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作者 陈德敏 许浩文 +3 位作者 王昭 陆彪 王郭兴 王行银 《电工电能新技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期12-19,共8页
为提升电力开关柜散热性能、提高供配电稳定性,本文依据传热学基础理论对电力开关柜传热过程进行分析,采用溶液共混法成功制备了适用于电力开关柜母线散热的涂层材料,并基于电磁-热-流多物理场耦合原理构建了电力开关柜涂层-热分析模型... 为提升电力开关柜散热性能、提高供配电稳定性,本文依据传热学基础理论对电力开关柜传热过程进行分析,采用溶液共混法成功制备了适用于电力开关柜母线散热的涂层材料,并基于电磁-热-流多物理场耦合原理构建了电力开关柜涂层-热分析模型,结合母线负载电流计算理论,从涂层热导率、发射率等方面对涂覆散热涂层前后的电力开关柜传热特性进行分析。结果表明:涂层热导率相比于涂层发射率对母线温升影响较小,母线表面涂覆涂层之后,B相母线表面发射率由0.2增大到0.846时,三相母线最大负载电流与未涂覆相比提升18.75%。 展开更多
关键词 电力开关柜 母线温升 散热涂层材料 涂层-热分析模型 散热性能分析
环氧树脂防腐蚀涂层失效的红外分析 被引量:5
作者 游革新 汪家琪 《材料保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期128-130,共3页
某企业工件表面防腐蚀涂层尚未出厂就开始脱落,为分析失效原因,对使用后的溶剂、固化剂、环氧树脂进行红外光谱检测,发现原材料无误。通过进行涂层失效分析,发现失效涂料中环氧树脂与固化剂的特征峰的调配比例为1.3∶1.0,远远偏离6.0∶... 某企业工件表面防腐蚀涂层尚未出厂就开始脱落,为分析失效原因,对使用后的溶剂、固化剂、环氧树脂进行红外光谱检测,发现原材料无误。通过进行涂层失效分析,发现失效涂料中环氧树脂与固化剂的特征峰的调配比例为1.3∶1.0,远远偏离6.0∶1.0的正常比例。因此,失效原因为环氧树脂与固化剂的调配比例不当。 展开更多
关键词 固化剂 环氧树脂 红外光谱 涂层失效分析
高速动车组涂层缺陷研究 被引量:3
作者 孙玉英 李妍 +2 位作者 王艳 刘民军 司万强 《现代涂料与涂装》 CAS 2014年第3期50-53,共4页
CRH3型动车组生产初期完全采用西门子技术转让中要求的涂装体系及施工工艺,由于国内施工环境与德国西门子的施工环境相差较大,导致引进的涂装体系出现了严重的水土不服现象。在施工过程中,尤其在温度高、湿度大的夏季,车体涂层经常出现... CRH3型动车组生产初期完全采用西门子技术转让中要求的涂装体系及施工工艺,由于国内施工环境与德国西门子的施工环境相差较大,导致引进的涂装体系出现了严重的水土不服现象。在施工过程中,尤其在温度高、湿度大的夏季,车体涂层经常出现严重的缺陷,不能满足《CRH3型动车组涂层质量评估标准》。由于涂层缺陷导致了大量的返修工作,材料及人工成本明显增加,同时影响到动车组的生产进度,引起公司领导的高度重视。为了解决涂层缺陷问题,技术人员联合涂料制造商在唐车现场进行了大量的涂装工艺试验,确立了适合唐车施工环境的涂装工艺。 展开更多
关键词 高速动车组 涂层缺陷类型及分析 工艺改进
作者 冯亚菲 朱玉琴 +3 位作者 苏艳 代璐 李佳蒙 龙仕腾 《装备环境工程》 CAS 2022年第12期73-81,共9页
目的研究2种防护涂层体系在湿热海洋环境下自然暴露3 a的防护性能劣化规律。方法确定试验件为钢-铝(钢)螺接连接件,试验地点为海南万宁,并按周期测得不同暴露时间下涂层A和涂层B的外观形貌、色差、光泽度、表面傅里叶红外光谱、电化学... 目的研究2种防护涂层体系在湿热海洋环境下自然暴露3 a的防护性能劣化规律。方法确定试验件为钢-铝(钢)螺接连接件,试验地点为海南万宁,并按周期测得不同暴露时间下涂层A和涂层B的外观形貌、色差、光泽度、表面傅里叶红外光谱、电化学阻抗的相关数据。通过对比分析测试结果,判断2种涂层在不同暴露时间下的劣化程度,并最终得到其劣化规律。结果涂层A自然暴露1 a老化严重,紧固件区域涂层剥落,平板区域失光率约为75%,阻抗模量降低5个数量级,色差ΔE*为5(轻微变色),涂层有机基团老化降解严重。涂层B自然暴露2 a,老化较严重,紧固件区域涂层剥落、生锈,平板失光率约为20%,阻抗模量降低2个数量级,色差ΔE^(*)为11(严重变色),涂层有机基团轻微老化降解。结论对于螺钉连接结构,连接区域不仅更容易被腐蚀,而且增加了附近平板区域的不一致性。涂层体系B的保护能力优于涂层体系A,涂层体系B的有效保护时间约为2 a,而涂层体系A则不到1 a。 展开更多
关键词 自然暴露试验 涂层劣化分析 防护能力
作者 邱伊健 姚孝寒 +2 位作者 熊剑 杨卿远 丁豹 《江西科学》 2023年第6期1153-1157,1197,共6页
针对垃圾焚烧锅炉受热面易受高温氧化,易被氯、硫、钒及熔盐腐蚀等问题,利用超音速火焰喷涂技术和无气喷涂技术在锅炉基体表面成功制备了兼有金属和陶瓷属性的INCONEL625-KN680复合涂层。表征了复合涂层的微观形貌,测试与分析了复合涂... 针对垃圾焚烧锅炉受热面易受高温氧化,易被氯、硫、钒及熔盐腐蚀等问题,利用超音速火焰喷涂技术和无气喷涂技术在锅炉基体表面成功制备了兼有金属和陶瓷属性的INCONEL625-KN680复合涂层。表征了复合涂层的微观形貌,测试与分析了复合涂层的结合强度、表面硬度、常温和高温耐磨性、高温熔盐腐蚀性能及高温摩擦系数。结果表明,复合涂层的结合强度达到65 MPa,表面硬度达到73.4HR15N,复合涂层的抗冲蚀性能达到锅炉基材的7~8倍,高温耐磨性比基材提升了10%~20%,各项性能指标明显优于锅炉基材,大幅地提高了锅炉的使用寿命。 展开更多
关键词 超音速火焰喷涂 INCONEL625粉末 KN680陶瓷浆料 涂层性能分析测试
X射线光电子能谱在镁合金研究中的应用 被引量:1
作者 乐韵琳 冯均利 +3 位作者 庞兴志 佘加 杨文超 湛永钟 《中国无机分析化学》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第10期1065-1076,共12页
X射线光电子能谱技术作为一种十分有效且应用广泛的表面分析技术,在镁合金领域尤其是解决其表面腐蚀、氧化等问题上具有独特的优势。介绍了近年来X射线光电子能谱在镁合金研究中的应用,阐述了X射线光电子能谱在镁合金的元素组成与含量... X射线光电子能谱技术作为一种十分有效且应用广泛的表面分析技术,在镁合金领域尤其是解决其表面腐蚀、氧化等问题上具有独特的优势。介绍了近年来X射线光电子能谱在镁合金研究中的应用,阐述了X射线光电子能谱在镁合金的元素组成与含量、化学态分析及关键组分分析中的应用,从而表明其在镁合金材料表面性质分析及腐蚀、磨损机理研究方面的重要作用,并就其应用前景提出了展望。 展开更多
关键词 X射线光电子能谱(XPS) 镁合金 表面分析 表征 涂层分析
常温固化氟碳涂料耐老化性能研究 被引量:7
作者 于雪艳 陈正涛 +2 位作者 李旭朝 肖玲 桂泰江 《涂料工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期21-27,共7页
选择了4种氟碳树脂制备常温固化氟碳涂料,进行了物理机械性能测试,通过紫外光-冷凝法对涂层进行了加速老化试验。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、原子力显微扫描电镜(AFM)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、X-射线能谱仪(EDX)等现代分析手段,结... 选择了4种氟碳树脂制备常温固化氟碳涂料,进行了物理机械性能测试,通过紫外光-冷凝法对涂层进行了加速老化试验。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、原子力显微扫描电镜(AFM)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、X-射线能谱仪(EDX)等现代分析手段,结合涂层光泽的测定,对经过不同老化时间的涂层表面微观变化与涂层光泽保持率变化进行了对应性研究。比较了4种氟碳树脂涂料的耐老化性能,并对氟碳树脂耐老化性能进行了理论分析,结果表明:FEVE氟碳涂料具有优异的耐老化性;以更大交替性的醚类单体和位阻型大单体合成的FEVE氟碳树脂具有更优异的耐老化性能。 展开更多
