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车用湿式离合器带排工况润滑特性研究 被引量:4
作者 章颖莹 项昌乐 刘辉 《液压与气动》 北大核心 2014年第6期67-71,共5页
车用湿式离合器带排工况的润滑特性,对减少带排转矩和离合器的工作可靠性有重要的影响。考虑离合器润滑油离心力作用的基础上,对稳态雷诺方程进行了改进,建立了润滑特性研究模型,该模型可以研究不同离合器沟槽形式的润滑膜承载力特性和... 车用湿式离合器带排工况的润滑特性,对减少带排转矩和离合器的工作可靠性有重要的影响。考虑离合器润滑油离心力作用的基础上,对稳态雷诺方程进行了改进,建立了润滑特性研究模型,该模型可以研究不同离合器沟槽形式的润滑膜承载力特性和润滑膜的温升特性,以及使对偶片之间充满润滑油在不同转速差下所需的润滑油流量。对偶片间隙较沟槽深度对承载力的影响更大,润滑膜的温升随对偶片间隙的减少而增加,使润滑油充满对偶片间隙所需的流量将随对偶片间隙及沟槽深度的增大而增大。对工程实际的设计具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 高转速离合器 带排润滑特性 沟槽形式
中国机械工程学会设备维修分会 《设备管理与维修》杂志社 愉华发展(加拿大)有限公司 关于联合征集评选“万灵霸”润滑油添加剂应用征文的通知
《设备管理与维修》 1993年第2期41-41,共1页
设备是生产活动的物质基础,其运行状况直接关系到生产效率、产品质量和成本。设备维护保养工作中,润滑是重要的组成部分。随着我国进口设备、高精设备、大型设备、流程工艺设备、液压设备的逐日增多,对增加和提高润滑油、脂及添加剂的... 设备是生产活动的物质基础,其运行状况直接关系到生产效率、产品质量和成本。设备维护保养工作中,润滑是重要的组成部分。随着我国进口设备、高精设备、大型设备、流程工艺设备、液压设备的逐日增多,对增加和提高润滑油、脂及添加剂的品种、质量的要求日益迫切。当前进一步对润滑新技术、新油品的研究和推广是生产的需要,特别是高效节能产品的推广、应用有着十分重要的现实意义。“万灵霸”(FORMULA4-10)强力抗磨节能润滑油添加剂是加拿大高科技专利产品。近年来在推广应用过程中,受到厂矿企业的好评。为了促进润滑工作的发展,使工矿企业在生产中保证设备正常运行,在润滑工作中获得更好的节能效益,我们准备将“万灵霸”产品的应用经验和效果进行汇集和推广。现进行联合征文,欢迎各工矿企业的设备润滑工作人员踊跃参加。 展开更多
关键词 设备管理与维修 万灵 润滑油添加剂 加拿大 大型设备 杂志社 作人员 艺设备 润滑工 设备维护
微织构化表面润滑设计与发展分析 被引量:22
作者 张培耘 张彦虎 +4 位作者 华希俊 符永宏 尹必峰 符昊 纪敬虎 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期14-32,共19页
随着先进微细加工手段的可及化,近十年来,表面微织构技术有效促进了织构摩擦学的蓬勃发展。针对几种典型润滑工况下的摩擦特性,阐述了表面微织构技术的应用特征,尤其是表面微织构的实施对润滑区摩擦学行为的作用和影响。分析了表面织构... 随着先进微细加工手段的可及化,近十年来,表面微织构技术有效促进了织构摩擦学的蓬勃发展。针对几种典型润滑工况下的摩擦特性,阐述了表面微织构技术的应用特征,尤其是表面微织构的实施对润滑区摩擦学行为的作用和影响。分析了表面织构在摩擦表面减摩抗磨、润滑减阻和防腐延寿诸方面的施用效果与发展潜力,在智能制造的现实需求下,提出表面织构技术快速发展的历史必然,并明确了表面织构技术应用与理论发展非协调之问题。进一步结合仿生设计思想,从表面微织构的几何结构设计和形貌拓扑优化等方面,评述了表面微织构设计理论与技术发展现状和趋势。着重指出,复合织构化设计理论与方法亟待拓展,仿生织构设计思想常会产生有益效果。最后,讨论了表面微织构技术在高低温等特殊应用背景下的摩擦学行为特征,拓展表面织构技术在极端工况下的应用潜力和工程价值。表面织构技术有望在控制摩擦、减小磨损和改善润滑方面发挥更积极的作用,进而推动我国高端装备相关产业的技术升级。 展开更多
关键词 表面织构 摩擦学设计 润滑工 几何拓扑 适应性
作者 路晓云 杨光 《锻压装备与制造技术》 2024年第5期147-149,共3页
为了降低轧辊磨损消耗和提高节能效果,建立了低温微量润滑优化工艺,并在由七个机架组成的2160 mm热连轧机上开展轧辊消耗试验。通过现场测试分析了工艺润滑下辊间压力横向分布,并开展低温微量润滑优化前后指标参数对比。研究结果表明:... 为了降低轧辊磨损消耗和提高节能效果,建立了低温微量润滑优化工艺,并在由七个机架组成的2160 mm热连轧机上开展轧辊消耗试验。通过现场测试分析了工艺润滑下辊间压力横向分布,并开展低温微量润滑优化前后指标参数对比。研究结果表明:相比较润滑优化前,增加低温微量润滑工艺后,热滑伤指数减小了约15%;打滑因子减小了约13%;轧辊消耗减小了约18%。采用本文的低温微量润滑优化方法有效减小轧辊消耗,进而有效避免打滑现象,最终优化了带钢出口板形,实现了节能效果和热轧质量的大幅提升。 展开更多
关键词 热连轧 轧辊消耗 低温微量润滑 辊间压力
转套式配流系统摩擦副参数的润滑设计 被引量:1
作者 吴昊 孙浩洋 张洪信 《青岛大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2022年第4期33-37,46,共6页
针对油润滑工况下柱塞泵转套式配流系统中泵体与转套形成的摩擦副润滑问题,通过Fluent软件求得泵腔流场。基于径向滑动轴承的润滑分析理论,求得泵体与转套间的润滑膜压力及膜厚分布;根据计算结果设计了泵体—转套摩擦副的半径间隙和宽径... 针对油润滑工况下柱塞泵转套式配流系统中泵体与转套形成的摩擦副润滑问题,通过Fluent软件求得泵腔流场。基于径向滑动轴承的润滑分析理论,求得泵体与转套间的润滑膜压力及膜厚分布;根据计算结果设计了泵体—转套摩擦副的半径间隙和宽径比,完成了转套式配流系统摩擦副结构参数的润滑设计。 展开更多
关键词 润滑工 转套式配流系统 润滑设计
润滑材料的研究现状及发展趋势 被引量:1
作者 王九 陈波水 方建华 《中国材料科技与设备》 2009年第5期4-8,共5页
现代工业发展对润滑形式要求多样化,拓展了润滑材料的类型。传统意义上的润滑油、润滑脂已经不能满足现代工业发展对润滑方式多样性的要求,很多新的产品类型被开发出来用于不同的特种润滑方式。本文对一些新型的润滑材料,比如自修复... 现代工业发展对润滑形式要求多样化,拓展了润滑材料的类型。传统意义上的润滑油、润滑脂已经不能满足现代工业发展对润滑方式多样性的要求,很多新的产品类型被开发出来用于不同的特种润滑方式。本文对一些新型的润滑材料,比如自修复润滑材料、纳米润滑材料、可生物降解润滑材料、特殊工况润滑材料等进行了较为详细的综述。 展开更多
关键词 自修复润滑材料 纳米润滑材料 可生物降解润滑材料 特殊润滑材料
浅谈船用柴油机润滑油定期化验的重要性 被引量:2
作者 王民政 《天津航海》 2011年第2期19-20,27,共3页
关键词 润滑油特性 作环境 润滑工 化验分析 维护管理
煤矿设备润滑现代化管理浅析 被引量:1
作者 张纯 《中国煤炭工业》 1999年第5期47-47,共1页
随着煤矿机械化程度不断提高,对设备润滑技术管理工作的要求亦越来越高,特别是引进的国外设备,有关设备润滑技术资料比较缺乏,往往造成设备安装后因没有合适的润滑油而不能开动,甚至用错油,造成重大机电事故,从而促使了人们对设备润滑... 随着煤矿机械化程度不断提高,对设备润滑技术管理工作的要求亦越来越高,特别是引进的国外设备,有关设备润滑技术资料比较缺乏,往往造成设备安装后因没有合适的润滑油而不能开动,甚至用错油,造成重大机电事故,从而促使了人们对设备润滑工作的重视。 l、从磨擦学理论的发展为设备润滑提供理论依据 摩擦学通称为摩擦、磨损、润滑学,就三者的相互关系说:摩擦是本质,磨损是摩擦的结果。 展开更多
