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考虑消费者风险偏好和随机底价的“消费者出价”营销模式 被引量:1
作者 毛照昉 翟孟月 《系统工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期13-29,共17页
考虑消费者风险偏好特征,提出一种新型随机底价的“消费者出价”营销模式(random-name-your-own-price,RN).在消费者估值异质假设下,运用数学建模、参数分析和数值模拟的方法,讨论单一垄断和同质化竞争两种情形下零售商的策略选择问题.... 考虑消费者风险偏好特征,提出一种新型随机底价的“消费者出价”营销模式(random-name-your-own-price,RN).在消费者估值异质假设下,运用数学建模、参数分析和数值模拟的方法,讨论单一垄断和同质化竞争两种情形下零售商的策略选择问题.结果表明,单一垄断情形下,消费者对出价失败风险的厌恶会促使其在RN模式下出价更高,进而扩大零售商利润;而在同质化竞争情形下,无论消费者是否具有风险厌恶性质,都会有零售商愿意采用RN模式,且“一方采用单一固定价格模式(posted-price,PP),另一方采用RN模式”始终是两家零售商的纳什均衡策略. 展开更多
关键词 消费者出价”营销模式 参与式定价 随机底价 概率成交 风险偏好
互联网背景下企业营销创新对消费者购买意愿的影响机制探究 被引量:4
作者 苏恬 《现代商业》 2020年第30期21-22,共2页
随着互联网、大数据的发展,在完全竞争市场中,不管是国内市场还是海外市场,企业都面临着全所未有的激烈竞争。从传统营销过渡到现阶段的互联网内容营销,众多企业的营销创新策略革新势在必行。如何利用好互联网的支撑,与企业营销工作深... 随着互联网、大数据的发展,在完全竞争市场中,不管是国内市场还是海外市场,企业都面临着全所未有的激烈竞争。从传统营销过渡到现阶段的互联网内容营销,众多企业的营销创新策略革新势在必行。如何利用好互联网的支撑,与企业营销工作深入融合并助力其发展,其中的模式和路径值得思考和探索。本文将通过分析互联网背景下企业市场营销环境、受众群体、购买模式的新变化,指出我国目前很多中小企业甚至是大企业在营销策略中的不足与问题,同时,在新背景指导和技术的支撑下,对企业营销创新提出可行性的对策建议,希望对相关企业提供新思路和借鉴,助力我国企业有序健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 互联网 营销创新消费者购买意愿 企业管理
作者 孙千洲 《现代商业》 2015年第30期36-37,共2页
烟草行业市场化机制改革的取向要求行业内的企业应该将终端消费者纳入全产业链中,基于消费者价值诉求开展生产和营销活动。本文以营销体系基本理论为指导,针对烟草营销体系现存的矛盾提出了构建面向消费者的营销体系的基本思路和策略,... 烟草行业市场化机制改革的取向要求行业内的企业应该将终端消费者纳入全产业链中,基于消费者价值诉求开展生产和营销活动。本文以营销体系基本理论为指导,针对烟草营销体系现存的矛盾提出了构建面向消费者的营销体系的基本思路和策略,以服务于烟草行业市场化机制变革的需要。 展开更多
关键词 烟草商业企业 面向消费者营销体系 消费者需求
作者 章超 《广西质量监督导报》 2020年第12期252-253,共2页
直播营销模式的出现,使得消费者隐私信息泄露问题日益严重。该模式面临着基本概念不清、立法体系分散、举证分配不合理、监管体系不严等困境。针对上述问题,结合司法实践中营销行为和现有法律规范文件进行分析,提出有针对性地解决路径,... 直播营销模式的出现,使得消费者隐私信息泄露问题日益严重。该模式面临着基本概念不清、立法体系分散、举证分配不合理、监管体系不严等困境。针对上述问题,结合司法实践中营销行为和现有法律规范文件进行分析,提出有针对性地解决路径,推动该模式的健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 直播营销模式消费者隐私权 隐私信息救济路径
购物者营销的研究述评 被引量:3
作者 王勇 李文静 丁大伟 《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期57-65,共9页
在购物者需求日益多样化的背景下,越来越多的企业开始注重购物者营销的实践。鉴于此,对国内外的研究文献进行了梳理,介绍了购物者营销的定义、购物者行为和购物者营销的特征及研究模型,归纳了购物者营销的价值,在此基础上指出了未来的... 在购物者需求日益多样化的背景下,越来越多的企业开始注重购物者营销的实践。鉴于此,对国内外的研究文献进行了梳理,介绍了购物者营销的定义、购物者行为和购物者营销的特征及研究模型,归纳了购物者营销的价值,在此基础上指出了未来的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 购物者 购物者营销 消费者营销
生活者营销:一个新的营销理论框架 被引量:5
作者 李飞 《北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期87-98,共12页
近些年来,在大数据经济和数字化零售的背景下,很多企业都在积极进行数字化转型和数字化管理,而正确理解“视顾客为谁”的问题是数字化转型的基础和前提,为此需要研究与消费者营销和购买者营销不同的新的营销管理理论和方法。从公司营销... 近些年来,在大数据经济和数字化零售的背景下,很多企业都在积极进行数字化转型和数字化管理,而正确理解“视顾客为谁”的问题是数字化转型的基础和前提,为此需要研究与消费者营销和购买者营销不同的新的营销管理理论和方法。从公司营销实践和理论空隙双重视角,创建了基于“生活者”假设的营销管理理论,并建立了相应的逻辑框架,具体包括七个方面的内容:(1)确定让人们生活得更好的使命;(2)选择为利益相关者带来更好生活的目标;(3)依据美好生活使命和目标选择目标顾客;(4)依据目标顾客关注的美好生活确定相关营销定位点;(5)依据美好生活营销定位点进行营销要素组合;(6)依据突出美好生活定位点的营销组合构建关键流程;(7)依据关键流程整合营销者的重要资源。 展开更多
关键词 生活者 生活者营销 美好生活 购买者营销 消费者营销 生活方式营销
浅析高校毕业生的人力资源营销模式 被引量:2
作者 黄海棠 张梅华 《赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第12期112-113,共2页
随着高校毕业生就业制度的改革和就业形势的变化,在社会人力资源需求没有相应增加的前提下,毕业生数量成倍增加并且持续攀升,这种量的变化对毕业生就业将产生巨大的影响,本文从人力资源的营销模式出发,提出要更有效的进行高校毕业生的... 随着高校毕业生就业制度的改革和就业形势的变化,在社会人力资源需求没有相应增加的前提下,毕业生数量成倍增加并且持续攀升,这种量的变化对毕业生就业将产生巨大的影响,本文从人力资源的营销模式出发,提出要更有效的进行高校毕业生的营销必须完善其人力资源产品,针对市场需求进行调研和预测,细分并确定目标市场,对高校品牌进行打造并更好的完善高校就业指导工作. 展开更多
关键词 人力资源营销 消费者导向营销模式 竞争导向营销模式 关系导向营销模式
“反弹琵琶”色彩营销在服饰设计中的应用 被引量:1
作者 徐亚娟 张康夫 《艺术研究(哈尔滨师范大学艺术学报)》 2013年第3期10-12,共3页
"反弹琵琶"的色彩营销理念,是指传统的色彩营销理念中另辟蹊径获得解决问题的一种新思维以及新方法,又称之为"逆向思维"。该篇文章着重从服饰色彩形象、服饰色彩结构和服饰色彩语言三个方面阐述了"反弹琵琶&qu... "反弹琵琶"的色彩营销理念,是指传统的色彩营销理念中另辟蹊径获得解决问题的一种新思维以及新方法,又称之为"逆向思维"。该篇文章着重从服饰色彩形象、服饰色彩结构和服饰色彩语言三个方面阐述了"反弹琵琶"色彩营销在服饰设计中的应用,归纳了"反弹琵琶"色彩营销理论的一般规律及个性特征,指出了色彩营销理念只有在传统与创新相结合才能成就服饰设计的精髓。 展开更多
