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作者 严跃岗 袁朗冀 +1 位作者 贾沼霖 李新义 《海河水利》 2023年第4期64-67,共4页
以两河口水电站下游泄洪消能区两岸边坡锚索施工为研究背景,对电站下游泄洪消能区两岸边坡锚索施工工艺与施工质量控制展开了阐述与研究。首先介绍了锚索生产性试验,然后对锚索施工工艺展开了详细研究,主要包括锚孔钻孔、洗孔与钻孔检... 以两河口水电站下游泄洪消能区两岸边坡锚索施工为研究背景,对电站下游泄洪消能区两岸边坡锚索施工工艺与施工质量控制展开了阐述与研究。首先介绍了锚索生产性试验,然后对锚索施工工艺展开了详细研究,主要包括锚孔钻孔、洗孔与钻孔检测、锚索制作、锚索注浆、锚墩浇筑和预应力锚索张拉等工艺,最后阐述了锚索施工质量控制与检测,结果表明消能区两岸边坡锚索施工质量均符合要求。拟通过本研究为类似边坡工程锚索施工提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 消能区 生产性试验 边坡支护 锚索施工工艺
作者 严跃岗 袁朗冀 贾沼霖 《中国水能及电气化》 2023年第4期1-7,共7页
两河口水电站洞式溢洪道挑坎下泄的水流,对下游泄洪消能区河道的冲刷较严重,需对其进行加固。文章根据实际工程资料对河道和岸坡防冲桩的尺寸及布置进行了设计计算,结合经验公式和规范方法对河道冲刷深度进行了计算,并与实测深度进行了... 两河口水电站洞式溢洪道挑坎下泄的水流,对下游泄洪消能区河道的冲刷较严重,需对其进行加固。文章根据实际工程资料对河道和岸坡防冲桩的尺寸及布置进行了设计计算,结合经验公式和规范方法对河道冲刷深度进行了计算,并与实测深度进行了比较。结果表明:规范方法冲刷深度结果偏保守,不利于工程安全性,可以使用经验公式进行施工设计;考虑下泄水流对防冲桩的冲击力和滑坡对其施加的水平力,对防冲桩的直径、长度及布置方式进行了设计和计算,结果表明均能满足工程要求,研究成果可为类似工程提供设计参考。 展开更多
关键词 两河口水电站 泄洪消能区 冲刷深度 防冲桩设计
作者 张登平 许可锋 +1 位作者 赵晓庆 贾沼霖 《海河水利》 2023年第2期118-121,共4页
以两河口水电站下游泄洪雾化消能区两岸边坡支护工程中的贴坡混凝土施工为背景,对下游河岸边坡支护工程中贴坡混凝土施工工艺以及施工质量控制进行了详细介绍和研究。其中,贴坡混凝土施工工艺包括分块分仓、仓面准备、缝面施工、预埋件... 以两河口水电站下游泄洪雾化消能区两岸边坡支护工程中的贴坡混凝土施工为背景,对下游河岸边坡支护工程中贴坡混凝土施工工艺以及施工质量控制进行了详细介绍和研究。其中,贴坡混凝土施工工艺包括分块分仓、仓面准备、缝面施工、预埋件及钢筋安装、模板安装、混凝土浇筑和拆模及养护等。本研究可为类似边坡支护工程贴坡混凝土施工提供经验与参考。 展开更多
关键词 雾化消能区 混凝土施工工艺 质量控制 两河口水电站
旋流式竖井底部消能区压力特性研究 被引量:6
作者 吕鸣聪 朱利 +2 位作者 陈瑞华 张法星 刘善均 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第5期99-102,共4页
旋流式竖井主要利用水流的螺旋运动和底部消能区消能,是一种较为新型的泄洪消能工,但在高水头、大流量条件下,旋流式竖井泄洪洞内水流流态复杂,底部消能区承受较大压力,对结构安全形成严峻考验。通过1/30模型试验与理论分析的方法研究... 旋流式竖井主要利用水流的螺旋运动和底部消能区消能,是一种较为新型的泄洪消能工,但在高水头、大流量条件下,旋流式竖井泄洪洞内水流流态复杂,底部消能区承受较大压力,对结构安全形成严峻考验。通过1/30模型试验与理论分析的方法研究在不同深度下底部消能区侧壁及底部的压力特性,并针对环状水跃位置不易确定的问题提出一种新的思路确定底板的冲击压力,给出底板最大冲击压力的计算公式。结果表明:旋流式竖井底部消能区侧壁压力与井深关系不大,随流量同步增减,则控制侧壁结构的因素是大流量时的压力;各体形下侧壁压力最大值均出现在竖井侧壁最低点,随着竖井深度加深,最大时均压力呈增加趋势;通过拟合的底板最大冲击压力公式,建议竖井深度与直径比大于1.2。 展开更多
关键词 旋流式竖井 底部消能区 压力特性 冲击压力 模型试验
白鹤滩泄洪洞出口消能区开挖安全风险分析及管理措施 被引量:1
作者 刘雪锋 吴世斌 刘益 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第S01期267-268,共2页
白鹤滩水电站泄洪洞出口消能区具有开挖距离长、孤石数量多、距离居民区近等特点,开挖时面临爆破震动与飞石影响频繁、雨季及汛期降雨量大、出渣车辆行驶路况差等安全管控难点,为确保施工安全,现场采取严格控制装药量、压盖孤石、应急... 白鹤滩水电站泄洪洞出口消能区具有开挖距离长、孤石数量多、距离居民区近等特点,开挖时面临爆破震动与飞石影响频繁、雨季及汛期降雨量大、出渣车辆行驶路况差等安全管控难点,为确保施工安全,现场采取严格控制装药量、压盖孤石、应急演练及安装车辆定位监控系统等手段,对安全风险一一化解,最终未出现一起安全伤亡事故,确保消能区开挖作业安全完成。 展开更多
关键词 泄洪洞 消能区 开挖 安全 风险 管理措施
中高水头船闸改扩建工程坝下消能区土石围堰水力计算方法 被引量:1
作者 张公略 孙万通 李浙江 《水运工程》 北大核心 2017年第5期113-117,124,共6页
中高水头船闸改造扩建工程中坝下消能区水流流态复杂,对枢纽发电泄洪时土石围堰附近水流脉动压力、冲击压力等与围堰安全稳定性密切相关的参数有较大影响。重点分析围堰布置形式及其附近水流流态对其抗滑、抗倾覆性能的影响,提出脉动压... 中高水头船闸改造扩建工程中坝下消能区水流流态复杂,对枢纽发电泄洪时土石围堰附近水流脉动压力、冲击压力等与围堰安全稳定性密切相关的参数有较大影响。重点分析围堰布置形式及其附近水流流态对其抗滑、抗倾覆性能的影响,提出脉动压力及力偶水力计算方法。通过该方法在富春江船闸扩建改造工程围堰安全稳定性研究中的应用,分析沉箱组合过水围堰的脉动压力、冲击压力的变化特性,明确围堰抗滑、抗倾覆性能。 展开更多
关键词 船闸 过水围堰 脉动压力 力偶 坝下消能区
南欧江七级水电站下游消能区防掏刷设计 被引量:2
作者 杨丽娜 何兆升 《云南水力发电》 2022年第2期110-113,共4页
南欧江七级水电站泄洪建筑物由左岸开敞式溢洪道和右岸泄洪放空洞组成,下游护岸基础主要为粉砂质泥岩,抗冲流速较低。通过优选溢洪道出口挑坎体型方案优化下游消能区的水流条件及冲淤形态,并综合考虑护岸毁坏后影响的建筑物级别及恢复... 南欧江七级水电站泄洪建筑物由左岸开敞式溢洪道和右岸泄洪放空洞组成,下游护岸基础主要为粉砂质泥岩,抗冲流速较低。通过优选溢洪道出口挑坎体型方案优化下游消能区的水流条件及冲淤形态,并综合考虑护岸毁坏后影响的建筑物级别及恢复难度等确定护岸的防护范围和基础防掏墙的设置范围。若下游消能区基岩抗冲流速较低且冲坑深度较深时,直接加深齿槽基础深度施工难度较大,可以考虑采用钢筋混凝土地下连续墙保护齿槽基础不被洪水掏刷。 展开更多
关键词 下游消能区 防掏刷 抗冲流速 护岸 防掏墙
作者 赵旭 《甘肃水利水电技术》 2009年第3期27-29,共3页
消能区设计洪水标准为50年一遇,下泄洪峰流量为2 200 m3/s。由于消能区为深覆盖层,左岸山坡近乎直立,水库泄洪时冲刷和旋涡水流淘涮岸坡,影响左右两岸岸坡的稳定,并且由于泄洪雾化的影响,近坝区岸坡也会存在失稳的可能,直接危及大坝安... 消能区设计洪水标准为50年一遇,下泄洪峰流量为2 200 m3/s。由于消能区为深覆盖层,左岸山坡近乎直立,水库泄洪时冲刷和旋涡水流淘涮岸坡,影响左右两岸岸坡的稳定,并且由于泄洪雾化的影响,近坝区岸坡也会存在失稳的可能,直接危及大坝安全。因此,消能区的消能防护处理尤为重要。根据模型试验确定的消能区冲刷结果,通过对大开挖方案、重力式挡土墙方案、预应力板桩防淘墙方案的综合比较,确定了最优方案,对消能区处理积累了经验。 展开更多
