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水泥固化Cs、U(Ⅵ)的浸出模型研究 被引量:5
作者 全明 李玉香 +2 位作者 易发成 肖正学 陈雅斓 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期7-13,共7页
采用碱矿渣-粘土复合胶凝材料(AASCM)和普通硅酸盐水泥(OPC)固化模拟放射性泥浆,对固化体中Cs+、U(Ⅵ)的浸出性能进行了研究。根据Fick第二定律建立并优化了预测核素浸出行为的二维衰变浸出模型。通过MATLAB软件编程计算,以非恒定表观... 采用碱矿渣-粘土复合胶凝材料(AASCM)和普通硅酸盐水泥(OPC)固化模拟放射性泥浆,对固化体中Cs+、U(Ⅵ)的浸出性能进行了研究。根据Fick第二定律建立并优化了预测核素浸出行为的二维衰变浸出模型。通过MATLAB软件编程计算,以非恒定表观扩散系数的二维衰变模型对Cs+、U(Ⅵ)的浸出行为进行了预测。结果表明:AASCM固化Cs+、U(Ⅵ)的能力大于OPC,浸出28d后,AASCM中Cs+、U(Ⅵ)的累积浸出分数分别低于OPC的1/5和1/2;Cs+、U(Ⅵ)浸出的表观扩散系数呈衰减趋势,当考虑表观扩散系数衰减时,二维衰变浸出模型对OPC固化Cs+、U(Ⅵ)及AASCM固化U(Ⅵ)的浸出行为预测较好,但对离子交换吸附作用较强的AASCM固化体中Cs+浸出行为预测较差。 展开更多
关键词 水泥固化体 行为 扩散 浸出模型
水泥固化体中核素浸出模型的比较研究 被引量:4
作者 李玉香 全明 +2 位作者 易发成 肖正学 陈雅斓 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期214-219,共6页
基于水泥固化体中放射性核素浸出的扩散机制,根据Fick第二定律及初始和边界条件建立了二维衰变浸出模型。通过修正表观扩散系数,用二维衰变浸出模型对实验室规模碱矿渣-黏土复合胶凝材料及工业规模抗硫酸盐水泥固化137Cs的浸出行为进行... 基于水泥固化体中放射性核素浸出的扩散机制,根据Fick第二定律及初始和边界条件建立了二维衰变浸出模型。通过修正表观扩散系数,用二维衰变浸出模型对实验室规模碱矿渣-黏土复合胶凝材料及工业规模抗硫酸盐水泥固化137Cs的浸出行为进行了预测,并与已有的一维浸出模型和一维衰变浸出模型进行了比较。结果表明,二维衰变浸出模型预测值与实验值的符合度较好。 展开更多
关键词 水泥固化体 放射性核素 行为 浸出模型
岩洞处置环境下混合树脂水泥固化体中五类关键核素的长期浸出行为研究 被引量:1
作者 丁芸 谢文章 +7 位作者 王烈林 杜颖哲 林鹏 李坤峰 尹雯 兰蕊 谢华 任馨玥 《化工矿物与加工》 CAS 2023年第12期37-43,共7页
根据国内某核电厂的放射性废树脂水泥固化体组成,制备了含Sr、Cs、Ni、Co、I五类关键模拟核素的混合树脂水泥固化体,对水泥固化体中五类关键核素的长期浸出行为进行了研究,结果表明:在24 h~192 d浸出周期内,浸出液的pH平均值为11.54,核... 根据国内某核电厂的放射性废树脂水泥固化体组成,制备了含Sr、Cs、Ni、Co、I五类关键模拟核素的混合树脂水泥固化体,对水泥固化体中五类关键核素的长期浸出行为进行了研究,结果表明:在24 h~192 d浸出周期内,浸出液的pH平均值为11.54,核素始终在碱性环境下参与溶浸;电导率呈震荡走高趋势,固化体中持续有组分溶出;五类核素的浸出率和累积浸出分数均满足GB 14569.1-2011《低、中水平放射性废物固化体性能要求—水泥固化体》的相关要求;Cs的浸出率最高,在固化体中的迁移能力最强,I的浸出率最低,比标准值低3个数量级;一维衰变浸出模型能较好地预测核素Co、Cs、Ni的浸出行为;Sr的浸出分别由一维浸出模型和线性浸出模型共同控制,72 d后呈加速浸出态势。 展开更多
关键词 岩洞处置 水泥固化 关键核素 行为 表观扩散系数 一维浸出模型 线性浸出模型
利用油基岩屑制备水泥路面基层的力学性能及重金属浸出特性研究 被引量:3
作者 崔长颢 李丽 +3 位作者 刘美佳 王健媛 闫大海 陈超 《环境科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期805-813,共9页
油基岩屑是石油开采时产生的危险废物,随着我国石油勘探开发能力的不断提升,因油基岩屑造成的环境污染和资源浪费问题已不容忽视.资源化利用油基岩屑将对油气行业环境保护和可持续发展起到重要促进作用.为探明利用油基岩屑制备水泥道路... 油基岩屑是石油开采时产生的危险废物,随着我国石油勘探开发能力的不断提升,因油基岩屑造成的环境污染和资源浪费问题已不容忽视.资源化利用油基岩屑将对油气行业环境保护和可持续发展起到重要促进作用.为探明利用油基岩屑制备水泥道路结构的可行性,制作11种不同配合比的水泥路面基层试件,通过无侧限抗压、劈裂抗拉以及抗压回弹试验,探寻符合相关力学性能要求且岩屑掺加量最大的试件,随即对其开展浸出试验以研究重金属浸出规律,并通过浸出动力学模型拟合重金属长期浸出量.结果表明:①随着油基岩屑掺加量的提升,水泥路面基层试件的无侧限抗压强度、劈裂抗拉强度以及抗压回弹模量同时呈下降趋势.当岩屑掺加量为12%时,试件相关力学指标满足《公路路面基层施工技术细则》(JTG/T F20—2015)和四川省农村公路基层材料设计参数要求,此时岩屑掺加量达到最大.②Ba、Mn、Pb、Zn为油基岩屑中的特征污染物.Ba、Mn、Pb累积浸出量的变化趋势较为一致,在第64天时基本达到浸出平衡;而Zn的累积浸出量在第64天时仍持续增长.4种重金属在全浸出阶段的浸出行为都受到扩散控制影响.③Ba和Pb的浸出规律符合Elovich方程,而二阶动力学方程更适用于描述试件中Mn的浸出特性.若长期使用利用油基岩屑制备的水泥路面基层,应更加关注Mn的浸出风险.研究显示,油基岩屑可以替代部分天然矿石制备水泥路面基层,建议进一步拓展其资源化利用场景,以期为岩屑资源化利用技术的发展提供支撑. 展开更多
关键词 油基岩屑 水泥路面基层 累积 行为 浸出模型
地质水泥固化体中Sr(Ⅱ)、Cs(Ⅰ)、U(Ⅵ)的长期浸出行为研究 被引量:1
作者 王文文 谢华 +3 位作者 王烈林 桑培伦 苏伟 张霖涛 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期1740-1747,共8页
以深圳航天科技创新研究院研制的地质水泥为固化基材,通过考察Sr(Ⅱ)、Cs(Ⅰ)、U(Ⅵ)在地质水泥固化体中2.5a内的浸出率Rn、累积浸出分数Pt以及物相、显微结构等参量的变化,研究了模拟核素的浸出规律和机理,并构建了其长期浸出模型。在... 以深圳航天科技创新研究院研制的地质水泥为固化基材,通过考察Sr(Ⅱ)、Cs(Ⅰ)、U(Ⅵ)在地质水泥固化体中2.5a内的浸出率Rn、累积浸出分数Pt以及物相、显微结构等参量的变化,研究了模拟核素的浸出规律和机理,并构建了其长期浸出模型。在整个浸出周期内,浸出试验始终在碱性环境中进行,这对地质水泥吸附核素有利;浸出液的电导率在核素浓度达到平衡后仍在缓慢变化,说明除核素外,水泥固化体中的其余离子也参与了溶浸,这也从XRD的测试结果得到了证实;第42d时Sr(Ⅱ)、Cs(Ⅰ)、U(Ⅵ)的Rn和Pt值均低于国家限定标准,表明地质水泥对这3种核素均具有较好的固化能力,其中对U(Ⅵ)和Sr(Ⅱ)的滞留远高于Cs(Ⅰ);一维衰变浸出模型能很好地预测地质水泥固化体中Sr(Ⅱ)、Cs(Ⅰ)、U(Ⅵ)长达2.5a的浸出行为。 展开更多
关键词 地质水泥固化体 Sr(Ⅱ) Cs(Ⅰ) U(Ⅵ) 行为 浸出模型
玻璃固化体抗浸蚀性能实验研究进展 被引量:1