关键词 设备润滑 现代化管理 摩擦学 系统 煤矿机械化 润滑 技术管理 润滑工 润滑管理 设备安装
Application of ultra-smooth composite diamond film coated WC-Co drawing dies under water-lubricating conditions 被引量:5
作者 沈彬 孙方宏 +2 位作者 张志明 沈荷生 郭松寿 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期161-169,共9页
A specific revised HFCVD apparatus and a novel process combining HFCVD and polishing technique were presented to deposit the micro-and nano-crystalline multilayered ultra-smooth diamond(USCD) film on the interior-ho... A specific revised HFCVD apparatus and a novel process combining HFCVD and polishing technique were presented to deposit the micro-and nano-crystalline multilayered ultra-smooth diamond(USCD) film on the interior-hole surface of WC-Co drawing dies with aperture ranging from d1.0 mm to 60 mm.Characterization results indicate that the surface roughness values(Ra) in the entry zone,drawing zone and bearing zone of as-fabricated USCD coated drawing die were measured as low as 25.7,23.3 and 25.5 nm,respectively.Furthermore,the friction properties of USCD films were examined in both dry sliding and water-lubricating conditions,and the results show that the USCD film presents much superior friction properties.Its friction coefficients against ball-bearing steel,copper and silicon nitride balls(d4 mm),is always lower than that of microcrystalline diamond(MCD) or WC-Co sample,regardless of the lubricating condition.Meanwhile,it still presents competitive wear resistance with the MCD films.Finally,the working lifetime and performance of as-fabricated USCD coated drawing dies were examined under producing low-carbon steel pipes in dry-sliding and water-lubricating conditions.Under the water-lubricating drawing condition,its production significantly increases by about 20 times compared with the conventional WC-Co drawing dies. 展开更多
关键词 CVD diamond coated drawing die ultra-smooth composite diamond(USCD) film friction properties water-lubricating drawing dry sliding water lubrication
Parametric analysis of mixed lubrication characteristics in work zone of strip rolling 被引量:3
作者 吴建清 梁小平 潘复生 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第12期3153-3159,共7页
A theoretical model for mixed lubrication with more accurate contact length has been developed based on the average volume flow model and asperity flattening model,and the lubricant volume flow rate and outlet speed r... A theoretical model for mixed lubrication with more accurate contact length has been developed based on the average volume flow model and asperity flattening model,and the lubricant volume flow rate and outlet speed ratio are determined by integrating differential equations based on rolling parameters.The lubrication characteristics at the roll-strip interface with different surface roughness,rolling speed,reduction and lubricant viscosity are analyzed respectively.Additionally,the average volume flow rates of lubricant under different rolling conditions are calculated and used to explain the change rule of lubrication characteristics.The developed scheme is able to determine the total pressure,lubricant pressure,film thickness and real contact area at any point within the work zone.The prediction and analysis of mixed lubrication characteristics at the interface is meaningful to better control the surface quality and optimize the rolling process. 展开更多
