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大港海滨盐土的腐蚀性研究 被引量:7
作者 孙成 李洪锡 +2 位作者 张淑泉 银耀德 周晓晔 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第2期1-3,共3页
关键词 大港 海滨盐土 金属材料 土壤腐蚀
海滨盐土接种不同比例AM真菌和解磷真菌对蓖麻磷吸收和根际土壤酶活性的影响 被引量:5
作者 张焕仕 秦超琦 钦佩 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2013年第12期101-108,共8页
为了探索复合接种微生物对海滨盐土改良以及促进生长植物的作用机理,利用盆栽试验考察在海滨盐土中接种不同比例的AM真菌和毛霉菌(Mortierella sp.)对蓖麻生长、叶绿素含量、磷吸收和土壤速效磷含量、pH、土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明:A... 为了探索复合接种微生物对海滨盐土改良以及促进生长植物的作用机理,利用盆栽试验考察在海滨盐土中接种不同比例的AM真菌和毛霉菌(Mortierella sp.)对蓖麻生长、叶绿素含量、磷吸收和土壤速效磷含量、pH、土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明:AM真菌和毛霉菌混合接种可显著降低土壤pH,增加土壤速效磷含量,提高土壤脲酶、转化酶、中性和酸性磷酸酶活性,同时提高了叶片叶绿素含量并增加了蓖麻对磷营养的吸收,在盐胁迫下有效促进了蓖麻幼苗生长。温室条件下在海滨盐土中接种AM真菌和毛霉菌促进蓖麻生长最有效的混合比例是28.56:(11.5×105()AM真菌孢子数:毛霉菌落数)。本研究结果证明了适当比例的AM真菌与解磷真菌具有提高海滨盐土质量并促进蓖麻生长的潜力。 展开更多
关键词 AM真菌 解磷真菌 蓖麻 土壤酶 海滨盐土
解磷菌剂对海滨盐土有效磷含量及耐盐油料植物生长的影响 被引量:19
作者 秦超琦 吴向华 +1 位作者 郑琨 钦佩 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期1835-1841,共7页
利用菌根真菌(AM菌)和本实验室在互花米草群落盐土中发现的一种特有优势真菌毛霉(Mortierellasp.)研制的解磷菌剂,以海滨盐土为基质进行盆栽试验,研究了菌剂对海滨盐土的有效磷含量的影响。结果表明:混合施用AM菌剂和毛霉菌剂后,蓖麻的... 利用菌根真菌(AM菌)和本实验室在互花米草群落盐土中发现的一种特有优势真菌毛霉(Mortierellasp.)研制的解磷菌剂,以海滨盐土为基质进行盆栽试验,研究了菌剂对海滨盐土的有效磷含量的影响。结果表明:混合施用AM菌剂和毛霉菌剂后,蓖麻的株高、茎粗、鲜质量、干质量以及叶片叶绿素含量,较对照(CK)分别增加了110.0%、48.8%、85.9%、112.0%和67.6%,土壤有效磷含量较CK增加了52.9%,与CK间差异均达极显著水平,同时显著高于单施2种解磷菌剂的处理,单施2种解磷菌剂的处理间无显著性差异;海滨锦葵的株高、茎粗、鲜质量、干质量以及叶片叶绿素含量,较CK分别增加了45.4%、85.5%、200.0%、157.0%和83.4%,土壤有效磷含量较CK增加了89.0%,与CK相比差异达极显著水平,显著高于单施菌剂的处理,而单施毛霉菌剂后土壤有效磷显著高于单施AM菌剂;2种解磷菌剂在促进蓖麻和海滨锦葵生长的同时,有提高海滨盐土有效磷含量的作用,而且2种菌剂混合施用效果最佳,对于提高中国盐土磷资源利用率以及促进盐土农业生产的持续发展具有重要实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 AM菌剂 毛霉菌剂 蓖麻 海滨锦葵 海滨盐土 土壤有效磷
种植条件下海滨盐土理化性状与生物学特征 被引量:10
作者 周建 李刚 +1 位作者 周建 钦佩 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期964-970,共7页
以苏北海滨盐土种植实验区7个不同特征的地块为对象,研究了海滨盐土基本理化性状及其生物学特征的季节变化,以及其与植物种植和植被条件的关系.结果表明:海滨盐土的土壤性状随种植年限和植被状况的不同有较大的变异性,种植耐盐植物地块... 以苏北海滨盐土种植实验区7个不同特征的地块为对象,研究了海滨盐土基本理化性状及其生物学特征的季节变化,以及其与植物种植和植被条件的关系.结果表明:海滨盐土的土壤性状随种植年限和植被状况的不同有较大的变异性,种植耐盐植物地块平均土壤电导率(0.95 dS.m-1)低于自然植被地块(2.77 dS.m-1),但部分地块电导率水平较种植前有所升高;土壤肥力普遍较低,水解性氮含量平均低于50 mg.kg-1,有效磷含量(除施肥地块)平均低于3 mg.kg-1,有机质含量低于1%,种植耐盐植物地块因施肥而有所改善.土壤电导率和养分水平是影响盐土植被生长与分布的主要因素,前者尤为关键;土壤氮磷含量与微生物数量密切相关.不同植被和干扰状况下土壤性状的季节变化差异明显,植被盖度高、人为干扰少的土壤环境相对稳定,反之则波动剧烈. 展开更多
关键词 海滨盐土 土壤性状 限制因子 变异系数 干扰
海滨锦葵种植系统的植物多样性分析 被引量:2
作者 周明曦 王猛 +2 位作者 燕志 钦佩 赵福庚 《生态与农村环境学报》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期489-493,共5页
采用典型样方法对南通小洋口盐滩、连云港青口盐场和盐城金海农场海滨锦葵种植区(种植年限分别为1、2和5 a)和非种植区(对照)进行实地调查,研究海滨锦葵种植系统的植物多样性。结果表明:(1)3地海滨锦葵种植区植物种类分别为10、7和9种,... 采用典型样方法对南通小洋口盐滩、连云港青口盐场和盐城金海农场海滨锦葵种植区(种植年限分别为1、2和5 a)和非种植区(对照)进行实地调查,研究海滨锦葵种植系统的植物多样性。结果表明:(1)3地海滨锦葵种植区植物种类分别为10、7和9种,明显高于对照区,对照区植物种类主要为碱蓬和芦苇,植被类型单一。(2)3地种植区海滨锦葵重要值都在0.6以上。金海农场种植区碱蓬、芦苇和紫菀重要值分别达到0.225、0.272和0.199,小洋口种植区一年蓬和狗尾草重要值分别为0.228和0.241,青口盐场种植区碱蓬和田菁重要值分别为0.433和0.332,3地对照区优势种均为碱蓬和芦苇,2个物种重要值之和均在0.6以上。(3)3地海滨锦葵种植区与对照区之间植物鲜质量无显著差异,金海农场和小洋口滩地种植区与对照区植物干质量差异显著(P<0.05),表明对照区植物含水量较高。(4)3地海滨锦葵种植区Berger-Parker丰富度指数、Simpson多样性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和均匀度指数均显著高于对照区(P<0.05)。上述结果表明在海滨锦葵种植模式下,本土植物可以与海滨锦葵良好共生,从而改善江苏省海滨盐土植物多样性。 展开更多
关键词 海滨锦葵 海滨盐土 植物多样性
