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BOPPPS教学模式在海洋药用生物资源学课程教学中的应用 被引量:6
作者 高炳淼 刘雪菲丹 +2 位作者 杨涛 张小坡 董琳 《科教文汇》 2022年第19期69-71,共3页
海洋药用生物资源学是海洋药学专业的特色课程。为了解决海洋药用生物资源学课堂中学生学习主动性和师生互动性不高的问题,提高海洋药用生物资源学课程的教学质量,文章以南海芋螺特色资源为例探讨BOPPPS教学模式应用于海洋药用生物资源... 海洋药用生物资源学是海洋药学专业的特色课程。为了解决海洋药用生物资源学课堂中学生学习主动性和师生互动性不高的问题,提高海洋药用生物资源学课程的教学质量,文章以南海芋螺特色资源为例探讨BOPPPS教学模式应用于海洋药用生物资源学课程教学的路径。研究发现,BOPPPS教学能够贯彻以学生为中心的教学理念,提升学生的课堂参与度,提高教学效率,增强教学效果,是海洋药学人才培养的有效路径。 展开更多
关键词 海洋药学 BOPPPS 海洋药用生物资源学 教学模式
作者 冯海宝 毋瑾超 吴振利 《企业改革与管理》 2021年第12期40-41,共2页
伴随社会经济的飞速发展以及信息化建设程度的不断提升,以信息技术为支撑的现代仓储管理技术逐渐在仓库管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。海洋物资仓库管理是近年来新衍生出来的领域,既有传统仓库管理普遍性的特征,也有服务于海洋产业、... 伴随社会经济的飞速发展以及信息化建设程度的不断提升,以信息技术为支撑的现代仓储管理技术逐渐在仓库管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。海洋物资仓库管理是近年来新衍生出来的领域,既有传统仓库管理普遍性的特征,也有服务于海洋产业、海洋项目的特殊性,将现代仓储技术融入其管理过程,有助于实现管理效率和质量的综合性提升。为此,本文以"现代仓储技术对海洋物资仓库管理"为主要研究对象展开论述,以期相关研究内容能够为广大工作人员带来一定的参考和启示。 展开更多
关键词 现代仓储技术 海洋物资 仓库管理
海洋药用生物资源学教学改革 被引量:1
作者 李伟光 徐寒梅 《教育教学论坛》 2013年第24期30-31,共2页
海洋药用生物资源学是我校海洋药学专业的一门主要专业课,笔者做了大量创新,包括为根据海洋药学专业教学发展的需要,不断修订教学内容;紧随海洋药物前沿进展,更新教材;优化教学方式,实现师生互动;开展野外实训,巩固基础知识;开展在企业... 海洋药用生物资源学是我校海洋药学专业的一门主要专业课,笔者做了大量创新,包括为根据海洋药学专业教学发展的需要,不断修订教学内容;紧随海洋药物前沿进展,更新教材;优化教学方式,实现师生互动;开展野外实训,巩固基础知识;开展在企业暑期短期实习和毕业实习,促进就业,通过上述努力提高学生科研创新能力和就业竞争力。 展开更多
关键词 海洋药学 海洋药用生物资源学 教学改革 创新
作者 李燕艳 《现代国企研究》 2017年第6期129-131,273,共4页
本文系统地梳理了我国从"六五"时期到"十二五"时期海洋石油进口物资税收优惠政策的发展历程、特点以及世界各国针对海洋勘探开发的税收优惠政策,重点分析了"十二五"期间我国海洋石油进口物资税收优惠政... 本文系统地梳理了我国从"六五"时期到"十二五"时期海洋石油进口物资税收优惠政策的发展历程、特点以及世界各国针对海洋勘探开发的税收优惠政策,重点分析了"十二五"期间我国海洋石油进口物资税收优惠政策执行过程中存在的问题,通过对现阶段我国海洋发展战略及海洋石油勘探开发现状的研判,提出了优化我国海洋石油进口物资税收优惠政策的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 海洋石油进口物资 税收优惠 政策建议
具有南海海洋资源特色的海洋药物化学成分预实验设计探索 被引量:1
作者 董琳 赖伟勇 +5 位作者 苏文琴 刘雪菲丹 高炳淼 靳德军 魏娜 张小坡 《广东化工》 CAS 2021年第1期211-212,共2页
选择以海南特色的海洋药用植物及动物为实验药材,如南海红树林植物、海星等作为《海洋药物化学》化学成分预实验中的实验对象,开展糖、甾体、生物碱、酚酸、黄酮等海洋天然产物的鉴别分析,使《海洋药物化学》实验课程的设置具有鲜明的... 选择以海南特色的海洋药用植物及动物为实验药材,如南海红树林植物、海星等作为《海洋药物化学》化学成分预实验中的实验对象,开展糖、甾体、生物碱、酚酸、黄酮等海洋天然产物的鉴别分析,使《海洋药物化学》实验课程的设置具有鲜明的南海海洋资源特色,为海洋药学专业课程设置,提供很好的南海特色,为海洋药学专业人才培养提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 海洋药学专业 海洋药物化学 实验教学 海洋药用生物资 化学成分预实验
我国海洋生物医药产业生命周期识别研究 被引量:1
作者 姜琴 《清远职业技术学院学报》 2017年第3期1-6,共6页
推进我国海洋生物医药产业发展对改善人类生命质量有重要意义。采用龚柏兹曲线对海洋生物医药产业成长性进行评估,结果发现我国海洋生物医药产业正处于产业生命周期的形成期,这一阶段资金劳动等要素的投入、产出水平和市场需求增长速度... 推进我国海洋生物医药产业发展对改善人类生命质量有重要意义。采用龚柏兹曲线对海洋生物医药产业成长性进行评估,结果发现我国海洋生物医药产业正处于产业生命周期的形成期,这一阶段资金劳动等要素的投入、产出水平和市场需求增长速度缓慢,产业未来有很大的发展空间。 展开更多
关键词 海洋药用生物资 海洋生物药业 产业生命周期 识别
作者 陈奕群 《水产科技》 1999年第6期9-10,共2页
人类在与病魔作斗争中需要大量药物,对陆生药物的滥采乱伐以及陆上环境污染的日益严重,造成陆生药物资源日益枯竭,品质不断降低。占地球表面积71%的浩翰海洋,其资源占地球上总资源的80%,特别是拥有种类繁多、数量巨大的海洋药用... 人类在与病魔作斗争中需要大量药物,对陆生药物的滥采乱伐以及陆上环境污染的日益严重,造成陆生药物资源日益枯竭,品质不断降低。占地球表面积71%的浩翰海洋,其资源占地球上总资源的80%,特别是拥有种类繁多、数量巨大的海洋药用生物资源, 展开更多
关键词 海洋药用生物资 海洋药物 药物研制 药物开发 人才培养
中国海洋药用生物资源可持续利用潜力评价——基于熵权-层次分析法 被引量:10
作者 戴桂林 林春宇 +2 位作者 付秀梅 王娜 李于森 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期2176-2185,共10页
本文对中国沿海11省市(不包括港澳台)海洋药用生物资源的利用潜力进行了定量测算以及等级划分,并对各省海洋生物医药产业的发展潜力做出了比较评价,为相关省区海洋药用生物资源优化配置及其产业合理布局提供决策参考。论文从自然条件、... 本文对中国沿海11省市(不包括港澳台)海洋药用生物资源的利用潜力进行了定量测算以及等级划分,并对各省海洋生物医药产业的发展潜力做出了比较评价,为相关省区海洋药用生物资源优化配置及其产业合理布局提供决策参考。论文从自然条件、经济与技术条件和社会条件三个层面,选取20个影响海洋药用生物资源潜力的因素,运用熵权法和层次分析法,确定了20个影响因子在海洋药用生物资源潜力评价中的权重值,建立海洋药用生物资源可持续利用潜力的评价体系。评价指标中的政策支持强度、海洋药品市场辐射能力、环境多样性、药用资源供给数量以及药用资源研发水平的权重居于前五位,表明该5项指标是影响海洋药用生物资源开发利用潜力的主要因素。通过实证分析,将中国大陆沿海11个省市的海洋药用生物资源可持续利用潜力进行排序和分级,结果依次为:第1级有广东、浙江;第2级有海南、山东、福建、江苏、广西、上海;第3级有天津、辽宁、河北。结合主要影响指标贡献度,从国家总体和各省分级层面提出了对策与建议,以期有利于提高海洋药用生物资源的可持续利用潜力。 展开更多
关键词 海洋药用生物资 可持续利用 潜力评价 熵权法 层次分析法