关键词 消能区 模型试验 大开挖 重力式挡墙 九甸峡水利枢纽
作者 李保华 李瓒 《水力发电》 北大核心 1999年第12期47-50,共4页
通过反演试验和工程实际情况分析, 对石门拱坝泄洪中孔对称布置和不对称冲刷问题进行了讨论, 认为冲坑地质情况和孔口不对称运用, 对过洪时坝下游强烈的三元流影响很大。
关键词 三元流 冲坑 拱坝 消能区
作者 向景山 《湖南水利水电》 2009年第5期9-11,共3页
彭水水电站计划2007年10月发电,要求消能区、护坦混凝土必须在2007年汛前施工至度汛高程,发电前施工至EL260以上,施工强度很大,仅使用常规施工方法几乎不可能完成。施工单位在施工组织、施工方法措施、设备布置等方面采取各种措施,终使... 彭水水电站计划2007年10月发电,要求消能区、护坦混凝土必须在2007年汛前施工至度汛高程,发电前施工至EL260以上,施工强度很大,仅使用常规施工方法几乎不可能完成。施工单位在施工组织、施工方法措施、设备布置等方面采取各种措施,终使消能区、护坦混凝土在2007年汛前全面超过度汛高程,9月全部完成。 展开更多
关键词 消能区 护坦 难点 组织 方法措施 设备布置
作者 梁守锦 王永飞 《农业科技与信息》 2012年第8期40-43,共4页
拉西瓦水电站左岸消能区岩石锚固预应力锚索的施工所需设备较多,工序繁多复杂制约因素较多,做为隐藏性工程难以补救,技术性强,且所用设备和材料多为专用,需要定点订购调拔,编制合理的技术方案,可以在施工前做好各项施工准备工作,加快施... 拉西瓦水电站左岸消能区岩石锚固预应力锚索的施工所需设备较多,工序繁多复杂制约因素较多,做为隐藏性工程难以补救,技术性强,且所用设备和材料多为专用,需要定点订购调拔,编制合理的技术方案,可以在施工前做好各项施工准备工作,加快施工进度。 展开更多
关键词 拉西瓦水电站 左岸消能区 岩锚施工
作者 梁守锦 王永飞 《青海水力发电》 2010年第3期17-21,共5页
拉西瓦水电站左岸消能区岩石锚固预应力锚索的施工所需设备较多,工序复杂,制约因素较多,技术性强,作为隐藏性工程难以补救,且所用设备和材料多为专用,需要定点订购,调拔。因此,必须编制合理的技术方案,在施工前做好各项施工准... 拉西瓦水电站左岸消能区岩石锚固预应力锚索的施工所需设备较多,工序复杂,制约因素较多,技术性强,作为隐藏性工程难以补救,且所用设备和材料多为专用,需要定点订购,调拔。因此,必须编制合理的技术方案,在施工前做好各项施工准备工作,以保证施工质量,加快施工进度。 展开更多
关键词 拉西瓦水电站 左岸消能区 岩锚施工
九甸峡水利枢纽有压泄洪排沙洞出口堆积物高边坡稳定性分析 被引量:16
作者 马明 《水利规划与设计》 2019年第4期64-67,共4页
有压泄洪排沙洞消能区的主要工程地质问题是松散堆积物高边坡的稳定性。定性、定量分析结果表明:在相对干燥状态下的原始边坡是基本稳定的;在非饱和及饱和状态下边坡是不稳定的;在地震、有压泄洪排沙洞运行及挑流消能条件下边坡是不稳定... 有压泄洪排沙洞消能区的主要工程地质问题是松散堆积物高边坡的稳定性。定性、定量分析结果表明:在相对干燥状态下的原始边坡是基本稳定的;在非饱和及饱和状态下边坡是不稳定的;在地震、有压泄洪排沙洞运行及挑流消能条件下边坡是不稳定的;在开挖及人为扰动条件下边坡也是不稳定的。经泄洪排沙洞的运行验证,采取工程处理措施后的堆积物高边坡在泄洪排沙工况下是稳定的。 展开更多
关键词 九甸峡水利枢纽 堆积物高边坡 消能区 饱和状态 非饱和状态
Energy poverty in Greek mountainous areas: a comparative study 被引量:1
作者 Lefkothea PAPADA Dimitris KALIAMPAKOS 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1229-1240,共12页
The paper studied the energy poverty in the mountainous areas of Greece through parallel primary surveys, in comparison with the country-level conditions. The surveys are based on objective financial and expenditure d... The paper studied the energy poverty in the mountainous areas of Greece through parallel primary surveys, in comparison with the country-level conditions. The surveys are based on objective financial and expenditure data as well as on subjective views about housing conditions. The objective approach showed that mountainous areas of Greece are burdened with much higher energy expenditure while also having lower annual incomes. Under these circumstances, the energy poverty rate skyrocketed to73.5%. The subjective indicators reveal significant aspects of the problem, such as the intense problem of damp walls and mold growth at home or the restriction of other basic needs in order to cover heating needs. However, despite the proven high vulnerability of Greek mountainous areas, current energy policy actually ignores the special features of mountainous areas, implementing horizontal policies.Therefore, a specialized energy plan targeted to alleviating energy poverty in mountainous areas in Greece is an urgent imperative. 展开更多
关键词 Energy poverty Fuel poverty Mountainous Greece Indicator Households
Related factors and regional differences in energy consumption in China
作者 QU Xiao-e ZHU Qing YANG Yang 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第7期27-36,共10页