关键词 mixed lubrication ROLLING film thickness real contact area
Commercial Application of the ICR Series Lube Isodewaxing Catalysts 被引量:3
作者 Wang Sijue 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2008年第1期17-25,共9页
This article illustrates the application of the ICR series lube oil isodewaxing catalysts in commercial scale and proposes the strategy on long cycle operation and optimization of catalysts. The results of commercial ... This article illustrates the application of the ICR series lube oil isodewaxing catalysts in commercial scale and proposes the strategy on long cycle operation and optimization of catalysts. The results of commercial application of the catalyst have revealed that the catalyst after pretreatment including drying, sulfidation and reduction can process VGO into base oils meeting the HVI II and HVI II+ standards, and can manufacture base oils meeting the HVI III standard after incorporating the filtrate oil or gatch from acetone-benzene solvent dewaxing unit. The nitrogen content of the feed oil to the IDW reactor should be controlled at 1.0—1.5 ppm, while the CO and CO2 contents in fresh hydrogen is strictly controlled to avoid poisoning of the IDW-HDF catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 lube oil hydrogenation catalyst ISODEWAXING HYDROCRACKING
Influence of addition of Gr_p/Al_2O_(3p )with SiC_p on wear properties of aluminum alloy 6061-T6 hybrid composites via friction stir processing 被引量:3
作者 A.DEVARAJU A.KUMAR B.KOTIVEERACHARI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第5期1275-1280,共6页
Aluminum alloy base surface hybrid composites were fabricated by incorporating with mixture of (SiC+Gr) and (SiC+Al2O3) particles of 20 μm in average size on an aluminum alloy 6061-T6 plate using friction stir ... Aluminum alloy base surface hybrid composites were fabricated by incorporating with mixture of (SiC+Gr) and (SiC+Al2O3) particles of 20 μm in average size on an aluminum alloy 6061-T6 plate using friction stir processing (FSP). Microstructures of both the surface hybrid composites revealed that SiC, Gr and Al2O3 are uniformly dispersed in the nugget zone (NZ). It was observed that the addition of Gr particles rather than Al2O3 particles with SiC particles, decreases the microhardness but immensely increases the dry sliding wear resistance of aluminum alloy 6061-T6 surface hybrid composite. The observed microhardness and wear properties are correlated with microstructures and worn micrographs. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy hybrid composite friction stir processing WEAR solid lubricant microstructure
The Development and Application of Automotive CVJ Grease
作者 Zong Ming Ouyang Qiu (Chongqing Yiping Lubs. Co., SINOPEC, Chongqing 400039) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2006年第2期55-60,共6页
The development trend of the CVJ (constant velocity joint) greases is briefly introduced in this paper. Based on the evaluation of various base stocks, thickeners and additives, the formulation and manufacture of the ... The development trend of the CVJ (constant velocity joint) greases is briefly introduced in this paper. Based on the evaluation of various base stocks, thickeners and additives, the formulation and manufacture of the long-life CVJ grease is finalized. Bench tests and vehicle performance evaluation tests have showed that the ‘Great Wall brand’ new polyurea-based CVJ grease can meet the demand of automo- tive CVJ. This grease features an outstanding low and high temperature performance, extreme pressure, anti-corrosion and anti-rust properties equivalent to those of similar overseas greases. Compared with the traditional MoS2 containing lithium based CVJ grease, the performance of the new grease is much better. 展开更多