Study on the dominant species of Pteropoda in East China Sea 被引量:4
作者 徐兆礼 李春鞠 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期168-177,共10页
Based on the data of four seasonal marine surveys in the East China Sea (23°30′-33°N, 118°30′-128°E)during 1997-2000, the author studied the ecological characters of dominant Pteropoda species ... Based on the data of four seasonal marine surveys in the East China Sea (23°30′-33°N, 118°30′-128°E)during 1997-2000, the author studied the ecological characters of dominant Pteropoda species in the area. Results showed that there were five dominant Pteropoda species, more in summer, less in autumn and even in other seasons. These species, though belonging warm water species, can be categorized into two different groups in habitability. The first group was acicula, Desmopterus papilio and Creseis virgule, while adapted in summer and autumn, including Creseis the second group in winter and spring, represented by Limacina trochiformis and Agadina syimpsoni. The first group was more abundant than the second one. Besides, the first group contributed more to the Pteropoda abundance having higher occurrence frequency and aggregation intensity than the second. In horizontal distribution, the first group species reside in nearshore, and they could migrate to shallow place near estuary and aggregated in high density, while the second one was different: lower abundance, less occurred and aggregated because they were halophilic warm water species, and they were usually abundant in offshore area. 展开更多
关键词 Pteropoda ecological character environmental adaptation dominant species East China Sea aggregation intensity
Sediment flux and source in northern Yellow Sea by ^(210)Pb technique 被引量:7
作者 李凤业 李学刚 +3 位作者 宋金明 王桂芝 程鹏 高抒 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期255-263,共9页
Sedimentation of fine-grained deposits on coastal zones and continental shelves are important because of the association with chemical pollutants, and the implication to the impact on biological processes, the stratig... Sedimentation of fine-grained deposits on coastal zones and continental shelves are important because of the association with chemical pollutants, and the implication to the impact on biological processes, the stratigraphic correlations, and changes in sedimentary environments. The Yellow Sea continental shelf receives large quantities of sediment from the Huanghe (Yellow) River. Unfortunately, little attention has been yet paid to the sedimentation on the shallow shelf and its features, and the vertical sediment flux in the area is poorly understood. In this study, nine cores were collected in northern Yellow Sea by the R/V Science 1 in September, 1998 and 1999 to examine the sedimentation rate, sediment flux and the provenance with ^210Pb analysis. The 2^210Pb activity profiles showed that the vertical sediment flux ranged from 0.06 to 1.18 g/cm^2·a in the region. In central part of the area, there was a patch of fine-grained mud, with the flux below 0.33 g/cm^2·a. Most profiles were featured in two-segment model. Differences in the profiles reflected spatial and temporal variations in hydrodynamic and sedimentary processes. In order to determine the provenance and sedimentary setting in the area, the geochemistry of Ca, Fe, Sr, Cu, Ti and Rb in 11 surficial sediment samples were studied, which showed that in the central northern Yellow Sea, the mud deposit was from multi-source but mainly from the Huanghe River. 展开更多
关键词 ^210PB Vertical sediment flux Sediment source The Yellow Sea
