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作者 娄焕伟 张兴凯 +3 位作者 刘旭煜 王智慧 廖锐全 叶春 《石油机械》 北大核心 2024年第5期116-123,共8页
为了更好地预测分离器的分离效率和设计出更高效的分离器,应进一步了解其内部流场分布特性及不同结构参数对内部流场的影响。为此,采用Fluent软件对轴向涡流分离器内部流场分布特性和分离器两相出口结构对内部流场及分离性能的影响展开... 为了更好地预测分离器的分离效率和设计出更高效的分离器,应进一步了解其内部流场分布特性及不同结构参数对内部流场的影响。为此,采用Fluent软件对轴向涡流分离器内部流场分布特性和分离器两相出口结构对内部流场及分离性能的影响展开研究。研究结果表明:当水相出口直径增加到40 mm时,轴向涡流分离器水相出口处会形成一个低速回流区域,可通过减小管径收缩程度等方法来缓解该现象的影响;在其他结构参数不变的情况下,分离器的分离效率是关于雷诺数和两相出口与入口直径之比的函数;分离效率正比于油相出口与入口直径之比,与雷诺数、水相出口与入口直径之比均为二次函数关系。研究结论可为进一步优化轴向涡流分离器的分离性能提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 轴向涡流分离 分离性能 数值模拟 流场分析 影响因素
轴向涡流分离器工作机理及机筒最佳锥角研究 被引量:4
作者 姬宜朋 陈家庆 +4 位作者 周登来 李风春 李锐锋 周树青 龚金海 《石油机械》 北大核心 2012年第7期106-112,共7页
为了研究轴向涡流分离器的结构和分离机理,促进该技术在国内的推广应用,采用涡动力学对轴向涡流分离器机筒内液体的流动情况进行研究,分析了不同转速、分流比下机筒锥角对切向速度和分离效率的影响。分别采用非结构网格和结构网格对轴... 为了研究轴向涡流分离器的结构和分离机理,促进该技术在国内的推广应用,采用涡动力学对轴向涡流分离器机筒内液体的流动情况进行研究,分析了不同转速、分流比下机筒锥角对切向速度和分离效率的影响。分别采用非结构网格和结构网格对轴向涡流分离器物理模型进行网格划分,取模型网格数量为140万个。模拟结果表明,当机筒锥角为10°时,机筒内液体的涡流半径最小而平均切向速度最大;安装有10°锥角机筒的轴向涡流分离器最佳转毂转速范围是3 100~4 300 r/min,在此转速范围内运行时分离器分离效率可达90%以上。 展开更多
关键词 轴向涡流分离 油水分离 机筒锥角 RSM模拟 分流比
涡流分离热气体再加热的CO_2热泵系统的分析 被引量:1
作者 宁静红 刘圣春 《流体机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期78-82,31,共6页
对涡流分离热气体再加热的CO2热泵系统进行热力性能分析,并与相同运行工况下的节流降压CO2热泵系统的性能进行了对比,得出涡流分离热气体再加热的CO2热泵系统存在最优的高压压力,在最优的高压压力下,系统获得最大的制热性能系数。提高... 对涡流分离热气体再加热的CO2热泵系统进行热力性能分析,并与相同运行工况下的节流降压CO2热泵系统的性能进行了对比,得出涡流分离热气体再加热的CO2热泵系统存在最优的高压压力,在最优的高压压力下,系统获得最大的制热性能系数。提高分离热气体质量比、中间压力、蒸发温度、涡流管制热效应,降低气体冷却器出口温度,涡流分离热气体再加热的CO2热泵系统的制热性能系数提高。随着热气体质量比的增加和气体冷却器出口温度的升高,涡流分离热气体再加热的CO2热泵系统最优的气体冷却器出口压力也升高。在热气体质量比仅为0.2时,涡流分离热气体再加热的CO2热泵系统相比节流降压CO2热泵系统,最佳的制热性能系数提高11%。随着热气体质量比的增加,差值会进一步增大。气体冷却器出口温度的升高,对涡流分离热气体再加热的CO2热泵系统制热性能系数的影响要小于对节流降压CO2热泵系统的制热性能系数的影响。 展开更多
关键词 涡流分离 热气体 再加热 CO2热泵系统
作者 索来春 刘平平 李秀建 《制造技术与机床》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期30-32,36,共4页
利用自行研制的混粉电火花工作液处理系统对混粉电火花加工中粉末粒度对加工性能的影响进行分析与实验研究,证明粉末粒度越小加工效果越好。利用Solidworks的插件COSMOSFloWorks流体分析软件进行仿真试验,设计制造出适合于分离不同大小... 利用自行研制的混粉电火花工作液处理系统对混粉电火花加工中粉末粒度对加工性能的影响进行分析与实验研究,证明粉末粒度越小加工效果越好。利用Solidworks的插件COSMOSFloWorks流体分析软件进行仿真试验,设计制造出适合于分离不同大小粉末颗粒的涡流分离器,从而能配合其他混粉工作液处理装置组成混粉工作液处理系统,得到优质的加工效果。 展开更多
关键词 粉末粒度 涡流分离 仿真试验 设计
浮油回收用轴向涡流分离器分离性能实验研究 被引量:2
作者 王林 王小平 +1 位作者 靖波 姬宜朋 《广州化工》 CAS 2021年第18期36-40,51,共6页
轴向涡流分离器采用电机驱动离心强调可根据物性参数进行调整,具有体积小、适用性强的特性,因此基于轴向涡流分离器设计的潜式浮油回收装置不仅以避开船舶外排水含油量的要求,更能适用物性参数不确定的撇出物油水分离工艺。针对回收的... 轴向涡流分离器采用电机驱动离心强调可根据物性参数进行调整,具有体积小、适用性强的特性,因此基于轴向涡流分离器设计的潜式浮油回收装置不仅以避开船舶外排水含油量的要求,更能适用物性参数不确定的撇出物油水分离工艺。针对回收的浮油物性参数无法确定的问题,研究了轴向涡流分离器处理含有不同分散油相污水时的分离性能,指出了关键部件的设计准则,给出了轴向涡流分离器处理不同物性参数的含油污水时操作工艺参数的调整方法。 展开更多
关键词 溢油 浮油回收 轴向涡流分离 实验研究 操作工艺参数
旋风涡流剪切分离技术生产的小麦糊粉层粉营养价值和安全性研究 被引量:1
作者 牛永武 纪晨雪 +2 位作者 王海军 胡浩杰 赵仁勇 《河南工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第1期1-8,共8页
基于旋风涡流剪切分离技术研发的风力涡流剪切磨可以实现工业化生产小麦糊粉层粉,为探究该技术分离制备的小麦糊粉层粉的营养价值和安全性,分别采集5个面粉加工厂的麸皮为原料,利用风力涡流剪切磨生产小麦糊粉层粉,与同一批次小麦生产... 基于旋风涡流剪切分离技术研发的风力涡流剪切磨可以实现工业化生产小麦糊粉层粉,为探究该技术分离制备的小麦糊粉层粉的营养价值和安全性,分别采集5个面粉加工厂的麸皮为原料,利用风力涡流剪切磨生产小麦糊粉层粉,与同一批次小麦生产的面粉和全麦粉进行对比研究。结果表明:不同工厂采集麸皮生产的糊粉层粉灰分含量约为同一批次小麦生产的面粉的13~15倍和全麦粉的4倍,水分含量与面粉和全麦粉接近,而脂肪酸值显著增高,但在室温、密封条件下储存时间可达到3个月;糊粉层粉的膳食纤维、铁、烷基间苯二酚等营养物质和铬、铅、镉等重金属含量均显著高于面粉和全麦粉,其中部分糊粉层粉的铬、铅含量超过国家食品安全限量标准。因此,糊粉层粉具有极高的营养价值,但不适宜作为单一原料制作面制食品。将糊粉层粉和普通面粉按一定比例混合获得复配粉,不仅可以提升普通面粉的营养价值,而且能够保证复配粉的安全性。 展开更多