This article used the Cluster analysis of statistical method to separate China's 30 provinces and municipalities into three categories according to their energy consumption discrepancies and characteristics from 1985... This article used the Cluster analysis of statistical method to separate China's 30 provinces and municipalities into three categories according to their energy consumption discrepancies and characteristics from 1985 to 2007. The categories were high, moderate and low energy consumption areas and they had significant differences in energy consumption. Based on this classification, the authors analyzed the influencing factors of energy consumption in the three areas by means of panel data econometric model. The results showed that the influencing factors were obviously different. In order to support national goal of energy conservation and emission reduction, the energy measures and policies should be distinctly taken. 展开更多
关键词 energy consumption Cluster analysis panel model econometric analysis
Impacts of Total Energy Consumption Control and Energy Quota Allocation on China′s Regional Economy Based on A 30-region Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
作者 LI Na SHI Minjun +1 位作者 SHANG Zhiyuan YUAN Yongna 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期657-671,共15页
This paper examined the impacts of the total energy consumption control policy and energy quota allocation plans on China′s regional economy. This research analyzed the influences of different energy quota allocation... This paper examined the impacts of the total energy consumption control policy and energy quota allocation plans on China′s regional economy. This research analyzed the influences of different energy quota allocation plans with various weights of equity and efficiency, using a dynamic computable general equilibrium(CGE) model for 30 province-level administrative regions. The results show that the efficiency-first allocation plan costs the least but widens regional income gap, whereas the outcomes of equity-first allocation plan and intensity target-based allocation plan are similar and are both opposite to the efficiency-first allocation plan′ outcome. The plan featuring a balance between efficiency and equity is more feasible, which can bring regional economic losses evenly and prevent massive interregional migration of energy-related industries. Furthermore, the effects of possible induced energy technology improvements in different energy quota allocation plans were studied. Induced energy technology improvements can add more feasibility to all allocation plans under the total energy consumption control policy. In the long term, if the policy of the total energy consumption control continues and more market-based tools are implemented to allocate energy quotas, the positive consequences of induced energy technology improvements will become much more obvious. 展开更多
关键词 total energy consumption control energy quota allocation computable general equilibrium (CGE) model induced energytechnology improvements
Delay optimization for planar wireless sensor network with N-policy 被引量:1
作者 陈志刚 张德宇 陈龙 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期4537-4543,共7页