Effects of Inoculation of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus and Apophysomyces spartina on P-uptake of Castor Oil Plant(Ricinus communis L.) and Rhizosphere Soil Enzyme Activities under Salt Stress 被引量:1
作者 张焕仕 钦佩 张卫明 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第4期659-664,共6页
[Objective] In order to explore the mechanism of combined inoculation mi- croorganisms in improving coastal saline soil property and plant growth. [Method] The pot experiment was used to assess the effects of differen... [Objective] In order to explore the mechanism of combined inoculation mi- croorganisms in improving coastal saline soil property and plant growth. [Method] The pot experiment was used to assess the effects of different inoculated proportion of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Phosphate-sotubilizing fungus. Apophysomyces spartina, on growth, chlorophyll contents, P-uptake of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) and rhizosphere soil pH values, available P concentrations, enzyme activities. [Result] The mixed inoculation of AMF and A. spartina significantly reduced soil pH value, increased soil available phosphorous contents, improved the activities of soil invertase, urease, neutral phosphatase, and alkaline phosphatase. Chlorophyll contents, P-uptake, and plant dry weight of castor bean were also in- creased. The optimal proportion of the number of AMF spores to A. spartina colonies was 28.56:11.5×10^5, which had positive effects on saline soil and could stimulate plant growth under greenhouse condition. [Conclusion] Appropriate propor- tion of AMF and A. spartina had the potential to enhance coastal saline soil prop- erty and promote castor bean growth. 展开更多
关键词 AM fungus Apophysomyces spartina Castor bean Soil enzyme Coastal saline soil
Spatial Distribution of Soil Salinization Based on GIS in Tianjin Binhai New Area 被引量:3
作者 廉晓娟 李明悦 +3 位作者 王艳 张余良 贺宏达 王正祥 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期1046-1049,共4页
The distribution of soil salinization was investigated based on GIS and field sampling in Tianjin Binhai New Area. The results showed that the average soil total salt content was 0.818%, with an average pH of 8.43, an... The distribution of soil salinization was investigated based on GIS and field sampling in Tianjin Binhai New Area. The results showed that the average soil total salt content was 0.818%, with an average pH of 8.43, and the average CI and Na+ contents were 0.27% and 0.22%, respectively. Presenting zonal distribution feature, the soil total salt content increased gradually from west to east of Binhai New Area. Statistics on the distribution areas of different salinization degrees showed that the area of non-salinzed soils only accounted for 3.18% of the total area; with an area of 107.43 km2, mild saline soil accounted for 6.34% of the total area; the area of moderate saline soil was 173.51 km2, accounting for 10.24%; and the area of sal- inzed soils was 217.36 km2, accounting for 12.82% of the total soil area. The area of saline soils (total salt content 〉0.6%) was 1 142.8 km2, accounting 67.42% of the total land area in Binhai New Area. And the areas for the soils with total salt content of 0.6%-1.0%, 1.0%-1.5%, 〉1.5% were respectively 388.47, 411.82, 342.51 km2, accounting for 22.92%, 24.3%, 20.21% of the total area. 展开更多
