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工业革命以来南海珊瑚钙化生长对海洋升温的响应 被引量:2
作者 陈雪霏 邓文峰 韦刚健 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期448-457,共10页
珊瑚礁不仅滋养着近1/3的海洋生物,同时也贡献了近一半的浅海碳酸盐沉积,在海洋碳循环中扮演重要角色。然而,在"CO_(2)问题"的影响下,珊瑚钙化受到来自海洋升温和酸化的双重胁迫,致使珊瑚礁生态系统遭受到严重的扰动。我国南... 珊瑚礁不仅滋养着近1/3的海洋生物,同时也贡献了近一半的浅海碳酸盐沉积,在海洋碳循环中扮演重要角色。然而,在"CO_(2)问题"的影响下,珊瑚钙化受到来自海洋升温和酸化的双重胁迫,致使珊瑚礁生态系统遭受到严重的扰动。我国南海由北至南分布有大量的珊瑚礁,在近几十年来活珊瑚覆盖率和生物多样性都呈现退化的趋势,但尚不清楚珊瑚钙化是否也同样受到气候变化的干扰而处于退化状态。本研究汇集了目前已报道的南海滨珊瑚钙化生长的重建记录,分别对海南岛、西沙和南沙典型珊瑚礁区的滨珊瑚钙化生长演变特征进行了对比分析,探讨了工业革命以来南海珊瑚钙化对海水温度变化的响应情况。研究结果表明,南海近岸和离岸的滨珊瑚骨骼密度均呈现长期下降的趋势;而骨骼生长速率呈现多年代际的波动变化,近50年以来仅在西沙显示出下降趋势,这使得珊瑚综合的钙化速率在西沙和南沙均出现明显退化。进一步分析表明,海水温度对南海滨珊瑚钙化生长有显著影响,并且不同海域的背景温度决定着珊瑚骨骼生长对海表温度变化的响应情况。具体来说,西沙和南沙的滨珊瑚骨骼密度受温度影响显著,随着海温升高而逐渐降低,而骨骼生长速率和钙化速率对温度变化并无明显响应。与前两者不同,海南东部滨珊瑚的骨骼密度与温度变化关系并不显著,而其骨骼生长速率和钙化速率受升温影响而有升高的趋势。这些差异可能反映了海南岛较低的冬季温度限制了珊瑚骨骼的钙化生长,因此升温对珊瑚生长有促进作用;而西沙和南沙海域的冬季温度均保持在适宜珊瑚生长的温度范围,且夏季温度较高,因此温度的升高可能限制了珊瑚钙化生长。 展开更多
关键词 南海 造礁珊瑚 钙化生长 海洋升温
海洋酸化的生理生态效应及其与升温、UV辐射和低氧化的关系 被引量:5
作者 高坤山 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期800-810,共11页
海洋以每小时超过100万t的速率,从大气中吸收矿物燃料衍生及人类排放的CO2,引起海水pH下降,导致海洋酸化.与此同时,全球变暖引起海洋升温,使得上部混合层变浅,导致该层内营养盐减少,浮游生物接受可见光和UV的辐射量增加,并且使得O2的溶... 海洋以每小时超过100万t的速率,从大气中吸收矿物燃料衍生及人类排放的CO2,引起海水pH下降,导致海洋酸化.与此同时,全球变暖引起海洋升温,使得上部混合层变浅,导致该层内营养盐减少,浮游生物接受可见光和UV的辐射量增加,并且使得O2的溶解度降低,引起低氧化.这些海洋变化问题在全球范围内普遍存在,然而,不同海域的环境响应和生态效应有所不同.主要综述全球海洋酸化问题研究进展,突出升温、UV辐射影响下的酸化效应,进而结合南海相关的研究进展分析未来研究动态. 展开更多
关键词 海洋酸化 低氧化 海洋升温 UV辐射 海洋生物
海洋酸化与升温对浮游植物种群的影响研究综述 被引量:1
作者 冯媛媛 王建才 蔡婷 《天津科技大学学报》 CAS 2022年第2期61-70,共10页
浮游植物是海洋生态系统物质和能量的基础,浮游植物的光合作用及群落结构决定了海洋生态系统的生产力及其服务功能.大气CO_(2)浓度升高导致的海洋酸化和全球变暖等复杂的环境变化同时作用于海洋浮游植物,对其生长、代谢以及种群演替将... 浮游植物是海洋生态系统物质和能量的基础,浮游植物的光合作用及群落结构决定了海洋生态系统的生产力及其服务功能.大气CO_(2)浓度升高导致的海洋酸化和全球变暖等复杂的环境变化同时作用于海洋浮游植物,对其生长、代谢以及种群演替将产生深远影响.本文主要综述海洋酸化和升温单一以及耦合作用下对浮游植物的生长、光合作用和群落结构的影响,为进一步研究和预测全球气候变化多重环境压力下海洋生态系统的响应及机制提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 海洋酸化 海洋升温 海洋浮游植物
作者 姚愚 严华生 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2009年第1期97-101,共5页
With correlation analysis and factor analysis methods, the effects of preceding Pacific SSTs on subtropical high indexes of main raining seasons are discussed. The results of correlation analysis show that the effects... With correlation analysis and factor analysis methods, the effects of preceding Pacific SSTs on subtropical high indexes of main raining seasons are discussed. The results of correlation analysis show that the effects of SSTs on five subtropical high indexes differ in seasons and regions. The variation of SSTs mostly affects the area and intensity indexes of the subtropical high, followed by the western ridge index, and the effect on the ridge line index is more remarkable than on the north boundary index. The results of factor analysis reveals that the first common factor of SST of each season reflected