关键词 反弹琵琶 逆向思维 色彩营销消费者
新媒体环境下的企业品牌营销 被引量:4
作者 仲李子 《科技视界》 2013年第18期124-124,共1页
关键词 企业品牌营销 品牌与消费者整合营销传播 新媒体环境 信息多元化、碎片化 “病毒式”传播 自主性传播
作者 李正明 《上海轻工业高等专科学校学报》 1999年第2期38-43,共6页
关键词 营销观念 新概念营销 消费者市场营销 演绎
基于公共信息服务平台构建行业协同供应链的探讨 被引量:2
作者 鲍立威 宋继炯 +3 位作者 秦炳辉 杨应广 吕清楚 薛文剑 《中国烟草学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2010年第B12期91-95,108,共6页
面向消费者的现代营销体系本质上是以提升客户价值为核心、以有效响应市场需求为导向的行业协同供应链的建设。基于当前社会经济和行业发展背景,研究探讨了如何通过构建行业公共信息服务平台有效支持行业供应链协同运行,设想以卷烟产... 面向消费者的现代营销体系本质上是以提升客户价值为核心、以有效响应市场需求为导向的行业协同供应链的建设。基于当前社会经济和行业发展背景,研究探讨了如何通过构建行业公共信息服务平台有效支持行业供应链协同运行,设想以卷烟产品的市场生态系的角度,基于行业公共信息服务平台来支持按订单组织生产、工商协同营销、推行电子商务和卷烟市场精准营销等策略的实现。 展开更多
关键词 面向消费者的现代营销体系 客户价值 市场需求与分析 烟草行业 协同供应链 公共信息服务平台
Analysis on the Transformation of Marketing Strategy and the Countermeasures under the Network Economic Times 被引量:1
作者 Yan Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第9期16-18,共3页
In this paper, we theoretically analyze the transformation of marketing strategy and the countermeasures under the network economic times. Network marketing is based on the network technology, including the whole proc... In this paper, we theoretically analyze the transformation of marketing strategy and the countermeasures under the network economic times. Network marketing is based on the network technology, including the whole process of marketing activities as a new form of marketing. In this paper, we analyze the issue from the listed perspectives. (1) Ultra space-and-time. The traditional marketing has very strong boundedness to the region, and this boundedness displays, the specifi c transaction can only be closed in the specific region, if the enterprise wants to expand the market share, only then establishes the retailing organization. (2) Interactivity. Network as a media, with the one-on-one interaction, this feature allows companies to basic communicate with consumers, and strengthen consumer participation, to determine the product form, function and the price. (3) The symmetry of information. Consumers can fi nd all kinds of that related products on the Internet information, there are plenty of time to judge the various products and prices. Companies will also be released in a timely manner on the Internet the company’s latest product information. Under this basis, we propose the new idea on the network marketing development direction that will help to build up the more efficient marketing system. 展开更多
关键词 Marketing Strategy TRANSFORMATION Network Economic Countermeasures.
The Influence of E-Commerce on Marketing Practitioners and Consumers 被引量:2
作者 Rashad Yazdanifard Oluwasegun Samuel 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第3期279-282,共4页
The paper sets out to examine the influence of e-commerce on marketing practitioners and consumers. This researcher found out that e-commerce brings about a new experience for both consumers and marketing practitioner... The paper sets out to examine the influence of e-commerce on marketing practitioners and consumers. This researcher found out that e-commerce brings about a new experience for both consumers and marketing practitioners as both groups try to achieve their different goals that end in an online relationship between the duo. This posses a lot of challenges for marketers who have to adapt