In N-policy, the nodes attempt to seize the channel when the number of packets in the buffer approaches N. The performance of N-policy on the energy efficiency is widely studied in the past years. And it is presented ... In N-policy, the nodes attempt to seize the channel when the number of packets in the buffer approaches N. The performance of N-policy on the energy efficiency is widely studied in the past years. And it is presented that there exists one optimal N to minimize the energy consumption. However, it is noticed that the delay raised by N-policy receives little attention. This work mathematically proves the delay to monotonically increase with increasing N in the collision-unfree channel. For planar network where the near-to-sink nodes burden heavier traffic than the external ones, the data stemming from the latter undergo longer delay.The various-N algorithm is proposed to address this phenomenon by decreasing the threshold N of outer nodes. Without the impacting on the network longevity, the maximum delay among the network has decreased 62.9% by the algorithm. Extensive simulations are given to verify the effectiveness and correctness of our analysis. 展开更多
关键词 wireless sensor network N-policy delay energy-efficiency M/M/1
Geographical Differences and Influencing Factors of Rural Energy Consumption in Southwest Mountain Areas in China:A Case Study of Zhaotong City 被引量:5
作者 SUN Wei HAN Xiaoxu +1 位作者 SHENG Kerong FAN Jie 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第6期842-852,共11页
China is a mountainous country,and Southwest mountain areas cover the most mountain areas in China and have the most serious problems.Taking Zhaotong city as the study area,based on 902 rural household questionnaires ... China is a mountainous country,and Southwest mountain areas cover the most mountain areas in China and have the most serious problems.Taking Zhaotong city as the study area,based on 902 rural household questionnaires of 11 villages in 2 counties and Tobit model,this paper analyzes the geographical differences and influencing factors of energy consumption for non-production purposes of rural households living in different terrain conditions.This research finds that:(1) Coal takes up the main part of energy consumption in valley areas and coal consumption is mainly affected by per capita cultivated land area,household income,proportion of rural household energy expenditure in total expenditure,coal price,and family population size.Firewood takes up the main part of energy consumption in high mountain areas and firewood consumption is mainly affected by per capita firewood forest area,distance to purchase coal,household income,electricity price,and coal price.(2) Only when the distance is greater than 20 kilometers,that is the average distance of rural households living in middle mountain areas(1,600m^1,800m) to purchase coal,the transportation condition has a significant impact on coal consumption.(3) In high mountain areas,prices of coal and electricity are the main factors influencing energy consumption choice of rural households.Too high prices of coal and electricity would to some extent lead rural households to choose firewood as the main energy consumption type.Compared to coal,rural households prefer to choose electricity. 展开更多
关键词 Southwest mountain areas Sustainable livelihoods Energy for non-production purposes TERRAIN
Conflict between Population and Urbanization Factors: Impact of Urban Heat Island on Energy Consumption Balance