mainly the inverse relation of SSTs variation between the central and eastern part of equatorial Pacific and the western Pacific, which correlates better with the subtropical high indexes in the main raining seasons than other common factors of SST. The analysis of interdecadal variation indicated that the variation of SSTs was conducive to the emergence of the La Ni?a event before the end of 1970s, such that in the summer the subtropical high is likely to be weaker and smaller and located eastward and northward. After the 1980s, the opposite characteristics prevailed. 展开更多
关键词 climatology relationship correlation analysis factor analysis sea surface temperature subtropical high index
Numerieal Prediction of Storm Surge in the Qingdao Area Under the Impact of Climate Change 被引量:4
作者 FENG Jianlong JIANG Wensheng BIAN Changwei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第4期539-551,共13页
A typhoon-induced storm surge simulation system was developed for the Qingdao area, including a typhoon diagnostic model for the generation of wind and pressure fields and a 2D Advanced Circulation(ADCIRC) model for s... A typhoon-induced storm surge simulation system was developed for the Qingdao area, including a typhoon diagnostic model for the generation of wind and pressure fields and a 2D Advanced Circulation(ADCIRC) model for simulating the associated storm surge with a 200 m resolution along the Qingdao coastline. The system was validated by an extreme surge event Typhoon Mamie(8509) and the parameters of Typhoon Mamie were used to investigate the sensitivity of typhoon paths to Qingdao storm surges with four selected paths: the paths of Typhoons Mamie(8509), Opal, 3921 and 2413, the selection being made according to their relative position to Qingdao. Experiments based on the Typhoon Mamie(8509) storm surge were also conducted to study the possible influences of future climate changes, including the sea level rise and sea surface temperature(SST) rise, on storm surges along the Qingdao coast. Storm surge conditions under both present day and future(the end of the 21 st century) climate scenarios associated with the four selected paths were simulated. The results show that with the same intensity, when typhoons follow the paths of 3921 and 2413, they would lead to the most serious disasters in different areas of Qingdao. Sea level and SST affect storm surges in different ways: sea level rise affects storm surge mainly through its influence on the tide amplitude, while the increased SST has direct impact on the intensity of the surges. The possible maximum risk of storm surges in 2100 in the Qingdao area caused by typhoons like Mamie(8509) was also estimated in this study. 展开更多
关键词 storm surge typhoon path climate change Qingdao
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