关键词 小麦 糊粉层 营养价值 安全性 旋风涡流剪切分离技术
渤海自营油田潜油电泵分离器断裂原因分析及解决措施 被引量:1
作者 崔澎涛 赵杰 付军 《科技资讯》 2015年第10期69-70,共2页
渤海自营油田采用潜油电泵采油已取得较大效益,但在应用过程中,出现了多起的机组掉井事故,给现场作业带来了很大的困难。经分析研究,机组断裂位置主要位于分离器处,多由井液含砂,在分离器处形成砂切,壳断迼成。为解决该问题,我们进行了... 渤海自营油田采用潜油电泵采油已取得较大效益,但在应用过程中,出现了多起的机组掉井事故,给现场作业带来了很大的困难。经分析研究,机组断裂位置主要位于分离器处,多由井液含砂,在分离器处形成砂切,壳断迼成。为解决该问题,我们进行了多次的讨论研究,最终确定采用调整材质和选用耐砂涡流式分离器方案,避免旋转式分离器的砂切问题。从实际应用效果看,采用耐砂涡流分离器机组后,近几年的下井潜油电泵未再出现壳断掉井事故,确保了机组的正常运行,取得了较好的采油效益。 展开更多
关键词 潜油电泵 分离 砂切 涡流分离
废水处理中磁分离技术的发展趋势 被引量:9
作者 韦朝海 谢波 +1 位作者 徐雪青 陈勇 《广州环境科学》 2000年第2期25-28,44,共5页
关键词 废水处理 磁过滤 超导磁分离 涡流分离
作者 郎茂春 苏岩 +3 位作者 王耀东 沈博 张玉林 钱丁超 《内燃机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期18-27,36,共11页
通过机理耦合和自动优化构建了包含重质柴油成分的多组分汽油/柴油替代物反应机理。将机理与CONVERGE耦合,构建了包含原机omega型燃烧室系统(omega combustion system,OMECS)、分离式涡流燃烧室系统(separated swirl combustion system,... 通过机理耦合和自动优化构建了包含重质柴油成分的多组分汽油/柴油替代物反应机理。将机理与CONVERGE耦合,构建了包含原机omega型燃烧室系统(omega combustion system,OMECS)、分离式涡流燃烧室系统(separated swirl combustion system,SSCS)和横向涡流燃烧室系统(lateral swirl combustion system,LSCS)的三维计算模型,以研究不同燃烧室对中负荷大预混比例条件下反应活性控制压燃(reactivity controlled compression ignition,RCCI)发动机的影响。结果表明,与OMECS燃烧室相比,SSCS和LSCS燃烧室的指示热效率分别提高了4.65%和3.51%,除NO_(x)外,其他排放物均有所降低。能量平衡分析和传热分析显示,传热损失、燃烧损失和排气损失降低;这表明新型燃烧室对RCCI燃烧模式的优化机制与对纯柴油燃烧模式不同。活塞壁面对柴油喷雾的引导效应不明显,但新型燃烧室独特的结构和缸内气流运动(例如SSCS燃烧室的分离燃烧室和LSCS燃烧室凸边两侧的小尺寸涡流等)对传热的削弱效应大于面容比和缸内温度增加对传热的增强效应。在所有的第二次喷射正时(start of injection,SOI)下,新型燃烧室的指示热效率均高于原机。 展开更多
关键词 反应机理 分离涡流燃烧室系统 横向涡流燃烧室系统 能量平衡分析 传热分析
用UOP技术改造催化裂化装置 被引量:5
作者 赵振辉 叶晓东 徐武清 《石油炼制与化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期17-20,共4页
介绍洛阳石油化工总厂 1号催化裂化装置采用UOP的涡流分离系统和高效汽提技术进行改造的情况。改造后装置的标定结果表明 ,反应油气和催化剂的分离效率得到提高 ,解决了油浆固含量较高的难题 ,油浆固含量降到 2g/L ;提高了汽提效果 ,待... 介绍洛阳石油化工总厂 1号催化裂化装置采用UOP的涡流分离系统和高效汽提技术进行改造的情况。改造后装置的标定结果表明 ,反应油气和催化剂的分离效率得到提高 ,解决了油浆固含量较高的难题 ,油浆固含量降到 2g/L ;提高了汽提效果 ,待生剂上焦炭的氢碳比降到 6 .0 % ;减少了二次反应 ,产品分布得到改善 ,焦炭产率降低 1.44个百分点 ,轻油收率提高 0 .31个百分点 ,柴汽比提高到 0 .82 ;装置处理量提高了 展开更多
关键词 催化裂化装置 技术改造 常压渣油 处理量 沉降器 汽提 涡流分离系统 UOP技术
作者 刘松 符松 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期118-126,共9页
A finite volume method for the time dependent viscous incompressible flow around an in-line oscillating circular cylinder at Reynolds number of 200, 855 is presented in this paper. The Navier-Stokes equations in a fin... A finite volume method for the time dependent viscous incompressible flow around an in-line oscillating circular cylinder at Reynolds number of 200, 855 is presented in this paper. The Navier-Stokes equations in a finite volume form are solved with a moving grid system, based on a time dependent coordinate transformation. To investigate the vortex-shedding characteristics behind the circular cylinder and the effects of Reynolds number and other non-dimensional parameters such as reduced amplitude and reduced frequency, several numerical schemes have been tested with different amplitude and frequency close to St0 and a harmonic at each Reynolds number. Present numerical results indicate several types of vortex shedding mode which is known mainly depending on the reduced frequency and also the reduced amplitude, which is called synchronization or lock-on. 展开更多