关键词 常温固化氟碳涂料 加速老化 耐老化性能 涂层表面分析 涂层光泽
Fast Evaluation of Degradation Degree of Organic Coatings by Analyzing Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Data 被引量:21
作者 XIA Dahai SONG Shizhe +2 位作者 WANG Jihui BI Huichao HAN Zhewen 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2012年第1期15-20,共6页
The degradation coefficient is proposed to evaluate the degradation degree of organic coatings by directly anaIyzing the Bode plots of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data. This paper investigated t... The degradation coefficient is proposed to evaluate the degradation degree of organic coatings by directly anaIyzing the Bode plots of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data. This paper investigated the degradation of phenolic epoxy coating/tinplate system by EIS and the degradation coefficient value, which correlates well with the results of breakpoint frequency and variation of phase angle at 10 Hz. Furthermore, the degradation process was confirmed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and scanning probe microscopy (SPM). It is concluded that degradation coefficient can be used for the fast evaluation of degradation degree of organic coatings in practical appli- cations. 展开更多
关键词 degradation process electrochemical impedance spectroscopy fast evaluation organic coating
Properties of Surface Film on X70 Pipeline Steel in CO_3^(2-)-/HCO_3^- Environment 被引量:1
作者 胡钢 许淳淳 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第2期254-258,共5页
The electrochemical behavior of X70 pipeline steel in (0.5mol·L-1 Na2CO3+1 mol·L-1 NaHCO3) solution was studied by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). X-ray photoel... The electrochemical behavior of X70 pipeline steel in (0.5mol·L-1 Na2CO3+1 mol·L-1 NaHCO3) solution was studied by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to analyze the composition and microstructure of the surface film. The results showed that there were two anodic peaks at -600 mV and -350 mV. The surface film formed at -600 mV mainly consisted of ferrous carbonates and ferrous hydroxycarbonates. It had a small reaction resistance. It was metastable and possessed poor protective property. Numerous pits and microcracks existed on the film, which could be the active paths for the initiation of stress corrosion cracking. The surface film formed at -350 mV, mainly consisted of ferric oxides. It has high reaction resistance and offered good protection for the substrate. 展开更多
关键词 X70 pipeline steel surface film electrochemical impedance spectroscopy X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy scanning electron microscopy
Numerical analysis of elastic coated solids in line contact 被引量:2
作者 王廷剑 王黎钦 +1 位作者 古乐 赵小力 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2470-2481,共12页
