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投弃式海流电场剖面仪研制 被引量:13
作者 张启升 邓明 +2 位作者 刘宁 孔银鸽 关善亮 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期3699-3707,共9页
本文分析了投弃式海流电场剖面仪的发展,简介了海流感生电场的基本原理,提出了投弃式海流电场剖面仪的技术方案.根据投弃式海流电场剖面仪的实际需求,研发了XCP海流电场传感器,并通过XCP探头的自旋转(16r/s),实现了将海流电场信号AM调... 本文分析了投弃式海流电场剖面仪的发展,简介了海流感生电场的基本原理,提出了投弃式海流电场剖面仪的技术方案.根据投弃式海流电场剖面仪的实际需求,研发了XCP海流电场传感器,并通过XCP探头的自旋转(16r/s),实现了将海流电场信号AM调制并频移至海流电场传感器的超低噪声频段,解决了在高噪声背景下快速测量纳伏级微弱海流电场信号.设计实现了XCP探头前端弱信号处理电路,对海流电场微弱信号进行滤波提取的同时可实现对海流电场同向分量进行硬件电路补偿,在一定程度上克服了XCP探头下沉引起感生电场的强干扰.在XCP探头内部采用SoPC技术实现对海流电场信号、罗盘线圈信号和温度信息的快速测量及其数字化处理,并将数字信息以UART协议及LVDS物理层数传方式发送到XCP浮筒端.开创了长度2km、直径0.1mm漆包线动态数据传输技术,解决了XCP探头和XCP浮筒之间的数字化数据传输问题.根据XCP探头所采集的海流电场信号与罗盘线圈信号的同相分量In、正交分量Qn、基线量Bn数据,研究了XCP探测方法,从而计算出了海流的东向与北向相对速度分量VEr、VNr.采用所研发的XCP,在我国南海海域首次采集到海面至海下千米深度的XCP海流电场信息和海洋温度信息. 展开更多
关键词 投弃式海流剖面仪 海流电场 海流流速 XCP探头
作者 李鹏宇 张启升 +2 位作者 周珂宇 林祖灿 蒋兴远 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期107-113,共7页
投弃式海流电场剖面仪(XCP)是利用海流切割地磁场产生感生电场的原理进行快速测量海流的观测仪器,在地磁场稳定的情况下,感生电场的大小主要取决于海流的速度。因此,通过测量海流产生的感生电场便可以研究海流的运动特征。本文研制了用... 投弃式海流电场剖面仪(XCP)是利用海流切割地磁场产生感生电场的原理进行快速测量海流的观测仪器,在地磁场稳定的情况下,感生电场的大小主要取决于海流的速度。因此,通过测量海流产生的感生电场便可以研究海流的运动特征。本文研制了用于XCP中的模拟电路,实现了对XCP中电极信号、罗盘线圈信号及温度信号的采集预处理。所设计模拟电路主要实现以下功能:(1)通过INA128放大电路实现对电极信号与罗盘线圈信号的多级放大处理;(2)考虑到电极信号与罗盘线圈信号均为频率16 Hz左右的信号,在电路中加入中心频率点为16 Hz的二阶带通滤波电路以提取有效信号;(3)进行硬件电路补偿,在一定程度上克服XCP探头下沉引起感生电场的强干扰。实验测试结果表明,所设计模拟电路稳定可靠,可以实现滤除噪声,提取前端微弱信号并进行多级放大,满足实际应用需求。 展开更多
关键词 投弃式海流电场剖面仪 模拟电路研制 信号采集 微弱信号
作者 张安明 姜楷娜 +3 位作者 崔培 蒋大海 赵哲 焦达文 《舰船电子工程》 2020年第12期158-161,共4页
海流是海水运动的主要形式之一,海流切割磁力线会产生感应电场,这部分电场将成为海洋电磁勘探和水下电磁探测的主要干扰源。论文重点研究了3种典型海流分布产生的感应电场,如表层流、底层流和分层流等。仿真计算结果表明,当流速和地磁... 海流是海水运动的主要形式之一,海流切割磁力线会产生感应电场,这部分电场将成为海洋电磁勘探和水下电磁探测的主要干扰源。论文重点研究了3种典型海流分布产生的感应电场,如表层流、底层流和分层流等。仿真计算结果表明,当流速和地磁场强度逐渐降低时,随水深增加海水电势变化量随之减少;当不同水层流速变化较小时,海水电势与水深近似服从线性关系;当表层海流小于底层海流流速时,会出现海水电势0点,并且差异越大,电势0点出现的深度越低。仿真分析结果为海洋电磁勘探和水下电磁探测中的环境噪声抑制以及探测方案设计等提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 海流感应电场 理论模型 海洋大地磁场 海流分布 空间分布
基于海流的海洋微小信号前端放大电路的研究 被引量:1
作者 崔辰元 杜立彬 +3 位作者 陈光源 贺海靖 雷卓 吴承璇 《山东科学》 CAS 2019年第1期7-13,共7页
根据海流信号传感器的测量原理,提出了采集放大电路的技术方案。针对采集信号噪声大的特点,对海流电场微弱信号进行滤波提取,实现了对该信号同相分量的补偿式放大,在一定程度上克服了传感器在下沉时引起感生电场的强干扰,提高了电路测... 根据海流信号传感器的测量原理,提出了采集放大电路的技术方案。针对采集信号噪声大的特点,对海流电场微弱信号进行滤波提取,实现了对该信号同相分量的补偿式放大,在一定程度上克服了传感器在下沉时引起感生电场的强干扰,提高了电路测量精度。同时采用多级放大的原理,将微弱信号放大至仪器可观测的范围。通过Multisim仿真软件进行验证,结果表明,该采集放大电路满足设计要求,在保证信号质量的同时将信号放大至105~106倍。 展开更多
关键词 纳伏级信号 放大电路 海流电场 MULTISIM仿真
Eddy formation and surface flow field in the Luzon Strait area during the summer of 2009
作者 刘泽 侯一筠 谢强 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1320-1333,共14页
The formation of mesoscale eddies and the structure of the surface flow field in the Luzon Strait area were examined using in-situ CTD data, Argo float data, and multi-satellite remote sensing data collected from May ... The formation of mesoscale eddies and the structure of the surface flow field in the Luzon Strait area were examined using in-situ CTD data, Argo float data, and multi-satellite remote sensing data collected from May to August 2009. The results show that vigorous water exchange between Kuroshio water and South China Sea (SCS) water began to emerge over the 200 m water column throughout the strait. Based on an objective definition of surface