关键词 GIS Soil satinization Soil total salt content Binhai New Area Spatial distribution
Reclamation of Coastal Saline Soils by Bnilding Dykes for Freshwater Fish-Farming 被引量:1
作者 DAIZHI-XIN DAIHAI-XU 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第2期187-191,共5页
ReclamationofCoastalSalineSoilsbyBnildingDykesforFreshwaterFish-FarmingDAIZHI-XIN ̄1;CHENGUANG-YA ̄1;DAIHAI-XU... ReclamationofCoastalSalineSoilsbyBnildingDykesforFreshwaterFish-FarmingDAIZHI-XIN ̄1;CHENGUANG-YA ̄1;DAIHAI-XU ̄2andXUEZHU-TIAN ̄... 展开更多
关键词 AMELIORATION coastal saline soil freshwater fish-farming
Introduction and Selection of Salt-tolerant Wheat in Yellow River Delta
作者 于德花 徐化凌 邵秋玲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第7期1232-1234,1239,共4页
[Objective] This study was to screen a salt-tolerant wheat variety in Dongying, a city in the center of the Yellow River Delta with a large area of coastal saline soil. [Method] Total 9 salt-tolerant, stress-resistant... [Objective] This study was to screen a salt-tolerant wheat variety in Dongying, a city in the center of the Yellow River Delta with a large area of coastal saline soil. [Method] Total 9 salt-tolerant, stress-resistant and high-yielding wheat varieties (lines) were introduced, and they were cultivated in the saline soil with total salt content of 3-4 g/kg with Dekang 961 as the control. [Result] The yields of Jinan 18, Yanjian 14 and Shanrong 3 were all significantly higher than that of Dekang 961 (P〈0.05). These three varieties (lines) all ripen before June 13 with moderate growth period that does not affect the seeding of next-season crop. [Conclusion] Jinan 18, Yanjian 14 and Shanrong 3 are suitable for planting in light and median saline soil in the Yellow River Delta. 展开更多
关键词 Yellow River DeLta Salt-tolerant wheat Coastal saline soil SCREENING
Combined influence of sedimentation and vegetation on the soil carbon stocks of a coastal wetland in the Changjiang estuary 被引量:2
作者 张天雨 陈怀璞 +2 位作者 曹浩冰 葛振鸣 张利权 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期833-843,共11页
Coastal wetlands play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Large quantities of sediment deposited in the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary by the Changjiang River promote the propagation of coastal wetlands, the... Coastal wetlands play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Large quantities of sediment deposited in the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary by the Changjiang River promote the propagation of coastal wetlands, the expansion of saltmarsh vegetation, and carbon sequestration. In this study, using the Chongming Dongtan Wetland in the Changjiang estuary as the study area, the spatial and temporal distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and the influences of sedimentation and vegetation on the SOC stocks of the coastal wetland were examined in 2013. There was sediment accretion in the northern and middle areas of the wetland and in the Phragmites australis marsh in the southern area, and sediment erosion in the Scirpus mariqueter marsh and the bare mudflat in the southem area. More SOC accumulated in sediments of the vegetated marsh than in the bare mudflat. The total organic