A line contact model of elastic coated solids is presented based on the influence coefficients(ICs) of surface displacement and stresses of coating-substrate system and the traditional contact model. The ICs of displa... A line contact model of elastic coated solids is presented based on the influence coefficients(ICs) of surface displacement and stresses of coating-substrate system and the traditional contact model. The ICs of displacement and stresses are obtained from their corresponding frequency response functions(FRF) by using a conversion method based on fast Fourier transformation(FFT). The contact pressure and the stress field in the subsurface are obtained by employing conjugate gradient method(CGM) and discrete convolution fast Fourier transformation(DC-FFT). Comparison of the contact pressure and subsurface stresses obtained by the numerical method with the exact analytical solutions for Hertz contact is conducted, and the results show that the numerical solution has a very high accuracy and verify the validity of the contact model. The effect of the stiffness and thickness of coatings is further numerically studied. The result shows that the effects on contact pressure and contact width are opposite for hard and soft coatings and are intensified with the increase of coating thickness; the locations of crack initiation and propagation are different for soft and hard coatings; the risk of cracks and delaminations of coatings can be brought down by improving the lubrication condition or optimizing the non-dimensional parameter h/bh. This research offers a tool to numerically analyze the problem of elastic coated solids in line contact and make the blindness and randomness of trial-type coating design less. 展开更多
关键词 coating-substrate system contact pressure stress field frequency response function influence coefficient
Finite element and experimental analysis of Vickers indentation testing on Al_2O_3 with diamond-like carbon coating
作者 ZHAI Jian-guang WANG Yi-qi +1 位作者 KIM Tae-gyu SONG Jung-il 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期1175-1181,共7页
Numerical simulation and experimental study of the Vickers indentation testing of the Al2O3 ceramic coated by diamond-like carbon(DLC) layer were conducted.The numerical analysis was implemented by a two-dimensional f... Numerical simulation and experimental study of the Vickers indentation testing of the Al2O3 ceramic coated by diamond-like carbon(DLC) layer were conducted.The numerical analysis was implemented by a two-dimensional finite element(FE) axis symmetry model.FE analysis results gave insight into the fracture mechanism of DLC films coated on brittle ceramic(Al2O3) substrates.The maximum principal stress field was used to locate the most expected area for crack formation and propagation during the Vickers indentation testing.The results show that the median crack initiates in the interface under indenter,before ring crack occurs as the indenter presses down.Finally,the plastic deformation appears when the indenter penetrates into the substrate.The thicker DLC coating increases the Vickers hardness and fracture toughness. 展开更多
关键词 Vickers indentation testing finite element diamond-like carbon AL2O3 fracture toughness
Structure design of gradient hard coatings on YG8 and their residual stress analysis by ANSYS 被引量:1
作者 宋慧瑾 Yan Qiang +2 位作者 Dong Zhihong Guo Wei Tang Yirong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2017年第3期330-336,共7页
A structure of gradient hard coatings( Ti,TiN,TiCN and TiAlN) is designed,and residual stress is simulated by a finite element method with ANSYS. The influence of the realistic situation including load and temperature... A structure of gradient hard coatings( Ti,TiN,TiCN and TiAlN) is designed,and residual stress is simulated by a finite element method with ANSYS. The influence of the realistic situation including load and temperature on the residual stress of the coatings is investigated. Simulated results show that the realistic situation strongly affects the residual stress. To be specific,i) The main residual stress concentrates on the coatings prepared on YG8 substrate,and the residual stress and its gradient of the coatings are bigger than that of the substrate; ii) TiAlN and TiCN coatings have better resistance compression than that of TiN coatings in the same condition; iii) The improved multilayer structure of the gradient hard coatings produces weaker residual stress but higher anti-pressure of the substrate. 展开更多