关键词 NAVIER-STOKES方程 简化频率 涡流分离 有限体积理论 串形振荡 循环汽缸 雷诺数
《世界环境》 1994年第4期45-46,共2页
文摘与简讯●美国酸雨在减少AcidPrecipitationDropsinUuitedStates由火力发电等放出的气体产生的酸雨对环境的破坏是美国环境问题的一个重要课题,而最近由美国地质勘探局(USGS)的调查表明... 文摘与简讯●美国酸雨在减少AcidPrecipitationDropsinUuitedStates由火力发电等放出的气体产生的酸雨对环境的破坏是美国环境问题的一个重要课题,而最近由美国地质勘探局(USGS)的调查表明,美国酸雨的质和量都在向好的方向发... 展开更多
关键词 森林火灾 涡流分离 自来水厂 螺旋藻 南太平洋论坛 澳大利亚 研究基金会 太阳能 欧洲联盟 换气扇
Numerical prediction of vortex flow and thermal separation in a subsonic vortex tube 被引量:5
作者 SMITH Eiamsa-ard PONGJET Promvonge 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第8期1406-1415,共10页
This work was aimed at gaining understanding of the physical behaviours of the flow and temperature separation process in a vortex tube. To investigate the cold mass fraction’s effect on the temperature separation, t... This work was aimed at gaining understanding of the physical behaviours of the flow and temperature separation process in a vortex tube. To investigate the cold mass fraction’s effect on the temperature separation, the numerical calculation was carried out using an algebraic Reynolds stress model (ASM) and the standard k-ε model. The modelling of turbulence of com-pressible, complex flows used in the simulation is discussed. Emphasis is given to the derivation of the ASM for 2D axisymmet-rical flows, particularly to the model constants in the algebraic Reynolds stress equations. The TEFESS code, based on a staggered Finite Volume approach with the standard k-ε model and first-order numerical schemes, was used to carry out all the computations. The predicted results for strongly swirling turbulent compressible flow in a vortex tube suggested that the use of the ASM leads to better agreement between the numerical results and experimental data, while the k-ε model cannot capture the stabilizing effect of the swirl. 展开更多
关键词 Vortex tube Cold mass fraction Swirl fiow Temperature separation Flow field
Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigation of the Separation Process in a Vortex Tube at Different Operating Conditions 被引量:4
作者 Seyed Ehsan Rafiee M.M. Sadeghiazad 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2016年第2期157-165,共9页
Air separators provide safe, clean, and appropriate air flow to engines and are widely used in vehicles with large engines such as ships and submarines. In this operational study, the separation process in a Ranque-Hi... Air separators provide safe, clean, and appropriate air flow to engines and are widely used in vehicles with large engines such as ships and submarines. In this operational study, the separation process in a Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube cleaning (cooling) system is investigated to analyze the impact of the operating gas type on the vortex tube performance; the