Spatio-temporal distribution of net-collected phytoplankton community and its response to marine exploitation in Xiangshan Bay 被引量:7
作者 江志兵 朱旭宇 +3 位作者 高瑜 陈全震 曾江宁 朱根海 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期762-773,共12页
To explore the spatial-temporal distribution of the phytoplankton community and evaluate the combined effects of marine resource exploitation, net-collected phytoplankton and physical-chemical parameters were investig... To explore the spatial-temporal distribution of the phytoplankton community and evaluate the combined effects of marine resource exploitation, net-collected phytoplankton and physical-chemical parameters were investigated in the Xiangshan Bay during the four seasons of 2010. A total of eight phyla, 97 genera, and 310 species were found, including 232 diatom species, 45 dinoflageUate species and 33 other taxa. The phytoplankton abundances presented a significant (P〈0.001) seasonal difference with the average of 60.66x104 cells/m3. Diatoms (mainly consisting of Coscinodiscus jonesianus, Cerataulina pelagica, Skeletonema costatum, and genus Chaetoceros) dominated the phytoplankton assemblage in all seasons. We found great spatio-temporal variation in community composition based on the multidimensional scaling and similarity analysis. Canonical correspondence analysis show that temperature, nutrition, illumination, and salinity were the main variables associated with microalgal assemblage. Compared with the previous studies, an increase in phytoplankton abundance and change in the dominant species coincided with increased exploitation activities in this bay (e.g. operation of coastal power plants, intensive mariculture, tidal fiat reclamation, and industrial and agricultural development). The present findings suggest that the government should exercise caution when deciding upon developmental patterns in the sea-related economy. 展开更多
关键词 EUTROPHICATION PHYTOPLANKTON thermal discharge Xiangshan Bay
Pollution Condition of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutant and Estimation of Its Environmental Capacities in Summer in the Bohai Sea 被引量:1
作者 王修林 李克强 +4 位作者 石晓勇 祝陈坚 韩秀荣 邓宁宁 陈虎 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2005年第2期21-29,共9页
The pollution condition of petroleum hydrocarbon (PH) was summarized in the Bohai Sea in this paper. The results showed that the mean concentration of PH was (25.7±13.6) mg/m3, varying from 4.4 to 64.8 mg/m3 in t... The pollution condition of petroleum hydrocarbon (PH) was summarized in the Bohai Sea in this paper. The results showed that the mean concentration of PH was (25.7±13.6) mg/m3, varying from 4.4 to 64.8 mg/m3 in the survey sea area. Laizhou Bay and Bohai Bay have been contaminated badly inshore. The dynamic model for distribution of marine PH among multiphase environments in the Bohai Sea has been established. The environmental capacities (ECO) and surplus environmental capacities (SECO) of PH have been estimated in the Bohai Sea according to the dynamic model. The results showed that the ECo separately were about 29 169 t/a, 177 306 t/a and 298 446 t/a under the first, second and third, fourth class seawater quality standards requirement. And the ECO of Bohai Bay, Liaodong Bay, Laizhou Bay and Central Bohai Sea were about 5 255 t/a, 8 869 t/a, 4889 t/a and 10 156 t/a respectively under the first and second class seawater quality standards requirement. 展开更多
关键词 Bohai Sea petroleum hydrocarbon environmental capacity dynamic model
作者 王长云 +18 位作者 管华诗 王曙光 吴皓 郭庆梅 李医明 林永成 曾晓起 钱树本 武云飞 庞冀燕 徐颖 孙稚颖 刘红兵 孙世春 叶振江 方玉春 付秀梅 马琳 王毓 《中国科技成果》 2022年第17期54-55,共2页