作者 吴萍萍 张骋 +3 位作者 徐海芳 黄德新 徐冰 蒋丹宇 《现代技术陶瓷》 CAS 2010年第3期28-34,共7页
玻璃固化是高放废物固化中较成熟、应用较广的一种技术。本文综述了玻璃固化体的浸出机理、浸出模型及浸蚀实验方法的研究进展。针对目前对温度和pH这两种因素在静态条件下的影响情况研究较多,对气体环境、压强和辐射等因素对玻璃固化... 玻璃固化是高放废物固化中较成熟、应用较广的一种技术。本文综述了玻璃固化体的浸出机理、浸出模型及浸蚀实验方法的研究进展。针对目前对温度和pH这两种因素在静态条件下的影响情况研究较多,对气体环境、压强和辐射等因素对玻璃固化体浸出行为的影响研究较少的现状,建议今后应重点进行玻璃固化体受浸泡剂-温度-辐射-压力-气流等多种因素耦合作用影响的抗侵蚀实验研究。 展开更多
关键词 高放废物固化体 玻璃固化体 浸出模型 泡实验
Recovery of indium by acid leaching waste ITO target based on neural network 被引量:5
作者 李瑞迪 袁铁锤 +3 位作者 范文博 邱子力 苏文俊 钟楠骞 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第1期257-262,共6页
The optimized leaching techniques were studied by technical experiment and neural network optimization for improving indium leaching rate. Firstly, effect of single technical parameter on leaching rate was investigate... The optimized leaching techniques were studied by technical experiment and neural network optimization for improving indium leaching rate. Firstly, effect of single technical parameter on leaching rate was investigated experimentally with other parameters fixed as constants. The results show that increasing residual acidity can improve leaching rate of indium. Increasing the oxidant content can obviously increase leaching rate but the further addition of oxidant could not improve the leaching rate. The enhancement of temperature can improve the leaching rate while the further enhancement of temperature decreases it. Extension leaching time can improve the leaching rate. On this basis, a BPNN model was established to study the effects of multi-parameters on leaching rate. The results show that the relative error is extremely small, thus the BPNN model has a high prediction precision. At last, optimized technical parameters which can yield high leaching rate of 99.5%were obtained by experimental and BPNN studies:residual acidity 50-60 g/L, oxidant addition content 10%, leaching temperature 70 ℃ and leaching time 2 h. 展开更多
关键词 INDIUM leaching rate ITO waste target BPNN model
Kinetics of nitric acid leaching of low-grade rare earth elements from phosphogypsum 被引量:4
作者 ZENG Chu-xiong GUAN Qing-jun +4 位作者 SUI Ying YUWei-jian BU Yong-jie LIU Chu-feng ZHANG Zhen-yue 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第6期1869-1880,共12页
Phosphogypsum(PG)is a potential resource for rare earth elements(REEs).Several studies have been carried out on REE leaching from PG.However,few in-depth studies have investigated the kinetics of this leaching process... Phosphogypsum(PG)is a potential resource for rare earth elements(REEs).Several studies have been carried out on REE leaching from PG.However,few in-depth studies have investigated the kinetics of this leaching process.In this study,the leaching kinetics of REEs from PG in nitric acid at different temperatures were explored in depth.The experiments show that the maximum leaching recovery for ΣREE was 58.5%,75.9%and 83.4%at 30,60 and 80℃,respectively.Additionally,among La,Ce,Y and Nd,Y had the highest leaching rate.A new shrinking core model(SCM)based on the dissolution reaction of a cylindrical solid particle with interfacial transfer and diffusion across the product layer as the rate-controlling step was deduced and could well fit the leaching process of REEs from PG.The activation energies for the leaching of La,Ce,Y and Nd were determined on the basis of the new cylindrical SCM.In summary,the cylindrical SCM was a more suitable fitting model than the spherical SCM,and the interfacial transfer and diffusion across the product layer were the rate-controlling step for REE leaching from the PG sample. 展开更多