and modify their offline marketing strategies to suite and meet the demands of e-commerce bringing about the whole concept and execution of e-marketing. The issue of the benefits as well as trust for online transactions based on the fear of insecurity from the consumers' perspective was also discussed. In all, the authors concluded that it's important for organizations engaging in e-commerce to come up with proper strategies to address these issues and build consumer trust in e-commerce; aiding it to further adapt to the ever changing needs of the business world. 展开更多
关键词 E-COMMERCE marketing practitioners consumer.
The analysis of marketing strategy of fast fashion brand from the success of"H&M"
作者 Huanliang Zhu Wenhao Su 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期122-123,共2页
In recent years, in fashion industry, especially in clothing market industry, the development of fast fashion brands is very rapid, the accounts in clothing market is more and more, which has become art indispensable ... In recent years, in fashion industry, especially in clothing market industry, the development of fast fashion brands is very rapid, the accounts in clothing market is more and more, which has become art indispensable part in clothing market field. It can be said the fast fashion brand takes a deep shock for whole clothing market, and it has made some clothing brands take introspection about their traditional and old marketing mode. Fast fashion brands just catch the consumer psychology of current consumers (especially young consumers), a smart of consumers are attracted to buy for its "fair price" , " high quality" , "fashion" and other characteristics. In this paper, the success case of the most successful "H&M" brand is taken as entry point, then the marketing strategy of fast fashion brands is explored and analyzed to find out the "magic weapon" of fast fashion brands' development, and it is provided some reference and suggestions for marketing strategy improvement of traditional clothing brands. 展开更多
关键词 MARKETING Marketing strategy Fast fashion brands Fashion industry.
Analysis of Marketing Strategy Based on The Consumer Behavior under the New Situation
作者 Deguo Zeng Sumei Chen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期13-15,共3页
Consumers are the source of enterprise profits and the center of enterprise marketing activities. The study of consumption pattern has strategic significance on enterprise business activities. In terms of the enormous... Consumers are the source of enterprise profits and the center of enterprise marketing activities. The study of consumption pattern has strategic significance on enterprise business activities. In terms of the enormous consumption market as China in particular, the study of its consumption pattern is particularly significant. Through the periodic classification of Chinese economic pattern, this thesis extracts the main consumption pattern characteristics of different stages. Through the exploration of the consumption pattern, it analyzes the development rule of consumption pattern and seeks the intrinsic relationship between consumption pattern and enterprise marketing. On this basis, it proposes suggestions of enterprise marketing counternaeasures that adapt to consumption pattern and contribute to enterprise development. 展开更多
关键词 Economic pattern Consumption pattern Marketing strategy.