关键词 Automotive constant velocity joint lubricating grease development application
Lubricant Biodegradation Enhancers: Designed Chemistry and Engineered Technology 被引量:8
作者 Chen Boshui Gao Lingyue +3 位作者 Fang Jianhua Zhang Nan Wu Jiang Wang Jiu 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第3期102-110,共9页
In recent decades, a growing worldwide trend of developing the biodegradable lubricants has been prevailing to form a specific field of green chemistry and green engineering. Enhancement of biodegradability of unreadi... In recent decades, a growing worldwide trend of developing the biodegradable lubricants has been prevailing to form a specific field of green chemistry and green engineering. Enhancement of biodegradability of unreadily biodegradable petroleum-based lubricants has as such become an urgent must. For over a decade the authors have been focusing on the improvement of biodegradability of unreadily biodegradable lubricants such as petroleum-based lubricating oils and greases. A new idea of lubricant biodegradation enhancer was put forward by the authors with the aim to stimulate the biodegradation of unreadily biodegradable lubricants by incorporating the enhancer into the lubricants in order to turn the lubricants into greener biodegradable ones and to help in situ bioremediation of lubricant-contaminated environment. This manuscript summarizes our recent efforts relating to the chemistry and technology of biodegradation enhancers for lubricants. Firstly, the chemistry of lubricant biodegradation enhancers was designed based on the principles of bioremediation for the treatment of hydrocarbon contaminated environment. Secondly, the ability of the designed biodegradation enhancers for increasing the biodegradability of unreadily biodegradable industrial lubricants was investigated through biodegradability evaluation tests, microbial population analysis, and biodegradation kinetics modeling. Finally, the impact of biodegradation enhancers on some crucial performance characteristics of lubricants such as lubricity and oxidation stability was tested via tribological evaluation and oxidation determinations. Our results have shown that the designed chemistry of nitrogenous and/or phosphorous compounds such as lauroyl glutamine, oleoyl glycine, oleic diethanolamide phosphate and lauric diethanolamide borate was outstanding in boosting biodegradation of petroleum-based lubricants which was ascribed to increase the microbial population and decrease the oil-water interfacial tension during the biodegradation process. Lubricants doped with the biodegradation enhancers exhibited much better biodegradability and higher biodegradation rate in the surrounding soils which could be well modeled by the exponential biodegradation kinetics. Furthermore, as lubricant dopants, the biodegradation enhancers also provided excellent capability in reducing friction and wear and in retarding oxidation of lubricants. In the nature of things, lubricant biodegradation enhancers, which are multi-functional not only in the improvement of biodegradability, but also in the fortification of lubricity and in the inhibition of oxidation of lubricants, are expected to be promising as a new category of lubricant additives. 展开更多