operating gases used are air, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. The computational fluid dynamic model used is equipped with a three-dimensional structure, and the steady-state condition is applied during computations. The standard k-c turbulence model is employed to resolve nonlinear flow equations, and various key parameters, such as hot and cold exhaust thermal drops, and power separation rates, are described numerically. The results show that nitrogen dioxide creates the greatest separation power out of all gases tested, and the numerical results are validated by good agreement with available experimental data. In addition, a comparison is made between the use of two different boundary conditions, the pressure-far-field and the pressure-outlet, when analyzing complex turbulent flows in the air separators. Results present a comprehensive and practical solution for use in future numerical studies. 展开更多
关键词 vortex tube air separator separation process operatinggas numerical simulation
Unsteady RANS and detached eddy simulation of the multiphase flow in a co-current spray drying
作者 Jolius Gimbun Noor Intan Shafinas Muhammad Woon Phui Law 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期1421-1428,共8页
A detached eddy simulation(DES) and a k-ε-based Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes(RANS) calculation on the co-current spray drying chamber is presented. The DES used here is based on the Spalart–Allmaras(SA) turbulen... A detached eddy simulation(DES) and a k-ε-based Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes(RANS) calculation on the co-current spray drying chamber is presented. The DES used here is based on the Spalart–Allmaras(SA) turbulence model, whereas the standard k-ε(SKE) was considered here for comparison purposes. Predictions of the mean axial velocity, temperature and humidity profile have been evaluated and compared with experimental measurements. The effects of the turbulence model on the predictions of the mean axial velocity, temperature and the humidity profile are most noticeable in the(highly anisotropic) spraying region. The findings suggest that DES provide a more accurate prediction(with error less than 5%) of the flow field in a spray drying chamber compared with RANS-based k-ε models. The DES simulation also confirmed the presence of anisotropic turbulent flow in the spray dryer from the analysis of the velocity component fluctuations and turbulent structure as illustrated by the Q-criterion. 展开更多
关键词 Drying Turbulence Two-phase flow CFD Detached eddy simulation Modelling strategy
A Karman-Vortex Generator for passive separation control in a conical diffuser 被引量:7
作者 ZHANG YuFei CHEN HaiXin FU Song 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期828-836,共9页