关键词 PHOSPHOGYPSUM rare earth elements leaching kinetics shrinking core model nitric acid
Selective leaching of chromium-containing slag by HCl 被引量:1
作者 杨志辉 柴立元 +2 位作者 王云燕 赵堃 舒余德 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第6期824-829,共6页
A batch of column experiments was carried out to investigate the change of Cr(Ⅵ) concentration leached out from chromium-containing slag with HCI as leaching agent, and to study influences of pH, ratio of solid mas... A batch of column experiments was carried out to investigate the change of Cr(Ⅵ) concentration leached out from chromium-containing slag with HCI as leaching agent, and to study influences of pH, ratio of solid mass to solution volume, flow velocity and temperature on Cr(Ⅵ) leaching. The optimal parameters were obtained for Cr(Ⅵ) leaching and a fitting model was established to describe the procedure of Cr(Ⅵ) leaching. The results show that Cr(Ⅵ) concentration in leachate increases with decreasing pH and increasing flow velocity and temperature. Moreover, Cr(Ⅵ) leaching percentage increases with increasing ratio of solid mass to solution volume. The optimal parameters for Cr(Ⅵ) selective leaching are as follows: pH=3.0, 1:5 of ratio of solid mass to solution volume, 180 mL/min of flow velocity and 40 ℃ of temperature. The procedure of Cr(Ⅵ) leaching fits well with the model: v= 1.87t^-0.54, indicating that the leaching rate of Cr(Ⅵ) declines in an exponential order of-0.54. 展开更多
关键词 chromium-containing slag Cr(Ⅵ) leaching leaching rate dynamic model
Kinetics of zinc sulfide concentrate direct leaching in pilot plant scale and development of semi-empirical model 被引量:4
作者 Nima SADEGHI Javad MOGHADDAM Mehdi OJAGHI ILKHCHI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第10期2272-2281,共10页
The direct leaching kinetics of an iron-poor zinc sulfide concentrate in the tubular reactor was examined.All tests werecarried out in the pilot plant.To allow the execution of hydrostatic pressure condition,the slurr... The direct leaching kinetics of an iron-poor zinc sulfide concentrate in the tubular reactor was examined.All tests werecarried out in the pilot plant.To allow the execution of hydrostatic pressure condition,the slurry with ferrous sulfate and sulfuric acidsolution was filled into a vertical tube(9m in height)and air was blown from the bottom of the reactor.The effects of initial acidconcentration,temperature,particle size,initial zinc sulfate concentration,pulp density and the concentration of Fe on the leachingkinetics were investigated.Results of the kinetic analysis indicate that direct leaching of zinc sulfide concentrate follows shrinkingcore model(SCM).This process was controlled by a chemical reaction with the apparent activation energy of49.7kJ/mol.Furthermore,a semi-empirical equation is obtained,showing that the order of the iron,sulfuric acid and zinc sulfate concentrationsand particle radius are0.982,0.189,-0.097and-0.992,respectively.Analysis of the unreacted and reacted sulfide particles bySEM-EDS shows that insensitive agitation in the reactor causes detachment of the sulfur layer from the particles surface in lowerthan60%Zn conversion and lixiviant in the face with sphalerite particles. 展开更多