Analysis on Marketing Moral Construction of Tourism Enterprise
作者 Yu Yao Wang Jie 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期142-144,共3页
The paper analyzes the current marketing moral status of tourism enterprise, expounds the immoral conduct of marketing of tourism enterprise and the damage on consumer and society, and proposes the countermeasures to ... The paper analyzes the current marketing moral status of tourism enterprise, expounds the immoral conduct of marketing of tourism enterprise and the damage on consumer and society, and proposes the countermeasures to solve the problems in marketing process, which ensures the rapid development of tourism enterprise. 展开更多
关键词 tourism enterprise tourism practitioners MARKETING moral construction
Direct Marketing and Consumer Trust in Organic Food Products: Vilnius (Lithuania) Case
作者 Virgilijus Skulskis Vilija Girgzdiene 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第4期272-283,共12页
The market of organic food products has a continuous upward trend though the growth rate and sale channels in individual countries are rather different. This research aims to identify the key factors that influence co... The market of organic food products has a continuous upward trend though the growth rate and sale channels in individual countries are rather different. This research aims to identify the key factors that influence consumers' choice to buy organic food products in Lithuania focusing on the consumer trust in the quality and the most acceptable marketing channels. In order to get the necessary information, the residents of Vilnius (the capital of Lithuania), as having the greatest potential for the organic food market in the country, were interviewed. The analysis of collected data was done using the methods of mathematical statistics and comparison of relative frequencies. The results of this research prove the increasing consumers' interest in organic food products. The majority of consumers consider these products to be healthier, better-tasting and fresher. Only about a third of the purchasers (usually buying frequently) can see differences between organic and non-organic products, therefore, there is a problem to distinguish organic food from conventional products and, consequently, remains a possibility to cheat the consumer. An additional quality control and direct sales from known and familiar farmers might increase trust in the quality of organic food products. So far, supermarkets are the most important place to buy organic foods, however, the greater consumer confidence in the quality of organic products bought at farmers' markets and the acceptance of the majority of purchasers to buy organic food products directly from the farmers suppose the need to develop a direct marketing system. 展开更多
关键词 Organic food products CONSUMERS consumer trust direct marketing specialized farmers' markets.
The Usage of Instagram as a Marketing Tool
作者 Sabahattin Celik 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第3期133-141,共9页
The developments in information and communication technologies everyday and the effects of globalization have led to many changes in most of the fields including marketing communications. Today, businesses are struggl... The developments in information and communication technologies everyday and the effects of globalization have led to many changes in most of the fields including marketing communications. Today, businesses are struggling to survive intensely, to be able to be heard in a global competitive environment, and to keep their market share to the forefront. In this sense, the businesses that have taken into consideration that the current developments have caused great changes in the consumers, also added social media which they use very intensely in order to reach the consumers in the period that the traditional methods have lost importance, to their marketing mix as an important brand communication medium. Social media makes it necessary to go out of tradition in marketing activities. In the social media economy, consumers are at the forefront, and the structures that carry on their activities in interaction with the consumer are gaining importance. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are among the most frequently used social networks in our country, but in recent times Instagram is another platform that has recently attracted the attention of companies. The study examined the comparison of traditional marketing and social media marketing. The study also examined the importance of using images and the usage of Instagram as a marketing tool. 展开更多
关键词 social media social network MARKETING Instagram
Brand Marketing in an era of big data
作者 Shaozong Chai 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期6-8,共3页
In the digital age, people' s lifestyles and ways of thinking are in a series of changes, this change also makes it a big shift in consumer attitudes. It gives consumers a broader perspective, while also improving th... In the digital age, people' s lifestyles and ways of thinking are in a series of changes, this change also makes it a big shift in consumer attitudes. It gives consumers a broader perspective, while also improving the self-consciousness of consumers. These effects will no longer fully believe in traditional consumer marketing "bombing" the dissemination and indoctrination, they are more inclined to be questioned brands and products, and they can express their views on the basis that affects other people. In this era of environment, if businesses and vendors for their view is indifferent attitude, they will lose a lot of attention to the crowd, and also it makes the influence of the traditional marketing model spread greatly reduced. 展开更多
关键词 big data BRAND MARKETING
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