关键词 gradient coating ANSYS residual stress hard coatings
Experimental and finite element analysis for fracture of coating layer of galvannealed steel sheet 被引量:2
作者 S.I.KIM J.U.HER +1 位作者 Y.C.JANG Y.LEE 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第A01期111-116,共6页
Mechanical properties of galvannealed (GA) steel sheet used for automotive exposed panel and predicted failure phenomenon of its coating layer were evaluated using finite element method. V-bending test was performed t... Mechanical properties of galvannealed (GA) steel sheet used for automotive exposed panel and predicted failure phenomenon of its coating layer were evaluated using finite element method. V-bending test was performed to understand better the fracture of coating layer of GA steel sheet during plastic deformation. Yield strength of the coating layer was calculated by using a relative difference between hardness of coating layer measured from the nano-indentation test and that of substrate. To measure shearing strength at the interface between substrate and coating layer, shearing test with two specimens attached by an adhesive was carried out. Using the mechanical properties measured, a series of finite element analyses coupled with a failure model was performed. Results reveal that the fracture of coating layer occurs in an irregular manner at the region where compressive deformation is dominant. Meanwhile, a series of vertical cracks perpendicular to material surface are observed at the tensile stressed-region. It is found that 0.26-0.28 of local equivalent plastic strain exists at the coating and substrate at the beginning of failure. The fracture of coating layer depends on ductility of the coating layer considerably as well. 展开更多
关键词 galvannealed steel sheet fracture simulation coating layer finite element analysis failure model
Measurement of the Residual Modal Reflectivity of AR Coating on a SLD
作者 MA Dongge SHI Jiawei +2 位作者 LIU Mingda JIN Ensun GAO Dingsan(Jinn University, Changchun 130023, CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1996年第1期6-9,13,共5页
The superluminescent diode has been fabricated by applying an AR coating to the output facet of the semiconductor laser for the purpose of eliminating or suitably reducing the optical feedback. An exact method for mea... The superluminescent diode has been fabricated by applying an AR coating to the output facet of the semiconductor laser for the purpose of eliminating or suitably reducing the optical feedback. An exact method for measuring the modal reflectivity of the antireflection coating to a laser diode is described. It is based on measurements of the spectrum modulation depth of the resulting superluminescent diode output spectrum at arbitrary injection current, and modal reflectivity of less than 3 × 10-4 is obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Antireflection Coatings Optical Films Spectral Analysis OptoelectronicDevices
Computer Aided Thermal Stress Analysis of TBC Coated Specimen