关键词 KINETICS direct leaching SPHALERITE shrinking core model (SCM) pilot plant
Modeling and Simulation of Enargite Bioleaching
作者 宋健 林建群 +2 位作者 高玲 林建强 曲音波 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第5期785-790,共6页
A mathematical model for enargite bioleaching at 70℃ by Sulfolobus BC in shake-flasks has been constructed. The model included (1) the indirect leaching by Fe^3+ and Fe^3+ regeneration by suspended Sulfolobus, a... A mathematical model for enargite bioleaching at 70℃ by Sulfolobus BC in shake-flasks has been constructed. The model included (1) the indirect leaching by Fe^3+ and Fe^3+ regeneration by suspended Sulfolobus, and (2) the direct leaching by the attached Sulfolobus. The model parameters were optimized using genetic algorithm (GA). Simulations of the ferric leaching, and bioleaching processes were done using this model. The dynamic changes of the concentrations of Cu^2+, As^3+, As^5+, Fe^3+ and/or Fe^2+, as well as ferric-arsenate precipitation were accurately predicted. 展开更多
关键词 BIOLEACHING ferric leaching ENARGITE MODELING ARSENIC redox potential
Process optimization and kinetics for leaching of cerium, lanthanum and neodymium elements from iron ore waste's apatite by nitric acid 被引量:1
作者 A.FERDOWSI H.YOOZBASHIZADEH 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期420-428,共9页
The leaching of rare earth elements (REEs) including cerium, lanthanum and neodymium from apatite concentrate obtained from iron ore wastes by nitric acid was studied. The effects of nitric acid concentration, soli... The leaching of rare earth elements (REEs) including cerium, lanthanum and neodymium from apatite concentrate obtained from iron ore wastes by nitric acid was studied. The effects of nitric acid concentration, solid to liquid ratio and leaching time on the recoveries of Ce, La and Nd were investigated using response surface methodology. The results showed that the acid concentration and solid to liquid ratio have significant effect on the leaching recoveries while the time has a little effect. The maximum REE leaching recoveries of 66.1%, 56.8% and 51.7% for Ce, La and Nd, respectively were achieved at the optimum leaching condition with 18% nitric acid concentration, 0.06 solid to liquid ratio and 38 min leaching time. The kinetics of cerium leaching was investigated using shrinking core model. It was observed that the leaching is composed of two stages. In the first stage a sharp increase in cerium leaching recovery was observed and at the longer time the leaching became slower. It was found that in the first stage the diffusion of reactants from ash layer is the rate controlling mechanism with an apparent activation energy of 6.54 kJ/mol, while in the second stage the mass transfer in the solution is the controlling mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 rare earth elements APATITE LEACHING response surface methodology shrinking core model
Leaching process of rare earths from weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore 被引量:35
作者 田君 池汝安 尹敬群 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期892-896,共5页