currents, float A69 tracked an anti-cyclonic eddy southwest of Taiwan Island under a Lagrangian current measurement. The salinity inside the anti-cyclonic eddy was higher than in typical SCS water but lower than in Kuroshio mainstream water, indicating that this eddy was induced by Kuroshio frontal intrusion through the Luzun Strait and into the SCS. From hydrographic data, we propose that continuous horizontal diffusion with high-salinity characteristics in the subsurface layer could extend to 119°E or even further west. The high-temperature filament, large positive sea level anomaly and clockwise geostrophic current all confirmed the existence of this warm eddy in May and June. A strongly negative wind stress curl maintained the eddy until it died. The surface flow field during July and August was rather complicated. Float A83 described an east-west orientated shuttle run in the 20°N section that was not reported by previous studies. At the same time, float A80 indicated a Kuroshio bend into the north-central region of Luzon Strait but it did not cross 120.5°E. The water mass rejoining the Kuroshio mainstream from the southern tip of Taiwan Island was less saline, indicating an entrainment of water from SCS by the Kuroshio bend. 展开更多
关键词 mesoscale eddy surface flow field hydrographic data Argo trajectory Argo profile Luzon Strait
Flexible HVDC Transformer for Next Generation Renewable Energy Industry
作者 Chong Ng Paul McKeever 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第9期1625-1633,共9页
The growing demand on non-fossil fuel energy has escalated the desire for mega-scale renewable energy power generation, which can no longer be satisfied solely by relying on onshore renewable energy power plants. Outc... The growing demand on non-fossil fuel energy has escalated the desire for mega-scale renewable energy power generation, which can no longer be satisfied solely by relying on onshore renewable energy power plants. Outcomes from a recent project funded by the Sixth European Union Framework Programme (FP6), Project "Upwind" concluded that larger offshore wind turbines (i.e., 〉 10 MW) are feasible and cost effective. It will be beneficial for such future large scale renewable energy power generators (i.e., large offshore turbines) and plant (i.e., large offshore wind farms) to have a dedicated high efficiency, robust, flexible and low cost power collection, transmission and distribution technology. Proposed in this paper is a compact and effective hybrid HVDC (high voltage direct current) transformer that allows realisation of a highly robust and financially rewarding next generation multi-terminal HVDC system for future offshore renewable energy power plant. This concept, potentially, allows the elimination or minimisation of the need for a centralised local offshore HVDC platform or substation in each wind farm, solar farm, or tidal farm. This paper discusses the study outcome of the proposed hybrid HVDC transformer and the application of a multi-terminal HVDC system in the renewable energy industry, compared to the existing HVAC and VSC (voltage source converters) type HVDC systems. 展开更多
关键词 HVDC WIND power OFFSHORE SUBSTATION PV (photovoltaic) VSC.
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