海洋药用生物资源的深度研究与开发已成为全球原创药物研发的战略高地,也是国际海洋开发竞争最激烈的前沿领域之一。项目组围绕国家海洋战略和创新药物重大需求,瞄准海洋药物的源头发现,针对“药源瓶颈”这一关键共性问题,开展了海洋药... 海洋药用生物资源的深度研究与开发已成为全球原创药物研发的战略高地,也是国际海洋开发竞争最激烈的前沿领域之一。项目组围绕国家海洋战略和创新药物重大需求,瞄准海洋药物的源头发现,针对“药源瓶颈”这一关键共性问题,开展了海洋药用资源的挖掘与开发研究,取得了系列创新性成果。 展开更多
关键词 战略高地 海洋开发 创新药物 创新性成果 海洋药物 国家海洋战略 海洋药用生物资 前沿领域
An advanced irradiation facilities and its usage
作者 康兴伦 陈洪涛 +4 位作者 江雪艳 宁劲松 于志刚 朱校斌 张卫国 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期212-214,共3页
A carrier type gamma irradiator is an advanced device currently installed in Qingdao Irra- diation Center (QIC) and has been put into operation for nine years in Qingdao, China. It utilizes Co-60 as the radiation sour... A carrier type gamma irradiator is an advanced device currently installed in Qingdao Irra- diation Center (QIC) and has been put into operation for nine years in Qingdao, China. It utilizes Co-60 as the radiation source; the initial Co-60 loading is 1.48×1016 Bq (0.4 million Curies). Rubber, natural and synthetic polymers, heat-shrinkable films and tubes, disposable medical supplies, some foods and drugs have been irradiated for test in the past. Especially a great success achieved on the radiation of compound food for young shrimp. The practice demonstrates that the bacteria in the compound food can be de- stroyed by the irradiation at optimum dosage between 5 000–6 000 Gy. 展开更多
关键词 irradiator Co-60 compound food young shrimp BACTERIA
作者 于海燕 李新正 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期266-269,共4页
A new species of cymothoid Isopoda, Nerocila donghaiensis , collected from the body of a sciaenid fish, Johnius sp., is described in the present paper. The new species can be distinguished from the other species of ge... A new species of cymothoid Isopoda, Nerocila donghaiensis , collected from the body of a sciaenid fish, Johnius sp., is described in the present paper. The new species can be distinguished from the other species of genus Nerocila by its endopod of uropods with deep notch, sharply serrated on the lateral margin and strongly serrated on the medial margin; antennule with 1st article swollen; dactyli of pereopods I, II, IV, V swollen. 展开更多
关键词 ISOPOD Nerocila ew species the East China Sea
Mean trophic level of coastal fisheries landings in the Persian Gulf(Hormuzgan Province), 2002–2011
作者 Marzieh RAZZAGHI Sakineh MASHJOOR Ehsan KAMRANI 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期528-536,共9页
Fishing activities can alter the structure of marine food webs by the selective removal of some species. The changes in the marine food webs of the Hormuzgan waters of the Persian Gulf, Iran were assessed, based on es... Fishing activities can alter the structure of marine food webs by the selective removal of some species. The changes in the marine food webs of the Hormuzgan waters of the Persian Gulf, Iran were assessed, based on estimates of the mean trophic index (MTI) and Fishing in Balance index (FIB), and on landing profile of the exploited marine community (49 species) during the period, 2002-2011. The total landings (Yt) (R=0.88, P〈0.001) increased gradually while the Y~ of carnivores has slightly declined, and the Yt of herbivores, detritivores and omnivores has increased. Consequently, the MTI significantly decreased (R=-0.69, P〈0.05) at a rate of 0.1 l during this decade. The MTI showed a decreasing trend, which indicates exploitation of marine resources. The FiB index also showed a downward trend and negative values from 2002 to 2009, which may be associated