In order to strengthen the leaching procedure,the chemical processes of leaching rare earths (RE) from the weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore were investigated frow the viewpoints of kinetics,hydrodynami... In order to strengthen the leaching procedure,the chemical processes of leaching rare earths (RE) from the weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore were investigated frow the viewpoints of kinetics,hydrodynamic and mass transfer.The results show that the leaching hydrodynamics follows the Darcy law.The leaching kinetics can be described by the shrinking core model;the leaching process is controlled by diffusion of porous solid layer;and the mass transfer can be described with Van Deemter equation.This provides a theoretic basis and a scientific approach with high efficiency and optimized extraction conditions in industrial practice. 展开更多
关键词 weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore LEACHING HYDRODYNAMICS kinetics mass transfer
Leaching kinetics of antimony-bearing complex sulfides ore in hydrochloric acid solution with ozone 被引量:1
作者 Xue-yi GUO Yun-tao XIN +1 位作者 Hao WANG Qing-hua TIAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期2073-2081,共9页
The leaching kinetics of Sb and Fe from antimony-bearing complex sulfides ore was investigated in HCl solution by oxidation?leaching with ozone.The effects of temperature,HCl concentration,stirring speed and particle ... The leaching kinetics of Sb and Fe from antimony-bearing complex sulfides ore was investigated in HCl solution by oxidation?leaching with ozone.The effects of temperature,HCl concentration,stirring speed and particle size on the process were explored.It is found that the recoveries of Sb and Fe reach86.1%and28.8%,respectively,when the reaction conditions are4.0mol/L HCl,900r/min stirring speed at85°C with<0.074mm particle size after50min leaching.XRD analysis indicates that no new solid product forms in the leaching residue and the leaching process can be described by shrinking core model.The leaching of Sb corresponds to diffusion-controlled model at low temperature(15?45°C)and mixed-controlled model at high temperature(45?85°C),and the apparent activation energies are6.91and17.93kJ/mol,respectively.The leaching of Fe corresponds to diffusion-controlled model,and the apparent activation energy is1.99kJ/mol.Three semi-empirical rate equations are obtained to describe the leaching process. 展开更多
关键词 OZONE antimony-bearing complex sulfides ore oxidation-leaching kinetic mixed-controlled model diffusioncontrolled model
Technological conditions and kinetics of leaching copper from complex copper oxide ore 被引量:11
作者 孙锡良 陈白珍 +1 位作者 杨喜云 刘有源 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第6期936-941,共6页
The kinetic behavior of leaching copper from low grade copper oxide ore was investigated. The effects of leaching temperature, H2SO4 concentration, particle size of crude ore and agitation rate on the leaching efficie... The kinetic behavior of leaching copper from low grade copper oxide ore was investigated. The effects of leaching temperature, H2SO4 concentration, particle size of crude ore and agitation rate on the leaching efficiency of copper were also evaluated. And the kinetic equations of the leaching process were obtained. The results show that the leaching process can be described with a reaction model of shrinking core. The reaction can be divided into