作者 Yasar Kahraman Ibrahim Kutay Yilmazcoban Imdat Taymaz 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2011年第2期83-86,共4页
Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) have been improved for the engine applications. During working process of the engine, components were subjected to thermal stresses. For simulating thermally stressed engine parts, dis... Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) have been improved for the engine applications. During working process of the engine, components were subjected to thermal stresses. For simulating thermally stressed engine parts, disc specimen was objected to airflow at the temperatures about 1,000℃. In this study, finite element structural and thermal analyses were carried out on both uncoated (without coating) and ceramic-coated disc specimen using ANSYS code. A 150 micron super alloy bond coating (NiCrAIY) was first applied to the specimen. Then, the disc specimen was covered by 350 micron thickness of Mullit (3Al2O3.2SiO2) as a top coating. These analysis were performed for detecting the possible thermally problem areas. The disc's thermal stressed problematic areas were determined by the finite element analysis was helpful for improving the geometry and TBC. 展开更多
关键词 Finite element analysis thermal barrier coating stresses.
Cell Area and Strut Distribution Changes of Bent Coronary Stents:A Finite Element Analysis
作者 ZHAO Yang WU Wei +1 位作者 YANG Da-zhi QI Min 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2009年第1期40-46,共7页
Coronary stents are metal coils or mesh tubes delivered to blocked vessels through catheters, whic Recently, special drugs h are expanded by balloons to reopen and scaffold target vessels. are carried by stents (drug... Coronary stents are metal coils or mesh tubes delivered to blocked vessels through catheters, whic Recently, special drugs h are expanded by balloons to reopen and scaffold target vessels. are carried by stents (drug-eluting stents) to further reduce instent restenosis rate after stenting procedure. However, continual study on biomechanical characteristics of stents is necessary provide a more suitable drug loading for better interactions between stents and tissue, or to platform for drug-eluting stents. The purpose of this paper is to show how finite element methods can be used to study cell area and strut distribution changes of bent coronary stents. A same bending deformation was applied to two commercial coronary stent models by a rigid curved vessel. Results show that the stent design influenced the changes of cell area and strut distribution under bending situation. The stent with links had more cell area changes at outer curvature, and the stent with peak-peak ( 〉 〈 ) strut design could have strut contact and overlapping at inner curvature. In conclusion, this finite element method can be used to study and compare cell area and strut distribution changes of bent stents, and to provide a convenient tool for designers in testing and improving biomechanical characteristics of new stents. 展开更多
关键词 coronary stents biomechanical characteristics cell area tissue prolapse strut distribution finite element methods
在循环氧化条件下涂层寿命的预测 被引量:1
作者 武昕 《航空工程与维修》 2000年第1期30-31,34,共3页
关键词 循环氧化 Pt-Al涂层 铝化物涂层寿命分析 GTD-II
离子束辅助沉积(Al,Ti)N硬质涂层工艺优化 被引量:2
作者 李曙光 《航天工艺》 2001年第4期5-9,共5页
金属原子比Ti/(Ti+Al) R1=0~1.0和金属离子原子比(Ti+Al)/N R2=0.5~1.5范围内, 当氮离子束流密度为0.10mA/mm2,氮离子能量为2.0keV时,采用离子束辅助沉积(IBAD)(Al,Ti)N 硬质涂层。工艺优化表明, R1=0.25, R2=1.0时,可得到最佳涂层硬... 金属原子比Ti/(Ti+Al) R1=0~1.0和金属离子原子比(Ti+Al)/N R2=0.5~1.5范围内, 当氮离子束流密度为0.10mA/mm2,氮离子能量为2.0keV时,采用离子束辅助沉积(IBAD)(Al,Ti)N 硬质涂层。工艺优化表明, R1=0.25, R2=1.0时,可得到最佳涂层硬度和表面光洁度。由涂层表面及断面电子扫描镜(SEM)分析,三元素涂层 (Al,Ti)N 组织致密且晶粒细小。由电子探针微分析(EPMA), 涂层内部氮元素处于过饱和状态。由X射线衍射(XRD)分析, 最佳处存在AlN(101) 和 TiN(200)结构。 展开更多