Flow separation in a conical diffuser with large divergence angle (29.14°) and large area ratio (3.533) is eliminated by a novel passive flow control device called Karman-Vortex Generator (KVG). The effect ... Flow separation in a conical diffuser with large divergence angle (29.14°) and large area ratio (3.533) is eliminated by a novel passive flow control device called Karman-Vortex Generator (KVG). The effect of the KVG is verified and investigated by the URANS, DES and DDES methods based on the SST model. CFD results show that the performance coefficient of the diffuser can be doubled by the KVG, and the total pressure recovery coefficient can be improved by about 1.2%. DES and DDES re- suits show that the KVG can introduce a Karman-vortex street frequency in the diffuser. This frequency decays rapidly, and could not be detected in the ending plane of the expansion section, Different KVG configurations with different locations and dimensions are numerically simulated and compared. Some suggestions are provided. 展开更多
关键词 conical diffuser Karman-Vortex Generator separation control DES
Detached-eddy simulations and analyses on new vortical flows over a 76/40° double delta wing 被引量:5
作者 LI Qin SUN Dong ZHANG HanXin 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第6期1062-1073,共12页
Numerical simulations were performed on the massively separated flows of a 76/40° double delta wing using detached-eddy simulation(DES).A new type of cross-flow vortex is suggested.A vortex was initially generate... Numerical simulations were performed on the massively separated flows of a 76/40° double delta wing using detached-eddy simulation(DES).A new type of cross-flow vortex is suggested.A vortex was initially generated near the junction of the strake and wing,which then moved towards the wing tip at certain wavelength and speed.Analyses were made in detail on the mechanism of the generation of the cross-flow vortex,that is,the inviscid cross-flow instability which differs from that of the swept blunt wing.Cross-section topology of the cross-flow vortex is also investigated,and the wavelength of the vortex array and the characteristic frequency are given.The analyses showed that the cross-flow vortices have an influence on the pressure distribution,which can cause a 10%-20% deviation from the averaged distribution. 展开更多
关键词 double delta wing massively separated flows cross-flow instability vortex substructures DES
Shock Wave Induced Separation Control By Streamwise Vortices 被引量:3
作者 Ryszard SZWABA 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期249-253,共5页
Control of shock wave and boundary layer interaction finds still a lot of attention. Methods of this interaction control have been especially investigated in recent decade. This research was mostly concerned with flow... Control of shock wave and boundary layer interaction finds still a lot of attention. Methods of this interaction control have been especially investigated in recent decade. This research was mostly concerned with flows without separation. However, in many applications shock waves induce separation often leads to strong unsteady effects. In this context it is proposed to use streamwise vortices for the interaction control. The results of experimental investigations are presented here. The very promising results were obtained, meaning that the incipient separation was postponed and the separation size was reduced for the higher Mach numbers. The decrease of the RMS of average shock wave oscillation was also achieved. 展开更多