carbon (TOC) stocks increased in the above-ground biomass from spring to autumn and decreased in winter; in the below-ground biomass, they gradually increased from spring to winter. The TOC stocks were higher in the below-ground biomass than in the above-ground biomass in the P. australis and Spartina alterniflora marshes, but were lower in the below-ground biomass in S. mariqueter marsh. Stocks of SOC showed temporal variation and increased gradually in all transects from spring to winter. The SOC stocks tended to decrease from the high marsh down to the bare mudflat along the three transects in the order: P. australis marsh 〉 S. alterniflora marsh 〉 S. mariqueter marsh 〉 bare mudflat. The SOC stocks of the same vegetation type were higher in the northern and middle transects than in the southern transect. These results suggest that interactions between sedimentation and vegetation regulate the SOC stocks in the coastal wetland in the Changjiang estuary. 展开更多
关键词 coastal wetland SEDIMENTATION soil organic carbon spatial-temporal pattern Changjiang estuary
作者 吴洁 《中国科技画报》 2002年第6期16-17,共2页
关键词 耐盐植物 锦葵 海滨盐土资源 可持续利用 土壤改良 含盐量
Effects of Rice-Wheat Rotation and Afforestation on Microbial Biomass Carbon in Coastal Salt-Affected Soils of Eastern China
作者 JIN Wenhui YANG Jingsong +3 位作者 YAO Rongjiang YU Shipeng LIU Meixian XIE Wenping 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期938-948,共11页
Rice-wheat rotation and poplar afforestation are two typical land use types in the coastal reclaimed flatlands of eastern China. This study investigated two rice-wheat rotation lands (one reclaimed from 1995 to 2004 ... Rice-wheat rotation and poplar afforestation are two typical land use types in the coastal reclaimed flatlands of eastern China. This study investigated two rice-wheat rotation lands (one reclaimed from 1995 to 2004 and cultivated since 2005, RW1, and the other reclaimed from 1975 to 1995 and cultivated since 1996, RW2) and a poplar woodland (reclaimed from 1995 to 2004 and planted in 2004, PWl) to determine the effects of land use types and years of cultivation on soil microbial biomass and mineralizable carbon (C) in this coastal salt-affected region. The results showed that the soil in PWl remained highly salinized, whereas desalinization was observed in RWl. The total organic C (TOC) in the top soil of PWl and RW1 did not show significant differences, whereas at a soil depth of 20-30 cm, the TOC of RWl was approximately 40%-67% higher than that of PWl. The TOC of 0-30-cm soil in RW2 was approximately 37% higher than that in RW1. Microbial biomass C (MBC) and mineralizable C (MNC) exhibited the trend of RW2 〉 RWl 〉 PWl. Sufficient nutrition with more abundant C substrates resulted in higher MBC and MNC, and soil respiration rates were negatively correlated with C/N in RWl and RW2. Nutrient deficiency and high salinity played key roles in limiting MBC in PWl. These suggested that rice-wheat rotation was more beneficial than poplar afforestation for C accumulation and microbial biomass growth in the coastal salt-affected soils. 展开更多
关键词 carbon availability flatland land use mineralizable carbon nutrition availability total organic carbon
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