关键词 (Al Ti)N 工艺优化 离子束辅助沉积 硬质涂层 涂层硬度 表面光结度 涂层表面分析 断面电子扫描镜 SEM分析 涂层组织 电子探针细分析EPMA 过饱和 X射线衍射XRD分析
Free vibration analysis of a pre-twisted sandwich blade with thermal barrier coatings layers 被引量:8
作者 CAO DongXing LIU BingYi +1 位作者 YAO MingHui ZHANG Wei 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第11期1747-1761,共15页
A rotating cantilever sandwich-plate model with a pre-twisted and pre-set angle has been developed to investigate the vibrational behavior of an aero-engine turbine blade with thermal barrier coating(TBC) layers. The ... A rotating cantilever sandwich-plate model with a pre-twisted and pre-set angle has been developed to investigate the vibrational behavior of an aero-engine turbine blade with thermal barrier coating(TBC) layers. The classic von Karman plate theory and the first-order shear deformation theory are applied to derive the energy equations of the rotating TBC blade, in which the geometric shapes, the work ambient temperature, and the TBC material properties are considered. The Chebyshev-Ritz method is used to obtain the nature frequency of the rotating TBC blade. For static frequency and modal analysis, the finite-element method(FEM)is also applied to compare and validate the results from the Chebyshev-Ritz method. A good agreement is found among these kinds of methods. For dynamic frequency, the results are analyzed in detail concerning the influence of system parameters such as the thickness of the TBC layer, the working temperature, and the pre-twisted and pre-set angle. Finally, the Campbell diagram is demonstrated to analyze the resonance property of the cantilever sandwich TBC blade model. 展开更多
关键词 thermal barrier coating blade sandwich plate frequency Chebyshev polynomials
Improving the high frequency response of a loudspeaker using hydrogen-free diamond-like carbon film coating at low temperature 被引量:2
作者 LIN ChiiRuey LIU ShinHwa +1 位作者 LIOU WangJeng CHANG ChienKuo 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期385-391,共7页
Hydrogen-free diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films were deposited at low temperature (less than 100~C) by an RF magne- tron sputtering facility. DLC films have the ability to change the sound velocity (E/p) in l... Hydrogen-free diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films were deposited at low temperature (less than 100~C) by an RF magne- tron sputtering facility. DLC films have the ability to change the sound velocity (E/p) in loudspeakers for applications of hard coating. The hydrogen-free DLC films were coated onto PEI diaphragm substrates. The ID/IG ratio and the surface roughness are 2.09 and less than 0.86 nm (Ra) with a scanning area of 50 um x 50 um, respectively. Frequency response analysis of the DLC films on the diaphragm shows that the high frequency response increases by 0.2 dB-5.1 dB (6 kHz-ll.2 kHz), -0.4 dB-1.8 dB (11.8 kHz-20 kHz) on average. On the basis of the results of this study, we validated that it was feasible to sputter hydrogen-free DLC films on polymer substrates for mass production. These results also provided useful parameters for future applications of electro-acoustic devices. 展开更多
关键词 DLC thin films coating DIAPHRAGM frequency response physical vapor deposition
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