the modem global warming and sea level rise resulted from climate warming after the cold front of the Little Ice Age about 200 years ago and the developm... Based on a large number of actual data, the author believe that the modem global warming and sea level rise resulted from climate warming after the cold front of the Little Ice Age about 200 years ago and the developmnet of the sea level rise phase. In the past 30 years, the rate of sea level rise was increasing, which is under the background of the average temperature uplift 0.2F°(0.11℃)every 10 years in succession from the 1980s to the past 10 years this century. On the basis of the absolute and relative sea-level rise rate that was calculated from the tidal data during the same period at home and abroad in the last 30 years, in accordance with the resolutions of the 2010 climate conference in Cancun, at the same time, considering the previous prediction and research, the world's sea levels and the relative sea level in Tianjin, Shanghai, Dongying, Xiamen, Haikou and other coastal cities that have severe land subsidence in 2050 and 2100 are calculated and evaluated. 展开更多
关键词 global warming sea level rise RATE PREDICTION EVALUATION
Numerieal Prediction of Storm Surge in the Qingdao Area Under the Impact of Climate Change 被引量:4
作者 FENG Jianlong JIANG Wensheng BIAN Changwei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第4期539-551,共13页
A typhoon-induced storm surge simulation system was developed for the Qingdao area, including a typhoon diagnostic model for the generation of wind and pressure fields and a 2D Advanced Circulation(ADCIRC) model for s... A typhoon-induced storm surge simulation system was developed for the Qingdao area, including a typhoon diagnostic model for the generation of wind and pressure fields and a 2D Advanced Circulation(ADCIRC) model for simulating the associated storm surge with a 200 m resolution along the Qingdao coastline. The system was validated by an extreme surge event Typhoon Mamie(8509) and the parameters of Typhoon Mamie were used to investigate the sensitivity of typhoon paths to Qingdao storm surges with four selected paths: the paths of Typhoons Mamie(8509), Opal, 3921 and 2413, the selection being made according to their relative position to Qingdao. Experiments based on the Typhoon Mamie(8509) storm surge were also conducted to study the possible influences of future climate changes, including the sea level rise and sea surface temperature(SST) rise, on storm surges along the Qingdao coast. Storm surge conditions under both present day and future(the end of the 21 st century) climate scenarios associated with the four selected paths were simulated. The results show that with the same intensity, when typhoons follow the paths of 3921 and 2413, they would lead to the most serious disasters in different areas of Qingdao. Sea level and SST affect storm surges in different ways: sea level rise affects storm surge mainly through its influence on the tide amplitude, while the increased SST has direct impact on the intensity of the surges. The possible maximum risk of storm surges in 2100 in the Qingdao area caused by typhoons like Mamie(8509) was also estimated in this study. 展开更多
关键词 storm surge typhoon path climate change Qingdao
Assessing the Impacts of Eurasian Snow Conditions on Climate Predictability with a Global Climate Model 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Hong 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2010年第6期336-341,共6页
On the basis of two ensemble experiments conducted by a general atmospheric circulation model(Institute of Atmospheric Physics nine-level atmospheric general circulation model coupled with land surface model,hereinaft... On the basis of two ensemble experiments conducted by a general atmospheric circulation model(Institute of Atmospheric Physics nine-level atmospheric general circulation model coupled with land surface model,hereinafter referred to as IAP9L_CoLM),the impacts of realistic Eurasian snow conditions on summer climate predictability were investigated.The predictive skill of sea level pressures(SLP)and middle and upper tropospheric geopotential heights at mid-high latitudes of Eurasia was enhanced when improved Eurasian snow conditions were introduced into the model.Furthermore,the model skill in reproducing the interannual variation and spatial distribution of the surface air temperature(SAT)anomalies over China was improved by applying realistic(prescribed)Eurasian snow conditions.The predictive skill of the summer precipitation in China was low;however,when realistic snow conditions were employed,the predictability increased,illustrating the effectiveness of the application of realistic Eurasian snow conditions.Overall,the results of the present study suggested that Eurasian snow conditions have a significant effect on dynamical seasonal prediction in China.When Eurasian snow conditions in the global climate model(GCM)can be more realistically represented,the predictability of summer climate over China increases. 展开更多
关键词 Eurasian snow conditions climate predictability global climate model
《少年科技博览(漫迷)》 2002年第4期9-9,共1页
由于全球大气变暖,海平面有升高的趋势,对住在海岸两边的居民造成不良的影响。因此对它的预测能帮助人类制定宏观的政策,但是最新的天气变化对海平面上升的分析显示:20世纪对海平面上升预测出的平均值,低于实际观察得到的值,影响海平面... 由于全球大气变暖,海平面有升高的趋势,对住在海岸两边的居民造成不良的影响。因此对它的预测能帮助人类制定宏观的政策,但是最新的天气变化对海平面上升的分析显示:20世纪对海平面上升预测出的平均值,低于实际观察得到的值,影响海平面高度的因素很多,20、21世纪,最重要的影响来自随大气变暖引起的热膨胀,另外起作用的还有融化的冰川、北冰洋及格陵兰冰层质量的变化,地面贮水的高度不确定性。 展开更多
关键词 全球大气 海平面上升预测 全球海平面 热膨胀 不确定性 北冰洋 分析显示 平均值 格陵兰 海平面升高
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