关键词 LUBRICANT biodegradation enhancer BIODEGRADABILITY biodegradation kinetics lubricity.
MQL:A New Way to Clean Production
作者 阿哈马德 姚振强 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2004年第2期50-54,共5页
Cost, the effect on the environment, and health issues are relevant when considering the choice of a lubricant and application system in a modern metal cutting process. This paper provided a general introduction to me... Cost, the effect on the environment, and health issues are relevant when considering the choice of a lubricant and application system in a modern metal cutting process. This paper provided a general introduction to metalworking fluids, reviewed the benefits and negative effects attributed to the production of mist during cutting processes. Due to the increasing concern over workers exposed to cutting fluid mist, and to achieve the recommended exposure limit, much attention was focused on how to minimize or prevent the mist formation. Different proposed techniques were analyzed, each of them has its advantages and limitations. Finally, the benefits of minimum quantity of lubrication (MQL) technique over all other techniques were studied. 展开更多
关键词 cutting fluids mist minimum lubrication MACHINING
Effect of coating material and lubricant on forming force and surface defects in wire drawing process 被引量:5
作者 S.M.BYON S.J.LEE +2 位作者 D.W.LEE Y.H.LEE Y.LEE 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第A01期104-110,共7页
A pilot wire drawing machine as well as wire end-pointing roller was developed. Using these machines, a wire drawing test for four different coating materials and two different lubricants was performed as the reductio... A pilot wire drawing machine as well as wire end-pointing roller was developed. Using these machines, a wire drawing test for four different coating materials and two different lubricants was performed as the reduction ratio increased from 10% to 30%. Materials used for a substrate in this study are plain carbon steel (AIS11045) and ultra low carbon bainite steel. To compute the friction coefficient between the coating layer of wire and the surface of die lbr a specific lubricant, a series of finite element analyses were carried out. SEM observations were also conducted to investigate the surface defects of wire deformed. Results show that the behavior of drawing force varies with the lubricant-type at the initial stage of drawing. The powder-typed lubricant with a large particle causes the retardation of lull lubrication on the entire contact surface and the local delamination of coating layer on the wire surface. As the flow stress of a substrate increases, the delamination becomes severe. 展开更多
An intelligent method for contact fatigue reliability analysis of spur gear under EHL 被引量:1
作者 胡贇 刘少军 +1 位作者 常继华 张建阁 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3389-3396,共8页