作者 Parisa Shahmohamadi Che-Ani A. I. +2 位作者 Iraj Etessan Khairul Nizam Abdul Maulud M. F. I. Mohd-Nor 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第10期16-23,共8页
High density of buildings and population in urban areas increases urban temperature, generally known as the urban heat island. Raised temperature, especially in SUlIuner, alms city centers into unwelcome hot areas, wi... High density of buildings and population in urban areas increases urban temperature, generally known as the urban heat island. Raised temperature, especially in SUlIuner, alms city centers into unwelcome hot areas, with direct effects on electricity demand and energy consttrnption for cooling buildings and increases the production of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Therefore, by considering that the energy consumption in the world has been faced with intense crisis, it becomes increasingly important to study the effects of urban heat island on energy constunption in order to improve people's environment and decrease energy use in cities. This paper, therefore, is focused on urbanization and population size factors to understand tile influence way of these factors on formation of UHI and energy consumption balance. To achieve this aim, this paper explores literally the conceptual framework of confliction between population and urban structure, which produce UHI intensity and affected energy consumption balance. It is then discussed how these two factors can be affected and give implication to the city, and then, focuses on whether actions should be taken for balancing adaptation and mitigation UHI effects. It will be concluded by making the recommendations for preventive action and provide quality of life. 展开更多
关键词 Energy consumption balance urban construction urban heat island ttrban population.
Energy Planning in Small Municipalities Based on Monitoring Results and Demand Side Management
作者 Dagnija Blumberga Andra Blumberga Marika Rosa Aiga Barisa 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第3期453-460,共8页
Recent estimates state that the European Union is on course to achieve only half of the 20% energy consumption reduction target by 2020. As the first governmental stakeholders involved in the implementation of energy ... Recent estimates state that the European Union is on course to achieve only half of the 20% energy consumption reduction target by 2020. As the first governmental stakeholders involved in the implementation of energy saving initiatives, municipalities play a strategic role in the energy planning process. This paper focuses on establishment of an energy planning methodology for small municipalities with numbers of inhabitants in range of 1,000-10,000 which often face common problems associated with low efficient district heat supply systems and decreasing energy consumption in buildings. Particular attention is paid to DSM (demand side management) activities. DSM scheme includes legislative and financial flows with small investments from municipality side. Based on increased information and motivation it promotes reduction of energy consumption in all kinds of buildings. Practical experience has shown that application of DSM measures allows achieving 20% energy savings in municipal buildings during the first year. 展开更多
关键词 Demand side management energy efficiency energy planning.
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