with unbalanced structure in the fisheries, but an upward trend from 2009 to 20ll. The time variation of the landing profile showed two periods with significant differences in their species composition (R=0.88; P=0.005), and based on analysis of similarity, species have been identified as discriminator species, namely Thunnus albacores and Benthosema pterotum. Results indicate that changes in MTI reflected changes in the Hormuzgan landing structure. The examination of the MTI, FBI, and landing profile (LP) temporal pattern suggests that the status of fishery resources in Hormuzgan inshore waters is overexploited, and provides evidence of the probability that a fishing down process is occurring in this area, and that this trend may continue in the long-tenn. Therefore, environmental fisheries management and conservation programs should be prioritized for these valuable resources. 展开更多
关键词 fishing-in-balance index trophic level LANDINGS Hormuzgan Persian Gulf
广西海洋生物药业发展路径探究 被引量:2
作者 王娜 付秀梅 +5 位作者 戴桂林 李于森 林春宇 郝二伟 杜正彩 邓家刚 《中国海洋药物》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期60-66,共7页
近年来,广西因其丰富的海洋药用生物资源,海洋生物医药产业迅速发展,主要体现在基础研发能力提升、产业规模扩大和产业增加值上升3方面。但是,广西海洋生物医药产业仍然存在政策引导不到位、自主研发能力较弱、产业化总体水平偏低、产... 近年来,广西因其丰富的海洋药用生物资源,海洋生物医药产业迅速发展,主要体现在基础研发能力提升、产业规模扩大和产业增加值上升3方面。但是,广西海洋生物医药产业仍然存在政策引导不到位、自主研发能力较弱、产业化总体水平偏低、产业内同质竞争严重和资源利用不合理等5大问题。因此,应当从政策、专业人才、资源、国内国际合作和生态环境保护等几个方面着手建设,发展政策引导型、人才专业化、技术主导型、资源优化型、特色资源型和可持续发展的海洋生物医药产业,以此加快广西制药产业结构调整和升级进程,为广西海洋生物医药产业创造广阔的发展空间。 展开更多
关键词 海洋生物医药 海洋药用生物资 制药产业 发展路径
A preliminary analysis of fishery resource exhaustion in the context of biodiversity decline 被引量:8
作者 ZHAO ShuJiang Lü BaoQiang +2 位作者 LI RuWei ZHU AiYi WU ChangWen 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期223-235,共13页
Marine biodiversity in almost all oceans is being threatened at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. The marine ecosystem is being degraded and the extinction rate of marine organisms has accelerated. In this p... Marine biodiversity in almost all oceans is being threatened at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. The marine ecosystem is being degraded and the extinction rate of marine organisms has accelerated. In this paper, the potential causes of fishery resource exhaustion in the East China Sea are analyzed, including the change in the stoichiometric composition of seawater with regard to the concentrations of N and P, toxic effects of marine pollution, marine habitat destruction, increased seawater temperatures caused by climate warming, ocean acidification, pressure from overfishing, and the spread of marine pathogenic bacteria. It is believed that the factors mentioned above have significant impact on the exhaustion of fishery resources in the East China Sea. However, considering the cumulative, synergistic, and superimposed effects as well as the amplification effects resulting from their interactions, the actual risk of ecological extinction of marine organisms might be even more severe than that previously estimated. Hence, ecosystem management and research focused on a single risk factor or influencing factor is not enough to prevent marine ecosystem degradation and fishery resource exhaustion. A comprehensive, systematic, effective, and ecosystem-based management policy is imperative for healthy and sustainable fishery development in the East China Sea. 展开更多
关键词 Fishery resources EXHAUSTION EXTINCTION Influencing factor Cumulative effect Superimposed effect Amplifi-cation effect
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