To complete the contact fatigue reliability analysis of spur gear under elastohydrodynamic lubrication(EHL) efficiently and accurately, an intelligent method is proposed. Oil film pressure is approximated using quadra... To complete the contact fatigue reliability analysis of spur gear under elastohydrodynamic lubrication(EHL) efficiently and accurately, an intelligent method is proposed. Oil film pressure is approximated using quadratic polynomial with intercrossing term and then mapped into the Hertz contact zone. Considering the randomness of the EHL, material properties and fatigue strength correction factors, the probabilistic reliability analysis model is established using artificial neural network(ANN). Genetic algorithm(GA) is employed to search the minimum reliability index and the design point by introducing an adjusting factor in penalty function. Reliability sensitivity analysis is completed based on the advanced first order second moment(AFOSM). Numerical example shows that the established probabilistic reliability analysis model could correctly reflect the effect of EHL on contact fatigue of spur gear, and the proposed intelligent method has an excellent global search capability as well as a highly efficient computing performance compared with the traditional Monte Carlo method(MCM). 展开更多
关键词 reliability contact fatigue spur gear artificial neural network(ANN) genetic algorithm(GA) elastohydrodynamic lubrication(EHL)
Investigation of MQL-Employed Hard-Milling Process of S60C Steel Using Coated-Cermented Carbide Tools
作者 Tran Minh Duc Tran The Long 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2016年第3期128-132,共5页
The application of cutting fluids in machining brings out many benefits, but their use is accompanied by health and enviroment hazards. MQL (Minimum Quantity Lubricant) has become a preciously alternative solution f... The application of cutting fluids in machining brings out many benefits, but their use is accompanied by health and enviroment hazards. MQL (Minimum Quantity Lubricant) has become a preciously alternative solution for lubrication against dry machinning and flood cooling lubricant, and this is a step toward green machining. This paper presents a comprehensively experiemental study on investigation of MQL performance in hard milling of S60C steel for multiple responses, including surface quality, cutting forces and tool wear. Compared to dry milling, even-enhanced surfaces finish quality, 20% less cutting force (Ft) and almost 112% prolonged tool lifetime are achieved by using MQL with 5% Emulsion in hard milling. In addition, this study compared the performances of MQL milling by using 5% Emulsion to the peanut oil completely harmless to the enviroment. This encouraging result, therefore, reveals that the MQL-employed hard milling can enable significant improvement in productivity, product quality, and overall machining economy even after covering the additional cost of designing and implementing MQL system. Moreover, this study also shows the limitation of peanut oils employed in MQL and proposes the further research in novel additives to enhance the performance of cooling lubricant for vegetable oils. 展开更多
关键词 MQL-employed hard milling cutting force dry milling green machining.
作者 祁刿钧 《汽车与社会》 1999年第4期60-60,共1页
汽车钢板弹簧需要润滑祁刿钧汽车钢板弹簧的润滑是十分重要的,大家知道钢板弹簧是由许多具有弹性、宽厚一致、而长短不一的钢片所组成的。其作用是把车架与车桥用悬挂的形式连接在一起,裸露在车架与车桥之间,承受车轮对车架的载荷冲... 汽车钢板弹簧需要润滑祁刿钧汽车钢板弹簧的润滑是十分重要的,大家知道钢板弹簧是由许多具有弹性、宽厚一致、而长短不一的钢片所组成的。其作用是把车架与车桥用悬挂的形式连接在一起,裸露在车架与车桥之间,承受车轮对车架的载荷冲击,消减车身的剧烈震动,保持车辆行... 展开更多
关键词 钢板弹簧 汽车钢 疲劳极限 石墨润滑 润滑作业 驾驶员 应力集中点 伸展运动 经济效果 润滑工
作者 陈庆荣 《连铸》 1994年第5期19-21,共3页
关键词 复杂系数 设备润滑 润滑 润滑工 小方坯连铸机 润滑 润滑油脂 超低头板坯连铸机 连铸设备 材料消耗
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