关键词 streamwise vortices separation control boundary layer shock wave
Influence of Air-Jet Vortex Generator Diameter on Separation Region 被引量:3
作者 Ryszard Szwaba 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第4期294-303,共10页
Control of shock wave and boundary layer interaction continues to attract a lot of attention. In recent decades several methods of interaction control have been investigated. The research has mostly concerned solid (v... Control of shock wave and boundary layer interaction continues to attract a lot of attention. In recent decades several methods of interaction control have been investigated. The research has mostly concerned solid (vane type) vortex generators and transpiration methods of suction and blowing. This investigation concerns interaction control using air-jets to generate streamwise vortices. The effectiveness of air-jet vortex generators in controlling separation has been proved in a previous research. The present paper focuses on the influence of the vortex generator diameter on the separation region. It presents the results of experimental investigations and provides new guidelines for the design of air-jet vortex generators to obtain more effective separation control. 展开更多
关键词 shock wave boundary layer separation control streamwise vortices air-jet vortex generator
Modified k-ω model using kinematic vorticity for corner separation in compressor cascades 被引量:7
作者 LIU YangWei YAN Hao +3 位作者 FANG Le LULiPeng LI QiuShi SHAO Liang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期795-806,共12页
A new method of modifying the conventional k-w turbulence model for comer separation is proposed in this paper. The production term in the w equation is modified using kinematic vorticity considering fluid rotation an... A new method of modifying the conventional k-w turbulence model for comer separation is proposed in this paper. The production term in the w equation is modified using kinematic vorticity considering fluid rotation and deformation in complex geometric boundary conditions. The corner separation flow in linear compressor cascades is calculated using the original k-w model, the modified k-w model and the Reynolds stress model (RSM). The numerical results of the modified model are compared with the available experimental data, as well as the corresponding results of the original k-w model and RSM. In terms of accuracy, the modified model, which significantly improves the performance of the original k-w model for predicting comer separation, is quite competitive with the RSM. However, the modified model, which has considerably lower computational cost is more robust than the RSM. 展开更多
关键词 k-w comodel kinematic vorticity corner separation compressor cascades
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