three stages. The first stage is the dissolution of free copper oxide and copper oxide wrapped by hematite-limonite ore. At this stage, the leaching efficiency is very fast (leaching efficiency is larger than 60%). The second stage is the leaching of diffiuent copper oxides, whose apparent activation energy is 43.26 kJ/mol. During this process, the chemical reaction is the control step, and the reaction order of H2SO4 is 0.433 84. The third stage is the leaching of copper oxide wrapped by hematite-limonite and silicate ore with apparent activation energy of 16.08 kJ/mol, which belongs to the mixed control. 展开更多
关键词 copper oxide ore H2SO4 LEACHING KINETICS activation energy
Thermodynamics of solubility of Cu_2(OH)_2CO_3 in ammonia-ammonium chloride-ethylenediamine(En)-water system 被引量:2
作者 刘维 唐谟堂 +3 位作者 唐朝波 何静 杨声海 杨建广 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第2期336-343,共8页
In order to decrease the evaporating rate of ammonia and increase the solubility of copper in the solution,ethylenediamine was added into the ammonia-ammonium chloride system to leach the copper-containing oxide ores.... In order to decrease the evaporating rate of ammonia and increase the solubility of copper in the solution,ethylenediamine was added into the ammonia-ammonium chloride system to leach the copper-containing oxide ores.The thermodynamic model was constructed and the solubility of malachite Cu2(OH)2CO3 in the ammonia-ammonium chloride-ethylenediamine(En)-water system was calculated using the exponential computation method based on both mass balance and charge balance.It is found that the solubility of copper can be increased and the free ammonia concentration can be decreased by submitting partial ammonia with ethylenediamine.The lower free ammonia concentration in the solution is a guarantee to the lower evaporating rate of ammonia.The conditions of malachite Cu2(OH)2CO3 converting to atacamite Cu(OH)1.5Cl0.5 were also studied.A group of experiments were designed to validate the veracity of the results of the thermodynamic calculation.It is found that the thermodynamic model is reliable and it can guide the leaching process. 展开更多
关键词 thermodynamics solubility malachite ammonia ammonium chloride ethylenediamine(En)
Dissolution kinetics of copper from multi-metal copper alloy roasted in oxygen
作者 卢伟红 尹周澜 +1 位作者 丁治英 刘洋 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期335-340,共6页
A kinetic study on the sulfuric acid leaching of multi-metal oxide, which is the product of multi-metal copper alloy with iron trioxide roasted in oxygen, was carried out. The effects of leaching time, stirring speed,... A kinetic study on the sulfuric acid leaching of multi-metal oxide, which is the product of multi-metal copper alloy with iron trioxide roasted in oxygen, was carried out. The effects of leaching time, stirring speed, sulfuric acid concentration, reaction temperature, and particle size of the multi-metal oxide on the kinetics and mechanism of copper extraction were studied. It was found that the reaction kinetic model about the copper extraction from multi-metal oxide follows the mixed kinetic shrinking core mode: 1/31n(1-X)+(1-X)-l/3-1=680.5C(H2SO4)0.4297dp0.75115exp(-Ea/RT)t. 展开更多
关键词 leaching kinetic multi-metal copper alloy ROASTING
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